using namespace System; using namespace NETGeographicLib; int main(array ^/*args*/) { try { Ellipsoid^ wgs84 = gcnew Ellipsoid( Constants::WGS84::EquatorialRadius, Constants::WGS84::Flattening ); // Alternatively: Ellipsoid^ wgs84 = gcnew Ellipsoid(); Console::WriteLine( String::Format( "The latitude half way between the equator and the pole is {0}", wgs84->InverseRectifyingLatitude(45)) ); Console::WriteLine( String::Format( "Half the area of the ellipsoid lies between latitudes +/- {0}", wgs84->InverseAuthalicLatitude(30))); ; Console::WriteLine( String::Format( "The northernmost edge of a square Mercator map is at latitude {0}", wgs84->InverseIsometricLatitude(180))); } catch (GeographicErr^ e) { Console::WriteLine( String::Format( "Caught exception: {0}", e->Message ) ); return -1; } return 0; }