subroutine bufdms (buff,lgh,hem,dd,dm,ds,ierror) implicit double precision (a-h, o-z) implicit integer (i-n) c logical done,flag c character*1 buff(*),abuf(21) character*1 ch character*1 hem integer*4 ll,lgh integer*4 i4,id,im,is,icond,ierror real*8 x(5) c c set the "error flag" c ierror = 0 icond = 0 c c set defaults for dd,dm,ds c dd = 0.0d0 dm = 0.0d0 ds = 0.0d0 c c set default limits for "hem" flag c if( hem.eq.'N' .or. hem.eq.'S' )then ddmax = 90.0d0 elseif( hem.eq.'E' .or. hem.eq.'W' )then ddmax = 360.0d0 elseif( hem.eq.'A' )then ddmax = 360.0d0 elseif( hem.eq.'Z' )then ddmax = 180.0d0 elseif( hem.eq.'*' )then ddmax = 0.0d0 ierror = 1 else ddmax = 360.0d0 endif c do 1 i=1,5 x(i) = 0.0d0 1 continue c icolon = 0 ipoint = 0 icount = 0 flag = .true. jlgh = lgh c do 2 i=1,jlgh if( buff(i).eq.':' )then icolon = icolon+1 endif if( buff(i).eq.'.' )then ipoint = ipoint+1 flag = .false. endif if( flag )then icount = icount+1 endif 2 continue c if( ipoint.eq.1 .and. icolon.eq.0 )then c c load temp buffer c do 3 i=1,jlgh abuf(i) = buff(i) 3 continue abuf(jlgh+1) = '$' ll = jlgh c call gvalr8 (abuf,ll,r8,icond) c if( )then c c value is a packed decimal of ==> DDMMSS.sssss c ss = r8/10000.0d0 id = idint( ss ) c r8 = r8-10000.0d0*dble(float(id)) ss = r8/100.0d0 im = idint( ss ) c r8 = r8-100.0d0*dble(float(im)) else c c value is a decimal of ==> .xx X. c id = idint( r8 ) r8 = (r8-id)*60.0d0 im = idint( r8 ) r8 = (r8-im)*60.0d0 endif c c account for rounding error c is = idnint( r8*1.0d5 ) if( )then r8 = 0.0d0 im = im+1 endif c if( )then im = 0 id = id+1 endif c dd = dble( float( id ) ) dm = dble( float( im ) ) ds = r8 else c c buff() value is a d,m,s of ==> c k = 0 next = 1 done = .false. ie = jlgh c do 100 j=1,5 ib = next do 90 i=ib,ie ch = buff(i) last = i if( i.eq.jlgh .or. ch.eq.':' )then if( i.eq.jlgh )then done = .true. endif if( ch.eq.':' )then last = i-1 endif goto 91 endif 90 continue goto 98 c 91 ipoint = 0 ik = 0 do 92 i=next,last ik = ik+1 ch = buff(i) if( ch.eq.'.' )then ipoint = ipoint+1 endif abuf(ik) = buff(i) 92 continue abuf(ik+1) = '$' c ll = ik if( ipoint.eq.0 )then call gvali4 (abuf,ll,i4,icond) r8 = dble(float( i4 )) else call gvalr8 (abuf,ll,r8,icond) endif c k = k+1 x(k) = r8 c 98 if( done )then goto 101 endif c next = last 99 next = next+1 if( buff(next).eq.':' )then goto 99 endif 100 continue c c load dd,dm,ds c 101 if( )then dd = x(1) endif c if( )then dm = x(2) endif c if( )then ds = x(3) endif endif c if( .or. 1 .or. 1 )then ierror = 1 dd = 0.0d0 dm = 0.0d0 ds = 0.0d0 endif c if( )then ierror = 1 endif c return end subroutine elipss (elips) implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) character*1 answer character*30 elips common/elipsoid/a,f write(*,*) ' Other Ellipsoids.' write(*,*) ' -----------------' write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) ' A) Airy 1858' write(*,*) ' B) Airy Modified' write(*,*) ' C) Australian National' write(*,*) ' D) Bessel 1841' write(*,*) ' E) Clarke 1880' write(*,*) ' F) Everest 1830' write(*,*) ' G) Everest Modified' write(*,*) ' H) Fisher 1960' write(*,*) ' I) Fisher 1968' write(*,*) ' J) Hough 1956' write(*,*) ' K) International (Hayford)' write(*,*) ' L) Krassovsky 1938' write(*,*) ' M) NWL-9D (WGS 66)' write(*,*) ' N) South American 1969' write(*,*) ' O) Soviet Geod. System 1985' write(*,*) ' P) WGS 72' write(*,*) ' Q-Z) User defined.' write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) ' Enter choice : ' read(*,10) answer 10 format(a1) c if(answer.eq.'A'.or.answer.eq.'a') then a=6377563.396d0 f=1.d0/299.3249646d0 elips='Airy 1858' elseif(answer.eq.'B'.or.answer.eq.'b') then a=6377340.189d0 f=1.d0/299.3249646d0 elips='Airy Modified' elseif(answer.eq.'C'.or.answer.eq.'c') then a=6378160.d0 f=1.d0/298.25d0 elips='Australian National' elseif(answer.eq.'D'.or.answer.eq.'d') then a=6377397.155d0 f=1.d0/299.1528128d0 elips='Bessel 1841' elseif(answer.eq.'E'.or.answer.eq.'e') then a=6378249.145d0 f=1.d0/293.465d0 elips='Clarke 1880' elseif(answer.eq.'F'.or.answer.eq.'f') then a=6377276.345d0 f=1.d0/300.8017d0 elips='Everest 1830' elseif(answer.eq.'G'.or.answer.eq.'g') then a=6377304.063d0 f=1.d0/300.8017d0 elips='Everest Modified' elseif(answer.eq.'H'.or.answer.eq.'h') then a=6378166.d0 f=1.d0/298.3d0 elips='Fisher 1960' elseif(answer.eq.'I'.or.answer.eq.'i') then a=6378150.d0 f=1.d0/298.3d0 elips='Fisher 1968' elseif(answer.eq.'J'.or.answer.eq.'j') then a=6378270.d0 f=1.d0/297.d0 elips='Hough 1956' elseif(answer.eq.'K'.or.answer.eq.'k') then a=6378388.d0 f=1.d0/297.d0 elips='International (Hayford)' elseif(answer.eq.'L'.or.answer.eq.'l') then a=6378245.d0 f=1.d0/298.3d0 elips='Krassovsky 1938' elseif(answer.eq.'M'.or.answer.eq.'m') then a=6378145.d0 f=1.d0/298.25d0 elips='NWL-9D (WGS 66)' elseif(answer.eq.'N'.or.answer.eq.'n') then a=6378160.d0 f=1.d0/298.25d0 elips='South American 1969' elseif(answer.eq.'O'.or.answer.eq.'o') then a=6378136.d0 f=1.d0/298.257d0 elips='Soviet Geod. System 1985' elseif(answer.eq.'P'.or.answer.eq.'p') then a=6378135.d0 f=1.d0/298.26d0 elips='WGS 72' else elips = 'User defined.' c write(*,*) ' Enter Equatorial axis, a : ' read(*,*) a a = dabs(a) c write(*,*) ' Enter either Polar axis, b or ' write(*,*) ' Reciprocal flattening, 1/f : ' read(*,*) ss ss = dabs(ss) c f = 0.0d0 if( .and. ss.le.310.0d0 )then f = 1.d0/ss elseif( .and. )then f = (a-ss)/a else elips = 'Error: default GRS80 used.' a = 6378137.0d0 f = 1.0d0/298.25722210088d0 endif endif c return end subroutine fixdms (ideg, min, sec, tol ) c implicit double precision (a-h, o-z) implicit integer (i-n) c c test for seconds near 60.0-tol c if( 60.0d0-tol ) )then sec = 0.0d0 min = min+1 endif c c test for minutes near 60 c if( )then min = 0 ideg = ideg+1 endif c c test for degrees near 360 c if( )then ideg = 0 endif c return end subroutine hem_ns ( lat_sn, hem ) implicit integer (i-n) character*6 hem c if( lat_sn.eq.1 ) then hem = 'North ' else hem = 'South ' endif c return end subroutine hem_ew ( lon_sn, hem ) implicit integer (i-n) character*6 hem c if( lon_sn.eq.1 ) then hem = 'East ' else hem = 'West ' endif c return end subroutine getdeg(d,m,sec,isign,val) *** comvert deg, min, sec to degrees implicit double precision(a-h,j-z) val=(d+m/60.d0+sec/3600.d0) val=dble(isign)*val return end subroutine gvali4 (buff,ll,vali4,icond) implicit integer (i-n) c logical plus,sign,done,error character*1 buff(*) character*1 ch c c integer*2 i c integer*2 l1 c integer*4 ich,icond integer*4 ll integer*4 vali4 c l1 = ll vali4 = 0 icond = 0 plus = .true. sign = .false. done = .false. error = .false. c i = 0 10 i = i+1 if( .or. done )then go to 1000 else ch = buff(i) ich = ichar( buff(i) ) endif c if( ch.eq.'+' )then c c enter on plus sign c if( sign )then goto 150 else sign = .true. goto 10 endif elseif( ch.eq.'-' )then c c enter on minus sign c if( sign )then goto 150 else sign = .true. plus = .false. goto 10 endif elseif('0' .and. ch.le.'9' )then goto 100 elseif( ch.eq.' ' )then c c enter on space -- ignore leading spaces c if( .not.sign )then goto 10 else buff(i) = '0' ich = 48 goto 100 endif elseif( ch.eq.':' )then c c enter on colon -- ignore c if( .not.sign )then goto 10 else goto 1000 endif elseif( ch.eq.'$' )then c c enter on dollar "$" c done = .true. goto 10 else c c something wrong c goto 150 endif c c enter on numeric c 100 vali4 = 10*vali4+(ich-48) sign = .true. goto 10 c c treat illegal character c 150 buff(i) = '0' vali4 = 0 icond = 1 c 1000 if( )then vali4 = -vali4 endif c return end subroutine gvalr8 (buff,ll,valr8,icond) implicit integer (i-n) c logical plus,sign,dpoint,done c character*1 buff(*) character*1 ch c c integer*2 i, ip c integer*2 l1 c integer*2 nn, num, n48 c integer*4 ich,icond integer*4 ll c real*8 ten real*8 valr8 real*8 zero c data zero,ten/0.0d0,10.0d0/ c n48 = 48 l1 = ll icond = 0 valr8 = zero plus = .true. sign = .false. dpoint = .false. done = .false. c c start loop thru buffer c i = 0 10 i = i+1 if( .or. done )then go to 1000 else ch = buff(i) nn = ichar( ch ) ich = nn endif c if( ch.eq.'+' )then c c enter on plus sign c if( sign )then goto 150 else sign = .true. goto 10 endif elseif( ch.eq.'-' )then c c enter on minus sign c if( sign )then goto 150 else sign = .true. plus = .false. goto 10 endif elseif( ch.eq.'.' )then c c enter on decimal point c ip = 0 sign = .true. dpoint = .true. goto 10 elseif('0' .and. ch.le.'9' )then goto 100 elseif( ch.eq.' ' )then c c enter on space c if( .not.sign )then goto 10 else buff(i) = '0' ich = 48 goto 100 endif elseif( ch.eq.':' .or. ch.eq.'$' )then c c enter on colon or "$" sign c done = .true. goto 10 else c c something wrong c goto 150 endif c c enter on numeric c 100 sign = .true. if( dpoint )then ip = ip+1 endif c num = ich valr8 = ten*valr8+dble(float( num-n48 )) goto 10 c c treat illegal character c 150 buff(i) = '0' valr8 = 0.0d0 icond = 1 c 1000 if( dpoint )then valr8 = valr8/(ten**ip) endif c if( )then valr8 = -valr8 endif c return end subroutine todmsp(val,id,im,s,isign) *** convert position degrees to deg,min,sec *** range is [-180 to +180] implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) 1 if( then val=val-180-180 go to 1 endif 2 if( then val=val+180+180 go to 2 endif if( then isign=-1 else isign=+1 endif s=dabs(val) id=idint(s) s=(s-id)*60.d0 im=idint(s) s=(s-im)*60.d0 *** account for rounding error is=idnint(s*1.d5) if( then s=0.d0 im=im+1 endif if( then im=0 id=id+1 endif return end subroutine trim (buff,lgh,hem) c implicit integer (i-n) character*1 ch,hem character*1 buff(*) integer*4 lgh c ibeg = 1 do 10 i=1,50 if( buff(i).ne.' ' )then goto 11 endif ibeg = ibeg+1 10 continue 11 continue if( )then ibeg = 1 buff(ibeg) = '0' endif c iend = 50 do 20 i=1,50 j = 51-i if( buff(j).eq.' ' )then iend = iend-1 else goto 21 endif 20 continue 21 continue c ch = buff(ibeg) if( hem.eq.'N' )then if( ch.eq.'N' .or. ch.eq.'n' .or. ch.eq.'+' )then hem = 'N' ibeg = ibeg+1 endif if( ch.eq.'S' .or. ch.eq.'s' .or. ch.eq.'-' )then hem = 'S' ibeg = ibeg+1 endif c c check for wrong hemisphere entry c if( ch.eq.'E' .or. ch.eq.'e' )then hem = '*' ibeg = ibeg+1 endif if( ch.eq.'W' .or. ch.eq.'w' )then hem = '*' ibeg = ibeg+1 endif elseif( hem.eq.'W' )then if( ch.eq.'E' .or. ch.eq.'e' .or. ch.eq.'+' )then hem = 'E' ibeg = ibeg+1 endif if( ch.eq.'W' .or. ch.eq.'w' .or. ch.eq.'-' )then hem = 'W' ibeg = ibeg+1 endif c c check for wrong hemisphere entry c if( ch.eq.'N' .or. ch.eq.'n' )then hem = '*' ibeg = ibeg+1 endif if( ch.eq.'S' .or. ch.eq.'s' )then hem = '*' ibeg = ibeg+1 endif elseif( hem.eq.'A' )then if( .not.('0' .and. ch.le.'9') )then hem = '*' ibeg = ibeg+1 endif else c do nothing endif c c do 30 i=ibeg,iend ch = buff(i) c if( ch.eq.':' .or. ch.eq.'.' )then goto 30 elseif( ch.eq.' ' .or. ch.eq.',' )then buff(i) = ':' elseif( '0' .and. ch.le.'9' )then goto 30 else buff(i) = ':' endif c 30 continue c c left justify buff() array to its first character position c also check for a ":" char in the starting position, c if found!! skip it c j = 0 ib = ibeg ie = iend c do 40 i=ib,ie if( i.eq.ibeg .and. buff(i).eq.':' )then c c move the 1st position pointer to the next char & c do not put ":" char in buff(j) array where j=1 c ibeg = ibeg+1 goto 40 endif j = j+1 buff(j) = buff(i) 40 continue c c lgh = iend-ibeg+1 j = lgh+1 buff(j) = '$' c c clean-up the rest of the buff() array c do 50 i=j+1,50 buff(i) = ' ' 50 continue c c save a maximum of 20 characters c if( )then lgh = 20 j = lgh+1 buff(j) = '$' endif c return end