/** * \file LambertConformalConic.cpp * \brief Implementation for GeographicLib::LambertConformalConic class * * Copyright (c) Charles Karney (2010-2017) and licensed * under the MIT/X11 License. For more information, see * https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/ **********************************************************************/ #include namespace GeographicLib { using namespace std; LambertConformalConic::LambertConformalConic(real a, real f, real stdlat, real k0) : eps_(numeric_limits::epsilon()) , epsx_(Math::sq(eps_)) , ahypover_(Math::digits() * log(real(numeric_limits::radix)) + 2) , _a(a) , _f(f) , _fm(1 - _f) , _e2(_f * (2 - _f)) , _es((_f < 0 ? -1 : 1) * sqrt(abs(_e2))) { if (!(Math::isfinite(_a) && _a > 0)) throw GeographicErr("Equatorial radius is not positive"); if (!(Math::isfinite(_f) && _f < 1)) throw GeographicErr("Polar semi-axis is not positive"); if (!(Math::isfinite(k0) && k0 > 0)) throw GeographicErr("Scale is not positive"); if (!(abs(stdlat) <= 90)) throw GeographicErr("Standard latitude not in [-90d, 90d]"); real sphi, cphi; Math::sincosd(stdlat, sphi, cphi); Init(sphi, cphi, sphi, cphi, k0); } LambertConformalConic::LambertConformalConic(real a, real f, real stdlat1, real stdlat2, real k1) : eps_(numeric_limits::epsilon()) , epsx_(Math::sq(eps_)) , ahypover_(Math::digits() * log(real(numeric_limits::radix)) + 2) , _a(a) , _f(f) , _fm(1 - _f) , _e2(_f * (2 - _f)) , _es((_f < 0 ? -1 : 1) * sqrt(abs(_e2))) { if (!(Math::isfinite(_a) && _a > 0)) throw GeographicErr("Equatorial radius is not positive"); if (!(Math::isfinite(_f) && _f < 1)) throw GeographicErr("Polar semi-axis is not positive"); if (!(Math::isfinite(k1) && k1 > 0)) throw GeographicErr("Scale is not positive"); if (!(abs(stdlat1) <= 90)) throw GeographicErr("Standard latitude 1 not in [-90d, 90d]"); if (!(abs(stdlat2) <= 90)) throw GeographicErr("Standard latitude 2 not in [-90d, 90d]"); real sphi1, cphi1, sphi2, cphi2; Math::sincosd(stdlat1, sphi1, cphi1); Math::sincosd(stdlat2, sphi2, cphi2); Init(sphi1, cphi1, sphi2, cphi2, k1); } LambertConformalConic::LambertConformalConic(real a, real f, real sinlat1, real coslat1, real sinlat2, real coslat2, real k1) : eps_(numeric_limits::epsilon()) , epsx_(Math::sq(eps_)) , ahypover_(Math::digits() * log(real(numeric_limits::radix)) + 2) , _a(a) , _f(f) , _fm(1 - _f) , _e2(_f * (2 - _f)) , _es((_f < 0 ? -1 : 1) * sqrt(abs(_e2))) { if (!(Math::isfinite(_a) && _a > 0)) throw GeographicErr("Equatorial radius is not positive"); if (!(Math::isfinite(_f) && _f < 1)) throw GeographicErr("Polar semi-axis is not positive"); if (!(Math::isfinite(k1) && k1 > 0)) throw GeographicErr("Scale is not positive"); if (!(coslat1 >= 0)) throw GeographicErr("Standard latitude 1 not in [-90d, 90d]"); if (!(coslat2 >= 0)) throw GeographicErr("Standard latitude 2 not in [-90d, 90d]"); if (!(abs(sinlat1) <= 1 && coslat1 <= 1) || (coslat1 == 0 && sinlat1 == 0)) throw GeographicErr("Bad sine/cosine of standard latitude 1"); if (!(abs(sinlat2) <= 1 && coslat2 <= 1) || (coslat2 == 0 && sinlat2 == 0)) throw GeographicErr("Bad sine/cosine of standard latitude 2"); if (coslat1 == 0 || coslat2 == 0) if (!(coslat1 == coslat2 && sinlat1 == sinlat2)) throw GeographicErr ("Standard latitudes must be equal is either is a pole"); Init(sinlat1, coslat1, sinlat2, coslat2, k1); } void LambertConformalConic::Init(real sphi1, real cphi1, real sphi2, real cphi2, real k1) { { real r; r = Math::hypot(sphi1, cphi1); sphi1 /= r; cphi1 /= r; r = Math::hypot(sphi2, cphi2); sphi2 /= r; cphi2 /= r; } bool polar = (cphi1 == 0); cphi1 = max(epsx_, cphi1); // Avoid singularities at poles cphi2 = max(epsx_, cphi2); // Determine hemisphere of tangent latitude _sign = sphi1 + sphi2 >= 0 ? 1 : -1; // Internally work with tangent latitude positive sphi1 *= _sign; sphi2 *= _sign; if (sphi1 > sphi2) { swap(sphi1, sphi2); swap(cphi1, cphi2); // Make phi1 < phi2 } real tphi1 = sphi1/cphi1, tphi2 = sphi2/cphi2, tphi0; // // Snyder: 15-8: n = (log(m1) - log(m2))/(log(t1)-log(t2)) // // m = cos(bet) = 1/sec(bet) = 1/sqrt(1+tan(bet)^2) // bet = parametric lat, tan(bet) = (1-f)*tan(phi) // // t = tan(pi/4-chi/2) = 1/(sec(chi) + tan(chi)) = sec(chi) - tan(chi) // log(t) = -asinh(tan(chi)) = -psi // chi = conformal lat // tan(chi) = tan(phi)*cosh(xi) - sinh(xi)*sec(phi) // xi = eatanhe(sin(phi)), eatanhe(x) = e * atanh(e*x) // // n = (log(sec(bet2))-log(sec(bet1)))/(asinh(tan(chi2))-asinh(tan(chi1))) // // Let log(sec(bet)) = b(tphi), asinh(tan(chi)) = c(tphi) // Then n = Db(tphi2, tphi1)/Dc(tphi2, tphi1) // In limit tphi2 -> tphi1, n -> sphi1 // real tbet1 = _fm * tphi1, scbet1 = hyp(tbet1), tbet2 = _fm * tphi2, scbet2 = hyp(tbet2); real scphi1 = 1/cphi1, xi1 = Math::eatanhe(sphi1, _es), shxi1 = sinh(xi1), chxi1 = hyp(shxi1), tchi1 = chxi1 * tphi1 - shxi1 * scphi1, scchi1 = hyp(tchi1), scphi2 = 1/cphi2, xi2 = Math::eatanhe(sphi2, _es), shxi2 = sinh(xi2), chxi2 = hyp(shxi2), tchi2 = chxi2 * tphi2 - shxi2 * scphi2, scchi2 = hyp(tchi2), psi1 = Math::asinh(tchi1); if (tphi2 - tphi1 != 0) { // Db(tphi2, tphi1) real num = Dlog1p(Math::sq(tbet2)/(1 + scbet2), Math::sq(tbet1)/(1 + scbet1)) * Dhyp(tbet2, tbet1, scbet2, scbet1) * _fm; // Dc(tphi2, tphi1) real den = Dasinh(tphi2, tphi1, scphi2, scphi1) - Deatanhe(sphi2, sphi1) * Dsn(tphi2, tphi1, sphi2, sphi1); _n = num/den; if (_n < 0.25) _nc = sqrt((1 - _n) * (1 + _n)); else { // Compute nc = cos(phi0) = sqrt((1 - n) * (1 + n)), evaluating 1 - n // carefully. First write // // Dc(tphi2, tphi1) * (tphi2 - tphi1) // = log(tchi2 + scchi2) - log(tchi1 + scchi1) // // then den * (1 - n) = // (log((tchi2 + scchi2)/(2*scbet2)) - // log((tchi1 + scchi1)/(2*scbet1))) / (tphi2 - tphi1) // = Dlog1p(a2, a1) * (tchi2+scchi2 + tchi1+scchi1)/(4*scbet1*scbet2) // * fm * Q // // where // a1 = ( (tchi1 - scbet1) + (scchi1 - scbet1) ) / (2 * scbet1) // Q = ((scbet2 + scbet1)/fm)/((scchi2 + scchi1)/D(tchi2, tchi1)) // - (tbet2 + tbet1)/(scbet2 + scbet1) real t; { real // s1 = (scbet1 - scchi1) * (scbet1 + scchi1) s1 = (tphi1 * (2 * shxi1 * chxi1 * scphi1 - _e2 * tphi1) - Math::sq(shxi1) * (1 + 2 * Math::sq(tphi1))), s2 = (tphi2 * (2 * shxi2 * chxi2 * scphi2 - _e2 * tphi2) - Math::sq(shxi2) * (1 + 2 * Math::sq(tphi2))), // t1 = scbet1 - tchi1 t1 = tchi1 < 0 ? scbet1 - tchi1 : (s1 + 1)/(scbet1 + tchi1), t2 = tchi2 < 0 ? scbet2 - tchi2 : (s2 + 1)/(scbet2 + tchi2), a2 = -(s2 / (scbet2 + scchi2) + t2) / (2 * scbet2), a1 = -(s1 / (scbet1 + scchi1) + t1) / (2 * scbet1); t = Dlog1p(a2, a1) / den; } // multiply by (tchi2 + scchi2 + tchi1 + scchi1)/(4*scbet1*scbet2) * fm t *= ( ( (tchi2 >= 0 ? scchi2 + tchi2 : 1/(scchi2 - tchi2)) + (tchi1 >= 0 ? scchi1 + tchi1 : 1/(scchi1 - tchi1)) ) / (4 * scbet1 * scbet2) ) * _fm; // Rewrite // Q = (1 - (tbet2 + tbet1)/(scbet2 + scbet1)) - // (1 - ((scbet2 + scbet1)/fm)/((scchi2 + scchi1)/D(tchi2, tchi1))) // = tbm - tam // where real tbm = ( ((tbet1 > 0 ? 1/(scbet1+tbet1) : scbet1 - tbet1) + (tbet2 > 0 ? 1/(scbet2+tbet2) : scbet2 - tbet2)) / (scbet1+scbet2) ); // tam = (1 - ((scbet2+scbet1)/fm)/((scchi2+scchi1)/D(tchi2, tchi1))) // // Let // (scbet2 + scbet1)/fm = scphi2 + scphi1 + dbet // (scchi2 + scchi1)/D(tchi2, tchi1) = scphi2 + scphi1 + dchi // then // tam = D(tchi2, tchi1) * (dchi - dbet) / (scchi1 + scchi2) real // D(tchi2, tchi1) dtchi = den / Dasinh(tchi2, tchi1, scchi2, scchi1), // (scbet2 + scbet1)/fm - (scphi2 + scphi1) dbet = (_e2/_fm) * ( 1 / (scbet2 + _fm * scphi2) + 1 / (scbet1 + _fm * scphi1) ); // dchi = (scchi2 + scchi1)/D(tchi2, tchi1) - (scphi2 + scphi1) // Let // tzet = chxiZ * tphi - shxiZ * scphi // tchi = tzet + nu // scchi = sczet + mu // where // xiZ = eatanhe(1), shxiZ = sinh(xiZ), chxiZ = cosh(xiZ) // nu = scphi * (shxiZ - shxi) - tphi * (chxiZ - chxi) // mu = - scphi * (chxiZ - chxi) + tphi * (shxiZ - shxi) // then // dchi = ((mu2 + mu1) - D(nu2, nu1) * (scphi2 + scphi1)) / // D(tchi2, tchi1) real xiZ = Math::eatanhe(real(1), _es), shxiZ = sinh(xiZ), chxiZ = hyp(shxiZ), // These are differences not divided differences // dxiZ1 = xiZ - xi1; dshxiZ1 = shxiZ - shxi; dchxiZ1 = chxiZ - chxi dxiZ1 = Deatanhe(real(1), sphi1)/(scphi1*(tphi1+scphi1)), dxiZ2 = Deatanhe(real(1), sphi2)/(scphi2*(tphi2+scphi2)), dshxiZ1 = Dsinh(xiZ, xi1, shxiZ, shxi1, chxiZ, chxi1) * dxiZ1, dshxiZ2 = Dsinh(xiZ, xi2, shxiZ, shxi2, chxiZ, chxi2) * dxiZ2, dchxiZ1 = Dhyp(shxiZ, shxi1, chxiZ, chxi1) * dshxiZ1, dchxiZ2 = Dhyp(shxiZ, shxi2, chxiZ, chxi2) * dshxiZ2, // mu1 + mu2 amu12 = (- scphi1 * dchxiZ1 + tphi1 * dshxiZ1 - scphi2 * dchxiZ2 + tphi2 * dshxiZ2), // D(xi2, xi1) dxi = Deatanhe(sphi1, sphi2) * Dsn(tphi2, tphi1, sphi2, sphi1), // D(nu2, nu1) dnu12 = ( (_f * 4 * scphi2 * dshxiZ2 > _f * scphi1 * dshxiZ1 ? // Use divided differences (dshxiZ1 + dshxiZ2)/2 * Dhyp(tphi1, tphi2, scphi1, scphi2) - ( (scphi1 + scphi2)/2 * Dsinh(xi1, xi2, shxi1, shxi2, chxi1, chxi2) * dxi ) : // Use ratio of differences (scphi2 * dshxiZ2 - scphi1 * dshxiZ1)/(tphi2 - tphi1)) + ( (tphi1 + tphi2)/2 * Dhyp(shxi1, shxi2, chxi1, chxi2) * Dsinh(xi1, xi2, shxi1, shxi2, chxi1, chxi2) * dxi ) - (dchxiZ1 + dchxiZ2)/2 ), // dtchi * dchi dchia = (amu12 - dnu12 * (scphi2 + scphi1)), tam = (dchia - dtchi * dbet) / (scchi1 + scchi2); t *= tbm - tam; _nc = sqrt(max(real(0), t) * (1 + _n)); } { real r = Math::hypot(_n, _nc); _n /= r; _nc /= r; } tphi0 = _n / _nc; } else { tphi0 = tphi1; _nc = 1/hyp(tphi0); _n = tphi0 * _nc; if (polar) _nc = 0; } _scbet0 = hyp(_fm * tphi0); real shxi0 = sinh(Math::eatanhe(_n, _es)); _tchi0 = tphi0 * hyp(shxi0) - shxi0 * hyp(tphi0); _scchi0 = hyp(_tchi0); _psi0 = Math::asinh(_tchi0); _lat0 = atan(_sign * tphi0) / Math::degree(); _t0nm1 = Math::expm1(- _n * _psi0); // Snyder's t0^n - 1 // a * k1 * m1/t1^n = a * k1 * m2/t2^n = a * k1 * n * (Snyder's F) // = a * k1 / (scbet1 * exp(-n * psi1)) _scale = _a * k1 / scbet1 * // exp(n * psi1) = exp(- (1 - n) * psi1) * exp(psi1) // with (1-n) = nc^2/(1+n) and exp(-psi1) = scchi1 + tchi1 exp( - (Math::sq(_nc)/(1 + _n)) * psi1 ) * (tchi1 >= 0 ? scchi1 + tchi1 : 1 / (scchi1 - tchi1)); // Scale at phi0 = k0 = k1 * (scbet0*exp(-n*psi0))/(scbet1*exp(-n*psi1)) // = k1 * scbet0/scbet1 * exp(n * (psi1 - psi0)) // psi1 - psi0 = Dasinh(tchi1, tchi0) * (tchi1 - tchi0) _k0 = k1 * (_scbet0/scbet1) * exp( - (Math::sq(_nc)/(1 + _n)) * Dasinh(tchi1, _tchi0, scchi1, _scchi0) * (tchi1 - _tchi0)) * (tchi1 >= 0 ? scchi1 + tchi1 : 1 / (scchi1 - tchi1)) / (_scchi0 + _tchi0); _nrho0 = polar ? 0 : _a * _k0 / _scbet0; { // Figure _drhomax using code at beginning of Forward with lat = -90 real sphi = -1, cphi = epsx_, tphi = sphi/cphi, scphi = 1/cphi, shxi = sinh(Math::eatanhe(sphi, _es)), tchi = hyp(shxi) * tphi - shxi * scphi, scchi = hyp(tchi), psi = Math::asinh(tchi), dpsi = Dasinh(tchi, _tchi0, scchi, _scchi0) * (tchi - _tchi0); _drhomax = - _scale * (2 * _nc < 1 && dpsi != 0 ? (exp(Math::sq(_nc)/(1 + _n) * psi ) * (tchi > 0 ? 1/(scchi + tchi) : (scchi - tchi)) - (_t0nm1 + 1))/(-_n) : Dexp(-_n * psi, -_n * _psi0) * dpsi); } } const LambertConformalConic& LambertConformalConic::Mercator() { static const LambertConformalConic mercator(Constants::WGS84_a(), Constants::WGS84_f(), real(0), real(1)); return mercator; } void LambertConformalConic::Forward(real lon0, real lat, real lon, real& x, real& y, real& gamma, real& k) const { lon = Math::AngDiff(lon0, lon); // From Snyder, we have // // theta = n * lambda // x = rho * sin(theta) // = (nrho0 + n * drho) * sin(theta)/n // y = rho0 - rho * cos(theta) // = nrho0 * (1-cos(theta))/n - drho * cos(theta) // // where nrho0 = n * rho0, drho = rho - rho0 // and drho is evaluated with divided differences real sphi, cphi; Math::sincosd(Math::LatFix(lat) * _sign, sphi, cphi); cphi = max(epsx_, cphi); real lam = lon * Math::degree(), tphi = sphi/cphi, scbet = hyp(_fm * tphi), scphi = 1/cphi, shxi = sinh(Math::eatanhe(sphi, _es)), tchi = hyp(shxi) * tphi - shxi * scphi, scchi = hyp(tchi), psi = Math::asinh(tchi), theta = _n * lam, stheta = sin(theta), ctheta = cos(theta), dpsi = Dasinh(tchi, _tchi0, scchi, _scchi0) * (tchi - _tchi0), drho = - _scale * (2 * _nc < 1 && dpsi != 0 ? (exp(Math::sq(_nc)/(1 + _n) * psi ) * (tchi > 0 ? 1/(scchi + tchi) : (scchi - tchi)) - (_t0nm1 + 1))/(-_n) : Dexp(-_n * psi, -_n * _psi0) * dpsi); x = (_nrho0 + _n * drho) * (_n != 0 ? stheta / _n : lam); y = _nrho0 * (_n != 0 ? (ctheta < 0 ? 1 - ctheta : Math::sq(stheta)/(1 + ctheta)) / _n : 0) - drho * ctheta; k = _k0 * (scbet/_scbet0) / (exp( - (Math::sq(_nc)/(1 + _n)) * dpsi ) * (tchi >= 0 ? scchi + tchi : 1 / (scchi - tchi)) / (_scchi0 + _tchi0)); y *= _sign; gamma = _sign * theta / Math::degree(); } void LambertConformalConic::Reverse(real lon0, real x, real y, real& lat, real& lon, real& gamma, real& k) const { // From Snyder, we have // // x = rho * sin(theta) // rho0 - y = rho * cos(theta) // // rho = hypot(x, rho0 - y) // drho = (n*x^2 - 2*y*nrho0 + n*y^2)/(hypot(n*x, nrho0-n*y) + nrho0) // theta = atan2(n*x, nrho0-n*y) // // From drho, obtain t^n-1 // psi = -log(t), so // dpsi = - Dlog1p(t^n-1, t0^n-1) * drho / scale y *= _sign; real // Guard against 0 * inf in computation of ny nx = _n * x, ny = _n != 0 ? _n * y : 0, y1 = _nrho0 - ny, den = Math::hypot(nx, y1) + _nrho0, // 0 implies origin with polar aspect // isfinite test is to avoid inf/inf drho = ((den != 0 && Math::isfinite(den)) ? (x*nx + y * (ny - 2*_nrho0)) / den : den); drho = min(drho, _drhomax); if (_n == 0) drho = max(drho, -_drhomax); real tnm1 = _t0nm1 + _n * drho/_scale, dpsi = (den == 0 ? 0 : (tnm1 + 1 != 0 ? - Dlog1p(tnm1, _t0nm1) * drho / _scale : ahypover_)); real tchi; if (2 * _n <= 1) { // tchi = sinh(psi) real psi = _psi0 + dpsi, tchia = sinh(psi), scchi = hyp(tchia), dtchi = Dsinh(psi, _psi0, tchia, _tchi0, scchi, _scchi0) * dpsi; tchi = _tchi0 + dtchi; // Update tchi using divided difference } else { // tchi = sinh(-1/n * log(tn)) // = sinh((1-1/n) * log(tn) - log(tn)) // = + sinh((1-1/n) * log(tn)) * cosh(log(tn)) // - cosh((1-1/n) * log(tn)) * sinh(log(tn)) // (1-1/n) = - nc^2/(n*(1+n)) // cosh(log(tn)) = (tn + 1/tn)/2; sinh(log(tn)) = (tn - 1/tn)/2 real tn = tnm1 + 1 == 0 ? epsx_ : tnm1 + 1, sh = sinh( -Math::sq(_nc)/(_n * (1 + _n)) * (2 * tn > 1 ? Math::log1p(tnm1) : log(tn)) ); tchi = sh * (tn + 1/tn)/2 - hyp(sh) * (tnm1 * (tn + 1)/tn)/2; } // log(t) = -asinh(tan(chi)) = -psi gamma = atan2(nx, y1); real tphi = Math::tauf(tchi, _es), scbet = hyp(_fm * tphi), scchi = hyp(tchi), lam = _n != 0 ? gamma / _n : x / y1; lat = Math::atand(_sign * tphi); lon = lam / Math::degree(); lon = Math::AngNormalize(lon + Math::AngNormalize(lon0)); k = _k0 * (scbet/_scbet0) / (exp(_nc != 0 ? - (Math::sq(_nc)/(1 + _n)) * dpsi : 0) * (tchi >= 0 ? scchi + tchi : 1 / (scchi - tchi)) / (_scchi0 + _tchi0)); gamma /= _sign * Math::degree(); } void LambertConformalConic::SetScale(real lat, real k) { if (!(Math::isfinite(k) && k > 0)) throw GeographicErr("Scale is not positive"); if (!(abs(lat) <= 90)) throw GeographicErr("Latitude for SetScale not in [-90d, 90d]"); if (abs(lat) == 90 && !(_nc == 0 && lat * _n > 0)) throw GeographicErr("Incompatible polar latitude in SetScale"); real x, y, gamma, kold; Forward(0, lat, 0, x, y, gamma, kold); k /= kold; _scale *= k; _k0 *= k; } } // namespace GeographicLib