Unofficial Qt Serial Port library version 1.0.0 alpha ----------------------------------------------------- Date: October 15th, 2010 Website: Description ----------- QSerialPort is a high performance cross platform serial library based on the QIODevice class from the Qt framework. Building this library on QIODevice allows for a much more integrated and native experience when developing Qt based applications. The project stems from our work on high performance embedded systems where we need to squeeze out as much IO performance as possible from hardware with limited resources. This library has been tested on: Ð Linux on x86 and ARM ; Ð Windows XP and CE 5 on x86; Ð OS X 10.6 on x86 with a FTDI USB to Serial bridge. API Documentation is located in the 'apidocs' subdirectory. Run 'make doc' to generate the documentation on a Linux system with Doxygen installed. Special Thanks -------------- We used Qt Cryptographic Architecture (QCA) project's layout and qmake configuration as a model for our project. We thank to Justin Karneges and QCA team for their great work. Install ------- For installation or compiling instructions, see the INSTALL file. License ------- This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1. Changes -------