# Configure GeographicLib # # Set # GeographicLib_FOUND = GEOGRAPHICLIB_FOUND = 1 # GeographicLib_INCLUDE_DIRS = /usr/local/include # GeographicLib_SHARED_LIBRARIES = GeographicLib_SHARED (or empty) # GeographicLib_STATIC_LIBRARIES = GeographicLib_STATIC (or empty) # GeographicLib_LIBRARY_DIRS = /usr/local/lib # GeographicLib_BINARY_DIRS = /usr/local/bin # GeographicLib_VERSION = 1.34 (for example) # GEOGRAPHICLIB_DATA = /usr/local/share/GeographicLib (for example) # Depending on GeographicLib_USE_STATIC_LIBS # GeographicLib_LIBRARIES = ${GeographicLib_SHARED_LIBRARIES}, if OFF # GeographicLib_LIBRARIES = ${GeographicLib_STATIC_LIBRARIES}, if ON # If only one of the libraries is provided, then # GeographicLib_USE_STATIC_LIBS is ignored. # # Since cmake 2.8.11 or later, there's no need to include # include_directories (${GeographicLib_INCLUDE_DIRS}) # The variables are retained for information. # # The following variables are only relevant if the library has been # compiled with a default precision different from double: # GEOGRAPHICLIB_PRECISION = the precision of the library (usually 2) # GeographicLib_HIGHPREC_LIBRARIES = the libraries need for high precision message (STATUS "Reading ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}") # GeographicLib_VERSION is set by version file message (STATUS "GeographicLib configuration, version ${GeographicLib_VERSION}") # Tell the user project where to find our headers and libraries get_filename_component (_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE} PATH) if (IS_ABSOLUTE "../../..") # This is an uninstalled package (still in the build tree) set (_ROOT "../../..") set (GeographicLib_INCLUDE_DIRS "") set (GeographicLib_LIBRARY_DIRS "${_ROOT}/src") set (GeographicLib_BINARY_DIRS "${_ROOT}/tools") else () # This is an installed package; figure out the paths relative to the # current directory. get_filename_component (_ROOT "${_DIR}/../../.." ABSOLUTE) set (GeographicLib_INCLUDE_DIRS "${_ROOT}/include") set (GeographicLib_LIBRARY_DIRS "${_ROOT}/lib") set (GeographicLib_BINARY_DIRS "${_ROOT}/bin") endif () set (GEOGRAPHICLIB_DATA "/usr/local/share/GeographicLib") set (GEOGRAPHICLIB_PRECISION 2) set (GeographicLib_HIGHPREC_LIBRARIES "") set (GeographicLib_SHARED_LIBRARIES GeographicLib_SHARED) set (GeographicLib_STATIC_LIBRARIES ) # Read in the exported definition of the library include ("${_DIR}/geographiclib-targets.cmake") include ("${_DIR}/geographiclib-namespace-targets.cmake") # For interoperability with older installations of GeographicLib and # with packages which depend on GeographicLib, GeographicLib_LIBRARIES # etc. still point to the non-namespace variables. Tentatively plan to # transition to namespace variables as follows: # # * namespace targets were introduced with version 1.47 (2017-02-15) # * switch GeographicLib_LIBRARIES to point to namespace variable after # 2020-02 # * remove non-namespace variables after 2023-02 unset (_ROOT) unset (_DIR) if ((NOT GeographicLib_SHARED_LIBRARIES) OR (GeographicLib_USE_STATIC_LIBS AND GeographicLib_STATIC_LIBRARIES)) set (GeographicLib_LIBRARIES ${GeographicLib_STATIC_LIBRARIES}) message (STATUS " \${GeographicLib_LIBRARIES} set to static library") else () set (GeographicLib_LIBRARIES ${GeographicLib_SHARED_LIBRARIES}) message (STATUS " \${GeographicLib_LIBRARIES} set to shared library") endif () set (GeographicLib_NETGeographicLib_LIBRARIES ) # Check for the components requested. This only supports components # STATIC, SHARED, and NETGeographicLib by checking the value of # GeographicLib_${comp}_LIBRARIES. No need to check if the component # is required or not--the version file took care of that. # GeographicLib_${comp}_FOUND is set appropriately for each component. if (GeographicLib_FIND_COMPONENTS) foreach (comp ${GeographicLib_FIND_COMPONENTS}) if (GeographicLib_${comp}_LIBRARIES) set (GeographicLib_${comp}_FOUND 1) message (STATUS "GeographicLib component ${comp} found") else () set (GeographicLib_${comp}_FOUND 0) message (WARNING "GeographicLib component ${comp} not found") endif () endforeach () endif () # GeographicLib_FOUND is set to 1 automatically set (GEOGRAPHICLIB_FOUND 1) # for backwards compatibility