/* -*-c++-*- OpenSceneGraph - Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Robert Osfield * * This library is open source and may be redistributed and/or modified under * the terms of the OpenSceneGraph Public License (OSGPL) version 0.0 or * (at your option) any later version. The full license is in LICENSE file * included with this distribution, and on the openscenegraph.org website. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * OpenSceneGraph Public License for more details. */ #ifndef OSGVIEWER_VIEW #define OSGVIEWER_VIEW 1 #include <osg/View> #include <osgUtil/PolytopeIntersector> #include <osgUtil/LineSegmentIntersector> #include <osgUtil/UpdateVisitor> #include <osgUtil/SceneView> #include <osgGA/CameraManipulator> #include <osgGA/EventVisitor> #include <osgGA/EventQueue> #include <osgViewer/Scene> #include <osgViewer/ViewerBase> namespace osgViewer { struct OSGVIEWER_EXPORT DepthPartitionSettings : public osg::Referenced { enum DepthMode { FIXED_RANGE, BOUNDING_VOLUME }; DepthPartitionSettings(DepthMode mode=BOUNDING_VOLUME); virtual bool getDepthRange(osg::View& view, unsigned int partition, double& zNear, double& zFar); DepthMode _mode; double _zNear; double _zMid; double _zFar; }; /** View holds a single view on a scene, this view may be composed of one or more slave cameras.*/ class OSGVIEWER_EXPORT View : public osg::View, public osgGA::GUIActionAdapter { public: View(); View(const osgViewer::View& view, const osg::CopyOp& copyop=osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY); META_Object(osgViewer,View); /** Provide a mechanism for getting the osg::View associated from the GUIActionAdapter. * One would use this to case view to osgViewer::View(er) if supported by the subclass.*/ virtual osg::View* asView() { return this; } /** Provide a mechanism for getting the viewer object from this osgViewer::View. * In the case of a osgViewer::Viewer the ViewerBase will effectively point to this object as Viewer subclasses from View. * In the case of a osgViewer::CompsoiteViewer the ViewerBase will point to the CompositeViewer that owns this View. */ ViewerBase* getViewerBase() { return _viewerBase.get(); } /** Take all the settings, Camera and Slaves from the passed in view, leaving it empty. */ virtual void take(osg::View& rhs); virtual void setStartTick(osg::Timer_t tick); osg::Timer_t getStartTick() const { return _startTick; } Scene* getScene() { return _scene.get(); } const Scene* getScene() const { return _scene.get(); } /** Set the scene graph that the View will use.*/ virtual void setSceneData(osg::Node* node); /** Get the View's scene graph.*/ osg::Node* getSceneData() { return _scene.valid() ? _scene->getSceneData() : 0; } /** Get the const View's scene graph.*/ const osg::Node* getSceneData() const { return _scene.valid() ? _scene->getSceneData() : 0; } /** Set the View's database pager.*/ void setDatabasePager(osgDB::DatabasePager* dp); /** Get the View's database pager.*/ osgDB::DatabasePager* getDatabasePager(); /** Get the const View's database pager.*/ const osgDB::DatabasePager* getDatabasePager() const; /** Set the View's image pager.*/ void setImagePager(osgDB::ImagePager* ip); /** Get the View's image pager.*/ osgDB::ImagePager* getImagePager(); /** Get the const View's image pager.*/ const osgDB::ImagePager* getImagePager() const; /* Set the EventQueue that View uses to integrate external non window related events.*/ void setEventQueue(osgGA::EventQueue* eventQueue) { _eventQueue = eventQueue; } /* Get the View's EventQueue.*/ osgGA::EventQueue* getEventQueue() { return _eventQueue.get(); } /* Get the const View's EventQueue.*/ const osgGA::EventQueue* getEventQueue() const { return _eventQueue.get(); } /** Set the CameraManipulator that moves the View's master Camera position in response to events. * The parameter resetPosition determines whether manipulator is set to its home position.*/ void setCameraManipulator(osgGA::CameraManipulator* manipulator, bool resetPosition = true); /** Get the View's CameraManipulator.*/ osgGA::CameraManipulator* getCameraManipulator() { return _cameraManipulator.get(); } /** Get the const View's CameraManipulator.*/ const osgGA::CameraManipulator* getCameraManipulator() const { return _cameraManipulator.get(); } /** Set the view to the CameraManipulator's home position, if non is attached home() is does nothing. * Note, to set the home position use getCamaraManipulator()->setHomePosition(...). */ void home(); typedef std::list< osg::ref_ptr<osgGA::GUIEventHandler> > EventHandlers; /** Add an EventHandler that adds handling of events to the View.*/ void addEventHandler(osgGA::GUIEventHandler* eventHandler); /** Remove an EventHandler from View.*/ void removeEventHandler(osgGA::GUIEventHandler* eventHandler); /** Get the View's list of EventHandlers.*/ EventHandlers& getEventHandlers() { return _eventHandlers; } /** Get the const View's list of EventHandlers.*/ const EventHandlers& getEventHandlers() const { return _eventHandlers; } /** Set the NodePath to any active CoordinateSystemNode present in the Scene. * The CoordinateSystemNode path is used to help applications and CamaraManipualtors handle geocentric coordinates systems, * such as known which way is the local up at any position on the a whole earth. */ void setCoordinateSystemNodePath(const osg::NodePath& nodePath); /** Get the NodePath to any active CoordinateSystemNode present in the Scene.*/ osg::NodePath getCoordinateSystemNodePath() const; /** Compute the NodePath to any active CoordinateSystemNode present in the Scene.*/ void computeActiveCoordinateSystemNodePath(); /** Set the DisplaySettings object associated with this view.*/ void setDisplaySettings(osg::DisplaySettings* ds) { _displaySettings = ds; } /** Set the DisplaySettings object associated with this view.*/ osg::DisplaySettings* getDisplaySettings() { return _displaySettings.get(); } /** Set the DisplaySettings object associated with this view.*/ const osg::DisplaySettings* getDisplaySettings() const { return _displaySettings.get(); } /** Set the FusionDistanceMode and Value. Note, is used only when working in stereo.*/ void setFusionDistance(osgUtil::SceneView::FusionDistanceMode mode,float value=1.0f) { _fusionDistanceMode = mode; _fusionDistanceValue = value; } /** Get the FusionDistanceMode.*/ osgUtil::SceneView::FusionDistanceMode getFusionDistanceMode() const { return _fusionDistanceMode; } /** Get the FusionDistanceValue. Note, only used for USE_FUSION_DISTANCE_VALUE & PROPORTIONAL_TO_SCREEN_DISTANCE modes.*/ float getFusionDistanceValue() const { return _fusionDistanceValue; } /** Convenience method for creating slave Cameras and associated GraphicsWindows across all screens.*/ void setUpViewAcrossAllScreens(); /** Convenience method for a single camera on a single window.*/ void setUpViewInWindow(int x, int y, int width, int height, unsigned int screenNum=0); /** Convenience method for a single camera associated with a single full screen GraphicsWindow.*/ void setUpViewOnSingleScreen(unsigned int screenNum=0); /** Convenience method for spherical display using 6 slave cameras rendering the 6 sides of a cube map, and 7th camera doing distortion correction to present on a spherical display.*/ void setUpViewFor3DSphericalDisplay(double radius=1.0, double collar=0.45, unsigned int screenNum=0, osg::Image* intensityMap=0, const osg::Matrixd& projectorMatrix = osg::Matrixd()); /** Convenience method for spherical display by rendering main scene to as panoramic 2:1 texture and then doing distortion correction to present onto a spherical display.*/ void setUpViewForPanoramicSphericalDisplay(double radius=1.0, double collar=0.45, unsigned int screenNum=0, osg::Image* intensityMap=0, const osg::Matrixd& projectorMatrix = osg::Matrixd()); /** Convenience method for autostereoscopic Philips WoWvx display.*/ void setUpViewForWoWVxDisplay(unsigned int screenNum, unsigned char wow_content, unsigned char wow_factor, unsigned char wow_offset, float wow_disparity_Zd, float wow_disparity_vz, float wow_disparity_M, float wow_disparity_C); /** Convenience method for setting up multiple slave cameras that depth partition the specified camera.*/ bool setUpDepthPartitionForCamera(osg::Camera* cameraToPartition, DepthPartitionSettings* dps=0); /** Convenience method for setting up multiple slave cameras that depth partition each of the view's active cameras.*/ bool setUpDepthPartition(DepthPartitionSettings* dsp=0); /** Return true if this view contains a specified camera.*/ bool containsCamera(const osg::Camera* camera) const; /** Get the camera which contains the pointer position x,y specified master cameras window/eye coords. * Also passes back the local window coords for the graphics context associated with the camera passed back. */ const osg::Camera* getCameraContainingPosition(float x, float y, float& local_x, float& local_y) const; /** Compute intersections between a ray through the specified master cameras window/eye coords and a specified node. * Note, when a master cameras has slaves and no viewport itself its coordinate frame will be in clip space i.e. -1,-1 to 1,1, * while if its has a viewport the coordintates will be relative to its viewport dimensions. * Mouse events handled by the view will automatically be attached into the master camera window/clip coords so can be passed * directly on to the computeIntersections method. */ bool computeIntersections(float x,float y, osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersections& intersections,osg::Node::NodeMask traversalMask = 0xffffffff); /** Compute intersections between a ray through the specified master cameras window/eye coords and a specified nodePath's subgraph. */ bool computeIntersections(float x,float y, const osg::NodePath& nodePath, osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersections& intersections,osg::Node::NodeMask traversalMask = 0xffffffff); virtual void requestRedraw(); virtual void requestContinuousUpdate(bool needed=true); virtual void requestWarpPointer(float x,float y); public: void assignSceneDataToCameras(); void init(); protected: friend class CompositeViewer; virtual ~View(); virtual osg::GraphicsOperation* createRenderer(osg::Camera* camera); osg::observer_ptr<ViewerBase> _viewerBase; osg::Timer_t _startTick; osg::ref_ptr<osgViewer::Scene> _scene; osg::ref_ptr<osgGA::EventQueue> _eventQueue; osg::ref_ptr<osgGA::CameraManipulator> _cameraManipulator; EventHandlers _eventHandlers; osg::ObserverNodePath _coordinateSystemNodePath; osg::ref_ptr<osg::DisplaySettings> _displaySettings; osgUtil::SceneView::FusionDistanceMode _fusionDistanceMode; float _fusionDistanceValue; }; } #endif