function [lat, lon, gam, k] = tranmerc_inv(lat0, lon0, x, y, ellipsoid) %TRANMERC_INV Inverse transverse Mercator projection % % [lat, lon] = TRANMERC_INV(lat0, lon0, x, y) % [lat, lon, gam, k] = TRANMERC_INV(lat0, lon0, x, y, ellipsoid) % % performs the inverse transverse Mercator projection of points (x,y) to % (lat,lon) using (lat0,lon0) as the center of projection. These input % arguments can be scalars or arrays of equal size. The ellipsoid vector % is of the form [a, e], where a is the equatorial radius in meters, e is % the eccentricity. If ellipsoid is omitted, the WGS84 ellipsoid (more % precisely, the value returned by defaultellipsoid) is used. The common % case of lat0 = 0 is treated efficiently provided that lat0 is specified % as a scalar. projdoc defines the projection and gives the restrictions % on the allowed ranges of the arguments. The forward projection is % given by tranmerc_fwd. The scale on the central meridian is 1. % % gam and K give metric properties of the projection at (lat,lon); gam is % the meridian convergence at the point and k is the scale. % % lat0, lon0, lat, lon, gam are in degrees. The projected coordinates x, % y are in meters (more precisely the units used for the equatorial % radius). k is dimensionless. % % This implementation of the projection is based on the series method % described in % % C. F. F. Karney, Transverse Mercator with an accuracy of a few % nanometers, J. Geodesy 85(8), 475-485 (Aug. 2011); % Addenda: % % This extends the series given by Krueger (1912) to sixth order in the % flattening. This is a substantially better series than that used by % the MATLAB mapping toolbox. In particular the errors in the projection % are less than 5 nanometers within 3900 km of the central meridian (and % less than 1 mm within 7600 km of the central meridian). The mapping % can be continued accurately over the poles to the opposite meridian. % % See also PROJDOC, TRANMERC_FWD, UTMUPS_FWD, UTMUPS_INV, % DEFAULTELLIPSOID, FLAT2ECC. % Copyright (c) Charles Karney (2012-2018) . narginchk(4, 5) if nargin < 5, ellipsoid = defaultellipsoid; end try S = size(lat0 + lon0 + x + y); catch error('lat0, lon0, x, y have incompatible sizes') end if length(ellipsoid(:)) ~= 2 error('ellipsoid must be a vector of size 2') end Z = zeros(prod(S),1); maxpow = 6; a = ellipsoid(1); e2 = real(ellipsoid(2)^2); f = e2 / (1 + sqrt(1 - e2)); e2m = 1 - e2; cc = sqrt(e2m) * exp(eatanhe(1, e2)); n = f / (2 -f); bet = betf(n); b1 = (1 - f) * (A1m1f(n) + 1); a1 = b1 * a; if isscalar(lat0) && lat0 == 0 y0 = 0; else [sbet0, cbet0] = sincosdx(LatFix(lat0(:))); [sbet0, cbet0] = norm2((1-f) * sbet0, cbet0); y0 = a1 * (atan2(sbet0, cbet0) + ... SinCosSeries(true, sbet0, cbet0, C1f(n))); end y = y(:) + y0 + Z; xi = y / a1; eta = x(:) / a1 + Z; xisign = 1 - 2 * (xi < 0 ); etasign = 1 - 2 * (eta < 0 ); xi = xi .* xisign; eta = eta .* etasign; backside = xi > pi/2; xi(backside) = pi - xi(backside); c0 = cos(2 * xi); ch0 = cosh(2 * eta); s0 = sin(2 * xi); sh0 = sinh(2 * eta); a = 2 * complex(c0 .* ch0, -s0 .* sh0); j = maxpow; y0 = complex(Z); y1 = y0; z0 = y0; z1 = y0; if mod(j, 2) y0 = y0 + bet(j); z0 = z0 - 2*j * bet(j); j = j - 1; end for j = j : -2 : 1 y1 = a .* y0 - y1 - bet(j); z1 = a .* z0 - z1 - 2*j * bet(j); y0 = a .* y1 - y0 - bet(j-1); z0 = a .* z1 - z0 - 2*(j-1) * bet(j-1); end a = a/2; z1 = 1 - z1 + z0 .* a; a = complex(s0 .* ch0, c0 .* sh0); y1 = complex(xi, eta) + y0 .* a; gam = atan2dx(imag(z1), real(z1)); k = b1 ./ abs(z1); xip = real(y1); etap = imag(y1); s = sinh(etap); c = max(0, cos(xip)); r = hypot(s, c); lon = atan2dx(s, c); sxip = sin(xip); tau = tauf(sxip./r, e2); lat = atan2dx(tau, 1 + Z); gam = gam + atan2dx(sxip .* tanh(etap), c); c = r ~= 0; k(c) = k(c) .* sqrt(e2m + e2 ./ (1 + tau.^2)) .* ... hypot(1, tau(c)) .* r(c); c = ~c; if any(c) lat(c) = 90; lon(c) = 0; k(c) = k(c) * cc; end lat = lat .* xisign; lon(backside) = 180 - lon(backside); lon = lon .* etasign; lon = AngNormalize(lon + AngNormalize(lon0(:))); gam(backside) = 180 - gam(backside); gam = AngNormalize(gam .* xisign .* etasign); lat = reshape(lat, S); lon = reshape(lon, S); gam = reshape(gam, S); k = reshape(k, S); end function bet = betf(n) persistent betcoeff if isempty(betcoeff) betcoeff = [ 384796, -382725, -6720, 932400, -1612800, 1209600, 2419200, ... -1118711, 1695744, -1174656, 258048, 80640, 3870720, ... 22276, -16929, -15984, 12852, 362880, ... -830251, -158400, 197865, 7257600, ... -435388, 453717, 15966720, ... 20648693, 638668800, ... ]; end maxpow = 6; bet = zeros(1, maxpow); o = 1; d = n; for l = 1 : maxpow m = maxpow - l; bet(l) = d * polyval(betcoeff(o : o + m), n) / betcoeff(o + m + 1); o = o + m + 2; d = d * n; end end