// Requires the installation of php5-xsl // e.g. on Debian/Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install php5-xsl // Load the file from the repository / server. // Update this URL if the file location changes $xml_file_name = "http://github.com/pixhawk/mavlink/raw/master/mavlink_standard_message.xml"; // Load the XSL transformation file from the repository / server. // This file can be updated by any client to adjust the table $xsl_file_name= "http://github.com/pixhawk/mavlink/raw/master/doc/mavlink_to_html_table.xsl"; // Load data XML file $xml = file_get_contents($xml_file_name); $xml_doc = new DomDocument; $xml_doc->loadXML($xml); // Load stylesheet XSL file $xsl = file_get_contents($xsl_file_name); $xsl_doc = new DomDocument; $xsl_doc->loadXML($xsl); $xsltproc = new XsltProcessor(); $xsltproc->importStylesheet($xsl_doc); // process the files and write the output to $out_file if ($html = $xsltproc->transformToXML($xml_doc)) { echo $html; } else { trigger_error('XSL transformation failed.',E_USER_ERROR); }

Messages XML Definition

Messages are defined by the mavlink_standard_message.xml file. The C packing/unpacking code is generated from this specification, as well as the HTML documentaiton in the section above.

The XML displayed here is updated on every commit and therefore up-to-date. //require_once("inc/geshi.php"); //$xml_file_name = "http://github.com/pixhawk/mavlink/raw/master/mavlink_standard_message.xml"; // //// Load data XML file //$xml = file_get_contents($xml_file_name); // //// Show the current code //$geshi_xml = new GeSHi($xml, 'xml'); //$display_xml = $geshi_xml->parse_code(); // //echo $display_xml;