/**************************************************************************** * * (c) 2009-2016 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT * * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file * COPYING.md in the root of the source code directory. * ****************************************************************************/ #include "AirMapFlightManager.h" #include "AirMapManager.h" #include "AirMapRulesetsManager.h" #include "QGCApplication.h" #include "MissionItem.h" #include "QGCMAVLink.h" #include "airmap/pilots.h" #include "airmap/flights.h" #include "airmap/date_time.h" #include "airmap/flight_plans.h" #include "airmap/geometry.h" using namespace airmap; AirMapFlightManager::AirMapFlightManager(AirMapSharedState& shared) : _shared(shared) { connect(&_pollTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &AirMapFlightManager::_pollBriefing); } void AirMapFlightManager::createFlight(const QList& missionItems) { if (!_shared.client()) { qCDebug(AirMapManagerLog) << "No AirMap client instance. Will not create a flight"; return; } if (_state != State::Idle) { qCWarning(AirMapManagerLog) << "AirMapFlightManager::createFlight: State not idle"; return; } _flight.reset(); // get the flight trajectory for(const auto &item : missionItems) { switch(item->command()) { case MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT: case MAV_CMD_NAV_LAND: case MAV_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF: // TODO: others too? { // TODO: handle different coordinate frames? double lat = item->param5(); double lon = item->param6(); double alt = item->param7(); _flight.coords.append(QGeoCoordinate(lat, lon, alt)); if (alt > _flight.maxAltitude) { _flight.maxAltitude = alt; } if (item->command() == MAV_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF) { _flight.takeoffCoord = _flight.coords.last(); } } break; default: break; } } if (_flight.coords.empty()) { return; } _flight.maxAltitude += 5; // add a safety buffer if (_pilotID == "") { // need to get the pilot id before uploading the flight qCDebug(AirMapManagerLog) << "Getting pilot ID"; _state = State::GetPilotID; std::weak_ptr isAlive(_instance); _shared.doRequestWithLogin([this, isAlive](const QString& login_token) { if (!isAlive.lock()) return; Pilots::Authenticated::Parameters params; params.authorization = login_token.toStdString(); _shared.client()->pilots().authenticated(params, [this, isAlive](const Pilots::Authenticated::Result& result) { if (!isAlive.lock()) return; if (_state != State::GetPilotID) return; if (result) { _pilotID = QString::fromStdString(result.value().id); qCDebug(AirMapManagerLog) << "Got Pilot ID:"<<_pilotID; _uploadFlight(); } else { _flightPermitStatus = AirspaceAuthorization::PermitUnknown; emit flightPermitStatusChanged(); _state = State::Idle; QString description = QString::fromStdString(result.error().description() ? result.error().description().get() : ""); emit error("Failed to create Flight Plan", QString::fromStdString(result.error().message()), description); } }); }); } else { _uploadFlight(); } _flightPermitStatus = AirspaceAuthorization::PermitPending; emit flightPermitStatusChanged(); } void AirMapFlightManager::_endFirstFlight() { // it could be that AirMap still has an open pending flight, but we don't know the flight ID. // As there can only be one, we query the flights that end in the future, and close it if there's one. _state = State::EndFirstFlight; Flights::Search::Parameters params; params.pilot_id = _pilotID.toStdString(); params.end_after = Clock::universal_time() - Hours{1}; std::weak_ptr isAlive(_instance); _shared.client()->flights().search(params, [this, isAlive](const Flights::Search::Result& result) { if (!isAlive.lock()) return; if (_state != State::EndFirstFlight) return; if (result && result.value().flights.size() > 0) { Q_ASSERT(_shared.loginToken() != ""); // at this point we know the user is logged in (we queried the pilot id) Flights::EndFlight::Parameters params; params.authorization = _shared.loginToken().toStdString(); params.id = result.value().flights[0].id; // pick the first flight (TODO: match the vehicle id) _shared.client()->flights().end_flight(params, [this, isAlive](const Flights::EndFlight::Result& result) { if (!isAlive.lock()) return; if (_state != State::EndFirstFlight) return; if (!result) { QString description = QString::fromStdString(result.error().description() ? result.error().description().get() : ""); emit error("Failed to end first Flight", QString::fromStdString(result.error().message()), description); } _state = State::Idle; _uploadFlight(); }); } else { _state = State::Idle; _uploadFlight(); } }); } void AirMapFlightManager::_uploadFlight() { if (_pendingFlightId != "") { // we need to end an existing flight first _endFlight(_pendingFlightId); return; } if (_noFlightCreatedYet) { _endFirstFlight(); _noFlightCreatedYet = false; return; } qCDebug(AirMapManagerLog) << "uploading flight"; _state = State::FlightUpload; std::weak_ptr isAlive(_instance); _shared.doRequestWithLogin([this, isAlive](const QString& login_token) { if (!isAlive.lock()) return; if (_state != State::FlightUpload) return; FlightPlans::Create::Parameters params; params.max_altitude = _flight.maxAltitude; params.buffer = 2.f; params.latitude = _flight.takeoffCoord.latitude(); params.longitude = _flight.takeoffCoord.longitude(); params.pilot.id = _pilotID.toStdString(); params.start_time = Clock::universal_time() + Minutes{5}; params.end_time = Clock::universal_time() + Hours{2}; // TODO: user-configurable? //-- Rules AirMapRulesetsManager* pRulesMgr = dynamic_cast(qgcApp()->toolbox()->airspaceManager()->rulesets()); if(pRulesMgr) { foreach(QString ruleset, pRulesMgr->rulesetsIDs()) { params.rulesets.push_back(ruleset.toStdString()); } } // geometry: LineString Geometry::LineString lineString; for (const auto& qcoord : _flight.coords) { Geometry::Coordinate coord; coord.latitude = qcoord.latitude(); coord.longitude = qcoord.longitude(); lineString.coordinates.push_back(coord); } params.geometry = Geometry(lineString); params.authorization = login_token.toStdString(); _flight.coords.clear(); _shared.client()->flight_plans().create_by_polygon(params, [this, isAlive](const FlightPlans::Create::Result& result) { if (!isAlive.lock()) return; if (_state != State::FlightUpload) return; if (result) { _pendingFlightPlan = QString::fromStdString(result.value().id); qCDebug(AirMapManagerLog) << "Flight Plan created:"<<_pendingFlightPlan; _checkForValidBriefing(); } else { QString description = QString::fromStdString(result.error().description() ? result.error().description().get() : ""); emit error("Flight Plan creation failed", QString::fromStdString(result.error().message()), description); } }); }); } void AirMapFlightManager::_checkForValidBriefing() { _state = State::FlightBrief; FlightPlans::RenderBriefing::Parameters params; params.authorization = _shared.loginToken().toStdString(); params.id = _pendingFlightPlan.toStdString(); std::weak_ptr isAlive(_instance); _shared.client()->flight_plans().render_briefing(params, [this, isAlive](const FlightPlans::RenderBriefing::Result& result) { if (!isAlive.lock()) return; if (_state != State::FlightBrief) return; if (result) { bool allValid = true; for (const auto& validation : result.value().evaluation.validations) { if (validation.status != Evaluation::Validation::Status::valid) { emit error(QString("%1 registration identifier is invalid: %2").arg( QString::fromStdString(validation.authority.name)).arg(QString::fromStdString(validation.message)), "", ""); allValid = false; } } if (allValid) { _submitPendingFlightPlan(); } else { _flightPermitStatus = AirspaceAuthorization::PermitRejected; emit flightPermitStatusChanged(); _state = State::Idle; } } else { QString description = QString::fromStdString(result.error().description() ? result.error().description().get() : ""); emit error("Brief Request failed", QString::fromStdString(result.error().message()), description); _state = State::Idle; } }); } void AirMapFlightManager::_submitPendingFlightPlan() { _state = State::FlightSubmit; FlightPlans::Submit::Parameters params; params.authorization = _shared.loginToken().toStdString(); params.id = _pendingFlightPlan.toStdString(); std::weak_ptr isAlive(_instance); _shared.client()->flight_plans().submit(params, [this, isAlive](const FlightPlans::Submit::Result& result) { if (!isAlive.lock()) return; if (_state != State::FlightSubmit) return; if (result) { _pendingFlightId = QString::fromStdString(result.value().flight_id.get()); _state = State::FlightPolling; _pollBriefing(); } else { QString description = QString::fromStdString(result.error().description() ? result.error().description().get() : ""); emit error("Failed to submit Flight Plan", QString::fromStdString(result.error().message()), description); _state = State::Idle; } }); } void AirMapFlightManager::_pollBriefing() { if (_state != State::FlightPolling) { qCWarning(AirMapManagerLog) << "AirMapFlightManager::_pollBriefing: not in polling state"; return; } FlightPlans::RenderBriefing::Parameters params; params.authorization = _shared.loginToken().toStdString(); params.id = _pendingFlightPlan.toStdString(); std::weak_ptr isAlive(_instance); _shared.client()->flight_plans().render_briefing(params, [this, isAlive](const FlightPlans::RenderBriefing::Result& result) { if (!isAlive.lock()) return; if (_state != State::FlightPolling) return; if (result) { const FlightPlan::Briefing& briefing = result.value(); qCDebug(AirMapManagerLog) << "flight polling/briefing response"; bool rejected = false; bool accepted = false; bool pending = false; for (const auto& authorization : briefing.evaluation.authorizations) { switch (authorization.status) { case Evaluation::Authorization::Status::accepted: case Evaluation::Authorization::Status::accepted_upon_submission: accepted = true; break; case Evaluation::Authorization::Status::rejected: case Evaluation::Authorization::Status::rejected_upon_submission: rejected = true; break; case Evaluation::Authorization::Status::pending: pending = true; break; } } if (briefing.evaluation.authorizations.size() == 0) { // if we don't get any authorizations, we assume it's accepted accepted = true; } qCDebug(AirMapManagerLog) << "flight approval: accepted=" << accepted << "rejected" << rejected << "pending" << pending; if ((rejected || accepted) && !pending) { if (rejected) { // rejected has priority _flightPermitStatus = AirspaceAuthorization::PermitRejected; } else { _flightPermitStatus = AirspaceAuthorization::PermitAccepted; } _currentFlightId = _pendingFlightId; _pendingFlightPlan = ""; emit flightPermitStatusChanged(); _state = State::Idle; } else { // wait until we send the next polling request _pollTimer.setSingleShot(true); _pollTimer.start(2000); } } else { QString description = QString::fromStdString(result.error().description() ? result.error().description().get() : ""); emit error("Brief Request failed", QString::fromStdString(result.error().message()), description); _state = State::Idle; } }); } void AirMapFlightManager::endFlight() { if (_currentFlightId.length() == 0) { return; } if (_state != State::Idle) { qCWarning(AirMapManagerLog) << "AirMapFlightManager::endFlight: State not idle"; return; } _endFlight(_currentFlightId); _flightPermitStatus = AirspaceAuthorization::PermitUnknown; emit flightPermitStatusChanged(); } void AirMapFlightManager::_endFlight(const QString& flightID) { qCDebug(AirMapManagerLog) << "ending flight" << flightID; _state = State::FlightEnd; Q_ASSERT(_shared.loginToken() != ""); // Since we have a flight ID, we need to be logged in Flights::EndFlight::Parameters params; params.authorization = _shared.loginToken().toStdString(); params.id = flightID.toStdString(); std::weak_ptr isAlive(_instance); _shared.client()->flights().end_flight(params, [this, isAlive](const Flights::EndFlight::Result& result) { if (!isAlive.lock()) return; if (_state != State::FlightEnd) return; _state = State::Idle; _pendingFlightId = ""; _pendingFlightPlan = ""; _currentFlightId = ""; if (result) { if (!_flight.coords.empty()) { _uploadFlight(); } } else { QString description = QString::fromStdString(result.error().description() ? result.error().description().get() : ""); emit error("Failed to end Flight", QString::fromStdString(result.error().message()), description); } }); }