// Copyright 2010-2018 Google LLC // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // Command line interface to the MPSolver class. // See linear_solver.h and kUsageStr below. #include #include #include #include "absl/strings/match.h" #include "absl/strings/str_format.h" #include "ortools/base/commandlineflags.h" #include "ortools/base/file.h" #include "ortools/base/integral_types.h" #include "ortools/base/logging.h" #include "ortools/base/timer.h" #include "ortools/linear_solver/linear_solver.h" #include "ortools/linear_solver/linear_solver.pb.h" #include "ortools/lp_data/mps_reader.h" #include "ortools/lp_data/proto_utils.h" #include "ortools/util/file_util.h" DEFINE_string(input, "", "REQUIRED: Input file name."); DEFINE_string(solver, "glop", "The solver to use: bop, cbc, clp, glop, glpk_lp, glpk_mip, " "gurobi_lp, gurobi_mip, scip, knapsack."); DEFINE_int32(num_threads, 1, "Number of threads to use by the underlying solver."); DEFINE_string(params_file, "", "Solver specific parameters file. " "If this flag is set, the --params flag is ignored."); DEFINE_string(params, "", "Solver specific parameters"); DEFINE_int64(time_limit_ms, 0, "If strictly positive, specifies a limit in ms on the solving " "time. Otherwise, no time limit will be imposed."); DEFINE_string(output_csv, "", "If non-empty, write the returned solution in csv format with " "each line formed by a variable name and its value."); DEFINE_string(dump_format, "text", "Format in which to dump protos (if flags --dump_model, " "--dump_request, or --dump_response are used). Possible values: " "'text', 'binary', 'json' which correspond to text proto format " "binary proto format, and json. If 'binary' or 'json' are used, " "we append '.bin' and '.json' to file names."); DEFINE_bool(dump_gzip, false, "Whether to gzip dumped protos. Appends .gz to their name."); DEFINE_string(dump_model, "", "If non-empty, dumps MPModelProto there."); DEFINE_string(dump_request, "", "If non-empty, dumps MPModelRequest there."); DEFINE_string(dump_response, "", "If non-empty, dumps MPModelResponse there."); DECLARE_bool(verify_solution); // Defined in ./linear_solver.cc static const char kUsageStr[] = "Run MPSolver on the given input file. Many formats are supported: \n" " - a .mps or .mps.gz file,\n" " - an MPModelProto (binary or text, possibly gzipped),\n" " - an MPModelRequest (binary or text, possibly gzipped).\n" "MPModelProto and MPModelRequest files can comply with either the " "linear_solver.proto or the linear_solver.proto format."; namespace operations_research { namespace { // Returns false if an error was encountered. // More details should be available in the logs. bool Run() { // Create the solver and set its parameters. MPSolver::OptimizationProblemType type; CHECK(MPSolver::ParseSolverType(FLAGS_solver, &type)) << "Unsupported --solver: " << FLAGS_solver; // Load the problem into an MPModelProto. MPModelProto model_proto; MPModelRequest request_proto; if (absl::EndsWith(FLAGS_input, ".mps") || absl::EndsWith(FLAGS_input, ".mps.gz")) { CHECK_OK(glop::MPSReader().ParseFile(FLAGS_input, &model_proto)) << "Error while parsing the mps file '" << FLAGS_input << "'."; } else { ReadFileToProto(FLAGS_input, &model_proto); ReadFileToProto(FLAGS_input, &request_proto); // If the input proto is in binary format, both ReadFileToProto could return // true. Instead use the actual number of variables found to test the // correct format of the input. const bool is_model_proto = model_proto.variable_size() > 0; const bool is_request_proto = request_proto.model().variable_size() > 0; if (!is_model_proto && !is_request_proto) { LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to parse '" << FLAGS_input << "' as an MPModelProto or an MPModelRequest."; } else { CHECK(!(is_model_proto && is_request_proto)); if (is_request_proto) { LOG(INFO) << "Read input proto as an MPModelRequest."; model_proto.Swap(request_proto.mutable_model()); } else { LOG(INFO) << "Read input proto as an MPModelProto."; } } } printf("%-12s: '%s'\n", "File", FLAGS_input.c_str()); // Detect format to dump protos. operations_research::ProtoWriteFormat write_format; if (FLAGS_dump_format == "text") { write_format = ProtoWriteFormat::kProtoText; } else if (FLAGS_dump_format == "binary") { write_format = ProtoWriteFormat::kProtoBinary; } else if (FLAGS_dump_format == "json") { write_format = ProtoWriteFormat::kJson; } else { LOG(FATAL) << "Unsupported --dump_format: " << FLAGS_dump_format; } // Create the solver, we use the name of the model as the solver name. MPSolver solver(model_proto.name(), type); const util::Status set_num_threads_status = solver.SetNumThreads(FLAGS_num_threads); if (set_num_threads_status.ok()) { LOG(INFO) << "Set number of threads to " << FLAGS_num_threads << "."; } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set number of threads due to: " << set_num_threads_status.message() << ". Using 1 as default."; } solver.EnableOutput(); if (!FLAGS_params_file.empty()) { std::string file_contents; CHECK_OK( file::GetContents(FLAGS_params_file, &file_contents, file::Defaults())) << "Could not read parameters file."; CHECK(solver.SetSolverSpecificParametersAsString(file_contents)); } else if (!FLAGS_params.empty()) { CHECK(solver.SetSolverSpecificParametersAsString(FLAGS_params)) << "Wrong --params format."; } absl::PrintF( "%-12s: %s\n", "Solver", MPModelRequest::SolverType_Name( static_cast(solver.ProblemType())) .c_str()); // Load the proto into the solver. std::string error_message; // If requested, save the model to file. if (!FLAGS_dump_model.empty()) { CHECK(WriteProtoToFile(FLAGS_dump_model, model_proto, write_format, FLAGS_dump_gzip)); } const MPSolverResponseStatus status = solver.LoadModelFromProtoWithUniqueNamesOrDie(model_proto, &error_message); if (request_proto.has_solver_time_limit_seconds()) { solver.set_time_limit( static_cast(1000.0 * request_proto.solver_time_limit_seconds())); } // Note, the underlying MPSolver treats time limit equal to 0 as no limit. if (FLAGS_time_limit_ms >= 0) { solver.set_time_limit(FLAGS_time_limit_ms); } if (status != MPSOLVER_MODEL_IS_VALID) { LOG(ERROR) << MPSolverResponseStatus_Name(status) << ": " << error_message; return false; } absl::PrintF("%-12s: %d x %d\n", "Dimension", solver.NumConstraints(), solver.NumVariables()); // Solve. MPSolverParameters param; MPSolver::ResultStatus solve_status = MPSolver::NOT_SOLVED; absl::Duration solving_time; const absl::Time time_before = absl::Now(); solve_status = solver.Solve(param); solving_time = absl::Now() - time_before; // If requested, re-create a corresponding MPModelRequest and save it to file. if (!FLAGS_dump_request.empty()) { operations_research::MPModelRequest request; request.set_solver_type( static_cast(solver.ProblemType())); request.set_solver_time_limit_seconds(solver.time_limit_in_secs()); request.set_solver_specific_parameters( solver.GetSolverSpecificParametersAsString()); *request.mutable_model() = model_proto; CHECK(WriteProtoToFile(FLAGS_dump_request, request, write_format, FLAGS_dump_gzip)); } const bool has_solution = solve_status == MPSolver::OPTIMAL || solve_status == MPSolver::FEASIBLE; // If requested, get the MPModelResponse and save it to file. if (!FLAGS_dump_response.empty() && has_solution) { operations_research::MPSolutionResponse response; solver.FillSolutionResponseProto(&response); CHECK(WriteProtoToFile(FLAGS_dump_response, response, write_format, FLAGS_dump_gzip)); } if (!FLAGS_output_csv.empty() && has_solution) { operations_research::MPSolutionResponse result; solver.FillSolutionResponseProto(&result); std::string csv_file; for (int i = 0; i < result.variable_value_size(); ++i) { csv_file += absl::StrFormat("%s,%e\n", model_proto.variable(i).name(), result.variable_value(i)); } CHECK_OK(file::SetContents(FLAGS_output_csv, csv_file, file::Defaults())); } // If --verify_solution is true, we already verified it. If not, we add // a verification step here. if (has_solution && !FLAGS_verify_solution) { LOG(INFO) << "Verifying the solution"; solver.VerifySolution(/*tolerance=*/param.GetDoubleParam( MPSolverParameters::PRIMAL_TOLERANCE), /*log_errors=*/true); } absl::PrintF("%-12s: %s\n", "Status", MPSolverResponseStatus_Name( static_cast(solve_status)) .c_str()); absl::PrintF("%-12s: %15.15e\n", "Objective", has_solution ? solver.Objective().Value() : 0.0); absl::PrintF("%-12s: %15.15e\n", "BestBound", has_solution ? solver.Objective().BestBound() : 0.0); absl::PrintF("%-12s: %d\n", "Iterations", solver.iterations()); // NOTE(user): nodes() for non-MIP solvers crashes in debug mode by design. if (solver.IsMIP()) { absl::PrintF("%-12s: %d\n", "Nodes", solver.nodes()); } absl::PrintF("%-12s: %-6.4g\n", "Time", absl::ToDoubleSeconds(solving_time)); return true; } } // namespace } // namespace operations_research int main(int argc, char** argv) { gflags::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, /*remove_flags=*/true); CHECK(!FLAGS_input.empty()) << "--input is required"; operations_research::Run(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }