/**************************************************************************** * * (c) 2009-2016 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <http://www.qgroundcontrol.org> * * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file * COPYING.md in the root of the source code directory. * ****************************************************************************/ /// @file /// @brief Support for Intel Hex firmware file /// @author Don Gagne <don@thegagnes.com> #include "FirmwareImage.h" #include "QGCLoggingCategory.h" #include "JsonHelper.h" #include "QGCMAVLink.h" #include "QGCApplication.h" #include "FirmwarePlugin.h" #include "ParameterManager.h" #include "Bootloader.h" #include <QDebug> #include <QFile> #include <QTextStream> #include <QJsonDocument> #include <QJsonObject> #include <QSettings> #include <QFileInfo> #include <QDir> const char* FirmwareImage::_jsonBoardIdKey = "board_id"; const char* FirmwareImage::_jsonParamXmlSizeKey = "parameter_xml_size"; const char* FirmwareImage::_jsonParamXmlKey = "parameter_xml"; const char* FirmwareImage::_jsonAirframeXmlSizeKey = "airframe_xml_size"; const char* FirmwareImage::_jsonAirframeXmlKey = "airframe_xml"; const char* FirmwareImage::_jsonImageSizeKey = "image_size"; const char* FirmwareImage::_jsonImageKey = "image"; const char* FirmwareImage::_jsonMavAutopilotKey = "mav_autopilot"; FirmwareImage::FirmwareImage(QObject* parent) : QObject(parent), _imageSize(0) { } bool FirmwareImage::load(const QString& imageFilename, uint32_t boardId) { _imageSize = 0; _boardId = boardId; if (imageFilename.endsWith(".bin")) { _binFormat = true; return _binLoad(imageFilename); } else if (imageFilename.endsWith(".px4")) { _binFormat = true; return _px4Load(imageFilename); } else if (imageFilename.endsWith(".apj")) { _binFormat = true; return _px4Load(imageFilename); } else if (imageFilename.endsWith(".ihx")) { _binFormat = false; return _ihxLoad(imageFilename); } else { emit statusMessage("Unsupported file format"); return false; } } bool FirmwareImage::_readByteFromStream(QTextStream& stream, uint8_t& byte) { QString hex = stream.read(2); if (hex.count() != 2) { return false; } bool success; byte = (uint8_t)hex.toInt(&success, 16); return success; } bool FirmwareImage::_readWordFromStream(QTextStream& stream, uint16_t& word) { QString hex = stream.read(4); if (hex.count() != 4) { return false; } bool success; word = (uint16_t)hex.toInt(&success, 16); return success; } bool FirmwareImage::_readBytesFromStream(QTextStream& stream, uint8_t byteCount, QByteArray& bytes) { bytes.clear(); while (byteCount) { uint8_t byte; if (!_readByteFromStream(stream, byte)) { return false; } bytes += byte; byteCount--; } return true; } bool FirmwareImage::_ihxLoad(const QString& ihxFilename) { _imageSize = 0; _ihxBlocks.clear(); QFile ihxFile(ihxFilename); if (!ihxFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { emit statusMessage(QString("Unable to open firmware file %1, error: %2").arg(ihxFilename, ihxFile.errorString())); return false; } QTextStream stream(&ihxFile); while (true) { if (stream.read(1) != ":") { emit statusMessage("Incorrectly formatted .ihx file, line does not begin with :"); return false; } uint8_t blockByteCount; uint16_t address; uint8_t recordType; QByteArray bytes; uint8_t crc; if (!_readByteFromStream(stream, blockByteCount) || !_readWordFromStream(stream, address) || !_readByteFromStream(stream, recordType) || !_readBytesFromStream(stream, blockByteCount, bytes) || !_readByteFromStream(stream, crc)) { emit statusMessage(tr("Incorrectly formatted line in .ihx file, line too short")); return false; } if (!(recordType == 0 || recordType == 1)) { emit statusMessage(tr("Unsupported record type in file: %1").arg(recordType)); return false; } if (recordType == 0) { bool appendToLastBlock = false; // Can we append this block to the last one? if (_ihxBlocks.count()) { int lastBlockIndex = _ihxBlocks.count() - 1; if (_ihxBlocks[lastBlockIndex].address + _ihxBlocks[lastBlockIndex].bytes.count() == address) { appendToLastBlock = true; } } if (appendToLastBlock) { _ihxBlocks[_ihxBlocks.count() - 1].bytes += bytes; // Too noisy even for verbose //qCDebug(FirmwareUpgradeVerboseLog) << QString("_ihxLoad - append - address:%1 size:%2 block:%3").arg(address).arg(blockByteCount).arg(ihxBlockCount()); } else { IntelHexBlock_t block; block.address = address; block.bytes = bytes; _ihxBlocks += block; qCDebug(FirmwareUpgradeVerboseLog) << QString("_ihxLoad - new block - address:%1 size:%2 block:%3").arg(address).arg(blockByteCount).arg(ihxBlockCount()); } _imageSize += blockByteCount; } else if (recordType == 1) { // EOF qCDebug(FirmwareUpgradeLog) << QString("_ihxLoad - EOF"); break; } // Move to next line stream.readLine(); } ihxFile.close(); return true; } bool FirmwareImage::isCompatible(uint32_t boardId, uint32_t firmwareId) { bool result = false; if (boardId == firmwareId ) { result = true; } switch(boardId) { case Bootloader::boardIDAUAVX2_1: // AUAVX2.1 is compatible with px4-v2/v3 if (firmwareId == 9) result = true; break; case Bootloader::boardIDPX4FMUV3: if (firmwareId == 9) result = true; break; default: break; } return result; } bool FirmwareImage::_px4Load(const QString& imageFilename) { _imageSize = 0; // We need to collect information from the .px4 file as well as pull the binary image out to a separate file. QFile px4File(imageFilename); if (!px4File.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { emit statusMessage(tr("Unable to open firmware file %1, error: %2").arg(imageFilename, px4File.errorString())); return false; } QByteArray bytes = px4File.readAll(); px4File.close(); QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(bytes); if (doc.isNull()) { emit statusMessage(tr("Supplied file is not a valid JSON document")); return false; } QJsonObject px4Json = doc.object(); // Make sure the keys we need are available QString errorString; QStringList requiredKeys; requiredKeys << _jsonBoardIdKey << _jsonImageKey << _jsonImageSizeKey; if (!JsonHelper::validateRequiredKeys(px4Json, requiredKeys, errorString)) { emit statusMessage(tr("Firmware file mission required key: %1").arg(errorString)); return false; } // Make sure the keys are the correct type QStringList keys; QList<QJsonValue::Type> types; keys << _jsonBoardIdKey << _jsonParamXmlSizeKey << _jsonParamXmlKey << _jsonAirframeXmlSizeKey << _jsonAirframeXmlKey << _jsonImageSizeKey << _jsonImageKey << _jsonMavAutopilotKey; types << QJsonValue::Double << QJsonValue::Double << QJsonValue::String << QJsonValue::Double << QJsonValue::String << QJsonValue::Double << QJsonValue::String << QJsonValue::Double; if (!JsonHelper::validateKeyTypes(px4Json, keys, types, errorString)) { emit statusMessage(tr("Firmware file has invalid key: %1").arg(errorString)); return false; } uint32_t firmwareBoardId = (uint32_t)px4Json.value(_jsonBoardIdKey).toInt(); if (!isCompatible(_boardId, firmwareBoardId)) { emit statusMessage(tr("Downloaded firmware board id does not match hardware board id: %1 != %2").arg(firmwareBoardId).arg(_boardId)); return false; } // What firmware type is this? MAV_AUTOPILOT firmwareType = (MAV_AUTOPILOT)px4Json[_jsonMavAutopilotKey].toInt(MAV_AUTOPILOT_PX4); emit statusMessage(QString("MAV_AUTOPILOT = %1").arg(firmwareType)); // Decompress the parameter xml and save to file QByteArray decompressedBytes; bool success = _decompressJsonValue(px4Json, // JSON object bytes, // Raw bytes of JSON document _jsonParamXmlSizeKey, // key which holds byte size _jsonParamXmlKey, // key which holds compressed bytes decompressedBytes); // Returned decompressed bytes if (success) { QString parameterFilename = QGCApplication::cachedParameterMetaDataFile(); QFile parameterFile(QGCApplication::cachedParameterMetaDataFile()); if (parameterFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate)) { qint64 bytesWritten = parameterFile.write(decompressedBytes); if (bytesWritten != decompressedBytes.count()) { emit statusMessage(tr("Write failed for parameter meta data file, error: %1").arg(parameterFile.errorString())); parameterFile.close(); QFile::remove(parameterFilename); } else { parameterFile.close(); } } else { emit statusMessage(tr("Unable to open parameter meta data file %1 for writing, error: %2").arg(parameterFilename, parameterFile.errorString())); } // Cache this file with the system ParameterManager::cacheMetaDataFile(parameterFilename, firmwareType); } // Decompress the airframe xml and save to file success = _decompressJsonValue(px4Json, // JSON object bytes, // Raw bytes of JSON document _jsonAirframeXmlSizeKey, // key which holds byte size _jsonAirframeXmlKey, // key which holds compressed bytes decompressedBytes); // Returned decompressed bytes if (success) { QString airframeFilename = QGCApplication::cachedAirframeMetaDataFile(); //qDebug() << airframeFilename; QFile airframeFile(QGCApplication::cachedAirframeMetaDataFile()); if (airframeFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate)) { qint64 bytesWritten = airframeFile.write(decompressedBytes); if (bytesWritten != decompressedBytes.count()) { // FIXME: What about these warnings? emit statusMessage(tr("Write failed for airframe meta data file, error: %1").arg(airframeFile.errorString())); airframeFile.close(); QFile::remove(airframeFilename); } else { airframeFile.close(); } } else { emit statusMessage(tr("Unable to open airframe meta data file %1 for writing, error: %2").arg(airframeFilename, airframeFile.errorString())); } } // Decompress the image and save to file _imageSize = px4Json.value(QString("image_size")).toInt(); success = _decompressJsonValue(px4Json, // JSON object bytes, // Raw bytes of JSON document _jsonImageSizeKey, // key which holds byte size _jsonImageKey, // key which holds compressed bytes decompressedBytes); // Returned decompressed bytes if (!success) { return false; } // Pad image to 4-byte boundary while ((decompressedBytes.count() % 4) != 0) { decompressedBytes.append(static_cast<char>(static_cast<unsigned char>(0xFF))); } // Store decompressed image file in same location as original download file QDir imageDir = QFileInfo(imageFilename).dir(); QString decompressFilename = imageDir.filePath("PX4FlashUpgrade.bin"); QFile decompressFile(decompressFilename); if (!decompressFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate)) { emit statusMessage(tr("Unable to open decompressed file %1 for writing, error: %2").arg(decompressFilename, decompressFile.errorString())); return false; } qint64 bytesWritten = decompressFile.write(decompressedBytes); if (bytesWritten != decompressedBytes.count()) { emit statusMessage(tr("Write failed for decompressed image file, error: %1").arg(decompressFile.errorString())); return false; } decompressFile.close(); _binFilename = decompressFilename; return true; } /// Decompress a set of bytes stored in a Json document. bool FirmwareImage::_decompressJsonValue(const QJsonObject& jsonObject, ///< JSON object const QByteArray& jsonDocBytes, ///< Raw bytes of JSON document const QString& sizeKey, ///< key which holds byte size const QString& bytesKey, ///< key which holds compress bytes QByteArray& decompressedBytes) ///< Returned decompressed bytes { // Validate decompressed size key if (!jsonObject.contains(sizeKey)) { emit statusMessage(QString("Firmware file missing %1 key").arg(sizeKey)); return false; } int decompressedSize = jsonObject.value(QString(sizeKey)).toInt(); if (decompressedSize == 0) { emit statusMessage(tr("Firmware file has invalid decompressed size for %1").arg(sizeKey)); return false; } // XXX Qt's JSON string handling is terribly broken, strings // with some length (18K / 25K) are just weirdly cut. // The code below works around this by manually 'parsing' // for the image string. Since its compressed / checksummed // this should be fine. QStringList parts = QString(jsonDocBytes).split(QString("\"%1\": \"").arg(bytesKey)); if (parts.count() == 1) { emit statusMessage(tr("Could not find compressed bytes for %1 in Firmware file").arg(bytesKey)); return false; } parts = parts.last().split("\""); if (parts.count() == 1) { emit statusMessage(tr("Incorrectly formed compressed bytes section for %1 in Firmware file").arg(bytesKey)); return false; } // Store decompressed size as first four bytes. This is required by qUncompress routine. QByteArray raw; raw.append((unsigned char)((decompressedSize >> 24) & 0xFF)); raw.append((unsigned char)((decompressedSize >> 16) & 0xFF)); raw.append((unsigned char)((decompressedSize >> 8) & 0xFF)); raw.append((unsigned char)((decompressedSize >> 0) & 0xFF)); QByteArray raw64 = parts.first().toUtf8(); raw.append(QByteArray::fromBase64(raw64)); decompressedBytes = qUncompress(raw); if (decompressedBytes.count() == 0) { emit statusMessage(tr("Firmware file has 0 length %1").arg(bytesKey)); return false; } if (decompressedBytes.count() != decompressedSize) { emit statusMessage(tr("Size for decompressed %1 does not match stored size: Expected(%1) Actual(%2)").arg(decompressedSize).arg(decompressedBytes.count())); return false; } emit statusMessage(tr("Successfully decompressed %1").arg(bytesKey)); return true; } uint16_t FirmwareImage::ihxBlockCount(void) const { return _ihxBlocks.count(); } bool FirmwareImage::ihxGetBlock(uint16_t index, uint16_t& address, QByteArray& bytes) const { address = 0; bytes.clear(); if (index < ihxBlockCount()) { address = _ihxBlocks[index].address; bytes = _ihxBlocks[index].bytes; return true; } else { return false; } } bool FirmwareImage::_binLoad(const QString& imageFilename) { QFile binFile(imageFilename); if (!binFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { emit statusMessage(tr("Unabled to open firmware file %1, %2").arg(imageFilename, binFile.errorString())); return false; } _imageSize = (uint32_t)binFile.size(); binFile.close(); _binFilename = imageFilename; return true; }