/**************************************************************************** * * (c) 2009-2020 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT * * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file * COPYING.md in the root of the source code directory. * ****************************************************************************/ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include "QGCMAVLink.h" #include "LinkInterface.h" Q_DECLARE_LOGGING_CATEGORY(VehicleLinkManagerLog) class Vehicle; class LinkManager; class VehicleLinkManagerTest; class VehicleLinkManager : public QObject { Q_OBJECT friend class Vehicle; friend class VehicleLinkManagerTest; public: VehicleLinkManager(Vehicle* vehicle); Q_PROPERTY(LinkInterface* primaryLink READ primaryLink NOTIFY primaryLinkChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QString primaryLinkName READ primaryLinkName WRITE setPrimaryLinkByName NOTIFY primaryLinkChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QStringList linkNames READ linkNames NOTIFY linkNamesChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QStringList linkStatuses READ linkStatuses NOTIFY linkStatusesChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool communicationLost READ communicationLost NOTIFY communicationLostChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool communicationLostEnabled READ communicationLostEnabled WRITE setCommunicationLostEnabled NOTIFY communicationLostEnabledChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool autoDisconnect MEMBER _autoDisconnect NOTIFY autoDisconnectChanged) void mavlinkMessageReceived (LinkInterface* link, mavlink_message_t message); bool containsLink (LinkInterface* link); LinkInterface* primaryLink (void) { return _primaryLink; } QString primaryLinkName (void) const; QStringList linkNames (void) const; QStringList linkStatuses (void) const; bool communicationLost (void) const { return _communicationLost; } bool communicationLostEnabled (void) const { return _communicationLostEnabled; } void setPrimaryLinkByName (const QString& name); void setCommunicationLostEnabled (bool communicationLostEnabled); void closeVehicle (void); signals: void primaryLinkChanged (void); void allLinksRemoved (Vehicle* vehicle); void communicationLostChanged (bool communicationLost); void communicationLostEnabledChanged(bool communicationLostEnabled); void linkNamesChanged (void); void linkStatusesChanged (void); void autoDisconnectChanged (bool autoDisconnect); private slots: void _commLostCheck(void); private: int _containsLinkIndex (LinkInterface* link); void _addLink (LinkInterface* link); void _removeLink (LinkInterface* link); void _linkDisconnected (void); bool _updatePrimaryLink (void); LinkInterface* _bestActivePrimaryLink (void); void _commRegainedOnLink (LinkInterface* link); typedef struct { SharedLinkInterfacePtr link; bool commLost = false; QElapsedTimer heartbeatElapsedTimer; } LinkInfo_t; Vehicle* _vehicle = nullptr; LinkManager* _linkMgr = nullptr; QTimer _commLostCheckTimer; QList _rgLinkInfo; LinkInterface* _primaryLink = nullptr; bool _communicationLost = false; bool _communicationLostEnabled = true; bool _autoDisconnect = false; ///< true: Automatically disconnect vehicle when last connection goes away or lost heartbeat static const int _commLostCheckTimeoutMSecs = 1000; // Check for comm lost once a second static const int _heartbeatMaxElpasedMSecs = 3500; // No heartbeat for longer than this indicates comm loss };