/*===================================================================== ======================================================================*/ /** * @file * @brief Cross-platform support for serial ports * * @author Lorenz Meier * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "SerialLink.h" #include "LinkManager.h" #include "QGC.h" #include SerialLink::SerialLink(QString portname, int baudRate, bool hardwareFlowControl, bool parity, int dataBits, int stopBits) : m_bytesRead(0), m_port(NULL), type(""), m_is_cdc(true), m_stopp(false), m_reqReset(false) { // We're doing it wrong - because the Qt folks got the API wrong: // http://blog.qt.digia.com/blog/2010/06/17/youre-doing-it-wrong/ moveToThread(this); // Get the name of the current port in use. m_portName = portname.trimmed(); if (m_portName == "" && getCurrentPorts().size() > 0) { m_portName = m_ports.first().trimmed(); } checkIfCDC(); // Set unique ID and add link to the list of links m_id = getNextLinkId(); m_baud = baudRate; if (hardwareFlowControl) { m_flowControl = QSerialPort::HardwareControl; } else { m_flowControl = QSerialPort::NoFlowControl; } if (parity) { m_parity = QSerialPort::EvenParity; } else { m_parity = QSerialPort::NoParity; } m_dataBits = dataBits; m_stopBits = stopBits; loadSettings(); qDebug() << "create SerialLink " << portname << baudRate << hardwareFlowControl << parity << dataBits << stopBits; qDebug() << "m_portName " << m_portName; LinkManager::instance()->add(this); qDebug() << "link added to link manager"; } void SerialLink::requestReset() { QMutexLocker locker(&this->m_stoppMutex); m_reqReset = true; } SerialLink::~SerialLink() { disconnect(); if(m_port) delete m_port; m_port = NULL; // Tell the thread to exit quit(); // Wait for it to exit wait(); } QList SerialLink::getCurrentPorts() { m_ports.clear(); QList portList = QSerialPortInfo::availablePorts(); if( portList.count() == 0){ qDebug() << "No Ports Found" << m_ports; } foreach (const QSerialPortInfo &info, portList) { // qDebug() << "PortName : " << info.portName() // << "Description : " << info.description(); // qDebug() << "Manufacturer: " << info.manufacturer(); m_ports.append(info.portName()); } return m_ports; } void SerialLink::loadSettings() { // Load defaults from settings QSettings settings(QGC::ORG_NAME, QGC::APPNAME); settings.sync(); if (settings.contains("SERIALLINK_COMM_PORT")) { m_portName = settings.value("SERIALLINK_COMM_PORT").toString(); checkIfCDC(); m_baud = settings.value("SERIALLINK_COMM_BAUD").toInt(); m_parity = settings.value("SERIALLINK_COMM_PARITY").toInt(); m_stopBits = settings.value("SERIALLINK_COMM_STOPBITS").toInt(); m_dataBits = settings.value("SERIALLINK_COMM_DATABITS").toInt(); m_flowControl = settings.value("SERIALLINK_COMM_FLOW_CONTROL").toInt(); } } void SerialLink::writeSettings() { // Store settings QSettings settings(QGC::ORG_NAME, QGC::APPNAME); settings.setValue("SERIALLINK_COMM_PORT", getPortName()); settings.setValue("SERIALLINK_COMM_BAUD", getBaudRateType()); settings.setValue("SERIALLINK_COMM_PARITY", getParityType()); settings.setValue("SERIALLINK_COMM_STOPBITS", getStopBits()); settings.setValue("SERIALLINK_COMM_DATABITS", getDataBits()); settings.setValue("SERIALLINK_COMM_FLOW_CONTROL", getFlowType()); settings.sync(); } void SerialLink::checkIfCDC() { QString description = "X"; foreach (QSerialPortInfo info,QSerialPortInfo::availablePorts()) { if (m_portName == info.portName()) { description = info.description(); break; } } if (description.toLower().contains("mega") && description.contains("2560")) { type = "apm"; m_is_cdc = false; qDebug() << "Attempting connection to an APM, with description:" << description; } else if (description.toLower().contains("px4")) { type = "px4"; m_is_cdc = true; qDebug() << "Attempting connection to a PX4 unit with description:" << description; } else { type = "other"; m_is_cdc = false; qDebug() << "Attempting connection to something unknown with description:" << description; } } /** * @brief Runs the thread * **/ void SerialLink::run() { checkIfCDC(); // Initialize the connection if (!hardwareConnect(type)) { //Need to error out here. QString err("Could not create port."); if (m_port) { err = m_port->errorString(); } emit communicationError(getName(),"Error connecting: " + err); return; } qint64 msecs = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch(); qint64 initialmsecs = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch(); quint64 bytes = 0; qint64 timeout = 5000; int linkErrorCount = 0; // Qt way to make clear what a while(1) loop does forever { { QMutexLocker locker(&this->m_stoppMutex); if (m_stopp) { m_stopp = false; break; // exit the thread } } // If there are too many errors on this link, disconnect. if (isConnected() && (linkErrorCount > 100)) { qDebug() << "linkErrorCount too high: re-connecting!"; linkErrorCount = 0; emit communicationUpdate(getName(), tr("Reconnecting on too many link errors")); if (m_port) { m_port->close(); delete m_port; m_port = NULL; emit disconnected(); emit connected(false); } QGC::SLEEP::msleep(500); unsigned tries = 0; const unsigned tries_max = 15; while (!hardwareConnect(type) && tries < tries_max) { tries++; QGC::SLEEP::msleep(500); } // Give up if (tries == tries_max) { break; } } // Write all our buffered data out the serial port. if (m_transmitBuffer.count() > 0) { m_writeMutex.lock(); int numWritten = m_port->write(m_transmitBuffer); bool txSuccess = m_port->waitForBytesWritten(5); if (!txSuccess || (numWritten != m_transmitBuffer.count())) { linkErrorCount++; qDebug() << "TX Error! wrote" << numWritten << ", asked for " << m_transmitBuffer.count() << "bytes"; } else { // Since we were successful, reset out error counter. linkErrorCount = 0; } // Now that we transmit all of the data in the transmit buffer, flush it. m_transmitBuffer = m_transmitBuffer.remove(0, numWritten); m_writeMutex.unlock(); // Log this written data for this timestep. If this value ends up being 0 due to // write() failing, that's what we want as well. QMutexLocker dataRateLocker(&dataRateMutex); logDataRateToBuffer(outDataWriteAmounts, outDataWriteTimes, &outDataIndex, numWritten, QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch()); } //wait n msecs for data to be ready //[TODO][BB] lower to SerialLink::poll_interval? m_dataMutex.lock(); bool success = m_port->waitForReadyRead(10); if (success) { QByteArray readData = m_port->readAll(); while (m_port->waitForReadyRead(10)) readData += m_port->readAll(); m_dataMutex.unlock(); if (readData.length() > 0) { emit bytesReceived(this, readData); // Log this data reception for this timestep QMutexLocker dataRateLocker(&dataRateMutex); logDataRateToBuffer(inDataWriteAmounts, inDataWriteTimes, &inDataIndex, readData.length(), QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch()); // Track the total amount of data read. m_bytesRead += readData.length(); linkErrorCount = 0; } } else { m_dataMutex.unlock(); linkErrorCount++; } if (bytes != m_bytesRead) { // i.e things are good and data is being read. bytes = m_bytesRead; msecs = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch(); } else { if (QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch() - msecs > timeout) { //It's been 10 seconds since the last data came in. Reset and try again msecs = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch(); if (msecs - initialmsecs > 25000) { //After initial 25 seconds, timeouts are increased to 30 seconds. //This prevents temporary silences from things like calibration commands //from screwing things up. In all reality, timeouts should be enabled/disabled //for events like that on a case by case basis. //TODO ^^ timeout = 30000; } } } QGC::SLEEP::msleep(SerialLink::poll_interval); } // end of forever if (m_port) { qDebug() << "Closing Port #"<< __LINE__ << m_port->portName(); m_port->close(); delete m_port; m_port = NULL; emit disconnected(); emit connected(false); } } void SerialLink::writeBytes(const char* data, qint64 size) { if(m_port && m_port->isOpen()) { QByteArray byteArray(data, size); m_writeMutex.lock(); m_transmitBuffer.append(byteArray); m_writeMutex.unlock(); } else { // Error occured emit communicationError(getName(), tr("Could not send data - link %1 is disconnected!").arg(getName())); } } /** * @brief Read a number of bytes from the interface. * * @param data Pointer to the data byte array to write the bytes to * @param maxLength The maximum number of bytes to write **/ void SerialLink::readBytes() { if(m_port && m_port->isOpen()) { const qint64 maxLength = 2048; char data[maxLength]; m_dataMutex.lock(); qint64 numBytes = m_port->bytesAvailable(); if(numBytes > 0) { /* Read as much data in buffer as possible without overflow */ if(maxLength < numBytes) numBytes = maxLength; m_port->read(data, numBytes); QByteArray b(data, numBytes); emit bytesReceived(this, b); } m_dataMutex.unlock(); } } /** * @brief Get the number of bytes to read. * * @return The number of bytes to read **/ qint64 SerialLink::bytesAvailable() { if (m_port) { return m_port->bytesAvailable(); } else { return 0; } } /** * @brief Disconnect the connection. * * @return True if connection has been disconnected, false if connection couldn't be disconnected. **/ bool SerialLink::disconnect() { if (isRunning()) { { QMutexLocker locker(&m_stoppMutex); m_stopp = true; } wait(); // This will terminate the thread and close the serial port return true; } m_transmitBuffer.clear(); //clear the output buffer to avoid sending garbage at next connect qDebug() << "already disconnected"; return true; } /** * @brief Connect the connection. * * @return True if connection has been established, false if connection couldn't be established. **/ bool SerialLink::connect() { qDebug() << "CONNECT CALLED"; if (isRunning()) disconnect(); { QMutexLocker locker(&this->m_stoppMutex); m_stopp = false; } start(HighPriority); return true; } /** * @brief This function is called indirectly by the connect() call. * * The connect() function starts the thread and indirectly calls this method. * * @return True if the connection could be established, false otherwise * @see connect() For the right function to establish the connection. **/ bool SerialLink::hardwareConnect(QString &type) { if (m_port) { qDebug() << "SerialLink:" << QString::number((long)this, 16) << "closing port"; m_port->close(); QGC::SLEEP::usleep(50000); delete m_port; m_port = NULL; } qDebug() << "SerialLink: hardwareConnect to " << m_portName; m_port = new QSerialPort(m_portName); m_port->moveToThread(this); if (!m_port) { emit communicationUpdate(getName(),"Error opening port: " + m_portName); return false; // couldn't create serial port. } QObject::connect(m_port,SIGNAL(aboutToClose()),this,SIGNAL(disconnected())); QObject::connect(m_port, SIGNAL(error(QSerialPort::SerialPortError)), this, SLOT(linkError(QSerialPort::SerialPortError))); checkIfCDC(); // port->setCommTimeouts(QSerialPort::CtScheme_NonBlockingRead); if (!m_port->open(QIODevice::ReadWrite)) { emit communicationUpdate(getName(),"Error opening port: " + m_port->errorString()); m_port->close(); return false; // couldn't open serial port } // Need to configure the port // NOTE: THE PORT NEEDS TO BE OPEN! if (!m_is_cdc) { qDebug() << "Configuring port"; m_port->setBaudRate(m_baud); m_port->setDataBits(static_cast(m_dataBits)); m_port->setFlowControl(static_cast(m_flowControl)); m_port->setStopBits(static_cast(m_stopBits)); m_port->setParity(static_cast(m_parity)); } emit communicationUpdate(getName(),"Opened port!"); emit connected(); emit connected(true); qDebug() << "CONNECTING LINK: " << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << "type:" << type << "with settings" << m_port->portName() << getBaudRate() << getDataBits() << getParityType() << getStopBits(); writeSettings(); return true; // successful connection } void SerialLink::linkError(QSerialPort::SerialPortError error) { if (error != QSerialPort::NoError) { // You can use the following qDebug output as needed during development. Make sure to comment it back out // when you are done. The reason for this is that this signal is very noisy. For example if you try to // connect to a PixHawk before it is ready to accept the connection it will output a continuous stream // of errors until the Pixhawk responds. //qDebug() << "SerialLink::linkError" << error; } } /** * @brief Check if connection is active. * * @return True if link is connected, false otherwise. **/ bool SerialLink::isConnected() const { if (m_port) { bool isConnected = m_port->isOpen(); // qDebug() << "SerialLink #" << __LINE__ << ":"<< m_port->portName() // << " isConnected =" << QString::number(isConnected); return isConnected; } else { // qDebug() << "SerialLink #" << __LINE__ << ":" << m_portName // << " isConnected = NULL"; return false; } } int SerialLink::getId() const { return m_id; } QString SerialLink::getName() const { return m_portName; } /** * This function maps baud rate constants to numerical equivalents. * It relies on the mapping given in qportsettings.h from the QSerialPort library. */ qint64 SerialLink::getConnectionSpeed() const { int baudRate; if (m_port && !m_is_cdc) { baudRate = m_port->baudRate(); } else { baudRate = m_baud; } qint64 dataRate; switch (baudRate) { case QSerialPort::Baud1200: dataRate = 1200; break; case QSerialPort::Baud2400: dataRate = 2400; break; case QSerialPort::Baud4800: dataRate = 4800; break; case QSerialPort::Baud9600: dataRate = 9600; break; case QSerialPort::Baud19200: dataRate = 19200; break; case QSerialPort::Baud38400: dataRate = 38400; break; case QSerialPort::Baud57600: dataRate = 57600; break; case QSerialPort::Baud115200: dataRate = 115200; break; // Otherwise do nothing. case QSerialPort::UnknownBaud: default: dataRate = -1; break; } return dataRate; } QString SerialLink::getPortName() const { return m_portName; } // We should replace the accessors below with one to get the QSerialPort int SerialLink::getBaudRate() const { return getConnectionSpeed(); } int SerialLink::getBaudRateType() const { int baudRate; if (m_port && !m_is_cdc) { baudRate = m_port->baudRate(); } else { baudRate = m_baud; } return baudRate; } int SerialLink::getFlowType() const { int flowControl; if (m_port && !m_is_cdc) { flowControl = m_port->flowControl(); } else { flowControl = m_flowControl; } return flowControl; } int SerialLink::getParityType() const { int parity; if (m_port && !m_is_cdc) { parity = m_port->parity(); } else { parity = m_parity; } return parity; } int SerialLink::getDataBitsType() const { int dataBits; if (m_port && !m_is_cdc) { dataBits = m_port->dataBits(); } else { dataBits = m_dataBits; } return dataBits; } int SerialLink::getStopBitsType() const { int stopBits; if (m_port && !m_is_cdc) { stopBits = m_port->stopBits(); } else { stopBits = m_stopBits; } return stopBits; } int SerialLink::getDataBits() const { int ret; int dataBits; if (m_port && !m_is_cdc) { dataBits = m_port->dataBits(); } else { dataBits = m_dataBits; } switch (dataBits) { case QSerialPort::Data5: ret = 5; break; case QSerialPort::Data6: ret = 6; break; case QSerialPort::Data7: ret = 7; break; case QSerialPort::Data8: ret = 8; break; default: ret = -1; break; } return ret; } int SerialLink::getStopBits() const { int stopBits; if (m_port && !m_is_cdc) { stopBits = m_port->stopBits(); } else { stopBits = m_stopBits; } int ret = -1; switch (stopBits) { case QSerialPort::OneStop: ret = 1; break; case QSerialPort::TwoStop: ret = 2; break; default: ret = -1; break; } return ret; } bool SerialLink::setPortName(QString portName) { qDebug() << "current portName " << m_portName; qDebug() << "setPortName to " << portName; bool accepted = true; if ((portName != m_portName) && (portName.trimmed().length() > 0)) { m_portName = portName.trimmed(); checkIfCDC(); if(m_port) m_port->setPortName(portName); emit nameChanged(m_portName); // [TODO] maybe we can eliminate this emit updateLink(this); return accepted; } return false; } bool SerialLink::setBaudRateType(int rateIndex) { // These minimum and maximum baud rates were based on those enumerated in qserialport.h bool result; const int minBaud = (int)QSerialPort::Baud1200; const int maxBaud = (int)QSerialPort::Baud115200; if ((rateIndex >= minBaud && rateIndex <= maxBaud)) { if (!m_is_cdc && m_port) { result = m_port->setBaudRate(static_cast(rateIndex)); emit updateLink(this); } else { m_baud = (int)rateIndex; result = true; } } else { result = false; } return result; } bool SerialLink::setBaudRateString(const QString& rate) { bool ok; int intrate = rate.toInt(&ok); if (!ok) return false; return setBaudRate(intrate); } bool SerialLink::setBaudRate(int rate) { bool accepted = false; if (rate != m_baud) { m_baud = rate; accepted = true; if (m_port && !m_is_cdc) { accepted = m_port->setBaudRate(rate); } emit updateLink(this); } return accepted; } bool SerialLink::setFlowType(int flow) { bool accepted = false; if (flow != m_flowControl) { m_flowControl = static_cast(flow); accepted = true; if (m_port && !m_is_cdc) accepted = m_port->setFlowControl(static_cast(flow)); emit updateLink(this); } return accepted; } bool SerialLink::setParityType(int parity) { bool accepted = false; if (parity != m_parity) { m_parity = static_cast(parity); accepted = true; if (m_port && !m_is_cdc) { switch (parity) { case QSerialPort::NoParity: accepted = m_port->setParity(QSerialPort::NoParity); break; case 1: // Odd Parity setting for backwards compatibilty accepted = m_port->setParity(QSerialPort::OddParity); break; case QSerialPort::EvenParity: accepted = m_port->setParity(QSerialPort::EvenParity); break; case QSerialPort::OddParity: accepted = m_port->setParity(QSerialPort::OddParity); break; default: // If none of the above cases matches, there must be an error accepted = false; break; } emit updateLink(this); } } return accepted; } bool SerialLink::setDataBits(int dataBits) { qDebug("SET DATA BITS"); bool accepted = false; if (dataBits != m_dataBits) { m_dataBits = static_cast(dataBits); accepted = true; if (m_port && !m_is_cdc) accepted = m_port->setDataBits(static_cast(dataBits)); emit updateLink(this); } return accepted; } bool SerialLink::setStopBits(int stopBits) { // Note 3 is OneAndAHalf stopbits. bool accepted = false; if (stopBits != m_stopBits) { m_stopBits = static_cast(stopBits); accepted = true; if (m_port && !m_is_cdc) accepted = m_port->setStopBits(static_cast(stopBits)); emit updateLink(this); } return accepted; } bool SerialLink::setDataBitsType(int dataBits) { bool accepted = false; if (dataBits != m_dataBits) { m_dataBits = static_cast(dataBits); accepted = true; if (m_port && !m_is_cdc) accepted = m_port->setDataBits(static_cast(dataBits)); emit updateLink(this); } return accepted; } bool SerialLink::setStopBitsType(int stopBits) { bool accepted = false; if (stopBits != m_stopBits) { m_stopBits = static_cast(stopBits); accepted = true; if (m_port && !m_is_cdc) accepted = m_port->setStopBits(static_cast(stopBits)); emit updateLink(this); } return accepted; }