/* -*-c++-*- OpenSceneGraph - Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Robert Osfield * * This library is open source and may be redistributed and/or modified under * the terms of the OpenSceneGraph Public License (OSGPL) version 0.0 or * (at your option) any later version. The full license is in LICENSE file * included with this distribution, and on the openscenegraph.org website. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * OpenSceneGraph Public License for more details. */ #ifndef OSG_COLLECTOCCLUDERSVISITOR #define OSG_COLLECTOCCLUDERSVISITOR 1 #include <osg/NodeVisitor> #include <osg/CullStack> #include <set> namespace osg { class OSG_EXPORT CollectOccludersVisitor : public osg::NodeVisitor, public osg::CullStack { public: typedef std::set<ShadowVolumeOccluder> ShadowVolumeOccluderSet; CollectOccludersVisitor(); virtual ~CollectOccludersVisitor(); META_NodeVisitor("osg","CollectOccludersVisitor") virtual CollectOccludersVisitor* cloneType() const { return new CollectOccludersVisitor(); } virtual void reset(); virtual float getDistanceToEyePoint(const Vec3& pos, bool withLODScale) const; virtual float getDistanceToViewPoint(const Vec3& pos, bool withLODScale) const; virtual float getDistanceFromEyePoint(const Vec3& pos, bool withLODScale) const; virtual void apply(osg::Node&); virtual void apply(osg::Transform& node); virtual void apply(osg::Projection& node); virtual void apply(osg::Switch& node); virtual void apply(osg::LOD& node); virtual void apply(osg::OccluderNode& node); /** Sets the minimum shadow occluder volume that an active occluder * must have. vol is units relative the clip space volume where 1.0 * is the whole clip space. */ void setMinimumShadowOccluderVolume(float vol) { _minimumShadowOccluderVolume = vol; } float getMinimumShadowOccluderVolume() const { return _minimumShadowOccluderVolume; } /** Sets the maximum number of occluders to have active for culling * purposes. */ void setMaximumNumberOfActiveOccluders(unsigned int num) { _maximumNumberOfActiveOccluders = num; } unsigned int getMaximumNumberOfActiveOccluders() const { return _maximumNumberOfActiveOccluders; } void setCreateDrawablesOnOccludeNodes(bool flag) { _createDrawables=flag; } bool getCreateDrawablesOnOccludeNodes() const { return _createDrawables; } void setCollectedOccluderSet(const ShadowVolumeOccluderSet& svol) { _occluderSet = svol; } ShadowVolumeOccluderSet& getCollectedOccluderSet() { return _occluderSet; } const ShadowVolumeOccluderSet& getCollectedOccluderSet() const { return _occluderSet; } /** Removes occluded occluders for the collected occluders list, then * discards all but MaximumNumberOfActiveOccluders of occluders, * discarding the occluders with the lowest shadow occluder volume. */ void removeOccludedOccluders(); protected: /** Prevents unwanted copy construction. */ //CollectOccludersVisitor(const CollectOccludersVisitor&):osg::NodeVisitor(),osg::CullStack() {} /** Prevents unwanted copy operator. */ CollectOccludersVisitor& operator = (const CollectOccludersVisitor&) { return *this; } inline void handle_cull_callbacks_and_traverse(osg::Node& node) { /*osg::NodeCallback* callback = node.getCullCallback(); if (callback) (*callback)(&node,this); else*/ if (node.getNumChildrenWithOccluderNodes()>0) traverse(node); } inline void handle_cull_callbacks_and_accept(osg::Node& node,osg::Node* acceptNode) { /*osg::NodeCallback* callback = node.getCullCallback(); if (callback) (*callback)(&node,this); else*/ if (node.getNumChildrenWithOccluderNodes()>0) acceptNode->accept(*this); } float _minimumShadowOccluderVolume; unsigned _maximumNumberOfActiveOccluders; bool _createDrawables; ShadowVolumeOccluderSet _occluderSet; }; } #endif