QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer 0 0 407 144 Form 12 Please choose logfile Select the logfile to replay Select the logfile to replay Select the logfile to replay Select File Set the replay speed Set the replay speed Set the replay speed 1 100 50 50 Qt::Horizontal No logfile selected.. Pause the logfile Pause the logfile Pause the logfile ... :/images/actions/media-playback-pause.svg:/images/actions/media-playback-pause.svg true true Percent of the logfile replayed Percent of the logfile replayed Percent of the logfile replayed 0 Current replay speed Current replay speed Current replay speed Speed Start to replay the logfile Start to replay the logfile Start to replay the logfile ... :/images/actions/media-playback-start.svg:/images/actions/media-playback-start.svg true