/* -*-c++-*- OpenSceneGraph - Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Robert Osfield * * This library is open source and may be redistributed and/or modified under * the terms of the OpenSceneGraph Public License (OSGPL) version 0.0 or * (at your option) any later version. The full license is in LICENSE file * included with this distribution, and on the openscenegraph.org website. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * OpenSceneGraph Public License for more details. */ #ifndef OSG_ENDIAN #define OSG_ENDIAN 1 #include <algorithm> namespace osg { enum Endian { BigEndian, LittleEndian }; inline Endian getCpuByteOrder() { union { char big_endian_1[2]; short is_it_really_1; } u; u.big_endian_1[0] = 0; u.big_endian_1[1] = 1; if (u.is_it_really_1 == 1) return BigEndian; else return LittleEndian; } inline void swapBytes( char* in, unsigned int size ) { char* start = in; char* end = start+size-1; while (start<end) { std::swap(*start++,*end--); } } inline void swapBytes2( char* in ) { std::swap(in[0],in[1]); } inline void swapBytes4( char* in ) { std::swap(in[0],in[3]); std::swap(in[1],in[2]); } inline void swapBytes8( char* in ) { std::swap(in[0],in[7]); std::swap(in[1],in[6]); std::swap(in[2],in[5]); std::swap(in[3],in[4]); } inline void swapBytes16( char* in ) { std::swap(in[0],in[15]); std::swap(in[1],in[14]); std::swap(in[2],in[13]); std::swap(in[3],in[12]); std::swap(in[4],in[11]); std::swap(in[5],in[10]); std::swap(in[6],in[9]); std::swap(in[7],in[8]); } } #endif