/* -*-c++-*- OpenSceneGraph - Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Robert Osfield * * This library is open source and may be redistributed and/or modified under * the terms of the OpenSceneGraph Public License (OSGPL) version 0.0 or * (at your option) any later version. The full license is in LICENSE file * included with this distribution, and on the openscenegraph.org website. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * OpenSceneGraph Public License for more details. */ //osgParticle - Copyright (C) 2002 Marco Jez #ifndef OSGPARTICLE_RADIAL_SHOOTER #define OSGPARTICLE_RADIAL_SHOOTER 1 #include <osgParticle/Shooter> #include <osgParticle/Particle> #include <osgParticle/range> #include <osg/CopyOp> #include <osg/Object> #include <osg/Math> namespace osgParticle { /** A shooter class that shoots particles radially. This shooter computes the velocity vector of incoming particles by choosing a random direction and a random speed. Both direction and speed are chosen within specified ranges. The direction is defined by two angles: <B>theta</B>, which is the angle between the velocity vector and the Z axis, and <B>phi</B>, which is the angle between the X axis and the velocity vector projected onto the X-Y plane. */ class RadialShooter: public Shooter { public: inline RadialShooter(); inline RadialShooter(const RadialShooter& copy, const osg::CopyOp& copyop = osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY); META_Object(osgParticle, RadialShooter); /// Get the range of possible values for <B>theta</B> angle. inline const rangef& getThetaRange() const; /// Set the range of possible values for <B>theta</B> angle. inline void setThetaRange(const rangef& r); /// Set the range of possible values for <B>theta</B> angle. inline void setThetaRange(float r1, float r2); /// Get the range of possible values for <B>phi</B> angle. inline const rangef& getPhiRange() const; /// Set the range of possible values for <B>phi</B> angle. inline void setPhiRange(const rangef& r); /// Set the range of possible values for <B>phi</B> angle. inline void setPhiRange(float r1, float r2); /// Get the range of possible values for initial speed of particles. inline const rangef& getInitialSpeedRange() const; /// Set the range of possible values for initial speed of particles. inline void setInitialSpeedRange(const rangef& r); /// Set the range of possible values for initial speed of particles. inline void setInitialSpeedRange(float r1, float r2); /// Get the range of possible values for initial rotational speed of particles. inline const rangev3& getInitialRotationalSpeedRange() const; /// Set the range of possible values for initial rotational speed of particles. inline void setInitialRotationalSpeedRange(const rangev3& r); /// Set the range of possible values for initial rotational speed of particles. inline void setInitialRotationalSpeedRange(const osg::Vec3& r1, const osg::Vec3& r2); /// Shoot a particle. Do not call this method manually. inline void shoot(Particle* P) const; protected: virtual ~RadialShooter() {} RadialShooter& operator=(const RadialShooter&) { return *this; } private: rangef _theta_range; rangef _phi_range; rangef _speed_range; rangev3 _rot_speed_range; }; // INLINE FUNCTIONS inline RadialShooter::RadialShooter() : Shooter(), _theta_range(0, 0.5f*osg::PI_4), _phi_range(0, 2*osg::PI), _speed_range(10, 10), _rot_speed_range(osg::Vec3(0,0,0), osg::Vec3(0,0,0)) { } inline RadialShooter::RadialShooter(const RadialShooter& copy, const osg::CopyOp& copyop) : Shooter(copy, copyop), _theta_range(copy._theta_range), _phi_range(copy._phi_range), _speed_range(copy._speed_range), _rot_speed_range(copy._rot_speed_range) { } inline const rangef& RadialShooter::getThetaRange() const { return _theta_range; } inline const rangef& RadialShooter::getPhiRange() const { return _phi_range; } inline const rangef& RadialShooter::getInitialSpeedRange() const { return _speed_range; } inline const rangev3& RadialShooter::getInitialRotationalSpeedRange() const { return _rot_speed_range; } inline void RadialShooter::setThetaRange(const rangef& r) { _theta_range = r; } inline void RadialShooter::setThetaRange(float r1, float r2) { _theta_range.minimum = r1; _theta_range.maximum = r2; } inline void RadialShooter::setPhiRange(const rangef& r) { _phi_range = r; } inline void RadialShooter::setPhiRange(float r1, float r2) { _phi_range.minimum = r1; _phi_range.maximum = r2; } inline void RadialShooter::setInitialSpeedRange(const rangef& r) { _speed_range = r; } inline void RadialShooter::setInitialSpeedRange(float r1, float r2) { _speed_range.minimum = r1; _speed_range.maximum = r2; } inline void RadialShooter::setInitialRotationalSpeedRange(const rangev3& r) { _rot_speed_range = r; } inline void RadialShooter::setInitialRotationalSpeedRange(const osg::Vec3& r1, const osg::Vec3& r2) { _rot_speed_range.minimum = r1; _rot_speed_range.maximum = r2; } inline void RadialShooter::shoot(Particle* P) const { float theta = _theta_range.get_random(); float phi = _phi_range.get_random(); float speed = _speed_range.get_random(); osg::Vec3 rot_speed = _rot_speed_range.get_random(); P->setVelocity(osg::Vec3( speed * sinf(theta) * cosf(phi), speed * sinf(theta) * sinf(phi), speed * cosf(theta) )); P->setAngularVelocity(rot_speed); } } #endif