#include <qdebug.h> #include <QThread> #include <QMutex> #include <MG.h> #include<string> #include "XbeeLink.h" XbeeLink::XbeeLink(QString portName, int baudRate) : m_xbeeCon(NULL), m_portName(NULL), m_portNameLength(0), m_baudRate(baudRate), m_connected(false), m_addrHigh(0), m_addrLow(0) { /* setup the xbee */ this->setPortName(portName); } XbeeLink::~XbeeLink() { if(m_portName) { delete m_portName; m_portName = NULL; } _disconnect(); } QString XbeeLink::getPortName() const { QString portName; for(unsigned int i = 0;i<this->m_portNameLength;i++) { portName.append(this->m_portName[i]); } return portName; } int XbeeLink::getBaudRate() const { return this->m_baudRate; } bool XbeeLink::setPortName(QString portName) { bool reconnect(false); if(this->m_connected) { _disconnect(); reconnect = true; } if(m_portName) { delete m_portName; m_portName = NULL; } QStringList list = portName.split(QRegExp("\\s+"),QString::SkipEmptyParts); if(list.size()>0) { this->m_portNameLength = list[0].size()+1; m_portName = new char[this->m_portNameLength]; for(int i=0;i<list[0].size();i++) { this->m_portName[i]=list[0][i].toLatin1(); } this->m_portName[list[0].size()] = '\0'; } else { this->m_portNameLength = 1; m_portName = new char[this->m_portNameLength]; this->m_portName[0] = '\0'; } bool retVal(true); if(reconnect) { retVal = _connect(); } return retVal; } bool XbeeLink::setBaudRate(int rate) { bool reconnect(false); if(this->m_connected) { _disconnect(); reconnect = true; } bool retVal(true); this->m_baudRate = rate; if(reconnect) { retVal = _connect(); } return retVal; } QString XbeeLink::getName() const { return this->m_name; } bool XbeeLink::isConnected() const { return this->m_connected; } qint64 XbeeLink::getConnectionSpeed() const { return this->m_baudRate; } qint64 XbeeLink::getCurrentInDataRate() const { return 0; } qint64 XbeeLink::getCurrentOutDataRate() const { return 0; } bool XbeeLink::hardwareConnect() { emit tryConnectBegin(true); if(this->isConnected()) { _disconnect(); } if (*this->m_portName == '\0') { return false; } if (xbee_setupAPI(this->m_portName,this->m_baudRate,0x2B,0x3E8) == -1) { /* oh no... it failed */ qDebug() <<"xbee_setup() failed...\n"; emit tryConnectEnd(true); return false; } this->m_xbeeCon = xbee_newcon('A',xbee2_data,0x13A200,0x403D0935); emit tryConnectEnd(true); this->m_connected = true; emit connected(); return true; } bool XbeeLink::_connect(void) { if (this->isRunning()) _disconnect(); this->start(LowPriority); return true; } void XbeeLink::_disconnect(void) { if(this->isRunning()) this->terminate(); //stop running the thread, restart it upon connect if(this->m_xbeeCon) { xbee_end(); this->m_xbeeCon = NULL; } this->m_connected = false; emit disconnected(); } void XbeeLink::_writeBytes(const QByteArray bytes) { if(!xbee_nsenddata(this->m_xbeeCon,const_cast<char*>(bytes.data()),bytes.size())) // return value of 0 is successful written { _logOutputDataRate(bytes.size(), QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch()); } else { _disconnect(); emit communicationError(tr("Link Error"), QString("Error on link: %1. Could not send data - link is disconnected!").arg(getName())); } } void XbeeLink::readBytes() { xbee_pkt *xbeePkt; xbeePkt = xbee_getpacketwait(this->m_xbeeCon); if(!(NULL==xbeePkt)) { QByteArray data; for(unsigned int i=0;i<=xbeePkt->datalen;i++) { data.push_back(xbeePkt->data[i]); } _logInputDataRate(data.length(), QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch()); emit bytesReceived(this, data); } } void XbeeLink::run() { // Initialize the connection if(this->hardwareConnect()) { // Qt way to make clear what a while(1) loop does forever { this->readBytes(); } } } bool XbeeLink::setRemoteAddressHigh(quint32 high) { this->m_addrHigh = high; return true; } bool XbeeLink::setRemoteAddressLow(quint32 low) { this->m_addrLow = low; return true; } /* void CALLTYPE XbeeLink::portCallback(xbee_con *xbeeCon, xbee_pkt *XbeePkt) { QByteArray buf; for(quint8 i=0;i<XbeePkt->datalen;i++) { buf.push_back(XbeePkt->data[i]); } emit bytesReceived(this, buf); }*/