project (GeographicLib) # Version information set (PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR 1) set (PROJECT_VERSION_MINOR 50) set (PROJECT_VERSION_PATCH 1) set (PROJECT_VERSION "${PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR}.${PROJECT_VERSION_MINOR}") if (PROJECT_VERSION_PATCH GREATER 0) set (PROJECT_VERSION "${PROJECT_VERSION}.${PROJECT_VERSION_PATCH}") endif () if (DEFINED CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_COUNT) # majic (version 0.1.9 and later) invokes cmake defining, e.g., # -D CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION=1.37-001-SNAPSHOT # -D CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_COUNT=2 # -D CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR=1 # -D CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR=36 # -D CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_SUFFIX=-001-SNAPSHOT # Check that the version numbers are consistent. if (CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_COUNT EQUAL 2) set (CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_PATCH 0) elseif (CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_COUNT LESS 2) message (FATAL_ERROR "CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_COUNT must be 2 or more") endif () if (NOT ( CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR EQUAL PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR AND CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR EQUAL PROJECT_VERSION_MINOR AND CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_PATCH EQUAL PROJECT_VERSION_PATCH)) message (FATAL_ERROR "Inconsistency in CPACK and PROJECT version numbers") endif () set (PROJECT_VERSION ${CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION}) else () set (CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR ${PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR}) set (CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR ${PROJECT_VERSION_MINOR}) set (CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_PATCH ${PROJECT_VERSION_PATCH}) set (CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION ${PROJECT_VERSION}) endif () # The library version tracks the numbering given by libtool in the # autoconf set up. set (LIBVERSION_API 19) set (LIBVERSION_BUILD 19.0.1) string (TOLOWER ${PROJECT_NAME} PROJECT_NAME_LOWER) string (TOUPPER ${PROJECT_NAME} PROJECT_NAME_UPPER) cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.1.0) # This version was released 2014-12-15 # User-settable variables # (1) COMMON_INSTALL_PATH governs the installation convention. If it # is on ON (the Linux default), the installation is to a common # directory, e.g., /usr/local. If it is OFF (the Windows default), # the installation directory contains the package name, e.g., # c:/pkg/GeographicLib-1.22. The installation directories for the # documentation, cmake configuration, python and matlab interfaces all # depend on the variable with deeper paths relative to # CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX being used when it's ON. if (WIN32) option (COMMON_INSTALL_PATH "Use a common installation path for packages" OFF) else () option (COMMON_INSTALL_PATH "Use a common installation path for packages" ON) endif () # (2) PACKAGE_PATH and INSTALL_PATH have now been removed # (3) Where to look for data files. Various classes look in the geoids, # gravity, magnetic, subdirectories of ${GEOGRAPHICLIB_DATA}. if (WIN32) # The binary installers for the data files for Windows are created # with Inno Setup which uses {commonappdata} which (since Windows # Vista) is C:/ProgramData. set (GEOGRAPHICLIB_DATA "C:/ProgramData/GeographicLib" CACHE PATH "Location for data for GeographicLib") else () set (GEOGRAPHICLIB_DATA "/usr/local/share/GeographicLib" CACHE PATH "Location for data for GeographicLib") endif () # (4) Build which libraries? Possible values are SHARED, STATIC, BOTH. if (MSVC) set (GEOGRAPHICLIB_LIB_TYPE STATIC CACHE STRING "Types of library generated: SHARED, STATIC (default), or BOTH") else () set (GEOGRAPHICLIB_LIB_TYPE SHARED CACHE STRING "Types of library generated: SHARED (default), STATIC, or BOTH") endif () set_property (CACHE GEOGRAPHICLIB_LIB_TYPE PROPERTY STRINGS "SHARED" "STATIC" "BOTH") if (GEOGRAPHICLIB_LIB_TYPE STREQUAL "BOTH") set (GEOGRAPHICLIB_SHARED_LIB ON) set (GEOGRAPHICLIB_STATIC_LIB ON) set (GEOGRAPHICLIB_LIB_TYPE_VAL 2) elseif (GEOGRAPHICLIB_LIB_TYPE STREQUAL "SHARED") set (GEOGRAPHICLIB_SHARED_LIB ON) set (GEOGRAPHICLIB_STATIC_LIB OFF) set (GEOGRAPHICLIB_LIB_TYPE_VAL 1) elseif (GEOGRAPHICLIB_LIB_TYPE STREQUAL "STATIC") set (GEOGRAPHICLIB_SHARED_LIB OFF) set (GEOGRAPHICLIB_STATIC_LIB ON) set (GEOGRAPHICLIB_LIB_TYPE_VAL 0) else () message (FATAL_ERROR "Bad value of GEOGRAPHICLIB_LIB_TYPE, \"${GEOGRAPHICLIB_LIB_TYPE}\" " "(should be SHARED, STATIC or BOTH)") endif () if (GEOGRAPHICLIB_STATIC_LIB) set (PROJECT_STATIC_LIBRARIES GeographicLib_STATIC) set (PROJECT_STATIC_DEFINITIONS -DGEOGRAPHICLIB_SHARED_LIB=0) else () set (PROJECT_STATIC_LIBRARIES) set (PROJECT_STATIC_DEFINITIONS) endif () if (GEOGRAPHICLIB_SHARED_LIB) set (PROJECT_SHARED_LIBRARIES GeographicLib_SHARED) set (PROJECT_LIBRARIES ${PROJECT_SHARED_LIBRARIES}) set (PROJECT_SHARED_DEFINITIONS -DGEOGRAPHICLIB_SHARED_LIB=1) set (PROJECT_DEFINITIONS ${PROJECT_SHARED_DEFINITIONS}) else () set (PROJECT_SHARED_LIBRARIES) set (PROJECT_LIBRARIES ${PROJECT_STATIC_LIBRARIES}) set (PROJECT_SHARED_DEFINITIONS) set (PROJECT_DEFINITIONS ${PROJECT_STATIC_DEFINITIONS}) endif () set (PROJECT_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES GeographicLib) set (PROJECT_ALL_LIBRARIES ${PROJECT_STATIC_LIBRARIES} ${PROJECT_SHARED_LIBRARIES} ${PROJECT_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES}) # (5) Create the documentation? This depends on whether doxygen can be # found. If this is OFF, then links will be provided to the online # documentation on Sourceforge. option (GEOGRAPHICLIB_DOCUMENTATION "Use doxygen to create the documentation" OFF) # (6) Build .NET wrapper library NETGeographicLib. This only applies to # Windows. Default is OFF, because, currently, most people don't use # this interface. option (BUILD_NETGEOGRAPHICLIB "Build NETGeographicLib library" OFF) # (7) Set the default "real" precision. This should probably be left # at 2 (double). set (GEOGRAPHICLIB_PRECISION 2 CACHE STRING "Precision: 1 = float, 2 = double, 3 = extended, 4 = quadruple, 5 = variable") set_property (CACHE GEOGRAPHICLIB_PRECISION PROPERTY STRINGS 1 2 3 4 5) # (8) When making a binary package, should we include the debug version # of the library? This applies to MSVC only, because that's the # platform where debug and release compilations do not inter-operate. # It requires building as follows: # cmake --build . --config Debug --target ALL_BUILD # cmake --build . --config Release --target ALL_BUILD # cmake --build . --config Release --target PACKAGE option (PACKAGE_DEBUG_LIBS "Include debug versions of library in binary package" OFF) # (9) Try to link against boost when building the examples. The # NearestNeighbor example optionally uses the Boost library. Set to ON, # if you want to exercise this functionality. Default is OFF, so that # cmake configuration isn't slowed down looking for Boost. option (USE_BOOST_FOR_EXAMPLES "Look for Boost library when compiling examples" OFF) # (10) On Mac OS X, build multiple architectures? Set to ON to build # i386 and x86_64. Default is OFF, meaning build for default # architecture. option (APPLE_MULTIPLE_ARCHITECTURES "Build multiple architectures for Apple systems" OFF) # (11) Convert warnings into errors? Default is OFF. If the tests # directory is present you get this behavior regardless. option (CONVERT_WARNINGS_TO_ERRORS "Convert warnings into errors?" OFF) set (LIBNAME Geographic) if (MSVC OR CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES) # For multi-config systems and for Visual Studio, the debug version of # the library is called Geographic_d. set (CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX _d) endif () if (EXISTS ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/tests/CMakeLists.txt) set (DEVELOPER ON) else () set (DEVELOPER OFF) endif () if (NOT MSVC) # Set the run time path for shared libraries for non-Windows machines. # (1) include link path for external packages (not needed with # GeographicLib because there are no external packages). This only # makes sense for native builds. if (NOT CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING) set (CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH TRUE) endif () # (2) include installed path for GeographicLib. if (NOT APPLE) # Use relative path so that package is relocatable set (CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH "\$ORIGIN/../lib${LIB_SUFFIX}") else () # cmake 2.8.12 introduced a way to make the package relocatable. # See also INSTALL_RPATH property on the tools. set (CMAKE_MACOSX_RPATH ON) endif () endif () include (CheckTypeSize) check_type_size ("long double" LONG_DOUBLE BUILTIN_TYPES_ONLY) check_type_size ("double" DOUBLE BUILTIN_TYPES_ONLY) if (HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE AND (LONG_DOUBLE GREATER DOUBLE)) set (GEOGRAPHICLIB_HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE TRUE) else () set (GEOGRAPHICLIB_HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE FALSE) endif () include (TestBigEndian) test_big_endian (GEOGRAPHICLIB_WORDS_BIGENDIAN) # Make the compiler more picky. include (CheckCXXCompilerFlag) if (MSVC) string (REGEX REPLACE "/W[0-4]" "" CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}") # Turn on parallel builds for Visual Studio set (CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} /W4 /MP") else () set (FLOAT_CONVERSION_FLAG "-Wfloat-conversion") check_cxx_compiler_flag (${FLOAT_CONVERSION_FLAG} FLOAT_CONVERSION) if (NOT FLOAT_CONVERSION) set (FLOAT_CONVERSION_FLAG) endif () set (CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wall -Wextra ${FLOAT_CONVERSION_FLAG}") # g++ 6.0 defaults to -std=gnu++14 if (NOT (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL GNU AND NOT CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS 6.0) # but Boost 1.60 quadmath needs c++14 and not gnu++14 # OR GEOGRAPHICLIB_PRECISION EQUAL 4 # This exception is no longer needed with Boost 1.66 ) # check for C++11 support. This flag is *not* propagated to clients # that use GeographicLib. However, this is of no consequence. When # the client code is being compiled (and the GeographicLib headers # being included), work-alike substitutions are used. # The only "deprecated" flag included here is "0x" to activate C++11 # with old versions of g++. # Note: C++11 (actually gnu++14) support is turned on by default in # g++ 6.1 and later. # Don't include 17 for Intel. foreach (_F 14 11 0x) set (CXX11_FLAG "-std=c++${_F}") set (_T CXX11TEST${_F}) check_cxx_compiler_flag (${CXX11_FLAG} ${_T}) if (${_T}) break () endif () unset (CXX11_FLAG) endforeach () if (CXX11_FLAG) set (CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${CXX11_FLAG}") endif () endif () endif () if (DEVELOPER OR CONVERT_WARNINGS_TO_ERRORS) if (MSVC) set (CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} /WX") set (CMAKE_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS} /WX") set (CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS} /WX") set (CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} /WX") else () set (CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Werror") endif () endif () # Tell Intel compiler to do arithmetic accurately. This is needed to # stop the compiler from ignoring parentheses in expressions like # (a + b) + c and from simplifying 0.0 + x to x (which is wrong if # x = -0.0). if (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "Intel") if (MSVC) set (CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} /fp:precise /Qdiag-disable:11074,11076") else () set (CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fp-model precise -diag-disable=11074,11076") endif () endif () include (CheckCXXSourceCompiles) if (MSVC) set (CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} /WX") else () set (CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Werror") endif () # Check whether the C++11 math function: std::expm1, std::atanh, # etc. are available. This flag is *not* propagated to clients that use # GeographicLib. However, this is of no consequence. When the client # code is being compiled (and the GeographicLib headers being included), # work-alike substitutions are used. check_cxx_source_compiles ( "#include int main() { int q; return int(std::hypot(3.0, 4.0) + std::expm1(0.5) + std::log1p(2.0) + std::asinh(10.0) + std::atanh(0.8) + std::cbrt(8.0) + std::fma(1.0, 2.0, 3.0) + std::remquo(100.0, 90.0, &q) + std::remainder(100.0, 90.0) + std::copysign(1.0, -0.0) + std::round(3.5)) + std::isfinite(4.0) + std::isnan(0.0) + int(std::lround(-3.5)); }\n" CXX11_MATH) if (CXX11_MATH) add_definitions (-DGEOGRAPHICLIB_CXX11_MATH=1) else () add_definitions (-DGEOGRAPHICLIB_CXX11_MATH=0) endif () # Check whether the C++11 static_assert macro is available. This flag # is *not* propagated to clients that use GeographicLib. However, this # is of no consequence. When the client code is being compiled (and the # GeographicLib headers being included), a work-alike substitution is # used. check_cxx_source_compiles ( "#include int main() { static_assert(true, \"static assert test\"); return 0; }\n" CXX11_STATIC_ASSERT) if (CXX11_STATIC_ASSERT) add_definitions (-DGEOGRAPHICLIB_HAS_STATIC_ASSERT=1) else () add_definitions (-DGEOGRAPHICLIB_HAS_STATIC_ASSERT=0) endif () # Set the include directories. Look in ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/include # first because that's where Config.h will be include_directories ("${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/include" include) if (USE_BOOST_FOR_EXAMPLES) # quad precision numbers appeared in Boost 1.54. Various # workarounds stopped being needed with Boost 1.64. find_package (Boost 1.64 COMPONENTS serialization) elseif (GEOGRAPHICLIB_PRECISION EQUAL 4) if (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "GNU" AND CXX11_MATH) find_package (Boost 1.64) endif () endif () set (HIGHPREC_LIBRARIES) if (GEOGRAPHICLIB_PRECISION EQUAL 1) message (WARNING "Compiling with floats which results in poor accuracy") elseif (GEOGRAPHICLIB_PRECISION EQUAL 2) # This is the default elseif (GEOGRAPHICLIB_PRECISION EQUAL 3) if (WIN32) message (WARNING "Cannot support long double on Windows, switching to double") set (GEOGRAPHICLIB_PRECISION 2) endif () elseif (GEOGRAPHICLIB_PRECISION EQUAL 4) if (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "GNU" AND CXX11_MATH) if (Boost_FOUND) include_directories ("${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS}") set (HIGHPREC_LIBRARIES quadmath) endif () endif () if (NOT HIGHPREC_LIBRARIES) message (WARNING "Cannot support quad precision, switching to double") set (GEOGRAPHICLIB_PRECISION 2) endif () elseif (GEOGRAPHICLIB_PRECISION EQUAL 5) if (CXX11_MATH) # Install MPFR C++ version 3.6.5 (2016-12-19) or later from # and install mpreal.h in the # include directory. NOTE: MPFR C++ is covered by the GPL; be sure # to abide by the terms of this license. # # For Linux, use system versions of mpfr and gmp. For Apple, use # brew install mpfr. Recent versions of mpfr (3.0 or later) work # fine. For Windows, download from # the MPFR C++ site and unpack in the top-level directory. The # Windows build only works with GEOGRAPHICLIB_LIB_TYPE=STATIC. # NOTE: mpfr, gmp, and mpir are covered by the LGPL; be sure to # abide by the terms of this license. # # Need Visual Studio 12 2013 or later, g++ 4.5 or later; not sure # about clang. if (WIN32) if (MSVC AND NOT MSVC_VERSION LESS 1800) if (CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 8) set (_ARCH x64) else () set (_ARCH Win32) endif () include_directories (mpfr_mpir_x86_x64_msvc2010/mpfr mpfr_mpir_x86_x64_msvc2010/mpir/dll/${_ARCH}/Release) # These are C libraries so it's OK to use release versions for # debug builds. Also these work for later versions of Visual # Studio (specifically version 12). link_directories (mpfr_mpir_x86_x64_msvc2010/mpfr/dll/${_ARCH}/Release mpfr_mpir_x86_x64_msvc2010/mpir/dll/${_ARCH}/Release) set (HIGHPREC_LIBRARIES mpfr mpir) # Suppress the myriad of "conditional expression is constant" # warnings set (CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} /wd4127") endif () else () if (APPLE) include_directories (/usr/local/include) link_directories (/usr/local/lib) endif () # g++ before 4.5 doesn't work (no explicit cast operator) if (NOT (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "GNU" AND CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS 4.5)) set (HIGHPREC_LIBRARIES mpfr gmp) endif () endif () endif () if (NOT HIGHPREC_LIBRARIES) message (WARNING "Cannot support mpfr, switching to double") set (GEOGRAPHICLIB_PRECISION 2) endif () endif () if (APPLE AND APPLE_MULTIPLE_ARCHITECTURES) if (CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR MATCHES "i.86" OR CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR MATCHES "amd64" OR CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR MATCHES "x86") set (CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES "i386;x86_64") endif () endif () # Create a Config.h to expose system information to the compiler configure_file ( include/GeographicLib/ include/GeographicLib/Config.h @ONLY) # The documentation depends on doxygen. if (GEOGRAPHICLIB_DOCUMENTATION) set (DOXYGEN_SKIP_DOT ON) # Version 1.8.7 or later needed for … find_package (Doxygen 1.8.7) # For JavaScript documentation find_program (JSDOC jsdoc) # For Python documentation find_program (SPHINX sphinx-build) endif () # The man pages are written as pod files and converted to nroff format, # C++ code, and html. Because this require tools that may not be # available on an end-user's system, the creation of the final # documentation is therefore only done in "MAINTAINER" mode. The # maintainer runs "make distrib-all" which installs the transformed # documentation files into the source tree. Skip Apple here because # man/ uses "head --lines -4" to drop the last 4 lines of a # file and there's no simple equivalent for MacOSX if (NOT WIN32 AND NOT APPLE) find_program (HAVE_POD2MAN pod2man) find_program (HAVE_POD2HTML pod2html) find_program (HAVE_COL col) endif () if (HAVE_POD2MAN AND HAVE_POD2HTML AND HAVE_COL) set (MAINTAINER ON) else () set (MAINTAINER OFF) endif () if (MAINTAINER) add_custom_target (distrib-all) add_dependencies (distrib-all distrib-man) endif () if (NOT CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES AND NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) # Set a default build type for single-configuration cmake generators # if no build type is set. set (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release) endif () # Set output directories for Windows so that executables and dlls are # put in the same place if (WIN32) # static libaries set (CMAKE_ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/lib") # shared libraries set (CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/lib") # executables and dlls set (CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/bin") endif () # The list of tools (to be installed into, e.g., /usr/local/bin) set (TOOLS CartConvert ConicProj GeodesicProj GeoConvert GeodSolve GeoidEval Gravity MagneticField Planimeter RhumbSolve TransverseMercatorProj) # The list of scripts (to be installed into, e.g., /usr/local/sbin) set (SCRIPTS geographiclib-get-geoids geographiclib-get-gravity geographiclib-get-magnetic) set_property (GLOBAL PROPERTY USE_FOLDERS ON) # The list of subdirectories to process add_subdirectory (src) add_subdirectory (include/GeographicLib) add_subdirectory (tools) add_subdirectory (man) add_subdirectory (doc) add_subdirectory (js) add_subdirectory (matlab) add_subdirectory (python/geographiclib) add_subdirectory (examples) if (MSVC AND BUILD_NETGEOGRAPHICLIB) if (GEOGRAPHICLIB_PRECISION EQUAL 2) set (NETGEOGRAPHICLIB_LIBRARIES NETGeographicLib) set (NETLIBNAME NETGeographic) add_subdirectory (dotnet/NETGeographicLib) add_subdirectory (dotnet/examples/ManagedCPP) else () message (WARNING "Build of NETGeographicLib only works with doubles") endif () endif () add_subdirectory (cmake) if (DEVELOPER) add_subdirectory (tests) endif () # Packaging support; we deal with # (1) a source distribution: cmake make a tar.gz file and the zip file # is created from this. Only the maintainer can do this, because of # the need to generate additional documentation files. # (2) a binary distribution: code is included for Linux, Apple, and # Windows, but only the Windows distribution has been exercised. # Need to ensure that system dlls get included in a binary distribution if (NOT DEFINED CMAKE_INSTALL_SYSTEM_RUNTIME_LIBS_NO_WARNINGS) # Visual Studio Express does include redistributable components so # squelch the warning. set (CMAKE_INSTALL_SYSTEM_RUNTIME_LIBS_NO_WARNINGS ON) endif () set (CMAKE_INSTALL_DEBUG_LIBRARIES ON) include (InstallRequiredSystemLibraries) # The configuration of CPack is via variable that need to be set before # the include (CPack). set (CPACK_PACKAGE_CONTACT set (CPACK_PACKAGE_VENDOR "GeographicLib") set (CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_SUMMARY "GeographicLib library, utilities, and documentation") # The list of files to be excluded from the source distribution. set (CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES "#" "~\$" "/\\\\.git" "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/BUILD" "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/(tests|testdata|cgi-bin|.*\\\\.cache)/" "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/(distrib|.*-distrib|.*-installer|geodesic-papers)/" "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/[^/]*\\\\.(xml|html|css|kmz|pdf)\$" "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/(autogen|biblio)\\\\.sh\$" "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/(robots.txt|geodesic-biblio.txt|makefile-admin|[^/]*\\\\.png)\$" "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/matlab/.*blurb.txt\$") set (CPACK_SOURCE_GENERATOR TGZ) set (CPACK_RESOURCE_FILE_LICENSE ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/LICENSE.txt) set (CPACK_PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIRECTORY "${PROJECT_NAME}-${PROJECT_VERSION}") set (CPACK_SOURCE_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME "${CPACK_PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIRECTORY}") if (WIN32) # The Windows binary packager is NSIS. Set the necessary variables # for this. set (CPACK_NSIS_CONTACT "") set (CPACK_NSIS_URL_INFO_ABOUT "") set (CPACK_NSIS_HELP_LINK "") # No provision for accommodating different compiler versions. However # the Visual Studio 14 2015 build works also with Visual Studio 15 # 2017 and Visual Studio 16 2019. if (CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 8) set (CPACK_NSIS_INSTALL_ROOT "C:\\\\Program Files") set (CPACK_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME "${CPACK_PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIRECTORY}-win64") set (CPACK_NSIS_PACKAGE_NAME "${PROJECT_NAME} x64 ${PROJECT_VERSION}") set (CPACK_PACKAGE_INSTALL_REGISTRY_KEY "${PROJECT_NAME}-x64-${PROJECT_VERSION}") else () set (CPACK_NSIS_INSTALL_ROOT "C:\\\\Program Files (x86)") set (CPACK_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME "${CPACK_PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIRECTORY}-win32") set (CPACK_NSIS_PACKAGE_NAME "${PROJECT_NAME} win32 ${PROJECT_VERSION}") set (CPACK_PACKAGE_INSTALL_REGISTRY_KEY "${PROJECT_NAME}-win32-${PROJECT_VERSION}") endif () set (CPACK_NSIS_DISPLAY_NAME ${CPACK_NSIS_PACKAGE_NAME}) set (CPACK_NSIS_MENU_LINKS "${PROJECT_VERSION}/index.html" "Library documentation" "${PROJECT_VERSION}/utilities.html" "Utilities documentation" "" "GeographicLib home page" "" "Main project page") set (CPACK_NSIS_MODIFY_PATH ON) elseif (APPLE) # Not tested set (CPACK_GENERATOR Bundle) set (CPACK_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME "${CPACK_PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIRECTORY}-darwin") else () # Not tested set (CPACK_GENERATOR TGZ) endif () include (CPack) # Another maintainer-specific target is building the source distribution # via the target dist. This calls package_source to make a tar.gz file. # However this needs to be touched up to support the vanilla Makefiles # provided with GeographicLib. This entails # (1) creating Makefile (which includes; # (2) creating a bare-bones Config.h (with just the version information); # (3) making sure that make thinks the generated documentation files are # up-to-date. # Then a new tar.gz file and zip file are created. To avoid potential # problems with directory permissions, tar and zip are told only to # archive the files. if (MAINTAINER) add_custom_target (dist COMMAND ${CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM} package_source COMMAND cd _CPack_Packages/Linux-Source/TGZ/${CPACK_SOURCE_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME} && echo include > Makefile && sed -e "s/Unconfigured/${PROJECT_VERSION}/" -e "s/MAJOR .*/MAJOR ${CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR}/" -e "s/MINOR .*/MINOR ${CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR}/" -e "s/PATCH .*/PATCH ${CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_PATCH}/" include/GeographicLib/Config.h > include/GeographicLib/ && mv include/GeographicLib/ include/GeographicLib/Config.h COMMAND cd _CPack_Packages/Linux-Source/TGZ/${CPACK_SOURCE_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME} && touch man/[A-Za-z]*.usage man/[A-Za-z]*.1 man/[A-Za-z]*.1.html && chmod -R g-w . COMMAND cd _CPack_Packages/Linux-Source/TGZ && find ${CPACK_SOURCE_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME} -type f | tar cfzT ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${CPACK_SOURCE_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME}.tar.gz - COMMAND rm -f ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${CPACK_SOURCE_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME}.zip && rsync -a --delete _CPack_Packages/Linux-Source/TGZ/${CPACK_SOURCE_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME} _CPack_Packages/Linux-Source/TGZ.DOS/ && cd _CPack_Packages/Linux-Source/TGZ.DOS && find . -type f | egrep -v '/\(compile|config[^/]*|depcomp|install-sh|missing|[Mm]akefile[^/]*|[^/]*\\.\(ac|am|csproj|eps|kmz|m4|pdf|png|resx|settings|sh|sln|vcproj|vcxproj\)\)$$' | xargs unix2dos -q -k && find ${CPACK_SOURCE_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME} -type f | zip -q ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${CPACK_SOURCE_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME}.zip -@ ) add_dependencies (dist distrib-all) endif () # The test suite -- split into a separate file because it's rather large. # N.B. Many of the tests fail with GEOGRAPHICLIB_PRECISION = 1 (float). include (tools/tests.cmake)