function [A, P, N] = geodarea(lats, lons, ellipsoid) %GEODAREA Surface area of polygon on an ellipsoid % % A = GEODAREA(lats, lons) % [A, P, N] = GEODAREA(lats, lons, ellipsoid) % % calculates the surface area A of the geodesic polygon specified by the % input vectors lats, lons (in degrees). The ellipsoid vector is of the % form [a, e], where a is the equatorial radius in meters, e is the % eccentricity. If ellipsoid is omitted, the WGS84 ellipsoid (more % precisely, the value returned by defaultellipsoid) is used. There is % no need to "close" the polygon by repeating the first point. Multiple % polygons can be specified by separating the vertices by NaNs in the % vectors. Thus a series of quadrilaterals can be specified as two 5 x K % arrays where the 5th row is NaN. The output, A, is in meters^2. % Counter-clockwise traversal counts as a positive area. Arbitrarily % complex polygons are allowed. In the case of self-intersecting % polygons the area is accumulated "algebraically", e.g., the areas of % the 2 loops in a figure-8 polygon will partially cancel. Also returned % are the perimeters of the polygons in P (meters) and the numbers of % vertices in N. geoddoc gives the restrictions on the allowed ranges of % the arguments. % % GEODAREA loosely duplicates the functionality of the areaint function % in the MATLAB mapping toolbox. The major difference is that the % polygon edges are taken to be geodesics and the area contributed by % each edge is computed using a series expansion with is accurate % regardless of the length of the edge. The formulas are derived in % % C. F. F. Karney, Algorithms for geodesics, % J. Geodesy 87, 43-55 (2013); % % Addenda: % % See also GEODDOC, GEODDISTANCE, GEODRECKON, POLYGONAREA, % DEFAULTELLIPSOID, FLAT2ECC. % Copyright (c) Charles Karney (2012-2019) . narginchk(2, 3) if nargin < 3, ellipsoid = defaultellipsoid; end if ~isequal(size(lats), size(lons)) error('lats, lons have incompatible sizes') end if length(ellipsoid(:)) ~= 2 error('ellipsoid must be a vector of size 2') end lat1 = lats(:); lon1 = lons(:); M = length(lat1); ind = [0; find(isnan(lat1 + lon1))]; if length(ind) == 1 || ind(end) ~= M ind = [ind; M + 1]; end K = length(ind) - 1; A = zeros(K, 1); P = A; N = A; if M == 0, return, end lat2 = [lat1(2:end, 1); 0]; lon2 = [lon1(2:end, 1); 0]; m0 = min(M, ind(1:end-1) + 1); m1 = max(1, ind(2:end) - 1); lat2(m1) = lat1(m0); lon2(m1) = lon1(m0); a = ellipsoid(1); e2 = real(ellipsoid(2)^2); f = e2 / (1 + sqrt(1 - e2)); b = (1 - f) * a; if e2 ~= 0 c2 = (a^2 + b^2 * eatanhe(1, e2) / e2) / 2; else c2 = a^2; end area0 = 4 * pi * c2; [s12, ~, ~, S12] = geoddistance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, ellipsoid); cross = transit(lon1, lon2); for k = 1 : K N(k) = m1(k) - m0(k) + 1; P(k) = accumulator(s12(m0(k):m1(k))); [As, At] = accumulator(S12(m0(k):m1(k))); As = remx(As, area0); [As, At] = accumulator(0, As, At); crossings = sum(cross(m0(k):m1(k))); if mod(crossings, 2) ~= 0 [As, At] = accumulator( ((As < 0) * 2 - 1) * area0 / 2, As, At); end As = -As; At = -At; if As > area0/2 As = accumulator(-area0, As, At); elseif As <= -area0/2 As = accumulator( area0, As, At); end A(k) = As; end A = 0 + A; end function cross = transit(lon1, lon2) %TRANSIT Count crossings of prime meridian % % CROSS = TRANSIT(LON1, LON2) return 1 or -1 if crossing prime meridian % in east or west direction. Otherwise return zero. lon1 = AngNormalize(lon1); lon2 = AngNormalize(lon2); lon12 = AngDiff(lon1, lon2); cross = zeros(length(lon1), 1); cross(lon1 <= 0 & lon2 > 0 & lon12 > 0) = 1; cross(lon2 <= 0 & lon1 > 0 & lon12 < 0) = -1; end function [s, t] = accumulator(x, s, t) %ACCUMULATOR Accurately sum x % % [S, T] = ACCUMULATOR(X, S, T) accumulate the sum of the elements of X % into [S, T] using extended precision. S and T are scalars. if nargin < 3, t = 0; end if nargin < 2, s = 0; end for y = x(:)' % Here's Shewchuk's solution... [z, u] = sumx(y, t); [s, t] = sumx(z, s); if s == 0 s = u; else t = t + u; end end end