#include #include #include #include #include "LogCompressor.h" #include LogCompressor::LogCompressor(QString logFileName, QString outFileName, int uasid) : logFileName(logFileName), outFileName(outFileName), running(true), currentDataLine(0), dataLines(1), uasid(uasid) { start(); } void LogCompressor::run() { QString separator = "\t"; QString fileName = logFileName; QFile file(fileName); QFile outfile(outFileName); QStringList* keys = new QStringList(); QStringList* times = new QStringList(); if (!file.exists()) return; if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) return; if (outFileName != "") { // Check if file is writeable if (!QFileInfo(outfile).isWritable()) { return; } } // Find all keys QTextStream in(&file); while (!in.atEnd()) { QString line = in.readLine(); // Accumulate map of keys // Data field name is at position 2 QString key = line.split(separator).at(2); if (!keys->contains(key)) keys->append(key); } keys->sort(); QString header = ""; QString spacer = ""; for (int i = 0; i < keys->length(); i++) { header += keys->at(i) + separator; spacer += " " + separator; } //qDebug() << header; //qDebug() << "NOW READING TIMES"; // Find all times //in.reset(); file.reset(); in.reset(); in.resetStatus(); while (!in.atEnd()) { QString line = in.readLine(); // Accumulate map of keys // Data field name is at position 2 QString time = line.split(separator).at(0); if (!times->contains(time)) { times->append(time); } } dataLines = times->length(); times->sort(); // Create lines QStringList* outLines = new QStringList(); for (int i = 0; i < times->length(); i++) { outLines->append(times->at(i) + separator + spacer); } // Fill in the values for all keys file.reset(); QTextStream data(&file); int linecounter = 0; while (!data.atEnd()) { linecounter++; currentDataLine = linecounter; QString line = data.readLine(); QStringList parts = line.split(separator); // Get time QString time = parts.first(); QString field = parts.at(2); QString value = parts.at(3); // Enforce NaN if no value is present if (value.length() == 0 || value == "" || value == " " || value == "\t" || value == "\n") { value = "NaN"; } // Get matching output line quint64 index = times->indexOf(time); QString outLine = outLines->at(index); QStringList outParts = outLine.split(separator); // Replace measurement placeholder with current value outParts.replace(keys->indexOf(field)+1, value); outLine = outParts.join(separator); outLines->replace(index, outLine); } // Add header, write out file file.close(); if (outFileName == "") { QFile::remove(file.fileName()); outfile.setFileName(file.fileName()); } if (!outfile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) return; outfile.write(QString(QString("unix_timestamp") + separator + header.replace(" ", "_") + QString("\n")).toLatin1()); //QString fileHeader = QString("unix_timestamp") + header.replace(" ", "_") + QString("\n"); // File output for (int i = 0; i < outLines->length(); i++) { //qDebug() << outLines->at(i); outfile.write(QString(outLines->at(i) + "\n").toLatin1()); } currentDataLine = 0; dataLines = 1; delete keys; qDebug() << "Done with logfile processing"; running = false; } bool LogCompressor::isFinished() { return !running; } int LogCompressor::getCurrentLine() { return currentDataLine; } int LogCompressor::getDataLines() { return dataLines; }