function height = geoidheight(latlong, geoidname, geoiddir) %GEOIDHEIGHT Wrapper for geoid_height % % height = GEOIDHEIGHT(latlong) % height = GEOIDHEIGHT(latlong, geoidname, geoiddir) % % This is a legacy function to replace a compiled interface function of % the same name. This now calls geoid_height which is implemented as % native Matlab code. % % latlong is an M x 2 matrix % latitude = latlong(:,1) in degrees % longitude = latlong(:,2) in degrees % geoidname is the name of the geoid; choices are (default egm96-5) % egm84-30 egm84-15 % egm96-15 egm96-5 % egm2008-5 egm2008-2_5 egm2008-1 % geoiddir is the directory containing the geoid models (default empty % string meaning system default) % % height is an M x 1 matrix % geoidheight = height(:,1) height of geoid in meters % % See also GEOID_HEIGHT. % Copyright (c) Charles Karney (2015-2016) . if nargin < 2 geoidname = ''; end if nargin < 3 geoiddir = ''; end height = geoid_height(latlong(:,1), latlong(:,2), geoidname, geoiddir); end