# Copyright 2010 Hakan Kjellerstrand hakank@gmail.com # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Nurse rostering in Google CP Solver. This is a simple nurse rostering model using a DFA and my decomposition of regular constraint. The DFA is from MiniZinc Tutorial, Nurse Rostering example: - one day off every 4 days - no 3 nights in a row. This model was created by Hakan Kjellerstrand (hakank@gmail.com) Also see my other Google CP Solver models: http://www.hakank.org/google_or_tools/ """ from __future__ import print_function from ortools.constraint_solver import pywrapcp from collections import defaultdict # # Global constraint regular # # This is a translation of MiniZinc's regular constraint (defined in # lib/zinc/globals.mzn), via the Comet code refered above. # All comments are from the MiniZinc code. # ''' # The sequence of values in array 'x' (which must all be in the range 1..S) # is accepted by the DFA of 'Q' states with input 1..S and transition # function 'd' (which maps (1..Q, 1..S) -> 0..Q)) and initial state 'q0' # (which must be in 1..Q) and accepting states 'F' (which all must be in # 1..Q). We reserve state 0 to be an always failing state. # ''' # # x : IntVar array # Q : number of states # S : input_max # d : transition matrix # q0: initial state # F : accepting states def regular(x, Q, S, d, q0, F): solver = x[0].solver() assert Q > 0, 'regular: "Q" must be greater than zero' assert S > 0, 'regular: "S" must be greater than zero' # d2 is the same as d, except we add one extra transition for # each possible input; each extra transition is from state zero # to state zero. This allows us to continue even if we hit a # non-accepted input. # Comet: int d2[0..Q, 1..S] d2 = [] for i in range(Q + 1): row = [] for j in range(S): if i == 0: row.append(0) else: row.append(d[i - 1][j]) d2.append(row) d2_flatten = [d2[i][j] for i in range(Q + 1) for j in range(S)] # If x has index set m..n, then a[m-1] holds the initial state # (q0), and a[i+1] holds the state we're in after processing # x[i]. If a[n] is in F, then we succeed (ie. accept the # string). x_range = list(range(0, len(x))) m = 0 n = len(x) a = [solver.IntVar(0, Q + 1, 'a[%i]' % i) for i in range(m, n + 1)] # Check that the final state is in F solver.Add(solver.MemberCt(a[-1], F)) # First state is q0 solver.Add(a[m] == q0) for i in x_range: solver.Add(x[i] >= 1) solver.Add(x[i] <= S) # Determine a[i+1]: a[i+1] == d2[a[i], x[i]] solver.Add( a[i + 1] == solver.Element(d2_flatten, ((a[i]) * S) + (x[i] - 1))) def main(): # Create the solver. solver = pywrapcp.Solver('Nurse rostering using regular') # # data # # Note: If you change num_nurses or num_days, # please also change the constraints # on nurse_stat and/or day_stat. num_nurses = 7 num_days = 14 day_shift = 1 night_shift = 2 off_shift = 3 shifts = [day_shift, night_shift, off_shift] # the DFA (for regular) n_states = 6 input_max = 3 initial_state = 1 # 0 is for the failing state accepting_states = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] transition_fn = [ # d,n,o [2, 3, 1], # state 1 [4, 4, 1], # state 2 [4, 5, 1], # state 3 [6, 6, 1], # state 4 [6, 0, 1], # state 5 [0, 0, 1] # state 6 ] days = ['d', 'n', 'o'] # for presentation # # declare variables # x = {} for i in range(num_nurses): for j in range(num_days): x[i, j] = solver.IntVar(shifts, 'x[%i,%i]' % (i, j)) x_flat = [x[i, j] for i in range(num_nurses) for j in range(num_days)] # summary of the nurses nurse_stat = [ solver.IntVar(0, num_days, 'nurse_stat[%i]' % i) for i in range(num_nurses) ] # summary of the shifts per day day_stat = {} for i in range(num_days): for j in shifts: day_stat[i, j] = solver.IntVar(0, num_nurses, 'day_stat[%i,%i]' % (i, j)) day_stat_flat = [day_stat[i, j] for i in range(num_days) for j in shifts] # # constraints # for i in range(num_nurses): reg_input = [x[i, j] for j in range(num_days)] regular(reg_input, n_states, input_max, transition_fn, initial_state, accepting_states) # # Statistics and constraints for each nurse # for i in range(num_nurses): # number of worked days (day or night shift) b = [ solver.IsEqualCstVar(x[i, j], day_shift) + solver.IsEqualCstVar( x[i, j], night_shift) for j in range(num_days) ] solver.Add(nurse_stat[i] == solver.Sum(b)) # Each nurse must work between 7 and 10 # days during this period solver.Add(nurse_stat[i] >= 7) solver.Add(nurse_stat[i] <= 10) # # Statistics and constraints for each day # for j in range(num_days): for t in shifts: b = [solver.IsEqualCstVar(x[i, j], t) for i in range(num_nurses)] solver.Add(day_stat[j, t] == solver.Sum(b)) # # Some constraints for this day: # # Note: We have a strict requirements of # the number of shifts. # Using atleast constraints is much harder # in this model. # if j % 7 == 5 or j % 7 == 6: # special constraints for the weekends solver.Add(day_stat[j, day_shift] == 2) solver.Add(day_stat[j, night_shift] == 1) solver.Add(day_stat[j, off_shift] == 4) else: # workdays: # - exactly 3 on day shift solver.Add(day_stat[j, day_shift] == 3) # - exactly 2 on night solver.Add(day_stat[j, night_shift] == 2) # - exactly 1 off duty solver.Add(day_stat[j, off_shift] == 2) # # solution and search # db = solver.Phase(day_stat_flat + x_flat + nurse_stat, solver.CHOOSE_FIRST_UNBOUND, solver.ASSIGN_MIN_VALUE) solver.NewSearch(db) num_solutions = 0 while solver.NextSolution(): num_solutions += 1 for i in range(num_nurses): print('Nurse%i: ' % i, end=' ') this_day_stat = defaultdict(int) for j in range(num_days): d = days[x[i, j].Value() - 1] this_day_stat[d] += 1 print(d, end=' ') print( ' day_stat:', [(d, this_day_stat[d]) for d in this_day_stat], end=' ') print('total:', nurse_stat[i].Value(), 'workdays') print() print('Statistics per day:') for j in range(num_days): print('Day%2i: ' % j, end=' ') for t in shifts: print(day_stat[j, t].Value(), end=' ') print() print() # We just show 2 solutions if num_solutions >= 2: break solver.EndSearch() print() print('num_solutions:', num_solutions) print('failures:', solver.Failures()) print('branches:', solver.Branches()) print('WallTime:', solver.WallTime(), 'ms') if __name__ == '__main__': main()