function projdoc %PROJDOC Projections for an ellipsoid % % This package implements five projections: % * the transverse Mercator projection (tranmerc) % * the polar stereographic projection (polarst) % * the azimuthal equidistant projection (eqdazim) % * the Cassini-Soldner projection (cassini) % * the ellipsoidal gnomonic projection (gnomonic) % % The package implements the forward projection (from geographic to % projected coordinates) and inverse projection (from projected to % geographic coordinates) with abbreviated function names (listed in % parentheses in the list above) suffixed by _fwd and _inv. For each % function, metric properties of the projection are also returned. % % The ellipsoidal gnomonic projection is defined by % % [~,azi0,~,~,m,M] = geoddistance(lat0,lon0,lat,lon) % rho = m./M, x = rho.*sind(azi0), y = rho.*cosd(azi0) % % Obviously this is an azimuthal projection. It also enjoys % approximately the property of the spherical gnomonic projection, that % geodesics map to straight lines. The projection is derived in Section % 8 of % % C. F. F. Karney, Algorithms for geodesics, % J. Geodesy 87, 43-55 (2013); % % Addenda: % % The parameters of the ellipsoid are specified by the optional ellipsoid % argument to the routines. This is a two-element vector of the form % [a,e], where a is the equatorial radius, e is the eccentricity e = % sqrt(a^2-b^2)/a, and b is the polar semi-axis. Typically, a and b are % measured in meters and the linear and area quantities returned by the % routines are then in meters and meters^2. However, other units can be % employed. If ellipsoid is omitted, then the WGS84 ellipsoid (more % precisely, the value returned by defaultellipsoid) is assumed [6378137, % 0.0818191908426215] corresponding to a = 6378137 meters and a % flattening f = (a-b)/a = 1/298.257223563. The flattening and % eccentricity are related by % % e = sqrt(f * (2 - f)) % f = e^2 / (1 + sqrt(1 - e^2)) % % (The functions ecc2flat and flat2ecc implement these conversions.) For % a sphere, set e = 0; for a prolate ellipsoid (b > a), specify e as a % pure imaginary number. % % All angles (latitude, longitude, azimuth) are measured in degrees with % latitudes increasing northwards, longitudes increasing eastwards, and % azimuths measured clockwise from north. For a point at a pole, the % azimuth is defined by keeping the longitude fixed, writing lat = % +/-(90-eps), and taking the limit eps -> 0+. % % Restrictions on the inputs: % * All latitudes must lie in [-90, 90]. % * The equatorial radius, a, must be positive. % * The eccentricity, e, should be satisfy abs(e) < 0.2 in order to % retain full accuracy (this corresponds to flattenings satisfying % abs(f) <= 1/50, approximately). This condition holds for most % applications in geodesy. % % See also TRANMERC_FWD, TRANMERC_INV, POLARST_FWD, POLARST_INV, % EQDAZIM_FWD, EQDAZIM_INV, CASSINI_FWD, CASSINI_INV, GNOMONIC_FWD, % GNOMONIC_INV, DEFAULTELLIPSOID, ECC2FLAT, FLAT2ECC. % Copyright (c) Charles Karney (2012-2015) . help projdoc end