Q3Accel q3accel.html Q3Accel Q3Accel ( QWidget * parent, const char * name = 0 ) Q3Accel Q3Accel-2 ( QWidget * watch, QObject * parent, const char * name = 0 ) activated activated ( int id ) activatedAmbiguously activatedAmbiguously ( int id ) clear clear () connectItem connectItem ( int id, const QObject * receiver, const char * member ) count count () disconnectItem disconnectItem ( int id, const QObject * receiver, const char * member ) findKey findKey ( const QKeySequence & key ) insertItem insertItem ( const QKeySequence & key, int id = -1 ) isEnabled isEnabled () isItemEnabled isItemEnabled ( int id ) key key ( int id ) removeItem removeItem ( int id ) setEnabled setEnabled ( bool enable ) setItemEnabled setItemEnabled ( int id, bool enable ) setWhatsThis setWhatsThis ( int id, const QString & text ) shortcutKey shortcutKey ( const QString & str ) whatsThis whatsThis ( int id ) Q3AccessibleTitleBar q3accessibletitlebar.html Q3AccessibleTitleBar Q3AccessibleTitleBar ( QWidget * w ) titleBar titleBar () Q3Action q3action.html Q3Action Q3Action ( QObject * parent, const char * name = 0 ) Q3Action Q3Action-2 ( const QString & menuText, QKeySequence accel, QObject * parent, const char * name = 0 ) Q3Action Q3Action-3 ( const QIcon & icon, const QString & menuText, QKeySequence accel, QObject * parent, const char * name = 0 ) Q3Action Q3Action-4 ( const QString & text, const QIcon & icon, const QString & menuText, QKeySequence accel, QObject * parent, const char * name = 0, bool toggle = false ) Q3Action Q3Action-5 ( const QString & text, const QString & menuText, QKeySequence accel, QObject * parent, const char * name = 0, bool toggle = false ) Q3Action Q3Action-6 ( QObject * parent, const char * name, bool toggle ) activate activate () activated activated () addTo addTo ( QWidget * w ) addedTo addedTo ( QWidget * actionWidget, QWidget * container ) addedTo addedTo-2 ( int index, Q3PopupMenu * menu ) removeFrom removeFrom ( QWidget * w ) setDisabled setDisabled ( bool disable ) toggle toggle () toggled toggled ( bool on ) Q3ActionGroup q3actiongroup.html Q3ActionGroup Q3ActionGroup ( QObject * parent, const char * name = 0 ) Q3ActionGroup Q3ActionGroup-2 ( QObject * parent, const char * name, bool exclusive ) activated activated ( Q3Action * action ) add add ( Q3Action * action ) addSeparator addSeparator () addTo addTo ( QWidget * w ) addedTo addedTo ( QWidget * actionWidget, QWidget * container, Q3Action * a ) addedTo addedTo-2 ( int index, Q3PopupMenu * menu, Q3Action * a ) insert insert ( Q3Action * action ) selected selected ( Q3Action * action ) Q3AsciiCache q3asciicache.html Q3AsciiCache Q3AsciiCache-2 ( int maxCost = 100, int size = 17, bool caseSensitive = true, bool copyKeys = true ) clear clear () count count () find find ( const char * k, bool ref = true ) insert insert ( const char * k, const type * d, int c = 1, int p = 0 ) isEmpty isEmpty () maxCost maxCost () remove remove ( const char * k ) setMaxCost setMaxCost ( int m ) size size () statistics statistics () take take ( const char * k ) totalCost totalCost () operator[] operator-5b-5d ( const char * k ) Q3AsciiCacheIterator q3asciicacheiterator.html Q3AsciiCacheIterator Q3AsciiCacheIterator ( const Q3AsciiCache<type> & cache ) Q3AsciiCacheIterator Q3AsciiCacheIterator-2 ( const Q3AsciiCacheIterator<type> & ci ) atFirst atFirst () atLast atLast () count count () current current () currentKey currentKey () isEmpty isEmpty () toFirst toFirst () toLast toLast () operator operator-type--2a type *() operator() operator-28-29 () operator++ operator-2b-2b () operator+= operator-2b-eq ( uint jump ) operator-- operator-- () operator-= operator--eq ( uint jump ) operator= operator-eq ( const Q3AsciiCacheIterator<type> & ci ) Q3AsciiDict q3asciidict.html Q3AsciiDict Q3AsciiDict ( int size = 17, bool caseSensitive = true, bool copyKeys = true ) Q3AsciiDict Q3AsciiDict-2 ( const Q3AsciiDict<type> & dict ) clear clear () count count () find find ( const char * key ) insert insert ( const char * key, const type * item ) isEmpty isEmpty () read read ( QDataStream & s, Q3PtrCollection::Item & item ) remove remove ( const char * key ) replace replace ( const char * key, const type * item ) resize resize ( uint newsize ) size size () statistics statistics () take take ( const char * key ) write write ( QDataStream & s, Q3PtrCollection::Item item ) operator= operator-eq ( const Q3AsciiDict<type> & dict ) operator[] operator-5b-5d ( const char * key ) Q3AsciiDictIterator q3asciidictiterator.html Q3AsciiDictIterator Q3AsciiDictIterator ( const Q3AsciiDict<type> & dict ) count count () current current () currentKey currentKey () isEmpty isEmpty () toFirst toFirst () operator operator-type--2a type *() operator() operator-28-29 () operator++ operator-2b-2b () operator+= operator-2b-eq ( uint jump ) Q3Button q3button.html Q3Button Q3Button ( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) drawButton drawButton ( QPainter * painter ) drawButtonLabel drawButtonLabel ( QPainter * painter ) paintEvent paintEvent ( QPaintEvent * event ) Q3ButtonGroup q3buttongroup.html Q3ButtonGroup Q3ButtonGroup ( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 ) Q3ButtonGroup Q3ButtonGroup-2 ( const QString & title, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 ) Q3ButtonGroup Q3ButtonGroup-3 ( int strips, Qt::Orientation orientation, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 ) Q3ButtonGroup Q3ButtonGroup-4 ( int strips, Qt::Orientation orientation, const QString & title, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 ) clicked clicked ( int id ) count count () find find ( int id ) id id ( QAbstractButton * button ) insert insert ( QAbstractButton * button, int id = -1 ) pressed pressed ( int id ) released released ( int id ) remove remove ( QAbstractButton * button ) selected selected () Q3Cache q3cache.html Q3Cache Q3Cache-2 ( int maxCost = 100, int size = 17, bool caseSensitive = true ) clear clear () count count () find find ( const QString & k, bool ref = true ) insert insert ( const QString & k, const type * d, int c = 1, int p = 0 ) isEmpty isEmpty () maxCost maxCost () remove remove ( const QString & k ) setMaxCost setMaxCost ( int m ) size size () statistics statistics () take take ( const QString & k ) totalCost totalCost () operator[] operator-5b-5d ( const QString & k ) Q3CacheIterator q3cacheiterator.html Q3CacheIterator Q3CacheIterator ( const Q3Cache<type> & cache ) Q3CacheIterator Q3CacheIterator-2 ( const Q3CacheIterator<type> & ci ) atFirst atFirst () atLast atLast () count count () current current () currentKey currentKey () isEmpty isEmpty () toFirst toFirst () toLast toLast () operator operator-type--2a type *() operator() operator-28-29 () operator++ operator-2b-2b () operator+= operator-2b-eq ( uint jump ) operator-- operator-- () operator-= operator--eq ( uint jump ) operator= operator-eq ( const Q3CacheIterator<type> & ci ) Q3Canvas q3canvas.html Q3Canvas Q3Canvas ( QObject * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 ) Q3Canvas Q3Canvas-2 ( int w, int h ) Q3Canvas Q3Canvas-3 ( QPixmap p, int h, int v, int tilewidth, int tileheight ) advance advance () allItems allItems () backgroundColor backgroundColor () backgroundPixmap backgroundPixmap () chunkSize chunkSize () collisions collisions ( const QPoint & p ) collisions collisions-2 ( const QRect & r ) collisions collisions-3 ( const Q3PointArray & chunklist, const Q3CanvasItem * item, bool exact ) drawArea drawArea ( const QRect & clip, QPainter * painter, bool dbuf = false ) drawBackground drawBackground ( QPainter & painter, const QRect & clip ) drawForeground drawForeground ( QPainter & painter, const QRect & clip ) height height () onCanvas onCanvas ( int x, int y ) onCanvas onCanvas-2 ( const QPoint & p ) rect rect () resize resize ( int w, int h ) resized resized () retune retune ( int chunksze, int mxclusters = 100 ) setAdvancePeriod setAdvancePeriod ( int ms ) setAllChanged setAllChanged () setBackgroundColor setBackgroundColor ( const QColor & c ) setBackgroundPixmap setBackgroundPixmap ( const QPixmap & p ) setChanged setChanged ( const QRect & area ) setDoubleBuffering setDoubleBuffering ( bool y ) setTile setTile ( int x, int y, int tilenum ) setTiles setTiles ( QPixmap p, int h, int v, int tilewidth, int tileheight ) setUnchanged setUnchanged ( const QRect & area ) setUpdatePeriod setUpdatePeriod ( int ms ) size size () tile tile ( int x, int y ) tileHeight tileHeight () tileWidth tileWidth () tilesHorizontally tilesHorizontally () tilesVertically tilesVertically () update update () validChunk validChunk ( int x, int y ) validChunk validChunk-2 ( const QPoint & p ) width width () Q3CanvasEllipse q3canvasellipse.html Q3CanvasEllipse Q3CanvasEllipse ( Q3Canvas * canvas ) Q3CanvasEllipse Q3CanvasEllipse-2 ( int width, int height, Q3Canvas * canvas ) Q3CanvasEllipse Q3CanvasEllipse-3 ( int width, int height, int startangle, int angle, Q3Canvas * canvas ) angleLength angleLength () angleStart angleStart () drawShape drawShape ( QPainter & p ) height height () rtti rtti () setAngles setAngles ( int start, int length ) setSize setSize ( int width, int height ) width width () active active () enabled enabled () selected selected () visible visible () Q3CanvasItem q3canvasitem.html RttiValues RttiValues-enum Q3CanvasItem Q3CanvasItem ( Q3Canvas * canvas ) advance advance ( int phase ) animated animated () boundingRect boundingRect () boundingRectAdvanced boundingRectAdvanced () canvas canvas () collidesWith collidesWith ( const Q3CanvasItem * other ) collisions collisions ( bool exact ) draw draw ( QPainter & painter ) hide hide () isActive isActive () isEnabled isEnabled () isSelected isSelected () isVisible isVisible () move move ( double x, double y ) moveBy moveBy ( double dx, double dy ) rtti rtti () setActive setActive ( bool yes ) setAnimated setAnimated ( bool y ) setCanvas setCanvas ( Q3Canvas * c ) setEnabled setEnabled ( bool yes ) setSelected setSelected ( bool yes ) setVelocity setVelocity ( double vx, double vy ) setVisible setVisible ( bool yes ) setX setX ( double x ) setXVelocity setXVelocity ( double vx ) setY setY ( double y ) setYVelocity setYVelocity ( double vy ) setZ setZ ( double z ) show show () update update () x x () xVelocity xVelocity () y y () yVelocity yVelocity () z z () Q3CanvasItemList q3canvasitemlist.html operator+ operator-2b ( const Q3CanvasItemList & l ) Q3CanvasLine q3canvasline.html Q3CanvasLine Q3CanvasLine ( Q3Canvas * canvas ) endPoint endPoint () rtti rtti () setPoints setPoints ( int xa, int ya, int xb, int yb ) startPoint startPoint () Q3CanvasPixmap q3canvaspixmap.html Q3CanvasPixmap Q3CanvasPixmap ( const QString & datafilename ) Q3CanvasPixmap Q3CanvasPixmap-2 ( const QImage & image ) Q3CanvasPixmap Q3CanvasPixmap-3 ( const QPixmap & pm, const QPoint & offset ) offsetX offsetX () offsetY offsetY () setOffset setOffset ( int x, int y ) Q3CanvasPixmapArray Q3CanvasPixmapArray-3 ( Q3PtrList<QPixmap> list, Q3PtrList<QPoint> hotspots ) operator! operator-not () Q3CanvasPixmapArray q3canvaspixmaparray.html Q3CanvasPixmapArray Q3CanvasPixmapArray () Q3CanvasPixmapArray Q3CanvasPixmapArray-2 ( const QString & datafilenamepattern, int fc = 0 ) Q3CanvasPixmapArray Q3CanvasPixmapArray-4 ( Q3ValueList<QPixmap> list, Q3PointArray hotspots = Q3PointArray() count count () image image ( int i ) isValid isValid () readCollisionMasks readCollisionMasks ( const QString & filename ) readPixmaps readPixmaps ( const QString & filenamepattern, int fc = 0 ) setImage setImage ( int i, Q3CanvasPixmap * p ) Q3CanvasPolygon q3canvaspolygon.html Q3CanvasPolygon Q3CanvasPolygon ( Q3Canvas * canvas ) areaPoints areaPoints () drawShape drawShape ( QPainter & p ) points points () rtti rtti () setPoints setPoints ( Q3PointArray pa ) Q3CanvasPolygonalItem q3canvaspolygonalitem.html Q3CanvasPolygonalItem Q3CanvasPolygonalItem ( Q3Canvas * canvas ) areaPoints areaPoints () areaPointsAdvanced areaPointsAdvanced () boundingRect boundingRect () brush brush () draw draw ( QPainter & p ) drawShape drawShape ( QPainter & p ) invalidate invalidate () isValid isValid () pen pen () rtti rtti () setBrush setBrush ( QBrush b ) setPen setPen ( QPen p ) setWinding setWinding ( bool enable ) winding winding () Q3CanvasRectangle q3canvasrectangle.html Q3CanvasRectangle Q3CanvasRectangle ( Q3Canvas * canvas ) Q3CanvasRectangle Q3CanvasRectangle-2 ( const QRect & r, Q3Canvas * canvas ) Q3CanvasRectangle Q3CanvasRectangle-3 ( int x, int y, int width, int height, Q3Canvas * canvas ) chunks chunks () drawShape drawShape ( QPainter & p ) height height () rect rect () rtti rtti () setSize setSize ( int width, int height ) size size () width width () Q3CanvasSpline q3canvasspline.html Q3CanvasSpline Q3CanvasSpline ( Q3Canvas * canvas ) closed closed () controlPoints controlPoints () rtti rtti () setControlPoints setControlPoints ( Q3PointArray ctrl, bool close = true ) Q3CanvasSprite q3canvassprite.html FrameAnimationType FrameAnimationType-enum Q3CanvasSprite Q3CanvasSprite ( Q3CanvasPixmapArray * a, Q3Canvas * canvas ) advance advance ( int phase ) bottomEdge bottomEdge () bottomEdge bottomEdge-2 ( int ny ) boundingRect boundingRect () draw draw ( QPainter & painter ) frame frame () frameCount frameCount () height height () image image () image image-2 ( int f ) imageAdvanced imageAdvanced () leftEdge leftEdge () leftEdge leftEdge-2 ( int nx ) move move-2 ( double nx, double ny, int nf ) rightEdge rightEdge () rightEdge rightEdge-2 ( int nx ) rtti rtti () setFrame setFrame ( int f ) setFrameAnimation setFrameAnimation ( FrameAnimationType type = Cycle, int step = 1, int state = 0 ) setSequence setSequence ( Q3CanvasPixmapArray * a ) topEdge topEdge () topEdge topEdge-2 ( int ny ) width width () Q3CanvasText q3canvastext.html Q3CanvasText Q3CanvasText ( Q3Canvas * canvas ) Q3CanvasText Q3CanvasText-2 ( const QString & t, Q3Canvas * canvas ) Q3CanvasText Q3CanvasText-3 ( const QString & t, QFont f, Q3Canvas * canvas ) boundingRect boundingRect () color color () draw draw ( QPainter & painter ) font font () rtti rtti () setColor setColor ( const QColor & c ) setFont setFont ( const QFont & f ) setText setText ( const QString & t ) setTextFlags setTextFlags ( int f ) text text () textFlags textFlags () Q3CanvasView q3canvasview.html Q3CanvasView Q3CanvasView ( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) Q3CanvasView Q3CanvasView-2 ( Q3Canvas * canvas, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) canvas canvas () drawContents drawContents ( QPainter * p, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch ) inverseWorldMatrix inverseWorldMatrix () setCanvas setCanvas ( Q3Canvas * canvas ) setWorldMatrix setWorldMatrix ( const QMatrix & wm ) sizeHint sizeHint () worldMatrix worldMatrix () Q3CheckListItem q3checklistitem.html ToggleState ToggleState-enum Type Type-enum Q3CheckListItem Q3CheckListItem ( Q3CheckListItem * parent, const QString & text, Type tt = RadioButtonController ) Q3CheckListItem Q3CheckListItem-2 ( Q3CheckListItem * parent, Q3ListViewItem * after, const QString & text, Type tt = RadioButtonController ) Q3CheckListItem Q3CheckListItem-3 ( Q3ListViewItem * parent, const QString & text, Type tt = RadioButtonController ) Q3CheckListItem Q3CheckListItem-4 ( Q3ListViewItem * parent, Q3ListViewItem * after, const QString & text, Type tt = RadioButtonController ) Q3CheckListItem Q3CheckListItem-5 ( Q3ListView * parent, const QString & text, Type tt = RadioButtonController ) Q3CheckListItem Q3CheckListItem-6 ( Q3ListView * parent, Q3ListViewItem * after, const QString & text, Type tt = RadioButtonController ) Q3CheckListItem Q3CheckListItem-7 ( Q3ListViewItem * parent, const QString & text, const QPixmap & p ) Q3CheckListItem Q3CheckListItem-8 ( Q3ListView * parent, const QString & text, const QPixmap & p ) activate activate () isOn isOn () isTristate isTristate () paintCell paintCell ( QPainter * p, const QPalette & pal, int column, int width, int align ) paintFocus paintFocus ( QPainter * p, const QPalette & pal, const QRect & r ) rtti rtti () setOn setOn ( bool b ) setState setState ( ToggleState s ) setTristate setTristate ( bool b ) state state () stateChange stateChange ( bool b ) text text () turnOffChild turnOffChild () type type () Q3CheckTableItem q3checktableitem.html Q3CheckTableItem Q3CheckTableItem ( Q3Table * table, const QString & txt ) isChecked isChecked () rtti rtti () setChecked setChecked ( bool b ) Q3ColorDrag q3colordrag.html Q3ColorDrag Q3ColorDrag ( const QColor & col, QWidget * dragsource = 0, const char * name = 0 ) Q3ColorDrag Q3ColorDrag-2 ( QWidget * dragsource = 0, const char * name = 0 ) canDecode canDecode ( QMimeSource * source ) decode decode ( QMimeSource * source, QColor & color ) setColor setColor ( const QColor & color ) Q3ComboTableItem q3combotableitem.html Q3ComboTableItem Q3ComboTableItem ( Q3Table * table, const QStringList & list, bool editable = false ) count count () currentItem currentItem () currentText currentText () isEditable isEditable () rtti rtti () setCurrentItem setCurrentItem ( int i ) setCurrentItem setCurrentItem-2 ( const QString & s ) setEditable setEditable ( bool b ) setStringList setStringList ( const QStringList & l ) text text ( int i ) Q3CString q3cstring.html Q3CString Q3CString () Q3CString Q3CString-2 ( int size ) Q3CString Q3CString-3 ( const Q3CString & s ) Q3CString Q3CString-4 ( const QByteArray & ba ) Q3CString Q3CString-5 ( const char * str ) Q3CString Q3CString-6 ( const char * str, uint maxsize ) append append ( const char * str ) copy copy () leftJustify leftJustify ( uint width, char fill = ' ', bool truncate = false ) lower lower () rightJustify rightJustify ( uint width, char fill = ' ', bool truncate = false ) setExpand setExpand ( uint index, char c ) setNum setNum ( double n, char f = 'g', int prec = 6 ) setNum setNum-2 ( long n ) setNum setNum-3 ( ulong n ) setNum setNum-4 ( int n ) setNum setNum-5 ( uint n ) setNum setNum-6 ( short n ) setNum setNum-7 ( ushort n ) setNum setNum-8 ( float n, char f = 'g', int prec = 6 ) setStr setStr ( const char * str ) simplifyWhiteSpace simplifyWhiteSpace () sprintf sprintf ( const char * format, ... ) stripWhiteSpace stripWhiteSpace () toDouble toDouble ( bool * ok = 0 ) toFloat toFloat ( bool * ok = 0 ) toInt toInt ( bool * ok = 0 ) toLong toLong ( bool * ok = 0 ) toShort toShort ( bool * ok = 0 ) toUInt toUInt ( bool * ok = 0 ) toULong toULong ( bool * ok = 0 ) toUShort toUShort ( bool * ok = 0 ) upper upper () operator= operator-eq ( const Q3CString & s ) operator= operator-eq-2 ( const QByteArray & ba ) operator= operator-eq-3 ( const char * str ) Q3DataBrowser q3databrowser.html Boundary Boundary-enum Q3DataBrowser Q3DataBrowser ( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, Qt::WFlags fl = 0 ) beforeDelete beforeDelete ( QSqlRecord * buf ) beforeInsert beforeInsert ( QSqlRecord * buf ) beforeUpdate beforeUpdate ( QSqlRecord * buf ) boundary boundary () clearValues clearValues () Confirm confirmCancel Q3DataBrowser::confirmCancel( QSql::Op m ) Confirm confirmEdit Q3DataBrowser::confirmEdit( QSql::Op m ) currentChanged currentChanged ( const QSqlRecord * record ) currentEdited currentEdited () cursorChanged cursorChanged ( Q3SqlCursor::Mode mode ) del del () deleteCurrent deleteCurrent () first first () firstRecordAvailable firstRecordAvailable ( bool available ) form form () handleError handleError ( const QSqlError & error ) insert insert () insertCurrent insertCurrent () last last () lastRecordAvailable lastRecordAvailable ( bool available ) next next () nextRecordAvailable nextRecordAvailable ( bool available ) prev prev () prevRecordAvailable prevRecordAvailable ( bool available ) primeDelete primeDelete ( QSqlRecord * buf ) primeInsert primeInsert ( QSqlRecord * buf ) primeUpdate primeUpdate ( QSqlRecord * buf ) readFields readFields () refresh refresh () seek seek ( int i, bool relative = false ) setForm setForm ( Q3SqlForm * form ) setSqlCursor setSqlCursor ( Q3SqlCursor * cursor, bool autoDelete = false ) sqlCursor sqlCursor () update update () updateBoundary updateBoundary () updateCurrent updateCurrent () writeFields writeFields () Q3DataTable q3datatable.html Refresh Refresh-enum DateFormat dateFormat Q3DataTable Q3DataTable ( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 ) Q3DataTable Q3DataTable-2 ( Q3SqlCursor * cursor, bool autoPopulate = false, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 ) addColumn addColumn ( const QString & fieldName, const QString & label = QString() adjustColumn adjustColumn ( int col ) autoDelete autoDelete () beforeDelete beforeDelete ( QSqlRecord * buf ) beforeInsert beforeInsert ( QSqlRecord * buf ) beforeUpdate beforeUpdate ( QSqlRecord * buf ) beginInsert beginInsert () beginUpdate beginUpdate ( int row, int col, bool replace ) Confirm confirmCancel Q3DataTable::confirmCancel( QSql::Op m ) Confirm confirmEdit Q3DataTable::confirmEdit( QSql::Op m ) currentChanged currentChanged ( QSqlRecord * record ) currentRecord currentRecord () cursorChanged cursorChanged ( QSql::Op mode ) deleteCurrent deleteCurrent () fieldAlignment fieldAlignment ( const QSqlField * field ) find find ( const QString & str, bool caseSensitive, bool backwards ) handleError handleError ( const QSqlError & e ) indexOf indexOf ( uint i ) insertCurrent insertCurrent () installEditorFactory installEditorFactory ( Q3SqlEditorFactory * f ) installPropertyMap installPropertyMap ( Q3SqlPropertyMap * m ) paintField paintField ( QPainter * p, const QSqlField * field, const QRect & cr, bool selected ) primeDelete primeDelete ( QSqlRecord * buf ) primeInsert primeInsert ( QSqlRecord * buf ) primeUpdate primeUpdate ( QSqlRecord * buf ) refresh refresh ( Refresh mode ) refresh refresh-2 () removeColumn removeColumn ( int col ) repaintCell repaintCell ( int row, int col ) reset reset () setAutoDelete setAutoDelete ( bool enable ) setColumn setColumn ( uint col, const QString & fieldName, const QString & label = QString() setColumnWidth setColumnWidth ( int col, int w ) setSize setSize ( Q3SqlCursor * sql ) setSqlCursor setSqlCursor ( Q3SqlCursor * cursor = 0, bool autoPopulate = false, bool autoDelete = false ) sortAscending sortAscending ( int col ) sortColumn sortColumn ( int col, bool ascending = true, bool wholeRows = false ) sortDescending sortDescending ( int col ) sqlCursor sqlCursor () text text ( int row, int col ) updateCurrent updateCurrent () value value ( int row, int col ) Q3DataView q3dataview.html Q3DataView Q3DataView ( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, Qt::WFlags fl = 0 ) clearValues clearValues () form form () readFields readFields () record record () refresh refresh ( QSqlRecord * buf ) setForm setForm ( Q3SqlForm * form ) setRecord setRecord ( QSqlRecord * record ) writeFields writeFields () Q3DateEdit q3dateedit.html Order Order-enum Q3DateEdit Q3DateEdit ( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 ) Q3DateEdit Q3DateEdit-2 ( const QDate & date, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 ) fix fix () sectionFormattedText sectionFormattedText ( int sec ) separator separator () setDay setDay ( int day ) setMonth setMonth ( int month ) setRange setRange ( const QDate & min, const QDate & max ) setSeparator setSeparator ( const QString & s ) setYear setYear ( int year ) updateButtons updateButtons () valueChanged valueChanged ( const QDate & date ) Q3DateTimeEdit q3datetimeedit.html Q3DateTimeEdit Q3DateTimeEdit ( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 ) Q3DateTimeEdit Q3DateTimeEdit-2 ( const QDateTime & datetime, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 ) autoAdvance autoAdvance () dateEdit dateEdit () setAutoAdvance setAutoAdvance ( bool advance ) timeEdit timeEdit () valueChanged valueChanged ( const QDateTime & datetime ) Q3DateTimeEditBase q3datetimeeditbase.html Q3DeepCopy q3deepcopy.html Q3DeepCopy Q3DeepCopy () Q3DeepCopy Q3DeepCopy-2 ( const T & t ) operator operator-T T() operator= operator-eq ( const T & t ) Q3Dict q3dict.html Q3Dict Q3Dict ( int size = 17, bool caseSensitive = true ) Q3Dict Q3Dict-2 ( const Q3Dict<type> & dict ) clear clear () count count () find find ( const QString & key ) insert insert ( const QString & key, const type * item ) isEmpty isEmpty () read read ( QDataStream & s, Q3PtrCollection::Item & item ) remove remove ( const QString & key ) replace replace ( const QString & key, const type * item ) resize resize ( uint newsize ) size size () statistics statistics () take take ( const QString & key ) write write ( QDataStream & s, Q3PtrCollection::Item item ) operator= operator-eq ( const Q3Dict<type> & dict ) operator[] operator-5b-5d ( const QString & key ) Q3DictIterator q3dictiterator.html Q3DictIterator Q3DictIterator ( const Q3Dict<type> & dict ) count count () current current () currentKey currentKey () isEmpty isEmpty () toFirst toFirst () operator operator-type--2a type *() operator() operator-28-29 () operator++ operator-2b-2b () Q3Dns q3dns.html RecordType RecordType-enum Q3Dns Q3Dns () Q3Dns Q3Dns-2 ( const QString & label, RecordType rr = A ) Q3Dns Q3Dns-3 ( const QHostAddress & address, RecordType rr = Ptr ) addresses addresses () canonicalName canonicalName () hostNames hostNames () isWorking isWorking () label label () mailServers mailServers () qualifiedNames qualifiedNames () recordType recordType () resultsReady resultsReady () servers servers () setLabel setLabel ( const QString & label ) setLabel setLabel-2 ( const QHostAddress & address ) setRecordType setRecordType ( RecordType rr = A ) texts texts () Q3DockArea q3dockarea.html HandlePosition HandlePosition-enum Orientation orientation Q3DockArea Q3DockArea ( Qt::Orientation o, HandlePosition h = Normal, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 ) dockWindowList dockWindowList () hasDockWindow hasDockWindow ( Q3DockWindow * w, int * index = 0 ) isDockWindowAccepted isDockWindowAccepted ( Q3DockWindow * dw ) lineUp lineUp ( bool keepNewLines ) moveDockWindow moveDockWindow ( Q3DockWindow * w, int index = -1 ) moveDockWindow moveDockWindow-2 ( Q3DockWindow * w, const QPoint & p, const QRect & r, bool swap ) removeDockWindow removeDockWindow ( Q3DockWindow * w, bool makeFloating, bool swap, bool fixNewLines = true ) setAcceptDockWindow setAcceptDockWindow ( Q3DockWindow * dw, bool accept ) Q3DockWindow q3dockwindow.html CloseMode CloseMode-enum Place Place-enum Q3DockWindow Q3DockWindow ( Place p = InDock, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) Q3DockWindow Q3DockWindow-2 ( QWidget * parent, const char * name = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) area area () boxLayout boxLayout () dock dock () fixedExtent fixedExtent () isCloseEnabled isCloseEnabled () isHorizontalStretchable isHorizontalStretchable () isVerticalStretchable isVerticalStretchable () Orientation orientation Q3DockWindow::orientation() orientationChanged orientationChanged ( Qt::Orientation o ) placeChanged placeChanged ( Q3DockWindow::Place p ) setFixedExtentHeight setFixedExtentHeight ( int h ) setFixedExtentWidth setFixedExtentWidth ( int w ) setHorizontalStretchable setHorizontalStretchable ( bool b ) setOrientation setOrientation ( Qt::Orientation o ) setVerticalStretchable setVerticalStretchable ( bool b ) setWidget setWidget ( QWidget * w ) undock undock-2 () visibilityChanged visibilityChanged ( bool visible ) widget widget () windowTitle windowTitle () Q3DragObject q3dragobject.html DragMode DragMode-enum Q3DragObject Q3DragObject ( QWidget * dragSource = 0, const char * name = 0 ) drag drag () drag drag-2 ( DragMode mode ) dragCopy dragCopy () dragLink dragLink () dragMove dragMove () pixmap pixmap () pixmapHotSpot pixmapHotSpot () setPixmap setPixmap ( QPixmap pm, const QPoint & hotspot ) setPixmap setPixmap-2 ( QPixmap pm ) source source () target target () Q3DropSite q3dropsite.html Q3DropSite Q3DropSite ( QWidget * self ) Q3EditorFactory q3editorfactory.html Q3EditorFactory Q3EditorFactory ( QObject * parent = 0 ) createEditor createEditor ( QWidget * parent, const QVariant & v ) defaultFactory defaultFactory () installDefaultFactory installDefaultFactory ( Q3EditorFactory * factory ) Q3FileDialog q3filedialog.html Mode Mode-enum PreviewMode PreviewMode-enum ViewMode ViewMode-enum Q3FileDialog Q3FileDialog ( const QString & dirName, const QString & filter = QString() Q3FileDialog Q3FileDialog-2 ( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, bool modal = false ) addFilter addFilter ( const QString & filter ) addLeftWidget addLeftWidget ( QWidget * w ) addRightWidget addRightWidget ( QWidget * w ) addToolButton addToolButton ( QAbstractButton * b, bool separator = false ) addWidgets addWidgets ( QLabel * l, QWidget * w, QPushButton * b ) dir dir () dirEntered dirEntered ( const QString & directory ) fileHighlighted fileHighlighted ( const QString & file ) fileSelected fileSelected ( const QString & file ) filesSelected filesSelected ( const QStringList & files ) filterSelected filterSelected ( const QString & filter ) getExistingDirectory getExistingDirectory ( const QString & dir = QString() getOpenFileName getOpenFileName ( const QString & startWith = QString() getOpenFileNames getOpenFileNames ( const QString & filter = QString() getSaveFileName getSaveFileName ( const QString & startWith = QString() iconProvider iconProvider () rereadDir rereadDir () resortDir resortDir () selectAll selectAll ( bool b ) setContentsPreview setContentsPreview ( QWidget * w, Q3FilePreview * preview ) setDir setDir ( const QDir & dir ) setDir setDir-2 ( const QString & pathstr ) setFilter setFilter ( const QString & newFilter ) setFilters setFilters ( const QString & filters ) setFilters setFilters-2 ( const char ** types ) setFilters setFilters-3 ( const QStringList & types ) setIconProvider setIconProvider ( Q3FileIconProvider * provider ) setInfoPreview setInfoPreview ( QWidget * w, Q3FilePreview * preview ) setSelectedFilter setSelectedFilter ( const QString & mask ) setSelectedFilter setSelectedFilter-2 ( int n ) setSelection setSelection ( const QString & filename ) setUrl setUrl ( const Q3UrlOperator & url ) url url () Q3FileIconProvider q3fileiconprovider.html Q3FileIconProvider Q3FileIconProvider ( QObject * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 ) pixmap pixmap ( const QFileInfo & info ) Q3FilePreview q3filepreview.html Q3FilePreview Q3FilePreview () previewUrl previewUrl ( const Q3Url & url ) Q3Frame q3frame.html Q3Frame Q3Frame ( QWidget * parent, const char * name = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) drawContents drawContents ( QPainter * painter ) drawFrame drawFrame ( QPainter * p ) frameChanged frameChanged () frameWidth frameWidth () paintEvent paintEvent ( QPaintEvent * event ) resizeEvent resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent * event ) Q3Ftp q3ftp.html Command Command-enum Error Error-enum State State-enum Q3Ftp Q3Ftp () Q3Ftp Q3Ftp-2 ( QObject * parent, const char * name = 0 ) abort abort () bytesAvailable bytesAvailable () cd cd ( const QString & dir ) clearPendingCommands clearPendingCommands () close close () commandFinished commandFinished ( int id, bool error ) commandStarted commandStarted ( int id ) connectToHost connectToHost ( const QString & host, Q_UINT16 port = 21 ) currentCommand currentCommand () currentDevice currentDevice () currentId currentId () dataTransferProgress dataTransferProgress ( int done, int total ) done done ( bool error ) error error () errorString errorString () get get ( const QString & file, QIODevice * dev = 0 ) hasPendingCommands hasPendingCommands () list list ( const QString & dir = QString() listInfo listInfo ( const QUrlInfo & i ) login login ( const QString & user = QString() mkdir mkdir ( const QString & dir ) put put ( QIODevice * dev, const QString & file ) put put-2 ( const QByteArray & data, const QString & file ) rawCommand rawCommand ( const QString & command ) rawCommandReply rawCommandReply ( int replyCode, const QString & detail ) readAll readAll () readBlock readBlock ( char * data, Q_ULONG maxlen ) readyRead readyRead () remove remove ( const QString & file ) rename rename ( const QString & oldname, const QString & newname ) rmdir rmdir ( const QString & dir ) state state () stateChanged stateChanged ( int state ) Q3Grid q3grid.html Q3Grid Q3Grid ( int n, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) Q3Grid Q3Grid-2 ( int n, Qt::Orientation orient, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) setSpacing setSpacing ( int space ) Q3GridView q3gridview.html Q3GridView Q3GridView ( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) cellGeometry cellGeometry ( int row, int column ) cellRect cellRect () columnAt columnAt ( int x ) dimensionChange dimensionChange ( int oldNumRows, int oldNumCols ) ensureCellVisible ensureCellVisible ( int row, int column ) gridSize gridSize () paintCell paintCell ( QPainter * p, int row, int col ) paintEmptyArea paintEmptyArea ( QPainter * p, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch ) repaintCell repaintCell ( int row, int column, bool erase = true ) rowAt rowAt ( int y ) updateCell updateCell ( int row, int column ) Q3GroupBox q3groupbox.html DummyFrame DummyFrame-enum Orientation orientation Q3GroupBox Q3GroupBox ( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 ) Q3GroupBox Q3GroupBox-2 ( const QString & title, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 ) Q3GroupBox Q3GroupBox-3 ( int strips, Qt::Orientation orientation, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 ) Q3GroupBox Q3GroupBox-4 ( int strips, Qt::Orientation orientation, const QString & title, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 ) addSpace addSpace ( int size ) insideMargin insideMargin () insideSpacing insideSpacing () setColumnLayout setColumnLayout ( int strips, Qt::Orientation direction ) setFrameShadow setFrameShadow ( DummyFrame ) setFrameShape setFrameShape ( DummyFrame ) setInsideMargin setInsideMargin ( int m ) setInsideSpacing setInsideSpacing ( int s ) Q3HBox q3hbox.html Q3HBox Q3HBox ( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) Q3HBox Q3HBox-2 ( bool horizontal, QWidget * parent, const char * name, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) setSpacing setSpacing ( int space ) setStretchFactor setStretchFactor ( QWidget * w, int stretch ) Q3HButtonGroup q3hbuttongroup.html Q3HButtonGroup Q3HButtonGroup ( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 ) Q3HButtonGroup Q3HButtonGroup-2 ( const QString & title, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 ) Q3Header q3header.html Orientation orientation Q3Header Q3Header ( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 ) Q3Header Q3Header-2 ( int n, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 ) addLabel addLabel ( const QString & s, int size = -1 ) addLabel addLabel-2 ( const QIcon & icon, const QString & s, int size = -1 ) adjustHeaderSize adjustHeaderSize () cellAt cellAt ( int pos ) cellPos cellPos ( int i ) cellSize cellSize ( int i ) clicked clicked ( int section ) headerWidth headerWidth () iconSet iconSet ( int section ) indexChange indexChange ( int section, int fromIndex, int toIndex ) isClickEnabled isClickEnabled ( int section = -1 ) isResizeEnabled isResizeEnabled ( int section = -1 ) label label ( int section ) mapToActual mapToActual ( int l ) mapToIndex mapToIndex ( int section ) mapToLogical mapToLogical ( int a ) mapToSection mapToSection ( int index ) moveCell moveCell ( int fromIdx, int toIdx ) moveSection moveSection ( int section, int toIndex ) moved moved ( int fromIndex, int toIndex ) paintSection paintSection ( QPainter * p, int index, const QRect & fr ) paintSectionLabel paintSectionLabel ( QPainter * p, int index, const QRect & fr ) pressed pressed ( int section ) released released ( int section ) removeLabel removeLabel ( int section ) resizeSection resizeSection ( int section, int s ) sRect sRect ( int index ) sectionAt sectionAt ( int pos ) sectionClicked sectionClicked ( int index ) sectionHandleDoubleClicked sectionHandleDoubleClicked ( int section ) sectionPos sectionPos ( int section ) sectionRect sectionRect ( int section ) sectionSize sectionSize ( int section ) setCellSize setCellSize ( int section, int s ) setClickEnabled setClickEnabled ( bool enable, int section = -1 ) setLabel setLabel ( int section, const QString & s, int size = -1 ) setLabel setLabel-2 ( int section, const QIcon & icon, const QString & s, int size = -1 ) setResizeEnabled setResizeEnabled ( bool enable, int section = -1 ) setSortIndicator setSortIndicator ( int section, Qt::SortOrder order ) setSortIndicator setSortIndicator-2 ( int section, bool ascending = true ) sizeChange sizeChange ( int section, int oldSize, int newSize ) SortOrder sortIndicatorOrder Q3Header::sortIndicatorOrder() sortIndicatorSection sortIndicatorSection () Q3Http q3http.html Error Error-enum State State-enum Q3Http Q3Http () Q3Http Q3Http-2 ( QObject * parent, const char * name = 0 ) Q3Http Q3Http-3 ( const QString & hostname, Q_UINT16 port = 80, QObject * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 ) abort abort () bytesAvailable bytesAvailable () clearPendingRequests clearPendingRequests () closeConnection closeConnection () currentDestinationDevice currentDestinationDevice () currentId currentId () currentRequest currentRequest () currentSourceDevice currentSourceDevice () dataReadProgress dataReadProgress ( int done, int total ) dataSendProgress dataSendProgress ( int done, int total ) done done ( bool error ) error error () errorString errorString () get get ( const QString & path, QIODevice * to = 0 ) hasPendingRequests hasPendingRequests () head head ( const QString & path ) post post ( const QString & path, QIODevice * data, QIODevice * to = 0 ) post post-2 ( const QString & path, const QByteArray & data, QIODevice * to = 0 ) readAll readAll () readBlock readBlock ( char * data, Q_ULONG maxlen ) readyRead readyRead ( const Q3HttpResponseHeader & resp ) request request ( const Q3HttpRequestHeader & header, QIODevice * data = 0, QIODevice * to = 0 ) request request-2 ( const Q3HttpRequestHeader & header, const QByteArray & data, QIODevice * to = 0 ) requestFinished requestFinished ( int id, bool error ) requestStarted requestStarted ( int id ) responseHeaderReceived responseHeaderReceived ( const Q3HttpResponseHeader & resp ) setHost setHost ( const QString & hostname, Q_UINT16 port = 80 ) state state () stateChanged stateChanged ( int state ) Q3HttpHeader q3httpheader.html Q3HttpHeader Q3HttpHeader () Q3HttpHeader Q3HttpHeader-2 ( const Q3HttpHeader & header ) Q3HttpHeader Q3HttpHeader-3 ( const QString & str ) contentLength contentLength () contentType contentType () hasContentLength hasContentLength () hasContentType hasContentType () hasKey hasKey ( const QString & key ) isValid isValid () keys keys () majorVersion majorVersion () minorVersion minorVersion () removeValue removeValue ( const QString & key ) setContentLength setContentLength ( int len ) setContentType setContentType ( const QString & type ) setValue setValue ( const QString & key, const QString & value ) toString toString () value value ( const QString & key ) operator= operator-eq ( const Q3HttpHeader & h ) Q3HttpRequestHeader q3httprequestheader.html Q3HttpRequestHeader Q3HttpRequestHeader () Q3HttpRequestHeader Q3HttpRequestHeader-2 ( const QString & method, const QString & path, int majorVer = 1, int minorVer = 1 ) Q3HttpRequestHeader Q3HttpRequestHeader-3 ( const Q3HttpRequestHeader & header ) Q3HttpRequestHeader Q3HttpRequestHeader-4 ( const QString & str ) majorVersion majorVersion () method method () minorVersion minorVersion () path path () setRequest setRequest ( const QString & method, const QString & path, int majorVer = 1, int minorVer = 1 ) Q3HttpResponseHeader q3httpresponseheader.html Q3HttpResponseHeader Q3HttpResponseHeader-3 () Q3HttpResponseHeader Q3HttpResponseHeader-4 ( const Q3HttpResponseHeader & header ) majorVersion majorVersion () minorVersion minorVersion () reasonPhrase reasonPhrase () statusCode statusCode () Q3IconDrag q3icondrag.html Q3IconDrag Q3IconDrag ( QWidget * dragSource, const char * name = 0 ) append append ( const Q3IconDragItem & i, const QRect & pr, const QRect & tr ) canDecode canDecode ( QMimeSource * e ) encodedData encodedData ( const char * mime ) Q3IconDragItem q3icondragitem.html Q3IconDragItem Q3IconDragItem () data data () setData setData ( const QByteArray & d ) Q3IconView q3iconview.html Arrangement Arrangement-enum ComparisonFlags ComparisonFlags-typedef ItemTextPos ItemTextPos-enum ResizeMode ResizeMode-enum SelectionMode SelectionMode-enum StringComparisonMode StringComparisonMode-enum Q3IconView Q3IconView ( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) adjustItems adjustItems () arrangeItemsInGrid arrangeItemsInGrid ( const QSize & grid, bool update = true ) arrangeItemsInGrid arrangeItemsInGrid-2 ( bool update = true ) clear clear () clearSelection clearSelection () clicked clicked ( Q3IconViewItem * item ) clicked clicked-2 ( Q3IconViewItem * item, const QPoint & pos ) contextMenuRequested contextMenuRequested ( Q3IconViewItem * item, const QPoint & pos ) currentChanged currentChanged ( Q3IconViewItem * item ) currentItem currentItem () doAutoScroll doAutoScroll () doubleClicked doubleClicked ( Q3IconViewItem * item ) dragObject dragObject () drawBackground drawBackground ( QPainter * p, const QRect & r ) drawRubber drawRubber ( QPainter * p ) dropped dropped ( QDropEvent * e, const Q3ValueList<Q3IconDragItem> & lst ) emitSelectionChanged emitSelectionChanged ( Q3IconViewItem * i = 0 ) ensureItemVisible ensureItemVisible ( Q3IconViewItem * item ) findFirstVisibleItem findFirstVisibleItem ( const QRect & r ) findItem findItem ( const QPoint & pos ) findItem findItem-3 ( const QString & text, ComparisonFlags compare = BeginsWith | Qt::CaseSensitive ) findLastVisibleItem findLastVisibleItem ( const QRect & r ) firstItem firstItem () index index ( const Q3IconViewItem * item ) insertInGrid insertInGrid ( Q3IconViewItem * item ) insertItem insertItem ( Q3IconViewItem * item, Q3IconViewItem * after = 0L ) invertSelection invertSelection () isRenaming isRenaming () itemRenamed itemRenamed ( Q3IconViewItem * item, const QString & name ) itemRenamed itemRenamed-2 ( Q3IconViewItem * item ) lastItem lastItem () makeRowLayout makeRowLayout ( Q3IconViewItem * begin, int & y, bool & changed ) mouseButtonClicked mouseButtonClicked ( int button, Q3IconViewItem * item, const QPoint & pos ) mouseButtonPressed mouseButtonPressed ( int button, Q3IconViewItem * item, const QPoint & pos ) moved moved () onItem onItem ( Q3IconViewItem * item ) onViewport onViewport () pressed pressed ( Q3IconViewItem * item ) pressed pressed-2 ( Q3IconViewItem * item, const QPoint & pos ) repaintItem repaintItem ( Q3IconViewItem * item ) repaintSelectedItems repaintSelectedItems () returnPressed returnPressed ( Q3IconViewItem * item ) rightButtonClicked rightButtonClicked ( Q3IconViewItem * item, const QPoint & pos ) rightButtonPressed rightButtonPressed ( Q3IconViewItem * item, const QPoint & pos ) selectAll selectAll ( bool select ) selectionChanged selectionChanged () selectionChanged selectionChanged-2 ( Q3IconViewItem * item ) setCurrentItem setCurrentItem ( Q3IconViewItem * item ) setSelected setSelected ( Q3IconViewItem * item, bool s, bool cb = false ) setSorting setSorting ( bool sort, bool ascending = true ) slotUpdate slotUpdate () sort sort ( bool ascending = true ) startDrag startDrag () takeItem takeItem ( Q3IconViewItem * item ) Q3IconViewItem q3iconviewitem.html Q3IconViewItem Q3IconViewItem ( Q3IconView * parent ) Q3IconViewItem Q3IconViewItem-2 ( Q3IconView * parent, Q3IconViewItem * after ) Q3IconViewItem Q3IconViewItem-3 ( Q3IconView * parent, const QString & text ) Q3IconViewItem Q3IconViewItem-4 ( Q3IconView * parent, Q3IconViewItem * after, const QString & text ) Q3IconViewItem Q3IconViewItem-5 ( Q3IconView * parent, const QString & text, const QPixmap & icon ) Q3IconViewItem Q3IconViewItem-6 ( Q3IconView * parent, Q3IconViewItem * after, const QString & text, const QPixmap & icon ) Q3IconViewItem Q3IconViewItem-7 ( Q3IconView * parent, const QString & text, const QPicture & picture ) Q3IconViewItem Q3IconViewItem-8 ( Q3IconView * parent, Q3IconViewItem * after, const QString & text, const QPicture & picture ) acceptDrop acceptDrop ( const QMimeSource * mime ) calcRect calcRect ( const QString & text_ = QString() compare compare ( Q3IconViewItem * i ) contains contains ( const QPoint & pnt ) dragEnabled dragEnabled () dragEntered dragEntered () dragLeft dragLeft () dropEnabled dropEnabled () dropped dropped ( QDropEvent * e, const Q3ValueList<Q3IconDragItem> & lst ) height height () iconView iconView () index index () intersects intersects ( const QRect & r ) isSelectable isSelectable () isSelected isSelected () key key () move move ( int x, int y ) move move-2 ( const QPoint & pnt ) moveBy moveBy ( int dx, int dy ) moveBy moveBy-2 ( const QPoint & pnt ) nextItem nextItem () paintFocus paintFocus ( QPainter * p, const QPalette & cg ) paintItem paintItem ( QPainter * p, const QPalette & cg ) picture picture () pixmap pixmap () pixmapRect pixmapRect ( bool relative = true ) pos pos () prevItem prevItem () rect rect () removeRenameBox removeRenameBox () rename rename () renameEnabled renameEnabled () repaint repaint () rtti rtti () setDragEnabled setDragEnabled ( bool allow ) setDropEnabled setDropEnabled ( bool allow ) setItemRect setItemRect ( const QRect & r ) setKey setKey ( const QString & k ) setPicture setPicture ( const QPicture & icon ) setPixmap setPixmap ( const QPixmap & icon ) setPixmap setPixmap-2 ( const QPixmap & icon, bool recalc, bool redraw = true ) setPixmapRect setPixmapRect ( const QRect & r ) setRenameEnabled setRenameEnabled ( bool allow ) setSelectable setSelectable ( bool enable ) setSelected setSelected ( bool s, bool cb ) setSelected setSelected-2 ( bool s ) setText setText ( const QString & text ) setText setText-2 ( const QString & text, bool recalc, bool redraw = true ) setTextRect setTextRect ( const QRect & r ) size size () text text () textRect textRect ( bool relative = true ) width width () x x () y y () Q3ImageDrag q3imagedrag.html Q3ImageDrag Q3ImageDrag ( QImage image, QWidget * dragSource = 0, const char * name = 0 ) Q3ImageDrag Q3ImageDrag-2 ( QWidget * dragSource = 0, const char * name = 0 ) canDecode canDecode ( const QMimeSource * source ) decode decode ( const QMimeSource * source, QImage & image ) decode decode-2 ( const QMimeSource * source, QPixmap & pixmap ) setImage setImage ( QImage image ) Q3IntCache q3intcache.html Q3IntCache Q3IntCache-2 ( int maxCost = 100, int size = 17 ) clear clear () count count () find find ( long k, bool ref = true ) insert insert ( long k, const type * d, int c = 1, int p = 0 ) isEmpty isEmpty () maxCost maxCost () remove remove ( long k ) setMaxCost setMaxCost ( int m ) size size () statistics statistics () take take ( long k ) totalCost totalCost () operator[] operator-5b-5d ( long k ) Q3IntCacheIterator q3intcacheiterator.html Q3IntCacheIterator Q3IntCacheIterator ( const Q3IntCache<type> & cache ) Q3IntCacheIterator Q3IntCacheIterator-2 ( const Q3IntCacheIterator<type> & ci ) atFirst atFirst () atLast atLast () count count () current current () currentKey currentKey () isEmpty isEmpty () toFirst toFirst () toLast toLast () operator operator-type--2a type *() operator() operator-28-29 () operator++ operator-2b-2b () operator+= operator-2b-eq ( uint jump ) operator-- operator-- () operator-= operator--eq ( uint jump ) operator= operator-eq ( const Q3IntCacheIterator<type> & ci ) Q3IntDict q3intdict.html Q3IntDict Q3IntDict ( int size = 17 ) Q3IntDict Q3IntDict-2 ( const Q3IntDict<type> & dict ) clear clear () count count () find find ( long key ) insert insert ( long key, const type * item ) isEmpty isEmpty () read read ( QDataStream & s, Q3PtrCollection::Item & item ) remove remove ( long key ) replace replace ( long key, const type * item ) resize resize ( uint newsize ) size size () statistics statistics () take take ( long key ) write write ( QDataStream & s, Q3PtrCollection::Item item ) operator= operator-eq ( const Q3IntDict<type> & dict ) operator[] operator-5b-5d ( long key ) Q3IntDictIterator q3intdictiterator.html Q3IntDictIterator Q3IntDictIterator ( const Q3IntDict<type> & dict ) count count () current current () currentKey currentKey () isEmpty isEmpty () toFirst toFirst () operator operator-type--2a type *() operator() operator-28-29 () operator++ operator-2b-2b () operator+= operator-2b-eq ( uint jump ) Q3ListBox q3listbox.html ComparisonFlags ComparisonFlags-typedef LayoutMode LayoutMode-enum SelectionMode SelectionMode-enum StringComparisonMode StringComparisonMode-enum Q3ListBox Q3ListBox ( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) autoBottomScrollBar autoBottomScrollBar () autoScroll autoScroll () autoScrollBar autoScrollBar () autoUpdate autoUpdate () bottomScrollBar bottomScrollBar () cellHeight cellHeight ( int i ) cellHeight cellHeight-2 () cellWidth cellWidth () cellWidth cellWidth-2 ( int i ) centerCurrentItem centerCurrentItem () changeItem changeItem ( const Q3ListBoxItem * lbi, int index ) changeItem changeItem-2 ( const QString & text, int index ) changeItem changeItem-3 ( const QPixmap & pixmap, int index ) changeItem changeItem-4 ( const QPixmap & pixmap, const QString & text, int index ) clear clear () clearSelection clearSelection () clicked clicked ( Q3ListBoxItem * item ) clicked clicked-2 ( Q3ListBoxItem * item, const QPoint & pnt ) contextMenuRequested contextMenuRequested ( Q3ListBoxItem * item, const QPoint & pos ) currentChanged currentChanged ( Q3ListBoxItem * item ) doLayout doLayout () doubleClicked doubleClicked ( Q3ListBoxItem * item ) dragSelect dragSelect () ensureCurrentVisible ensureCurrentVisible () findItem findItem ( const QString & text, ComparisonFlags compare = BeginsWith ) findItem findItem-2 ( int yPos ) firstItem firstItem () highlighted highlighted ( int index ) highlighted highlighted-2 ( Q3ListBoxItem * item ) highlighted highlighted-3 ( const QString & text ) inSort inSort ( const Q3ListBoxItem * lbi ) inSort inSort-2 ( const QString & text ) index index ( const Q3ListBoxItem * lbi ) insertItem insertItem ( const Q3ListBoxItem * lbi, int index = -1 ) insertItem insertItem-2 ( const Q3ListBoxItem * lbi, const Q3ListBoxItem * after ) insertItem insertItem-3 ( const QString & text, int index = -1 ) insertItem insertItem-4 ( const QPixmap & pixmap, int index = -1 ) insertItem insertItem-5 ( const QPixmap & pixmap, const QString & text, int index = -1 ) insertStrList insertStrList ( const char ** strings, int numStrings = -1, int index = -1 ) insertStringList insertStringList ( const QStringList & list, int index = -1 ) invertSelection invertSelection () isRubberSelecting isRubberSelecting () isSelected isSelected ( int i ) isSelected isSelected-2 ( const Q3ListBoxItem * i ) item item ( int index ) itemAt itemAt ( const QPoint & p ) itemHeight itemHeight ( int index = 0 ) itemRect itemRect ( Q3ListBoxItem * item ) itemVisible itemVisible ( int index ) itemVisible itemVisible-2 ( const Q3ListBoxItem * item ) maxItemWidth maxItemWidth () mouseButtonClicked mouseButtonClicked ( int button, Q3ListBoxItem * item, const QPoint & pos ) mouseButtonPressed mouseButtonPressed ( int button, Q3ListBoxItem * item, const QPoint & pos ) numCols numCols () onItem onItem ( Q3ListBoxItem * i ) onViewport onViewport () paintCell paintCell ( QPainter * p, int row, int col ) pixmap pixmap ( int index ) pressed pressed ( Q3ListBoxItem * item ) pressed pressed-2 ( Q3ListBoxItem * item, const QPoint & pnt ) removeItem removeItem ( int index ) returnPressed returnPressed ( Q3ListBoxItem * item ) rightButtonClicked rightButtonClicked ( Q3ListBoxItem * item, const QPoint & point ) rightButtonPressed rightButtonPressed ( Q3ListBoxItem * item, const QPoint & point ) scrollBar scrollBar () selectAll selectAll ( bool select ) selected selected ( int index ) selected selected-2 ( Q3ListBoxItem * item ) selected selected-3 ( const QString & text ) selectedItem selectedItem () selectionChanged selectionChanged () selectionChanged selectionChanged-2 ( Q3ListBoxItem * item ) setAutoBottomScrollBar setAutoBottomScrollBar ( bool enable ) setAutoScroll setAutoScroll ( bool b ) setAutoScrollBar setAutoScrollBar ( bool enable ) setAutoUpdate setAutoUpdate ( bool b ) setBottomItem setBottomItem ( int index ) setBottomScrollBar setBottomScrollBar ( bool enable ) setDragSelect setDragSelect ( bool b ) setFixedVisibleLines setFixedVisibleLines ( int lines ) setScrollBar setScrollBar ( bool enable ) setSelected setSelected ( Q3ListBoxItem * item, bool select ) setSelected setSelected-2 ( int index, bool select ) setSmoothScrolling setSmoothScrolling ( bool b ) smoothScrolling smoothScrolling () sort sort ( bool ascending = true ) takeItem takeItem ( const Q3ListBoxItem * item ) text text ( int index ) toggleCurrentItem toggleCurrentItem () totalHeight totalHeight () totalWidth totalWidth () triggerUpdate triggerUpdate ( bool doLayout ) updateCellWidth updateCellWidth () updateItem updateItem ( int index ) updateItem updateItem-2 ( Q3ListBoxItem * i ) Q3ListBoxItem q3listboxitem.html Q3ListBoxItem Q3ListBoxItem ( Q3ListBox * listbox = 0 ) Q3ListBoxItem Q3ListBoxItem-2 ( Q3ListBox * listbox, Q3ListBoxItem * after ) current current () height height ( const Q3ListBox * lb ) isCurrent isCurrent () isSelectable isSelectable () isSelected isSelected () listBox listBox () next next () paint paint ( QPainter * p ) pixmap pixmap () prev prev () rtti rtti () selected selected () setCustomHighlighting setCustomHighlighting ( bool b ) setSelectable setSelectable ( bool b ) setText setText ( const QString & text ) text text () width width ( const Q3ListBox * lb ) Q3ListBoxPixmap q3listboxpixmap.html Q3ListBoxPixmap Q3ListBoxPixmap ( Q3ListBox * listbox, const QPixmap & pixmap ) Q3ListBoxPixmap Q3ListBoxPixmap-2 ( const QPixmap & pixmap ) Q3ListBoxPixmap Q3ListBoxPixmap-3 ( Q3ListBox * listbox, const QPixmap & pixmap, Q3ListBoxItem * after ) Q3ListBoxPixmap Q3ListBoxPixmap-4 ( Q3ListBox * listbox, const QPixmap & pix, const QString & text ) Q3ListBoxPixmap Q3ListBoxPixmap-5 ( const QPixmap & pix, const QString & text ) Q3ListBoxPixmap Q3ListBoxPixmap-6 ( Q3ListBox * listbox, const QPixmap & pix, const QString & text, Q3ListBoxItem * after ) height height ( const Q3ListBox * lb ) paint paint ( QPainter * painter ) pixmap pixmap () width width ( const Q3ListBox * lb ) Q3ListBoxText q3listboxtext.html Q3ListBoxText Q3ListBoxText ( Q3ListBox * listbox, const QString & text = QString() Q3ListBoxText Q3ListBoxText-2 ( const QString & text = QString() Q3ListBoxText Q3ListBoxText-3 ( Q3ListBox * listbox, const QString & text, Q3ListBoxItem * after ) height height ( const Q3ListBox * lb ) paint paint ( QPainter * painter ) width width ( const Q3ListBox * lb ) Q3ListView q3listview.html ComparisonFlags ComparisonFlags-typedef RenameAction RenameAction-enum ResizeMode ResizeMode-enum SelectionMode SelectionMode-enum StringComparisonMode StringComparisonMode-enum WidthMode WidthMode-enum Q3ListView Q3ListView ( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) addColumn addColumn ( const QString & label, int width = -1 ) addColumn addColumn-2 ( const QIcon & icon, const QString & label, int width = -1 ) adjustColumn adjustColumn ( int col ) clear clear () clearSelection clearSelection () clicked clicked ( Q3ListViewItem * item ) clicked clicked-2 ( Q3ListViewItem * item, const QPoint & pnt, int c ) collapsed collapsed ( Q3ListViewItem * item ) columnAlignment columnAlignment ( int column ) columnText columnText ( int c ) columnWidth columnWidth ( int c ) columnWidthMode columnWidthMode ( int c ) contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent ( QMouseEvent * e ) contentsMouseMoveEvent contentsMouseMoveEvent ( QMouseEvent * e ) contentsMousePressEvent contentsMousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent * e ) contentsMouseReleaseEvent contentsMouseReleaseEvent ( QMouseEvent * e ) contextMenuRequested contextMenuRequested ( Q3ListViewItem * item, const QPoint & pos, int col ) currentChanged currentChanged ( Q3ListViewItem * item ) currentItem currentItem () doAutoScroll doAutoScroll () doubleClicked doubleClicked ( Q3ListViewItem * item ) doubleClicked doubleClicked-2 ( Q3ListViewItem * item, const QPoint & point, int column ) dragObject dragObject () drawContentsOffset drawContentsOffset ( QPainter * p, int ox, int oy, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch ) dropped dropped ( QDropEvent * e ) ensureItemVisible ensureItemVisible ( const Q3ListViewItem * i ) eventFilter eventFilter ( QObject * o, QEvent * e ) expanded expanded ( Q3ListViewItem * item ) findItem findItem ( const QString & text, int column, ComparisonFlags compare = ExactMatch | Qt::CaseSensitive ) firstChild firstChild () header header () hideColumn hideColumn ( int column ) insertItem insertItem ( Q3ListViewItem * i ) invertSelection invertSelection () isOpen isOpen ( const Q3ListViewItem * item ) isRenaming isRenaming () isSelected isSelected ( const Q3ListViewItem * i ) itemAt itemAt ( const QPoint & viewPos ) itemPos itemPos ( const Q3ListViewItem * item ) itemRect itemRect ( const Q3ListViewItem * item ) itemRenamed itemRenamed ( Q3ListViewItem * item, int col, const QString & text ) itemRenamed itemRenamed-2 ( Q3ListViewItem * item, int col ) lastItem lastItem () mouseButtonClicked mouseButtonClicked ( int button, Q3ListViewItem * item, const QPoint & pos, int c ) mouseButtonPressed mouseButtonPressed ( int button, Q3ListViewItem * item, const QPoint & pos, int c ) onItem onItem ( Q3ListViewItem * i ) onViewport onViewport () paintEmptyArea paintEmptyArea ( QPainter * p, const QRect & rect ) pressed pressed ( Q3ListViewItem * item ) pressed pressed-2 ( Q3ListViewItem * item, const QPoint & pnt, int c ) removeColumn removeColumn ( int index ) removeItem removeItem ( Q3ListViewItem * item ) repaintItem repaintItem ( const Q3ListViewItem * item ) resizeEvent resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent * e ) returnPressed returnPressed ( Q3ListViewItem * item ) rightButtonClicked rightButtonClicked ( Q3ListViewItem * item, const QPoint & point, int column ) rightButtonPressed rightButtonPressed ( Q3ListViewItem * item, const QPoint & point, int column ) selectAll selectAll ( bool select ) selectedItem selectedItem () selectionChanged selectionChanged () selectionChanged selectionChanged-2 ( Q3ListViewItem * item ) setColumnAlignment setColumnAlignment ( int column, int align ) setColumnText setColumnText ( int column, const QString & label ) setColumnText setColumnText-2 ( int column, const QIcon & icon, const QString & label ) setColumnWidth setColumnWidth ( int column, int w ) setColumnWidthMode setColumnWidthMode ( int c, WidthMode mode ) setCurrentItem setCurrentItem ( Q3ListViewItem * i ) setOpen setOpen ( Q3ListViewItem * item, bool open ) setSelected setSelected ( Q3ListViewItem * item, bool selected ) setSelectionAnchor setSelectionAnchor ( Q3ListViewItem * item ) setSortColumn setSortColumn ( int column ) setSortOrder setSortOrder ( Qt::SortOrder order ) setSorting setSorting ( int column, bool ascending = true ) sort sort () sortColumn sortColumn () SortOrder sortOrder Q3ListView::sortOrder() spacePressed spacePressed ( Q3ListViewItem * item ) startDrag startDrag () takeItem takeItem ( Q3ListViewItem * i ) triggerUpdate triggerUpdate () updateContents updateContents () Q3ListViewItem q3listviewitem.html Q3ListViewItem Q3ListViewItem ( Q3ListView * parent ) Q3ListViewItem Q3ListViewItem-2 ( Q3ListViewItem * parent ) Q3ListViewItem Q3ListViewItem-3 ( Q3ListView * parent, Q3ListViewItem * after ) Q3ListViewItem Q3ListViewItem-4 ( Q3ListViewItem * parent, Q3ListViewItem * after ) Q3ListViewItem Q3ListViewItem-5 ( Q3ListView * parent, const QString & label1, const QString & label2 = QString() Q3ListViewItem Q3ListViewItem-6 ( Q3ListViewItem * parent, const QString & label1, const QString & label2 = QString() Q3ListViewItem Q3ListViewItem-7 ( Q3ListView * parent, Q3ListViewItem * after, const QString & label1, const QString & label2 = QString() Q3ListViewItem Q3ListViewItem-8 ( Q3ListViewItem * parent, Q3ListViewItem * after, const QString & label1, const QString & label2 = QString() acceptDrop acceptDrop ( const QMimeSource * mime ) activate activate () activatedPos activatedPos ( QPoint & pos ) cancelRename cancelRename ( int col ) childCount childCount () compare compare ( Q3ListViewItem * i, int col, bool ascending ) depth depth () dragEnabled dragEnabled () dragEntered dragEntered () dragLeft dragLeft () dropEnabled dropEnabled () dropped dropped ( QDropEvent * e ) enforceSortOrder enforceSortOrder () firstChild firstChild () height height () insertItem insertItem ( Q3ListViewItem * newChild ) invalidateHeight invalidateHeight () isEnabled isEnabled () isExpandable isExpandable () isOpen isOpen () isSelectable isSelectable () isSelected isSelected () isVisible isVisible () itemAbove itemAbove () itemBelow itemBelow () itemPos itemPos () key key ( int column, bool ascending ) listView listView () moveItem moveItem ( Q3ListViewItem * after ) multiLinesEnabled multiLinesEnabled () nextSibling nextSibling () okRename okRename ( int col ) paintBranches paintBranches ( QPainter * p, const QPalette & pal, int w, int y, int h ) paintFocus paintFocus ( QPainter * p, const QPalette & pal, const QRect & r ) parent parent () pixmap pixmap ( int column ) removeItem removeItem ( Q3ListViewItem * item ) renameEnabled renameEnabled ( int col ) repaint repaint () rtti rtti () setDragEnabled setDragEnabled ( bool allow ) setDropEnabled setDropEnabled ( bool allow ) setEnabled setEnabled ( bool b ) setExpandable setExpandable ( bool enable ) setHeight setHeight ( int height ) setMultiLinesEnabled setMultiLinesEnabled ( bool b ) setOpen setOpen ( bool o ) setPixmap setPixmap ( int column, const QPixmap & pm ) setRenameEnabled setRenameEnabled ( int col, bool b ) setSelectable setSelectable ( bool enable ) setSelected setSelected ( bool s ) setText setText ( int column, const QString & text ) setVisible setVisible ( bool b ) setup setup () sort sort () sortChildItems sortChildItems ( int column, bool ascending ) startRename startRename ( int col ) takeItem takeItem ( Q3ListViewItem * item ) text text ( int column ) totalHeight totalHeight () width width ( const QFontMetrics & fm, const Q3ListView * lv, int c ) widthChanged widthChanged ( int c = -1 ) Q3ListViewItemIterator q3listviewitemiterator.html IteratorFlag IteratorFlag-enum Q3ListViewItemIterator Q3ListViewItemIterator () Q3ListViewItemIterator Q3ListViewItemIterator-2 ( Q3ListViewItem * item ) Q3ListViewItemIterator Q3ListViewItemIterator-3 ( Q3ListViewItem * item, int iteratorFlags ) Q3ListViewItemIterator Q3ListViewItemIterator-4 ( const Q3ListViewItemIterator & it ) Q3ListViewItemIterator Q3ListViewItemIterator-5 ( Q3ListView * lv ) Q3ListViewItemIterator Q3ListViewItemIterator-6 ( Q3ListView * lv, int iteratorFlags ) current current () operator* operator-2a () operator++ operator-2b-2b () operator++ operator-2b-2b-2 ( int ) operator+= operator-2b-eq ( int j ) operator-- operator-- () operator-- operator---2 ( int ) operator-= operator--eq ( int j ) operator= operator-eq ( const Q3ListViewItemIterator & it ) Q3LocalFs q3localfs.html Q3LocalFs Q3LocalFs () Q3MainWindow q3mainwindow.html DockWindows DockWindows-enum Q3MainWindow Q3MainWindow ( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, Qt::WFlags f = Qt::WType_TopLevel ) addDockWindow addDockWindow ( Q3DockWindow * dockWindow, Qt::Dock edge = Qt::DockTop, bool newLine = false ) addDockWindow addDockWindow-2 ( Q3DockWindow * dockWindow, const QString & label, Qt::Dock edge = Qt::DockTop, bool newLine = false ) addToolBar addToolBar ( Q3DockWindow * dockWindow, Qt::Dock position = Qt::DockTop, bool newLine = false ) addToolBar addToolBar-2 ( Q3DockWindow * dockWindow, const QString & label, Qt::Dock position = Qt::DockTop, bool newLine = false ) appropriate appropriate ( Q3DockWindow * dw ) bottomDock bottomDock () centralWidget centralWidget () childEvent childEvent ( QChildEvent * e ) createDockWindowMenu createDockWindowMenu ( DockWindows dockWindows = AllDockWindows ) customize customize () dockWindowPositionChanged dockWindowPositionChanged ( Q3DockWindow * dockWindow ) dockWindows dockWindows ( Qt::Dock dock ) dockWindows dockWindows-2 () getLocation getLocation ( Q3DockWindow * dw, Qt::Dock & dock, int & index, bool & nl, int & extraOffset ) hasDockWindow hasDockWindow ( Q3DockWindow * dw ) isCustomizable isCustomizable () isDockEnabled isDockEnabled ( Qt::Dock dock ) isDockEnabled isDockEnabled-2 ( Q3DockArea * area ) isDockEnabled isDockEnabled-3 ( Q3DockWindow * dw, Q3DockArea * area ) isDockEnabled isDockEnabled-4 ( Q3DockWindow * tb, Qt::Dock dock ) isDockMenuEnabled isDockMenuEnabled () leftDock leftDock () lineUpDockWindows lineUpDockWindows ( bool keepNewLines = false ) lineUpToolBars lineUpToolBars ( bool keepNewLines = false ) menuBar menuBar () moveDockWindow moveDockWindow ( Q3DockWindow * dockWindow, Qt::Dock edge = Qt::DockTop ) moveDockWindow moveDockWindow-2 ( Q3DockWindow * dockWindow, Qt::Dock edge, bool nl, int index, int extraOffset = -1 ) moveToolBar moveToolBar ( Q3DockWindow * dockWindow, Qt::Dock position = Qt::DockTop ) moveToolBar moveToolBar-2 ( Q3DockWindow * dockWindow, Qt::Dock position, bool nl, int index, int extraOffset = -1 ) pixmapSizeChanged pixmapSizeChanged ( bool b ) removeDockWindow removeDockWindow ( Q3DockWindow * dockWindow ) removeToolBar removeToolBar ( Q3DockWindow * dockWindow ) rightDock rightDock () setAppropriate setAppropriate ( Q3DockWindow * dw, bool a ) setCentralWidget setCentralWidget ( QWidget * w ) setDockEnabled setDockEnabled ( Qt::Dock dock, bool enable ) setDockEnabled setDockEnabled-2 ( Q3DockWindow * dw, Qt::Dock dock, bool enable ) setDockMenuEnabled setDockMenuEnabled ( bool b ) setToolBarsMovable setToolBarsMovable ( bool b ) setUpLayout setUpLayout () showDockMenu showDockMenu ( const QPoint & globalPos ) statusBar statusBar () toolBarPositionChanged toolBarPositionChanged ( Q3ToolBar * toolbar ) toolBars toolBars ( Qt::Dock dock ) toolBarsMovable toolBarsMovable () topDock topDock () usesTextLabelChanged usesTextLabelChanged ( bool b ) whatsThis whatsThis () Q3MemArray q3memarray.html ConstIterator ConstIterator-typedef Iterator Iterator-typedef Q3MemArray Q3MemArray ( int arg1, int arg2 ) Q3MemArray Q3MemArray-2 () Q3MemArray Q3MemArray-3 ( int size ) Q3MemArray Q3MemArray-4 ( const Q3MemArray<type> & a ) Q3MemArray Q3MemArray-5 ( const QVector<type> & vector ) assign assign ( const Q3MemArray<type> & a ) assign assign-2 ( const type * data, uint size ) at at ( uint index ) begin begin () begin begin-2 () bsearch bsearch ( const type & v ) contains contains ( const type & v ) copy copy () count count () data data () detach detach () duplicate duplicate ( const Q3MemArray<type> & a ) duplicate duplicate-2 ( const type * data, uint size ) end end () end end-2 () fill fill ( const type & v, int size = -1 ) find find ( const type & v, uint index = 0 ) isEmpty isEmpty () isNull isNull () nrefs nrefs () resetRawData resetRawData ( const type * data, uint size ) resize resize ( uint size, Optimization optim ) resize resize-2 ( uint size ) setRawData setRawData ( const type * data, uint size ) size size () sort sort () truncate truncate ( uint pos ) operator operator-QVector-lttype-gt QVector<type>() operator operator-const-type--2a const type *() operator!= operator-not-eq ( const Q3MemArray<type> & a ) operator= operator-eq ( const Q3MemArray<type> & a ) operator== operator-eq-eq ( const Q3MemArray<type> & a ) operator[] operator-5b-5d ( int index ) Q3MimeSourceFactory q3mimesourcefactory.html Q3MimeSourceFactory Q3MimeSourceFactory () addFactory addFactory ( Q3MimeSourceFactory * f ) addFilePath addFilePath ( const QString & p ) data data ( const QString & abs_name ) data data-2 ( const QString & abs_or_rel_name, const QString & context ) defaultFactory defaultFactory () filePath filePath () makeAbsolute makeAbsolute ( const QString & abs_or_rel_name, const QString & context ) removeFactory removeFactory ( Q3MimeSourceFactory * f ) setData setData ( const QString & abs_name, QMimeSource * data ) setDefaultFactory setDefaultFactory ( Q3MimeSourceFactory * factory ) setExtensionType setExtensionType ( const QString & ext, const char * mimetype ) setFilePath setFilePath ( const QStringList & path ) setFilePath setFilePath-2 ( const QString & path ) setImage setImage ( const QString & abs_name, const QImage & image ) setPixmap setPixmap ( const QString & abs_name, const QPixmap & pixmap ) setText setText ( const QString & abs_name, const QString & text ) takeDefaultFactory takeDefaultFactory () Q3MultiLineEdit q3multilineedit.html Alignment alignment Q3MultiLineEdit Q3MultiLineEdit ( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 ) autoUpdate autoUpdate () backspace backspace () cursorDown cursorDown ( bool mark = false ) cursorLeft cursorLeft ( bool mark = false, bool wrap = true ) cursorPoint cursorPoint () cursorRight cursorRight ( bool mark = false, bool wrap = true ) cursorUp cursorUp ( bool mark = false ) cursorWordBackward cursorWordBackward ( bool mark ) cursorWordForward cursorWordForward ( bool mark ) deselect deselect () end end ( bool mark = false ) getMarkedRegion getMarkedRegion ( int * line1, int * col1, int * line2, int * col2 ) hasMarkedText hasMarkedText () home home ( bool mark = false ) insertAndMark insertAndMark ( const QString & str, bool mark ) insertAt insertAt-2 ( const QString & s, int line, int col, bool mark ) insertLine insertLine ( const QString & txt, int line = -1 ) killLine killLine () lineLength lineLength ( int row ) markedText markedText () maxLines maxLines () newLine newLine () pageDown pageDown ( bool mark = false ) pageUp pageUp ( bool mark = false ) removeLine removeLine ( int paragraph ) setCursorPosition setCursorPosition-2 ( int line, int col, bool mark ) setMaxLines setMaxLines ( int max ) textLine textLine ( int line ) totalHeight totalHeight () totalWidth totalWidth () Q3NetworkOperation q3networkoperation.html Q3NetworkOperation Q3NetworkOperation ( Q3NetworkProtocol::Operation operation, const QString & arg0, const QString & arg1, const QString & arg2 ) Q3NetworkOperation Q3NetworkOperation-2 ( Q3NetworkProtocol::Operation operation, const QByteArray & arg0, const QByteArray & arg1, const QByteArray & arg2 ) arg arg ( int num ) errorCode errorCode () free free () Operation operation Q3NetworkOperation::operation() protocolDetail protocolDetail () rawArg rawArg ( int num ) setArg setArg ( int num, const QString & arg ) setErrorCode setErrorCode ( int ec ) setProtocolDetail setProtocolDetail ( const QString & detail ) setRawArg setRawArg ( int num, const QByteArray & arg ) setState setState ( Q3NetworkProtocol::State state ) State state Q3NetworkOperation::state() Q3NetworkProtocol q3networkprotocol.html ConnectionState ConnectionState-enum Error Error-enum Operation Operation-enum State State-enum Q3NetworkProtocol Q3NetworkProtocol () addOperation addOperation ( Q3NetworkOperation * op ) autoDelete autoDelete () checkConnection checkConnection ( Q3NetworkOperation * op ) clearOperationQueue clearOperationQueue () connectionStateChanged connectionStateChanged ( int state, const QString & data ) createdDirectory createdDirectory ( const QUrlInfo & i, Q3NetworkOperation * op ) data data ( const QByteArray & data, Q3NetworkOperation * op ) dataTransferProgress dataTransferProgress ( int bytesDone, int bytesTotal, Q3NetworkOperation * op ) finished finished ( Q3NetworkOperation * op ) getNetworkProtocol getNetworkProtocol ( const QString & protocol ) hasOnlyLocalFileSystem hasOnlyLocalFileSystem () itemChanged itemChanged ( Q3NetworkOperation * op ) newChild newChild ( const QUrlInfo & i, Q3NetworkOperation * op ) newChildren newChildren ( const Q3ValueList<QUrlInfo> & i, Q3NetworkOperation * op ) operationGet operationGet ( Q3NetworkOperation * op ) operationInProgress operationInProgress () operationListChildren operationListChildren ( Q3NetworkOperation * op ) operationMkDir operationMkDir ( Q3NetworkOperation * op ) operationPut operationPut ( Q3NetworkOperation * op ) operationRemove operationRemove ( Q3NetworkOperation * op ) operationRename operationRename ( Q3NetworkOperation * op ) registerNetworkProtocol registerNetworkProtocol ( const QString & protocol, Q3NetworkProtocolFactoryBase * protocolFactory ) removed removed ( Q3NetworkOperation * op ) setAutoDelete setAutoDelete ( bool b, int i = 10000 ) setUrl setUrl ( Q3UrlOperator * u ) start start ( Q3NetworkOperation * op ) stop stop () supportedOperations supportedOperations () url url () Q3PaintDeviceMetrics q3paintdevicemetrics.html Q3PaintDeviceMetrics Q3PaintDeviceMetrics ( const QPaintDevice * pd ) depth depth () height height () heightMM heightMM () logicalDpiX logicalDpiX () logicalDpiY logicalDpiY () numColors numColors () width width () widthMM widthMM () Q3Painter q3painter.html Q3Painter Q3Painter () Q3Painter Q3Painter-2 ( QPaintDevice * pdev ) drawArc drawArc ( const QRect & r, int a, int alen ) drawArc drawArc-2 ( int x, int y, int w, int h, int startAngle, int spanAngle ) drawChord drawChord ( const QRect & r, int a, int alen ) drawChord drawChord-2 ( int x, int y, int w, int h, int startAngle, int spanAngle ) drawEllipse drawEllipse ( const QRect & r ) drawEllipse drawEllipse-2 ( int x, int y, int width, int height ) drawPie drawPie ( const QRect & r, int a, int alen ) drawPie drawPie-2 ( int x, int y, int w, int h, int startAngle, int spanAngle ) drawRect drawRect ( const QRect & r ) drawRect drawRect-2 ( int x, int y, int w, int h ) drawRoundRect drawRoundRect ( const QRect & r, int xrnd = 25, int yrnd = 25 ) drawRoundRect drawRoundRect-2 ( int x, int y, int w, int h, int xrnd = 25, int yrnd = 25 ) Q3Picture q3picture.html Q3Picture Q3Picture () Q3Picture Q3Picture-2 ( const QPicture & other ) load load ( QIODevice * device, const char * format = 0 ) load load-2 ( const QString & fileName, const char * format = 0 ) save save ( QIODevice * device, const char * format = 0 ) save save-2 ( const QString & fileName, const char * format = 0 ) Q3PointArray q3pointarray.html Q3PointArray Q3PointArray () Q3PointArray Q3PointArray-2 ( const QRect & r, bool closed = false ) Q3PointArray Q3PointArray-3 ( const QPolygon & other ) copy copy () cubicBezier cubicBezier () isNull isNull () makeArc makeArc ( int x, int y, int w, int h, int a1, int a2 ) makeArc makeArc-2 ( int x, int y, int w, int h, int a1, int a2, const QMatrix & xf ) makeEllipse makeEllipse ( int x, int y, int w, int h ) Q3PopupMenu q3popupmenu.html Q3PopupMenu Q3PopupMenu ( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 ) exec exec () exec exec-2 ( const QPoint & pos, int indexAtPoint = 0 ) Q3Process q3process.html Communication Communication-enum Q3Process Q3Process ( QObject * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 ) Q3Process Q3Process-2 ( const QString & arg0, QObject * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 ) Q3Process Q3Process-3 ( const QStringList & args, QObject * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 ) addArgument addArgument ( const QString & arg ) arguments arguments () canReadLineStderr canReadLineStderr () canReadLineStdout canReadLineStdout () clearArguments clearArguments () closeStdin closeStdin () communication communication () exitStatus exitStatus () isRunning isRunning () kill kill () launch launch ( const QByteArray & buf, QStringList * env = 0 ) launch launch-2 ( const QString & buf, QStringList * env = 0 ) launchFinished launchFinished () normalExit normalExit () processExited processExited () processIdentifier processIdentifier () readLineStderr readLineStderr () readLineStdout readLineStdout () readStderr readStderr () readStdout readStdout () readyReadStderr readyReadStderr () readyReadStdout readyReadStdout () setArguments setArguments ( const QStringList & args ) setCommunication setCommunication ( int commFlags ) setWorkingDirectory setWorkingDirectory ( const QDir & dir ) start start ( QStringList * env = 0 ) tryTerminate tryTerminate () workingDirectory workingDirectory () writeToStdin writeToStdin ( const QByteArray & buf ) writeToStdin writeToStdin-2 ( const QString & buf ) wroteToStdin wroteToStdin () Q3ProgressBar Q3ProgressBar ( QWidget * parent, const char * name, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) Q3ProgressBar Q3ProgressBar-2 ( int totalSteps, QWidget * parent, const char * name, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) Q3ProgressBar q3progressbar.html Q3ProgressBar Q3ProgressBar-3 ( QWidget * parent = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) Q3ProgressBar Q3ProgressBar-4 ( int totalSteps, QWidget * parent = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) reset reset () setIndicator setIndicator ( QString & indicator, int progress, int totalSteps ) Q3ProgressDialog Q3ProgressDialog ( QWidget * creator, const char * name, bool modal = false, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) Q3ProgressDialog Q3ProgressDialog-2 ( const QString & labelText, const QString & cancelButtonText, int totalSteps, QWidget * creator = 0, const char * name = 0, bool modal = false, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) Q3ProgressDialog q3progressdialog.html Q3ProgressDialog Q3ProgressDialog-3 ( QWidget * creator = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) Q3ProgressDialog Q3ProgressDialog-4 ( const QString & labelText, const QString & cancelButtonText, int totalSteps, QWidget * creator = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) cancel cancel () canceled canceled () forceShow forceShow () reset reset () setBar setBar ( Q3ProgressBar * bar ) setCancelButton setCancelButton ( QPushButton * cancelButton ) setCancelButtonText setCancelButtonText ( const QString & cancelButtonText ) setLabel setLabel ( QLabel * label ) sizeHint sizeHint () Q3PtrCollection q3ptrcollection.html Item Item-typedef Q3PtrCollection Q3PtrCollection () Q3PtrCollection Q3PtrCollection-2 ( const Q3PtrCollection & source ) autoDelete autoDelete () clear clear () count count () deleteItem deleteItem ( Item d ) newItem newItem ( Item d ) setAutoDelete setAutoDelete ( bool enable ) Q3PtrDict q3ptrdict.html Q3PtrDict Q3PtrDict ( int size = 17 ) Q3PtrDict Q3PtrDict-2 ( const Q3PtrDict<type> & dict ) clear clear () count count () find find ( void * key ) insert insert ( void * key, const type * item ) isEmpty isEmpty () read read ( QDataStream & s, Q3PtrCollection::Item & item ) remove remove ( void * key ) replace replace ( void * key, const type * item ) resize resize ( uint newsize ) size size () statistics statistics () take take ( void * key ) write write ( QDataStream & s, Q3PtrCollection::Item item ) operator= operator-eq ( const Q3PtrDict<type> & dict ) operator[] operator-5b-5d ( void * key ) Q3PtrDictIterator q3ptrdictiterator.html Q3PtrDictIterator Q3PtrDictIterator ( const Q3PtrDict<type> & dict ) count count () current current () currentKey currentKey () isEmpty isEmpty () toFirst toFirst () operator operator-type--2a type *() operator() operator-28-29 () operator++ operator-2b-2b () operator+= operator-2b-eq ( uint jump ) Q3PtrList q3ptrlist.html Q3PtrList Q3PtrList () Q3PtrList Q3PtrList-2 ( const Q3PtrList<type> & list ) append append ( const type * item ) at at ( uint index ) at at-2 () clear clear () compareItems compareItems ( Q3PtrCollection::Item item1, Q3PtrCollection::Item item2 ) contains contains ( const type * item ) containsRef containsRef ( const type * item ) count count () current current () currentNode currentNode () find find ( const type * item ) findNext findNext ( const type * item ) findNextRef findNextRef ( const type * item ) findRef findRef ( const type * item ) first first () getFirst getFirst () getLast getLast () inSort inSort ( const type * item ) insert insert ( uint index, const type * item ) isEmpty isEmpty () last last () next next () prepend prepend ( const type * item ) prev prev () read read ( QDataStream & s, Q3PtrCollection::Item & item ) remove remove ( uint index ) remove remove-2 () remove remove-3 ( const type * item ) removeFirst removeFirst () removeLast removeLast () removeNode removeNode ( Q3LNode * node ) removeRef removeRef ( const type * item ) replace replace ( uint index, const type * item ) sort sort () take take ( uint index ) take take-2 () takeNode takeNode ( Q3LNode * node ) toVector toVector ( Q3GVector * vec ) write write ( QDataStream & s, Q3PtrCollection::Item item ) operator!= operator-not-eq ( const Q3PtrList<type> & list ) operator= operator-eq ( const Q3PtrList<type> & list ) operator== operator-eq-eq ( const Q3PtrList<type> & list ) Q3PtrListIterator q3ptrlistiterator.html Q3PtrListIterator Q3PtrListIterator ( const Q3PtrList<type> & list ) atFirst atFirst () atLast atLast () count count () current current () isEmpty isEmpty () toFirst toFirst () toLast toLast () operator operator-type--2a type *() operator() operator-28-29 () operator* operator-2a () operator++ operator-2b-2b () operator+= operator-2b-eq ( uint jump ) operator-- operator-- () operator-= operator--eq ( uint jump ) operator= operator-eq ( const Q3PtrListIterator<type> & it ) Q3PtrQueue q3ptrqueue.html Q3PtrQueue Q3PtrQueue () Q3PtrQueue Q3PtrQueue-2 ( const Q3PtrQueue<type> & queue ) autoDelete autoDelete () clear clear () count count () current current () dequeue dequeue () enqueue enqueue ( const type * d ) head head () isEmpty isEmpty () read read ( QDataStream & s, Q3PtrCollection::Item & item ) remove remove () setAutoDelete setAutoDelete ( bool enable ) write write ( QDataStream & s, Q3PtrCollection::Item item ) operator operator-type--2a type *() operator= operator-eq ( const Q3PtrQueue<type> & queue ) Q3PtrStack q3ptrstack.html Q3PtrStack Q3PtrStack () Q3PtrStack Q3PtrStack-2 ( const Q3PtrStack<type> & s ) autoDelete autoDelete () clear clear () count count () current current () isEmpty isEmpty () pop pop () push push ( const type * d ) read read ( QDataStream & s, Q3PtrCollection::Item & item ) remove remove () setAutoDelete setAutoDelete ( bool enable ) top top () write write ( QDataStream & s, Q3PtrCollection::Item item ) operator operator-type--2a type *() operator= operator-eq ( const Q3PtrStack<type> & s ) Q3PtrVector q3ptrvector.html Q3PtrVector Q3PtrVector () Q3PtrVector Q3PtrVector-2 ( uint size ) Q3PtrVector Q3PtrVector-3 ( const Q3PtrVector<type> & v ) at at ( uint i ) bsearch bsearch ( const type * d ) clear clear () compareItems compareItems ( Q3PtrCollection::Item d1, Q3PtrCollection::Item d2 ) contains contains ( const type * d ) containsRef containsRef ( const type * d ) count count () data data () fill fill ( const type * d, int size = -1 ) find find ( const type * d, uint i = 0 ) findRef findRef ( const type * d, uint i = 0 ) insert insert ( uint i, const type * d ) isEmpty isEmpty () isNull isNull () read read ( QDataStream & s, Q3PtrCollection::Item & item ) remove remove ( uint i ) resize resize ( uint size ) size size () sort sort () take take ( uint i ) write write ( QDataStream & s, Q3PtrCollection::Item item ) operator= operator-eq ( const Q3PtrVector<type> & v ) operator== operator-eq-eq ( const Q3PtrVector<type> & v ) operator[] operator-5b-5d ( int i ) Q3RangeControl q3rangecontrol.html Q3RangeControl Q3RangeControl () Q3RangeControl Q3RangeControl-2 ( int minValue, int maxValue, int lineStep, int pageStep, int value ) addLine addLine () addPage addPage () bound bound ( int v ) directSetValue directSetValue ( int value ) lineStep lineStep () maxValue maxValue () minValue minValue () pageStep pageStep () positionFromValue positionFromValue ( int logical_val, int span ) prevValue prevValue () rangeChange rangeChange () setMaxValue setMaxValue ( int maxVal ) setMinValue setMinValue ( int minVal ) setRange setRange ( int minValue, int maxValue ) setSteps setSteps ( int lineStep, int pageStep ) setValue setValue ( int value ) stepChange stepChange () subtractLine subtractLine () subtractPage subtractPage () value value () valueChange valueChange () valueFromPosition valueFromPosition ( int pos, int span ) childIsVisible childIsVisible ( QWidget * child ) showChild showChild ( QWidget * child, bool y = true ) Q3ScrollView q3scrollview.html ResizePolicy ResizePolicy-enum ScrollBarMode ScrollBarMode-enum Q3ScrollView Q3ScrollView ( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) addChild addChild ( QWidget * child, int x = 0, int y = 0 ) bottomMargin bottomMargin () center center ( int x, int y ) center center-2 ( int x, int y, float xmargin, float ymargin ) childX childX ( QWidget * child ) childY childY ( QWidget * child ) clipper clipper () contentsContextMenuEvent contentsContextMenuEvent ( QContextMenuEvent * e ) contentsDragEnterEvent contentsDragEnterEvent ( QDragEnterEvent * event ) contentsDragLeaveEvent contentsDragLeaveEvent ( QDragLeaveEvent * event ) contentsDragMoveEvent contentsDragMoveEvent ( QDragMoveEvent * event ) contentsDropEvent contentsDropEvent ( QDropEvent * event ) contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent ( QMouseEvent * e ) contentsMouseMoveEvent contentsMouseMoveEvent ( QMouseEvent * e ) contentsMousePressEvent contentsMousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent * e ) contentsMouseReleaseEvent contentsMouseReleaseEvent ( QMouseEvent * e ) contentsMoving contentsMoving ( int x, int y ) contentsToViewport contentsToViewport ( int x, int y, int & vx, int & vy ) contentsToViewport contentsToViewport-2 ( const QPoint & p ) contentsWheelEvent contentsWheelEvent ( QWheelEvent * e ) cornerWidget cornerWidget () drawContents drawContents ( QPainter * p, int clipx, int clipy, int clipw, int cliph ) drawContentsOffset drawContentsOffset ( QPainter * p, int offsetx, int offsety, int clipx, int clipy, int clipw, int cliph ) enableClipper enableClipper ( bool y ) ensureVisible ensureVisible ( int x, int y ) ensureVisible ensureVisible-2 ( int x, int y, int xmargin, int ymargin ) eventFilter eventFilter ( QObject * obj, QEvent * e ) hasStaticBackground hasStaticBackground () horizontalScrollBar horizontalScrollBar () horizontalSliderPressed horizontalSliderPressed () horizontalSliderReleased horizontalSliderReleased () isHorizontalSliderPressed isHorizontalSliderPressed () isVerticalSliderPressed isVerticalSliderPressed () leftMargin leftMargin () moveChild moveChild ( QWidget * child, int x, int y ) removeChild removeChild ( QWidget * child ) repaintContents repaintContents ( int x, int y, int w, int h, bool erase = true ) repaintContents repaintContents-2 ( const QRect & r, bool erase = true ) repaintContents repaintContents-3 ( bool erase = true ) resizeContents resizeContents ( int w, int h ) rightMargin rightMargin () scrollBy scrollBy ( int dx, int dy ) setContentsPos setContentsPos ( int x, int y ) setCornerWidget setCornerWidget ( QWidget * corner ) setHBarGeometry setHBarGeometry ( QScrollBar & hbar, int x, int y, int w, int h ) setMargins setMargins ( int left, int top, int right, int bottom ) setStaticBackground setStaticBackground ( bool y ) setVBarGeometry setVBarGeometry ( QScrollBar & vbar, int x, int y, int w, int h ) topMargin topMargin () updateContents updateContents ( int x, int y, int w, int h ) updateContents updateContents-2 ( const QRect & r ) updateContents updateContents-3 () updateScrollBars updateScrollBars () verticalScrollBar verticalScrollBar () verticalSliderPressed verticalSliderPressed () verticalSliderReleased verticalSliderReleased () viewport viewport () viewportPaintEvent viewportPaintEvent ( QPaintEvent * pe ) viewportResizeEvent viewportResizeEvent ( QResizeEvent * event ) viewportSize viewportSize ( int x, int y ) viewportToContents viewportToContents ( int vx, int vy, int & x, int & y ) viewportToContents viewportToContents-2 ( const QPoint & vp ) Q3Semaphore q3semaphore.html Q3Semaphore Q3Semaphore ( int maxcount ) available available () total total () tryAccess tryAccess ( int n ) operator++ operator-2b-2b ( int ) operator+= operator-2b-eq ( int n ) operator-- operator-- ( int ) operator-= operator--eq ( int n ) Q3ServerSocket q3serversocket.html Q3ServerSocket Q3ServerSocket ( Q_UINT16 port, int backlog = 1, QObject * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 ) Q3ServerSocket Q3ServerSocket-2 ( const QHostAddress & address, Q_UINT16 port, int backlog = 1, QObject * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 ) Q3ServerSocket Q3ServerSocket-3 ( QObject * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 ) address address () newConnection newConnection ( int socket ) ok ok () port port () setSocket setSocket ( int socket ) socket socket () socketDevice socketDevice () Q3Shared q3shared.html Q3Shared Q3Shared () deref deref () ref ref () block block ( bool b ) isBlocked isBlocked () parameter parameter () setParameter setParameter ( int value ) Q3Signal q3signal.html Q3Signal Q3Signal ( QObject * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 ) activate activate () connect connect ( const QObject * receiver, const char * member ) disconnect disconnect ( const QObject * receiver, const char * member = 0 ) setValue setValue ( const QVariant & value ) value value () Q3SimpleRichText q3simplerichtext.html Q3SimpleRichText Q3SimpleRichText ( const QString & text, const QFont & fnt, const QString & context = QString() Q3SimpleRichText Q3SimpleRichText-2 ( const QString & text, const QFont & fnt, const QString & context, const Q3StyleSheet * sheet, const Q3MimeSourceFactory * factory, int pageBreak = -1, const QColor & linkColor = Qt::blue, bool linkUnderline = true ) adjustSize adjustSize () anchorAt anchorAt ( const QPoint & pos ) context context () draw draw ( QPainter * p, int x, int y, const QRect & clipRect, const QPalette & pal, const QBrush * paper = 0 ) draw draw-2 ( QPainter * p, int x, int y, const QRegion & clipRegion, const QPalette & pal, const QBrush * paper = 0 ) height height () inText inText ( const QPoint & pos ) setDefaultFont setDefaultFont ( const QFont & f ) setWidth setWidth ( QPainter * p, int w ) setWidth setWidth-2 ( int w ) width width () widthUsed widthUsed () Q3Socket q3socket.html Error Error-enum State State-enum Q3Socket Q3Socket ( QObject * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 ) address address () at at () at at-2 ( Offset index ) atEnd atEnd () bytesAvailable bytesAvailable () bytesToWrite bytesToWrite () bytesWritten bytesWritten ( int nbytes ) canReadLine canReadLine () clearPendingData clearPendingData () close close () connectToHost connectToHost ( const QString & host, Q_UINT16 port ) connected connected () connectionClosed connectionClosed () delayedCloseFinished delayedCloseFinished () error error ( int error ) flush flush () getch getch () hostFound hostFound () open open ( int m ) peerAddress peerAddress () peerName peerName () peerPort peerPort () port port () putch putch ( int ch ) readBufferSize readBufferSize () readData readData ( char * data, qint64 maxlen ) readyRead readyRead () setReadBufferSize setReadBufferSize ( Q_ULONG bufSize ) setSocket setSocket ( int socket ) setSocketDevice setSocketDevice ( Q3SocketDevice * device ) size size () socket socket () socketDevice socketDevice () state state () ungetch ungetch ( int ch ) waitForMore waitForMore ( int msecs, bool * timeout ) waitForMore waitForMore-2 ( int msecs ) writeData writeData ( const char * data, qint64 len ) Q3SocketDevice q3socketdevice.html Error Error-enum Protocol Protocol-enum Type Type-enum Q3SocketDevice Q3SocketDevice ( Type type = Stream ) Q3SocketDevice Q3SocketDevice-2 ( Type type, Protocol protocol, int dummy ) Q3SocketDevice Q3SocketDevice-3 ( int socket, Type type ) accept accept () address address () addressReusable addressReusable () at at () at at-2 ( Offset offset ) bind bind ( const QHostAddress & address, Q_UINT16 port ) blocking blocking () bytesAvailable bytesAvailable () connect connect ( const QHostAddress & addr, Q_UINT16 port ) error error () isValid isValid () listen listen ( int backlog ) open open ( int mode ) peerAddress peerAddress () peerPort peerPort () port port () protocol protocol () readBlock readBlock ( char * data, Q_ULONG maxlen ) readData readData ( char * data, qint64 maxlen ) receiveBufferSize receiveBufferSize () sendBufferSize sendBufferSize () setAddressReusable setAddressReusable ( bool enable ) setBlocking setBlocking ( bool enable ) setError setError ( Error err ) setReceiveBufferSize setReceiveBufferSize ( uint size ) setSendBufferSize setSendBufferSize ( uint size ) setSocket setSocket ( int socket, Type type ) socket socket () type type () waitForMore waitForMore ( int msecs, bool * timeout = 0 ) writeBlock writeBlock ( const char * data, Q_ULONG len ) writeBlock writeBlock-2 ( const char * data, Q_ULONG len, const QHostAddress & host, Q_UINT16 port ) writeData writeData ( const char * data, qint64 len ) Q3SqlCursor q3sqlcursor.html Mode Mode-enum Q3SqlCursor Q3SqlCursor ( const QString & name = QString() Q3SqlCursor Q3SqlCursor-2 ( const Q3SqlCursor & other ) append append ( const Q3SqlFieldInfo & fieldInfo ) calculateField calculateField ( const QString & name ) canDelete canDelete () canInsert canInsert () canUpdate canUpdate () clear clear () del del ( bool invalidate = true ) del del-2 ( const QString & filter, bool invalidate = true ) editBuffer editBuffer ( bool copy = false ) exec exec ( const QString & sql ) filter filter () index index ( const QStringList & fieldNames ) index index-2 ( const QString & fieldName ) insert insert ( int pos, const Q3SqlFieldInfo & fieldInfo ) insert insert-2 ( bool invalidate = true ) isCalculated isCalculated ( const QString & name ) isNull isNull ( int i ) isNull isNull-2 ( const QString & name ) isReadOnly isReadOnly () isTrimmed isTrimmed ( const QString & name ) mode mode () name name () previous previous () primaryIndex primaryIndex ( bool setFromCursor = true ) primeDelete primeDelete () primeInsert primeInsert () primeUpdate primeUpdate () remove remove ( int pos ) select select ( const QString & filter, const QSqlIndex & sort = QSqlIndex() select select-2 () select select-3 ( const QSqlIndex & sort ) select select-4 ( const QSqlIndex & filter, const QSqlIndex & sort ) setCalculated setCalculated ( const QString & name, bool calculated ) setFilter setFilter ( const QString & filter ) setGenerated setGenerated ( const QString & name, bool generated ) setGenerated setGenerated-2 ( int i, bool generated ) setMode setMode ( int mode ) setName setName ( const QString & name, bool autopopulate = true ) setPrimaryIndex setPrimaryIndex ( const QSqlIndex & idx ) setSort setSort ( const QSqlIndex & sort ) setTrimmed setTrimmed ( const QString & name, bool trim ) setValue setValue-2 ( const QString & name, const QVariant & val ) sort sort () toString toString-2 ( QSqlRecord * rec, const QString & prefix, const QString & fieldSep, const QString & sep ) toString toString-3 ( const QString & prefix, QSqlField * field, const QString & fieldSep ) toString toString-4 ( const QSqlIndex & i, QSqlRecord * rec, const QString & prefix, const QString & fieldSep, const QString & sep ) update update ( bool invalidate = true ) update update-2 ( const QString & filter, bool invalidate = true ) value value ( int i ) value value-2 ( const QString & name ) operator= operator-eq ( const Q3SqlCursor & other ) Q3SqlEditorFactory q3sqleditorfactory.html Q3SqlEditorFactory Q3SqlEditorFactory ( QObject * parent = 0 ) createEditor createEditor ( QWidget * parent, const QVariant & variant ) createEditor createEditor-2 ( QWidget * parent, const QSqlField * field ) defaultFactory defaultFactory () installDefaultFactory installDefaultFactory ( Q3SqlEditorFactory * factory ) Q3SqlFieldInfo q3sqlfieldinfo.html Q3SqlFieldInfo Q3SqlFieldInfo ( const QString & name = QString() Q3SqlFieldInfo Q3SqlFieldInfo-2 ( const QSqlField & other ) defaultValue defaultValue () isCalculated isCalculated () isGenerated isGenerated () isRequired isRequired () isTrim isTrim () length length () name name () precision precision () setCalculated setCalculated ( bool calculated ) setGenerated setGenerated ( bool generated ) setTrim setTrim ( bool trim ) toField toField () Type type Q3SqlFieldInfo::type() typeID typeID () operator== operator-eq-eq ( const Q3SqlFieldInfo & other ) Q3SqlForm q3sqlform.html Q3SqlForm Q3SqlForm ( QObject * parent = 0 ) clear clear () clearValues clearValues () count count () fieldToWidget fieldToWidget ( QSqlField * field ) insert insert ( QWidget * widget, const QString & field ) insert insert-2 ( QWidget * widget, QSqlField * field ) installPropertyMap installPropertyMap ( Q3SqlPropertyMap * pmap ) readField readField ( QWidget * widget ) readFields readFields () remove remove ( QWidget * widget ) remove remove-2 ( const QString & field ) setRecord setRecord ( QSqlRecord * buf ) widget widget ( int i ) widgetToField widgetToField ( QWidget * widget ) writeField writeField ( QWidget * widget ) writeFields writeFields () Q3SqlPropertyMap q3sqlpropertymap.html Q3SqlPropertyMap Q3SqlPropertyMap () defaultMap defaultMap () insert insert ( const QString & classname, const QString & property ) installDefaultMap installDefaultMap ( Q3SqlPropertyMap * map ) property property ( QWidget * widget ) remove remove ( const QString & classname ) setProperty setProperty ( QWidget * widget, const QVariant & value ) Q3SqlRecordInfo q3sqlrecordinfo.html Q3SqlRecordInfo Q3SqlRecordInfo () Q3SqlRecordInfo Q3SqlRecordInfo-2 ( const Q3SqlFieldInfoList & other ) Q3SqlRecordInfo Q3SqlRecordInfo-3 ( const QSqlRecord & other ) contains contains ( const QString & fieldName ) find find ( const QString & fieldName ) toRecord toRecord () Q3SqlSelectCursor q3sqlselectcursor.html Q3SqlSelectCursor Q3SqlSelectCursor ( const QString & query = QString() Q3SqlSelectCursor Q3SqlSelectCursor-2 ( const Q3SqlSelectCursor & other ) Q3StoredDrag q3storeddrag.html Q3StoredDrag Q3StoredDrag ( const char * mimeType, QWidget * dragSource = 0, const char * name = 0 ) encodedData encodedData ( const char * format ) setEncodedData setEncodedData ( const QByteArray & data ) Q3StrIList q3strilist.html Q3StrIList Q3StrIList ( bool deepCopies = true ) Q3StrList q3strlist.html Q3StrList Q3StrList ( bool deepCopies = true ) Q3StrList Q3StrList-2 ( const Q3StrList & list ) Q3StrList Q3StrList-3 ( const QList<QByteArray> & list ) operator operator-QList-ltQByteArray-gt QList<QByteArray>() operator= operator-eq ( const Q3StrList & list ) operator= operator-eq-2 ( const QList<QByteArray> & list ) Q3StrListIterator q3strlistiterator.html Q3StyleSheet q3stylesheet.html Q3StyleSheet Q3StyleSheet ( QObject * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 ) convertFromPlainText convertFromPlainText ( const QString & plain, Q3StyleSheetItem::WhiteSpaceMode mode = Q3StyleSheetItem::WhiteSpacePre ) defaultSheet defaultSheet () error error ( const QString & msg ) escape escape ( const QString & plain ) item item ( const QString & name ) item item-2 ( const QString & name ) mightBeRichText mightBeRichText ( const QString & text ) scaleFont scaleFont ( QFont & font, int logicalSize ) setDefaultSheet setDefaultSheet ( Q3StyleSheet * sheet ) Q3StyleSheetItem q3stylesheetitem.html DisplayMode DisplayMode-enum ListStyle ListStyle-enum Margin Margin-enum VerticalAlignment VerticalAlignment-enum WhiteSpaceMode WhiteSpaceMode-enum Q3StyleSheetItem Q3StyleSheetItem ( Q3StyleSheet * parent, const QString & name ) Q3StyleSheetItem Q3StyleSheetItem-2 ( const Q3StyleSheetItem & other ) alignment alignment () allowedInContext allowedInContext ( const Q3StyleSheetItem * s ) color color () contexts contexts () definesFontItalic definesFontItalic () definesFontStrikeOut definesFontStrikeOut () definesFontUnderline definesFontUnderline () displayMode displayMode () fontFamily fontFamily () fontItalic fontItalic () fontSize fontSize () fontStrikeOut fontStrikeOut () fontUnderline fontUnderline () fontWeight fontWeight () isAnchor isAnchor () lineSpacing lineSpacing () listStyle listStyle () logicalFontSize logicalFontSize () logicalFontSizeStep logicalFontSizeStep () margin margin ( Margin m ) name name () numberOfColumns numberOfColumns () selfNesting selfNesting () setAlignment setAlignment ( int f ) setAnchor setAnchor ( bool anc ) setColor setColor ( const QColor & c ) setContexts setContexts ( const QString & c ) setDisplayMode setDisplayMode ( DisplayMode m ) setFontFamily setFontFamily ( const QString & fam ) setFontItalic setFontItalic ( bool italic ) setFontSize setFontSize ( int s ) setFontStrikeOut setFontStrikeOut ( bool strikeOut ) setFontUnderline setFontUnderline ( bool underline ) setFontWeight setFontWeight ( int w ) setListStyle setListStyle ( ListStyle s ) setLogicalFontSize setLogicalFontSize ( int s ) setLogicalFontSizeStep setLogicalFontSizeStep ( int s ) setMargin setMargin ( Margin m, int v ) setNumberOfColumns setNumberOfColumns ( int ncols ) setSelfNesting setSelfNesting ( bool nesting ) setVerticalAlignment setVerticalAlignment ( VerticalAlignment valign ) setWhiteSpaceMode setWhiteSpaceMode ( WhiteSpaceMode m ) styleSheet styleSheet () styleSheet styleSheet-2 () verticalAlignment verticalAlignment () whiteSpaceMode whiteSpaceMode () operator= operator-eq ( const Q3StyleSheetItem & other ) Q3SyntaxHighlighter q3syntaxhighlighter.html Q3SyntaxHighlighter Q3SyntaxHighlighter ( Q3TextEdit * textEdit ) currentParagraph currentParagraph () highlightParagraph highlightParagraph ( const QString & text, int endStateOfLastPara ) rehighlight rehighlight () setFormat setFormat ( int start, int count, const QFont & font, const QColor & color ) setFormat setFormat-2 ( int start, int count, const QColor & color ) setFormat setFormat-3 ( int start, int count, const QFont & font ) textEdit textEdit () isTabEnabled isTabEnabled-2 ( const char * name ) setTabEnabled setTabEnabled-2 ( const char * name, bool enable ) Q3TabDialog q3tabdialog.html Q3TabDialog Q3TabDialog ( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, bool modal = false, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) aboutToShow aboutToShow () addTab addTab ( QWidget * child, const QString & label ) addTab addTab-2 ( QWidget * child, const QIcon & iconset, const QString & label ) applyButtonPressed applyButtonPressed () cancelButtonPressed cancelButtonPressed () changeTab changeTab ( QWidget * w, const QIcon & iconset, const QString & label ) changeTab changeTab-2 ( QWidget * w, const QString & label ) currentChanged currentChanged ( QWidget * widget ) currentPage currentPage () defaultButtonPressed defaultButtonPressed () hasApplyButton hasApplyButton () hasCancelButton hasCancelButton () hasDefaultButton hasDefaultButton () hasHelpButton hasHelpButton () hasOkButton hasOkButton () helpButtonPressed helpButtonPressed () insertTab insertTab ( QWidget * child, const QString & label, int index = -1 ) insertTab insertTab-2 ( QWidget * child, const QIcon & iconset, const QString & label, int index = -1 ) isTabEnabled isTabEnabled ( QWidget * w ) removePage removePage ( QWidget * w ) selected selected ( const QString & name ) setApplyButton setApplyButton ( const QString & text ) setApplyButton setApplyButton-2 () setCancelButton setCancelButton ( const QString & text ) setCancelButton setCancelButton-2 () setDefaultButton setDefaultButton ( const QString & text ) setDefaultButton setDefaultButton-2 () setFont setFont ( const QFont & font ) setHelpButton setHelpButton ( const QString & text ) setHelpButton setHelpButton-2 () setOkButton setOkButton ( const QString & text ) setOkButton setOkButton-2 () setTabBar setTabBar ( QTabBar * tb ) setTabEnabled setTabEnabled ( QWidget * w, bool enable ) showPage showPage ( QWidget * w ) tabBar tabBar () tabLabel tabLabel ( QWidget * w ) Q3Table q3table.html EditMode EditMode-enum FocusStyle FocusStyle-enum SelectionMode SelectionMode-enum Q3Table Q3Table ( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 ) Q3Table Q3Table-2 ( int numRows, int numCols, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 ) activateNextCell activateNextCell () addSelection addSelection ( const Q3TableSelection & s ) adjustColumn adjustColumn ( int col ) adjustRow adjustRow ( int row ) beginEdit beginEdit ( int row, int col, bool replace ) cellGeometry cellGeometry ( int row, int col ) cellRect cellRect ( int row, int col ) cellWidget cellWidget ( int row, int col ) clearCell clearCell ( int row, int col ) clearCellWidget clearCellWidget ( int row, int col ) clearSelection clearSelection ( bool repaint = true ) clicked clicked ( int row, int col, int button, const QPoint & mousePos ) columnAt columnAt ( int x ) columnClicked columnClicked ( int col ) columnIndexChanged columnIndexChanged ( int section, int fromIndex, int toIndex ) columnPos columnPos ( int col ) columnWidth columnWidth ( int col ) columnWidthChanged columnWidthChanged ( int col ) contentsDragEnterEvent contentsDragEnterEvent ( QDragEnterEvent * e ) contentsDragLeaveEvent contentsDragLeaveEvent ( QDragLeaveEvent * e ) contentsDragMoveEvent contentsDragMoveEvent ( QDragMoveEvent * e ) contentsDropEvent contentsDropEvent ( QDropEvent * e ) contextMenuRequested contextMenuRequested ( int row, int col, const QPoint & pos ) createEditor createEditor ( int row, int col, bool initFromCell ) currEditCol currEditCol () currEditRow currEditRow () currentChanged currentChanged ( int row, int col ) currentColumn currentColumn () currentRow currentRow () currentSelection currentSelection () doubleClicked doubleClicked ( int row, int col, int button, const QPoint & mousePos ) dragEnabled dragEnabled () dragObject dragObject () drawContents drawContents ( QPainter * p, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch ) dropped dropped ( QDropEvent * e ) editCell editCell ( int row, int col, bool replace = false ) editMode editMode () endEdit endEdit ( int row, int col, bool accept, bool replace ) ensureCellVisible ensureCellVisible ( int row, int col ) hideColumn hideColumn ( int col ) hideRow hideRow ( int row ) horizontalHeader horizontalHeader () indexOf indexOf ( int row, int col ) insertColumns insertColumns ( int col, int count = 1 ) insertRows insertRows ( int row, int count = 1 ) insertWidget insertWidget ( int row, int col, QWidget * w ) isColumnHidden isColumnHidden ( int col ) isColumnReadOnly isColumnReadOnly ( int col ) isColumnSelected isColumnSelected ( int col, bool full = false ) isColumnStretchable isColumnStretchable ( int col ) isEditing isEditing () isRowHidden isRowHidden ( int row ) isRowReadOnly isRowReadOnly ( int row ) isRowSelected isRowSelected ( int row, bool full = false ) isRowStretchable isRowStretchable ( int row ) isSelected isSelected ( int row, int col ) item item ( int row, int col ) paintCell paintCell ( QPainter * p, int row, int col, const QRect & cr, bool selected, const QColorGroup & cg ) paintCell paintCell-2 ( QPainter * p, int row, int col, const QRect & cr, bool selected ) paintEmptyArea paintEmptyArea ( QPainter * p, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch ) paintFocus paintFocus ( QPainter * p, const QRect & cr ) pixmap pixmap ( int row, int col ) pressed pressed ( int row, int col, int button, const QPoint & mousePos ) removeColumn removeColumn ( int col ) removeColumns removeColumns ( const Q3MemArray<int> & cols ) removeRow removeRow ( int row ) removeRows removeRows ( const Q3MemArray<int> & rows ) removeSelection removeSelection ( const Q3TableSelection & s ) removeSelection removeSelection-2 ( int num ) repaintSelections repaintSelections () resizeData resizeData ( int len ) rowAt rowAt ( int y ) rowHeight rowHeight ( int row ) rowHeightChanged rowHeightChanged ( int row ) rowIndexChanged rowIndexChanged ( int section, int fromIndex, int toIndex ) rowPos rowPos ( int row ) selectCells selectCells ( int start_row, int start_col, int end_row, int end_col ) selectColumn selectColumn ( int col ) selectRow selectRow ( int row ) selection selection ( int num ) selectionChanged selectionChanged () setCellContentFromEditor setCellContentFromEditor ( int row, int col ) setCellWidget setCellWidget ( int row, int col, QWidget * e ) setColumnLabels setColumnLabels ( const QStringList & labels ) setColumnReadOnly setColumnReadOnly ( int col, bool ro ) setColumnStretchable setColumnStretchable ( int col, bool stretch ) setColumnWidth setColumnWidth ( int col, int w ) setCurrentCell setCurrentCell ( int row, int col ) setDragEnabled setDragEnabled ( bool b ) setEditMode setEditMode ( EditMode mode, int row, int col ) setItem setItem ( int row, int col, Q3TableItem * item ) setLeftMargin setLeftMargin ( int m ) setPixmap setPixmap ( int row, int col, const QPixmap & pix ) setRowHeight setRowHeight ( int row, int h ) setRowLabels setRowLabels ( const QStringList & labels ) setRowReadOnly setRowReadOnly ( int row, bool ro ) setRowStretchable setRowStretchable ( int row, bool stretch ) setText setText ( int row, int col, const QString & text ) setTopMargin setTopMargin ( int m ) showColumn showColumn ( int col ) showRow showRow ( int row ) sortColumn sortColumn ( int col, bool ascending = true, bool wholeRows = false ) startDrag startDrag () swapCells swapCells ( int row1, int col1, int row2, int col2 ) swapColumns swapColumns ( int col1, int col2, bool swapHeader = false ) swapRows swapRows ( int row1, int row2, bool swapHeader = false ) takeItem takeItem ( Q3TableItem * i ) text text ( int row, int col ) updateCell updateCell ( int row, int col ) updateHeaderStates updateHeaderStates () valueChanged valueChanged ( int row, int col ) verticalHeader verticalHeader () Q3TableItem q3tableitem.html EditType EditType-enum Q3TableItem Q3TableItem ( Q3Table * table, EditType et ) Q3TableItem Q3TableItem-2 ( Q3Table * table, EditType et, const QString & text ) Q3TableItem Q3TableItem-3 ( Q3Table * table, EditType et, const QString & text, const QPixmap & p ) alignment alignment () col col () colSpan colSpan () createEditor createEditor () editType editType () isEnabled isEnabled () isReplaceable isReplaceable () key key () paint paint ( QPainter * p, const QColorGroup & cg, const QRect & cr, bool selected ) pixmap pixmap () row row () rowSpan rowSpan () rtti rtti () setCol setCol ( int c ) setContentFromEditor setContentFromEditor ( QWidget * w ) setEnabled setEnabled ( bool b ) setPixmap setPixmap ( const QPixmap & p ) setReplaceable setReplaceable ( bool b ) setRow setRow ( int r ) setSpan setSpan ( int rs, int cs ) setText setText ( const QString & str ) setWordWrap setWordWrap ( bool b ) sizeHint sizeHint () table table () text text () wordWrap wordWrap () Q3TableSelection q3tableselection.html Q3TableSelection Q3TableSelection () Q3TableSelection Q3TableSelection-2 ( int start_row, int start_col, int end_row, int end_col ) anchorCol anchorCol () anchorRow anchorRow () bottomRow bottomRow () expandTo expandTo ( int row, int col ) init init ( int row, int col ) isActive isActive () isEmpty isEmpty () leftCol leftCol () numCols numCols () numRows numRows () rightCol rightCol () topRow topRow () operator!= operator-not-eq ( const Q3TableSelection & s ) operator== operator-eq-eq ( const Q3TableSelection & s ) Q3TextBrowser q3textbrowser.html Q3TextBrowser Q3TextBrowser ( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 ) anchorClicked anchorClicked ( const QString & name, const QString & link ) backward backward () backwardAvailable backwardAvailable ( bool available ) forward forward () forwardAvailable forwardAvailable ( bool available ) highlighted highlighted ( const QString & link ) home home () keyPressEvent keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * e ) linkClicked linkClicked ( const QString & link ) reload reload () setText setText-2 ( const QString & txt ) sourceChanged sourceChanged ( const QString & src ) Q3TextDrag q3textdrag.html Q3TextDrag Q3TextDrag ( const QString & text, QWidget * dragSource = 0, const char * name = 0 ) Q3TextDrag Q3TextDrag-2 ( QWidget * dragSource = 0, const char * name = 0 ) canDecode canDecode ( const QMimeSource * source ) decode decode ( const QMimeSource * source, QString & string ) decode decode-2 ( const QMimeSource * source, QString & string, QString & subtype ) setSubtype setSubtype ( const QString & subtype ) setText setText ( const QString & text ) Q3TextEdit q3textedit.html CursorAction CursorAction-enum KeyboardAction KeyboardAction-enum VerticalAlignment VerticalAlignment-enum WordWrap WordWrap-enum WrapPolicy WrapPolicy-enum TextFormat textFormat Q3TextEdit Q3TextEdit ( const QString & text, const QString & context = QString() Q3TextEdit Q3TextEdit-2 ( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 ) alignment alignment () anchorAt anchorAt ( const QPoint & pos, Qt::AnchorAttribute attr = Qt::AnchorHref ) append append ( const QString & text ) bold bold () charAt charAt ( const QPoint & pos, int * para ) clear clear () clearParagraphBackground clearParagraphBackground ( int para ) clicked clicked ( int para, int pos ) color color () context context () copy copy () copyAvailable copyAvailable ( bool yes ) createPopupMenu createPopupMenu ( const QPoint & pos ) createPopupMenu createPopupMenu-2 () currentAlignmentChanged currentAlignmentChanged ( int a ) currentColorChanged currentColorChanged ( const QColor & c ) currentFont currentFont () currentFontChanged currentFontChanged ( const QFont & f ) currentVerticalAlignmentChanged currentVerticalAlignmentChanged ( VerticalAlignment a ) cursorPositionChanged cursorPositionChanged-2 ( int para, int pos ) cut cut () del del () doKeyboardAction doKeyboardAction ( KeyboardAction action ) doubleClicked doubleClicked ( int para, int pos ) ensureCursorVisible ensureCursorVisible () family family () find find ( const QString & expr, bool cs, bool wo, bool forward = true, int * para = 0, int * index = 0 ) focusNextPrevChild focusNextPrevChild ( bool n ) font font () getCursorPosition getCursorPosition ( int * para, int * index ) getSelection getSelection ( int * paraFrom, int * indexFrom, int * paraTo, int * indexTo, int selNum = 0 ) heightForWidth heightForWidth ( int w ) insert insert ( const QString & text, uint insertionFlags = CheckNewLines | RemoveSelected ) insert insert-2 ( const QString & text, bool indent, bool checkNewLine = true, bool removeSelected = true ) insertAt insertAt ( const QString & text, int para, int index ) insertParagraph insertParagraph ( const QString & text, int para ) isRedoAvailable isRedoAvailable () isUndoAvailable isUndoAvailable () italic italic () keyPressEvent keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * e ) lineOfChar lineOfChar ( int para, int index ) lines lines () linesOfParagraph linesOfParagraph ( int para ) mimeSourceFactory mimeSourceFactory () modificationChanged modificationChanged ( bool m ) moveCursor moveCursor ( CursorAction action, bool select ) paragraphAt paragraphAt ( const QPoint & pos ) paragraphBackgroundColor paragraphBackgroundColor ( int para ) paragraphLength paragraphLength ( int para ) paragraphRect paragraphRect ( int para ) paragraphs paragraphs () paste paste () pasteSubType pasteSubType ( const QByteArray & subtype ) placeCursor placeCursor ( const QPoint & pos, Q3TextCursor * c = 0 ) pointSize pointSize () redo redo () redoAvailable redoAvailable ( bool yes ) removeParagraph removeParagraph ( int para ) removeSelectedText removeSelectedText ( int selNum = 0 ) removeSelection removeSelection ( int selNum = 0 ) repaintChanged repaintChanged () returnPressed returnPressed () scrollToAnchor scrollToAnchor ( const QString & name ) scrollToBottom scrollToBottom () selectAll selectAll ( bool select = true ) selectionChanged selectionChanged () setAlignment setAlignment ( int a ) setBold setBold ( bool b ) setColor setColor ( const QColor & c ) setCurrentFont setCurrentFont ( const QFont & f ) setCursorPosition setCursorPosition ( int para, int index ) setFamily setFamily ( const QString & fontFamily ) setItalic setItalic ( bool b ) setMimeSourceFactory setMimeSourceFactory ( Q3MimeSourceFactory * factory ) setParagraphBackgroundColor setParagraphBackgroundColor ( int para, const QColor & bg ) setPointSize setPointSize ( int s ) setSelection setSelection ( int paraFrom, int indexFrom, int paraTo, int indexTo, int selNum = 0 ) setSelectionAttributes setSelectionAttributes ( int selNum, const QColor & back, bool invertText ) setStyleSheet setStyleSheet ( Q3StyleSheet * styleSheet ) setUnderline setUnderline ( bool b ) setVerticalAlignment setVerticalAlignment ( VerticalAlignment a ) styleSheet styleSheet () sync sync () syntaxHighlighter syntaxHighlighter () textChanged textChanged () textCursor textCursor () underline underline () undo undo () undoAvailable undoAvailable ( bool yes ) verticalAlignment verticalAlignment () zoomIn zoomIn ( int range ) zoomIn zoomIn-2 () zoomOut zoomOut ( int range ) zoomOut zoomOut-2 () zoomTo zoomTo ( int size ) Q3TextView q3textview.html Q3TimeEdit q3timeedit.html Display Display-enum Q3TimeEdit Q3TimeEdit ( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 ) Q3TimeEdit Q3TimeEdit-2 ( const QTime & time, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 ) sectionFormattedText sectionFormattedText ( int sec ) separator separator () setHour setHour ( int h ) setMinute setMinute ( int m ) setRange setRange ( const QTime & min, const QTime & max ) setSecond setSecond ( int s ) setSeparator setSeparator ( const QString & s ) valueChanged valueChanged ( const QTime & time ) Q3ToolBar q3toolbar.html Q3ToolBar Q3ToolBar ( const QString & label, Q3MainWindow * parent, Qt::ToolBarDock dock = Qt::DockTop, bool newLine = false, const char * name = 0 ) Q3ToolBar Q3ToolBar-2 ( const QString & label, Q3MainWindow * mainWindow, QWidget * parent, bool newLine = false, const char * name = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) Q3ToolBar Q3ToolBar-3 ( Q3MainWindow * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 ) addSeparator addSeparator () clear clear () mainWindow mainWindow () setStretchableWidget setStretchableWidget ( QWidget * w ) setFilenames setFilenamesx ( const QStringList & list ) Q3UriDrag q3uridrag.html Q3UriDrag Q3UriDrag ( const Q3StrList & uris, QWidget * dragSource = 0, const char * name = 0 ) Q3UriDrag Q3UriDrag-2 ( QWidget * dragSource = 0, const char * name = 0 ) canDecode canDecode ( const QMimeSource * source ) decode decode ( const QMimeSource * source, Q3StrList & list ) decodeLocalFiles decodeLocalFiles ( const QMimeSource * source, QStringList & list ) decodeToUnicodeUris decodeToUnicodeUris ( const QMimeSource * source, QStringList & list ) localFileToUri localFileToUri ( const QString & filename ) setFileNames setFileNames ( const QStringList & filenames ) setFileNames setFileNames-2 ( const QString & name ) setFilenames setFilenames-2x ( const QString & name ) setUnicodeUris setUnicodeUris ( const QStringList & list ) setUris setUris ( const QList<QByteArray> & list ) unicodeUriToUri unicodeUriToUri ( const QString & string ) uriToLocalFile uriToLocalFile ( const char * string ) uriToUnicodeUri uriToUnicodeUri ( const char * string ) Q3Url q3url.html Q3Url Q3Url () Q3Url Q3Url-2 ( const QString & url ) Q3Url Q3Url-3 ( const Q3Url & url ) Q3Url Q3Url-4 ( const Q3Url & url, const QString & relUrl, bool checkSlash = false ) addPath addPath ( const QString & pa ) cdUp cdUp () decode decode ( QString & url ) dirPath dirPath () encode encode ( QString & url ) encodedPathAndQuery encodedPathAndQuery () fileName fileName () hasHost hasHost () hasPassword hasPassword () hasPath hasPath () hasPort hasPort () hasRef hasRef () hasUser hasUser () host host () isLocalFile isLocalFile () isRelativeUrl isRelativeUrl ( const QString & url ) isValid isValid () parse parse ( const QString & url ) password password () path path ( bool correct = true ) port port () protocol protocol () query query () ref ref () reset reset () setEncodedPathAndQuery setEncodedPathAndQuery ( const QString & pathAndQuery ) setFileName setFileName ( const QString & name ) setHost setHost ( const QString & host ) setPassword setPassword ( const QString & pass ) setPath setPath ( const QString & path ) setPort setPort ( int port ) setProtocol setProtocol ( const QString & protocol ) setQuery setQuery ( const QString & txt ) setRef setRef ( const QString & txt ) setUser setUser ( const QString & user ) toString toString ( bool encodedPath = false, bool forcePrependProtocol = true ) user user () operator operator-QString QString() operator= operator-eq ( const Q3Url & url ) operator= operator-eq-2 ( const QString & url ) operator== operator-eq-eq ( const Q3Url & url ) operator== operator-eq-eq-2 ( const QString & url ) Q3UrlOperator q3urloperator.html Q3UrlOperator Q3UrlOperator () Q3UrlOperator Q3UrlOperator-2 ( const QString & url ) Q3UrlOperator Q3UrlOperator-3 ( const Q3UrlOperator & url ) Q3UrlOperator Q3UrlOperator-4 ( const Q3UrlOperator & url, const QString & relUrl, bool checkSlash = false ) clearEntries clearEntries () connectionStateChanged connectionStateChanged ( int state, const QString & data ) copy copy ( const QString & from, const QString & to, bool move = false, bool toPath = true ) copy copy-2 ( const QStringList & files, const QString & dest, bool move = false ) createdDirectory createdDirectory ( const QUrlInfo & i, Q3NetworkOperation * op ) data data ( const QByteArray & data, Q3NetworkOperation * op ) dataTransferProgress dataTransferProgress ( int bytesDone, int bytesTotal, Q3NetworkOperation * op ) deleteNetworkProtocol deleteNetworkProtocol () finished finished ( Q3NetworkOperation * op ) get get ( const QString & location = QString() getNetworkProtocol getNetworkProtocol () info info ( const QString & entry ) isDir isDir ( bool * ok = 0 ) itemChanged itemChanged ( Q3NetworkOperation * op ) listChildren listChildren () mkdir mkdir ( const QString & dirname ) nameFilter nameFilter () newChildren newChildren ( const Q3ValueList<QUrlInfo> & i, Q3NetworkOperation * op ) put put ( const QByteArray & data, const QString & location = QString() remove remove ( const QString & filename ) removed removed ( Q3NetworkOperation * op ) rename rename ( const QString & oldname, const QString & newname ) setNameFilter setNameFilter ( const QString & nameFilter ) start start ( Q3NetworkOperation * op ) startedNextCopy startedNextCopy ( const Q3PtrList<Q3NetworkOperation> & lst ) stop stop () operator= operator-eq ( const Q3UrlOperator & url ) operator= operator-eq-2 ( const QString & url ) Q3ValueList q3valuelist.html ConstIterator ConstIterator-typedef Iterator Iterator-typedef const_iterator const_iterator-typedef const_pointer const_pointer-typedef const_reference const_reference-typedef iterator iterator-typedefx pointer pointer-typedef reference reference-typedef size_type size_type-typedef value_type value_type-typedef Q3ValueList Q3ValueList () Q3ValueList Q3ValueList-2 ( const Q3ValueList<T> & l ) Q3ValueList Q3ValueList-3 ( const QLinkedList<T> & l ) Q3ValueList Q3ValueList-4 ( const QList<T> & l ) Q3ValueList Q3ValueList-5 ( const std::list<T> & l ) append append ( const T & x ) at at ( Q3ValueList<T>::size_type i ) at at-2 ( Q3ValueList<T>::size_type i ) contains contains ( const T & x ) fromLast fromLast () fromLast fromLast-2 () insert insert ( Q3ValueList<T>::Iterator it, const T & x ) insert insert-2 ( Q3ValueList<T>::Iterator pos, Q3ValueList<T>::size_type n, const T & x ) prepend prepend ( const T & x ) remove remove ( Q3ValueList<T>::Iterator it ) remove remove-2 ( const T & x ) operator operator-QList-ltT-gt QList<T>() operator!= operator-not-eq ( const Q3ValueList<T> & l ) operator+ operator-2b ( const Q3ValueList<T> & l ) operator+= operator-2b-eq ( const Q3ValueList<T> & l ) operator+= operator-2b-eq-2 ( const T & x ) operator<< operator-lt-lt ( const T & x ) operator= operator-eq ( const Q3ValueList<T> & l ) operator= operator-eq-2 ( const QList<T> & l ) operator= operator-eq-3 ( const std::list<T> & l ) operator== operator-eq-eq ( const Q3ValueList<T> & l ) operator== operator-eq-eq-2 ( const std::list<T> & l ) operator[] operator-5b-5d ( Q3ValueList<T>::size_type i ) operator[] operator-5b-5d-2 ( Q3ValueList<T>::size_type i ) Q3ValueListConstIterator q3valuelistconstiterator.html Q3ValueListConstIterator Q3ValueListConstIterator () Q3ValueListConstIterator Q3ValueListConstIterator-2 ( const Q3ValueListConstIterator & o ) Q3ValueListConstIterator Q3ValueListConstIterator-3 ( const QLinkedList<T>::const_iterator & o ) Q3ValueListConstIterator Q3ValueListConstIterator-4 ( const QLinkedList<T>::iterator & o ) Q3ValueListIterator q3valuelistiterator.html Q3ValueListIterator Q3ValueListIterator () Q3ValueListIterator Q3ValueListIterator-2 ( const Q3ValueListIterator & o ) Q3ValueListIterator Q3ValueListIterator-3 ( const QLinkedList<T>::iterator & o ) Q3ValueStack q3valuestack.html Q3ValueStack Q3ValueStack () pop pop () push push ( const T & d ) top top () top top-2 () Q3ValueVector q3valuevector.html Q3ValueVector Q3ValueVector () Q3ValueVector Q3ValueVector-2 ( const Q3ValueVector<T> & v ) Q3ValueVector Q3ValueVector-3 ( QVector<T>::size_type n, const T & val = T() Q3ValueVector Q3ValueVector-4 ( const std::vector<T> & v ) at at ( int i, bool * ok = 0 ) at at-2 ( int i, bool * ok = 0 ) resize resize ( int n, const T & val = T() operator= operator-eq ( const Q3ValueVector<T> & v ) operator= operator-eq-2 ( const std::vector<T> & v ) Q3VBox q3vbox.html Q3VBox Q3VBox ( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) Q3VButtonGroup q3vbuttongroup.html Q3VButtonGroup Q3VButtonGroup ( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 ) Q3VButtonGroup Q3VButtonGroup-2 ( const QString & title, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 ) Q3WhatsThis q3whatsthis.html Q3WhatsThis Q3WhatsThis ( QWidget * widget ) add add ( QWidget * widget, const QString & text ) clicked clicked ( const QString & href ) display display ( const QString & text, const QPoint & pos = QCursor::pos() enterWhatsThisMode enterWhatsThisMode () inWhatsThisMode inWhatsThisMode () leaveWhatsThisMode leaveWhatsThisMode ( const QString & text = QString() remove remove ( QWidget * widget ) text text ( const QPoint & pos ) whatsThisButton whatsThisButton ( QWidget * parent ) Q3WidgetStack q3widgetstack.html Q3WidgetStack Q3WidgetStack ( QWidget * parent, const char * name = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) aboutToShow aboutToShow ( int id ) aboutToShow aboutToShow-2 ( QWidget * widget ) addWidget addWidget ( QWidget * w, int id = -1 ) id id ( QWidget * widget ) raiseWidget raiseWidget ( int id ) raiseWidget raiseWidget-2 ( QWidget * w ) removeWidget removeWidget ( QWidget * w ) setChildGeometries setChildGeometries () visibleWidget visibleWidget () widget widget ( int id ) setFinish setFinish ( QWidget * widget, bool finish ) Q3Wizard q3wizard.html Q3Wizard Q3Wizard ( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, bool modal = false, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) addPage addPage ( QWidget * page, const QString & title ) appropriate appropriate ( QWidget * page ) back back () backButton backButton () cancelButton cancelButton () currentPage currentPage () finishButton finishButton () help help () helpButton helpButton () helpClicked helpClicked () indexOf indexOf ( QWidget * page ) insertPage insertPage ( QWidget * page, const QString & title, int index ) layOutButtonRow layOutButtonRow ( QHBoxLayout * layout ) layOutTitleRow layOutTitleRow ( QHBoxLayout * layout, const QString & title ) next next () nextButton nextButton () page page ( int index ) pageCount pageCount () removePage removePage ( QWidget * page ) selected selected ( const QString & title ) setAppropriate setAppropriate ( QWidget * page, bool appropriate ) setBackEnabled setBackEnabled ( QWidget * page, bool enable ) setFinishEnabled setFinishEnabled ( QWidget * page, bool enable ) setHelpEnabled setHelpEnabled ( QWidget * page, bool enable ) setNextEnabled setNextEnabled ( QWidget * page, bool enable ) setTitle setTitle ( QWidget * page, const QString & title ) showPage showPage ( QWidget * page ) title title ( QWidget * page ) QAbstractButton QAbstractButton-2 ( QWidget * parent, const char * name, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) accel accel () iconSet iconSet () isOn isOn () isToggleButton isToggleButton () pixmap pixmap () setAccel setAccel ( const QKeySequence & key ) setIconSet setIconSet ( const QIcon & icon ) setOn setOn ( bool b ) setPixmap setPixmap ( const QPixmap & p ) setToggleButton setToggleButton ( bool b ) QAbstractButton qabstractbutton.html QAbstractButton QAbstractButton ( QWidget * parent = 0 ) animateClick animateClick ( int msec = 100 ) checkStateSet checkStateSet () click click () clicked clicked ( bool checked = false ) group group () hitButton hitButton ( const QPoint & pos ) nextCheckState nextCheckState () pressed pressed () released released () toggle toggle () toggled toggled ( bool checked ) QAbstractEventDispatcher qabstracteventdispatcher.html EventFilter EventFilter-typedef TimerInfo TimerInfo-typedef QAbstractEventDispatcher QAbstractEventDispatcher ( QObject * parent = 0 ) aboutToBlock aboutToBlock () awake awake () filterEvent filterEvent ( void * message ) flush flush () hasPendingEvents hasPendingEvents () instance instance ( QThread * thread = 0 ) interrupt interrupt () processEvents processEvents ( QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlags flags ) registerSocketNotifier registerSocketNotifier ( QSocketNotifier * notifier ) registerTimer registerTimer ( int interval, QObject * object ) registerTimer registerTimer-2 ( int timerId, int interval, QObject * object ) registeredTimers registeredTimers ( QObject * object ) setEventFilter setEventFilter ( EventFilter filter ) unregisterSocketNotifier unregisterSocketNotifier ( QSocketNotifier * notifier ) unregisterTimer unregisterTimer ( int timerId ) unregisterTimers unregisterTimers ( QObject * object ) wakeUp wakeUp () QAbstractItemDelegate qabstractitemdelegate.html EndEditHint EndEditHint-enum QAbstractItemDelegate QAbstractItemDelegate ( QObject * parent = 0 ) closeEditor closeEditor ( QWidget * editor, EndEditHint hint = NoHint ) commitData commitData ( QWidget * editor ) createEditor createEditor ( QWidget * parent, const QStyleOptionViewItem & option, const QModelIndex & index ) editorEvent editorEvent ( QEvent * event, QAbstractItemModel * model, const QStyleOptionViewItem & option, const QModelIndex & index ) elidedText elidedText ( const QFontMetrics & fontMetrics, int width, Qt::TextElideMode mode, const QString & text ) paint paint ( QPainter * painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem & option, const QModelIndex & index ) setEditorData setEditorData ( QWidget * editor, const QModelIndex & index ) setModelData setModelData ( QWidget * editor, QAbstractItemModel * model, const QModelIndex & index ) sizeHint sizeHint ( const QStyleOptionViewItem & option, const QModelIndex & index ) updateEditorGeometry updateEditorGeometry ( QWidget * editor, const QStyleOptionViewItem & option, const QModelIndex & index ) QAbstractItemModel qabstractitemmodel.html QAbstractItemModel QAbstractItemModel ( QObject * parent = 0 ) beginInsertColumns beginInsertColumns ( const QModelIndex & parent, int first, int last ) beginInsertRows beginInsertRows ( const QModelIndex & parent, int first, int last ) beginRemoveColumns beginRemoveColumns ( const QModelIndex & parent, int first, int last ) beginRemoveRows beginRemoveRows ( const QModelIndex & parent, int first, int last ) buddy buddy ( const QModelIndex & index ) canFetchMore canFetchMore ( const QModelIndex & parent ) columnCount columnCount ( const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex() createIndex createIndex ( int row, int column, void * ptr = 0 ) createIndex createIndex-2 ( int row, int column, int id ) data data ( const QModelIndex & index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole ) dataChanged dataChanged ( const QModelIndex & topLeft, const QModelIndex & bottomRight ) dropMimeData dropMimeData ( const QMimeData * data, Qt::DropAction action, int row, int column, const QModelIndex & parent ) endInsertColumns endInsertColumns () endInsertRows endInsertRows () endRemoveColumns endRemoveColumns () endRemoveRows endRemoveRows () fetchMore fetchMore ( const QModelIndex & parent ) ItemFlags flags QAbstractItemModel::flags( const QModelIndex & index ) hasChildren hasChildren ( const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex() hasIndex hasIndex ( int row, int column, const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex() headerData headerData ( int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role = Qt::DisplayRole ) headerDataChanged headerDataChanged ( Qt::Orientation orientation, int first, int last ) index index ( int row, int column, const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex() insertColumn insertColumn ( int column, const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex() insertColumns insertColumns ( int column, int count, const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex() insertRow insertRow ( int row, const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex() insertRows insertRows ( int row, int count, const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex() itemData itemData ( const QModelIndex & index ) match match ( const QModelIndex & start, int role, const QVariant & value, int hits = 1, MatchFlags flags = MatchFlags( MatchFromStart | MatchWrap ) mimeData mimeData ( const QModelIndexList & indexes ) mimeTypes mimeTypes () parent parent ( const QModelIndex & index ) removeColumn removeColumn ( int column, const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex() removeColumns removeColumns ( int column, int count, const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex() removeRow removeRow ( int row, const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex() removeRows removeRows ( int row, int count, const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex() reset reset () revert revert () rowCount rowCount ( const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex() setData setData ( const QModelIndex & index, const QVariant & value, int role = Qt::EditRole ) setHeaderData setHeaderData ( int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, const QVariant & value, int role = Qt::EditRole ) setItemData setItemData ( const QModelIndex & index, const QMap<int, QVariant> & roles ) sibling sibling ( int row, int column, const QModelIndex & index ) sort sort ( int column, Qt::SortOrder order = Qt::AscendingOrder ) span span ( const QModelIndex & index ) submit submit () DropActions supportedDropActions QAbstractItemModel::supportedDropActions() QAbstractItemView qabstractitemview.html CursorAction CursorAction-enum ScrollHint ScrollHint-enum SelectionBehavior SelectionBehavior-enum SelectionMode SelectionMode-enum State State-enum TextElideMode textElideMode QAbstractItemView QAbstractItemView ( QWidget * parent = 0 ) activated activated ( const QModelIndex & index ) clearSelection clearSelection () clicked clicked ( const QModelIndex & index ) closeEditor closeEditor ( QWidget * editor, QAbstractItemDelegate::EndEditHint hint ) closePersistentEditor closePersistentEditor ( const QModelIndex & index ) commitData commitData ( QWidget * editor ) currentChanged currentChanged ( const QModelIndex & current, const QModelIndex & previous ) currentIndex currentIndex () dataChanged dataChanged ( const QModelIndex & topLeft, const QModelIndex & bottomRight ) doubleClicked doubleClicked ( const QModelIndex & index ) dragEnterEvent dragEnterEvent ( QDragEnterEvent * e ) dragLeaveEvent dragLeaveEvent ( QDragLeaveEvent * event ) dragMoveEvent dragMoveEvent ( QDragMoveEvent * e ) dropEvent dropEvent ( QDropEvent * e ) edit edit ( const QModelIndex & index ) edit edit-2 ( const QModelIndex & index, EditTrigger trigger, QEvent * event ) editorDestroyed editorDestroyed ( QObject * editor ) entered entered ( const QModelIndex & index ) focusInEvent focusInEvent ( QFocusEvent * e ) focusOutEvent focusOutEvent ( QFocusEvent * e ) horizontalOffset horizontalOffset () horizontalStepsPerItem horizontalStepsPerItem () indexAt indexAt ( const QPoint & p ) isIndexHidden isIndexHidden ( const QModelIndex & index ) itemDelegate itemDelegate () keyPressEvent keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * e ) keyboardSearch keyboardSearch ( const QString & search ) model model () mouseDoubleClickEvent mouseDoubleClickEvent ( QMouseEvent * e ) mouseMoveEvent mouseMoveEvent ( QMouseEvent * e ) mousePressEvent mousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent * e ) mouseReleaseEvent mouseReleaseEvent ( QMouseEvent * e ) moveCursor moveCursor ( CursorAction cursorAction, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers ) openPersistentEditor openPersistentEditor ( const QModelIndex & index ) pressed pressed ( const QModelIndex & index ) reset reset () resizeEvent resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent * e ) rootIndex rootIndex () rowsAboutToBeRemoved rowsAboutToBeRemoved ( const QModelIndex & parent, int start, int end ) rowsInserted rowsInserted ( const QModelIndex & parent, int start, int end ) scrollTo scrollTo ( const QModelIndex & index, ScrollHint hint = EnsureVisible ) selectAll selectAll () selectedIndexes selectedIndexes () selectionChanged selectionChanged ( const QItemSelection & selected, const QItemSelection & deselected ) SelectionFlags selectionCommand QAbstractItemView::selectionCommand( const QModelIndex & index, const QEvent * event = 0 ) selectionModel selectionModel () setCurrentIndex setCurrentIndex ( const QModelIndex & index ) setHorizontalStepsPerItem setHorizontalStepsPerItem ( int steps ) setItemDelegate setItemDelegate ( QAbstractItemDelegate * delegate ) setModel setModel ( QAbstractItemModel * model ) setRootIndex setRootIndex ( const QModelIndex & index ) setSelection setSelection ( const QRect & rect, QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags flags ) setSelectionModel setSelectionModel ( QItemSelectionModel * selectionModel ) setState setState ( State state ) setVerticalStepsPerItem setVerticalStepsPerItem ( int steps ) sizeHintForColumn sizeHintForColumn ( int column ) sizeHintForIndex sizeHintForIndex ( const QModelIndex & index ) sizeHintForRow sizeHintForRow ( int row ) startDrag startDrag ( Qt::DropActions supportedActions ) state state () timerEvent timerEvent ( QTimerEvent * e ) verticalOffset verticalOffset () verticalStepsPerItem verticalStepsPerItem () viewOptions viewOptions () viewportEntered viewportEntered () viewportEvent viewportEvent ( QEvent * event ) visualRect visualRect ( const QModelIndex & index ) visualRegionForSelection visualRegionForSelection ( const QItemSelection & selection ) QAbstractListModel qabstractlistmodel.html QAbstractListModel QAbstractListModel ( QObject * parent = 0 ) index index ( int row, int column = 0, const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex() QAbstractScrollArea qabstractscrollarea.html ScrollBarPolicy horizontalScrollBarPolicy ScrollBarPolicy verticalScrollBarPolicy QAbstractScrollArea QAbstractScrollArea ( QWidget * parent = 0 ) contextMenuEvent contextMenuEvent ( QContextMenuEvent * e ) dragEnterEvent dragEnterEvent ( QDragEnterEvent * event ) dragLeaveEvent dragLeaveEvent ( QDragLeaveEvent * event ) dragMoveEvent dragMoveEvent ( QDragMoveEvent * event ) dropEvent dropEvent ( QDropEvent * event ) event event ( QEvent * e ) horizontalScrollBar horizontalScrollBar () keyPressEvent keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * e ) maximumViewportSize maximumViewportSize () mouseDoubleClickEvent mouseDoubleClickEvent ( QMouseEvent * e ) mouseMoveEvent mouseMoveEvent ( QMouseEvent * e ) mousePressEvent mousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent * e ) mouseReleaseEvent mouseReleaseEvent ( QMouseEvent * e ) paintEvent paintEvent ( QPaintEvent * event ) resizeEvent resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent * event ) scrollContentsBy scrollContentsBy ( int dx, int dy ) setViewportMargins setViewportMargins ( int left, int top, int right, int bottom ) verticalScrollBar verticalScrollBar () viewport viewport () viewportEvent viewportEvent ( QEvent * e ) wheelEvent wheelEvent ( QWheelEvent * e ) addLine addLine () addPage addPage () lineStep lineStep () maxValue maxValue () minValue minValue () setLineStep setLineStep ( int v ) setMaxValue setMaxValue ( int v ) setMinValue setMinValue ( int v ) setSteps setSteps ( int single, int page ) subtractLine subtractLine () subtractPage subtractPage () QAbstractSlider qabstractslider.html SliderAction SliderAction-enum SliderChange SliderChange-enum Orientation orientation QAbstractSlider QAbstractSlider ( QWidget * parent = 0 ) actionTriggered actionTriggered ( int action ) rangeChanged rangeChanged ( int min, int max ) repeatAction repeatAction () setRange setRange ( int min, int max ) setRepeatAction setRepeatAction ( SliderAction action, int thresholdTime = 500, int repeatTime = 50 ) setSliderPosition setSliderPosition ( int position ) sliderChange sliderChange ( SliderChange change ) sliderMoved sliderMoved ( int value ) sliderPosition sliderPosition () sliderPressed sliderPressed () sliderReleased sliderReleased () triggerAction triggerAction ( SliderAction action ) valueChanged valueChanged ( int value ) Error Error-enum State State-typedef connectionClosed connectionClosed () delayedCloseFinished delayedCloseFinished () setSocket setSocket ( int socket ) socket socket () waitForMore waitForMore ( int msecs, bool * timeout = 0 ) QAbstractSocket qabstractsocket.html SocketError SocketError-enum SocketState SocketState-enum SocketType SocketType-enum QAbstractSocket QAbstractSocket ( SocketType socketType, QObject * parent ) abort abort () bytesAvailable bytesAvailable () bytesToWrite bytesToWrite () canReadLine canReadLine () close close () connectToHost connectToHost ( const QString & hostName, quint16 port, OpenMode openMode = ReadWrite ) connectToHost connectToHost-2 ( const QHostAddress & address, quint16 port, OpenMode openMode = ReadWrite ) connected connected () disconnectFromHost disconnectFromHost () disconnected disconnected () error error () error error-2 ( SocketError socketError ) hostFound hostFound () isValid isValid () localAddress localAddress () localPort localPort () peerAddress peerAddress () peerName peerName () peerPort peerPort () readBufferSize readBufferSize () setReadBufferSize setReadBufferSize ( qint64 size ) setSocketDescriptor setSocketDescriptor ( int socketDescriptor, SocketState socketState = ConnectedState, OpenMode openMode = ReadWrite ) setSocketError setSocketError ( SocketError socketError ) setSocketState setSocketState ( SocketState state ) socketDescriptor socketDescriptor () socketType socketType () state state () stateChanged stateChanged ( SocketState socketState ) waitForConnected waitForConnected ( int msecs = 30000 ) waitForDisconnected waitForDisconnected ( int msecs = 30000 ) QAbstractSpinBox qabstractspinbox.html ButtonSymbols ButtonSymbols-enum Alignment alignment QAbstractSpinBox QAbstractSpinBox ( QWidget * parent = 0 ) clear clear () editingFinished editingFinished () fixup fixup ( QString & input ) interpretText interpretText () lineEdit lineEdit () selectAll selectAll () setLineEdit setLineEdit ( QLineEdit * lineEdit ) stepBy stepBy ( int steps ) stepDown stepDown () stepEnabled stepEnabled () stepUp stepUp () State validate QAbstractSpinBox::validate( QString & input, int & pos ) QAbstractTableModel qabstracttablemodel.html QAbstractTableModel QAbstractTableModel ( QObject * parent = 0 ) index index ( int row, int column, const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex() QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection qabstracttextdocumentlayout-selection.html QAbstractTextDocumentLayout qabstracttextdocumentlayout.html QAbstractTextDocumentLayout QAbstractTextDocumentLayout ( QTextDocument * document ) anchorAt anchorAt ( const QPointF & position ) document document () documentChanged documentChanged ( int position, int charsRemoved, int charsAdded ) documentSize documentSize () documentSizeChanged documentSizeChanged ( const QSizeF & newSize ) draw draw ( QPainter * painter, const PaintContext & context ) drawInlineObject drawInlineObject ( QPainter * painter, const QRectF & rect, QTextInlineObject item, const QTextFormat & format ) format format ( int position ) frameBoundingRect frameBoundingRect ( QTextFrame * frame ) pageCount pageCount () pageCountChanged pageCountChanged ( int newPages ) paintDevice paintDevice () positionInlineObject positionInlineObject ( QTextInlineObject item, const QTextFormat & format ) resizeInlineObject resizeInlineObject ( QTextInlineObject item, const QTextFormat & format ) setPaintDevice setPaintDevice ( QPaintDevice * device ) update update ( const QRectF & rect = QRectF( 0., 0., 1000000000., 1000000000. ) QAccessible qaccessible.html Action Action-enum Event Event-enum InterfaceFactory InterfaceFactory-typedef Role Role-enum RootObjectHandler RootObjectHandler-typedef Text Text-enum UpdateHandler UpdateHandler-typedef installFactory installFactory ( InterfaceFactory factory ) installRootObjectHandler installRootObjectHandler ( RootObjectHandler handler ) installUpdateHandler installUpdateHandler ( UpdateHandler handler ) isActive isActive () queryAccessibleInterface queryAccessibleInterface ( QObject * object ) removeFactory removeFactory ( InterfaceFactory factory ) setRootObject setRootObject ( QObject * object ) updateAccessibility updateAccessibility ( QObject * object, int child, Event reason ) QAccessibleButton qaccessiblebutton.html QAccessibleButton QAccessibleButton ( QWidget * w, Role role ) button button () QAccessibleComboBox qaccessiblecombobox.html QAccessibleComboBox QAccessibleComboBox ( QWidget * w ) comboBox comboBox () QAccessibleDisplay qaccessibledisplay.html QAccessibleDisplay QAccessibleDisplay ( QWidget * w, Role role = StaticText ) QAccessibleHeader qaccessibleheader.html QAccessibleHeader QAccessibleHeader ( QWidget * w ) header header () QAccessibleIconView qaccessibleiconview.html QAccessibleIconView QAccessibleIconView ( QWidget * widget ) iconView iconView () QAccessibleInterface qaccessibleinterface.html actionText actionText ( int action, Text t, int child ) childAt childAt ( int x, int y ) childCount childCount () doAction doAction ( int action, int child, const QVariantList & params = QVariantList() indexOfChild indexOfChild ( const QAccessibleInterface * child ) isValid isValid () navigate navigate ( RelationFlag relation, int entry, QAccessibleInterface ** target ) object object () rect rect ( int child ) relationTo relationTo ( int child, const QAccessibleInterface * other, int otherChild ) role role ( int child ) setText setText ( Text t, int child, const QString & text ) state state ( int child ) text text ( Text t, int child ) userActionCount userActionCount ( int child ) QAccessibleLineEdit qaccessiblelineedit.html QAccessibleLineEdit QAccessibleLineEdit ( QWidget * w, const QString & name = QString() lineEdit lineEdit () QAccessibleListBox qaccessiblelistbox.html QAccessibleListBox QAccessibleListBox ( QWidget * widget ) clearSelection clearSelection () listBox listBox () selection selection () setSelected setSelected ( int child, bool on, bool extend ) QAccessibleListView qaccessiblelistview.html QAccessibleListView QAccessibleListView ( QWidget * widget ) listView listView () QAccessibleObject qaccessibleobject.html QAccessibleObject QAccessibleObject ( QObject * object ) QAccessiblePlugin qaccessibleplugin.html QAccessiblePlugin QAccessiblePlugin ( QObject * parent = 0 ) create create ( const QString & key, QObject * object ) keys keys () QAccessibleScrollBar qaccessiblescrollbar.html ScrollBarElements ScrollBarElements-enum QAccessibleScrollBar QAccessibleScrollBar ( QWidget * w, const QString & name = QString() scrollBar scrollBar () QAccessibleScrollView qaccessiblescrollview.html QAccessibleScrollView QAccessibleScrollView ( QWidget * w, Role role ) itemAt itemAt ( int x, int y ) itemCount itemCount () itemRect itemRect ( int item ) QAccessibleSlider qaccessibleslider.html SliderElements SliderElements-enum QAccessibleSlider QAccessibleSlider ( QWidget * w, const QString & name = QString() defaultAction defaultAction ( int child ) slider slider () QAccessibleSpinBox qaccessiblespinbox.html SpinBoxElements SpinBoxElements-enum QAccessibleSpinBox QAccessibleSpinBox ( QWidget * w ) spinBox spinBox () QAccessibleTabBar qaccessibletabbar.html QAccessibleTabBar QAccessibleTabBar ( QWidget * w ) selection selection () setSelected setSelected ( int child, bool on, bool extend ) tabBar tabBar () QAccessibleTextEdit qaccessibletextedit.html QAccessibleTextEdit QAccessibleTextEdit ( QWidget * widget ) textEdit textEdit () QAccessibleToolButton qaccessibletoolbutton.html ToolButtonElements ToolButtonElements-enum QAccessibleToolButton QAccessibleToolButton ( QWidget * w, Role role ) isSplitButton isSplitButton () toolButton toolButton () QAccessibleWidget qaccessiblewidget.html QAccessibleWidget QAccessibleWidget ( QWidget * w, Role role = Client, const QString & name = QString() addControllingSignal addControllingSignal ( const QString & signal ) parentObject parentObject () setAccelerator setAccelerator ( const QString & accel ) setDescription setDescription ( const QString & desc ) setHelp setHelp ( const QString & help ) setValue setValue ( const QString & value ) widget widget () QAccessibleWidgetStack qaccessiblewidgetstack.html QAccessibleWidgetStack QAccessibleWidgetStack ( QWidget * widget ) widgetStack widgetStack () QAction QAction-4 ( QObject * parent, const char * name ) QAction QAction-5 ( const QString & text, const QKeySequence & shortcut, QObject * parent, const char * name ) QAction QAction-6 ( const QIcon & icon, const QString & text, const QKeySequence & shortcut, QObject * parent, const char * name ) accel accel () activated activated ( int i = 0 ) addTo addTo ( QWidget * w ) iconSet iconSet () isOn isOn () isToggleAction isToggleAction () menuText menuText () removeFrom removeFrom ( QWidget * w ) setAccel setAccel ( const QKeySequence & shortcut ) setIconSet setIconSet ( const QIcon & i ) setMenuText setMenuText ( const QString & text ) setOn setOn ( bool b ) setToggleAction setToggleAction ( bool b ) QAction qaction.html ActionEvent ActionEvent-enum ShortcutContext shortcutContext QAction QAction ( QObject * parent ) QAction QAction-2 ( const QString & text, QObject * parent ) QAction QAction-3 ( const QIcon & icon, const QString & text, QObject * parent ) actionGroup actionGroup () activate activate ( ActionEvent event ) changed changed () data data () hover hover () hovered hovered () isSeparator isSeparator () menu menu () parentWidget parentWidget () setActionGroup setActionGroup ( QActionGroup * group ) setData setData ( const QVariant & data ) setDisabled setDisabled ( bool b ) setSeparator setSeparator ( bool b ) showStatusText showStatusText ( QWidget * widget = 0 ) toggle toggle () toggled toggled ( bool checked ) trigger trigger () triggered triggered ( bool checked = false ) add add ( QAction * a ) addSeparator addSeparator () addTo addTo ( QWidget * widget ) selected selected ( QAction * action ) QActionGroup qactiongroup.html QActionGroup QActionGroup ( QObject * parent ) actions actions () addAction addAction ( QAction * action ) addAction addAction-2 ( const QString & text ) addAction addAction-3 ( const QIcon & icon, const QString & text ) checkedAction checkedAction () hovered hovered ( QAction * action ) removeAction removeAction ( QAction * action ) setDisabled setDisabled ( bool b ) triggered triggered ( QAction * action ) ColorMode ColorMode-typedef colorMode colorMode () flushX flushX () hasGlobalMouseTracking hasGlobalMouseTracking () Alignment horizontalAlignment QApplication::horizontalAlignment( Qt::Alignment align ) MacintoshVersion macVersion QApplication::macVersion() mainWidget mainWidget () reverseLayout reverseLayout () setColorMode setColorMode ( ColorMode mode ) setFont setFont-2 ( const QFont & font, bool b, const char * className = 0 ) setGlobalMouseTracking setGlobalMouseTracking ( bool b ) setMainWidget setMainWidget ( QWidget * mainWidget ) setOverrideCursor setOverrideCursor-2 ( const QCursor & cursor, bool replace ) setPalette setPalette-2 ( const QPalette & pal, bool b, const char * className = 0 ) setReverseLayout setReverseLayout ( bool reverse ) setWinStyleHighlightColor setWinStyleHighlightColor ( const QColor & c ) widgetAt widgetAt-3 ( int x, int y, bool child ) widgetAt widgetAt-4 ( const QPoint & point, bool child ) winStyleHighlightColor winStyleHighlightColor () WindowsVersion winVersion QApplication::winVersion() QApplication qapplication.html ColorSpec ColorSpec-enum Type Type-enum LayoutDirection layoutDirection QApplication QApplication ( int & argc, char ** argv ) QApplication QApplication-2 ( int & argc, char ** argv, bool GUIenabled ) QApplication QApplication-3 ( int & argc, char ** argv, Type type ) QApplication QApplication-4 ( Display * dpy, Qt::HANDLE visual = 0, Qt::HANDLE colormap = 0 ) QApplication QApplication-5 ( Display * dpy, int & argc, char ** argv, Qt::HANDLE visual = 0, Qt::HANDLE colormap = 0 ) aboutQt aboutQt () activeModalWidget activeModalWidget () activePopupWidget activePopupWidget () activeWindow activeWindow () allWidgets allWidgets () beep beep () changeOverrideCursor changeOverrideCursor ( const QCursor & cursor ) clipboard clipboard () closeAllWindows closeAllWindows () colorSpec colorSpec () commitData commitData ( QSessionManager & sm ) desktop desktop () exec exec () focusWidget focusWidget () fontMetrics fontMetrics () inputContext inputContext () isEffectEnabled isEffectEnabled ( Qt::UIEffect effect ) isLeftToRight isLeftToRight () isRightToLeft isRightToLeft () isSessionRestored isSessionRestored () KeyboardModifiers keyboardModifiers QApplication::keyboardModifiers() lastWindowClosed lastWindowClosed () macEventFilter macEventFilter ( EventHandlerCallRef caller, EventRef event ) MouseButtons mouseButtons QApplication::mouseButtons() overrideCursor overrideCursor () qwsDecoration qwsDecoration () qwsEventFilter qwsEventFilter ( QWSEvent * event ) qwsSetCustomColors qwsSetCustomColors ( QRgb * colorTable, int start, int numColors ) qwsSetDecoration qwsSetDecoration ( QDecoration * dec ) qwsSetDecoration qwsSetDecoration-2 ( const QString & decoration ) restoreOverrideCursor restoreOverrideCursor () saveState saveState ( QSessionManager & sm ) sessionId sessionId () sessionKey sessionKey () setActiveWindow setActiveWindow ( QWidget * act ) setColorSpec setColorSpec ( int spec ) setEffectEnabled setEffectEnabled ( Qt::UIEffect effect, bool enable = true ) setInputContext setInputContext ( QInputContext * inputContext ) setOverrideCursor setOverrideCursor ( const QCursor & cursor ) setStyle setStyle ( QStyle * style ) setStyle setStyle-2 ( const QString & style ) style style () syncX syncX () topLevelAt topLevelAt ( const QPoint & p ) topLevelAt topLevelAt-2 ( int x, int y ) topLevelWidgets topLevelWidgets () type type () widgetAt widgetAt ( const QPoint & p ) widgetAt widgetAt-2 ( int x, int y ) winFocus winFocus ( QWidget * widget, bool gotFocus ) x11EventFilter x11EventFilter ( XEvent * event ) x11ProcessEvent x11ProcessEvent ( XEvent * event ) QBasicTimer qbasictimer.html QBasicTimer QBasicTimer () isActive isActive () start start ( int msec, QObject * object ) stop stop () timerId timerId () QBitArray qbitarray.html QBitArray QBitArray () QBitArray QBitArray-2 ( int size, bool value = false ) QBitArray QBitArray-3 ( const QBitArray & other ) at at ( int i ) clear clear () clearBit clearBit ( int i ) count count () fill fill ( bool value, int size = -1 ) fill fill-2 ( bool value, int begin, int end ) isEmpty isEmpty () isNull isNull () resize resize ( int size ) setBit setBit ( int i ) setBit setBit-2 ( int i, bool value ) size size () testBit testBit ( int i ) toggleBit toggleBit ( int i ) truncate truncate ( int pos ) operator!= operator-not-eq ( const QBitArray & other ) operator& operator-and-eq amp;=( const QBitArray & other ) operator= operator-eq ( const QBitArray & other ) operator== operator-eq-eq ( const QBitArray & other ) operator[] operator-5b-5d ( int i ) operator[] operator-5b-5d-2 ( int i ) operator[] operator-5b-5d-3 ( uint i ) operator[] operator-5b-5d-4 ( uint i ) operator^= operator-5e-eq ( const QBitArray & other ) operator|= operator-7c-eq ( const QBitArray & other ) operator~ operator-7e () QBitmap QBitmap-5 ( int width, int height, bool clear ) QBitmap QBitmap-6 ( int width, int height, const uchar * bits, bool isXbitmap = false ) QBitmap QBitmap-7 ( const QImage & image ) QBitmap QBitmap-9 ( const QSize & size, bool clear ) QBitmap QBitmap-10 ( const QSize & size, const uchar * bits, bool isXbitmap = false ) xForm xForm ( const QMatrix & matrix ) operator= operator-eq-2 ( const QImage & image ) QBitmap qbitmap.html QBitmap QBitmap () QBitmap QBitmap-2 ( const QPixmap & pixmap ) QBitmap QBitmap-3 ( int w, int h ) QBitmap QBitmap-4 ( const QString & fileName, const char * format = 0 ) QBitmap QBitmap-8 ( const QSize & size ) clear clear () fromData fromData ( const QSize & size, const uchar * bits, QImage::Format monoFormat = QImage::Format_MonoLSB ) fromImage fromImage ( const QImage & image, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags = Qt::AutoColor ) transformed transformed ( const QMatrix & matrix ) operator operator-QVariant QVariant() operator= operator-eq ( const QPixmap & pixmap ) QBoxLayout QBoxLayout-3 ( QWidget * parent, Direction dir, int margin = 0, int spacing = -1, const char * name = 0 ) QBoxLayout QBoxLayout-4 ( QLayout * parentLayout, Direction dir, int spacing = -1, const char * name = 0 ) QBoxLayout QBoxLayout-5 ( Direction dir, int spacing, const char * name = 0 ) findWidget findWidget ( QWidget * w ) QBoxLayout qboxlayout.html Direction Direction-enum QBoxLayout QBoxLayout ( Direction dir, QWidget * parent ) QBoxLayout QBoxLayout-2 ( Direction dir ) addItem addItem ( QLayoutItem * item ) addLayout addLayout ( QLayout * layout, int stretch = 0 ) addSpacing addSpacing ( int size ) addStretch addStretch ( int stretch = 0 ) addStrut addStrut ( int size ) addWidget addWidget ( QWidget * widget, int stretch = 0, Qt::Alignment alignment = 0 ) direction direction () Orientations expandingDirections QBoxLayout::expandingDirections() hasHeightForWidth hasHeightForWidth () heightForWidth heightForWidth ( int w ) insertItem insertItem ( int index, QLayoutItem * item ) insertLayout insertLayout ( int index, QLayout * layout, int stretch = 0 ) insertSpacing insertSpacing ( int index, int size ) insertStretch insertStretch ( int index, int stretch = 0 ) insertWidget insertWidget ( int index, QWidget * widget, int stretch = 0, Qt::Alignment alignment = 0 ) invalidate invalidate () maximumSize maximumSize () minimumSize minimumSize () setDirection setDirection ( Direction direction ) setGeometry setGeometry ( const QRect & r ) setStretchFactor setStretchFactor ( QWidget * w, int stretch ) setStretchFactor setStretchFactor-2 ( QLayout * l, int stretch ) sizeHint sizeHint () pixmap pixmap () setPixmap setPixmap ( const QPixmap & pixmap ) operator operator-const-QColor--and const QColor &() QBrush qbrush.html QBrush QBrush () QBrush QBrush-2 ( Qt::BrushStyle style ) QBrush QBrush-3 ( const QColor & color, Qt::BrushStyle style = Qt::SolidPattern ) QBrush QBrush-4 ( const QColor & color, const QPixmap & pixmap ) QBrush QBrush-5 ( const QPixmap & pixmap ) QBrush QBrush-6 ( const QBrush & other ) QBrush QBrush-7 ( const QGradient & gradient ) QBrush QBrush-8 ( Qt::GlobalColor color, Qt::BrushStyle style = Qt::SolidPattern ) QBrush QBrush-9 ( Qt::GlobalColor color, const QPixmap & pixmap ) color color () gradient gradient () isOpaque isOpaque () setColor setColor ( const QColor & c ) setColor setColor-2 ( Qt::GlobalColor c ) setStyle setStyle ( Qt::BrushStyle style ) setTexture setTexture ( const QPixmap & pixmap ) BrushStyle style QBrush::style() texture texture () operator operator-QVariant QVariant() operator!= operator-not-eq ( const QBrush & b ) operator= operator-eq ( const QBrush & b ) operator== operator-eq-eq ( const QBrush & b ) QBuffer qbuffer.html QBuffer QBuffer ( QObject * parent = 0 ) QBuffer QBuffer-2 ( QByteArray * byteArray, QObject * parent = 0 ) buffer buffer () buffer buffer-2 () data data () setBuffer setBuffer ( QByteArray * byteArray ) setData setData ( const QByteArray & data ) setData setData-2 ( const char * data, int size ) insert insert ( QAbstractButton * b ) remove remove ( QAbstractButton * b ) QButtonGroup qbuttongroup.html QButtonGroup QButtonGroup ( QObject * parent = 0 ) addButton addButton ( QAbstractButton * button ) buttonClicked buttonClicked ( QAbstractButton * button ) checkedButton checkedButton () count count () removeButton removeButton ( QAbstractButton * button ) QByteArray QByteArray-6 ( int size ) duplicate duplicate ( const QByteArray & a ) duplicate duplicate-2 ( const char * a, uint n ) find find ( char c, int from = 0 ) find find-2 ( const char * c, int from = 0 ) find find-3 ( const QByteArray & ba, int from = 0 ) find find-4 ( const QString & s, int from = 0 ) findRev findRev ( char c, int from = -1 ) findRev findRev-2 ( const char * c, int from = -1 ) findRev findRev-3 ( const QByteArray & ba, int from = -1 ) findRev findRev-4 ( const QString & s, int from = -1 ) leftJustify leftJustify ( uint width, char fill = ' ', bool truncate = false ) lower lower () resetRawData resetRawData ( const char * data, uint n ) rightJustify rightJustify ( uint width, char fill = ' ', bool truncate = false ) setRawData setRawData ( const char * a, uint n ) simplifyWhiteSpace simplifyWhiteSpace () stripWhiteSpace stripWhiteSpace () upper upper () QByteArray qbytearray.html QByteArray QByteArray () QByteArray QByteArray-2 ( const char * str ) QByteArray QByteArray-3 ( const char * data, int size ) QByteArray QByteArray-4 ( int size, char ch ) QByteArray QByteArray-5 ( const QByteArray & other ) append append ( const QByteArray & ba ) append append-2 ( const QString & str ) append append-3 ( const char * str ) append append-4 ( char ch ) at at ( int i ) capacity capacity () chop chop ( int n ) clear clear () constData constData () contains contains ( const QByteArray & ba ) contains contains-2 ( const char * str ) contains contains-3 ( char ch ) count count ( const QByteArray & ba ) count count-2 ( const char * str ) count count-3 ( char ch ) count count-4 () data data () data data-2 () endsWith endsWith ( const QByteArray & ba ) endsWith endsWith-2 ( const char * str ) endsWith endsWith-3 ( char ch ) fill fill ( char ch, int size = -1 ) fromBase64 fromBase64 ( const QByteArray & base64 ) fromRawData fromRawData ( const char * data, int size ) indexOf indexOf ( const QByteArray & ba, int from = 0 ) indexOf indexOf-2 ( const QString & str, int from = 0 ) indexOf indexOf-3 ( const char * str, int from = 0 ) indexOf indexOf-4 ( char ch, int from = 0 ) insert insert ( int i, const QByteArray & ba ) insert insert-2 ( int i, const QString & str ) insert insert-3 ( int i, const char * str ) insert insert-4 ( int i, char ch ) isEmpty isEmpty () isNull isNull () lastIndexOf lastIndexOf ( const QByteArray & ba, int from = -1 ) lastIndexOf lastIndexOf-2 ( const QString & str, int from = -1 ) lastIndexOf lastIndexOf-3 ( const char * str, int from = -1 ) lastIndexOf lastIndexOf-4 ( char ch, int from = -1 ) left left ( int len ) leftJustified leftJustified ( int width, char fill = ' ', bool truncate = false ) length length () mid mid ( int pos, int len = -1 ) number number ( int n, int base = 10 ) number number-2 ( uint n, int base = 10 ) number number-3 ( qint64 n, int base = 10 ) number number-4 ( quint64 n, int base = 10 ) number number-5 ( double n, char f = 'g', int prec = 6 ) prepend prepend ( const QByteArray & ba ) prepend prepend-2 ( const char * str ) prepend prepend-3 ( char ch ) push_back push_back ( const QByteArray & other ) push_back push_back-2 ( const char * str ) push_back push_back-3 ( char ch ) push_front push_front ( const QByteArray & other ) push_front push_front-2 ( const char * str ) push_front push_front-3 ( char ch ) remove remove ( int pos, int len ) replace replace ( int pos, int len, const QByteArray & after ) replace replace-2 ( int pos, int len, const char * after ) replace replace-3 ( const QByteArray & before, const QByteArray & after ) replace replace-4 ( const char * before, const QByteArray & after ) replace replace-5 ( const QByteArray & before, const char * after ) replace replace-6 ( const QString & before, const QByteArray & after ) replace replace-7 ( const QString & before, const char * after ) replace replace-8 ( const char * before, const char * after ) replace replace-9 ( char before, const QByteArray & after ) replace replace-10 ( char before, const QString & after ) replace replace-11 ( char before, const char * after ) replace replace-12 ( char before, char after ) reserve reserve ( int size ) resize resize ( int size ) right right ( int len ) rightJustified rightJustified ( int width, char fill = ' ', bool truncate = false ) setNum setNum ( int n, int base = 10 ) setNum setNum-2 ( qlonglong, int base = 10 ) setNum setNum-3 ( qulonglong, int base = 10 ) setNum setNum-4 ( uint n, int base = 10 ) setNum setNum-5 ( short n, int base = 10 ) setNum setNum-6 ( ushort n, int base = 10 ) setNum setNum-7 ( double n, char f = 'g', int prec = 6 ) setNum setNum-8 ( float n, char f = 'g', int prec = 6 ) simplified simplified () size size () split split ( char sep ) squeeze squeeze () startsWith startsWith ( const QByteArray & ba ) startsWith startsWith-2 ( const char * str ) startsWith startsWith-3 ( char ch ) toBase64 toBase64 () toDouble toDouble ( bool * ok = 0 ) toFloat toFloat ( bool * ok = 0 ) toInt toInt ( bool * ok = 0, int base = 10 ) toLongLong toLongLong ( bool * ok = 0, int base = 10 ) toLower toLower () toShort toShort ( bool * ok = 0, int base = 10 ) toUInt toUInt ( bool * ok = 0, int base = 10 ) toULongLong toULongLong ( bool * ok = 0, int base = 10 ) toUShort toUShort ( bool * ok = 0, int base = 10 ) toUpper toUpper () trimmed trimmed () truncate truncate ( int pos ) operator operator-const-char--2a const char *() operator operator-const-void--2a const void *() operator!= operator-not-eq ( const QString & str ) operator+= operator-2b-eq ( const QByteArray & ba ) operator+= operator-2b-eq-2 ( const QString & str ) operator+= operator-2b-eq-3 ( const char * str ) operator+= operator-2b-eq-4 ( char ch ) operator< operator-lt ( const QString & str ) operator<= operator-lt-eq ( const QString & str ) operator= operator-eq ( const QByteArray & other ) operator= operator-eq-2 ( const char * str ) operator== operator-eq-eq ( const QString & str ) operator> operator-gt ( const QString & str ) operator>= operator-gt-eq ( const QString & str ) operator[] operator-5b-5d ( int i ) operator[] operator-5b-5d-2 ( int i ) operator[] operator-5b-5d-3 ( uint i ) operator[] operator-5b-5d-4 ( uint i ) QByteArrayMatcher qbytearraymatcher.html QByteArrayMatcher QByteArrayMatcher () QByteArrayMatcher QByteArrayMatcher-2 ( const QByteArray & pattern ) QByteArrayMatcher QByteArrayMatcher-3 ( const QByteArrayMatcher & other ) indexIn indexIn ( const QByteArray & ba, int from = 0 ) pattern pattern () setPattern setPattern ( const QByteArray & pattern ) operator= operator-eq ( const QByteArrayMatcher & other ) QCache QCache-2 ( int maxCost, int dummy ) QCache qcache.html QCache QCache ( int maxCost = 100 ) clear clear () contains contains ( const Key & key ) count count () insert insert ( const Key & key, T * object, int cost = 1 ) isEmpty isEmpty () keys keys () maxCost maxCost () object object ( const Key & key ) remove remove ( const Key & key ) setMaxCost setMaxCost ( int cost ) size size () take take ( const Key & key ) totalCost totalCost () operator[] operator-5b-5d ( const Key & key ) QCDEStyle qcdestyle.html QCDEStyle QCDEStyle ( bool useHighlightCols = false ) ascii ascii () latin1 latin1 () lower lower () mirrored mirrored () networkOrdered networkOrdered () upper upper () QChar qchar.html Category Category-enum CombiningClass CombiningClass-enum Decomposition Decomposition-enum Direction Direction-enum Joining Joining-enum SpecialCharacter SpecialCharacter-enum UnicodeVersion UnicodeVersion-enum QChar QChar () QChar QChar-2 ( char ch ) QChar QChar-3 ( uchar ch ) QChar QChar-4 ( QLatin1Char ch ) QChar QChar-5 ( uchar cell, uchar row ) QChar QChar-6 ( ushort code ) QChar QChar-7 ( short code ) QChar QChar-8 ( uint code ) QChar QChar-9 ( int code ) QChar QChar-10 ( SpecialCharacter ch ) category category () cell cell () combiningClass combiningClass () decomposition decomposition () decompositionTag decompositionTag () digitValue digitValue () direction direction () fromAscii fromAscii ( char c ) fromLatin1 fromLatin1 ( char c ) hasMirrored hasMirrored () isDigit isDigit () isLetter isLetter () isLetterOrNumber isLetterOrNumber () isLower isLower () isMark isMark () isNull isNull () isNumber isNumber () isPrint isPrint () isPunct isPunct () isSpace isSpace () isSymbol isSymbol () isUpper isUpper () joining joining () mirroredChar mirroredChar () row row () toAscii toAscii () toLatin1 toLatin1 () toLower toLower () toUpper toUpper () unicode unicode () unicode unicode-2 () unicodeVersion unicodeVersion () QCheckBox QCheckBox-3 ( QWidget * parent, const char * name ) QCheckBox QCheckBox-4 ( const QString & text, QWidget * parent, const char * name ) setNoChange setNoChange () setState setState ( ToggleState state ) state state () QCheckBox qcheckbox.html ToggleState ToggleState-enum QCheckBox QCheckBox ( QWidget * parent = 0 ) QCheckBox QCheckBox-2 ( const QString & text, QWidget * parent = 0 ) CheckState checkState QCheckBox::checkState() setCheckState setCheckState ( Qt::CheckState state ) stateChanged stateChanged ( int state ) inserted inserted () QChildEvent qchildevent.html QChildEvent QChildEvent ( Type type, QObject * child ) added added () child child () polished polished () removed removed () data data ( Mode mode = Clipboard ) setData setData ( QMimeSource * src, Mode mode = Clipboard ) QClipboard qclipboard.html Mode Mode-enum clear clear ( Mode mode = Clipboard ) dataChanged dataChanged () image image ( Mode mode = Clipboard ) mimeData mimeData ( Mode mode = Clipboard ) ownsClipboard ownsClipboard () ownsSelection ownsSelection () pixmap pixmap ( Mode mode = Clipboard ) selectionChanged selectionChanged () setImage setImage ( const QImage & image, Mode mode = Clipboard ) setMimeData setMimeData ( QMimeData * src, Mode mode = Clipboard ) setPixmap setPixmap ( const QPixmap & pixmap, Mode mode = Clipboard ) setText setText ( const QString & text, Mode mode = Clipboard ) supportsSelection supportsSelection () text text ( Mode mode = Clipboard ) text text-2 ( QString & subtype, Mode mode = Clipboard ) QCloseEvent qcloseevent.html QCloseEvent QCloseEvent () QColor QColor-7 ( int x, int y, int z, Spec colorSpec ) getRgba getRgba ( int * r, int * g, int * b, int * a ) hsv hsv ( int * h, int * s, int * v ) pixel pixel ( int screen = -1 ) rgb rgb-2 ( int * r, int * g, int * b ) setRgba setRgba-2 ( int r, int g, int b, int a ) QColor qcolor.html Spec Spec-enum QColor QColor () QColor QColor-2 ( int r, int g, int b, int a = 255 ) QColor QColor-3 ( QRgb color ) QColor QColor-4 ( const QString & name ) QColor QColor-5 ( const char * name ) QColor QColor-6 ( const QColor & color ) QColor QColor-8 ( Qt::GlobalColor color ) alpha alpha () alphaF alphaF () black black () blackF blackF () blue blue () blueF blueF () colorNames colorNames () convertTo convertTo ( Spec colorSpec ) cyan cyan () cyanF cyanF () dark dark ( int factor = 200 ) fromCmyk fromCmyk ( int c, int m, int y, int k, int a = 255 ) fromCmykF fromCmykF ( qreal c, qreal m, qreal y, qreal k, qreal a = 1.0 ) fromHsv fromHsv ( int h, int s, int v, int a = 255 ) fromHsvF fromHsvF ( qreal h, qreal s, qreal v, qreal a = 1.0 ) fromRgb fromRgb ( QRgb rgb ) fromRgb fromRgb-2 ( int r, int g, int b, int a = 255 ) fromRgbF fromRgbF ( qreal r, qreal g, qreal b, qreal a = 1.0 ) fromRgba fromRgba ( QRgb rgba ) getCmyk getCmyk ( int * c, int * m, int * y, int * k, int * a = 0 ) getCmykF getCmykF ( qreal * c, qreal * m, qreal * y, qreal * k, qreal * a = 0 ) getHsv getHsv ( int * h, int * s, int * v, int * a = 0 ) getHsvF getHsvF ( qreal * h, qreal * s, qreal * v, qreal * a = 0 ) getRgb getRgb ( int * r, int * g, int * b, int * a = 0 ) getRgbF getRgbF ( qreal * r, qreal * g, qreal * b, qreal * a = 0 ) green green () greenF greenF () hue hue () hueF hueF () isValid isValid () light light ( int factor = 150 ) magenta magenta () magentaF magentaF () name name () red red () redF redF () rgb rgb () rgba rgba () saturation saturation () saturationF saturationF () setAlpha setAlpha ( int alpha ) setAlphaF setAlphaF ( qreal alpha ) setBlue setBlue ( int blue ) setBlueF setBlueF ( qreal blue ) setCmyk setCmyk ( int c, int m, int y, int k, int a = 255 ) setCmykF setCmykF ( qreal c, qreal m, qreal y, qreal k, qreal a = 1.0 ) setGreen setGreen ( int green ) setGreenF setGreenF ( qreal green ) setHsv setHsv ( int h, int s, int v, int a = 255 ) setHsvF setHsvF ( qreal h, qreal s, qreal v, qreal a = 1.0 ) setNamedColor setNamedColor ( const QString & name ) setRed setRed ( int red ) setRedF setRedF ( qreal red ) setRgb setRgb ( int r, int g, int b, int a = 255 ) setRgb setRgb-2 ( QRgb rgb ) setRgbF setRgbF ( qreal r, qreal g, qreal b, qreal a = 1.0 ) setRgba setRgba ( QRgb rgba ) spec spec () toCmyk toCmyk () toHsv toHsv () toRgb toRgb () value value () valueF valueF () yellow yellow () yellowF yellowF () operator operator-QVariant QVariant() operator!= operator-not-eq ( const QColor & color ) operator= operator-eq ( const QColor & color ) operator= operator-eq-2 ( Qt::GlobalColor color ) operator== operator-eq-eq ( const QColor & color ) getColor getColor-2 ( const QColor & init, QWidget * parent, const char * name ) getRgba getRgba-2 ( QRgb rgba, bool * ok, QWidget * parent, const char * name ) QColorDialog qcolordialog.html customColor customColor ( int i ) customCount customCount () getColor getColor ( const QColor & initial = Qt::white, QWidget * parent = 0 ) getRgba getRgba ( QRgb initial, bool * ok = 0, QWidget * parent = 0 ) setCustomColor setCustomColor ( int number, QRgb color ) setStandardColor setStandardColor ( int number, QRgb color ) background background () base base () brightText brightText () button button () buttonText buttonText () dark dark () foreground foreground () highlight highlight () highlightedText highlightedText () light light () link link () linkVisited linkVisited () mid mid () midlight midlight () shadow shadow () text text () QColorGroup qcolorgroup.html QColorGroup QColorGroup () QColorGroup QColorGroup-2 ( const QBrush & foreground, const QBrush & button, const QBrush & light, const QBrush & dark, const QBrush & mid, const QBrush & text, const QBrush & bright_text, const QBrush & base, const QBrush & background ) QColorGroup QColorGroup-3 ( const QColor & foreground, const QColor & background, const QColor & light, const QColor & dark, const QColor & mid, const QColor & text, const QColor & base ) QColorGroup QColorGroup-4 ( const QColorGroup & other ) QColorGroup QColorGroup-5 ( const QPalette & pal ) operator operator-QVariant QVariant() operator!= operator-not-eq ( const QColorGroup & other ) operator== operator-eq-eq ( const QColorGroup & other ) QComboBox QComboBox-2 ( QWidget * parent, const char * name ) QComboBox QComboBox-3 ( bool rw, QWidget * parent, const char * name = 0 ) changeItem changeItem ( const QString & text, int index ) changeItem changeItem-2 ( const QPixmap & pixmap, int index ) changeItem changeItem-3 ( const QPixmap & pixmap, const QString & text, int index ) clearEdit clearEdit () clearValidator clearValidator () currentItem currentItem () editable editable () insertItem insertItem-3 ( const QString & text, int index = -1 ) insertItem insertItem-4 ( const QPixmap & pixmap, int index = -1 ) insertItem insertItem-5 ( const QPixmap & pixmap, const QString & text, int index = -1 ) insertStringList insertStringList ( const QStringList & list, int index = -1 ) insertionPolicy insertionPolicy () pixmap pixmap ( int index ) popup popup () setCurrentItem setCurrentItem ( int index ) setCurrentText setCurrentText ( const QString & text ) setInsertionPolicy setInsertionPolicy ( InsertPolicy policy ) text text ( int index ) textChanged textChanged ( const QString & ) QComboBox qcombobox.html InsertPolicy InsertPolicy-enum Policy Policy-typedef SizeAdjustPolicy SizeAdjustPolicy-enum QComboBox QComboBox ( QWidget * parent = 0 ) activated activated ( int index ) activated activated-2 ( const QString & text ) addItem addItem ( const QString & text, const QVariant & userData = QVariant() addItem addItem-2 ( const QIcon & icon, const QString & text, const QVariant & userData = QVariant() addItems addItems ( const QStringList & texts ) clearEditText clearEditText () editTextChanged editTextChanged ( const QString & text ) findData findData ( const QVariant & data, int role = Qt::UserRole, QAbstractItemModel::MatchFlags flags = QAbstractItemModel::MatchExactly | QAbstractItemModel::MatchCase ) findText findText ( const QString & text, QAbstractItemModel::MatchFlags flags = QAbstractItemModel::MatchExactly | QAbstractItemModel::MatchCase ) hidePopup hidePopup () highlighted highlighted ( int index ) highlighted highlighted-2 ( const QString & text ) insertItem insertItem ( int index, const QString & text, const QVariant & userData = QVariant() insertItem insertItem-2 ( int index, const QIcon & icon, const QString & text, const QVariant & userData = QVariant() insertItems insertItems ( int index, const QStringList & list ) itemData itemData ( int index, int role = Qt::UserRole ) itemDelegate itemDelegate () itemIcon itemIcon ( int index ) itemText itemText ( int index ) lineEdit lineEdit () model model () setEditText setEditText ( const QString & text ) setItemData setItemData ( int index, const QVariant & value, int role = Qt::UserRole ) setItemDelegate setItemDelegate ( QAbstractItemDelegate * delegate ) setItemIcon setItemIcon ( int index, const QIcon & icon ) setItemText setItemText ( int index, const QString & text ) setLineEdit setLineEdit ( QLineEdit * edit ) setModel setModel ( QAbstractItemModel * model ) setValidator setValidator ( const QValidator * validator ) setView setView ( QAbstractItemView * itemView ) showPopup showPopup () validator validator () view view () QCommonStyle qcommonstyle.html QCommonStyle QCommonStyle () QConicalGradient qconicalgradient.html QConicalGradient QConicalGradient ( const QPointF & center, qreal angle ) QConicalGradient QConicalGradient-2 ( qreal cx, qreal cy, qreal angle ) angle angle () center center () QContextMenuEvent QContextMenuEvent-3 ( Reason reason, const QPoint & pos, const QPoint & globalPos, int dummy ) QContextMenuEvent QContextMenuEvent-4 ( Reason reason, const QPoint & pos, int dummy ) ButtonState state QContextMenuEvent::state() QContextMenuEvent qcontextmenuevent.html Reason Reason-enum QContextMenuEvent QContextMenuEvent ( Reason reason, const QPoint & pos, const QPoint & globalPos ) QContextMenuEvent QContextMenuEvent-2 ( Reason reason, const QPoint & pos ) globalPos globalPos () globalX globalX () globalY globalY () pos pos () reason reason () x x () y y () QCopChannel QCopChannel-2 ( const QString & channel, QObject * parent, const char * name ) QCopChannel qcopchannel.html QCopChannel QCopChannel ( const QString & channel, QObject * parent = 0 ) channel channel () isRegistered isRegistered ( const QString & channel ) receive receive ( const QString & msg, const QByteArray & data ) received received ( const QString & msg, const QByteArray & data ) send send ( const QString & channel, const QString & msg, const QByteArray & data ) send send-2 ( const QString & channel, const QString & msg ) enter_loop enter_loop () exit_loop exit_loop () lock lock () locked locked () loopLevel loopLevel () processOneEvent processOneEvent () tryLock tryLock () unlock unlock ( bool wakeUpGui = true ) QCoreApplication qcoreapplication.html Encoding Encoding-enum EventFilter EventFilter-typedef QCoreApplication QCoreApplication ( int & argc, char ** argv ) aboutToQuit aboutToQuit () addLibraryPath addLibraryPath ( const QString & path ) applicationDirPath applicationDirPath () applicationFilePath applicationFilePath () argc argc () argv argv () closingDown closingDown () exec exec () exit exit ( int returnCode = 0 ) filterEvent filterEvent ( void * message, long * result ) flush flush () hasPendingEvents hasPendingEvents () installTranslator installTranslator ( QTranslator * mf ) instance instance () libraryPaths libraryPaths () notify notify ( QObject * receiver, QEvent * e ) postEvent postEvent ( QObject * receiver, QEvent * event ) processEvents processEvents ( QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlags flags = QEventLoop::AllEvents ) processEvents processEvents-2 ( QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlags flags, int maxtime ) quit quit () removeLibraryPath removeLibraryPath ( const QString & path ) removePostedEvents removePostedEvents ( QObject * receiver ) removeTranslator removeTranslator ( QTranslator * mf ) sendEvent sendEvent ( QObject * receiver, QEvent * event ) sendPostedEvents sendPostedEvents ( QObject * receiver, int event_type ) sendPostedEvents sendPostedEvents-2 () setEventFilter setEventFilter ( EventFilter filter ) setLibraryPaths setLibraryPaths ( const QStringList & paths ) startingUp startingUp () translate translate ( const char * context, const char * sourceText, const char * comment = 0, Encoding encoding = DefaultCodec ) unixSignal unixSignal ( int number ) QCursor qcursor.html QCursor QCursor () QCursor QCursor-2 ( Qt::CursorShape shape ) QCursor QCursor-3 ( const QBitmap & bitmap, const QBitmap & mask, int hotX = -1, int hotY = -1 ) QCursor QCursor-4 ( const QPixmap & pixmap, int hotX = -1, int hotY = -1 ) QCursor QCursor-5 ( const QCursor & c ) QCursor QCursor-6 ( HCURSOR handle ) bitmap bitmap () handle handle () HANDLE handle-2 QCursor::handle() hotSpot hotSpot () mask mask () pixmap pixmap () pos pos () setPos setPos ( int x, int y ) setPos setPos-2 ( const QPoint & p ) setShape setShape ( Qt::CursorShape shape ) CursorShape shape QCursor::shape() operator operator-QVariant QVariant() operator= operator-eq ( const QCursor & c ) QCustomEvent QCustomEvent ( int type, void * data = 0 ) data data () setData setData ( void * data ) QCustomEvent qcustomevent.html QDataStream QDataStream-3 ( QByteArray * array, int mode ) eof eof () isPrintableData isPrintableData () readRawBytes readRawBytes ( char * str, uint len ) setPrintableData setPrintableData ( bool enable ) writeRawBytes writeRawBytes ( const char * str, uint len ) QDataStream qdatastream.html ByteOrder ByteOrder-enum Status Status-enum Version Version-enum QDataStream QDataStream () QDataStream QDataStream-2 ( QIODevice * d ) QDataStream QDataStream-4 ( QByteArray * a, QIODevice::OpenMode mode ) QDataStream QDataStream-5 ( const QByteArray & a ) atEnd atEnd () byteOrder byteOrder () device device () readBytes readBytes ( char *& s, uint & l ) readRawData readRawData ( char * s, int len ) resetStatus resetStatus () setByteOrder setByteOrder ( ByteOrder bo ) setDevice setDevice ( QIODevice * d ) setStatus setStatus ( Status status ) setVersion setVersion ( int v ) status status () unsetDevice unsetDevice () version version () writeBytes writeBytes ( const char * s, uint len ) writeRawData writeRawData ( const char * s, int len ) operator<< operator-lt-lt ( qint8 i ) operator<< operator-lt-lt-2 ( bool i ) operator<< operator-lt-lt-3 ( quint8 i ) operator<< operator-lt-lt-4 ( quint16 i ) operator<< operator-lt-lt-5 ( qint16 i ) operator<< operator-lt-lt-6 ( qint32 i ) operator<< operator-lt-lt-7 ( quint64 i ) operator<< operator-lt-lt-8 ( qint64 i ) operator<< operator-lt-lt-9 ( quint32 i ) operator<< operator-lt-lt-10 ( float f ) operator<< operator-lt-lt-11 ( double f ) operator<< operator-lt-lt-12 ( const char * s ) operator>> operator-gt-gt ( qint8 & i ) operator>> operator-gt-gt-2 ( bool & i ) operator>> operator-gt-gt-3 ( quint8 & i ) operator>> operator-gt-gt-4 ( quint16 & i ) operator>> operator-gt-gt-5 ( qint16 & i ) operator>> operator-gt-gt-6 ( quint32 & i ) operator>> operator-gt-gt-7 ( qint32 & i ) operator>> operator-gt-gt-8 ( quint64 & i ) operator>> operator-gt-gt-9 ( qint64 & i ) operator>> operator-gt-gt-10 ( float & f ) operator>> operator-gt-gt-11 ( double & f ) operator>> operator-gt-gt-12 ( char *& s ) currentDate currentDate ( Qt::TimeSpec spec ) dayName dayName ( int weekday ) leapYear leapYear ( int year ) monthName monthName ( int month ) QDate qdate.html QDate QDate () QDate QDate-2 ( int y, int m, int d ) addDays addDays ( int ndays ) addMonths addMonths ( int nmonths ) addYears addYears ( int nyears ) currentDate currentDate-2 () day day () dayOfWeek dayOfWeek () dayOfYear dayOfYear () daysInMonth daysInMonth () daysInYear daysInYear () daysTo daysTo ( const QDate & d ) fromJulianDay fromJulianDay ( int jd ) fromString fromString ( const QString & string, Qt::DateFormat format = Qt::TextDate ) fromString fromString-2 ( const QString & string, const QString & format ) isLeapYear isLeapYear ( int year ) isNull isNull () isValid isValid () isValid isValid-2 ( int y, int m, int d ) longDayName longDayName ( int weekday ) longMonthName longMonthName ( int month ) month month () setYMD setYMD ( int y, int m, int d ) shortDayName shortDayName ( int weekday ) shortMonthName shortMonthName ( int month ) toJulianDay toJulianDay () toString toString ( const QString & format ) toString toString-2 ( Qt::DateFormat format = Qt::TextDate ) weekNumber weekNumber ( int * yearNumber = 0 ) year year () operator!= operator-not-eq ( const QDate & d ) operator< operator-lt ( const QDate & d ) operator<= operator-lt-eq ( const QDate & d ) operator== operator-eq-eq ( const QDate & d ) operator> operator-gt ( const QDate & d ) operator>= operator-gt-eq ( const QDate & d ) QDateEdit qdateedit.html QDateEdit QDateEdit ( QWidget * parent = 0 ) QDateEdit QDateEdit-2 ( const QDate & date, QWidget * parent = 0 ) currentDateTime currentDateTime-2 ( Qt::TimeSpec spec ) setTime_t setTime_t-2 ( uint secsSince1Jan1970UTC, Qt::TimeSpec spec ) QDateTime qdatetime.html QDateTime QDateTime () QDateTime QDateTime-2 ( const QDate & date ) QDateTime QDateTime-3 ( const QDate & date, const QTime & time, Qt::TimeSpec spec = Qt::LocalTime ) QDateTime QDateTime-4 ( const QDateTime & other ) addDays addDays ( int ndays ) addMonths addMonths ( int nmonths ) addSecs addSecs ( int nsecs ) addYears addYears ( int nyears ) currentDateTime currentDateTime () date date () daysTo daysTo ( const QDateTime & other ) fromString fromString ( const QString & string, Qt::DateFormat format = Qt::TextDate ) fromString fromString-2 ( const QString & string, const QString & format ) isNull isNull () isValid isValid () secsTo secsTo ( const QDateTime & other ) setDate setDate ( const QDate & date ) setTime setTime ( const QTime & time ) setTimeSpec setTimeSpec ( Qt::TimeSpec spec ) setTime_t setTime_t ( uint seconds ) time time () TimeSpec timeSpec QDateTime::timeSpec() toLocalTime toLocalTime () toString toString ( const QString & format ) toString toString-2 ( Qt::DateFormat format = Qt::TextDate ) toTimeSpec toTimeSpec ( Qt::TimeSpec specification ) toTime_t toTime_t () toUTC toUTC () operator!= operator-not-eq ( const QDateTime & other ) operator< operator-lt ( const QDateTime & other ) operator<= operator-lt-eq ( const QDateTime & other ) operator= operator-eq ( const QDateTime & other ) operator== operator-eq-eq ( const QDateTime & other ) operator> operator-gt ( const QDateTime & other ) operator>= operator-gt-eq ( const QDateTime & other ) QDateTimeEdit qdatetimeedit.html QDateTimeEdit QDateTimeEdit ( QWidget * parent = 0 ) QDateTimeEdit QDateTimeEdit-2 ( const QDateTime & datetime, QWidget * parent = 0 ) QDateTimeEdit QDateTimeEdit-3 ( const QDate & date, QWidget * parent = 0 ) QDateTimeEdit QDateTimeEdit-4 ( const QTime & time, QWidget * parent = 0 ) dateChanged dateChanged ( const QDate & date ) dateTimeChanged dateTimeChanged ( const QDateTime & datetime ) dateTimeFromText dateTimeFromText ( const QString & text ) sectionText sectionText ( Section section ) setDateRange setDateRange ( const QDate & min, const QDate & max ) setTimeRange setTimeRange ( const QTime & min, const QTime & max ) textFromDateTime textFromDateTime ( const QDateTime & dateTime ) timeChanged timeChanged ( const QTime & time ) QDecoration qdecoration.html DecorationRegion DecorationRegion-enum DecorationState DecorationState-enum QDecoration QDecoration () buildSysMenu buildSysMenu ( QWidget * widget, QMenu * menu ) menuTriggered menuTriggered ( QWidget * widget, QAction * action ) paint paint ( QPainter * painter, const QWidget * widget, int decorationRegion = All, DecorationState state = Normal ) region region ( const QWidget * widget, const QRect & rect, int type = All ) region region-2 ( const QWidget * w, int decorationRegion = All ) regionAt regionAt ( const QWidget * w, const QPoint & point ) regionClicked regionClicked ( QWidget * widget, int reg ) regionDoubleClicked regionDoubleClicked ( QWidget * widget, int reg ) startMove startMove ( QWidget * widget ) startResize startResize ( QWidget * widget ) QDecorationFactory qdecorationfactory.html create create ( const QString & key ) keys keys () QDecorationPlugin qdecorationplugin.html QDecorationPlugin QDecorationPlugin ( QObject * parent = 0 ) create create ( const QString & key ) keys keys () QDesktopWidget qdesktopwidget.html QDesktopWidget QDesktopWidget () availableGeometry availableGeometry ( int screen = -1 ) availableGeometry availableGeometry-2 ( const QWidget * widget ) availableGeometry availableGeometry-3 ( const QPoint & p ) isVirtualDesktop isVirtualDesktop () numScreens numScreens () primaryScreen primaryScreen () resized resized ( int screen ) screen screen ( int screen = -1 ) screenGeometry screenGeometry ( int screen = -1 ) screenGeometry screenGeometry-2 ( const QWidget * widget ) screenGeometry screenGeometry-3 ( const QPoint & p ) screenNumber screenNumber ( const QWidget * widget = 0 ) screenNumber screenNumber-2 ( const QPoint & point ) workAreaResized workAreaResized ( int screen ) QDial QDial-2 ( int minValue, int maxValue, int pageStep, int value, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 ) QDial QDial-3 ( QWidget * parent, const char * name ) dialMoved dialMoved ( int value ) dialPressed dialPressed () dialReleased dialReleased () QDial qdial.html QDial QDial ( QWidget * parent = 0 ) QDialog QDialog-2 ( QWidget * parent, const char * name, bool modal = false, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) QDialog qdialog.html DialogCode DialogCode-enum QDialog QDialog ( QWidget * parent = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) accept accept () done done ( int r ) exec exec () extension extension () Orientation orientation QDialog::orientation() reject reject () result result () setExtension setExtension ( QWidget * extension ) setOrientation setOrientation ( Qt::Orientation orientation ) setResult setResult ( int i ) showExtension showExtension ( bool showIt ) operator= operator-eq-2 ( const QString & path ) absFilePath absFilePath ( const QString & fileName, bool acceptAbsPath = true ) absPath absPath () cleanDirPath cleanDirPath ( const QString & name ) convertToAbs convertToAbs () currentDirPath currentDirPath () entryInfoList entryInfoList ( const QString & nameFilter, Filters filters = NoFilter, SortFlags sort = NoSort ) entryList entryList-2 ( const QString & nameFilter, Filters filters = NoFilter, SortFlags sort = NoSort ) homeDirPath homeDirPath () matchAllDirs matchAllDirs () mkdir mkdir-2 ( const QString & dirName, bool acceptAbsPath ) nameFilter nameFilter () rmdir rmdir-2 ( const QString & dirName, bool acceptAbsPath ) rootDirPath rootDirPath () setMatchAllDirs setMatchAllDirs ( bool on ) setNameFilter setNameFilter ( const QString & nameFilter ) QDir qdir.html FilterSpec FilterSpec-typedef SortSpec SortSpec-typedef QDir QDir ( const QDir & dir ) QDir QDir-2 ( const QString & path = QString() QDir QDir-3 ( const QString & path, const QString & nameFilter, SortFlags sort = SortFlags( Name | IgnoreCase ) absoluteFilePath absoluteFilePath ( const QString & fileName ) absolutePath absolutePath () addResourceSearchPath addResourceSearchPath ( const QString & path ) canonicalPath canonicalPath () cd cd ( const QString & dirName ) cdUp cdUp () cleanPath cleanPath ( const QString & path ) convertSeparators convertSeparators ( const QString & pathName ) count count () current current () currentPath currentPath () dirName dirName () drives drives () entryInfoList entryInfoList-2 ( Filters filters = NoFilter, SortFlags sort = NoSort ) entryInfoList entryInfoList-3 ( const QStringList & nameFilters, Filters filters = NoFilter, SortFlags sort = NoSort ) entryList entryList ( const QStringList & nameFilters, Filters filters = NoFilter, SortFlags sort = NoSort ) entryList entryList-3 ( Filters filters = NoFilter, SortFlags sort = NoSort ) exists exists ( const QString & name ) exists exists-2 () filePath filePath ( const QString & fileName ) filter filter () home home () homePath homePath () isAbsolute isAbsolute () isAbsolutePath isAbsolutePath ( const QString & path ) isReadable isReadable () isRelative isRelative () isRelativePath isRelativePath ( const QString & path ) isRoot isRoot () makeAbsolute makeAbsolute () match match ( const QString & filter, const QString & fileName ) match match-2 ( const QStringList & filters, const QString & fileName ) mkdir mkdir ( const QString & dirName ) mkpath mkpath ( const QString & dirPath ) nameFilters nameFilters () path path () refresh refresh () relativeFilePath relativeFilePath ( const QString & fileName ) remove remove ( const QString & fileName ) rename rename ( const QString & oldName, const QString & newName ) rmdir rmdir ( const QString & dirName ) rmpath rmpath ( const QString & dirPath ) root root () rootPath rootPath () separator separator () setCurrent setCurrent ( const QString & path ) setFilter setFilter ( Filters filters ) setNameFilters setNameFilters ( const QStringList & nameFilters ) setPath setPath ( const QString & path ) setSorting setSorting ( SortFlags sort ) sorting sorting () temp temp () tempPath tempPath () operator!= operator-not-eq ( const QDir & dir ) operator= operator-eq ( const QDir & dir ) operator== operator-eq-eq ( const QDir & dir ) operator[] operator-5b-5d ( int pos ) QDirectPainter qdirectpainter.html QDirectPainter QDirectPainter ( QWidget * w ) depth depth () frameBuffer frameBuffer () height height () lineStep lineStep () numRects numRects () offset offset () rect rect ( int i ) region region () setAreaChanged setAreaChanged ( const QRect & r ) size size () transformOrientation transformOrientation () width width () xOffset xOffset () yOffset yOffset () QDirModel qdirmodel.html Roles Roles-enum QDirModel QDirModel ( const QStringList & nameFilters, QDir::Filters filters, QDir::SortFlags sort, QObject * parent = 0 ) QDirModel QDirModel-2 ( QObject * parent = 0 ) columnCount columnCount ( const QModelIndex & parent ) data data ( const QModelIndex & index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole ) dropMimeData dropMimeData ( const QMimeData * data, Qt::DropAction action, int row, int column, const QModelIndex & parent ) fileIcon fileIcon ( const QModelIndex & index ) fileInfo fileInfo ( const QModelIndex & index ) fileName fileName ( const QModelIndex & index ) filePath filePath ( const QModelIndex & index ) Filters filter QDirModel::filter() ItemFlags flags QDirModel::flags( const QModelIndex & index ) hasChildren hasChildren ( const QModelIndex & parent ) headerData headerData ( int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role ) iconProvider iconProvider () index index ( int row, int column, const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex() index index-2 ( const QString & path, int column = 0 ) isDir isDir ( const QModelIndex & index ) mimeData mimeData ( const QModelIndexList & indexes ) mimeTypes mimeTypes () mkdir mkdir ( const QModelIndex & parent, const QString & name ) nameFilters nameFilters () parent parent ( const QModelIndex & child ) refresh refresh ( const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex() remove remove ( const QModelIndex & index ) rmdir rmdir ( const QModelIndex & index ) rowCount rowCount ( const QModelIndex & parent ) setData setData ( const QModelIndex & index, const QVariant & value, int role ) setFilter setFilter ( QDir::Filters filters ) setIconProvider setIconProvider ( QFileIconProvider * provider ) setNameFilters setNameFilters ( const QStringList & filters ) setSorting setSorting ( QDir::SortFlags sort ) sort sort ( int column, Qt::SortOrder order ) SortFlags sorting QDirModel::sorting() DropActions supportedDropActions QDirModel::supportedDropActions() QDockWidget qdockwidget.html DockWidgetAreas allowedAreas QDockWidget QDockWidget ( const QString & title, QWidget * parent = 0, Qt::WFlags flags = 0 ) QDockWidget QDockWidget-2 ( QWidget * parent = 0, Qt::WFlags flags = 0 ) allowedAreasChanged allowedAreasChanged ( Qt::DockWidgetAreas allowedAreas ) featuresChanged featuresChanged ( DockWidgetFeatures features ) isAreaAllowed isAreaAllowed ( Qt::DockWidgetArea area ) setWidget setWidget ( QWidget * widget ) toggleViewAction toggleViewAction () topLevelChanged topLevelChanged ( bool topLevel ) widget widget () QDomAttr qdomattr.html QDomAttr QDomAttr () QDomAttr QDomAttr-2 ( const QDomAttr & x ) name name () NodeType nodeType QDomAttr::nodeType() ownerElement ownerElement () setValue setValue ( const QString & v ) specified specified () value value () operator= operator-eq ( const QDomAttr & x ) QDomCDATASection qdomcdatasection.html QDomCDATASection QDomCDATASection () QDomCDATASection QDomCDATASection-2 ( const QDomCDATASection & x ) NodeType nodeType QDomCDATASection::nodeType() operator= operator-eq ( const QDomCDATASection & x ) QDomCharacterData qdomcharacterdata.html QDomCharacterData QDomCharacterData () QDomCharacterData QDomCharacterData-2 ( const QDomCharacterData & x ) appendData appendData ( const QString & arg ) data data () deleteData deleteData ( unsigned long offset, unsigned long count ) insertData insertData ( unsigned long offset, const QString & arg ) length length () NodeType nodeType QDomCharacterData::nodeType() replaceData replaceData ( unsigned long offset, unsigned long count, const QString & arg ) setData setData ( const QString & v ) substringData substringData ( unsigned long offset, unsigned long count ) operator= operator-eq ( const QDomCharacterData & x ) QDomComment qdomcomment.html QDomComment QDomComment () QDomComment QDomComment-2 ( const QDomComment & x ) NodeType nodeType QDomComment::nodeType() operator= operator-eq ( const QDomComment & x ) QDomDocument qdomdocument.html QDomDocument QDomDocument () QDomDocument QDomDocument-2 ( const QString & name ) QDomDocument QDomDocument-3 ( const QDomDocumentType & doctype ) QDomDocument QDomDocument-4 ( const QDomDocument & x ) createAttribute createAttribute ( const QString & name ) createAttributeNS createAttributeNS ( const QString & nsURI, const QString & qName ) createCDATASection createCDATASection ( const QString & value ) createComment createComment ( const QString & value ) createDocumentFragment createDocumentFragment () createElement createElement ( const QString & tagName ) createElementNS createElementNS ( const QString & nsURI, const QString & qName ) createEntityReference createEntityReference ( const QString & name ) createProcessingInstruction createProcessingInstruction ( const QString & target, const QString & data ) createTextNode createTextNode ( const QString & value ) doctype doctype () documentElement documentElement () elementById elementById ( const QString & elementId ) elementsByTagName elementsByTagName ( const QString & tagname ) elementsByTagNameNS elementsByTagNameNS ( const QString & nsURI, const QString & localName ) implementation implementation () importNode importNode ( const QDomNode & importedNode, bool deep ) NodeType nodeType QDomDocument::nodeType() setContent setContent ( const QByteArray & data, bool namespaceProcessing, QString * errorMsg = 0, int * errorLine = 0, int * errorColumn = 0 ) setContent setContent-2 ( const QString & text, bool namespaceProcessing, QString * errorMsg = 0, int * errorLine = 0, int * errorColumn = 0 ) setContent setContent-3 ( QIODevice * dev, bool namespaceProcessing, QString * errorMsg = 0, int * errorLine = 0, int * errorColumn = 0 ) setContent setContent-4 ( const QString & text, QString * errorMsg = 0, int * errorLine = 0, int * errorColumn = 0 ) setContent setContent-5 ( const QByteArray & buffer, QString * errorMsg = 0, int * errorLine = 0, int * errorColumn = 0 ) setContent setContent-6 ( QIODevice * dev, QString * errorMsg = 0, int * errorLine = 0, int * errorColumn = 0 ) setContent setContent-7 ( QXmlInputSource * source, QXmlReader * reader, QString * errorMsg = 0, int * errorLine = 0, int * errorColumn = 0 ) toByteArray toByteArray ( int indent = 1 ) toString toString ( int indent = 1 ) operator= operator-eq ( const QDomDocument & x ) QDomDocumentFragment qdomdocumentfragment.html QDomDocumentFragment QDomDocumentFragment () QDomDocumentFragment QDomDocumentFragment-2 ( const QDomDocumentFragment & x ) NodeType nodeType QDomDocumentFragment::nodeType() operator= operator-eq ( const QDomDocumentFragment & x ) QDomDocumentType qdomdocumenttype.html QDomDocumentType QDomDocumentType () QDomDocumentType QDomDocumentType-2 ( const QDomDocumentType & n ) entities entities () internalSubset internalSubset () name name () NodeType nodeType QDomDocumentType::nodeType() notations notations () publicId publicId () systemId systemId () operator= operator-eq ( const QDomDocumentType & n ) QDomElement qdomelement.html QDomElement QDomElement () QDomElement QDomElement-2 ( const QDomElement & x ) attribute attributex ( const QString & name, const QString & defValue = QString() attributeNS attributeNS ( const QString nsURI, const QString & localName, const QString & defValue = QString() attributeNode attributeNode ( const QString & name ) attributeNodeNS attributeNodeNS ( const QString & nsURI, const QString & localName ) attributes attributes () elementsByTagName elementsByTagName ( const QString & tagname ) elementsByTagNameNS elementsByTagNameNS ( const QString & nsURI, const QString & localName ) hasAttribute hasAttribute ( const QString & name ) hasAttributeNS hasAttributeNS ( const QString & nsURI, const QString & localName ) NodeType nodeType QDomElement::nodeType() removeAttribute removeAttribute ( const QString & name ) removeAttributeNS removeAttributeNS ( const QString & nsURI, const QString & localName ) removeAttributeNode removeAttributeNode ( const QDomAttr & oldAttr ) setAttribute setAttribute ( const QString & name, const QString & value ) setAttribute setAttribute-2 ( const QString & name, int value ) setAttribute setAttribute-3 ( const QString & name, uint value ) setAttribute setAttribute-4 ( const QString & name, qlonglong value ) setAttribute setAttribute-5 ( const QString & name, qulonglong value ) setAttribute setAttribute-6 ( const QString & name, double value ) setAttributeNS setAttributeNS ( const QString nsURI, const QString & qName, const QString & value ) setAttributeNS setAttributeNS-2 ( const QString nsURI, const QString & qName, int value ) setAttributeNS setAttributeNS-3 ( const QString nsURI, const QString & qName, uint value ) setAttributeNS setAttributeNS-4 ( const QString nsURI, const QString & qName, qlonglong value ) setAttributeNS setAttributeNS-5 ( const QString nsURI, const QString & qName, qulonglong value ) setAttributeNS setAttributeNS-6 ( const QString nsURI, const QString & qName, double value ) setAttributeNode setAttributeNode ( const QDomAttr & newAttr ) setAttributeNodeNS setAttributeNodeNS ( const QDomAttr & newAttr ) setTagName setTagName ( const QString & name ) tagName tagName () text text () operator= operator-eq ( const QDomElement & x ) QDomEntity qdomentity.html QDomEntity QDomEntity () QDomEntity QDomEntity-2 ( const QDomEntity & x ) NodeType nodeType QDomEntity::nodeType() notationName notationName () publicId publicId () systemId systemId () operator= operator-eq ( const QDomEntity & x ) QDomEntityReference qdomentityreference.html QDomEntityReference QDomEntityReference () QDomEntityReference QDomEntityReference-2 ( const QDomEntityReference & x ) NodeType nodeType QDomEntityReference::nodeType() operator= operator-eq ( const QDomEntityReference & x ) QDomImplementation qdomimplementation.html QDomImplementation QDomImplementation () QDomImplementation QDomImplementation-2 ( const QDomImplementation & x ) createDocument createDocument ( const QString & nsURI, const QString & qName, const QDomDocumentType & doctype ) createDocumentType createDocumentType ( const QString & qName, const QString & publicId, const QString & systemId ) hasFeature hasFeature ( const QString & feature, const QString & version ) isNull isNull () operator!= operator-not-eq ( const QDomImplementation & x ) operator= operator-eq ( const QDomImplementation & x ) operator== operator-eq-eq ( const QDomImplementation & x ) QDomNamedNodeMap qdomnamednodemap.html QDomNamedNodeMap QDomNamedNodeMap () QDomNamedNodeMap QDomNamedNodeMap-2 ( const QDomNamedNodeMap & n ) contains contains ( const QString & name ) count count () item item ( int index ) length length () namedItem namedItem ( const QString & name ) namedItemNS namedItemNS ( const QString & nsURI, const QString & localName ) removeNamedItem removeNamedItem ( const QString & name ) removeNamedItemNS removeNamedItemNS ( const QString & nsURI, const QString & localName ) setNamedItem setNamedItem ( const QDomNode & newNode ) setNamedItemNS setNamedItemNS ( const QDomNode & newNode ) operator!= operator-not-eq ( const QDomNamedNodeMap & n ) operator= operator-eq ( const QDomNamedNodeMap & n ) operator== operator-eq-eq ( const QDomNamedNodeMap & n ) QDomNode qdomnode.html NodeType NodeType-enum QDomNode QDomNode () QDomNode QDomNode-2 ( const QDomNode & n ) appendChild appendChild ( const QDomNode & newChild ) attributes attributes () childNodes childNodes () clear clear () cloneNode cloneNode ( bool deep = true ) firstChild firstChild () firstChildElement firstChildElement ( const QString & tagName = QString() hasAttributes hasAttributes () hasChildNodes hasChildNodes () insertAfter insertAfter ( const QDomNode & newChild, const QDomNode & refChild ) insertBefore insertBefore ( const QDomNode & newChild, const QDomNode & refChild ) isAttr isAttr () isCDATASection isCDATASection () isCharacterData isCharacterData () isComment isComment () isDocument isDocument () isDocumentFragment isDocumentFragment () isDocumentType isDocumentType () isElement isElement () isEntity isEntity () isEntityReference isEntityReference () isNotation isNotation () isNull isNull () isProcessingInstruction isProcessingInstruction () isSupported isSupported ( const QString & feature, const QString & version ) isText isText () lastChild lastChild () lastChildElement lastChildElement ( const QString & tagName = QString() localName localName () namedItem namedItem ( const QString & name ) namespaceURI namespaceURI () nextSibling nextSibling () nextSiblingElement nextSiblingElement ( const QString & tagName = QString() nodeName nodeName () nodeType nodeType () nodeValue nodeValue () normalize normalize () ownerDocument ownerDocument () parentNode parentNode () prefix prefix () previousSibling previousSibling () previousSiblingElement previousSiblingElement ( const QString & tagName = QString() removeChild removeChild ( const QDomNode & oldChild ) replaceChild replaceChild ( const QDomNode & newChild, const QDomNode & oldChild ) save save ( QTextStream & str, int indent ) setNodeValue setNodeValue ( const QString & v ) setPrefix setPrefix ( const QString & pre ) toAttr toAttr () toCDATASection toCDATASection () toCharacterData toCharacterData () toComment toComment () toDocument toDocument () toDocumentFragment toDocumentFragment () toDocumentType toDocumentType () toElement toElement () toEntity toEntity () toEntityReference toEntityReference () toNotation toNotation () toProcessingInstruction toProcessingInstruction () toText toText () operator!= operator-not-eq ( const QDomNode & n ) operator= operator-eq ( const QDomNode & n ) operator== operator-eq-eq ( const QDomNode & n ) QDomNodeList qdomnodelist.html QDomNodeList QDomNodeList () QDomNodeList QDomNodeList-2 ( const QDomNodeList & n ) count count () item item ( int index ) length length () operator!= operator-not-eq ( const QDomNodeList & n ) operator= operator-eq ( const QDomNodeList & n ) operator== operator-eq-eq ( const QDomNodeList & n ) QDomNotation qdomnotation.html QDomNotation QDomNotation () QDomNotation QDomNotation-2 ( const QDomNotation & x ) NodeType nodeType QDomNotation::nodeType() publicId publicId () systemId systemId () operator= operator-eq ( const QDomNotation & x ) QDomProcessingInstruction qdomprocessinginstruction.html QDomProcessingInstruction QDomProcessingInstruction () QDomProcessingInstruction QDomProcessingInstruction-2 ( const QDomProcessingInstruction & x ) data data () NodeType nodeType QDomProcessingInstruction::nodeType() setData setData ( const QString & d ) target target () operator= operator-eq ( const QDomProcessingInstruction & x ) QDomText qdomtext.html QDomText QDomText () QDomText QDomText-2 ( const QDomText & x ) NodeType nodeType QDomText::nodeType() splitText splitText ( int offset ) operator= operator-eq ( const QDomText & x ) QDoubleSpinBox qdoublespinbox.html QDoubleSpinBox QDoubleSpinBox ( QWidget * parent = 0 ) setRange setRange ( double min, double max ) textFromValue textFromValue ( double v ) valueChanged valueChanged ( double d ) valueChanged valueChanged-2 ( const QString & text ) valueFromText valueFromText ( const QString & text ) QDoubleValidator QDoubleValidator-3 ( QObject * parent, const char * name ) QDoubleValidator QDoubleValidator-4 ( double bottom, double top, int decimals, QObject * parent, const char * name ) QDoubleValidator qdoublevalidator.html QDoubleValidator QDoubleValidator ( QObject * parent ) QDoubleValidator QDoubleValidator-2 ( double bottom, double top, int decimals, QObject * parent ) setRange setRange ( double minimum, double maximum, int decimals = 0 ) State validate QDoubleValidator::validate( QString & input, int & pos ) QDrag qdrag.html QDrag QDrag ( QWidget * dragSource ) actionChanged actionChanged ( Qt::DropAction action ) hotSpot hotSpot () mimeData mimeData () pixmap pixmap () setDragCursor setDragCursor ( const QPixmap & cursor, Qt::DropAction action ) setHotSpot setHotSpot ( const QPoint & hotspot ) setMimeData setMimeData ( QMimeData * data ) setPixmap setPixmap ( const QPixmap & pixmap ) source source () DropAction start QDrag::start( Qt::DropActions request = Qt::CopyAction ) target target () targetChanged targetChanged ( QWidget * newTarget ) QDragEnterEvent qdragenterevent.html QDragEnterEvent QDragEnterEvent ( const QPoint & point, Qt::DropActions actions, const QMimeData * data, Qt::MouseButtons buttons, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers ) QDragLeaveEvent qdragleaveevent.html QDragLeaveEvent QDragLeaveEvent () accept accept-2 ( bool y ) QDragMoveEvent qdragmoveevent.html QDragMoveEvent QDragMoveEvent ( const QPoint & pos, Qt::DropActions actions, const QMimeData * data, Qt::MouseButtons buttons, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, Type type = DragMove ) accept accept ( const QRect & rectangle ) accept accept-3 () answerRect answerRect () ignore ignore ( const QRect & rectangle ) ignore ignore-2 () Action Action-enum accept accept-2 ( bool accept ) acceptAction acceptAction ( bool accept = true ) action action () data data ( const char * f ) encodedData encodedData ( const char * format ) format format ( int n = 0 ) provides provides ( const char * mimeType ) setPoint setPoint ( const QPoint & point ) QDropEvent qdropevent.html QDropEvent QDropEvent ( const QPoint & pos, Qt::DropActions actions, const QMimeData * data, Qt::MouseButtons buttons, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, Type type = Drop ) accept accept () acceptProposedAction acceptProposedAction () DropAction dropAction QDropEvent::dropAction() KeyboardModifiers keyboardModifiers QDropEvent::keyboardModifiers() mimeData mimeData () MouseButtons mouseButtons QDropEvent::mouseButtons() pos pos () DropActions possibleActions QDropEvent::possibleActions() DropAction proposedAction QDropEvent::proposedAction() setDropAction setDropAction ( Qt::DropAction action ) source source () message message ( const QString & text ) QErrorMessage qerrormessage.html QErrorMessage QErrorMessage ( QWidget * parent = 0 ) qtHandler qtHandler () showMessage showMessage ( const QString & message ) QEvent qevent.html Type Type-enum QEvent QEvent ( Type type ) accept accept () ignore ignore () spontaneous spontaneous () type type () name name () open open-2 ( OpenMode flags, FILE * f ) open open-3 ( OpenMode flags, int fd ) setName setName ( const QString & name ) QFile qfile.html DecoderFn DecoderFn-typedef EncoderFn EncoderFn-typedef FileError FileError-enum PermissionSpec PermissionSpec-typedef QFile QFile-2 ( const QString & name ) QFile QFile-3 ( QObject * parent ) QFile QFile-4 ( const QString & name, QObject * parent ) copy copy ( const QString & newName ) copy copy-2 ( const QString & fileName, const QString & newName ) decodeName decodeName ( const QByteArray & localFileName ) decodeName decodeName-2 ( const char * localFileName ) encodeName encodeName ( const QString & fileName ) error error () exists exists ( const QString & fileName ) exists exists-2 () fileEngine fileEngine () fileName fileName () handle handle () isSequential isSequential () link link ( const QString & newName ) link link-2 ( const QString & oldName, const QString & newName ) open open ( OpenMode mode ) open open-4 ( FILE * fh, OpenMode mode ) open open-5 ( int fd, OpenMode mode ) permissions permissions () permissions permissions-2 ( const QString & fileName ) readLink readLink ( const QString & fileName ) readLink readLink-2 () remove remove () remove remove-2 ( const QString & fileName ) rename rename ( const QString & newName ) rename rename-2 ( const QString & oldName, const QString & newName ) resize resize ( qint64 sz ) resize resize-2 ( const QString & fileName, qint64 sz ) setDecodingFunction setDecodingFunction ( DecoderFn function ) setEncodingFunction setEncodingFunction ( EncoderFn function ) setFileName setFileName ( const QString & name ) setPermissions setPermissions ( Permissions permissions ) setPermissions setPermissions-2 ( const QString & fileName, Permissions permissions ) unsetError unsetError () getExistingDirectory getExistingDirectory-2 ( const QString & dir, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, const QString & caption = QString() getOpenFileName getOpenFileName-2 ( const QString & dir, const QString & filter = QString() getOpenFileNames getOpenFileNames-2 ( const QString & filter, const QString & dir = QString() getSaveFileName getSaveFileName-2 ( const QString & dir, const QString & filter = QString() mode mode () selectedFile selectedFile () setDir setDir ( const QString & directory ) setDir setDir-2 ( const QDir & directory ) setMode setMode ( FileMode m ) QFileDialog qfiledialog.html AcceptMode AcceptMode-enum DialogLabel DialogLabel-enum FileMode FileMode-enum Mode Mode-typedef ViewMode ViewMode-enum QFileDialog QFileDialog ( QWidget * parent, Qt::WFlags flags ) QFileDialog QFileDialog-2 ( QWidget * parent = 0, const QString & caption = QString() currentChanged currentChanged ( const QString & path ) directory directory () filesSelected filesSelected ( const QStringList & selected ) filters filters () getExistingDirectory getExistingDirectory ( QWidget * parent = 0, const QString & caption = QString() getOpenFileName getOpenFileName ( QWidget * parent = 0, const QString & caption = QString() getOpenFileNames getOpenFileNames ( QWidget * parent = 0, const QString & caption = QString() getSaveFileName getSaveFileName ( QWidget * parent = 0, const QString & caption = QString() history history () iconProvider iconProvider () itemDelegate itemDelegate () labelText labelText ( DialogLabel label ) selectFile selectFile ( const QString & filename ) selectFilter selectFilter ( const QString & filter ) selectedFiles selectedFiles () selectedFilter selectedFilter () setDirectory setDirectory ( const QString & directory ) setDirectory setDirectory-2 ( const QDir & directory ) setFilter setFilter ( const QString & filter ) setFilters setFilters ( const QStringList & filters ) setHistory setHistory ( const QStringList & paths ) setIconProvider setIconProvider ( QFileIconProvider * provider ) setItemDelegate setItemDelegate ( QAbstractItemDelegate * delegate ) setLabelText setLabelText ( DialogLabel label, const QString & text ) QFileEngine qfileengine.html FileName FileName-enum FileOwner FileOwner-enum FileTime FileTime-enum Type Type-enum QFileEngine QFileEngine () at at () caseSensitive caseSensitive () chmod chmod ( uint perms ) close close () copy copy ( const QString & newName ) createFileEngine createFileEngine ( const QString & file ) entryList entryList ( QDir::Filters filters, const QStringList & filterNames ) FileError error QFileEngine::error() errorString errorString () fileFlags fileFlags ( FileFlags type = FileInfoAll ) fileName fileName ( FileName file = DefaultName ) fileTime fileTime ( FileTime time ) flush flush () isRelativePath isRelativePath () isSequential isSequential () link link ( const QString & newName ) map map ( qint64 offset, qint64 size ) mkdir mkdir ( const QString & dirName, bool createParentDirectories ) open open ( int mode ) owner owner ( FileOwner owner ) ownerId ownerId ( FileOwner owner ) read read ( char * data, qint64 maxSize ) remove remove () rename rename ( const QString & newName ) rmdir rmdir ( const QString & dirName, bool recurseParentDirectories ) seek seek ( qint64 offset ) setFileName setFileName ( const QString & file ) setSize setSize ( qint64 size ) size size () type type () unmap unmap ( uchar * data ) write write ( const char * data, qint64 size ) QFileEngineHandler qfileenginehandler.html QFileEngineHandler QFileEngineHandler () createFileEngine createFileEngine ( const QString & path ) QFileIconProvider qfileiconprovider.html IconType IconType-enum QFileIconProvider QFileIconProvider () icon icon ( IconType type ) icon icon-2 ( const QFileInfo & info ) type type ( const QFileInfo & info ) absFilePath absFilePath () baseName baseName-2 ( bool complete ) convertToAbs convertToAbs () dir dir-2 ( bool absPath ) dirPath dirPath ( bool absPath = false ) extension extension ( bool complete = true ) permission permission-2 ( PermissionSpec permissions ) QFileInfo qfileinfo.html QFileInfo QFileInfo () QFileInfo QFileInfo-2 ( const QString & file ) QFileInfo QFileInfo-3 ( const QFile & file ) QFileInfo QFileInfo-4 ( const QDir & dir, const QString & file ) QFileInfo QFileInfo-5 ( const QFileInfo & fileinfo ) absoluteDir absoluteDir () absoluteFilePath absoluteFilePath () absolutePath absolutePath () baseName baseName () caching caching () canonicalFilePath canonicalFilePath () canonicalPath canonicalPath () completeBaseName completeBaseName () completeSuffix completeSuffix () created created () dir dir () exists exists () fileName fileName () filePath filePath () group group () groupId groupId () isAbsolute isAbsolute () isDir isDir () isExecutable isExecutable () isFile isFile () isHidden isHidden () isReadable isReadable () isRelative isRelative () isRoot isRoot () isSymLink isSymLink () isWritable isWritable () lastModified lastModified () lastRead lastRead () makeAbsolute makeAbsolute () owner owner () ownerId ownerId () path path () permission permission ( QFile::Permissions permissions ) Permissions permissions QFileInfo::permissions() readLink readLink () refresh refresh () setCaching setCaching ( bool enable ) setFile setFile ( const QString & file ) setFile setFile-2 ( const QFile & file ) setFile setFile-3 ( const QDir & dir, const QString & file ) size size () suffix suffix () operator!= operator-not-eq ( const QFileInfo & fileinfo ) operator= operator-eq ( const QFileInfo & fileinfo ) operator== operator-eq-eq ( const QFileInfo & fileinfo ) QFileOpenEvent qfileopenevent.html file file () QFocusEvent qfocusevent.html Reason Reason-enum QFocusEvent QFocusEvent ( Type type, Qt::FocusReason reason = Qt::OtherFocusReason ) gotFocus gotFocus () lostFocus lostFocus () FocusReason reason QFocusEvent::reason() QFocusFrame qfocusframe.html QFocusFrame QFocusFrame ( QWidget * parent = 0 ) setWidget setWidget ( QWidget * widget ) widget widget () defaultFont defaultFont () pointSizeFloat pointSizeFloat () setDefaultFont setDefaultFont ( const QFont & f ) setPixelSizeFloat setPixelSizeFloat ( qreal pixelSize ) setPointSizeFloat setPointSizeFloat ( qreal size ) QFont qfont.html Stretch Stretch-enum Style Style-enum StyleHint StyleHint-enum StyleStrategy StyleStrategy-enum Weight Weight-enum QFont QFont () QFont QFont-2 ( const QString & family, int pointSize = -1, int weight = -1, bool italic = false ) QFont QFont-3 ( const QFont & font, QPaintDevice * pd ) QFont QFont-4 ( const QFont & font ) bold bold () defaultFamily defaultFamily () exactMatch exactMatch () family family () fixedPitch fixedPitch () fromString fromString ( const QString & descrip ) handle handle () insertSubstitution insertSubstitution ( const QString & familyName, const QString & substituteName ) insertSubstitutions insertSubstitutions ( const QString & familyName, const QStringList & substituteNames ) isCopyOf isCopyOf ( const QFont & f ) italic italic () kerning kerning () key key () lastResortFamily lastResortFamily () lastResortFont lastResortFont () overline overline () pixelSize pixelSize () pointSize pointSize () pointSizeF pointSizeF () rawMode rawMode () rawName rawName () removeSubstitution removeSubstitution ( const QString & familyName ) resolve resolve ( const QFont & other ) setBold setBold ( bool enable ) setFamily setFamily ( const QString & family ) setFixedPitch setFixedPitch ( bool enable ) setItalic setItalic ( bool enable ) setKerning setKerning ( bool enable ) setOverline setOverline ( bool enable ) setPixelSize setPixelSize ( int pixelSize ) setPointSize setPointSize ( int pointSize ) setPointSizeF setPointSizeF ( qreal pointSize ) setRawMode setRawMode ( bool enable ) setRawName setRawName ( const QString & name ) setStretch setStretch ( int factor ) setStrikeOut setStrikeOut ( bool enable ) setStyle setStyle ( Style style ) setStyleHint setStyleHint ( StyleHint hint, StyleStrategy strategy = PreferDefault ) setStyleStrategy setStyleStrategy ( StyleStrategy s ) setUnderline setUnderline ( bool enable ) setWeight setWeight ( int weight ) stretch stretch () strikeOut strikeOut () style style () styleHint styleHint () styleStrategy styleStrategy () substitute substitute ( const QString & familyName ) substitutes substitutes ( const QString & familyName ) substitutions substitutions () toString toString () underline underline () weight weight () operator operator-QVariant QVariant() operator!= operator-not-eq ( const QFont & f ) operator< operator-lt ( const QFont & f ) operator= operator-eq ( const QFont & font ) operator== operator-eq-eq ( const QFont & f ) QFontDatabase qfontdatabase.html WritingSystem WritingSystem-enum QFontDatabase QFontDatabase () bold bold ( const QString & family, const QString & style ) families families ( WritingSystem writingSystem = Any ) font font ( const QString & family, const QString & style, int pointSize ) isBitmapScalable isBitmapScalable ( const QString & family, const QString & style = QString() isFixedPitch isFixedPitch ( const QString & family, const QString & style = QString() isScalable isScalable ( const QString & family, const QString & style = QString() isSmoothlyScalable isSmoothlyScalable ( const QString & family, const QString & style = QString() italic italic ( const QString & family, const QString & style ) pointSizes pointSizes ( const QString & family, const QString & style = QString() smoothSizes smoothSizes ( const QString & family, const QString & style ) standardSizes standardSizes () styleString styleString ( const QFont & f ) styles styles ( const QString & family ) weight weight ( const QString & family, const QString & style ) writingSystemName writingSystemName ( WritingSystem writingSystem ) writingSystemSample writingSystemSample ( WritingSystem writingSystem ) writingSystems writingSystems () QFontDialog qfontdialog.html getFont getFont ( bool * ok, const QFont & initial, QWidget * parent = 0 ) getFont getFont-2 ( bool * ok, const QFont & def, QWidget * parent, const char * name ) getFont getFont-3 ( bool * ok, QWidget * parent, const char * name ) getFont getFont-5 ( bool * ok, QWidget * parent = 0 ) QFontInfo qfontinfo.html QFontInfo QFontInfo ( const QFont & font ) QFontInfo QFontInfo-2 ( const QFontInfo & fi ) bold bold () exactMatch exactMatch () family family () fixedPitch fixedPitch () italic italic () pixelSize pixelSize () pointSize pointSize () pointSizeF pointSizeF () rawMode rawMode () Style style QFontInfo::style() StyleHint styleHint QFontInfo::styleHint() weight weight () operator= operator-eq ( const QFontInfo & fi ) boundingRect boundingRect-3 ( const QString & text, int len ) boundingRect boundingRect-4 ( int x, int y, int w, int h, int flags, const QString & str, int len, int tabstops = 0, int * tabarray = 0 ) size size-2 ( int flags, const QString & str, int len, int tabstops = 0, int * tabarray = 0 ) QFontMetrics qfontmetrics.html QFontMetrics QFontMetrics ( const QFont & font ) QFontMetrics QFontMetrics-2 ( const QFont & font, QPaintDevice * paintdevice ) QFontMetrics QFontMetrics-3 ( const QFontMetrics & fm ) ascent ascent () boundingRect boundingRect ( QChar ch ) boundingRect boundingRect-2 ( const QString & str ) boundingRect boundingRect-5 ( int x, int y, int width, int height, int flags, const QString & text, int tabstops = 0, int * tabarray = 0 ) boundingRect boundingRect-6 ( const QRect & r, int flgs, const QString & str, int tabstops = 0, int * tabarray = 0 ) charWidth charWidth ( const QString & str, int pos ) descent descent () height height () inFont inFont ( QChar ch ) leading leading () leftBearing leftBearing ( QChar ch ) lineSpacing lineSpacing () lineWidth lineWidth () maxWidth maxWidth () minLeftBearing minLeftBearing () minRightBearing minRightBearing () overlinePos overlinePos () rightBearing rightBearing ( QChar ch ) size size ( int flgs, const QString & text, int tabstops = 0, int * tabarray = 0 ) strikeOutPos strikeOutPos () underlinePos underlinePos () width width ( const QString & str, int len = -1 ) width width-2 ( QChar ch ) operator!= operator-not-eq ( const QFontMetrics & other ) operator= operator-eq ( const QFontMetrics & fm ) operator== operator-eq-eq ( const QFontMetrics & other ) QFontMetricsF qfontmetricsf.html QFontMetricsF QFontMetricsF ( const QFont & font ) QFontMetricsF QFontMetricsF-2 ( const QFont & font, QPaintDevice * paintdevice ) QFontMetricsF QFontMetricsF-3 ( const QFontMetrics & fontMetrics ) QFontMetricsF QFontMetricsF-4 ( const QFontMetricsF & fm ) ascent ascent () boundingRect boundingRect ( const QString & text ) boundingRect boundingRect-2 ( QChar ch ) boundingRect boundingRect-3 ( const QRectF & rect, int flags, const QString & text, int tabstops = 0, int * tabarray = 0 ) descent descent () height height () inFont inFont ( QChar ch ) leading leading () leftBearing leftBearing ( QChar ch ) lineSpacing lineSpacing () lineWidth lineWidth () maxWidth maxWidth () minLeftBearing minLeftBearing () minRightBearing minRightBearing () overlinePos overlinePos () rightBearing rightBearing ( QChar ch ) size size ( int flags, const QString & text, int tabstops = 0, int * tabarray = 0 ) strikeOutPos strikeOutPos () underlinePos underlinePos () width width ( const QString & text ) width width-2 ( QChar ch ) operator!= operator-not-eq ( const QFontMetricsF & other ) operator= operator-eq ( const QFontMetricsF & fm ) operator= operator-eq-2 ( const QFontMetrics & fontMetrics ) operator== operator-eq-eq ( const QFontMetricsF & other ) QFrame QFrame-2 ( QWidget * parent, const char * name, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) QFrame qframe.html Shadow Shadow-enum Shape Shape-enum QFrame QFrame ( QWidget * parent = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) frameStyle frameStyle () setFrameStyle setFrameStyle ( int style ) QFtp QFtp-2 ( QObject * parent, const char * name ) readBlock readBlock ( char * data, quint64 maxlen ) QFtp qftp.html Command Command-enum Error Error-enum State State-enum TransferMode TransferMode-enum TransferType TransferType-enum QFtp QFtp ( QObject * parent = 0 ) abort abort () bytesAvailable bytesAvailable () cd cd ( const QString & dir ) clearPendingCommands clearPendingCommands () close close () commandFinished commandFinished ( int id, bool error ) commandStarted commandStarted ( int id ) connectToHost connectToHost ( const QString & host, quint16 port = 21 ) currentCommand currentCommand () currentDevice currentDevice () currentId currentId () dataTransferProgress dataTransferProgress ( qint64 done, qint64 total ) done done ( bool error ) error error () errorString errorString () get get ( const QString & file, QIODevice * dev = 0, TransferType type = Binary ) hasPendingCommands hasPendingCommands () list list ( const QString & dir = QString() listInfo listInfo ( const QUrlInfo & i ) login login ( const QString & user = QString() mkdir mkdir ( const QString & dir ) put put ( QIODevice * dev, const QString & file, TransferType type = Binary ) put put-2 ( const QByteArray & data, const QString & file, TransferType type = Binary ) rawCommand rawCommand ( const QString & command ) rawCommandReply rawCommandReply ( int replyCode, const QString & detail ) read read ( char * data, qint64 maxlen ) readAll readAll () readyRead readyRead () remove remove ( const QString & file ) rename rename ( const QString & oldname, const QString & newname ) rmdir rmdir ( const QString & dir ) setProxy setProxy ( const QString & host, quint16 port ) setTransferMode setTransferMode ( TransferMode mode ) state state () stateChanged stateChanged ( int state ) QGfxDriverFactory qgfxdriverfactory.html create create ( const QString & key, int displayId ) keys keys () QGfxDriverPlugin qgfxdriverplugin.html QGfxDriverPlugin QGfxDriverPlugin ( QObject * parent = 0 ) create create ( const QString & driver, int displayId ) keys keys () QGLColormap qglcolormap.html QGLColormap QGLColormap () QGLColormap QGLColormap-2 ( const QGLColormap & map ) detach detach () entryColor entryColor ( int idx ) entryRgb entryRgb ( int idx ) find find ( QRgb color ) findNearest findNearest ( QRgb color ) isEmpty isEmpty () setEntries setEntries ( int count, const QRgb * colors, int base = 0 ) setEntry setEntry ( int idx, QRgb color ) setEntry setEntry-2 ( int idx, const QColor & color ) size size () operator= operator-eq ( const QGLColormap & map ) QGLContext qglcontext.html QGLContext QGLContext ( const QGLFormat & format, QPaintDevice * device ) bindTexture bindTexture ( const QImage & image, GLenum target = GL_TEXTURE_2D, GLint format = GL_RGBA8 ) bindTexture bindTexture-2 ( const QString & fileName ) bindTexture bindTexture-3 ( const QPixmap & pixmap, GLenum target = GL_TEXTURE_2D, GLint format = GL_RGBA8 ) chooseContext chooseContext ( const QGLContext * shareContext = 0 ) chooseMacVisual chooseMacVisual ( GDHandle device ) choosePixelFormat choosePixelFormat ( void * dummyPfd, HDC pdc ) chooseVisual chooseVisual () create create ( const QGLContext * shareContext = 0 ) currentContext currentContext () deleteTexture deleteTexture ( GLuint id ) device device () deviceIsPixmap deviceIsPixmap () doneCurrent doneCurrent () format format () generateFontDisplayLists generateFontDisplayLists ( const QFont & font, int listBase ) getProcAddress getProcAddress ( const QString & proc ) initialized initialized () isSharing isSharing () isValid isValid () makeCurrent makeCurrent () overlayTransparentColor overlayTransparentColor () requestedFormat requestedFormat () reset reset () setFormat setFormat ( const QGLFormat & format ) setInitialized setInitialized ( bool on ) setTextureCacheLimit setTextureCacheLimit ( int size ) setWindowCreated setWindowCreated ( bool on ) swapBuffers swapBuffers () textureCacheLimit textureCacheLimit () windowCreated windowCreated () QGLFormat qglformat.html QGLFormat QGLFormat () QGLFormat QGLFormat-2 ( QGL::FormatOptions options, int plane = 0 ) QGLFormat QGLFormat-3 ( const QGLFormat & other ) accum accum () accumBufferSize accumBufferSize () alpha alpha () alphaBufferSize alphaBufferSize () defaultFormat defaultFormat () defaultOverlayFormat defaultOverlayFormat () depth depth () depthBufferSize depthBufferSize () directRendering directRendering () doubleBuffer doubleBuffer () hasOpenGL hasOpenGL () hasOpenGLOverlays hasOpenGLOverlays () hasOverlay hasOverlay () plane plane () rgba rgba () sampleBuffers sampleBuffers () samples samples () setAccum setAccum ( bool enable ) setAccumBufferSize setAccumBufferSize ( int size ) setAlpha setAlpha ( bool enable ) setAlphaBufferSize setAlphaBufferSize ( int size ) setDefaultFormat setDefaultFormat ( const QGLFormat & f ) setDefaultOverlayFormat setDefaultOverlayFormat ( const QGLFormat & f ) setDepth setDepth ( bool enable ) setDepthBufferSize setDepthBufferSize ( int size ) setDirectRendering setDirectRendering ( bool enable ) setDoubleBuffer setDoubleBuffer ( bool enable ) setOption setOption ( QGL::FormatOptions opt ) setOverlay setOverlay ( bool enable ) setPlane setPlane ( int plane ) setRgba setRgba ( bool enable ) setSampleBuffers setSampleBuffers ( bool enable ) setSamples setSamples ( int numSamples ) setStencil setStencil ( bool enable ) setStencilBufferSize setStencilBufferSize ( int size ) setStereo setStereo ( bool enable ) stencil stencil () stencilBufferSize stencilBufferSize () stereo stereo () testOption testOption ( QGL::FormatOptions opt ) operator= operator-eq ( const QGLFormat & other ) setFormat setFormat ( const QGLFormat & format ) QGLWidget QGLWidget-4 ( QWidget * parent, const char * name, const QGLWidget * shareWidget = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) QGLWidget QGLWidget-5 ( const QGLFormat & format, QWidget * parent, const char * name, const QGLWidget * shareWidget = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) QGLWidget QGLWidget-6 ( QGLContext * context, QWidget * parent, const char * name, const QGLWidget * shareWidget = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) QGLWidget qglwidget.html QGLWidget QGLWidget ( QWidget * parent = 0, const QGLWidget * shareWidget = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) QGLWidget QGLWidget-2 ( QGLContext * context, QWidget * parent = 0, const QGLWidget * shareWidget = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) QGLWidget QGLWidget-3 ( const QGLFormat & format, QWidget * parent = 0, const QGLWidget * shareWidget = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) autoBufferSwap autoBufferSwap () bindTexture bindTexture ( const QImage & image, GLenum target = GL_TEXTURE_2D, GLint format = GL_RGBA8 ) bindTexture bindTexture-2 ( const QPixmap & pixmap, GLenum target = GL_TEXTURE_2D, GLint format = GL_RGBA8 ) bindTexture bindTexture-3 ( const QString & fileName ) colormap colormap () context context () convertToGLFormat convertToGLFormat ( const QImage & img ) deleteTexture deleteTexture ( GLuint id ) doneCurrent doneCurrent () doubleBuffer doubleBuffer () fontDisplayListBase fontDisplayListBase ( const QFont & fnt, int listBase = 2000 ) format format () glDraw glDraw () glInit glInit () grabFrameBuffer grabFrameBuffer ( bool withAlpha = false ) initializeGL initializeGL () initializeOverlayGL initializeOverlayGL () isSharing isSharing () isValid isValid () makeCurrent makeCurrent () makeOverlayCurrent makeOverlayCurrent () overlayContext overlayContext () paintEvent paintEvent ( QPaintEvent * event ) paintGL paintGL () paintOverlayGL paintOverlayGL () qglClearColor qglClearColor ( const QColor & c ) qglColor qglColor ( const QColor & c ) renderPixmap renderPixmap ( int w = 0, int h = 0, bool useContext = false ) renderText renderText ( int x, int y, const QString & str, const QFont & fnt = QFont() renderText renderText-2 ( double x, double y, double z, const QString & str, const QFont & fnt = QFont() resizeEvent resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent * event ) resizeGL resizeGL ( int width, int height ) resizeOverlayGL resizeOverlayGL ( int width, int height ) setAutoBufferSwap setAutoBufferSwap ( bool on ) setColormap setColormap ( const QGLColormap & cmap ) setMouseTracking setMouseTracking ( bool enable ) swapBuffers swapBuffers () updateGL updateGL () updateOverlayGL updateOverlayGL () QGradient qgradient.html Spread Spread-enum Type Type-enum setColorAt setColorAt ( qreal pos, const QColor & color ) setSpread setSpread ( Spread spread ) setStops setStops ( const QGradientStops & stops ) spread spread () stops stops () type type () QGridLayout QGridLayout-3 ( QWidget * parent, int nRows, int nCols = 1, int margin = 0, int space = -1, const char * name = 0 ) QGridLayout QGridLayout-4 ( int nRows, int nCols = 1, int spacing = -1, const char * name = 0 ) QGridLayout QGridLayout-5 ( QLayout * parentLayout, int nRows = 1, int nCols = 1, int spacing = -1, const char * name = 0 ) addColSpacing addColSpacing ( int col, int minsize ) addMultiCell addMultiCell ( QLayoutItem * l, int fromRow, int toRow, int fromCol, int toCol, Qt::Alignment align = 0 ) addMultiCellLayout addMultiCellLayout ( QLayout * layout, int fromRow, int toRow, int fromCol, int toCol, Qt::Alignment align = 0 ) addMultiCellWidget addMultiCellWidget ( QWidget * w, int fromRow, int toRow, int fromCol, int toCol, Qt::Alignment align = 0 ) addRowSpacing addRowSpacing ( int row, int minsize ) cellGeometry cellGeometry ( int row, int column ) colSpacing colSpacing ( int col ) colStretch colStretch ( int col ) expand expand ( int nRows, int nCols ) findWidget findWidget ( QWidget * w, int * row, int * column ) numCols numCols () numRows numRows () Corner origin QGridLayout::origin() rowSpacing rowSpacing ( int row ) setColSpacing setColSpacing ( int col, int minSize ) setColStretch setColStretch ( int col, int stretch ) setOrigin setOrigin ( Qt::Corner corner ) setRowSpacing setRowSpacing ( int row, int minSize ) QGridLayout qgridlayout.html QGridLayout QGridLayout ( QWidget * parent ) QGridLayout QGridLayout-2 () addItem addItem ( QLayoutItem * item, int row, int column, int rowSpan = 1, int columnSpan = 1, Qt::Alignment alignment = 0 ) addItem addItem-2 ( QLayoutItem * item ) addLayout addLayout ( QLayout * layout, int row, int column, Qt::Alignment alignment = 0 ) addLayout addLayout-2 ( QLayout * layout, int row, int column, int rowSpan, int columnSpan, Qt::Alignment alignment = 0 ) addWidget addWidget-2 ( QWidget * w, int row, int column, Qt::Alignment alignment = 0 ) addWidget addWidget-3 ( QWidget * w, int fromRow, int fromColumn, int rowSpan, int columnSpan, Qt::Alignment alignment = 0 ) cellRect cellRect ( int row, int column ) columnCount columnCount () columnMinimumWidth columnMinimumWidth ( int column ) columnStretch columnStretch ( int column ) Orientations expandingDirections QGridLayout::expandingDirections() getItemPosition getItemPosition ( int index, int * row, int * column, int * rowSpan, int * columnSpan ) hasHeightForWidth hasHeightForWidth () heightForWidth heightForWidth ( int w ) invalidate invalidate () maximumSize maximumSize () minimumSize minimumSize () Corner originCorner QGridLayout::originCorner() rowCount rowCount () rowMinimumHeight rowMinimumHeight ( int row ) rowStretch rowStretch ( int row ) setColumnMinimumWidth setColumnMinimumWidth ( int column, int minSize ) setColumnStretch setColumnStretch ( int column, int stretch ) setGeometry setGeometry ( const QRect & r ) setOriginCorner setOriginCorner ( Qt::Corner c ) setRowMinimumHeight setRowMinimumHeight ( int row, int minSize ) setRowStretch setRowStretch ( int row, int stretch ) sizeHint sizeHint () QGroupBox QGroupBox-3 ( QWidget * parent, const char * name ) QGroupBox QGroupBox-4 ( const QString & title, QWidget * parent, const char * name ) QGroupBox qgroupbox.html Alignment alignment QGroupBox QGroupBox ( QWidget * parent = 0 ) QGroupBox QGroupBox-2 ( const QString & title, QWidget * parent = 0 ) toggled toggled ( bool on ) QHash::const_iterator qhash-const-iterator.html const_iterator const_iterator () const_iterator const_iterator-3 ( const iterator & other ) key key () value value () operator!= operator-not-eq ( const const_iterator & other ) operator* operator-2a () operator+ operator-2b ( int j ) operator++ operator-2b-2b () operator++ operator-2b-2b-2 ( int ) operator+= operator-2b-eq ( int j ) operator- operator- ( int j ) operator-- operator-- () operator-- operator---2 ( int ) operator-= operator--eq ( int j ) operator-& operator--gt gt;() operator== operator-eq-eq ( const const_iterator & other ) QHash::iterator qhash-iterator.html iterator iterator () key key () value value () operator!= operator-not-eq ( const iterator & other ) operator!= operator-not-eq-2 ( const const_iterator & other ) operator* operator-2a () operator+ operator-2b ( int j ) operator++ operator-2b-2b () operator++ operator-2b-2b-2 ( int ) operator+= operator-2b-eq ( int j ) operator- operator- ( int j ) operator-- operator-- () operator-- operator---2 ( int ) operator-= operator--eq ( int j ) operator-& operator--gt gt;() operator== operator-eq-eq ( const iterator & other ) operator== operator-eq-eq-2 ( const const_iterator & other ) QHash qhash.html ConstIterator ConstIterator-typedef Iterator Iterator-typedef QHash QHash () QHash QHash-2 ( const QHash<Key, T> & other ) begin begin () begin begin-2 () capacity capacity () clear clear () constBegin constBegin () constEnd constEnd () contains contains ( const Key & key ) count count ( const Key & key ) count count-2 () empty empty () end end () end end-2 () erase erase ( iterator pos ) find find ( const Key & key ) find find-2 ( const Key & key ) insert insert ( const Key & key, const T & value ) insertMulti insertMulti ( const Key & key, const T & value ) isEmpty isEmpty () key key ( const T & value ) keys keys () keys keys-2 ( const T & value ) remove remove ( const Key & key ) reserve reserve ( int size ) size size () squeeze squeeze () take take ( const Key & key ) unite unite ( const QHash<Key, T> & other ) value value ( const Key & key ) value value-2 ( const Key & key, const T & defaultValue ) values values () values values-2 ( const Key & key ) operator!= operator-not-eq ( const QHash<Key, T> & other ) operator= operator-eq ( const QHash<Key, T> & other ) operator== operator-eq-eq ( const QHash<Key, T> & other ) operator[] operator-5b-5d ( const Key & key ) operator[] operator-5b-5d-2 ( const Key & key ) QHashIterator qhashiterator.html QHashIterator QHashIterator ( const QHash<Key, T> & hash ) findNext findNext ( const T & value ) findPrevious findPrevious ( const T & value ) hasNext hasNext () hasPrevious hasPrevious () key key () next next () peekNext peekNext () peekPrevious peekPrevious () previous previous () toBack toBack () toFront toFront () value value () operator= operator-eq ( const QHash<Key, T> & hash ) QHBoxLayout QHBoxLayout-3 ( QWidget * parent, int margin, int spacing = -1, const char * name = 0 ) QHBoxLayout QHBoxLayout-4 ( QLayout * parentLayout, int spacing = -1, const char * name = 0 ) QHBoxLayout QHBoxLayout-5 ( int spacing, const char * name = 0 ) QHBoxLayout qhboxlayout.html QHBoxLayout QHBoxLayout () QHBoxLayout QHBoxLayout-2 ( QWidget * parent ) QHeaderView qheaderview.html ResizeMode ResizeMode-enum QHeaderView QHeaderView ( Qt::Orientation orientation, QWidget * parent = 0 ) count count () headerDataChanged headerDataChanged ( Qt::Orientation orientation, int logicalFirst, int logicalLast ) hideSection hideSection ( int logicalIndex ) horizontalOffset horizontalOffset () isClickable isClickable () isMovable isMovable () isSectionHidden isSectionHidden ( int logicalIndex ) length length () logicalIndex logicalIndex ( int visualIndex ) logicalIndexAt logicalIndexAt ( int position ) logicalIndexAt logicalIndexAt-2 ( int x, int y ) logicalIndexAt logicalIndexAt-3 ( const QPoint & pos ) moveSection moveSection ( int from, int to ) offset offset () Orientation orientation QHeaderView::orientation() paintSection paintSection ( QPainter * painter, const QRect & rect, int logicalIndex ) resizeMode resizeMode ( int logicalIndex ) resizeSection resizeSection ( int logicalIndex, int size ) sectionAutoResize sectionAutoResize ( int logicalIndex, ResizeMode mode ) sectionClicked sectionClicked ( int logicalIndex ) sectionCountChanged sectionCountChanged ( int oldCount, int newCount ) sectionDoubleClicked sectionDoubleClicked ( int logicalIndex ) sectionHandleDoubleClicked sectionHandleDoubleClicked ( int logicalIndex ) sectionMoved sectionMoved ( int logicalIndex, int oldVisualIndex, int newVisualIndex ) sectionPosition sectionPosition ( int logicalIndex ) sectionPressed sectionPressed ( int logicalIndex ) sectionResized sectionResized ( int logicalIndex, int oldSize, int newSize ) sectionSize sectionSize ( int logicalIndex ) sectionSizeFromContents sectionSizeFromContents ( int logicalIndex ) sectionSizeHint sectionSizeHint ( int logicalIndex ) sectionViewportPosition sectionViewportPosition ( int logicalIndex ) sectionsAboutToBeRemoved sectionsAboutToBeRemoved ( const QModelIndex & parent, int logicalFirst, int logicalLast ) sectionsInserted sectionsInserted ( const QModelIndex & parent, int logicalFirst, int logicalLast ) sectionsMoved sectionsMoved () setClickable setClickable ( bool clickable ) setMovable setMovable ( bool movable ) setOffset setOffset ( int offset ) setResizeMode setResizeMode ( ResizeMode mode ) setResizeMode setResizeMode-2 ( int logicalIndex, ResizeMode mode ) setSectionHidden setSectionHidden ( int logicalIndex, bool hide ) setSortIndicator setSortIndicator ( int logicalIndex, Qt::SortOrder order ) showSection showSection ( int logicalIndex ) sizeHint sizeHint () SortOrder sortIndicatorOrder QHeaderView::sortIndicatorOrder() sortIndicatorSection sortIndicatorSection () verticalOffset verticalOffset () visualIndex visualIndex ( int logicalIndex ) visualIndexAt visualIndexAt ( int position ) QHideEvent qhideevent.html QHideEvent QHideEvent () ip4Addr ip4Addr () isIPv4Address isIPv4Address () isIPv6Address isIPv6Address () isIp4Addr isIp4Addr () QHostAddress qhostaddress.html SpecialAddress SpecialAddress-enum QHostAddress QHostAddress () QHostAddress QHostAddress-2 ( quint32 ip4Addr ) QHostAddress QHostAddress-3 ( quint8 * ip6Addr ) QHostAddress QHostAddress-4 ( const Q_IPV6ADDR & ip6Addr ) QHostAddress QHostAddress-5 ( const QString & address ) QHostAddress QHostAddress-6 ( const QHostAddress & address ) QHostAddress QHostAddress-7 ( SpecialAddress address ) clear clear () isNull isNull () NetworkLayerProtocol protocol QHostAddress::protocol() setAddress setAddress ( quint32 ip4Addr ) setAddress setAddress-2 ( quint8 * ip6Addr ) setAddress setAddress-3 ( const Q_IPV6ADDR & ip6Addr ) setAddress setAddress-4 ( const QString & address ) toIPv4Address toIPv4Address () toIPv6Address toIPv6Address () toString toString () operator= operator-eq ( const QHostAddress & address ) operator== operator-eq-eq ( const QHostAddress & other ) operator== operator-eq-eq-2 ( SpecialAddress other ) QHostInfo qhostinfo.html HostInfoError HostInfoError-enum QHostInfo QHostInfo ( int id = -1 ) QHostInfo QHostInfo-2 ( const QHostInfo & other ) abortHostLookup abortHostLookup ( int id ) addresses addresses () error error () errorString errorString () fromName fromName ( const QString & name ) hostName hostName () localHostName localHostName () lookupHost lookupHost ( const QString & name, QObject * receiver, const char * member ) lookupId lookupId () setAddresses setAddresses ( const QList<QHostAddress> & addresses ) setError setError ( HostInfoError error ) setErrorString setErrorString ( const QString & str ) setHostName setHostName ( const QString & hostName ) setLookupId setLookupId ( int id ) operator= operator-eq ( const QHostInfo & other ) QHoverEvent qhoverevent.html QHoverEvent QHoverEvent ( Type type, const QPoint & pos, const QPoint & oldPos ) oldPos oldPos () pos pos () closeConnection closeConnection () readBlock readBlock ( char * data, quint64 maxlen ) QHttp qhttp.html Error Error-enum State State-enum QHttp QHttp ( QObject * parent = 0 ) QHttp QHttp-2 ( const QString & hostName, quint16 port = 80, QObject * parent = 0 ) abort abort () bytesAvailable bytesAvailable () clearPendingRequests clearPendingRequests () close close () currentDestinationDevice currentDestinationDevice () currentId currentId () currentRequest currentRequest () currentSourceDevice currentSourceDevice () dataReadProgress dataReadProgress ( int done, int total ) dataSendProgress dataSendProgress ( int done, int total ) done done ( bool error ) error error () errorString errorString () get get ( const QString & path, QIODevice * to = 0 ) hasPendingRequests hasPendingRequests () head head ( const QString & path ) post post ( const QString & path, QIODevice * data, QIODevice * to = 0 ) post post-2 ( const QString & path, const QByteArray & data, QIODevice * to = 0 ) read read ( char * data, qint64 maxlen ) readAll readAll () readyRead readyRead ( const QHttpResponseHeader & resp ) request request ( const QHttpRequestHeader & header, QIODevice * data = 0, QIODevice * to = 0 ) request request-2 ( const QHttpRequestHeader & header, const QByteArray & data, QIODevice * to = 0 ) requestFinished requestFinished ( int id, bool error ) requestStarted requestStarted ( int id ) responseHeaderReceived responseHeaderReceived ( const QHttpResponseHeader & resp ) setHost setHost ( const QString & hostName, quint16 port = 80 ) setProxy setProxy ( const QString & host, int port, const QString & username = QString() setSocket setSocket ( QTcpSocket * socket ) setUser setUser ( const QString & userName, const QString & password = QString() state state () stateChanged stateChanged ( int state ) QHttpHeader qhttpheader.html QHttpHeader QHttpHeader () QHttpHeader QHttpHeader-2 ( const QHttpHeader & header ) QHttpHeader QHttpHeader-3 ( const QString & str ) contentLength contentLength () contentType contentType () hasContentLength hasContentLength () hasContentType hasContentType () hasKey hasKey ( const QString & key ) isValid isValid () keys keys () majorVersion majorVersion () minorVersion minorVersion () removeValue removeValue ( const QString & key ) setContentLength setContentLength ( int len ) setContentType setContentType ( const QString & type ) setValue setValue ( const QString & key, const QString & value ) toString toString () value value ( const QString & key ) operator= operator-eq ( const QHttpHeader & h ) QHttpRequestHeader qhttprequestheader.html QHttpRequestHeader QHttpRequestHeader () QHttpRequestHeader QHttpRequestHeader-2 ( const QString & method, const QString & path, int majorVer = 1, int minorVer = 1 ) QHttpRequestHeader QHttpRequestHeader-3 ( const QHttpRequestHeader & header ) QHttpRequestHeader QHttpRequestHeader-4 ( const QString & str ) majorVersion majorVersion () method method () minorVersion minorVersion () path path () setRequest setRequest ( const QString & method, const QString & path, int majorVer = 1, int minorVer = 1 ) operator= operator-eq ( const QHttpRequestHeader & header ) QHttpResponseHeader qhttpresponseheader.html QHttpResponseHeader QHttpResponseHeader-3 () QHttpResponseHeader QHttpResponseHeader-4 ( const QHttpResponseHeader & header ) majorVersion majorVersion () minorVersion minorVersion () reasonPhrase reasonPhrase () statusCode statusCode () operator= operator-eq ( const QHttpResponseHeader & header ) Size Size-enum pixmap pixmap-4 ( Size size, Mode mode, State state = Off ) pixmap pixmap-5 ( Size size, bool enabled, State state = Off ) pixmap pixmap-6 () pixmapSize pixmapSize ( Size which ) reset reset ( const QPixmap & pixmap, Size size ) setPixmap setPixmap ( const QPixmap & pixmap, Size size, Mode mode = Normal, State state = Off ) setPixmap setPixmap-2 ( const QString & fileName, Size size, Mode mode = Normal, State state = Off ) setPixmapSize setPixmapSize ( Size which, const QSize & size ) QIcon qicon.html Mode Mode-enum State State-enum QIcon QIcon () QIcon QIcon-2 ( const QPixmap & pixmap ) QIcon QIcon-3 ( const QIcon & other ) QIcon QIcon-4 ( const QString & fileName ) QIcon QIcon-5 ( QIconEngine * engine ) actualSize actualSize ( const QSize & size, Mode mode = Normal, State state = Off ) addFile addFile ( const QString & fileName, const QSize & size = QSize() addPixmap addPixmap ( const QPixmap & pixmap, Mode mode = Normal, State state = Off ) isNull isNull () paint paint ( QPainter * painter, const QRect & rect, Qt::Alignment alignment = Qt::AlignCenter, Mode mode = Normal, State state = Off ) paint paint-2 ( QPainter * painter, int x, int y, int w, int h, Qt::Alignment alignment = Qt::AlignCenter, Mode mode = Normal, State state = Off ) pixmap pixmap ( const QSize & size, Mode mode = Normal, State state = Off ) pixmap pixmap-2 ( int w, int h, Mode mode = Normal, State state = Off ) pixmap pixmap-3 ( int extent, Mode mode = Normal, State state = Off ) serialNumber serialNumber () operator operator-QVariant QVariant() operator= operator-eq ( const QIcon & other ) QIconDragEvent qicondragevent.html QIconDragEvent QIconDragEvent () QIconEngine qiconengine.html actualSize actualSize ( const QSize & size, QIcon::Mode mode, QIcon::State state ) addFile addFile ( const QString & fileName, const QSize & size, QIcon::Mode mode, QIcon::State state ) addPixmap addPixmap ( const QPixmap & pixmap, QIcon::Mode mode, QIcon::State state ) paint paint ( QPainter * painter, const QRect & rect, QIcon::Mode mode, QIcon::State state ) pixmap pixmap ( const QSize & size, QIcon::Mode mode, QIcon::State state ) QIconEnginePlugin qiconengineplugin.html QIconEnginePlugin QIconEnginePlugin ( QObject * parent = 0 ) create create ( const QString & filename ) keys keys () QImage QImage-9 ( int w, int h, int depth, int numColors = 0, Endian bitOrder = IgnoreEndian ) QImage QImage-10 ( const QSize & size, int depth, int numColors = 0, Endian bitOrder = IgnoreEndian ) QImage QImage-11 ( uchar * data, int w, int h, int depth, const QRgb * colortable, int numColors, Endian bitOrder ) QImage QImage-12 ( uchar * data, int w, int h, int depth, int bpl, const QRgb * colortable, int numColors, Endian bitOrder ) QImage QImage-13 ( const QByteArray & data ) bitOrder bitOrder () convertBitOrder convertBitOrder ( Endian bitOrder ) convertDepth convertDepth ( int depth, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags = Qt::AutoColor ) convertDepthWithPalette convertDepthWithPalette ( int d, QRgb * palette, int palette_count, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags = Qt::AutoColor ) copy copy ( int x, int y, int w, int h, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags ) copy copy-2 ( const QRect & rect, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags ) create create ( int width, int height, int depth, int numColors = 0, Endian bitOrder = IgnoreEndian ) create create-2 ( const QSize & size, int depth, int numColors = 0, Endian bitOrder = IgnoreEndian ) hasAlphaBuffer hasAlphaBuffer () invertPixels invertPixels-2 ( bool invertAlpha ) jumpTable jumpTable () jumpTable jumpTable-2 () mirror mirror ( bool horizontal = false, bool vertical = true ) reset reset () scaleHeight scaleHeight ( int h ) scaleWidth scaleWidth ( int w ) setAlphaBuffer setAlphaBuffer ( bool enable ) smoothScale smoothScale ( int width, int height, Qt::AspectRatioMode mode = Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio ) smoothScale smoothScale-2 ( const QSize & size, Qt::AspectRatioMode mode = Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio ) swapRGB swapRGB () systemBitOrder systemBitOrder () systemByteOrder systemByteOrder () xForm xForm ( const QMatrix & matrix ) ImageConversionFlags bitBlt flags = Qt::AutoColor ) QImage qimage.html Endian Endian-enum Format Format-enum InvertMode InvertMode-enum QImage QImage () QImage QImage-2 ( const QSize & size, Format format ) QImage QImage-3 ( int width, int height, Format format ) QImage QImage-4 ( uchar * data, int width, int height, Format format ) QImage QImage-5 ( const char * const[] xpm ) QImage QImage-6 ( const QString & fileName, const char * format = 0 ) QImage QImage-7 ( const char * fileName, const char * format = 0 ) QImage QImage-8 ( const QImage & image ) allGray allGray () alphaChannel alphaChannel () bits bits () bits bits-2 () bytesPerLine bytesPerLine () color color ( int i ) colorTable colorTable () convertToFormat convertToFormat ( Format format, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags = Qt::AutoColor ) convertToFormat convertToFormat-2 ( Format format, const QVector<QRgb> & colorTable, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags = Qt::AutoColor ) copy copy-3 ( int x, int y, int w, int h ) copy copy-4 ( const QRect & r = QRect() createAlphaMask createAlphaMask ( Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags = Qt::AutoColor ) createHeuristicMask createHeuristicMask ( bool clipTight = true ) depth depth () detach detach () dotsPerMeterX dotsPerMeterX () dotsPerMeterY dotsPerMeterY () fill fill ( uint pixel ) format format () fromData fromData ( const uchar * data, int size, const char * format = 0 ) fromData fromData-2 ( const QByteArray & data, const char * format = 0 ) hasAlphaChannel hasAlphaChannel () height height () invertPixels invertPixels ( InvertMode mode = InvertRgb ) isDetached isDetached () isGrayscale isGrayscale () isNull isNull () load load ( const QString & fileName, const char * format = 0 ) loadFromData loadFromData ( const uchar * data, int len, const char * format = 0 ) loadFromData loadFromData-2 ( const QByteArray & data, const char * format = 0 ) metric metric ( PaintDeviceMetric metric ) mirrored mirrored ( bool horizontal = false, bool vertical = true ) numBytes numBytes () numColors numColors () offset offset () pixel pixel ( int x, int y ) pixelIndex pixelIndex ( int x, int y ) rect rect () rgbSwapped rgbSwapped () save save ( const QString & fileName, const char * format, int quality = -1 ) save save-2 ( QIODevice * device, const char * format, int quality = -1 ) scaled scaled ( int w, int h, Qt::AspectRatioMode aspectRatioMode = Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::TransformationMode transformMode = Qt::FastTransformation ) scaled scaled-2 ( const QSize & size, Qt::AspectRatioMode aspectMode = Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::TransformationMode transformMode = Qt::FastTransformation ) scaledToHeight scaledToHeight ( int h, Qt::TransformationMode mode = Qt::FastTransformation ) scaledToWidth scaledToWidth ( int w, Qt::TransformationMode mode = Qt::FastTransformation ) scanLine scanLine ( int i ) scanLine scanLine-2 ( int i ) serialNumber serialNumber () setAlphaChannel setAlphaChannel ( const QImage & alphaChannel ) setColor setColor ( int i, QRgb c ) setColorTable setColorTable ( const QVector<QRgb> colors ) setDotsPerMeterX setDotsPerMeterX ( int x ) setDotsPerMeterY setDotsPerMeterY ( int y ) setNumColors setNumColors ( int numColors ) setOffset setOffset ( const QPoint & p ) setPixel setPixel ( int x, int y, uint index_or_rgb ) setText setText ( const char * key, const char * lang, const QString & s ) size size () text text ( const char * key, const char * lang = 0 ) text text-2 ( const QImageTextKeyLang & kl ) textKeys textKeys () textLanguages textLanguages () textList textList () transformed transformed ( const QMatrix & matrix, Qt::TransformationMode mode = Qt::FastTransformation ) trueMatrix trueMatrix ( const QMatrix & matrix, int w, int h ) valid valid ( int x, int y ) width width () operator operator-QVariant QVariant() operator!= operator-not-eq ( const QImage & i ) operator= operator-eq ( const QImage & image ) operator== operator-eq-eq ( const QImage & i ) QImageIOHandler qimageiohandler.html ImageOption ImageOption-enum QImageIOHandler QImageIOHandler () canRead canRead () currentImageNumber currentImageNumber () currentImageRect currentImageRect () device device () format format () imageCount imageCount () jumpToImage jumpToImage ( int imageNumber ) jumpToNextImage jumpToNextImage () loopCount loopCount () name name () nextImageDelay nextImageDelay () option option ( ImageOption option ) read read ( QImage * image ) setDevice setDevice ( QIODevice * device ) setFormat setFormat ( const QByteArray & format ) setOption setOption ( ImageOption option, const QVariant & value ) supportsOption supportsOption ( ImageOption option ) write write ( const QImage & image ) QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface qimageiohandlerfactoryinterface.html create create ( QIODevice * device, const QByteArray & format = QByteArray() QImageIOPlugin qimageioplugin.html QImageIOPlugin QImageIOPlugin ( QObject * parent = 0 ) capabilities capabilities ( QIODevice * device, const QByteArray & format ) QImageReader qimagereader.html ImageReaderError ImageReaderError-enum QImageReader QImageReader () QImageReader QImageReader-2 ( QIODevice * device, const QByteArray & format = QByteArray() QImageReader QImageReader-3 ( const QString & fileName, const QByteArray & format = QByteArray() canRead canRead () clipRect clipRect () currentImageNumber currentImageNumber () currentImageRect currentImageRect () device device () error error () errorString errorString () fileName fileName () format format () imageCount imageCount () imageFormat imageFormat ( const QString & fileName ) imageFormat imageFormat-2 ( QIODevice * device ) jumpToImage jumpToImage ( int imageNumber ) jumpToNextImage jumpToNextImage () loopCount loopCount () nextImageDelay nextImageDelay () read read () scaledClipRect scaledClipRect () scaledSize scaledSize () setClipRect setClipRect ( const QRect & rect ) setDevice setDevice ( QIODevice * device ) setFileName setFileName ( const QString & fileName ) setFormat setFormat ( const QByteArray & format ) setScaledClipRect setScaledClipRect ( const QRect & rect ) setScaledSize setScaledSize ( const QSize & size ) size size () supportedImageFormats supportedImageFormats () QImageWriter qimagewriter.html ImageWriterError ImageWriterError-enum QImageWriter QImageWriter () QImageWriter QImageWriter-2 ( QIODevice * device, const QByteArray & format ) QImageWriter QImageWriter-3 ( const QString & fileName, const QByteArray & format = QByteArray() canWrite canWrite () description description () device device () error error () errorString errorString () fileName fileName () format format () gamma gamma () quality quality () setDescription setDescription ( const QString & description ) setDevice setDevice ( QIODevice * device ) setFileName setFileName ( const QString & fileName ) setFormat setFormat ( const QByteArray & format ) setGamma setGamma ( float gamma ) setQuality setQuality ( int quality ) supportedImageFormats supportedImageFormats () write write ( const QImage & image ) QInputContext qinputcontext.html StandardFormat StandardFormat-enum QInputContext QInputContext ( QObject * parent = 0 ) actions actions () filterEvent filterEvent ( const QEvent * event ) font font () identifierName identifierName () isComposing isComposing () language language () mouseHandler mouseHandler ( int x, QMouseEvent * event ) reset reset () sendEvent sendEvent ( const QInputMethodEvent & event ) standardFormat standardFormat ( StandardFormat s ) update update () widgetDestroyed widgetDestroyed ( QWidget * widget ) x11FilterEvent x11FilterEvent ( QWidget * keywidget, XEvent * event ) QInputContextPlugin qinputcontextplugin.html QInputContextPlugin QInputContextPlugin ( QObject * parent = 0 ) create create ( const QString & key ) description description ( const QString & key ) displayName displayName ( const QString & key ) keys keys () languages languages ( const QString & key ) getDouble getDouble-2 ( const QString & title, const QString & label, double value = 0, double minValue = -2147483647, double maxValue = 2147483647, int decimals = 1, bool * ok = 0, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) getInteger getInteger-2 ( const QString & title, const QString & label, int value = 0, int minValue = -2147483647, int maxValue = 2147483647, int step = 1, bool * ok = 0, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) getItem getItem-2 ( const QString & title, const QString & label, const QStringList & list, int current = 0, bool editable = true, bool * ok = 0, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) getText getText-2 ( const QString & title, const QString & label, QLineEdit::EchoMode echo = QLineEdit::Normal, const QString & text = QString() QInputDialog qinputdialog.html getDouble getDouble ( QWidget * parent, const QString & title, const QString & label, double value = 0, double minValue = -2147483647, double maxValue = 2147483647, int decimals = 1, bool * ok = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) getInteger getInteger ( QWidget * parent, const QString & title, const QString & label, int value = 0, int minValue = -2147483647, int maxValue = 2147483647, int step = 1, bool * ok = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) getItem getItem ( QWidget * parent, const QString & title, const QString & label, const QStringList & list, int current = 0, bool editable = true, bool * ok = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) getText getText ( QWidget * parent, const QString & title, const QString & label, QLineEdit::EchoMode mode = QLineEdit::Normal, const QString & text = QString() QInputEvent qinputevent.html KeyboardModifiers modifiers QInputEvent::modifiers() QInputMethodEvent::Attribute qinputmethodevent-attribute.html Attribute Attribute ( AttributeType type, int start, int length, QVariant value ) QInputMethodEvent qinputmethodevent.html AttributeType AttributeType-enum QInputMethodEvent QInputMethodEvent () QInputMethodEvent QInputMethodEvent-2 ( const QString & preeditText, const QList<Attribute> & attributes ) QInputMethodEvent QInputMethodEvent-3 ( const QInputMethodEvent & other ) attributes attributes () commitString commitString () preeditString preeditString () replacementLength replacementLength () replacementStart replacementStart () setCommitString setCommitString ( const QString & commitString, int replaceFrom = 0, int replaceLength = 0 ) QIntValidator QIntValidator-3 ( QObject * parent, const char * name ) QIntValidator QIntValidator-4 ( int minimum, int maximum, QObject * parent, const char * name ) QIntValidator qintvalidator.html QIntValidator QIntValidator ( QObject * parent ) QIntValidator QIntValidator-2 ( int minimum, int maximum, QObject * parent ) setRange setRange ( int bottom, int top ) State validate QIntValidator::validate( QString & input, int & pos ) Offset Offset-typedef Status Status-typedef at at () at at-2 ( Offset offset ) flags flags () getch getch () isAsynchronous isAsynchronous () isBuffered isBuffered () isCombinedAccess isCombinedAccess () isDirectAccess isDirectAccess () isInactive isInactive () isRaw isRaw () isSequentialAccess isSequentialAccess () isSynchronous isSynchronous () isTranslated isTranslated () mode mode () putch putch ( int ch ) readBlock readBlock ( char * data, quint64 size ) resetStatus resetStatus () state state () status status () ungetch ungetch ( int ch ) writeBlock writeBlock ( const char * data, quint64 size ) writeBlock writeBlock-2 ( const QByteArray & data ) QIODevice qiodevice.html QIODevice QIODevice () QIODevice QIODevice-2 ( QObject * parent ) aboutToClose aboutToClose () atEnd atEnd () bytesAvailable bytesAvailable () bytesToWrite bytesToWrite () bytesWritten bytesWritten ( qint64 bytes ) canReadLine canReadLine () close close () errorString errorString () flush flush () getChar getChar ( char * c ) isOpen isOpen () isReadable isReadable () isSequential isSequential () isTextModeEnabled isTextModeEnabled () isWritable isWritable () open open ( OpenMode mode ) openMode openMode () pos pos () putChar putChar ( char c ) read read ( char * data, qint64 maxSize ) read read-2 ( qint64 maxSize ) readAll readAll () readData readData ( char * data, qint64 maxSize ) readLine readLine ( char * data, qint64 maxSize ) readLine readLine-2 ( qint64 maxSize = 0 ) readLineData readLineData ( char * data, qint64 maxSize ) readyRead readyRead () reset reset () seek seek ( qint64 pos ) setErrorString setErrorString ( const QString & str ) setOpenMode setOpenMode ( OpenMode openMode ) setTextModeEnabled setTextModeEnabled ( bool enabled ) size size () ungetChar ungetChar ( char c ) waitForBytesWritten waitForBytesWritten ( int msecs ) waitForReadyRead waitForReadyRead ( int msecs ) write write ( const char * data, qint64 maxSize ) write write-2 ( const QByteArray & byteArray ) writeData writeData ( const char * data, qint64 maxSize ) QItemDelegate qitemdelegate.html QItemDelegate QItemDelegate ( QObject * parent = 0 ) createEditor createEditor ( QWidget * parent, const QStyleOptionViewItem & option, const QModelIndex & index ) drawCheck drawCheck ( QPainter * painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem & option, const QRect & rect, Qt::CheckState state ) drawDecoration drawDecoration ( QPainter * painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem & option, const QRect & rect, const QPixmap & pixmap ) drawDisplay drawDisplay ( QPainter * painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem & option, const QRect & rect, const QString & text ) drawFocus drawFocus ( QPainter * painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem & option, const QRect & rect ) eventFilter eventFilter ( QObject * object, QEvent * event ) itemEditorFactory itemEditorFactory () paint paint ( QPainter * painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem & option, const QModelIndex & index ) setEditorData setEditorData ( QWidget * editor, const QModelIndex & index ) setItemEditorFactory setItemEditorFactory ( QItemEditorFactory * factory ) setModelData setModelData ( QWidget * editor, QAbstractItemModel * model, const QModelIndex & index ) sizeHint sizeHint ( const QStyleOptionViewItem & option, const QModelIndex & index ) updateEditorGeometry updateEditorGeometry ( QWidget * editor, const QStyleOptionViewItem & option, const QModelIndex & index ) QItemEditorFactory qitemeditorfactory.html QItemEditorFactory QItemEditorFactory () createEditor createEditor ( QVariant::Type type, QWidget * parent ) defaultFactory defaultFactory () registerEditor registerEditor ( QVariant::Type type, QItemEditorCreatorBase * creator ) setDefaultFactory setDefaultFactory ( QItemEditorFactory * factory ) valuePropertyName valuePropertyName ( QVariant::Type type ) QItemSelection qitemselection.html QItemSelection QItemSelection () QItemSelection QItemSelection-2 ( const QModelIndex & topLeft, const QModelIndex & bottomRight ) contains contains ( const QModelIndex & index ) indexes indexes () merge merge ( const QItemSelection & other, QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags command ) select select ( const QModelIndex & topLeft, const QModelIndex & bottomRight ) split split ( const QItemSelectionRange & range, const QItemSelectionRange & other, QItemSelection * result ) QItemSelectionModel qitemselectionmodel.html QItemSelectionModel QItemSelectionModel ( QAbstractItemModel * model ) clear clear () columnIntersectsSelection columnIntersectsSelection ( int column, const QModelIndex & parent ) currentChanged currentChanged ( const QModelIndex & current, const QModelIndex & previous ) currentColumnChanged currentColumnChanged ( const QModelIndex & current, const QModelIndex & previous ) currentIndex currentIndex () currentRowChanged currentRowChanged ( const QModelIndex & current, const QModelIndex & previous ) emitSelectionChanged emitSelectionChanged ( const QItemSelection & newSelection, const QItemSelection & oldSelection ) isColumnSelected isColumnSelected ( int column, const QModelIndex & parent ) isRowSelected isRowSelected ( int row, const QModelIndex & parent ) isSelected isSelected ( const QModelIndex & index ) model model () reset reset () rowIntersectsSelection rowIntersectsSelection ( int row, const QModelIndex & parent ) select select ( const QModelIndex & index, SelectionFlags command ) select select-2 ( const QItemSelection & selection, SelectionFlags command ) selectedIndexes selectedIndexes () selection selection () selectionChanged selectionChanged ( const QItemSelection & selected, const QItemSelection & deselected ) setCurrentIndex setCurrentIndex ( const QModelIndex & index, SelectionFlags command ) QItemSelectionRange qitemselectionrange.html QItemSelectionRange QItemSelectionRange () QItemSelectionRange QItemSelectionRange-2 ( const QItemSelectionRange & other ) QItemSelectionRange QItemSelectionRange-3 ( const QModelIndex & parent, const QModelIndex & index ) QItemSelectionRange QItemSelectionRange-4 ( const QModelIndex & index ) bottom bottom () bottomRight bottomRight () contains contains ( const QModelIndex & index ) height height () indexes indexes () intersect intersect ( const QItemSelectionRange & other ) intersects intersects ( const QItemSelectionRange & other ) isValid isValid () left left () model model () parent parent () right right () top top () topLeft topLeft () width width () operator!= operator-not-eq ( const QItemSelectionRange & other ) operator== operator-eq-eq ( const QItemSelectionRange & other ) QKbdDriverFactory qkbddriverfactory.html create create ( const QString & key, const QString & device ) keys keys () QKbdDriverPlugin qkbddriverplugin.html QKbdDriverPlugin QKbdDriverPlugin ( QObject * parent = 0 ) create create ( const QString & driver, const QString & device ) keys keys () QKeyEvent QKeyEvent-2 ( Type type, int key, int ascii, int modifiers, const QString & text = QString() ascii ascii () ButtonState state QKeyEvent::state() ButtonState stateAfter QKeyEvent::stateAfter() QKeyEvent qkeyevent.html QKeyEvent QKeyEvent ( Type type, int key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, const QString & text = QString() count count () isAutoRepeat isAutoRepeat () key key () KeyboardModifiers modifiers QKeyEvent::modifiers() text text () operator operator-int int() QKeySequence qkeysequence.html SequenceMatch SequenceMatch-enum QKeySequence QKeySequence () QKeySequence QKeySequence-2 ( const QString & key ) QKeySequence QKeySequence-3 ( int k1, int k2 = 0, int k3 = 0, int k4 = 0 ) QKeySequence QKeySequence-4 ( const QKeySequence & keysequence ) count count () isEmpty isEmpty () matches matches ( const QKeySequence & seq ) mnemonic mnemonic ( const QString & text ) operator operator-QString QString() operator operator-QVariant QVariant() operator!= operator-not-eq ( const QKeySequence & other ) operator< operator-lt ( const QKeySequence & other ) operator<= operator-lt-eq ( const QKeySequence & other ) operator= operator-eq ( const QKeySequence & other ) operator== operator-eq-eq ( const QKeySequence & other ) operator> operator-gt ( const QKeySequence & other ) operator>= operator-gt-eq ( const QKeySequence & other ) operator[] operator-5b-5d ( uint index ) QLabel QLabel-3 ( QWidget * parent, const char * name, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) QLabel QLabel-4 ( const QString & text, QWidget * parent, const char * name, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) QLabel QLabel-5 ( QWidget * buddy, const QString & text, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) setAlignment setAlignment-2 ( int alignment ) QLabel qlabel.html Alignment alignment TextFormat textFormat QLabel QLabel ( QWidget * parent = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) QLabel QLabel-2 ( const QString & text, QWidget * parent = 0, Qt::WFlags f = 0 ) buddy buddy () clear clear () movie movie () picture picture () setBuddy setBuddy ( QWidget * buddy ) setMovie setMovie ( QMovie * movie ) setNum setNum ( int num ) setNum setNum-2 ( double num ) setPicture setPicture ( const QPicture & picture ) QLatin1Char qlatin1char.html QLatin1Char QLatin1Char ( char c ) toLatin1 toLatin1 () unicode unicode () QLatin1String qlatin1string.html QLatin1String QLatin1String ( const char * str ) latin1 latin1 () operator!= operator-not-eq ( const QString & other ) operator< operator-lt ( const QString & other ) operator<= operator-lt-eq ( const QString & other ) operator== operator-eq-eq ( const QString & other ) operator> operator-gt ( const QString & other ) operator>= operator-gt-eq ( const QString & other ) QLayout QLayout-4 ( QWidget * parent, int margin, int spacing = -1, const char * name = 0 ) QLayout QLayout-5 ( QLayout * parentLayout, int spacing = -1, const char * name = 0 ) QLayout QLayout-6 ( int spacing, const char * name = 0 ) add add ( QWidget * w ) autoAdd autoAdd () defaultBorder defaultBorder () deleteAllItems deleteAllItems () freeze freeze ( int w = 0, int h = 0 ) isTopLevel isTopLevel () iterator iterator () mainWidget mainWidget () remove remove ( QWidget * w ) resizeMode resizeMode () setAutoAdd setAutoAdd ( bool a ) setResizeMode setResizeMode ( SizeConstraint constraint ) QLayout qlayout.html SizeConstraint SizeConstraint-enum QLayout QLayout ( QWidget * parent ) QLayout QLayout-2 () activate activate () addChildLayout addChildLayout ( QLayout * l ) addChildWidget addChildWidget ( QWidget * w ) addItem addItem ( QLayoutItem * item ) addWidget addWidget ( QWidget * w ) alignmentRect alignmentRect ( const QRect & r ) closestAcceptableSize closestAcceptableSize ( const QWidget * w, QSize s ) count count () Orientations expandingDirections QLayout::expandingDirections() indexOf indexOf ( QWidget * w ) invalidate invalidate () isEmpty isEmpty () isEnabled isEnabled () itemAt itemAt ( int index ) maximumSize maximumSize () menuBar menuBar () minimumSize minimumSize () parentWidget parentWidget () removeItem removeItem ( QLayoutItem * item ) removeWidget removeWidget ( QWidget * widget ) setAlignment setAlignment ( QWidget * w, Qt::Alignment alignment ) setAlignment setAlignment-2 ( QLayout * l, Qt::Alignment alignment ) setEnabled setEnabled ( bool enable ) setGeometry setGeometry ( const QRect & r ) setMenuBar setMenuBar ( QWidget * w ) takeAt takeAt ( int index ) update update () QLayoutItem qlayoutitem.html QLayoutItem QLayoutItem ( Qt::Alignment alignment = 0 ) Alignment alignment QLayoutItem::alignment() Orientations expandingDirections QLayoutItem::expandingDirections() geometry geometry () hasHeightForWidth hasHeightForWidth () heightForWidth heightForWidth ( int w ) invalidate invalidate () isEmpty isEmpty () layout layout () maximumSize maximumSize () minimumHeightForWidth minimumHeightForWidth ( int w ) minimumSize minimumSize () setAlignment setAlignment ( Qt::Alignment alignment ) setGeometry setGeometry ( const QRect & r ) sizeHint sizeHint () spacerItem spacerItem () widget widget () QLCDNumber QLCDNumber-3 ( QWidget * parent, const char * name ) QLCDNumber QLCDNumber-4 ( uint numDigits, QWidget * parent, const char * name ) QLCDNumber qlcdnumber.html Mode Mode-enum SegmentStyle SegmentStyle-enum QLCDNumber QLCDNumber ( QWidget * parent = 0 ) QLCDNumber QLCDNumber-2 ( uint numDigits, QWidget * parent = 0 ) checkOverflow checkOverflow ( double num ) checkOverflow checkOverflow-2 ( int num ) overflow overflow () setBinMode setBinMode () setDecMode setDecMode () setHexMode setHexMode () setOctMode setOctMode () library library () setAutoUnload setAutoUnload ( bool b ) QLibrary qlibrary.html QLibrary QLibrary ( QObject * parent = 0 ) QLibrary QLibrary-2 ( const QString & fileName, QObject * parent = 0 ) isLoaded isLoaded () load load () resolve resolve ( const char * symbol ) resolve resolve-2 ( const QString & fileName, const char * symbol ) unload unload () QLibraryInfo qlibraryinfo.html LibraryLocation LibraryLocation-enum buildKey buildKey () configuration configuration () licensedProducts licensedProducts () licensee licensee () location location ( LibraryLocation loc ) QLine qline.html QLine QLine () QLine QLine-2 ( const QPoint & pt1, const QPoint & pt2 ) QLine QLine-3 ( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2 ) dx dx () dy dy () isNull isNull () p1 p1 () p2 p2 () translate translate ( const QPoint & point ) translate translate-2 ( int dx, int dy ) x1 x1 () x2 x2 () y1 y1 () y2 y2 () operator!= operator-not-eq ( const QLine & d ) operator== operator-eq-eq ( const QLine & other ) QLinearGradient qlineargradient.html QLinearGradient QLinearGradient ( const QPointF & start, const QPointF & finalStop ) QLinearGradient QLinearGradient-2 ( qreal xStart, qreal yStart, qreal xFinalStop, qreal yFinalStop ) finalStop finalStop () start start () QLineEdit QLineEdit-3 ( QWidget * parent, const char * name ) QLineEdit QLineEdit-4 ( const QString & contents, QWidget * parent, const char * name ) QLineEdit QLineEdit-5 ( const QString & contents, const QString & inputMask, QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0 ) characterAt characterAt ( int xpos, QChar * chr ) clearModified clearModified () clearValidator clearValidator () cursorLeft cursorLeft ( bool mark, int steps = 1 ) cursorRight cursorRight ( bool mark, int steps = 1 ) edited edited () frame frame () getSelection getSelection ( int * start, int * end ) hasMarkedText hasMarkedText () lostFocus lostFocus () markedText markedText () repaintArea repaintArea ( int a, int b ) setEdited setEdited ( bool on ) validateAndSet validateAndSet ( const QString & newText, int newPos, int newMarkAnchor, int newMarkDrag ) QLineEdit qlineedit.html EchoMode EchoMode-enum Alignment alignment QLineEdit QLineEdit ( QWidget * parent = 0 ) QLineEdit QLineEdit-2 ( const QString & contents, QWidget * parent = 0 ) backspace backspace () clear clear () contextMenuEvent contextMenuEvent ( QContextMenuEvent * e ) copy copy () createStandardContextMenu createStandardContextMenu () cursorBackward cursorBackward ( bool mark, int steps = 1 ) cursorForward cursorForward ( bool mark, int steps = 1 ) cursorPositionAt cursorPositionAt ( const QPoint & pos ) cursorPositionChanged cursorPositionChanged ( int old, int new ) cursorWordBackward cursorWordBackward ( bool mark ) cursorWordForward cursorWordForward ( bool mark ) cut cut () del del () deselect deselect () editingFinished editingFinished () end end ( bool mark ) home home ( bool mark ) insert insert ( const QString & newText ) keyPressEvent keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * e ) minimumSizeHint minimumSizeHint () paste paste () redo redo () returnPressed returnPressed () selectAll selectAll () selectionChanged selectionChanged () selectionStart selectionStart () setSelection setSelection ( int start, int length ) setValidator setValidator ( const QValidator * v ) sizeHint sizeHint () textChanged textChanged ( const QString & text ) undo undo () validator validator () QLineF qlinef.html IntersectType IntersectType-enum QLineF QLineF () QLineF QLineF-2 ( const QPointF & pt1, const QPointF & pt2 ) QLineF QLineF-3 ( qreal x1, qreal y1, qreal x2, qreal y2 ) QLineF QLineF-4 ( const QLine & line ) angle angle ( const QLineF & line ) dx dx () dy dy () intersect intersect ( const QLineF & other, QPointF * intersectionPoint ) isNull isNull () length length () normalVector normalVector () p2 p2 () pointAt pointAt ( qreal t ) setLength setLength ( qreal length ) toLine toLine () translate translate ( const QPointF & point ) translate translate-2 ( qreal dx, qreal dy ) unitVector unitVector () x1 x1 () x2 x2 () y1 y1 () y2 y2 () operator!= operator-not-eq ( const QLineF & d ) operator== operator-eq-eq ( const QLineF & other ) QLinkedList::const_iterator qlinkedlist-const-iterator.html const_iterator const_iterator () const_iterator const_iterator-3 ( const const_iterator & other ) const_iterator const_iterator-4 ( iterator other ) operator!= operator-not-eq ( const const_iterator & other ) operator* operator-2a () operator+ operator-2b ( int j ) operator++ operator-2b-2b () operator++ operator-2b-2b-2 ( int ) operator+= operator-2b-eq ( int j ) operator- operator- ( int j ) operator-- operator-- () operator-- operator---2 ( int ) operator-= operator--eq ( int j ) operator-& operator--gt gt;() operator= operator-eq ( const const_iterator & other ) operator== operator-eq-eq ( const const_iterator & other ) QLinkedList::iterator qlinkedlist-iterator.html iterator iterator () iterator iterator-3 ( const iterator & other ) operator!= operator-not-eq ( const iterator & other ) operator!= operator-not-eq-2 ( const const_iterator & other ) operator* operator-2a () operator+ operator-2b ( int j ) operator++ operator-2b-2b () operator++ operator-2b-2b-2 ( int ) operator+= operator-2b-eq ( int j ) operator- operator- ( int j ) operator-- operator-- () operator-- operator---2 ( int ) operator-= operator--eq ( int j ) operator-& operator--gt gt;() operator= operator-eq ( const iterator & other ) operator== operator-eq-eq ( const iterator & other ) operator== operator-eq-eq-2 ( const const_iterator & other ) find find ( iterator from, const T & t ) find find-2 ( const T & t ) find find-3 ( const_iterator from, const T & t ) find find-4 ( const T & t ) findIndex findIndex ( const T & t ) remove remove ( iterator pos ) QLinkedList qlinkedlist.html ConstIterator ConstIterator-typedef Iterator Iterator-typedef const_pointer const_pointer-typedef const_reference const_reference-typedef pointer pointer-typedef reference reference-typedef value_type value_type-typedef QLinkedList QLinkedList () QLinkedList QLinkedList-2 ( const QLinkedList & other ) append append ( const T & value ) back back () back back-2 () begin begin () begin begin-2 () clear clear () constBegin constBegin () constEnd constEnd () contains contains ( const T & value ) count count ( const T & value ) count count-2 () empty empty () end end () end end-2 () erase erase ( iterator pos ) erase erase-2 ( iterator begin, iterator end ) first first () first first-2 () front front () front front-2 () insert insert ( iterator before, const T & value ) isEmpty isEmpty () last last () last last-2 () pop_back pop_back () pop_front pop_front () prepend prepend ( const T & value ) push_back push_back ( const T & value ) push_front push_front ( const T & value ) removeAll removeAll ( const T & value ) removeFirst removeFirst () removeLast removeLast () size size () takeFirst takeFirst () takeLast takeLast () operator!= operator-not-eq ( const QLinkedList & other ) operator+ operator-2b ( const QLinkedList & other ) operator+= operator-2b-eq ( const QLinkedList & other ) operator+= operator-2b-eq-2 ( const T & value ) operator<< operator-lt-lt ( const T & value ) operator<< operator-lt-lt-2 ( const QLinkedList & l ) operator= operator-eq ( const QLinkedList & other ) operator== operator-eq-eq ( const QLinkedList & other ) QLinkedListIterator qlinkedlistiterator.html QLinkedListIterator QLinkedListIterator ( const QLinkedList<T> & list ) findNext findNext ( const T & value ) findPrevious findPrevious ( const T & value ) hasNext hasNext () hasPrevious hasPrevious () next next () peekNext peekNext () peekPrevious peekPrevious () previous previous () toBack toBack () toFront toFront () operator= operator-eq ( const QLinkedList<T> & list ) QList::const_iterator qlist-const-iterator.html const_iterator const_iterator () const_iterator const_iterator-3 ( const const_iterator & other ) const_iterator const_iterator-4 ( const iterator & other ) operator!= operator-not-eq ( const const_iterator & other ) operator* operator-2a () operator+ operator-2b ( int j ) operator++ operator-2b-2b () operator++ operator-2b-2b-2 ( int ) operator+= operator-2b-eq ( int j ) operator- operator- ( int j ) operator- operator--2 ( const_iterator other ) operator-- operator-- () operator-- operator---2 ( int ) operator-= operator--eq ( int j ) operator-& operator--gt gt;() operator< operator-lt ( const const_iterator & other ) operator<= operator-lt-eq ( const const_iterator & other ) operator== operator-eq-eq ( const const_iterator & other ) operator> operator-gt ( const const_iterator & other ) operator>= operator-gt-eq ( const const_iterator & other ) operator[] operator-5b-5d ( int j ) QList::iterator qlist-iterator.html iterator iterator () iterator iterator-3 ( const iterator & other ) operator!= operator-not-eq ( const iterator & other ) operator!= operator-not-eq-2 ( const const_iterator & other ) operator* operator-2a () operator+ operator-2b ( int j ) operator++ operator-2b-2b () operator++ operator-2b-2b-2 ( int ) operator+= operator-2b-eq ( int j ) operator- operator- ( int j ) operator- operator--2 ( iterator other ) operator-- operator-- () operator-- operator---2 ( int ) operator-= operator--eq ( int j ) operator-& operator--gt gt;() operator< operator-lt ( const iterator & other ) operator< operator-lt-2 ( const const_iterator & other ) operator<= operator-lt-eq ( const iterator & other ) operator<= operator-lt-eq-2 ( const const_iterator & other ) operator== operator-eq-eq ( const iterator & other ) operator== operator-eq-eq-2 ( const const_iterator & other ) operator> operator-gt ( const iterator & other ) operator> operator-gt-2 ( const const_iterator & other ) operator>= operator-gt-eq ( const iterator & other ) operator>= operator-gt-eq-2 ( const const_iterator & other ) operator[] operator-5b-5d ( int j ) find find ( const T & t ) find find-2 ( const T & t ) find find-3 ( iterator from, const T & t ) find find-4 ( const_iterator from, const T & t ) findIndex findIndex ( const T & t ) remove remove ( iterator pos ) remove remove-2 ( const T & t ) QList qlist.html ConstIterator ConstIterator-typedef Iterator Iterator-typedef const_pointer const_pointer-typedef const_reference const_reference-typedef pointer pointer-typedef reference reference-typedef value_type value_type-typedef QList QList () QList QList-2 ( const QList & other ) append append ( const T & value ) at at ( int i ) back back () back back-2 () begin begin () begin begin-2 () clear clear () constBegin constBegin () constEnd constEnd () contains contains ( const T & value ) count count ( const T & value ) count count-2 () empty empty () end end () end end-2 () erase erase ( iterator pos ) erase erase-2 ( iterator begin, iterator end ) first first () first first-2 () fromSet fromSet ( const QSet<T> & set ) fromStdList fromStdList ( const std::list<T> & list ) fromVector fromVector ( const QVector<T> & vector ) front front () front front-2 () indexOf indexOf ( const T & value, int from = 0 ) insert insert ( int i, const T & value ) insert insert-2 ( iterator before, const T & value ) isEmpty isEmpty () last last () last last-2 () lastIndexOf lastIndexOf ( const T & value, int from = -1 ) mid mid ( int pos, int length = -1 ) move move ( int from, int to ) pop_back pop_back () pop_front pop_front () prepend prepend ( const T & value ) push_back push_back ( const T & value ) push_front push_front ( const T & value ) removeAll removeAll ( const T & value ) removeAt removeAt ( int i ) removeFirst removeFirst () removeLast removeLast () replace replace ( int i, const T & value ) size size () swap swap ( int i, int j ) takeAt takeAt ( int i ) takeFirst takeFirst () takeLast takeLast () toSet toSet () list toStdList <T> QList::toStdList() toVector toVector () value value ( int i ) value value-2 ( int i, const T & defaultValue ) operator!= operator-not-eq ( const QList & other ) operator+ operator-2b ( const QList & other ) operator+= operator-2b-eq ( const QList & other ) operator+= operator-2b-eq-2 ( const T & value ) operator<< operator-lt-lt ( const T & value ) operator<< operator-lt-lt-2 ( const QList & l ) operator= operator-eq ( const QList & other ) operator== operator-eq-eq ( const QList & other ) operator[] operator-5b-5d ( int i ) operator[] operator-5b-5d-2 ( int i ) QListIterator qlistiterator.html QListIterator QListIterator ( const QList<T> & list ) findNext findNext ( const T & value ) findPrevious findPrevious ( const T & value ) hasNext hasNext () hasPrevious hasPrevious () next next () peekNext peekNext () peekPrevious peekPrevious () previous previous () toBack toBack () toFront toFront () operator= operator-eq ( const QList<T> & list ) QListView qlistview.html Flow Flow-enum LayoutMode LayoutMode-enum Movement Movement-enum ResizeMode ResizeMode-enum ViewMode ViewMode-enum QListView QListView ( QWidget * parent = 0 ) clearPropertyFlags clearPropertyFlags () internalDrag internalDrag ( Qt::DropActions supportedActions ) internalDrop internalDrop ( QDropEvent * e ) isRowHidden isRowHidden ( int row ) rectForIndex rectForIndex ( const QModelIndex & index ) setRowHidden setRowHidden ( int row, bool hide ) QListWidget qlistwidget.html QListWidget QListWidget ( QWidget * parent = 0 ) addItem addItem ( const QString & label ) addItem addItem-2 ( QListWidgetItem * item ) addItems addItems ( const QStringList & labels ) clear clear () closePersistentEditor closePersistentEditor ( QListWidgetItem * item ) currentItem currentItem () currentItemChanged currentItemChanged ( QListWidgetItem * current, QListWidgetItem * previous ) currentRowChanged currentRowChanged ( int currentRow ) currentTextChanged currentTextChanged ( const QString & currentText ) dropMimeData dropMimeData ( int index, const QMimeData * data, Qt::DropAction action ) editItem editItem ( QListWidgetItem * item ) findItems findItems ( const QRegExp & rx ) indexFromItem indexFromItem ( QListWidgetItem * item ) insertItem insertItem ( int row, QListWidgetItem * item ) insertItem insertItem-2 ( int row, const QString & label ) insertItems insertItems ( int row, const QStringList & labels ) isItemHidden isItemHidden ( const QListWidgetItem * item ) isItemSelected isItemSelected ( const QListWidgetItem * item ) item item ( int row ) itemActivated itemActivated ( QListWidgetItem * item ) itemAt itemAt ( const QPoint & p ) itemAt itemAt-2 ( int x, int y ) itemChanged itemChanged ( QListWidgetItem * item ) itemClicked itemClicked ( QListWidgetItem * item ) itemDoubleClicked itemDoubleClicked ( QListWidgetItem * item ) itemEntered itemEntered ( QListWidgetItem * item ) itemFromIndex itemFromIndex ( const QModelIndex & index ) itemPressed itemPressed ( QListWidgetItem * item ) itemSelectionChanged itemSelectionChanged () items items ( const QMimeData * data ) mimeData mimeData ( const QList<QListWidgetItem *> items ) mimeTypes mimeTypes () openPersistentEditor openPersistentEditor ( QListWidgetItem * item ) row row ( const QListWidgetItem * item ) scrollToItem scrollToItem ( const QListWidgetItem * item, ScrollHint hint = EnsureVisible ) selectedItems selectedItems () setCurrentItem setCurrentItem ( QListWidgetItem * item ) setItemHidden setItemHidden ( const QListWidgetItem * item, bool hide ) setItemSelected setItemSelected ( const QListWidgetItem * item, bool select ) sortItems sortItems ( Qt::SortOrder order = Qt::AscendingOrder ) DropActions supportedDropActions QListWidget::supportedDropActions() takeItem takeItem ( int row ) visualItemRect visualItemRect ( const QListWidgetItem * item ) QListWidgetItem qlistwidgetitem.html QListWidgetItem QListWidgetItem ( QListWidget * parent = 0, int type = Type ) QListWidgetItem QListWidgetItem-2 ( const QString & text, QListWidget * parent = 0, int type = Type ) backgroundColor backgroundColor () CheckState checkState QListWidgetItem::checkState() clone clone () data data ( int role ) ItemFlags flags QListWidgetItem::flags() font font () icon icon () listWidget listWidget () read read ( QDataStream & in ) setBackgroundColor setBackgroundColor ( const QColor & color ) setCheckState setCheckState ( Qt::CheckState state ) setData setData ( int role, const QVariant & value ) setFlags setFlags ( Qt::ItemFlags flags ) setFont setFont ( const QFont & font ) setIcon setIcon ( const QIcon & icon ) setStatusTip setStatusTip ( const QString & statusTip ) setText setText ( const QString & text ) setTextAlignment setTextAlignment ( int alignment ) setTextColor setTextColor ( const QColor & color ) setToolTip setToolTip ( const QString & toolTip ) setWhatsThis setWhatsThis ( const QString & whatsThis ) statusTip statusTip () text text () textAlignment textAlignment () textColor textColor () toolTip toolTip () type type () whatsThis whatsThis () write write ( QDataStream & out ) operator< operator-lt ( const QListWidgetItem & other ) QLocale qlocale.html Country Country-enum Language Language-enum QLocale QLocale () QLocale QLocale-2 ( const QString & name ) QLocale QLocale-3 ( Language language, Country country = AnyCountry ) QLocale QLocale-4 ( const QLocale & other ) c c () country country () countryToString countryToString ( Country country ) language language () languageToString languageToString ( Language language ) name name () setDefault setDefault ( const QLocale & locale ) system system () toDouble toDouble ( const QString & s, bool * ok = 0 ) toFloat toFloat ( const QString & s, bool * ok = 0 ) toInt toInt ( const QString & s, bool * ok = 0, int base = 0 ) toLongLong toLongLong ( const QString & s, bool * ok = 0, int base = 0 ) toShort toShort ( const QString & s, bool * ok = 0, int base = 0 ) toString toString ( qlonglong i ) toString toString-2 ( qulonglong i ) toString toString-3 ( double i, char f = 'g', int prec = 6 ) toString toString-4 ( short i ) toString toString-5 ( ushort i ) toString toString-6 ( int i ) toString toString-7 ( uint i ) toString toString-8 ( float i, char f = 'g', int prec = 6 ) toUInt toUInt ( const QString & s, bool * ok = 0, int base = 0 ) toULongLong toULongLong ( const QString & s, bool * ok = 0, int base = 0 ) toUShort toUShort ( const QString & s, bool * ok = 0, int base = 0 ) operator!= operator-not-eq ( const QLocale & other ) operator= operator-eq ( const QLocale & other ) operator== operator-eq-eq ( const QLocale & other ) QMacMime qmacmime.html QMacMime QMacMime ( char t ) all all ( QMacMimeType t ) canConvert canConvert ( const QString & mime, int flav ) convertFromMime convertFromMime ( const QString & mime, QVariant data, int flav ) convertToMime convertToMime ( const QString & mime, QList<QByteArray> data, int flav ) convertor convertor ( QMacMimeType t, const QString & mime, int flav ) convertorName convertorName () countFlavors countFlavors () flavor flavor ( int index ) flavorFor flavorFor ( const QString & mime ) flavorToMime flavorToMime ( QMacMimeType t, int flav )