    "name":             "AutoconnectUDP",
    "shortDescription": "Automatically open a connection over UDP",
    "longDescription":  "If this option is enabled GroundControl will automatically connect to a vehicle which is detected on a UDP communication link.",
    "type":             "bool",
    "defaultValue":     true
    "name":             "AutoconnectPixhawk",
    "shortDescription": "Automatically connect to a Pixhawk board",
    "longDescription":  "If this option is enabled GroundControl will automatically connect to a Pixhawk board which is connected via USB.",
    "type":             "bool",
    "defaultValue":     true
    "name":             "Autoconnect3DRRadio",
    "shortDescription": "Automatically connect to a SiK Radio",
    "longDescription":  "If this option is enabled GroundControl will automatically connect to a vehicle which is detected on a SiK Radio communication link.",
    "type":             "bool",
    "defaultValue":     true
    "name":             "AutoconnectPX4Flow",
    "shortDescription": "Automatically connect to a P4 Flow",
    "longDescription":  "If this option is enabled GroundControl will automatically connect to a PX4 Flow board which is connected via USB.",
    "type":             "bool",
    "defaultValue":     true
    "name":             "AutoconnectRTKGPS",
    "shortDescription": "Automatically connect to an RTK GPS",
    "longDescription":  "If this option is enabled GroundControl will automatically connect to an RTK GPS which is connected via USB.",
    "type":             "bool",
    "defaultValue":     true
    "name":             "AutoconnectLibrePilot",
    "shortDescription": "Automatically connect to a LibrePilot",
    "longDescription":  "If this option is enabled GroundControl will automatically connect to a LibrePilot board which is connected via USB.",
    "type":             "bool",
    "defaultValue":     true
    "name":             "AutoconnectNmeaPort",
    "shortDescription": "NMEA GPS device for GCS position",
    "longDescription":  "NMEA GPS device for GCS position",
    "type":             "string",
    "defaultValue":     "disabled"
    "name":             "AutoconnectNmeaBaud",
    "shortDescription": "NMEA GPS Baudrate",
    "longDescription":  "NMEA GPS Baudrate",
    "type":             "uint32",
    "defaultValue":     4800
    "name":             "AutoconnectUDPListenPort",
    "shortDescription": "UDP port for autoconnect",
    "type":             "uint32",
    "defaultValue":     14550
    "name":             "AutoconnectUDPTargetHostIP",
    "shortDescription": "UDP target host IP for autoconnect",
    "type":             "string",
    "defaultValue":     ""
    "name":             "AutoconnectUDPTargetHostPort",
    "shortDescription": "UDP target host port for autoconnect",
    "type":             "uint32",
    "defaultValue":     14550