#include "menuactionhelper.h" MenuActionHelper::MenuActionHelper(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), m_isAdvancedMode(false), m_dockWidgetTitleBarsEnabled(true), m_addedCustomSeperator(false) { } QAction *MenuActionHelper::createToolAction(const QString &title, const QString &name) { QAction *action = m_menuToDockNameMap.key(name); //For sanity, check that the action is not NULL if(action) { qWarning() << "createToolAction was called for action" << name << "which already exists in the menu"; return action; } action = new QAction(title, NULL); action->setCheckable(true); connect(action,SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),this,SLOT(showTool(bool))); m_menuToDockNameMap[action] = name; m_menu->addAction(action); return action; } void MenuActionHelper::removeDockWidget() { QObject *dockWidget = QObject::sender(); //Note that we can't cast to QDockWidget because we are in its destructor Q_ASSERT(dockWidget); qDebug() << "Dockwidget:" << dockWidget->objectName() << "of type" << dockWidget->metaObject()->className(); QAction *action = m_menuToDockNameMap.key(dockWidget->objectName()); if(action) { m_menuToDockNameMap.remove(action); action->deleteLater(); } QMap >::iterator it; for (it = m_centralWidgetToDockWidgetsMap.begin(); it != m_centralWidgetToDockWidgetsMap.end(); ++it) { QMap::iterator it2 = it.value().begin(); while( it2 != it.value().end()) { if(it2.value() == dockWidget) it2 = it.value().erase(it2); else ++it2; } } //Don't delete the dockWidget because this could have been called from the dockWidget destructor m_dockWidgets.removeAll(static_cast(dockWidget)); } QAction *MenuActionHelper::createToolActionForCustomDockWidget(const QString &title, const QString& name, QDockWidget* dockWidget, MainWindow::VIEW_SECTIONS view) { bool found = false; QAction *action = NULL; foreach(QAction *act, m_menuToDockNameMap.keys()) { if(act->text() == title) { found = true; action = act; } } if(!found) action = createToolAction(title, name); else m_menuToDockNameMap[action] = name; m_centralWidgetToDockWidgetsMap[view][name] = dockWidget; connect(dockWidget, SIGNAL(destroyed()), SLOT(removeDockWidget()),Qt::UniqueConnection); //Use UniqueConnection since we might have already created this connection in createDockWidget connect(dockWidget, SIGNAL(visibilityChanged(bool)), action, SLOT(setChecked(bool))); action->setChecked(dockWidget->isVisible()); return action; } QDockWidget* MenuActionHelper::createDockWidget(const QString& title,const QString& name) { QDockWidget *dockWidget = new QDockWidget(title); m_dockWidgets.append(dockWidget); setDockWidgetTitleBar(dockWidget); dockWidget->setObjectName(name); connect(dockWidget, SIGNAL(destroyed()), SLOT(removeDockWidget())); return dockWidget; } bool MenuActionHelper::containsDockWidget(MainWindow::VIEW_SECTIONS view, const QString &name) const { return m_centralWidgetToDockWidgetsMap.contains(view) && m_centralWidgetToDockWidgetsMap[view].contains(name); } QDockWidget *MenuActionHelper::getDockWidget(MainWindow::VIEW_SECTIONS view, const QString &name) const { if(!m_centralWidgetToDockWidgetsMap.contains(view)) return NULL; return m_centralWidgetToDockWidgetsMap[view].value(name); } void MenuActionHelper::showTool(bool show) { //Called when a menu item is clicked on, regardless of view. QAction* act = qobject_cast(sender()); Q_ASSERT(act); if (m_menuToDockNameMap.contains(act)) { QString name = m_menuToDockNameMap[act]; emit needToShowDockWidget(name, show); } } void MenuActionHelper::setDockWidgetTitleBarsEnabled(bool enabled) { m_dockWidgetTitleBarsEnabled = enabled; for (int i = 0; i < m_dockWidgets.size(); i++) setDockWidgetTitleBar(m_dockWidgets[i]); } void MenuActionHelper::setAdvancedMode(bool advancedMode) { m_isAdvancedMode = advancedMode; for (int i = 0; i < m_dockWidgets.size(); i++) setDockWidgetTitleBar(m_dockWidgets[i]); } void MenuActionHelper::setDockWidgetTitleBar(QDockWidget* widget) { Q_ASSERT(widget); QWidget* oldTitleBar = widget->titleBarWidget(); // In advanced mode, we use the default titlebar provided by Qt. if (m_isAdvancedMode) { widget->setTitleBarWidget(0); } // Otherwise, if just a textlabel should be shown, make that the titlebar. else if (m_dockWidgetTitleBarsEnabled) { QLabel* label = new QLabel(widget); label->setText(widget->windowTitle()); label->installEventFilter(this); //Ignore mouse clicks widget->installEventFilter(this); //Update label if window title changes. See eventFilter below widget->setTitleBarWidget(label); } // And if nothing should be shown, use an empty widget. else { QWidget* newTitleBar = new QWidget(widget); widget->setTitleBarWidget(newTitleBar); } // Be sure to clean up the old titlebar. When using QDockWidget::setTitleBarWidget(), // it doesn't delete the old titlebar object. delete oldTitleBar; } bool MenuActionHelper::eventFilter(QObject *object,QEvent *event) { if (event->type() == QEvent::WindowTitleChange) { QDockWidget *dock = qobject_cast(object); if(dock) { // Update the dock title bar label QLabel *label = dynamic_cast(dock->titleBarWidget()); if(label) label->setText(dock->windowTitle()); // Now update the action label QString oldObjectName = dock->objectName(); QAction *action = m_menuToDockNameMap.key(oldObjectName); if(action) action->setText(dock->windowTitle()); //Now modify the object name - it is a strange naming scheme.. } } else if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress || event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease) { if(qobject_cast(object)) return true; } return QObject::eventFilter(object,event); }