/** * \file DMS.cpp * \brief Implementation for GeographicLib::DMS class * * Copyright (c) Charles Karney (2008-2019) and licensed * under the MIT/X11 License. For more information, see * https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/ **********************************************************************/ #include #include #if defined(_MSC_VER) // Squelch warnings about constant conditional expressions # pragma warning (disable: 4127) #endif namespace GeographicLib { using namespace std; const char* const DMS::hemispheres_ = "SNWE"; const char* const DMS::signs_ = "-+"; const char* const DMS::digits_ = "0123456789"; const char* const DMS::dmsindicators_ = "D'\":"; const char* const DMS::components_[] = {"degrees", "minutes", "seconds"}; Math::real DMS::Decode(const std::string& dms, flag& ind) { string dmsa = dms; replace(dmsa, "\xe2\x88\x92", '-'); // U+2212 minus sign replace(dmsa, "\xc2\xb0", 'd'); // U+00b0 degree symbol replace(dmsa, "\xb0", 'd'); // 0xb0 bare degree symbol replace(dmsa, "\xc2\xba", 'd'); // U+00ba alt symbol replace(dmsa, "\xba", 'd'); // 0xba bare alt symbol replace(dmsa, "\xe2\x81\xb0", 'd'); // U+2070 sup zero replace(dmsa, "\xcb\x9a", 'd'); // U+02da ring above replace(dmsa, "\xe2\x80\xb2", '\''); // U+2032 prime replace(dmsa, "\xc2\xb4", '\''); // U+00b4 acute accent replace(dmsa, "\xb4", '\''); // 0xb4 bare acute accent replace(dmsa, "\xe2\x80\x99", '\''); // U+2019 right single quote replace(dmsa, "\xe2\x80\xb3", '"'); // U+2033 double prime replace(dmsa, "\xe2\x80\x9d", '"'); // U+201d right double quote replace(dmsa, "\xc2\xa0", '\0'); // U+00a0 non-breaking space replace(dmsa, "\xa0", '\0'); // 0xa0 bare non-breaking space replace(dmsa, "\xe2\x80\xaf", '\0'); // U+202f narrow space replace(dmsa, "\xe2\x80\x87", '\0'); // U+2007 figure space replace(dmsa, "''", '"'); // '' -> " string::size_type beg = 0, end = unsigned(dmsa.size()); while (beg < end && isspace(dmsa[beg])) ++beg; while (beg < end && isspace(dmsa[end - 1])) --end; // The trimmed string in [beg, end) real v = 0; int i = 0; flag ind1 = NONE; // p is pointer to the next piece that needs decoding for (string::size_type p = beg, pb; p < end; p = pb, ++i) { string::size_type pa = p; // Skip over initial hemisphere letter (for i == 0) if (i == 0 && Utility::lookup(hemispheres_, dmsa[pa]) >= 0) ++pa; // Skip over initial sign (checking for it if i == 0) if (i > 0 || (pa < end && Utility::lookup(signs_, dmsa[pa]) >= 0)) ++pa; // Find next sign pb = min(dmsa.find_first_of(signs_, pa), end); flag ind2 = NONE; v += InternalDecode(dmsa.substr(p, pb - p), ind2); if (ind1 == NONE) ind1 = ind2; else if (!(ind2 == NONE || ind1 == ind2)) throw GeographicErr("Incompatible hemisphere specifies in " + dmsa.substr(beg, pb - beg)); } if (i == 0) throw GeographicErr("Empty or incomplete DMS string " + dmsa.substr(beg, end - beg)); ind = ind1; return v; } Math::real DMS::InternalDecode(const std::string& dmsa, flag& ind) { string errormsg; do { // Executed once (provides the ability to break) int sign = 1; unsigned beg = 0, end = unsigned(dmsa.size()); flag ind1 = NONE; int k = -1; if (end > beg && (k = Utility::lookup(hemispheres_, dmsa[beg])) >= 0) { ind1 = (k / 2) ? LONGITUDE : LATITUDE; sign = k % 2 ? 1 : -1; ++beg; } if (end > beg && (k = Utility::lookup(hemispheres_, dmsa[end-1])) >= 0) { if (k >= 0) { if (ind1 != NONE) { if (toupper(dmsa[beg - 1]) == toupper(dmsa[end - 1])) errormsg = "Repeated hemisphere indicators " + Utility::str(dmsa[beg - 1]) + " in " + dmsa.substr(beg - 1, end - beg + 1); else errormsg = "Contradictory hemisphere indicators " + Utility::str(dmsa[beg - 1]) + " and " + Utility::str(dmsa[end - 1]) + " in " + dmsa.substr(beg - 1, end - beg + 1); break; } ind1 = (k / 2) ? LONGITUDE : LATITUDE; sign = k % 2 ? 1 : -1; --end; } } if (end > beg && (k = Utility::lookup(signs_, dmsa[beg])) >= 0) { if (k >= 0) { sign *= k ? 1 : -1; ++beg; } } if (end == beg) { errormsg = "Empty or incomplete DMS string " + dmsa; break; } real ipieces[] = {0, 0, 0}; real fpieces[] = {0, 0, 0}; unsigned npiece = 0; real icurrent = 0; real fcurrent = 0; unsigned ncurrent = 0, p = beg; bool pointseen = false; unsigned digcount = 0, intcount = 0; while (p < end) { char x = dmsa[p++]; if ((k = Utility::lookup(digits_, x)) >= 0) { ++ncurrent; if (digcount > 0) ++digcount; // Count of decimal digits else { icurrent = 10 * icurrent + k; ++intcount; } } else if (x == '.') { if (pointseen) { errormsg = "Multiple decimal points in " + dmsa.substr(beg, end - beg); break; } pointseen = true; digcount = 1; } else if ((k = Utility::lookup(dmsindicators_, x)) >= 0) { if (k >= 3) { if (p == end) { errormsg = "Illegal for : to appear at the end of " + dmsa.substr(beg, end - beg); break; } k = npiece; } if (unsigned(k) == npiece - 1) { errormsg = "Repeated " + string(components_[k]) + " component in " + dmsa.substr(beg, end - beg); break; } else if (unsigned(k) < npiece) { errormsg = string(components_[k]) + " component follows " + string(components_[npiece - 1]) + " component in " + dmsa.substr(beg, end - beg); break; } if (ncurrent == 0) { errormsg = "Missing numbers in " + string(components_[k]) + " component of " + dmsa.substr(beg, end - beg); break; } if (digcount > 0) { istringstream s(dmsa.substr(p - intcount - digcount - 1, intcount + digcount)); s >> fcurrent; icurrent = 0; } ipieces[k] = icurrent; fpieces[k] = icurrent + fcurrent; if (p < end) { npiece = k + 1; icurrent = fcurrent = 0; ncurrent = digcount = intcount = 0; } } else if (Utility::lookup(signs_, x) >= 0) { errormsg = "Internal sign in DMS string " + dmsa.substr(beg, end - beg); break; } else { errormsg = "Illegal character " + Utility::str(x) + " in DMS string " + dmsa.substr(beg, end - beg); break; } } if (!errormsg.empty()) break; if (Utility::lookup(dmsindicators_, dmsa[p - 1]) < 0) { if (npiece >= 3) { errormsg = "Extra text following seconds in DMS string " + dmsa.substr(beg, end - beg); break; } if (ncurrent == 0) { errormsg = "Missing numbers in trailing component of " + dmsa.substr(beg, end - beg); break; } if (digcount > 0) { istringstream s(dmsa.substr(p - intcount - digcount, intcount + digcount)); s >> fcurrent; icurrent = 0; } ipieces[npiece] = icurrent; fpieces[npiece] = icurrent + fcurrent; } if (pointseen && digcount == 0) { errormsg = "Decimal point in non-terminal component of " + dmsa.substr(beg, end - beg); break; } // Note that we accept 59.999999... even though it rounds to 60. if (ipieces[1] >= 60 || fpieces[1] > 60 ) { errormsg = "Minutes " + Utility::str(fpieces[1]) + " not in range [0, 60)"; break; } if (ipieces[2] >= 60 || fpieces[2] > 60) { errormsg = "Seconds " + Utility::str(fpieces[2]) + " not in range [0, 60)"; break; } ind = ind1; // Assume check on range of result is made by calling routine (which // might be able to offer a better diagnostic). return real(sign) * ( fpieces[2] != 0 ? (60*(60*fpieces[0] + fpieces[1]) + fpieces[2]) / 3600 : ( fpieces[1] != 0 ? (60*fpieces[0] + fpieces[1]) / 60 : fpieces[0] ) ); } while (false); real val = Utility::nummatch(dmsa); if (val == 0) throw GeographicErr(errormsg); else ind = NONE; return val; } void DMS::DecodeLatLon(const std::string& stra, const std::string& strb, real& lat, real& lon, bool longfirst) { real a, b; flag ia, ib; a = Decode(stra, ia); b = Decode(strb, ib); if (ia == NONE && ib == NONE) { // Default to lat, long unless longfirst ia = longfirst ? LONGITUDE : LATITUDE; ib = longfirst ? LATITUDE : LONGITUDE; } else if (ia == NONE) ia = flag(LATITUDE + LONGITUDE - ib); else if (ib == NONE) ib = flag(LATITUDE + LONGITUDE - ia); if (ia == ib) throw GeographicErr("Both " + stra + " and " + strb + " interpreted as " + (ia == LATITUDE ? "latitudes" : "longitudes")); real lat1 = ia == LATITUDE ? a : b, lon1 = ia == LATITUDE ? b : a; if (abs(lat1) > 90) throw GeographicErr("Latitude " + Utility::str(lat1) + "d not in [-90d, 90d]"); lat = lat1; lon = lon1; } Math::real DMS::DecodeAngle(const std::string& angstr) { flag ind; real ang = Decode(angstr, ind); if (ind != NONE) throw GeographicErr("Arc angle " + angstr + " includes a hemisphere, N/E/W/S"); return ang; } Math::real DMS::DecodeAzimuth(const std::string& azistr) { flag ind; real azi = Decode(azistr, ind); if (ind == LATITUDE) throw GeographicErr("Azimuth " + azistr + " has a latitude hemisphere, N/S"); return Math::AngNormalize(azi); } string DMS::Encode(real angle, component trailing, unsigned prec, flag ind, char dmssep) { // Assume check on range of input angle has been made by calling // routine (which might be able to offer a better diagnostic). if (!Math::isfinite(angle)) return angle < 0 ? string("-inf") : (angle > 0 ? string("inf") : string("nan")); // 15 - 2 * trailing = ceiling(log10(2^53/90/60^trailing)). // This suffices to give full real precision for numbers in [-90,90] prec = min(15 + Math::extra_digits() - 2 * unsigned(trailing), prec); real scale = 1; for (unsigned i = 0; i < unsigned(trailing); ++i) scale *= 60; for (unsigned i = 0; i < prec; ++i) scale *= 10; if (ind == AZIMUTH) angle -= floor(angle/360) * 360; int sign = angle < 0 ? -1 : 1; angle *= sign; // Break off integer part to preserve precision in manipulation of // fractional part. real idegree = floor(angle), fdegree = (angle - idegree) * scale + real(0.5); { // Implement the "round ties to even" rule real f = floor(fdegree); fdegree = (f == fdegree && fmod(f, real(2)) == 1) ? f - 1 : f; } fdegree /= scale; if (fdegree >= 1) { idegree += 1; fdegree -= 1; } real pieces[3] = {fdegree, 0, 0}; for (unsigned i = 1; i <= unsigned(trailing); ++i) { real ip = floor(pieces[i - 1]), fp = pieces[i - 1] - ip; pieces[i] = fp * 60; pieces[i - 1] = ip; } pieces[0] += idegree; ostringstream s; s << fixed << setfill('0'); if (ind == NONE && sign < 0) s << '-'; switch (trailing) { case DEGREE: if (ind != NONE) s << setw(1 + min(int(ind), 2) + prec + (prec ? 1 : 0)); s << Utility::str(pieces[0], prec); // Don't include degree designator (d) if it is the trailing component. break; default: if (ind != NONE) s << setw(1 + min(int(ind), 2)); s << int(pieces[0]) << (dmssep ? dmssep : char(tolower(dmsindicators_[0]))); switch (trailing) { case MINUTE: s << setw(2 + prec + (prec ? 1 : 0)) << Utility::str(pieces[1], prec); if (!dmssep) s << char(tolower(dmsindicators_[1])); break; case SECOND: s << setw(2) << int(pieces[1]) << (dmssep ? dmssep : char(tolower(dmsindicators_[1]))) << setw(2 + prec + (prec ? 1 : 0)) << Utility::str(pieces[2], prec); if (!dmssep) s << char(tolower(dmsindicators_[2])); break; default: break; } } if (ind != NONE && ind != AZIMUTH) s << hemispheres_[(ind == LATITUDE ? 0 : 2) + (sign < 0 ? 0 : 1)]; return s.str(); } } // namespace GeographicLib