cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0) cmake_policy(SET CMP0026 OLD) # allow use of the LOCATION target property # store the current source directory for future use set(QT_ANDROID_SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}) # check the JAVA_HOME environment variable # (I couldn't find a way to set it from this script, it has to be defined outside) set(JAVA_HOME $ENV{JAVA_HOME}) if(NOT JAVA_HOME) message(FATAL_ERROR "The JAVA_HOME environment variable is not set. Please set it to the root directory of the JDK.") endif() # make sure that the Android toolchain is used if(NOT ANDROID) message(FATAL_ERROR "Trying to use the CMake Android package without the Android toolchain. Please use the provided toolchain (toolchain/android.toolchain.cmake)") endif() # find the Qt root directory if(NOT Qt5Core_DIR) find_package(Qt5Core REQUIRED) endif() get_filename_component(QT_ANDROID_QT_ROOT "${Qt5Core_DIR}/../../.." ABSOLUTE) message(STATUS "Found Qt for Android: ${QT_ANDROID_QT_ROOT}") # find the Android SDK if(NOT QT_ANDROID_SDK_ROOT) set(QT_ANDROID_SDK_ROOT $ENV{ANDROID_SDK}) if(NOT QT_ANDROID_SDK_ROOT) message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find the Android SDK. Please set either the ANDROID_SDK environment variable, or the QT_ANDROID_SDK_ROOT CMake variable to the root directory of the Android SDK") endif() endif() string(REPLACE "\\" "/" QT_ANDROID_SDK_ROOT ${QT_ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}) # androiddeployqt doesn't like backslashes in paths message(STATUS "Found Android SDK: ${QT_ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}") # find the Android NDK if(NOT QT_ANDROID_NDK_ROOT) set(QT_ANDROID_NDK_ROOT $ENV{ANDROID_NDK}) if(NOT QT_ANDROID_NDK_ROOT) set(QT_ANDROID_NDK_ROOT ${ANDROID_NDK}) if(NOT QT_ANDROID_NDK_ROOT) message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find the Android NDK. Please set either the ANDROID_NDK environment or CMake variable, or the QT_ANDROID_NDK_ROOT CMake variable to the root directory of the Android NDK") endif() endif() endif() string(REPLACE "\\" "/" QT_ANDROID_NDK_ROOT ${QT_ANDROID_NDK_ROOT}) # androiddeployqt doesn't like backslashes in paths message(STATUS "Found Android NDK: ${QT_ANDROID_NDK_ROOT}") include(CMakeParseArguments) # define a macro to create an Android APK target # # example: # add_qt_android_apk(my_app_apk my_app # NAME "My App" # VERSION_CODE 12 # PACKAGE_NAME "org.mycompany.myapp" # PACKAGE_SOURCES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/my-android-sources # BUILDTOOLS_REVISION "23.0.3" # KEYSTORE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/mykey.keystore myalias # KEYSTORE_PASSWORD xxxx # DEPENDS a_linked_target "path/to/" ... # INSTALL #) # macro(add_qt_android_apk TARGET SOURCE_TARGET) # parse the macro arguments cmake_parse_arguments(ARG "INSTALL" "NAME;VERSION_CODE;PACKAGE_NAME;PACKAGE_SOURCES;KEYSTORE_PASSWORD;BUILDTOOLS_REVISION" "DEPENDS;KEYSTORE" ${ARGN}) # extract the full path of the source target binary if(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "Debug") get_property(QT_ANDROID_APP_PATH TARGET ${SOURCE_TARGET} PROPERTY DEBUG_LOCATION) else() get_property(QT_ANDROID_APP_PATH TARGET ${SOURCE_TARGET} PROPERTY LOCATION) endif() # define the application name if(ARG_NAME) set(QT_ANDROID_APP_NAME ${ARG_NAME}) else() set(QT_ANDROID_APP_NAME ${SOURCE_TARGET}) endif() # define the application package name if(ARG_PACKAGE_NAME) set(QT_ANDROID_APP_PACKAGE_NAME ${ARG_PACKAGE_NAME}) else() set(QT_ANDROID_APP_PACKAGE_NAME org.qtproject.${SOURCE_TARGET}) endif() # set the Android SDK build-tools revision if(ARG_BUILDTOOLS_REVISION) set(QT_ANDROID_SDK_BUILDTOOLS_REVISION ${ARG_BUILDTOOLS_REVISION}) else() set(QT_ANDROID_SDK_BUILDTOOLS_REVISION "") endif() # define the application source package directory if(ARG_PACKAGE_SOURCES) set(QT_ANDROID_APP_PACKAGE_SOURCE_ROOT ${ARG_PACKAGE_SOURCES}) else() # get version code from arguments, or generate a fixed one if not provided set(QT_ANDROID_APP_VERSION_CODE ${ARG_VERSION_CODE}) if(NOT QT_ANDROID_APP_VERSION_CODE) set(QT_ANDROID_APP_VERSION_CODE 1) endif() # try to extract the app version from the target properties, or use the version code if not provided get_property(QT_ANDROID_APP_VERSION TARGET ${SOURCE_TARGET} PROPERTY VERSION) if(NOT QT_ANDROID_APP_VERSION) set(QT_ANDROID_APP_VERSION ${QT_ANDROID_APP_VERSION_CODE}) endif() # create a subdirectory for the extra package sources set(QT_ANDROID_APP_PACKAGE_SOURCE_ROOT "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/package") # generate a manifest from the template configure_file(${QT_ANDROID_SOURCE_DIR}/ ${QT_ANDROID_APP_PACKAGE_SOURCE_ROOT}/AndroidManifest.xml @ONLY) endif() # set the list of dependant libraries if(ARG_DEPENDS) foreach(LIB ${ARG_DEPENDS}) if(TARGET ${LIB}) # item is a CMake target, extract the library path if(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "Debug") get_property(LIB_PATH TARGET ${LIB} PROPERTY DEBUG_LOCATION) else() get_property(LIB_PATH TARGET ${LIB} PROPERTY LOCATION) endif() set(LIB ${LIB_PATH}) endif() if(EXTRA_LIBS) set(EXTRA_LIBS "${EXTRA_LIBS},${LIB}") else() set(EXTRA_LIBS "${LIB}") endif() endforeach() set(QT_ANDROID_APP_EXTRA_LIBS "\"android-extra-libs\": \"${EXTRA_LIBS}\",") endif() # make sure that the output directory for the Android package exists file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/libs/${ANDROID_ABI}) # create the configuration file that will feed androiddeployqt configure_file(${QT_ANDROID_SOURCE_DIR}/ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/qtdeploy.json @ONLY) # check if the apk must be signed if(ARG_KEYSTORE) set(SIGN_OPTIONS --release --sign ${ARG_KEYSTORE} --tsa if(ARG_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD) set(SIGN_OPTIONS ${SIGN_OPTIONS} --storepass ${ARG_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD}) endif() endif() # check if the apk must be installed to the device if(ARG_INSTALL) set(INSTALL_OPTIONS --reinstall) endif() # specify the Android API level if(ANDROID_NATIVE_API_LEVEL) set(TARGET_LEVEL_OPTIONS --android-platform android-${ANDROID_NATIVE_API_LEVEL}) endif() # create a custom command that will run the androiddeployqt utility to prepare the Android package add_custom_target( ${TARGET} ALL DEPENDS ${SOURCE_TARGET} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E remove_directory ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/libs/${ANDROID_ABI} # it seems that recompiled libraries are not copied if we don't remove them first COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/libs/${ANDROID_ABI} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy ${QT_ANDROID_APP_PATH} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/libs/${ANDROID_ABI} COMMAND ${QT_ANDROID_QT_ROOT}/bin/androiddeployqt --verbose --output ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} --input ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/qtdeploy.json --gradle ${TARGET_LEVEL_OPTIONS} ${INSTALL_OPTIONS} ${SIGN_OPTIONS} ) endmacro()