 * @file       newclasswidget.h
 * @author     The OpenPilot Team, http://www.openpilot.org Copyright (C) 2010.
 *             Parts by Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com) Copyright (C) 2009.
 * @brief      
 * @see        The GNU Public License (GPL) Version 3
 * @defgroup   
 * @{
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or 
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY 
 * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License 
 * for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along 
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 
 * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA


#include "utils_global.h"

#include <QtGui/QWidget>

class QStringList;

namespace Utils {

struct NewClassWidgetPrivate;

 * NewClassWidget: Utility widget for 'New Class' wizards. Prompts the user
 * to enter a class name (optionally derived from some base class) and file
 * names for header, source and form files. Has some smart logic to derive
 * the file names from the class name.
class QTCREATOR_UTILS_EXPORT NewClassWidget : public QWidget
    Q_PROPERTY(bool namespacesEnabled READ namespacesEnabled WRITE setNamespacesEnabled DESIGNABLE true)
    Q_PROPERTY(bool baseClassInputVisible READ isBaseClassInputVisible WRITE setBaseClassInputVisible DESIGNABLE true)
    Q_PROPERTY(bool baseClassEditable READ isBaseClassEditable WRITE setBaseClassEditable DESIGNABLE false)
    Q_PROPERTY(bool formInputVisible READ isFormInputVisible WRITE setFormInputVisible DESIGNABLE true)
    Q_PROPERTY(bool pathInputVisible READ isPathInputVisible WRITE setPathInputVisible DESIGNABLE true)
    Q_PROPERTY(bool classTypeComboVisible READ isClassTypeComboVisible WRITE setClassTypeComboVisible DESIGNABLE true)
    Q_PROPERTY(QString className READ className WRITE setClassName DESIGNABLE true)
    Q_PROPERTY(QString baseClassName READ baseClassName WRITE setBaseClassName DESIGNABLE true)
    Q_PROPERTY(QString sourceFileName READ sourceFileName DESIGNABLE false)
    Q_PROPERTY(QString headerFileName READ headerFileName DESIGNABLE false)
    Q_PROPERTY(QString formFileName READ formFileName DESIGNABLE false)
    Q_PROPERTY(QString path READ path WRITE setPath DESIGNABLE true)
    Q_PROPERTY(QStringList baseClassChoices READ baseClassChoices WRITE setBaseClassChoices DESIGNABLE true)
    Q_PROPERTY(QString sourceExtension READ sourceExtension WRITE setSourceExtension DESIGNABLE true)
    Q_PROPERTY(QString headerExtension READ headerExtension WRITE setHeaderExtension DESIGNABLE true)
    Q_PROPERTY(QString formExtension READ formExtension WRITE setFormExtension DESIGNABLE true)
    Q_PROPERTY(bool formInputCheckable READ formInputCheckable WRITE setFormInputCheckable DESIGNABLE true)
    Q_PROPERTY(bool formInputChecked READ formInputChecked WRITE setFormInputChecked DESIGNABLE true)
    Q_PROPERTY(bool allowDirectories READ allowDirectories WRITE setAllowDirectories)
    Q_PROPERTY(bool lowerCaseFiles READ lowerCaseFiles WRITE setLowerCaseFiles)
    Q_PROPERTY(ClassType classType READ classType WRITE setClassType)
    // Utility "USER" property for wizards containing file names.
    Q_PROPERTY(QStringList files READ files DESIGNABLE false USER true)
    enum ClassType { NoClassType, ClassInheritsQObject, ClassInheritsQWidget };

    explicit NewClassWidget(QWidget *parent = 0);

    bool namespacesEnabled() const;
    bool isBaseClassInputVisible() const;
    bool isBaseClassEditable() const;
    bool isFormInputVisible() const;
    bool isPathInputVisible() const;
    bool formInputCheckable() const;
    bool formInputChecked() const;

    QString className() const;
    QString baseClassName() const;
    QString sourceFileName() const;
    QString headerFileName() const;
    QString formFileName() const;
    QString path() const;
    QStringList baseClassChoices() const;
    QString sourceExtension() const;
    QString headerExtension() const;
    QString formExtension() const;
    bool allowDirectories() const;
    bool lowerCaseFiles() const;
    ClassType classType() const;
    bool isClassTypeComboVisible() const;

    bool isValid(QString *error = 0) const;

    QStringList files() const;

    void validChanged();
    void activated();

public slots:
    void setNamespacesEnabled(bool b);
    void setBaseClassInputVisible(bool visible);
    void setBaseClassEditable(bool editable);
    void setFormInputVisible(bool visible);
    void setPathInputVisible(bool visible);
    void setFormInputCheckable(bool v);
    void setFormInputChecked(bool v);

     * The name passed into the new class widget will be reformatted to be a
     * valid class name.
    void setClassName(const QString &suggestedName);
    void setBaseClassName(const QString &);
    void setPath(const QString &path);
    void setBaseClassChoices(const QStringList &choices);
    void setSourceExtension(const QString &e);
    void setHeaderExtension(const QString &e);
    void setFormExtension(const QString &e);
    void setAllowDirectories(bool v);
    void setLowerCaseFiles(bool v);
    void setClassType(ClassType ct);
    void setClassTypeComboVisible(bool v);

     * Suggest a class name from the base class by stripping the leading 'Q'
     * character. This will happen automagically if the base class combo
     * changes until the class line edited is manually edited.
    void suggestClassNameFromBase();

public slots:
    /** Trigger an update (after changing settings) */
    void triggerUpdateFileNames();

private slots:
    void slotUpdateFileNames(const QString &t);
    void slotValidChanged();
    void slotActivated();
    void classNameEdited();
    void slotFormInputChecked();

    void setFormInputCheckable(bool checkable, bool force);

    QString fixSuffix(const QString &suffix);
    NewClassWidgetPrivate *m_d;

} // namespace Utils