function [utmups, scale] = utmupsforward(latlong, setzone) %UTMUPSFORWARD Wrapper for utmups_fwd % % [utmups, scale] = UTMUPSFORWARD(latlong) % [utmups, scale] = UTMUPSFORWARD(latlong, setzone) % % This is a legacy function to replace a compiled interface function of % the same name. This now calls utmups_fwd which is implemented as % native Matlab code. % % latlong is an M x 2 matrix % latitude = latlong(:,1) in degrees % longitude = latlong(:,2) in degrees % % utmups is an M x 4 matrix % easting = utmups(:,1) in meters % northing = utmups(:,2) in meters % zone = utmups(:,3) % hemi = utmups(:,4) % scale is an M x 2 matrix % gamma = scale(:,1) meridian convergence in degrees % k = scale(:,2) scale % % zone = 0 for UPS, zone = [1,60] for UTM % hemi = 0 for southern hemisphere, hemi = 1 for northern hemisphere % % setzone is an zone override flag with legal values % 0, use UPS % [1,60], use the corresponding UTM zone % -1, use the standard assigment (the default) % -2, use closest UTM zone % % See also UTMUPS_FWD. % Copyright (c) Charles Karney (2015) . if nargin < 2 setzone = -1; end [x, y, zone, northp, gam, k] = ... utmups_fwd(latlong(:,1), latlong(:,2), setzone); utmups = [x, y, zone, northp]; scale = [gam, k]; end