/** * \file Geoid.hpp * \brief Header for GeographicLib::Geoid class * * Copyright (c) Charles Karney (2009-2019) and licensed * under the MIT/X11 License. For more information, see * https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/ **********************************************************************/ #if !defined(GEOGRAPHICLIB_GEOID_HPP) #define GEOGRAPHICLIB_GEOID_HPP 1 #include #include #include #if defined(_MSC_VER) // Squelch warnings about dll vs vector and constant conditional expressions # pragma warning (push) # pragma warning (disable: 4251 4127) #endif #if !defined(GEOGRAPHICLIB_GEOID_PGM_PIXEL_WIDTH) /** * The size of the pixel data in the pgm data files for the geoids. 2 is the * standard size corresponding to a maxval 216−1. Setting it * to 4 uses a maxval of 232−1 and changes the extension for * the data files from .pgm to .pgm4. Note that the format of these pgm4 files * is a non-standard extension of the pgm format. **********************************************************************/ # define GEOGRAPHICLIB_GEOID_PGM_PIXEL_WIDTH 2 #endif namespace GeographicLib { /** * \brief Looking up the height of the geoid above the ellipsoid * * This class evaluates the height of one of the standard geoids, EGM84, * EGM96, or EGM2008 by bilinear or cubic interpolation into a rectangular * grid of data. These geoid models are documented in * - EGM84: * http://earth-info.nga.mil/GandG/wgs84/gravitymod/wgs84_180/wgs84_180.html * - EGM96: * http://earth-info.nga.mil/GandG/wgs84/gravitymod/egm96/egm96.html * - EGM2008: * http://earth-info.nga.mil/GandG/wgs84/gravitymod/egm2008 * * The geoids are defined in terms of spherical harmonics. However in order * to provide a quick and flexible method of evaluating the geoid heights, * this class evaluates the height by interpolation into a grid of * precomputed values. * * The height of the geoid above the ellipsoid, \e N, is sometimes called the * geoid undulation. It can be used to convert a height above the ellipsoid, * \e h, to the corresponding height above the geoid (the orthometric height, * roughly the height above mean sea level), \e H, using the relations * *    \e h = \e N + \e H; *   \e H = −\e N + \e h. * * See \ref geoid for details of how to install the data sets, the data * format, estimates of the interpolation errors, and how to use caching. * * This class is typically \e not thread safe in that a single instantiation * cannot be safely used by multiple threads because of the way the object * reads the data set and because it maintains a single-cell cache. If * multiple threads need to calculate geoid heights they should all construct * thread-local instantiations. Alternatively, set the optional \e * threadsafe parameter to true in the constructor. This causes the * constructor to read all the data into memory and to turn off the * single-cell caching which results in a Geoid object which \e is thread * safe. * * Example of use: * \include example-Geoid.cpp * * GeoidEval is a command-line utility * providing access to the functionality of Geoid. **********************************************************************/ class GEOGRAPHICLIB_EXPORT Geoid { private: typedef Math::real real; #if GEOGRAPHICLIB_GEOID_PGM_PIXEL_WIDTH != 4 typedef unsigned short pixel_t; static const unsigned pixel_size_ = 2; static const unsigned pixel_max_ = 0xffffu; #else typedef unsigned pixel_t; static const unsigned pixel_size_ = 4; static const unsigned pixel_max_ = 0xffffffffu; #endif static const unsigned stencilsize_ = 12; static const unsigned nterms_ = ((3 + 1) * (3 + 2))/2; // for a cubic fit static const int c0_; static const int c0n_; static const int c0s_; static const int c3_[stencilsize_ * nterms_]; static const int c3n_[stencilsize_ * nterms_]; static const int c3s_[stencilsize_ * nterms_]; std::string _name, _dir, _filename; const bool _cubic; const real _a, _e2, _degree, _eps; mutable std::ifstream _file; real _rlonres, _rlatres; std::string _description, _datetime; real _offset, _scale, _maxerror, _rmserror; int _width, _height; unsigned long long _datastart, _swidth; bool _threadsafe; // Area cache mutable std::vector< std::vector > _data; mutable bool _cache; // NE corner and extent of cache mutable int _xoffset, _yoffset, _xsize, _ysize; // Cell cache mutable int _ix, _iy; mutable real _v00, _v01, _v10, _v11; mutable real _t[nterms_]; void filepos(int ix, int iy) const { _file.seekg(std::streamoff (_datastart + pixel_size_ * (unsigned(iy)*_swidth + unsigned(ix)))); } real rawval(int ix, int iy) const { if (ix < 0) ix += _width; else if (ix >= _width) ix -= _width; if (_cache && iy >= _yoffset && iy < _yoffset + _ysize && ((ix >= _xoffset && ix < _xoffset + _xsize) || (ix + _width >= _xoffset && ix + _width < _xoffset + _xsize))) { return real(_data[iy - _yoffset] [ix >= _xoffset ? ix - _xoffset : ix + _width - _xoffset]); } else { if (iy < 0 || iy >= _height) { iy = iy < 0 ? -iy : 2 * (_height - 1) - iy; ix += (ix < _width/2 ? 1 : -1) * _width/2; } try { filepos(ix, iy); // initial values to suppress warnings in case get fails char a = 0, b = 0; _file.get(a); _file.get(b); unsigned r = ((unsigned char)(a) << 8) | (unsigned char)(b); if (pixel_size_ == 4) { _file.get(a); _file.get(b); r = (r << 16) | ((unsigned char)(a) << 8) | (unsigned char)(b); } return real(r); } catch (const std::exception& e) { // throw GeographicErr("Error reading " + _filename + ": " // + e.what()); // triggers complaints about the "binary '+'" under Visual Studio. // So use '+=' instead. std::string err("Error reading "); err += _filename; err += ": "; err += e.what(); throw GeographicErr(err); } } } real height(real lat, real lon) const; Geoid(const Geoid&); // copy constructor not allowed Geoid& operator=(const Geoid&); // copy assignment not allowed public: /** * Flags indicating conversions between heights above the geoid and heights * above the ellipsoid. **********************************************************************/ enum convertflag { /** * The multiplier for converting from heights above the geoid to heights * above the ellipsoid. **********************************************************************/ ELLIPSOIDTOGEOID = -1, /** * No conversion. **********************************************************************/ NONE = 0, /** * The multiplier for converting from heights above the ellipsoid to * heights above the geoid. **********************************************************************/ GEOIDTOELLIPSOID = 1, }; /** \name Setting up the geoid **********************************************************************/ ///@{ /** * Construct a geoid. * * @param[in] name the name of the geoid. * @param[in] path (optional) directory for data file. * @param[in] cubic (optional) interpolation method; false means bilinear, * true (the default) means cubic. * @param[in] threadsafe (optional), if true, construct a thread safe * object. The default is false * @exception GeographicErr if the data file cannot be found, is * unreadable, or is corrupt. * @exception GeographicErr if \e threadsafe is true but the memory * necessary for caching the data can't be allocated. * * The data file is formed by appending ".pgm" to the name. If \e path is * specified (and is non-empty), then the file is loaded from directory, \e * path. Otherwise the path is given by DefaultGeoidPath(). If the \e * threadsafe parameter is true, the data set is read into memory, the data * file is closed, and single-cell caching is turned off; this results in a * Geoid object which \e is thread safe. **********************************************************************/ explicit Geoid(const std::string& name, const std::string& path = "", bool cubic = true, bool threadsafe = false); /** * Set up a cache. * * @param[in] south latitude (degrees) of the south edge of the cached * area. * @param[in] west longitude (degrees) of the west edge of the cached area. * @param[in] north latitude (degrees) of the north edge of the cached * area. * @param[in] east longitude (degrees) of the east edge of the cached area. * @exception GeographicErr if the memory necessary for caching the data * can't be allocated (in this case, you will have no cache and can try * again with a smaller area). * @exception GeographicErr if there's a problem reading the data. * @exception GeographicErr if this is called on a threadsafe Geoid. * * Cache the data for the specified "rectangular" area bounded by the * parallels \e south and \e north and the meridians \e west and \e east. * \e east is always interpreted as being east of \e west, if necessary by * adding 360° to its value. \e south and \e north should be in * the range [−90°, 90°]. **********************************************************************/ void CacheArea(real south, real west, real north, real east) const; /** * Cache all the data. * * @exception GeographicErr if the memory necessary for caching the data * can't be allocated (in this case, you will have no cache and can try * again with a smaller area). * @exception GeographicErr if there's a problem reading the data. * @exception GeographicErr if this is called on a threadsafe Geoid. * * On most computers, this is fast for data sets with grid resolution of 5' * or coarser. For a 1' grid, the required RAM is 450MB; a 2.5' grid needs * 72MB; and a 5' grid needs 18MB. **********************************************************************/ void CacheAll() const { CacheArea(real(-90), real(0), real(90), real(360)); } /** * Clear the cache. This never throws an error. (This does nothing with a * thread safe Geoid.) **********************************************************************/ void CacheClear() const; ///@} /** \name Compute geoid heights **********************************************************************/ ///@{ /** * Compute the geoid height at a point * * @param[in] lat latitude of the point (degrees). * @param[in] lon longitude of the point (degrees). * @exception GeographicErr if there's a problem reading the data; this * never happens if (\e lat, \e lon) is within a successfully cached * area. * @return the height of the geoid above the ellipsoid (meters). * * The latitude should be in [−90°, 90°]. **********************************************************************/ Math::real operator()(real lat, real lon) const { return height(lat, lon); } /** * Convert a height above the geoid to a height above the ellipsoid and * vice versa. * * @param[in] lat latitude of the point (degrees). * @param[in] lon longitude of the point (degrees). * @param[in] h height of the point (degrees). * @param[in] d a Geoid::convertflag specifying the direction of the * conversion; Geoid::GEOIDTOELLIPSOID means convert a height above the * geoid to a height above the ellipsoid; Geoid::ELLIPSOIDTOGEOID means * convert a height above the ellipsoid to a height above the geoid. * @exception GeographicErr if there's a problem reading the data; this * never happens if (\e lat, \e lon) is within a successfully cached * area. * @return converted height (meters). **********************************************************************/ Math::real ConvertHeight(real lat, real lon, real h, convertflag d) const { return h + real(d) * height(lat, lon); } ///@} /** \name Inspector functions **********************************************************************/ ///@{ /** * @return geoid description, if available, in the data file; if * absent, return "NONE". **********************************************************************/ const std::string& Description() const { return _description; } /** * @return date of the data file; if absent, return "UNKNOWN". **********************************************************************/ const std::string& DateTime() const { return _datetime; } /** * @return full file name used to load the geoid data. **********************************************************************/ const std::string& GeoidFile() const { return _filename; } /** * @return "name" used to load the geoid data (from the first argument of * the constructor). **********************************************************************/ const std::string& GeoidName() const { return _name; } /** * @return directory used to load the geoid data. **********************************************************************/ const std::string& GeoidDirectory() const { return _dir; } /** * @return interpolation method ("cubic" or "bilinear"). **********************************************************************/ const std::string Interpolation() const { return std::string(_cubic ? "cubic" : "bilinear"); } /** * @return estimate of the maximum interpolation and quantization error * (meters). * * This relies on the value being stored in the data file. If the value is * absent, return −1. **********************************************************************/ Math::real MaxError() const { return _maxerror; } /** * @return estimate of the RMS interpolation and quantization error * (meters). * * This relies on the value being stored in the data file. If the value is * absent, return −1. **********************************************************************/ Math::real RMSError() const { return _rmserror; } /** * @return offset (meters). * * This in used in converting from the pixel values in the data file to * geoid heights. **********************************************************************/ Math::real Offset() const { return _offset; } /** * @return scale (meters). * * This in used in converting from the pixel values in the data file to * geoid heights. **********************************************************************/ Math::real Scale() const { return _scale; } /** * @return true if the object is constructed to be thread safe. **********************************************************************/ bool ThreadSafe() const { return _threadsafe; } /** * @return true if a data cache is active. **********************************************************************/ bool Cache() const { return _cache; } /** * @return west edge of the cached area; the cache includes this edge. **********************************************************************/ Math::real CacheWest() const { return _cache ? ((_xoffset + (_xsize == _width ? 0 : _cubic) + _width/2) % _width - _width/2) / _rlonres : 0; } /** * @return east edge of the cached area; the cache excludes this edge. **********************************************************************/ Math::real CacheEast() const { return _cache ? CacheWest() + (_xsize - (_xsize == _width ? 0 : 1 + 2 * _cubic)) / _rlonres : 0; } /** * @return north edge of the cached area; the cache includes this edge. **********************************************************************/ Math::real CacheNorth() const { return _cache ? 90 - (_yoffset + _cubic) / _rlatres : 0; } /** * @return south edge of the cached area; the cache excludes this edge * unless it's the south pole. **********************************************************************/ Math::real CacheSouth() const { return _cache ? 90 - ( _yoffset + _ysize - 1 - _cubic) / _rlatres : 0; } /** * @return \e a the equatorial radius of the WGS84 ellipsoid (meters). * * (The WGS84 value is returned because the supported geoid models are all * based on this ellipsoid.) **********************************************************************/ Math::real EquatorialRadius() const { return Constants::WGS84_a(); } /** * @return \e f the flattening of the WGS84 ellipsoid. * * (The WGS84 value is returned because the supported geoid models are all * based on this ellipsoid.) **********************************************************************/ Math::real Flattening() const { return Constants::WGS84_f(); } /** * \deprecated An old name for EquatorialRadius(). **********************************************************************/ // GEOGRAPHICLIB_DEPRECATED("Use EquatorialRadius()") Math::real MajorRadius() const { return EquatorialRadius(); } ///@} /** * @return the default path for geoid data files. * * This is the value of the environment variable GEOGRAPHICLIB_GEOID_PATH, * if set; otherwise, it is $GEOGRAPHICLIB_DATA/geoids if the environment * variable GEOGRAPHICLIB_DATA is set; otherwise, it is a compile-time * default (/usr/local/share/GeographicLib/geoids on non-Windows systems * and C:/ProgramData/GeographicLib/geoids on Windows systems). **********************************************************************/ static std::string DefaultGeoidPath(); /** * @return the default name for the geoid. * * This is the value of the environment variable GEOGRAPHICLIB_GEOID_NAME, * if set; otherwise, it is "egm96-5". The Geoid class does not use this * function; it is just provided as a convenience for a calling program * when constructing a Geoid object. **********************************************************************/ static std::string DefaultGeoidName(); }; } // namespace GeographicLib #if defined(_MSC_VER) # pragma warning (pop) #endif #endif // GEOGRAPHICLIB_GEOID_HPP