/** * @file * @brief 3dConnexion 3dMouse interface for QGroundControl * * @author Matthias Krebs <makrebs@student.ethz.ch> * */ #include "Mouse6dofInput.h" #include "UAS.h" #include "MultiVehicleManager.h" #include "QGCMessageBox.h" #ifdef QGC_MOUSE_ENABLED_LINUX #include <QX11Info> #include <X11/Xlib.h> #ifdef Success #undef Success // Eigen library doesn't work if Success is defined #endif //Success extern "C" { #include "xdrvlib.h" } #endif // QGC_MOUSE_ENABLED_LINUX #ifdef QGC_MOUSE_ENABLED_WIN Mouse6dofInput::Mouse6dofInput(Mouse3DInput* mouseInput) : mouse3DMax(0.075), // TODO: check maximum value fot plugged device uas(NULL), done(false), mouseActive(false), translationActive(true), rotationActive(true), xValue(0.0), yValue(0.0), zValue(0.0), aValue(0.0), bValue(0.0), cValue(0.0) { connect(MultiVehicleManager::instance(), &MultiVehicleManager::activeVehicleChanged, this, &Mouse6dofInput::_activeVehicleChanged); // Connect 3DxWare SDK MotionEvent connect(mouseInput, SIGNAL(Move3d(std::vector<float>&)), this, SLOT(motion3DMouse(std::vector<float>&))); connect(mouseInput, SIGNAL(On3dmouseKeyDown(int)), this, SLOT(button3DMouseDown(int))); //connect(mouseInput, SIGNAL(On3dmouseKeyUp(int)), this, SLOT(FUNCTION(int))); } #endif //QGC_MOUSE_ENABLED_WIN #ifdef QGC_MOUSE_ENABLED_LINUX Mouse6dofInput::Mouse6dofInput(QWidget* parent) : mouse3DMax(350.0), // TODO: check maximum value fot plugged device uas(NULL), done(false), mouseActive(false), translationActive(true), rotationActive(true), xValue(0.0), yValue(0.0), zValue(0.0), aValue(0.0), bValue(0.0), cValue(0.0) { connect(MultiVehicleManager::instance(), &MultiVehicleManager::activeVehicleChanged, this, &Mouse6dofInput::_activeVehicleChanged); if (!mouseActive) { // // man visudo --> then you can omit giving password (success not guarantied..) // qDebug() << "Starting 3DxWare Daemon for 3dConnexion 3dMouse"; // QString processProgramm = "gksudo"; // QStringList processArguments; // processArguments << "/etc/3DxWare/daemon/3dxsrv -d usb"; // process3dxDaemon = new QProcess(); // process3dxDaemon->start(processProgramm, processArguments); // // process3dxDaemon->waitForFinished(); // // { // // qDebug() << "... continuing without 3DxWare. May not be initialized properly!"; // // qDebug() << "Try in terminal as user root:" << processArguments.last(); // // } Display *display = QX11Info::display(); if(!display) { qDebug() << "Cannot open display!" << endl; } if ( !MagellanInit( display, parent->winId() ) ) { QGCMessageBox::critical(tr("No 3DxWare driver is running."), tr("Enter in Terminal 'sudo /etc/3DxWare/daemon/3dxsrv -d usb' and then restart QGroundControl.")); qDebug() << "No 3DxWare driver is running!"; return; } else { qDebug() << "Initialized 3dMouse"; mouseActive = true; } } else { qDebug() << "3dMouse already initialized.."; } } #endif //QGC_MOUSE_ENABLED_LINUX Mouse6dofInput::~Mouse6dofInput() { done = true; } void Mouse6dofInput::_activeVehicleChanged(Vehicle* vehicle) { if (this->uas) { disconnect(this, SIGNAL(mouse6dofChanged(double,double,double,double,double,double)), uas, SLOT(setManual6DOFControlCommands(double,double,double,double,double,double))); // Todo: disconnect button mapping uas = NULL; } if (vehicle) { uas = vehicle->uas(); connect(this, SIGNAL(mouse6dofChanged(double,double,double,double,double,double)), uas, SLOT(setManual6DOFControlCommands(double,double,double,double,double,double))); // Todo: connect button mapping } if (!isRunning()) { start(); } } void Mouse6dofInput::init() { // Make sure active UAS is set _activeVehicleChanged(MultiVehicleManager::instance()->activeVehicle()); } void Mouse6dofInput::run() { init(); forever { if (done) { done = false; exit(); } if (mouseActive) { // Bound x value if (xValue > 1.0) xValue = 1.0; if (xValue < -1.0) xValue = -1.0; // Bound x value if (yValue > 1.0) yValue = 1.0; if (yValue < -1.0) yValue = -1.0; // Bound x value if (zValue > 1.0) zValue = 1.0; if (zValue < -1.0) zValue = -1.0; // Bound x value if (aValue > 1.0) aValue = 1.0; if (aValue < -1.0) aValue = -1.0; // Bound x value if (bValue > 1.0) bValue = 1.0; if (bValue < -1.0) bValue = -1.0; // Bound x value if (cValue > 1.0) cValue = 1.0; if (cValue < -1.0) cValue = -1.0; emit mouse6dofChanged(xValue, yValue, zValue, aValue, bValue, cValue); } // Sleep, update rate of 3d mouse is approx. 50 Hz (1000 ms / 50 = 20 ms) QGC::SLEEP::msleep(20); } } #ifdef QGC_MOUSE_ENABLED_WIN void Mouse6dofInput::motion3DMouse(std::vector<float> &motionData) { if (motionData.size() < 6) return; mouseActive = true; if (translationActive) { xValue = (double)1.0e2f*motionData[ 1 ] / mouse3DMax; yValue = (double)1.0e2f*motionData[ 0 ] / mouse3DMax; zValue = (double)1.0e2f*motionData[ 2 ] / mouse3DMax; }else{ xValue = 0; yValue = 0; zValue = 0; } if (rotationActive) { aValue = (double)1.0e2f*motionData[ 4 ] / mouse3DMax; bValue = (double)1.0e2f*motionData[ 3 ] / mouse3DMax; cValue = (double)1.0e2f*motionData[ 5 ] / mouse3DMax; }else{ aValue = 0; bValue = 0; cValue = 0; } //qDebug() << "NEW 3D MOUSE VALUES -- X" << xValue << " -- Y" << yValue << " -- Z" << zValue << " -- A" << aValue << " -- B" << bValue << " -- C" << cValue; } #endif //QGC_MOUSE_ENABLED_WIN #ifdef QGC_MOUSE_ENABLED_WIN void Mouse6dofInput::button3DMouseDown(int button) { switch(button) { case 1: { rotationActive = !rotationActive; emit mouseRotationActiveChanged(rotationActive); qDebug() << "Changed 3DMouse Rotation to " << (bool)rotationActive; break; } case 2: { translationActive = !translationActive; emit mouseTranslationActiveChanged(translationActive); qDebug() << "Changed 3DMouse Translation to" << (bool)translationActive; break; } default: break; } } #endif //QGC_MOUSE_ENABLED_WIN #ifdef QGC_MOUSE_ENABLED_LINUX void Mouse6dofInput::handleX11Event(XEvent *event) { //qDebug("XEvent occured..."); if (!mouseActive) { qDebug() << "3dMouse not initialized. Cancelled handling X11event for 3dMouse"; return; } MagellanFloatEvent MagellanEvent; Display *display = QX11Info::display(); if(!display) { qDebug() << "Cannot open display!" << endl; } switch (event->type) { case ClientMessage: switch( MagellanTranslateEvent( display, event, &MagellanEvent, 1.0, 1.0 ) ) { case MagellanInputMotionEvent : MagellanRemoveMotionEvents( display ); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { // Saturation MagellanEvent.MagellanData[i] = (abs(MagellanEvent.MagellanData[i]) < mouse3DMax) ? MagellanEvent.MagellanData[i] : (mouse3DMax*MagellanEvent.MagellanData[i]/abs(MagellanEvent.MagellanData[i])); } // Check whether translational motions are enabled if (translationActive) { xValue = MagellanEvent.MagellanData[ MagellanZ ] / mouse3DMax; yValue = MagellanEvent.MagellanData[ MagellanX ] / mouse3DMax; zValue = - MagellanEvent.MagellanData[ MagellanY ] / mouse3DMax; }else{ xValue = 0; yValue = 0; zValue = 0; } // Check whether rotational motions are enabled if (rotationActive) { aValue = MagellanEvent.MagellanData[ MagellanC ] / mouse3DMax; bValue = MagellanEvent.MagellanData[ MagellanA ] / mouse3DMax; cValue = - MagellanEvent.MagellanData[ MagellanB ] / mouse3DMax; }else{ aValue = 0; bValue = 0; cValue = 0; } //qDebug() << "NEW 3D MOUSE VALUES -- X" << xValue << " -- Y" << yValue << " -- Z" << zValue << " -- A" << aValue << " -- B" << bValue << " -- C" << cValue; break; case MagellanInputButtonPressEvent : qDebug() << "MagellanInputButtonPressEvent called with button " << MagellanEvent.MagellanButton; switch (MagellanEvent.MagellanButton) { case 1: { rotationActive = !rotationActive; emit mouseRotationActiveChanged(rotationActive); qDebug() << "Changed 3DMouse Rotation to " << (bool)rotationActive; break; } case 2: { translationActive = !translationActive; emit mouseTranslationActiveChanged(translationActive); qDebug() << "Changed 3DMouse Translation to" << (bool)translationActive; break; } default: break; } default: break; } } } #endif //QGC_MOUSE_ENABLED_LINUX