// testmav.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include "stdio.h" #include "stdint.h" #include "stddef.h" #include "assert.h" #define MAVLINK_USE_CONVENIENCE_FUNCTIONS #define MAVLINK_COMM_NUM_BUFFERS 2 #include static mavlink_system_t mavlink_system = {42,11,}; #define MAVLINK_ASSERT(x) assert(x) static void comm_send_ch(mavlink_channel_t chan, uint8_t c); static mavlink_message_t last_msg; #include #include static unsigned chan_counts[MAVLINK_COMM_NUM_BUFFERS]; static const unsigned message_lengths[] = MAVLINK_MESSAGE_LENGTHS; static unsigned error_count; static const mavlink_message_info_t message_info[256] = MAVLINK_MESSAGE_INFO; static void print_one_field(mavlink_message_t *msg, const mavlink_field_info_t *f, int idx) { #define PRINT_FORMAT(f, def) (f->print_format?f->print_format:def) switch (f->type) { case MAVLINK_TYPE_CHAR: printf(PRINT_FORMAT(f, "%c"), _MAV_RETURN_char(msg, f->wire_offset+idx*1)); break; case MAVLINK_TYPE_UINT8_T: printf(PRINT_FORMAT(f, "%u"), _MAV_RETURN_uint8_t(msg, f->wire_offset+idx*1)); break; case MAVLINK_TYPE_INT8_T: printf(PRINT_FORMAT(f, "%d"), _MAV_RETURN_int8_t(msg, f->wire_offset+idx*1)); break; case MAVLINK_TYPE_UINT16_T: printf(PRINT_FORMAT(f, "%u"), _MAV_RETURN_uint16_t(msg, f->wire_offset+idx*2)); break; case MAVLINK_TYPE_INT16_T: printf(PRINT_FORMAT(f, "%d"), _MAV_RETURN_int16_t(msg, f->wire_offset+idx*2)); break; case MAVLINK_TYPE_UINT32_T: printf(PRINT_FORMAT(f, "%lu"), (unsigned long)_MAV_RETURN_uint32_t(msg, f->wire_offset+idx*4)); break; case MAVLINK_TYPE_INT32_T: printf(PRINT_FORMAT(f, "%ld"), (long)_MAV_RETURN_int32_t(msg, f->wire_offset+idx*4)); break; case MAVLINK_TYPE_UINT64_T: printf(PRINT_FORMAT(f, "%llu"), (unsigned long long)_MAV_RETURN_uint64_t(msg, f->wire_offset+idx*8)); break; case MAVLINK_TYPE_INT64_T: printf(PRINT_FORMAT(f, "%lld"), (long long)_MAV_RETURN_int64_t(msg, f->wire_offset+idx*8)); break; case MAVLINK_TYPE_FLOAT: printf(PRINT_FORMAT(f, "%f"), (double)_MAV_RETURN_float(msg, f->wire_offset+idx*4)); break; case MAVLINK_TYPE_DOUBLE: printf(PRINT_FORMAT(f, "%f"), _MAV_RETURN_double(msg, f->wire_offset+idx*8)); break; } } static void print_field(mavlink_message_t *msg, const mavlink_field_info_t *f) { printf("%s: ", f->name); if (f->array_length == 0) { print_one_field(msg, f, 0); printf(" "); } else { unsigned i; /* print an array */ if (f->type == MAVLINK_TYPE_CHAR) { printf("'%.*s'", f->array_length, f->wire_offset+(const char *)_MAV_PAYLOAD(msg)); } else { printf("[ "); for (i=0; iarray_length; i++) { print_one_field(msg, f, i); if (i < f->array_length) { printf(", "); } } printf("]"); } } printf(" "); } static void print_message(mavlink_message_t *msg) { const mavlink_message_info_t *m = &message_info[msg->msgid]; const mavlink_field_info_t *f = m->fields; unsigned i; printf("%s { ", m->name); for (i=0; inum_fields; i++) { print_field(msg, &f[i]); } printf("}\n"); } static void comm_send_ch(mavlink_channel_t chan, uint8_t c) { mavlink_status_t status; if (mavlink_parse_char(chan, c, &last_msg, &status)) { print_message(&last_msg); chan_counts[chan]++; /* channel 0 gets 3 messages per message, because of the channel defaults for _pack() and _encode() */ if (chan == MAVLINK_COMM_0 && status.current_rx_seq != (uint8_t)(chan_counts[chan]*3)) { printf("Channel 0 sequence mismatch error at packet %u (rx_seq=%u)\n", chan_counts[chan], status.current_rx_seq); error_count++; } else if (chan > MAVLINK_COMM_0 && status.current_rx_seq != (uint8_t)chan_counts[chan]) { printf("Channel %u sequence mismatch error at packet %u (rx_seq=%u)\n", (unsigned)chan, chan_counts[chan], status.current_rx_seq); error_count++; } if (message_lengths[last_msg.msgid] != last_msg.len) { printf("Incorrect message length %u for message %u - expected %u\n", (unsigned)last_msg.len, (unsigned)last_msg.msgid, message_lengths[last_msg.msgid]); error_count++; } } if (status.packet_rx_drop_count != 0) { printf("Parse error at packet %u\n", chan_counts[chan]); error_count++; } } int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { int chan; mavlink_test_all(11, 10, &last_msg); for (chan=MAVLINK_COMM_0; chan<=MAVLINK_COMM_1; chan++) { printf("Received %u messages on channel %u OK\n", chan_counts[chan], (unsigned)chan); } if (error_count != 0) { printf("Error count %u\n", error_count); return(1); } printf("No errors detected\n"); return 0; }