/*===================================================================== ======================================================================*/ /** * @file * @brief Joystick interface * * @author Lorenz Meier * @author Andreas Romer * @author Julian Oes #include #include "UAS.h" #include "UASManager.h" #include "QGC.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace std; /** * The coordinate frame of the joystick axis is the aeronautical frame like shown on this image: * @image html http://pixhawk.ethz.ch/wiki/_media/standards/body-frame.png Aeronautical frame */ JoystickInput::JoystickInput() : sdlJoystickMin(-32768.0f), sdlJoystickMax(32767.0f), isEnabled(false), isCalibrating(false), done(false), uas(NULL), autopilotType(0), systemType(0), uasCanReverse(false), rollAxis(-1), pitchAxis(-1), yawAxis(-1), throttleAxis(-1), joystickName(""), joystickID(-1), joystickNumButtons(0) { // Make sure we initialize with the correct UAS. setActiveUAS(UASManager::instance()->getActiveUAS()); // Start this thread. This allows the Joystick Settings window to work correctly even w/o any UASes connected. start(); } JoystickInput::~JoystickInput() { storeGeneralSettings(); storeJoystickSettings(); done = true; } void JoystickInput::loadGeneralSettings() { // Load defaults from settings QSettings settings; settings.sync(); // Deal with settings specific to the JoystickInput settings.beginGroup("JOYSTICK_INPUT"); isEnabled = settings.value("ENABLED", false).toBool(); joystickName = settings.value("JOYSTICK_NAME", "").toString(); settings.endGroup(); } /** * @brief Restores settings for the current joystick from saved settings file. * Assumes that both joystickName & joystickNumAxes are correct. */ void JoystickInput::loadJoystickSettings() { // Load defaults from settings QSettings settings; settings.sync(); // Now for the current joystick settings.beginGroup(joystickName); rollAxis = (settings.value("ROLL_AXIS_MAPPING", -1).toInt()); pitchAxis = (settings.value("PITCH_AXIS_MAPPING", -1).toInt()); yawAxis = (settings.value("YAW_AXIS_MAPPING", -1).toInt()); throttleAxis = (settings.value("THROTTLE_AXIS_MAPPING", -1).toInt()); // Clear out and then restore the (AUTOPILOT, SYSTEM) mapping for joystick settings joystickSettings.clear(); int autopilots = settings.beginReadArray("AUTOPILOTS"); for (int i = 0; i < autopilots; i++) { settings.setArrayIndex(i); int autopilotType = settings.value("AUTOPILOT_TYPE", 0).toInt(); int systems = settings.beginReadArray("SYSTEMS"); for (int j = 0; j < systems; j++) { settings.setArrayIndex(j); int systemType = settings.value("SYSTEM_TYPE", 0).toInt(); // Now that both the autopilot and system type are available, update some references. QMap* joystickAxesInverted = &joystickSettings[autopilotType][systemType].axesInverted; QMap* joystickAxesLimited = &joystickSettings[autopilotType][systemType].axesLimited; QMap* joystickAxesMinRange = &joystickSettings[autopilotType][systemType].axesMaxRange; QMap* joystickAxesMaxRange = &joystickSettings[autopilotType][systemType].axesMinRange; QMap* joystickButtonActions = &joystickSettings[autopilotType][systemType].buttonActions; // Read back the joystickAxesInverted QList one element at a time. int axesStored = settings.beginReadArray("AXES_INVERTED"); for (int k = 0; k < axesStored; k++) { settings.setArrayIndex(k); int index = settings.value("INDEX", 0).toInt(); bool inverted = settings.value("INVERTED", false).toBool(); joystickAxesInverted->insert(index, inverted); } settings.endArray(); // Read back the joystickAxesLimited QList one element at a time. axesStored = settings.beginReadArray("AXES_LIMITED"); for (int k = 0; k < axesStored; k++) { settings.setArrayIndex(k); int index = settings.value("INDEX", 0).toInt(); bool limited = settings.value("LIMITED", false).toBool(); joystickAxesLimited->insert(index, limited); } settings.endArray(); // Read back the joystickAxesMinRange QList one element at a time. axesStored = settings.beginReadArray("AXES_MIN_RANGE"); for (int k = 0; k < axesStored; k++) { settings.setArrayIndex(k); int index = settings.value("INDEX", 0).toInt(); float min = settings.value("MIN_RANGE", false).toFloat(); joystickAxesMinRange->insert(index, min); } settings.endArray(); // Read back the joystickAxesMaxRange QList one element at a time. axesStored = settings.beginReadArray("AXES_MAX_RANGE"); for (int k = 0; k < axesStored; k++) { settings.setArrayIndex(k); int index = settings.value("INDEX", 0).toInt(); float max = settings.value("MAX_RANGE", false).toFloat(); joystickAxesMaxRange->insert(index, max); } settings.endArray(); // Read back the button->action mapping. int buttonsStored = settings.beginReadArray("BUTTONS_ACTIONS"); for (int k = 0; k < buttonsStored; k++) { settings.setArrayIndex(k); int index = settings.value("INDEX", 0).toInt(); int action = settings.value("ACTION", 0).toInt(); joystickButtonActions->insert(index, action); } settings.endArray(); } settings.endArray(); } settings.endArray(); settings.endGroup(); emit joystickSettingsChanged(); } void JoystickInput::storeGeneralSettings() const { QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup("JOYSTICK_INPUT"); settings.setValue("ENABLED", isEnabled); settings.setValue("JOYSTICK_NAME", joystickName); settings.endGroup(); settings.sync(); } void JoystickInput::storeJoystickSettings() const { // Store settings QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup(joystickName); settings.setValue("ROLL_AXIS_MAPPING", rollAxis); settings.setValue("PITCH_AXIS_MAPPING", pitchAxis); settings.setValue("YAW_AXIS_MAPPING", yawAxis); settings.setValue("THROTTLE_AXIS_MAPPING", throttleAxis); settings.beginWriteArray("AUTOPILOTS"); QMapIterator > i(joystickSettings); int autopilotIndex = 0; while (i.hasNext()) { i.next(); settings.setArrayIndex(autopilotIndex++); int autopilotType = i.key(); settings.setValue("AUTOPILOT_TYPE", autopilotType); settings.beginWriteArray("SYSTEMS"); QMapIterator j(i.value()); int systemIndex = 0; while (j.hasNext()) { j.next(); settings.setArrayIndex(systemIndex++); int systemType = j.key(); settings.setValue("SYSTEM_TYPE", systemType); // Now that both the autopilot and system type are available, update some references. QMapIterator joystickAxesInverted(joystickSettings[autopilotType][systemType].axesInverted); QMapIterator joystickAxesLimited(joystickSettings[autopilotType][systemType].axesLimited); QMapIterator joystickAxesMinRange(joystickSettings[autopilotType][systemType].axesMaxRange); QMapIterator joystickAxesMaxRange(joystickSettings[autopilotType][systemType].axesMinRange); QMapIterator joystickButtonActions(joystickSettings[autopilotType][systemType].buttonActions); settings.beginWriteArray("AXES_INVERTED"); int k = 0; while (joystickAxesInverted.hasNext()) { joystickAxesInverted.next(); int inverted = joystickAxesInverted.value(); // Only save this axes' inversion status if it's not the default if (inverted) { settings.setArrayIndex(k++); int index = joystickAxesInverted.key(); settings.setValue("INDEX", index); settings.setValue("INVERTED", inverted); } } settings.endArray(); settings.beginWriteArray("AXES_MIN_RANGE"); k = 0; while (joystickAxesMinRange.hasNext()) { joystickAxesMinRange.next(); float min = joystickAxesMinRange.value(); settings.setArrayIndex(k++); int index = joystickAxesMinRange.key(); settings.setValue("INDEX", index); settings.setValue("MIN_RANGE", min); } settings.endArray(); settings.beginWriteArray("AXES_MAX_RANGE"); k = 0; while (joystickAxesMaxRange.hasNext()) { joystickAxesMaxRange.next(); float max = joystickAxesMaxRange.value(); settings.setArrayIndex(k++); int index = joystickAxesMaxRange.key(); settings.setValue("INDEX", index); settings.setValue("MAX_RANGE", max); } settings.endArray(); settings.beginWriteArray("AXES_LIMITED"); k = 0; while (joystickAxesLimited.hasNext()) { joystickAxesLimited.next(); int limited = joystickAxesLimited.value(); if (limited) { settings.setArrayIndex(k++); int index = joystickAxesLimited.key(); settings.setValue("INDEX", index); settings.setValue("LIMITED", limited); } } settings.endArray(); settings.beginWriteArray("BUTTONS_ACTIONS"); k = 0; while (joystickButtonActions.hasNext()) { joystickButtonActions.next(); int action = joystickButtonActions.value(); if (action != -1) { settings.setArrayIndex(k++); int index = joystickButtonActions.key(); settings.setValue("INDEX", index); settings.setValue("ACTION", action); } } settings.endArray(); } settings.endArray(); // SYSTEMS } settings.endArray(); // AUTOPILOTS settings.endGroup(); settings.sync(); } void JoystickInput::setActiveUAS(UASInterface* uas) { // Do nothing if the UAS hasn't changed. if (uas == this->uas) { return; } // Only connect / disconnect is the UAS is of a controllable UAS class UAS* tmp = 0; if (this->uas) { tmp = dynamic_cast(this->uas); if(tmp) { disconnect(this, SIGNAL(joystickChanged(float,float,float,float,qint8,qint8,quint16)), tmp, SLOT(setManualControlCommands(float,float,float,float,qint8,qint8,quint16))); disconnect(this, SIGNAL(actionTriggered(int)), tmp, SLOT(triggerAction(int))); } uasCanReverse = false; } // Save any settings for the last UAS if (joystickID > -1) { storeJoystickSettings(); } this->uas = uas; if (this->uas && (tmp = dynamic_cast(this->uas))) { connect(this, SIGNAL(joystickChanged(float,float,float,float,qint8,qint8,quint16)), tmp, SLOT(setManualControlCommands(float,float,float,float,qint8,qint8,quint16))); connect(this, SIGNAL(actionTriggered(int)), tmp, SLOT(triggerAction(int))); uasCanReverse = tmp->systemCanReverse(); // Update the joystick settings for a new UAS. autopilotType = uas->getAutopilotType(); systemType = uas->getSystemType(); } // Make sure any UI elements know we've updated the UAS. The UASManager signal is re-emitted here so that UI elements know to // update their UAS-specific UI. emit activeUASSet(uas); // Load any joystick-specific settings now that the UAS has changed. if (joystickID > -1) { loadJoystickSettings(); } } void JoystickInput::setEnabled(bool enabled) { this->isEnabled = enabled; storeJoystickSettings(); } void JoystickInput::init() { // Initialize SDL Joystick support and detect number of joysticks. if (SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK | SDL_INIT_NOPARACHUTE) < 0) { printf("Couldn't initialize SimpleDirectMediaLayer: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); } // Enumerate joysticks and select one numJoysticks = SDL_NumJoysticks(); // If no joysticks are connected, there's nothing we can do, so just keep // going back to sleep every second unless the program quits. while (!numJoysticks && !done) { QGC::SLEEP::sleep(1); } if (done) { return; } // Now that we've detected a joystick, load in the joystick-agnostic settings. loadGeneralSettings(); // Enumerate all found devices qDebug() << QString("%1 Input devices found:").arg(numJoysticks); int activeJoystick = 0; for(int i=0; i < numJoysticks; i++ ) { QString name = SDL_JoystickName(i); qDebug() << QString("\t%1").arg(name); // If we've matched this joystick to what was last opened, note it. // Note: The way this is implemented the LAST joystick of a given name will be opened. if (name == joystickName) { activeJoystick = i; } SDL_Joystick* x = SDL_JoystickOpen(i); qDebug() << QString("\tNumber of Axes: %1").arg(QString::number(SDL_JoystickNumAxes(x))); qDebug() << QString("\tNumber of Buttons: %1").arg(QString::number(SDL_JoystickNumButtons(x))); SDL_JoystickClose(x); } // Set the active joystick based on name, if a joystick was found in the saved settings, otherwise // default to the first one. setActiveJoystick(activeJoystick); // Now make sure we know what the current UAS is and track changes to it. setActiveUAS(UASManager::instance()->getActiveUAS()); connect(UASManager::instance(), SIGNAL(activeUASSet(UASInterface*)), this, SLOT(setActiveUAS(UASInterface*))); } void JoystickInput::shutdown() { done = true; } /** * @brief Execute the Joystick process * Note that the SDL procedure is polled. This is because connecting and disconnecting while the event checker is running * fails as of SDL 1.2. It is therefore much easier to just poll for the joystick we want to sample. */ void JoystickInput::run() { init(); forever { if (done) { done = false; exit(); return; } // Poll the joystick for new values. SDL_JoystickUpdate(); // Emit all necessary signals for all axes. for (int i = 0; i < joystickNumAxes; i++) { // First emit the uncalibrated values for each axis based on their ID. // This is generally not used for controlling a vehicle, but a UI representation, so it being slightly off is fine. // Here we map the joystick axis value into the initial range of [0:1]. float axisValue = SDL_JoystickGetAxis(joystick, i); // during calibration save min and max values if (isCalibrating) { if (joystickSettings[autopilotType][systemType].axesMinRange.value(i) > axisValue) { joystickSettings[autopilotType][systemType].axesMinRange[i] = axisValue; } if (joystickSettings[autopilotType][systemType].axesMaxRange.value(i) < axisValue) { joystickSettings[autopilotType][systemType].axesMaxRange[i] = axisValue; } } if (joystickSettings[autopilotType][systemType].axesInverted[i]) { axisValue = (axisValue - joystickSettings[autopilotType][systemType].axesMinRange.value(i)) / (joystickSettings[autopilotType][systemType].axesMaxRange.value(i) - joystickSettings[autopilotType][systemType].axesMinRange.value(i)); } else { axisValue = (axisValue - joystickSettings[autopilotType][systemType].axesMaxRange.value(i)) / (joystickSettings[autopilotType][systemType].axesMinRange.value(i) - joystickSettings[autopilotType][systemType].axesMaxRange.value(i)); } axisValue = 1.0f - axisValue; // For non-throttle axes or if the UAS can reverse, go ahead and convert this into the range [-1:1]. //if (uasCanReverse || throttleAxis != i) // don't take into account if UAS can reverse. This means to reverse position but not throttle // therefore deactivated for now if (throttleAxis != i) { axisValue = axisValue * 2.0f - 1.0f; } // Otherwise if this vehicle can only go forward, scale it to [0:1]. else if (throttleAxis == i && joystickSettings[autopilotType][systemType].axesLimited.value(i)) { axisValue = (axisValue); if (axisValue < 0.0f) { axisValue = 0.0f; } } // Bound rounding errors if (axisValue > 1.0f) axisValue = 1.0f; if (axisValue < -1.0f) axisValue = -1.0f; if (joystickAxes[i] != axisValue) { joystickAxes[i] = axisValue; emit axisValueChanged(i, axisValue); } } // Build up vectors describing the hat position int hatPosition = SDL_JoystickGetHat(joystick, 0); qint8 newYHat = 0; if ((SDL_HAT_UP & hatPosition) > 0) newYHat = 1; if ((SDL_HAT_DOWN & hatPosition) > 0) newYHat = -1; qint8 newXHat = 0; if ((SDL_HAT_LEFT & hatPosition) > 0) newXHat = -1; if ((SDL_HAT_RIGHT & hatPosition) > 0) newXHat = 1; if (newYHat != yHat || newXHat != xHat) { xHat = newXHat; yHat = newYHat; emit hatDirectionChanged(newXHat, newYHat); } // Emit signals for each button individually for (int i = 0; i < joystickNumButtons; i++) { // If the button was down, but now it's up, trigger a buttonPressed event quint16 lastButtonState = joystickButtons & (1 << i); if (SDL_JoystickGetButton(joystick, i) && !lastButtonState) { emit buttonPressed(i); joystickButtons |= 1 << i; } else if (!SDL_JoystickGetButton(joystick, i) && lastButtonState) { emit buttonReleased(i); if (isEnabled && joystickSettings[autopilotType][systemType].buttonActions.contains(i)) { emit actionTriggered(joystickSettings[autopilotType][systemType].buttonActions.value(i)); } joystickButtons &= ~(1 << i); } } // Now signal an update for all UI together. if (isEnabled) { float roll = rollAxis > -1?joystickAxes[rollAxis]:numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); float pitch = pitchAxis > -1?joystickAxes[pitchAxis]:numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); float yaw = yawAxis > -1?joystickAxes[yawAxis]:numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); float throttle = throttleAxis > -1?joystickAxes[throttleAxis]:numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); emit joystickChanged(roll, pitch, yaw, throttle, xHat, yHat, joystickButtons); } // Sleep, update rate of joystick is approx. 25 Hz (1000 ms / 25 = 40 ms) QGC::SLEEP::msleep(40); } } void JoystickInput::setActiveJoystick(int id) { // If we already had a joystick, close that one before opening a new one. if (joystick && SDL_JoystickOpened(joystickID)) { storeJoystickSettings(); SDL_JoystickClose(joystick); joystick = NULL; joystickID = -1; } joystickID = id; joystick = SDL_JoystickOpen(joystickID); if (joystick && SDL_JoystickOpened(joystickID)) { // Update joystick configuration. joystickName = QString(SDL_JoystickName(joystickID)); joystickNumButtons = SDL_JoystickNumButtons(joystick); joystickNumAxes = SDL_JoystickNumAxes(joystick); // Restore saved settings for this joystick. loadJoystickSettings(); // Update cached joystick axes values. // Also emit any signals for currently-triggering events joystickAxes.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < joystickNumAxes; i++) { joystickAxes.append(numeric_limits::quiet_NaN()); } // Update cached joystick button values. // Emit signals for any button events. joystickButtons = 0; } else { joystickNumButtons = 0; joystickNumAxes = 0; } // Specify that a new joystick has been selected, so that any UI elements can update. emit newJoystickSelected(); // And then trigger an update of this new UI. emit joystickSettingsChanged(); } void JoystickInput::setCalibrating(bool active) { if (active) { setEnabled(false); isCalibrating = true; // set range small so that limits can be re-found for (int i = 0; i < joystickNumAxes; i++) { joystickSettings[autopilotType][systemType].axesMinRange[i] = -10.0f; joystickSettings[autopilotType][systemType].axesMaxRange[i] = 10.0f; } } else { // store calibration values storeJoystickSettings(); qDebug() << "Calibration result:"; for (int i = 0; i < joystickNumAxes; i++) { qDebug() << i << ": " << joystickSettings[autopilotType][systemType].axesMinRange[i] << " - " << joystickSettings[autopilotType][systemType].axesMaxRange[i]; } setEnabled(true); isCalibrating = false; } } void JoystickInput::setAxisMapping(int axis, JOYSTICK_INPUT_MAPPING newMapping) { switch (newMapping) { case JOYSTICK_INPUT_MAPPING_ROLL: rollAxis = axis; break; case JOYSTICK_INPUT_MAPPING_PITCH: pitchAxis = axis; break; case JOYSTICK_INPUT_MAPPING_YAW: yawAxis = axis; break; case JOYSTICK_INPUT_MAPPING_THROTTLE: throttleAxis = axis; break; case JOYSTICK_INPUT_MAPPING_NONE: default: if (rollAxis == axis) { rollAxis = -1; } if (pitchAxis == axis) { pitchAxis = -1; } if (yawAxis == axis) { yawAxis = -1; } if (throttleAxis == axis) { throttleAxis = -1; joystickSettings[autopilotType][systemType].axesLimited.remove(axis); } break; } storeJoystickSettings(); } void JoystickInput::setAxisInversion(int axis, bool inverted) { if (axis < joystickNumAxes) { joystickSettings[autopilotType][systemType].axesInverted[axis] = inverted; storeJoystickSettings(); } } void JoystickInput::setAxisRangeLimit(int axis, bool limitRange) { if (axis < joystickNumAxes) { joystickSettings[autopilotType][systemType].axesLimited[axis] = limitRange; storeJoystickSettings(); } } void JoystickInput::setAxisRangeLimitMin(int axis, float min) { if (axis < joystickNumAxes) { joystickSettings[autopilotType][systemType].axesMinRange[axis] = min; storeJoystickSettings(); } } void JoystickInput::setAxisRangeLimitMax(int axis, float max) { if (axis < joystickNumAxes) { joystickSettings[autopilotType][systemType].axesMaxRange[axis] = max; storeJoystickSettings(); } } void JoystickInput::setButtonAction(int button, int action) { if (button < joystickNumButtons) { joystickSettings[autopilotType][systemType].buttonActions[button] = action; storeJoystickSettings(); } } float JoystickInput::getCurrentValueForAxis(int axis) const { if (axis < joystickNumAxes) { return joystickAxes.at(axis); } return 0.0f; } bool JoystickInput::getInvertedForAxis(int axis) const { if (axis < joystickNumAxes) { return joystickSettings[autopilotType][systemType].axesInverted.value(axis); } return false; } bool JoystickInput::getRangeLimitForAxis(int axis) const { if (axis < joystickNumAxes) { return joystickSettings[autopilotType][systemType].axesLimited.value(axis); } return false; } float JoystickInput::getAxisRangeLimitMinForAxis(int axis) const { if (axis < joystickNumAxes) { return joystickSettings[autopilotType][systemType].axesMinRange.value(axis); } return sdlJoystickMin; } float JoystickInput::getAxisRangeLimitMaxForAxis(int axis) const { if (axis < joystickNumAxes) { return joystickSettings[autopilotType][systemType].axesMaxRange.value(axis); } return sdlJoystickMax; } int JoystickInput::getActionForButton(int button) const { if (button < joystickNumButtons && joystickSettings[autopilotType][systemType].buttonActions.contains(button)) { return joystickSettings[autopilotType][systemType].buttonActions.value(button); } return -1; }