 *   (c) 2009-2016 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <http://www.qgroundcontrol.org>
 * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
 * COPYING.md in the root of the source code directory.

import QtQuick                  2.3
import QtQuick.Controls         1.2
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles  1.4
import QtQuick.Dialogs          1.2
import QtLocation               5.3
import QtPositioning            5.3
import QtQuick.Layouts          1.2

import QGroundControl                           1.0
import QGroundControl.ScreenTools               1.0
import QGroundControl.Controls                  1.0
import QGroundControl.Palette                   1.0
import QGroundControl.Vehicle                   1.0
import QGroundControl.FlightMap                 1.0

/// This provides the smarts behind the guided mode commands, minus the user interface. This way you can change UI
/// without affecting the underlying functionality.
Item {
    id: _root

    property var missionController
    property var confirmDialog
    property var actionList
    property var altitudeSlider

    readonly property string emergencyStopTitle:            qsTr("Emergency Stop")
    readonly property string armTitle:                      qsTr("Arm")
    readonly property string disarmTitle:                   qsTr("Disarm")
    readonly property string rtlTitle:                      qsTr("RTL")
    readonly property string takeoffTitle:                  qsTr("Takeoff")
    readonly property string landTitle:                     qsTr("Land")
    readonly property string startMissionTitle:             qsTr("Start Mission")
    readonly property string continueMissionTitle:          qsTr("Continue Mission")
    readonly property string resumeMissionTitle:            qsTr("Resume Mission")
    readonly property string resumeMissionUploadFailTitle:  qsTr("Resume FAILED")
    readonly property string pauseTitle:                    qsTr("Pause")
    readonly property string changeAltTitle:                qsTr("Change Altitude")
    readonly property string orbitTitle:                    qsTr("Orbit")
    readonly property string landAbortTitle:                qsTr("Land Abort")
    readonly property string setWaypointTitle:              qsTr("Set Waypoint")
    readonly property string gotoTitle:                     qsTr("Goto Location")

    readonly property string armMessage:                        qsTr("Arm the vehicle.")
    readonly property string disarmMessage:                     qsTr("Disarm the vehicle")
    readonly property string emergencyStopMessage:              qsTr("WARNING: This will stop all motors. If vehicle is currently in air it will crash.")
    readonly property string takeoffMessage:                    qsTr("Takeoff from ground and hold position.")
    readonly property string startMissionMessage:               qsTr("Takeoff from ground and start the current mission.")
    readonly property string continueMissionMessage:            qsTr("Continue the mission from the current waypoint.")
             property string resumeMissionMessage:              qsTr("Resume the current mission. This will re-generate the mission from waypoint %1, takeoff and continue the mission.").arg(_resumeMissionIndex)
             property string resumeMissionUploadFailMessage:    qsTr("Upload of resume mission failed. Confirm to retry upload")
    readonly property string resumeMissionReadyMessage:         qsTr("Review the modified mission. Confirm if you want to takeoff and begin mission.")
    readonly property string landMessage:                       qsTr("Land the vehicle at the current position.")
    readonly property string rtlMessage:                        qsTr("Return to the home position of the vehicle.")
    readonly property string changeAltMessage:                  qsTr("Change the altitude of the vehicle up or down.")
    readonly property string gotoMessage:                       qsTr("Move the vehicle to the location clicked on the map.")
             property string setWaypointMessage:                qsTr("Adjust current waypoint to %1.").arg(_actionData)
    readonly property string orbitMessage:                      qsTr("Orbit the vehicle around the current location.")
    readonly property string landAbortMessage:                  qsTr("Abort the landing sequence.")
    readonly property string pauseMessage:                      qsTr("Pause the vehicle at it's current position.")
    readonly property string mvPauseMessage:                    qsTr("Pause all vehicles at their current position.")

    readonly property int actionRTL:                        1
    readonly property int actionLand:                       2
    readonly property int actionTakeoff:                    3
    readonly property int actionArm:                        4
    readonly property int actionDisarm:                     5
    readonly property int actionEmergencyStop:              6
    readonly property int actionChangeAlt:                  7
    readonly property int actionGoto:                       8
    readonly property int actionSetWaypoint:                9
    readonly property int actionOrbit:                      10
    readonly property int actionLandAbort:                  11
    readonly property int actionStartMission:               12
    readonly property int actionContinueMission:            13
    readonly property int actionResumeMission:              14
    readonly property int actionResumeMissionReady:         15
    readonly property int actionResumeMissionUploadFail:    16
    readonly property int actionPause:                      17
    readonly property int actionMVPause:                    18
    readonly property int actionMVStartMission:             19

    property bool showEmergenyStop:     !_hideEmergenyStop && _activeVehicle && _vehicleArmed && _vehicleFlying
    property bool showArm:              _activeVehicle && !_vehicleArmed
    property bool showDisarm:           _activeVehicle && _vehicleArmed && !_vehicleFlying
    property bool showRTL:              _activeVehicle && _vehicleArmed && _activeVehicle.guidedModeSupported && _vehicleFlying && !_vehicleInRTLMode
    property bool showTakeoff:          _activeVehicle && _activeVehicle.takeoffVehicleSupported && !_vehicleFlying
    property bool showLand:             _activeVehicle && _activeVehicle.guidedModeSupported && _vehicleArmed && !_activeVehicle.fixedWing && !_vehicleInLandMode
    property bool showStartMission:     _activeVehicle && _missionAvailable && !_missionActive && !_vehicleFlying
    property bool showContinueMission:  _activeVehicle && _missionAvailable && !_missionActive && _vehicleFlying && (_currentMissionIndex < missionController.visualItems.count - 1)
    property bool showResumeMission:    _activeVehicle && !_vehicleArmed && _vehicleWasFlying && _missionAvailable && _resumeMissionIndex > 0 && (_resumeMissionIndex < missionController.visualItems.count - 2)
    property bool showPause:            _activeVehicle && _vehicleArmed && _activeVehicle.pauseVehicleSupported && _vehicleFlying && !_vehiclePaused
    property bool showChangeAlt:        (_activeVehicle && _vehicleFlying) && _activeVehicle.guidedModeSupported && _vehicleArmed && !_missionActive
    property bool showOrbit:            !_hideOrbit && _activeVehicle && _vehicleFlying && _activeVehicle.orbitModeSupported && _vehicleArmed && !_missionActive
    property bool showLandAbort:        _activeVehicle && _vehicleFlying && _activeVehicle.fixedWing && _vehicleLanding
    property bool showGotoLocation:     _activeVehicle && _vehicleFlying

    property bool guidedUIVisible:      guidedActionConfirm.visible || guidedActionList.visible

    property var    _activeVehicle:         QGroundControl.multiVehicleManager.activeVehicle
    property string _flightMode:            _activeVehicle ? _activeVehicle.flightMode : ""
    property bool   _missionAvailable:      missionController.containsItems
    property bool   _missionActive:         _activeVehicle ? _vehicleArmed && (_vehicleInLandMode || _vehicleInRTLMode || _vehicleInMissionMode) : false
    property bool   _vehicleArmed:          _activeVehicle ? _activeVehicle.armed  : false
    property bool   _vehicleFlying:         _activeVehicle ? _activeVehicle.flying  : false
    property bool   _vehicleLanding:        _activeVehicle ? _activeVehicle.landing  : false
    property bool   _vehiclePaused:         false
    property bool   _vehicleInMissionMode:  false
    property bool   _vehicleInRTLMode:      false
    property bool   _vehicleInLandMode:     false
    property int    _currentMissionIndex:   missionController.currentMissionIndex
    property int    _resumeMissionIndex:    missionController.resumeMissionIndex
    property bool   _hideEmergenyStop:      !QGroundControl.corePlugin.options.guidedBarShowEmergencyStop
    property bool   _hideOrbit:             !QGroundControl.corePlugin.options.guidedBarShowOrbit
    property bool   _vehicleWasFlying:      false

    //Handy code for debugging state problems
    property bool __guidedModeSupported: _activeVehicle ? _activeVehicle.guidedModeSupported : false
    property bool __pauseVehicleSupported: _activeVehicle ? _activeVehicle.pauseVehicleSupported : false
    property bool __flightMode: _flightMode

    function _outputState() {
        console.log(qsTr("_activeVehicle(%1) _vehicleArmed(%2) guidedModeSupported(%3) _vehicleFlying(%4) _vehicleInRTLMode(%5) pauseVehicleSupported(%6) _vehiclePaused(%7) _flightMode(%8)").arg(_activeVehicle ? 1 : 0).arg(_vehicleArmed ? 1 : 0).arg(__guidedModeSupported ? 1 : 0).arg(_vehicleFlying ? 1 : 0).arg(_vehicleInRTLMode ? 1 : 0).arg(__pauseVehicleSupported ? 1 : 0).arg(_vehiclePaused ? 1 : 0).arg(_flightMode))

    Component.onCompleted: _outputState()
    on_ActiveVehicleChanged: _outputState()
    on_VehicleArmedChanged: _outputState()
    on_VehicleInRTLModeChanged: _outputState()
    on_VehiclePausedChanged: _outputState()
    on__FlightModeChanged: _outputState()
    on__GuidedModeSupportedChanged: _outputState()
    on__PauseVehicleSupportedChanged: _outputState()

    on_CurrentMissionIndexChanged: console.log("_currentMissionIndex", _currentMissionIndex)
    on_ResumeMissionIndexChanged: console.log("_resumeMissionIndex", _resumeMissionIndex)
    onShowResumeMissionChanged: {
        console.log("showResumeMission", showResumeMission)
    onShowStartMissionChanged: {
        console.log("showStartMission", showStartMission)
    onShowContinueMissionChanged: {
        console.log("showContinueMission", showContinueMission)

    // End of hack

    on_VehicleFlyingChanged: {
        if (!_vehicleFlying) {
            // We use _vehicleWasFLying to help trigger Resume Mission only if the vehicle actually flew and came back down.
            // Otherwise it may trigger during the Start Mission sequence due to signal ordering or armed and resume mission index.
            _vehicleWasFlying = true
    property var    _actionData

    on_FlightModeChanged: {
        _vehiclePaused =        _flightMode === _activeVehicle.pauseFlightMode
        _vehicleInRTLMode =     _flightMode === _activeVehicle.rtlFlightMode
        _vehicleInLandMode =    _flightMode === _activeVehicle.landFlightMode
        _vehicleInMissionMode = _flightMode === _activeVehicle.missionFlightMode // Must be last to get correct signalling for showStartMission popups

    // Called when an action is about to be executed in order to confirm
    function confirmAction(actionCode, actionData) {
        confirmDialog.action = actionCode
        confirmDialog.actionData = actionData
        _actionData = actionData
        switch (actionCode) {
        case actionArm:
            if (_vehicleFlying) {
            confirmDialog.title = armTitle
            confirmDialog.message = armMessage
            confirmDialog.hideTrigger = Qt.binding(function() { return !showArm })
        case actionDisarm:
            if (_vehicleFlying) {
            confirmDialog.title = disarmTitle
            confirmDialog.message = disarmMessage
            confirmDialog.hideTrigger = Qt.binding(function() { return !showDisarm })
        case actionEmergencyStop:
            confirmDialog.title = emergencyStopTitle
            confirmDialog.message = emergencyStopMessage
            confirmDialog.hideTrigger = Qt.binding(function() { return !showEmergenyStop })
        case actionTakeoff:
            confirmDialog.title = takeoffTitle
            confirmDialog.message = takeoffMessage
            confirmDialog.hideTrigger = Qt.binding(function() { return !showTakeoff })
        case actionStartMission:
            confirmDialog.title = startMissionTitle
            confirmDialog.message = startMissionMessage
            confirmDialog.hideTrigger = Qt.binding(function() { return !showStartMission })
        case actionMVStartMission:
            confirmDialog.title = startMissionTitle
            confirmDialog.message = startMissionMessage
            confirmDialog.hideTrigger = true
        case actionContinueMission:
            confirmDialog.title = continueMissionTitle
            confirmDialog.message = continueMissionMessage
            confirmDialog.hideTrigger = Qt.binding(function() { return !showContinueMission })
        case actionResumeMission:
            confirmDialog.title = resumeMissionTitle
            confirmDialog.message = resumeMissionMessage
            confirmDialog.hideTrigger = Qt.binding(function() { return !showResumeMission })
        case actionResumeMissionUploadFail:
            confirmDialog.title = resumeMissionUploadFailTitle
            confirmDialog.message = resumeMissionUploadFailMessage
            confirmDialog.hideTrigger = Qt.binding(function() { return !showResumeMission })
        case actionResumeMissionReady:
            confirmDialog.title = resumeMissionTitle
            confirmDialog.message = resumeMissionReadyMessage
            confirmDialog.hideTrigger = false
        case actionLand:
            confirmDialog.title = landTitle
            confirmDialog.message = landMessage
            confirmDialog.hideTrigger = Qt.binding(function() { return !showLand })
        case actionRTL:
            confirmDialog.title = rtlTitle
            confirmDialog.message = rtlMessage
            confirmDialog.hideTrigger = Qt.binding(function() { return !showRTL })
        case actionChangeAlt:
            confirmDialog.title = changeAltTitle
            confirmDialog.message = changeAltMessage
            confirmDialog.hideTrigger = Qt.binding(function() { return !showChangeAlt })
            altitudeSlider.visible = true
        case actionGoto:
            confirmDialog.title = gotoTitle
            confirmDialog.message = gotoMessage
            confirmDialog.hideTrigger = Qt.binding(function() { return !showGotoLocation })
        case actionSetWaypoint:
            confirmDialog.title = setWaypointTitle
            confirmDialog.message = setWaypointMessage
        case actionOrbit:
            confirmDialog.title = orbitTitle
            confirmDialog.message = orbitMessage
            confirmDialog.hideTrigger = Qt.binding(function() { return !showOrbit })
        case actionLandAbort:
            confirmDialog.title = landAbortTitle
            confirmDialog.message = landAbortMessage
            confirmDialog.hideTrigger = Qt.binding(function() { return !showLandAbort })
        case actionPause:
            confirmDialog.title = pauseTitle
            confirmDialog.message = pauseMessage
            confirmDialog.hideTrigger = Qt.binding(function() { return !showPause })
        case actionMVPause:
            confirmDialog.title = pauseTitle
            confirmDialog.message = mvPauseMessage
            confirmDialog.hideTrigger = true
            console.warn("Unknown actionCode", actionCode)
        confirmDialog.visible = true

    // Executes the specified action
    function executeAction(actionCode, actionData) {
        switch (actionCode) {
        case actionRTL:
        case actionLand:
        case actionTakeoff:
        case actionResumeMission:
        case actionResumeMissionUploadFail:
        case actionResumeMissionReady:
            _vehicleWasFlying = false
        case actionStartMission:
        case actionContinueMission:
        case actionMVStartMission:
            var rgVehicle = QGroundControl.multiVehicleManager.vehicles
            for (var i=0; i<rgVehicle.count; i++) {
                var vehicle = rgVehicle.get(i)
        case actionArm:
            _activeVehicle.armed = true
        case actionDisarm:
            _activeVehicle.armed = false
        case actionEmergencyStop:
        case actionChangeAlt:
        case actionGoto:
        case actionSetWaypoint:
        case actionOrbit:
        case actionLandAbort:
            _activeVehicle.abortLanding(50)     // hardcoded value for climbOutAltitude that is currently ignored
        case actionPause:
        case actionMVPause:
            var rgVehicle = QGroundControl.multiVehicleManager.vehicles
            for (var i=0; i<rgVehicle.count; i++) {
                var vehicle = rgVehicle.get(i)
            console.warn(qsTr("Internal error: unknown actionCode"), actionCode)