function N = geoid_height(lat, lon, geoidname, geoiddir) %GEOID_HEIGHT Compute the height of the geoid above the ellipsoid % % N = GEOID_HEIGHT(lat, lon) % N = GEOID_HEIGHT(lat, lon, geoidname) % N = GEOID_HEIGHT(lat, lon, geoidname, geoiddir) % GEOID_HEIGHT([]) % N = GEOID_HEIGHT(lat, lon, geoid) % % computes the height, N, of the geoid above the WGS84 ellipsoid. lat % and lon are the latitude and longitude in degrees; these can be scalars % or arrays of the same size. N is in meters. % % The height of the geoid above the ellipsoid, N, is sometimes called the % geoid undulation. It can be used to convert a height above the % ellipsoid, h, to the corresponding height above the geoid (the % orthometric height, roughly the height above mean sea level), H, using % the relations % % h = N + H; H = -N + h. % % The possible geoids are % % egm84-30 egm84-15 % egm96-15 egm96-5 % egm2008-5 egm2008-2_5 egm2008-1 % % The first part of the name is the geoid model. The second part gives % the resolution of the gridded data (in arc-seconds). Thus egm2008-2_5 % is the egm2008 geoid model at a resolution of 2.5". % % By default the egm96-5 geoid is used. This can be overridden by % specifying geoidname. The geoiddir argument overrides the default % directory for the model. See the documentation on geoid_load for how % these arguments are interpreted. % % When geoid_height is invoked with a particular geoidname, the geoid % data is loaded from disk and cached. A subsequent invocation of % geoid_height with the same geoidname uses the cached data. Use % GEOID_HEIGHT([]) to clear this cached data. % % Alternatively, you can load a geoid with geoid_load and use the % returned structure as the third argument. This use does not change the % cached data. % % In order to use this routine with Octave, Octave needs to have been % compiled with a version of GraphicsMagick which supports 16-bit images. % Also, the first time you uses this routine, you may receive a warning % message "your version of GraphicsMagick limits images to 16 bits per % pixel"; this can safely be ignored. % % Information on downloading and installing the data for the supported % geoid models is available at % % % % GEOID_HEIGHT uses cubic interpolation on gridded data that has been % quantized at a resolution of 3mm. % % See also GEOID_LOAD. % Copyright (c) Charles Karney (2015) . persistent saved_geoid if nargin == 1 && isempty(lat) saved_geoid = []; return end narginchk(2, 4) if nargin == 3 && isstruct(geoidname) N = geoid_height_int(lat, lon, geoidname, true); else if nargin < 3 geoidname = ''; end if nargin < 4 geoiddir = ''; end geoidfile = geoid_file(geoidname, geoiddir); if ~(isstruct(saved_geoid) && strcmp(saved_geoid.file, geoidfile)) saved_geoid = geoid_load_file(geoidfile); end N = geoid_height_int(lat, lon, saved_geoid, true); end end function N = geoid_height_int(lat, lon, geoid, cubic) persistent c0 c3 c0n c3n c0s c3s if isempty(c3s) c0 = 240; c3 = [ 9, -18, -88, 0, 96, 90, 0, 0, -60, -20;... -9, 18, 8, 0, -96, 30, 0, 0, 60, -20;... 9, -88, -18, 90, 96, 0, -20, -60, 0, 0;... 186, -42, -42, -150, -96, -150, 60, 60, 60, 60;... 54, 162, -78, 30, -24, -90, -60, 60, -60, 60;... -9, -32, 18, 30, 24, 0, 20, -60, 0, 0;... -9, 8, 18, 30, -96, 0, -20, 60, 0, 0;... 54, -78, 162, -90, -24, 30, 60, -60, 60, -60;... -54, 78, 78, 90, 144, 90, -60, -60, -60, -60;... 9, -8, -18, -30, -24, 0, 20, 60, 0, 0;... -9, 18, -32, 0, 24, 30, 0, 0, -60, 20;... 9, -18, -8, 0, -24, -30, 0, 0, 60, 20]; c0n = 372; c3n = [ 0, 0, -131, 0, 138, 144, 0, 0, -102, -31;... 0, 0, 7, 0, -138, 42, 0, 0, 102, -31;... 62, 0, -31, 0, 0, -62, 0, 0, 0, 31;... 124, 0, -62, 0, 0, -124, 0, 0, 0, 62;... 124, 0, -62, 0, 0, -124, 0, 0, 0, 62;... 62, 0, -31, 0, 0, -62, 0, 0, 0, 31;... 0, 0, 45, 0, -183, -9, 0, 93, 18, 0;... 0, 0, 216, 0, 33, 87, 0, -93, 12, -93;... 0, 0, 156, 0, 153, 99, 0, -93, -12, -93;... 0, 0, -45, 0, -3, 9, 0, 93, -18, 0;... 0, 0, -55, 0, 48, 42, 0, 0, -84, 31;... 0, 0, -7, 0, -48, -42, 0, 0, 84, 31]; c0s = 372; c3s = [ 18, -36, -122, 0, 120, 135, 0, 0, -84, -31;... -18, 36, -2, 0, -120, 51, 0, 0, 84, -31;... 36, -165, -27, 93, 147, -9, 0, -93, 18, 0;... 210, 45, -111, -93, -57, -192, 0, 93, 12, 93;... 162, 141, -75, -93, -129, -180, 0, 93, -12, 93;... -36, -21, 27, 93, 39, 9, 0, -93, -18, 0;... 0, 0, 62, 0, 0, 31, 0, 0, 0, -31;... 0, 0, 124, 0, 0, 62, 0, 0, 0, -62;... 0, 0, 124, 0, 0, 62, 0, 0, 0, -62;... 0, 0, 62, 0, 0, 31, 0, 0, 0, -31;... -18, 36, -64, 0, 66, 51, 0, 0, -102, 31;... 18, -36, 2, 0, -66, -51, 0, 0, 102, 31]; end try s = size(lat + lon); catch error('lat, lon have incompatible sizes') end num = prod(s); Z = zeros(num,1); lat = lat(:) + Z; lon = lon(:) + Z; h = geoid.h; w = geoid.w; % lat is in [0, h] flat = min(max((90 - lat) * (h - 1) / 180, 0), (h - 1)); % lon is in [0, w) flon = mod(lon * w / 360, w); flon(isnan(flon)) = 0; ilat = min(floor(flat), h - 2); ilon = floor(flon); flat = flat - ilat; flon = flon - ilon; if ~cubic ind = imgind(ilon + [0,0,1,1], ilat + [0,1,0,1], w, h); hf = double(; N = (1 - flon) .* ((1 - flat) .* hf(:,1) + flat .* hf(:,2)) + ... flon .* ((1 - flat) .* hf(:,3) + flat .* hf(:,4)); else ind = imgind(repmat(ilon, 1, 12) + ... repmat([ 0, 1,-1, 0, 1, 2,-1, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1], num, 1), ... repmat(ilat, 1, 12) + ... repmat([-1,-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2], num, 1), ... w, h); hf = double(; hfx = hf * c3 / c0; hfx(ilat == 0,:) = hf(ilat == 0,:) * c3n / c0n; hfx(ilat == h-2,:) = hf(ilat == h-2,:) * c3s / c0s; N = sum(hfx .* [Z+1, flon, flat, flon.^2, flon.*flat, flat.^2, ... flon.^3, flon.^2.*flat, flon.*flat.^2, flat.^3], ... 2); end N = geoid.offset + geoid.scale * N; N(~(abs(lat) <= 90 & isfinite(lon))) = nan; N = reshape(N, s); end function ind = imgind(ix, iy, w, h) % return 1-based 1d index to w*h array for 0-based 2d indices (ix,iy) c = iy < 0; iy(c) = - iy(c); ix(c) = ix(c) + w/2; c = iy >= h; iy(c) = 2 * (h-1) - iy(c); ix(c) = ix(c) + w/2; ix = mod(ix, w); ind = 1 + iy + ix * h; end