*> @file planimeter.for *! @brief A test program for area() *> A simple program to compute the area of a geodesic polygon. *! *! This program reads in up to 100000 lines with lat, lon for each vertex *! of a polygon. At the end of input, the program prints the number of *! vertices, the perimeter of the polygon and its area (for the WGS84 *! ellipsoid). program planimeter implicit none include 'geodesic.inc' integer maxpts parameter (maxpts = 100000) double precision a, f, lats(maxpts), lons(maxpts), S, P integer n * WGS84 values a = 6378137d0 f = 1/298.257223563d0 n = 0 10 continue if (n .ge. maxpts) go to 20 read(*, *, end=20, err=20) lats(n+1), lons(n+1) n = n+1 go to 10 20 continue call area(a, f, lats, lons, n, S, P) print 30, n, P, S 30 format(i6, 1x, f20.8, 1x, f20.3) stop end