/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2012 Denis Shienkov <denis.shienkov@gmail.com> ** Copyright (C) 2012 Laszlo Papp <lpapp@kde.org> ** Copyright (C) 2012 Andre Hartmann <aha_1980@gmx.de> ** Contact: http://www.qt-project.org/legal ** ** This file is part of the QtSerialPort module of the Qt Toolkit. ** ** $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:LGPL$ ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and Digia. For licensing terms and ** conditions see http://qt.digia.com/licensing. For further information ** use the contact form at http://qt.digia.com/contact-us. ** ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser ** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the ** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to ** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements ** will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html. ** ** In addition, as a special exception, Digia gives you certain additional ** rights. These rights are described in the Digia Qt LGPL Exception ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package. ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU ** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to ** ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be ** met: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. ** ** ** $QT_END_LICENSE$ ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "qserialport_unix_p.h" #include "qttylocker_unix_p.h" #include <errno.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #ifdef Q_OS_MAC #if defined (MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_4) && (MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_4) #include <IOKit/serial/ioss.h> #endif #endif #include <QtCore/qelapsedtimer.h> #include <QtCore/qsocketnotifier.h> #include <QtCore/qmap.h> QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE class ReadNotifier : public QSocketNotifier { public: ReadNotifier(QSerialPortPrivate *d, QObject *parent) : QSocketNotifier(d->descriptor, QSocketNotifier::Read, parent) , dptr(d) {} protected: bool event(QEvent *e) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { bool ret = QSocketNotifier::event(e); if (ret) dptr->readNotification(); return ret; } private: QSerialPortPrivate *dptr; }; class WriteNotifier : public QSocketNotifier { public: WriteNotifier(QSerialPortPrivate *d, QObject *parent) : QSocketNotifier(d->descriptor, QSocketNotifier::Write, parent) , dptr(d) {} protected: bool event(QEvent *e) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { bool ret = QSocketNotifier::event(e); if (ret) dptr->writeNotification(QSerialPortPrivateData::WriteChunkSize); return ret; } private: QSerialPortPrivate *dptr; }; class ExceptionNotifier : public QSocketNotifier { public: ExceptionNotifier(QSerialPortPrivate *d, QObject *parent) : QSocketNotifier(d->descriptor, QSocketNotifier::Exception, parent) , dptr(d) {} protected: bool event(QEvent *e) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { bool ret = QSocketNotifier::event(e); if (ret) dptr->exceptionNotification(); return ret; } private: QSerialPortPrivate *dptr; }; QSerialPortPrivate::QSerialPortPrivate(QSerialPort *q) : QSerialPortPrivateData(q) , descriptor(-1) , isCustomBaudRateSupported(false) , readNotifier(0) , writeNotifier(0) , exceptionNotifier(0) , readPortNotifierCalled(false) , readPortNotifierState(false) , readPortNotifierStateSet(false) , emittedReadyRead(false) , emittedBytesWritten(false) { } bool QSerialPortPrivate::open(QIODevice::OpenMode mode) { QByteArray portName = portNameFromSystemLocation(systemLocation).toLocal8Bit(); const char *ptr = portName.constData(); bool byCurrPid = false; if (QTtyLocker::isLocked(ptr, &byCurrPid)) { q_ptr->setError(QSerialPort::PermissionError); return false; } int flags = O_NOCTTY | O_NONBLOCK; switch (mode & QIODevice::ReadWrite) { case QIODevice::WriteOnly: flags |= O_WRONLY; break; case QIODevice::ReadWrite: flags |= O_RDWR; break; default: flags |= O_RDONLY; break; } descriptor = ::open(systemLocation.toLocal8Bit().constData(), flags); if (descriptor == -1) { q_ptr->setError(decodeSystemError()); return false; } ::fcntl(descriptor, F_SETFL, FNDELAY); QTtyLocker::lock(ptr); if (!QTtyLocker::isLocked(ptr, &byCurrPid)) { q_ptr->setError(QSerialPort::PermissionError); return false; } #ifdef TIOCEXCL ::ioctl(descriptor, TIOCEXCL); #endif if (::tcgetattr(descriptor, &restoredTermios) == -1) { q_ptr->setError(decodeSystemError()); return false; } currentTermios = restoredTermios; ::cfmakeraw(¤tTermios); currentTermios.c_cflag |= CLOCAL; currentTermios.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; currentTermios.c_cc[VMIN] = 0; if (mode & QIODevice::ReadOnly) currentTermios.c_cflag |= CREAD; if (!updateTermios()) return false; setExceptionNotificationEnabled(true); if ((flags & O_WRONLY) == 0) setReadNotificationEnabled(true); detectDefaultSettings(); return true; } void QSerialPortPrivate::close() { if (settingsRestoredOnClose) { ::tcsetattr(descriptor, TCSANOW, &restoredTermios); #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX if (isCustomBaudRateSupported) ::ioctl(descriptor, TIOCSSERIAL, &restoredSerialInfo); #endif } #ifdef TIOCNXCL ::ioctl(descriptor, TIOCNXCL); #endif if (readNotifier) { readNotifier->setEnabled(false); readNotifier->deleteLater(); readNotifier = 0; } if (writeNotifier) { writeNotifier->setEnabled(false); writeNotifier->deleteLater(); writeNotifier = 0; } if (exceptionNotifier) { exceptionNotifier->setEnabled(false); exceptionNotifier->deleteLater(); exceptionNotifier = 0; } ::close(descriptor); QByteArray portName = portNameFromSystemLocation(systemLocation).toLocal8Bit(); const char *ptr = portName.constData(); bool byCurrPid = false; if (QTtyLocker::isLocked(ptr, &byCurrPid) && byCurrPid) QTtyLocker::unlock(ptr); descriptor = -1; isCustomBaudRateSupported = false; } QSerialPort::PinoutSignals QSerialPortPrivate::pinoutSignals() const { int arg = 0; QSerialPort::PinoutSignals ret = QSerialPort::NoSignal; if (::ioctl(descriptor, TIOCMGET, &arg) == -1) { q_ptr->setError(decodeSystemError()); return ret; } #ifdef TIOCM_LE if (arg & TIOCM_LE) ret |= QSerialPort::DataSetReadySignal; #endif #ifdef TIOCM_DTR if (arg & TIOCM_DTR) ret |= QSerialPort::DataTerminalReadySignal; #endif #ifdef TIOCM_RTS if (arg & TIOCM_RTS) ret |= QSerialPort::RequestToSendSignal; #endif #ifdef TIOCM_ST if (arg & TIOCM_ST) ret |= QSerialPort::SecondaryTransmittedDataSignal; #endif #ifdef TIOCM_SR if (arg & TIOCM_SR) ret |= QSerialPort::SecondaryReceivedDataSignal; #endif #ifdef TIOCM_CTS if (arg & TIOCM_CTS) ret |= QSerialPort::ClearToSendSignal; #endif #ifdef TIOCM_CAR if (arg & TIOCM_CAR) ret |= QSerialPort::DataCarrierDetectSignal; #elif defined TIOCM_CD if (arg & TIOCM_CD) ret |= QSerialPort::DataCarrierDetectSignal; #endif #ifdef TIOCM_RNG if (arg & TIOCM_RNG) ret |= QSerialPort::RingIndicatorSignal; #elif defined TIOCM_RI if (arg & TIOCM_RI) ret |= QSerialPort::RingIndicatorSignal; #endif #ifdef TIOCM_DSR if (arg & TIOCM_DSR) ret |= QSerialPort::DataSetReadySignal; #endif return ret; } bool QSerialPortPrivate::setDataTerminalReady(bool set) { int status = TIOCM_DTR; return ::ioctl(descriptor, set ? TIOCMBIS : TIOCMBIC, &status) != -1; } bool QSerialPortPrivate::setRequestToSend(bool set) { int status = TIOCM_RTS; return ::ioctl(descriptor, set ? TIOCMBIS : TIOCMBIC, &status) != -1; } bool QSerialPortPrivate::flush() { return writeNotification() && (::tcdrain(descriptor) != -1); } bool QSerialPortPrivate::clear(QSerialPort::Directions dir) { return ::tcflush(descriptor, (dir == QSerialPort::AllDirections) ? TCIOFLUSH : (dir & QSerialPort::Input) ? TCIFLUSH : TCOFLUSH) != -1; } bool QSerialPortPrivate::sendBreak(int duration) { return ::tcsendbreak(descriptor, duration) != -1; } bool QSerialPortPrivate::setBreakEnabled(bool set) { return ::ioctl(descriptor, set ? TIOCSBRK : TIOCCBRK) != -1; } qint64 QSerialPortPrivate::systemInputQueueSize () const { int nbytes = 0; #ifdef TIOCINQ if (::ioctl(descriptor, TIOCINQ, &nbytes) == -1) return -1; #endif return nbytes; } qint64 QSerialPortPrivate::systemOutputQueueSize () const { int nbytes = 0; #ifdef TIOCOUTQ if (::ioctl(descriptor, TIOCOUTQ, &nbytes) == -1) return -1; #endif return nbytes; } qint64 QSerialPortPrivate::bytesAvailable() const { return readBuffer.size(); } qint64 QSerialPortPrivate::readFromBuffer(char *data, qint64 maxSize) { if (readBuffer.isEmpty()) return 0; if (maxSize == 1) { *data = readBuffer.getChar(); if (readBuffer.isEmpty()) setReadNotificationEnabled(true); return 1; } const qint64 bytesToRead = qMin(qint64(readBuffer.size()), maxSize); qint64 readSoFar = 0; while (readSoFar < bytesToRead) { const char *ptr = readBuffer.readPointer(); const int bytesToReadFromThisBlock = qMin(int(bytesToRead - readSoFar), readBuffer.nextDataBlockSize()); ::memcpy(data + readSoFar, ptr, bytesToReadFromThisBlock); readSoFar += bytesToReadFromThisBlock; readBuffer.free(bytesToReadFromThisBlock); } if (!isReadNotificationEnabled()) setReadNotificationEnabled(true); if (readSoFar > 0) { if (readBuffer.isEmpty()) setReadNotificationEnabled(true); return readSoFar; } return readSoFar; } qint64 QSerialPortPrivate::writeToBuffer(const char *data, qint64 maxSize) { char *ptr = writeBuffer.reserve(maxSize); if (maxSize == 1) *ptr = *data; else ::memcpy(ptr, data, maxSize); const qint64 written = maxSize; if (!writeBuffer.isEmpty() && !isWriteNotificationEnabled()) setWriteNotificationEnabled(true); return written; } bool QSerialPortPrivate::waitForReadyRead(int msecs) { QElapsedTimer stopWatch; stopWatch.start(); do { bool readyToRead = false; bool readyToWrite = false; bool timedOut = false; if (!waitForReadOrWrite(&readyToRead, &readyToWrite, true, !writeBuffer.isEmpty(), timeoutValue(msecs, stopWatch.elapsed()), &timedOut)) { if (!timedOut) q_ptr->setError(decodeSystemError()); return false; } if (readyToRead) { if (readNotification()) return true; } if (readyToWrite) writeNotification(WriteChunkSize); } while (msecs == -1 || timeoutValue(msecs, stopWatch.elapsed()) > 0); return false; } bool QSerialPortPrivate::waitForBytesWritten(int msecs) { if (writeBuffer.isEmpty()) return false; QElapsedTimer stopWatch; stopWatch.start(); forever { bool readyToRead = false; bool readyToWrite = false; bool timedOut = false; if (!waitForReadOrWrite(&readyToRead, &readyToWrite, true, !writeBuffer.isEmpty(), timeoutValue(msecs, stopWatch.elapsed()), &timedOut)) { if (!timedOut) q_ptr->setError(decodeSystemError()); return false; } if (readyToRead && !readNotification()) return false; if (readyToWrite) return writeNotification(WriteChunkSize); } return false; } bool QSerialPortPrivate::setBaudRate(qint32 baudRate, QSerialPort::Directions dir) { bool ret = baudRate > 0; // prepare section if (ret) { const qint32 unixBaudRate = QSerialPortPrivate::settingFromBaudRate(baudRate); if (unixBaudRate > 0) { // try prepate to set standard baud rate #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX // prepare to forcefully reset the custom mode if (isCustomBaudRateSupported) { //currentSerialInfo.flags |= ASYNC_SPD_MASK; currentSerialInfo.flags &= ~(ASYNC_SPD_CUST /* | ASYNC_LOW_LATENCY*/); currentSerialInfo.custom_divisor = 0; } #endif // prepare to set standard baud rate ret = !(((dir & QSerialPort::Input) && ::cfsetispeed(¤tTermios, unixBaudRate) < 0) || ((dir & QSerialPort::Output) && ::cfsetospeed(¤tTermios, unixBaudRate) < 0)); } else { // try prepate to set custom baud rate #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX // prepare to forcefully set the custom mode if (isCustomBaudRateSupported) { currentSerialInfo.flags &= ~ASYNC_SPD_MASK; currentSerialInfo.flags |= (ASYNC_SPD_CUST /* | ASYNC_LOW_LATENCY*/); currentSerialInfo.custom_divisor = currentSerialInfo.baud_base / baudRate; if (currentSerialInfo.custom_divisor == 0) currentSerialInfo.custom_divisor = 1; // for custom mode needed prepare to set B38400 baud rate ret = (::cfsetspeed(¤tTermios, B38400) != -1); } else { ret = false; } #elif defined(Q_OS_MAC) # if defined (MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_4) && (MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_4) // Starting with Tiger, the IOSSIOSPEED ioctl can be used to set arbitrary baud rates // other than those specified by POSIX. The driver for the underlying serial hardware // ultimately determines which baud rates can be used. This ioctl sets both the input // and output speed. ret = ::ioctl(descriptor, IOSSIOSPEED, &baudRate) != -1; # else // others MacOSX version, can't prepare to set custom baud rate ret = false; # endif #else // others *nix OS, can't prepare to set custom baud rate ret = false; #endif } } // finally section #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX if (ret && isCustomBaudRateSupported) // finally, set or reset the custom mode ret = ::ioctl(descriptor, TIOCSSERIAL, ¤tSerialInfo) != -1; #endif if (ret) // finally, set baud rate ret = updateTermios(); else q_ptr->setError(decodeSystemError()); return ret; } bool QSerialPortPrivate::setDataBits(QSerialPort::DataBits dataBits) { currentTermios.c_cflag &= ~CSIZE; switch (dataBits) { case QSerialPort::Data5: currentTermios.c_cflag |= CS5; break; case QSerialPort::Data6: currentTermios.c_cflag |= CS6; break; case QSerialPort::Data7: currentTermios.c_cflag |= CS7; break; case QSerialPort::Data8: currentTermios.c_cflag |= CS8; break; default: currentTermios.c_cflag |= CS8; break; } return updateTermios(); } bool QSerialPortPrivate::setParity(QSerialPort::Parity parity) { currentTermios.c_iflag &= ~(PARMRK | INPCK); currentTermios.c_iflag |= IGNPAR; switch (parity) { #ifdef CMSPAR // Here Installation parity only for GNU/Linux where the macro CMSPAR. case QSerialPort::SpaceParity: currentTermios.c_cflag &= ~PARODD; currentTermios.c_cflag |= PARENB | CMSPAR; break; case QSerialPort::MarkParity: currentTermios.c_cflag |= PARENB | CMSPAR | PARODD; break; #endif case QSerialPort::NoParity: currentTermios.c_cflag &= ~PARENB; break; case QSerialPort::EvenParity: currentTermios.c_cflag &= ~PARODD; currentTermios.c_cflag |= PARENB; break; case QSerialPort::OddParity: currentTermios.c_cflag |= PARENB | PARODD; break; default: currentTermios.c_cflag |= PARENB; currentTermios.c_iflag |= PARMRK | INPCK; currentTermios.c_iflag &= ~IGNPAR; break; } return updateTermios(); } bool QSerialPortPrivate::setStopBits(QSerialPort::StopBits stopBits) { switch (stopBits) { case QSerialPort::OneStop: currentTermios.c_cflag &= ~CSTOPB; break; case QSerialPort::TwoStop: currentTermios.c_cflag |= CSTOPB; break; default: currentTermios.c_cflag &= ~CSTOPB; break; } return updateTermios(); } bool QSerialPortPrivate::setFlowControl(QSerialPort::FlowControl flow) { switch (flow) { case QSerialPort::NoFlowControl: currentTermios.c_cflag &= ~CRTSCTS; currentTermios.c_iflag &= ~(IXON | IXOFF | IXANY); break; case QSerialPort::HardwareControl: currentTermios.c_cflag |= CRTSCTS; currentTermios.c_iflag &= ~(IXON | IXOFF | IXANY); break; case QSerialPort::SoftwareControl: currentTermios.c_cflag &= ~CRTSCTS; currentTermios.c_iflag |= IXON | IXOFF | IXANY; break; default: currentTermios.c_cflag &= ~CRTSCTS; currentTermios.c_iflag &= ~(IXON | IXOFF | IXANY); break; } return updateTermios(); } bool QSerialPortPrivate::setDataErrorPolicy(QSerialPort::DataErrorPolicy policy) { tcflag_t parmrkMask = PARMRK; #ifndef CMSPAR // in space/mark parity emulation also used PARMRK flag if (parity == QSerialPort::SpaceParity || parity == QSerialPort::MarkParity) { parmrkMask = 0; } #endif //CMSPAR switch (policy) { case QSerialPort::SkipPolicy: currentTermios.c_iflag &= ~parmrkMask; currentTermios.c_iflag |= IGNPAR | INPCK; break; case QSerialPort::PassZeroPolicy: currentTermios.c_iflag &= ~(IGNPAR | parmrkMask); currentTermios.c_iflag |= INPCK; break; case QSerialPort::IgnorePolicy: currentTermios.c_iflag &= ~INPCK; break; case QSerialPort::StopReceivingPolicy: currentTermios.c_iflag &= ~IGNPAR; currentTermios.c_iflag |= parmrkMask | INPCK; break; default: currentTermios.c_iflag &= ~INPCK; break; } return updateTermios(); } bool QSerialPortPrivate::readNotification() { // Prevent recursive calls if (readPortNotifierCalled) { if (!readPortNotifierStateSet) { readPortNotifierStateSet = true; readPortNotifierState = isReadNotificationEnabled(); setReadNotificationEnabled(false); } } readPortNotifierCalled = true; // Always buffered, read data from the port into the read buffer qint64 newBytes = readBuffer.size(); qint64 bytesToRead = policy == QSerialPort::IgnorePolicy ? ReadChunkSize : 1; if (readBufferMaxSize && bytesToRead > (readBufferMaxSize - readBuffer.size())) { bytesToRead = readBufferMaxSize - readBuffer.size(); if (bytesToRead == 0) { // Buffer is full. User must read data from the buffer // before we can read more from the port. return false; } } char *ptr = readBuffer.reserve(bytesToRead); const qint64 readBytes = readFromPort(ptr, bytesToRead); if (readBytes <= 0) { readBuffer.chop(bytesToRead); return false; } readBuffer.chop(bytesToRead - qMax(readBytes, qint64(0))); newBytes = readBuffer.size() - newBytes; // If read buffer is full, disable the read port notifier. if (readBufferMaxSize && readBuffer.size() == readBufferMaxSize) setReadNotificationEnabled(false); // only emit readyRead() when not recursing, and only if there is data available const bool hasData = newBytes > 0; if (!emittedReadyRead && hasData) { emittedReadyRead = true; emit q_ptr->readyRead(); emittedReadyRead = false; } if (!hasData) setReadNotificationEnabled(true); // reset the read port notifier state if we reentered inside the // readyRead() connected slot. if (readPortNotifierStateSet && readPortNotifierState != isReadNotificationEnabled()) { setReadNotificationEnabled(readPortNotifierState); readPortNotifierStateSet = false; } return true; } bool QSerialPortPrivate::writeNotification(int maxSize) { const int tmp = writeBuffer.size(); if (writeBuffer.isEmpty()) { setWriteNotificationEnabled(false); return false; } int nextSize = qMin(writeBuffer.nextDataBlockSize(), maxSize); const char *ptr = writeBuffer.readPointer(); // Attempt to write it chunk. qint64 written = writeToPort(ptr, nextSize); if (written < 0) return false; // Remove what we wrote so far. writeBuffer.free(written); if (written > 0) { // Don't emit bytesWritten() recursively. if (!emittedBytesWritten) { emittedBytesWritten = true; emit q_ptr->bytesWritten(written); emittedBytesWritten = false; } } if (writeBuffer.isEmpty()) setWriteNotificationEnabled(false); return (writeBuffer.size() < tmp); } bool QSerialPortPrivate::exceptionNotification() { QSerialPort::SerialPortError error = decodeSystemError(); q_ptr->setError(error); return true; } bool QSerialPortPrivate::updateTermios() { if (::tcsetattr(descriptor, TCSANOW, ¤tTermios) == -1) { q_ptr->setError(decodeSystemError()); return false; } return true; } void QSerialPortPrivate::detectDefaultSettings() { // Detect baud rate. const speed_t inputUnixBaudRate = ::cfgetispeed(¤tTermios); const speed_t outputUnixBaudRate = ::cfgetospeed(¤tTermios); bool isCustomBaudRateCurrentSet = false; #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX // try detect the ability to support custom baud rate isCustomBaudRateSupported = ::ioctl(descriptor, TIOCGSERIAL, ¤tSerialInfo) != -1 && ::ioctl(descriptor, TIOCSSERIAL, ¤tSerialInfo) != -1; if (isCustomBaudRateSupported) { restoredSerialInfo = currentSerialInfo; // assume that the baud rate is a custom isCustomBaudRateCurrentSet = inputUnixBaudRate == B38400 && outputUnixBaudRate == B38400; if (isCustomBaudRateCurrentSet) { if ((currentSerialInfo.flags & ASYNC_SPD_CUST) && currentSerialInfo.custom_divisor > 0) { // yes, speed is really custom inputBaudRate = currentSerialInfo.baud_base / currentSerialInfo.custom_divisor; outputBaudRate = inputBaudRate; } else { // no, we were wrong and the speed is a standard 38400 baud isCustomBaudRateCurrentSet = false; } } } #else // other *nix #endif if (!isCustomBaudRateSupported || !isCustomBaudRateCurrentSet) { inputBaudRate = QSerialPortPrivate::baudRateFromSetting(inputUnixBaudRate); outputBaudRate = QSerialPortPrivate::baudRateFromSetting(outputUnixBaudRate); } // Detect databits. switch (currentTermios.c_cflag & CSIZE) { case CS5: dataBits = QSerialPort::Data5; break; case CS6: dataBits = QSerialPort::Data6; break; case CS7: dataBits = QSerialPort::Data7; break; case CS8: dataBits = QSerialPort::Data8; break; default: dataBits = QSerialPort::UnknownDataBits; break; } // Detect parity. #ifdef CMSPAR if (currentTermios.c_cflag & CMSPAR) { parity = currentTermios.c_cflag & PARODD ? QSerialPort::MarkParity : QSerialPort::SpaceParity; } else { #endif if (currentTermios.c_cflag & PARENB) { parity = currentTermios.c_cflag & PARODD ? QSerialPort::OddParity : QSerialPort::EvenParity; } else { parity = QSerialPort::NoParity; } #ifdef CMSPAR } #endif // Detect stopbits. stopBits = currentTermios.c_cflag & CSTOPB ? QSerialPort::TwoStop : QSerialPort::OneStop; // Detect flow control. if ((!(currentTermios.c_cflag & CRTSCTS)) && (!(currentTermios.c_iflag & (IXON | IXOFF | IXANY)))) flow = QSerialPort::NoFlowControl; else if ((!(currentTermios.c_cflag & CRTSCTS)) && (currentTermios.c_iflag & (IXON | IXOFF | IXANY))) flow = QSerialPort::SoftwareControl; else if ((currentTermios.c_cflag & CRTSCTS) && (!(currentTermios.c_iflag & (IXON | IXOFF | IXANY)))) flow = QSerialPort::HardwareControl; else flow = QSerialPort::UnknownFlowControl; } QSerialPort::SerialPortError QSerialPortPrivate::decodeSystemError() const { QSerialPort::SerialPortError error; switch (errno) { case ENODEV: error = QSerialPort::DeviceNotFoundError; break; case EACCES: error = QSerialPort::PermissionError; break; case EBUSY: error = QSerialPort::PermissionError; break; case EAGAIN: error = QSerialPort::ResourceError; break; case EIO: error = QSerialPort::ResourceError; break; case EBADF: error = QSerialPort::ResourceError; break; #ifdef Q_OS_MAC case ENXIO: error = QSerialPort::ResourceError; break; #endif default: error = QSerialPort::UnknownError; break; } return error; } bool QSerialPortPrivate::isReadNotificationEnabled() const { return readNotifier && readNotifier->isEnabled(); } void QSerialPortPrivate::setReadNotificationEnabled(bool enable) { if (readNotifier) { readNotifier->setEnabled(enable); } else if (enable) { readNotifier = new ReadNotifier(this, q_ptr); readNotifier->setEnabled(true); } } bool QSerialPortPrivate::isWriteNotificationEnabled() const { return writeNotifier && writeNotifier->isEnabled(); } void QSerialPortPrivate::setWriteNotificationEnabled(bool enable) { if (writeNotifier) { writeNotifier->setEnabled(enable); } else if (enable) { writeNotifier = new WriteNotifier(this, q_ptr); writeNotifier->setEnabled(true); } } bool QSerialPortPrivate::isExceptionNotificationEnabled() const { return exceptionNotifier && exceptionNotifier->isEnabled(); } void QSerialPortPrivate::setExceptionNotificationEnabled(bool enable) { if (exceptionNotifier) { exceptionNotifier->setEnabled(enable); } else if (enable) { exceptionNotifier = new ExceptionNotifier(this, q_ptr); exceptionNotifier->setEnabled(true); } } bool QSerialPortPrivate::waitForReadOrWrite(bool *selectForRead, bool *selectForWrite, bool checkRead, bool checkWrite, int msecs, bool *timedOut) { Q_ASSERT(selectForRead); Q_ASSERT(selectForWrite); Q_ASSERT(timedOut); fd_set fdread; FD_ZERO(&fdread); if (checkRead) FD_SET(descriptor, &fdread); fd_set fdwrite; FD_ZERO(&fdwrite); if (checkWrite) FD_SET(descriptor, &fdwrite); struct timeval tv; tv.tv_sec = msecs / 1000; tv.tv_usec = (msecs % 1000) * 1000; int ret = ::select(descriptor + 1, &fdread, &fdwrite, 0, msecs < 0 ? 0 : &tv); if (ret < 0) return false; if (ret == 0) { *timedOut = true; return false; } *selectForRead = FD_ISSET(descriptor, &fdread); *selectForWrite = FD_ISSET(descriptor, &fdwrite); return ret; } qint64 QSerialPortPrivate::readFromPort(char *data, qint64 maxSize) { qint64 bytesRead = 0; #if defined (CMSPAR) if (parity == QSerialPort::NoParity || policy != QSerialPort::StopReceivingPolicy) { #else if (parity != QSerialPort::MarkParity && parity != QSerialPort::SpaceParity) { #endif bytesRead = ::read(descriptor, data, maxSize); } else {// Perform parity emulation. bytesRead = readPerChar(data, maxSize); } if (bytesRead <= 0) { QSerialPort::SerialPortError error = decodeSystemError(); if (error != QSerialPort::ResourceError) error = QSerialPort::ReadError; q_ptr->setError(error); } return bytesRead; } qint64 QSerialPortPrivate::writeToPort(const char *data, qint64 maxSize) { qint64 bytesWritten = 0; #if defined (CMSPAR) bytesWritten = ::write(descriptor, data, maxSize); #else if (parity != QSerialPort::MarkParity && parity != QSerialPort::SpaceParity) { bytesWritten = ::write(descriptor, data, maxSize); } else {// Perform parity emulation. bytesWritten = writePerChar(data, maxSize); } #endif if (bytesWritten < 0) { QSerialPort::SerialPortError error = decodeSystemError(); if (error != QSerialPort::ResourceError) error = QSerialPort::WriteError; q_ptr->setError(error); } return bytesWritten; } static inline bool evenParity(quint8 c) { c ^= c >> 4; //(c7 ^ c3)(c6 ^ c2)(c5 ^ c1)(c4 ^ c0) c ^= c >> 2; //[(c7 ^ c3)(c5 ^ c1)][(c6 ^ c2)(c4 ^ c0)] c ^= c >> 1; return c & 1; //(c7 ^ c3)(c5 ^ c1)(c6 ^ c2)(c4 ^ c0) } #ifndef CMSPAR qint64 QSerialPortPrivate::writePerChar(const char *data, qint64 maxSize) { qint64 ret = 0; quint8 const charMask = (0xFF >> (8 - dataBits)); while (ret < maxSize) { bool par = evenParity(*data & charMask); // False if need EVEN, true if need ODD. par ^= parity == QSerialPort::MarkParity; if (par ^ (currentTermios.c_cflag & PARODD)) { // Need switch parity mode? currentTermios.c_cflag ^= PARODD; flush(); //force sending already buffered data, because updateTermios() cleares buffers //todo: add receiving buffered data!!! if (!updateTermios()) break; } int r = ::write(descriptor, data, 1); if (r < 0) return -1; if (r > 0) { data += r; ret += r; } } return ret; } #endif //CMSPAR qint64 QSerialPortPrivate::readPerChar(char *data, qint64 maxSize) { qint64 ret = 0; quint8 const charMask = (0xFF >> (8 - dataBits)); // 0 - prefix not started, // 1 - received 0xFF, // 2 - received 0xFF and 0x00 int prefix = 0; while (ret < maxSize) { qint64 r = ::read(descriptor, data, 1); if (r < 0) { if (errno == EAGAIN) // It is ok for nonblocking mode. break; return -1; } if (r == 0) break; bool par = true; switch (prefix) { case 2: // Previously received both 0377 and 0. par = false; prefix = 0; break; case 1: // Previously received 0377. if (*data == '\0') { ++prefix; continue; } prefix = 0; break; default: if (*data == '\377') { prefix = 1; continue; } break; } // Now: par contains parity ok or error, *data contains received character par ^= evenParity(*data & charMask); //par contains parity bit value for EVEN mode par ^= (currentTermios.c_cflag & PARODD); //par contains parity bit value for current mode if (par ^ (parity == QSerialPort::SpaceParity)) { //if parity error switch (policy) { case QSerialPort::SkipPolicy: continue; //ignore received character case QSerialPort::StopReceivingPolicy: if (parity != QSerialPort::NoParity) q_ptr->setError(QSerialPort::ParityError); else q_ptr->setError(*data == '\0' ? QSerialPort::BreakConditionError : QSerialPort::FramingError); return ++ret; //abort receiving break; case QSerialPort::UnknownPolicy: // Unknown error policy is used! Falling back to PassZeroPolicy case QSerialPort::PassZeroPolicy: *data = '\0'; //replace received character by zero break; case QSerialPort::IgnorePolicy: break; //ignore error and pass received character } } ++data; ++ret; } return ret; } #ifdef Q_OS_MAC static const QLatin1String defaultFilePathPrefix("/dev/cu."); static const QLatin1String unusedFilePathPrefix("/dev/tty."); #else static const QLatin1String defaultFilePathPrefix("/dev/"); #endif QString QSerialPortPrivate::portNameToSystemLocation(const QString &port) { QString ret = port; #ifdef Q_OS_MAC ret.remove(unusedFilePathPrefix); #endif if (!ret.contains(defaultFilePathPrefix)) ret.prepend(defaultFilePathPrefix); return ret; } QString QSerialPortPrivate::portNameFromSystemLocation(const QString &location) { QString ret = location; #ifdef Q_OS_MAC ret.remove(unusedFilePathPrefix); #endif ret.remove(defaultFilePathPrefix); return ret; } typedef QMap<qint32, qint32> BaudRateMap; // The OS specific defines can be found in termios.h static const BaudRateMap createStandardBaudRateMap() { BaudRateMap baudRateMap; #ifdef B50 baudRateMap.insert(50, B50); #endif #ifdef B75 baudRateMap.insert(75, B75); #endif #ifdef B110 baudRateMap.insert(110, B110); #endif #ifdef B134 baudRateMap.insert(134, B134); #endif #ifdef B150 baudRateMap.insert(150, B150); #endif #ifdef B200 baudRateMap.insert(200, B200); #endif #ifdef B300 baudRateMap.insert(300, B300); #endif #ifdef B600 baudRateMap.insert(600, B600); #endif #ifdef B1200 baudRateMap.insert(1200, B1200); #endif #ifdef B1800 baudRateMap.insert(1800, B1800); #endif #ifdef B2400 baudRateMap.insert(2400, B2400); #endif #ifdef B4800 baudRateMap.insert(4800, B4800); #endif #ifdef B9600 baudRateMap.insert(9600, B9600); #endif #ifdef B19200 baudRateMap.insert(19200, B19200); #endif #ifdef B38400 baudRateMap.insert(38400, B38400); #endif #ifdef B57600 baudRateMap.insert(57600, B57600); #endif #ifdef B115200 baudRateMap.insert(115200, B115200); #endif #ifdef B230400 baudRateMap.insert(230400, B230400); #endif #ifdef B460800 baudRateMap.insert(460800, B460800); #endif #ifdef B500000 baudRateMap.insert(500000, B500000); #endif #ifdef B576000 baudRateMap.insert(576000, B576000); #endif #ifdef B921600 baudRateMap.insert(921600, B921600); #endif #ifdef B1000000 baudRateMap.insert(1000000, B1000000); #endif #ifdef B1152000 baudRateMap.insert(1152000, B1152000); #endif #ifdef B1500000 baudRateMap.insert(1500000, B1500000); #endif #ifdef B2000000 baudRateMap.insert(2000000, B2000000); #endif #ifdef B2500000 baudRateMap.insert(2500000, B2500000); #endif #ifdef B3000000 baudRateMap.insert(3000000, B3000000); #endif #ifdef B3500000 baudRateMap.insert(3500000, B3500000); #endif #ifdef B4000000 baudRateMap.insert(4000000, B4000000); #endif return baudRateMap; } static const BaudRateMap& standardBaudRateMap() { static const BaudRateMap baudRateMap = createStandardBaudRateMap(); return baudRateMap; } qint32 QSerialPortPrivate::baudRateFromSetting(qint32 setting) { return standardBaudRateMap().key(setting); } qint32 QSerialPortPrivate::settingFromBaudRate(qint32 baudRate) { return standardBaudRateMap().value(baudRate); } QList<qint32> QSerialPortPrivate::standardBaudRates() { return standardBaudRateMap().keys(); } QT_END_NAMESPACE