#include <ctype.h> #include <errno.h> #include <signal.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <time.h> #include <jaus.h> #include <openJaus.h> #if defined(WIN32) #undef MOUSE_MOVED // conflict between PDCURSES and WIN32 #include <curses.h> #include <windows.h> #define CLEAR "cls" #elif defined(__linux) || defined(linux) || defined(__linux__) || defined(__APPLE__) #include <ncurses.h> #include <termios.h> #include <unistd.h> #define CLEAR "clear" #endif #include "pd.h" #include "gpos.h" #include "vss.h" #include "vehicleSim.h" #include "wd.h" #ifndef TRUE #define TRUE 1 #endif #ifndef FALSE #define FALSE 0 #endif #define DEFAULT_STRING_LENGTH 128 #define KEYBOARD_LOCK_TIMEOUT_SEC 60.0 static int mainRunning = FALSE; static int verbose = FALSE; static int keyboardLock = FALSE; static FILE *logFile = NULL; static char timeString[DEFAULT_STRING_LENGTH] = ""; // Operating specific console handles #if defined(WIN32) static HANDLE handleStdin; #elif defined(__linux) || defined(linux) || defined(__linux__) || defined(__APPLE__) static struct termios newTermio; static struct termios storedTermio; #endif OjCmpt gpos; OjCmpt vss; OjCmpt pd; OjCmpt wd; // Refresh screen in curses mode void updateScreen(int keyboardLock, int keyPress) { int row = 0; int col = 0; char string[256] = {0}; PointLla vehiclePosLla; static int lastChoice = '1'; JausAddress address; if(!keyboardLock && keyPress != -1 && keyPress != 27 && keyPress != 12) //Magic Numbers: 27 = ESC, 12 = Ctrl+l { switch(keyPress) { case ' ': wdToggleRequestControl(wd); break; case 'S': wdSetSpeed(wd); break; case 'W': wdCreateWaypoint(wd); break; default: lastChoice = keyPress; } } clear(); mvprintw(row,35,"Keyboard Lock: %s", keyboardLock?"ON, Press ctrl+L to unlock":"OFF, Press ctrl+L to lock"); mvprintw(row++,0,"+---------------------------+"); mvprintw(row++,0,"| Component Menu |"); mvprintw(row++,0,"| |"); mvprintw(row++,0,"| 1. Vehicle Sim |"); mvprintw(row++,0,"| 2. Primitive Driver |"); mvprintw(row++,0,"| 3. GPOS / VSS |"); mvprintw(row++,0,"| 4. Waypoint Driver |"); mvprintw(row++,0,"| |"); mvprintw(row++,0,"| ESC to Exit |"); mvprintw(row++,0,"+---------------------------+"); row = 2; col = 40; switch(lastChoice) { case '1': mvprintw(row++,col,"Vehicle Simulator"); mvprintw(row++,col,"VS Update Rate: %7.2f", vehicleSimGetUpdateRate()); mvprintw(row++,col,"VS Run/Pause: %s", vehicleSimGetRunPause() == VEHICLE_SIM_PAUSE ? "Pause" : "Run"); row++; mvprintw(row++,col,"VS Vehicle X:\t%9.2f", vehicleSimGetX()); mvprintw(row++,col,"VS Vehicle Y:\t%9.2f", vehicleSimGetY()); mvprintw(row++,col,"VS Vehicle H:\t%9.2f", vehicleSimGetH()); mvprintw(row++,col,"VS Vehicle Speed: %7.2f", vehicleSimGetSpeed()); row++; mvprintw(row++,col,"VS Throttle:\t%9.2f", vehicleSimGetLinearEffortX()); mvprintw(row++,col,"VS Brake:\t%9.2f", vehicleSimGetResistiveEffortX()); mvprintw(row++,col,"VS Steering:\t%9.2f", vehicleSimGetRotationalEffort()); row++; vehiclePosLla = vehicleSimGetPositionLla(); mvprintw(row++,col,"VS Vehicle Latitude: %+10.7f", vehiclePosLla? vehiclePosLla->latitudeRadians*DEG_PER_RAD : 0.0); mvprintw(row++,col,"VS Vehicle Longitude: %+10.7f", vehiclePosLla? vehiclePosLla->longitudeRadians*DEG_PER_RAD : 0.0); break; case '2': mvprintw(row++,col,"Primitive Driver"); mvprintw(row++,col,"PD Update Rate: %5.2f", ojCmptGetRateHz(pd)); address = ojCmptGetAddress(pd); jausAddressToString(address, string); jausAddressDestroy(address); mvprintw(row++,col,"PD Address:\t%s", string); mvprintw(row++,col,"PD State:\t%s", jausStateGetString(ojCmptGetState(pd))); row++; if(ojCmptHasController(pd)) { address = ojCmptGetControllerAddress(pd); jausAddressToString(address, string); jausAddressDestroy(address); mvprintw(row++,col,"PD Controller: %s", string); } else { mvprintw(row++,col,"PD Controller: None"); } mvprintw(row++,col,"PD Controller SC: %s", pdGetControllerScStatus(pd)?"Active":"Inactive"); mvprintw(row++,col,"PD Controller State: %s", jausStateGetString(pdGetControllerState(pd))); row++; mvprintw(row++,col,"PD Prop Effort X: %0.0lf", pdGetWrenchEffort(pd)? pdGetWrenchEffort(pd)->propulsiveLinearEffortXPercent:-1.0); mvprintw(row++,col,"PD Rstv Effort X: %0.0lf", pdGetWrenchEffort(pd)? pdGetWrenchEffort(pd)->resistiveLinearEffortXPercent:-1.0); mvprintw(row++,col,"PD Rtat Effort Z: %0.0lf", pdGetWrenchEffort(pd)? pdGetWrenchEffort(pd)->propulsiveRotationalEffortZPercent:-1.0); break; case '3': mvprintw(row++,col,"Global Pose Sensor"); mvprintw(row++,col,"GPOS Update Rate: %7.2f", ojCmptGetRateHz(gpos)); address = ojCmptGetAddress(gpos); jausAddressToString(address, string ); jausAddressDestroy(address); mvprintw(row++,col,"GPOS Address:\t %s", string); mvprintw(row++,col,"GPOS State:\t %s", jausStateGetString(ojCmptGetState(gpos))); mvprintw(row++,col,"GPOS SC State:\t %s", gposGetScActive(gpos)? "Active" : "Inactive"); row++; mvprintw(row++,col,"Velocity State Sensor"); mvprintw(row++,col,"VSS Update Rate: %7.2f", ojCmptGetRateHz(vss)); address = ojCmptGetAddress(vss); jausAddressToString(address, string ); jausAddressDestroy(address); mvprintw(row++,col,"VSS Address:\t %s", string); mvprintw(row++,col,"VSS State:\t %s", jausStateGetString(ojCmptGetState(vss))); mvprintw(row++,col,"VSS SC State:\t %s", vssGetScActive(vss)? "Active" : "Inactive"); break; case '4': mvprintw(row++,col,"Waypoint Driver"); mvprintw(row++,col,"WD Update Rate: %7.2f", ojCmptGetRateHz(wd)); address = ojCmptGetAddress(wd); jausAddressToString(address, string ); jausAddressDestroy(address); mvprintw(row++,col,"WD Address:\t %s", string); mvprintw(row++,col,"WD State:\t %s", jausStateGetString(ojCmptGetState(wd))); address = ojCmptGetControllerAddress(wd); if(address) { jausAddressToString(address, string); mvprintw(row++,col,"WD Controller:\t %s", string); jausAddressDestroy(address); } else { mvprintw(row++,col,"WD Controller:\t None"); } row = 11; col = 2; mvprintw(row++,col,"GPOS SC:\t %s", wdGetGposScStatus(wd)? "Active" : "Inactive"); mvprintw(row++,col,"VSS SC:\t %s", wdGetVssScStatus(wd)? "Active" : "Inactive"); mvprintw(row++,col,"PD Wrench SC:\t %s", wdGetPdWrenchScStatus(wd)? "Active" : "Inactive"); mvprintw(row++,col,"PD State SC:\t %s", wdGetPdStatusScStatus(wd)? "Active" : "Inactive"); row++; mvprintw(row++,col,"WD Request Control:\t%s", wdGetRequestControl(wd)? "True" : "False"); mvprintw(row++,col,"(Space to Toggle)"); mvprintw(row++,col,"WD Control:\t\t%s", wdGetInControlStatus(wd)? "True" : "False"); mvprintw(row++,col,"PD State:\t\t%s", jausStateGetString(wdGetPdState(wd))); row = 11; col = 40; if(wdGetGlobalWaypoint(wd)) { mvprintw(row++,col,"Global Waypoint: (%9.7lf,%9.7lf)", wdGetGlobalWaypoint(wd)->latitudeDegrees, wdGetGlobalWaypoint(wd)->longitudeDegrees); } else { mvprintw(row++,col,"Global Waypoint: None"); } if(wdGetTravelSpeed(wd)) { mvprintw(row++,col,"Travel Speed: %7.2f", wdGetTravelSpeed(wd)->speedMps); } else { mvprintw(row++,col,"Travel Speed: None"); } mvprintw(row++,col,"dSpeedMps: %7.2f", wdGetDesiredVehicleState(wd)? wdGetDesiredVehicleState(wd)->desiredSpeedMps : 0.0); mvprintw(row++,col,"dPhi: %7.2f", wdGetDesiredVehicleState(wd)? wdGetDesiredVehicleState(wd)->desiredPhiEffort : 0.0); break; default: mvprintw(row++,col,"NONE."); break; } move(24,0); refresh(); } void parseUserInput(char input) { switch(input) { case 12: // 12 == 'ctrl + L' keyboardLock = !keyboardLock; break; case 27: // 27 if(!keyboardLock) { mainRunning = FALSE; } break; default: break; } return; } void parseCommandLine(int argCount, char **argString) { int i = 0; int debugLevel = 0; char debugLogicString[DEFAULT_STRING_LENGTH] = ""; for(i=1; i<argCount; i++) { if(argString[i][0] == '-') { switch(argString[i][1]) { case 'v': verbose = TRUE; //setLogVerbose(TRUE); break; case 'd': if(argString[i][2] == '+') { //setDebugLogic(DEBUG_GREATER_THAN); sprintf(debugLogicString, "Greater than or equal to: "); if(argString[i][3] >= '0' && argString[i][3] <= '9') { debugLevel = atoi(&argString[i][3]); } else { printf("main: Incorrect use of arguments\n"); break; } } else if(argString[i][2] == '-') { //setDebugLogic(DEBUG_LESS_THAN); sprintf(debugLogicString, "Less than or equal to: "); if(argString[i][3] >= '0' && argString[i][3] <= '9') { debugLevel = atoi(&argString[i][3]); } else { printf("main: Incorrect use of arguments\n"); break; } } else if(argString[i][2] == '=') { //setDebugLogic(DEBUG_EQUAL_TO); if(argString[i][3] >= '0' && argString[i][3] <= '9') { debugLevel = atoi(&argString[i][3]); } else { printf("main: Incorrect use of arguments\n"); break; } } else if(argString[i][2] >= '0' && argString[i][2] <= '9') { debugLevel = atoi(&argString[i][2]); } else { printf("main: Incorrect use of arguments\n"); break; } printf("main: Switching to debug level: %s%d\n", debugLogicString, debugLevel); //setDebugLevel(debugLevel); break; case 'l': if(argCount > i+1 && argString[i+1][0] != '-') { logFile = fopen(argString[i+1], "w"); if(logFile != NULL) { fprintf(logFile, "CIMAR %s Log -- %s\n", argString[0], timeString); //setLogFile(logFile); } else printf("main: Error creating log file, switching to default\n"); } else { printf("main: Incorrect use of arguments\n"); } break; default: printf("main: Incorrect use of arguments\n"); break; } } } } void setupTerminal() { if(verbose) { #if defined(__linux) || defined(linux) || defined(__linux__) || defined(__APPLE__) tcgetattr(0,&storedTermio); memcpy(&newTermio,&storedTermio,sizeof(struct termios)); // Disable canonical mode, and set buffer size to 0 byte(s) newTermio.c_lflag &= (~ICANON); newTermio.c_lflag &= (~ECHO); newTermio.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; newTermio.c_cc[VMIN] = 0; tcsetattr(0,TCSANOW,&newTermio); #elif defined(WIN32) // Setup the console window's input handle handleStdin = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); #endif } else { // Start up Curses window initscr(); cbreak(); noecho(); nodelay(stdscr, 1); // Don't wait at the getch() function if the user hasn't hit a key keypad(stdscr, 1); // Allow Function key input and arrow key input } } void cleanupConsole() { if(verbose) { #if defined(__linux) || defined(linux) || defined(__linux__) || defined(__APPLE__) tcsetattr(0,TCSANOW,&storedTermio); #endif } else { // Stop Curses clear(); endwin(); } } char getUserInput() { char retVal = FALSE; int choice; #if defined(WIN32) int i = 0; #endif if(verbose) { #if defined(WIN32) INPUT_RECORD inputEvents[128]; DWORD eventCount; // See how many events are waiting for us, this prevents blocking if none GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents(handleStdin, &eventCount); if(eventCount > 0) { // Check for user input here ReadConsoleInput( handleStdin, // input buffer handle inputEvents, // buffer to read into 128, // size of read buffer &eventCount); // number of records read } // Parse console input events for (i = 0; i < (int) eventCount; i++) { switch(inputEvents[i].EventType) { case KEY_EVENT: // keyboard input parseUserInput(inputEvents[i].Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar); retVal = TRUE; break; default: break; } } #elif defined(__linux) || defined(linux) || defined(__linux__) || defined(__APPLE__) choice = getc(stdin); if(choice > -1) { parseUserInput(choice); retVal = TRUE; } #endif } else { choice = getch(); // Get the key that the user has selected updateScreen(keyboardLock, choice); if(choice > -1) { parseUserInput(choice); retVal = TRUE; } } return retVal; } int main(int argCount, char **argString) { char keyPressed = FALSE; int keyboardLock = FALSE; double keyboardLockTime = ojGetTimeSec() + KEYBOARD_LOCK_TIMEOUT_SEC; time_t timeStamp; //Get and Format Time String time(&timeStamp); strftime(timeString, DEFAULT_STRING_LENGTH-1, "%m-%d-%Y %X", localtime(&timeStamp)); system(CLEAR); //cDebug(1, "main: Starting Up %s Node Software\n", simulatorGetName()); // if(simulatorStartup()) // { // printf("main: %s Node Startup failed\n", simulatorGetName()); // //cDebug(1, "main: Exiting %s Node Software\n", simulatorGetName()); //#if defined(WIN32) // system("pause"); //#else // printf("Press ENTER to exit\n"); // getch(); //#endif // return 0; // } vehicleSimStartup(); pd = pdCreate(); gpos = gposCreate(); vss = vssCreate(); wd = wdCreate(); setupTerminal(); mainRunning = TRUE; while(mainRunning) { keyPressed = getUserInput(); if(keyPressed) { keyboardLockTime = ojGetTimeSec() + KEYBOARD_LOCK_TIMEOUT_SEC; } else if(ojGetTimeSec() > keyboardLockTime) { keyboardLock = TRUE; } //if(verbose) //{ // choice = getc(stdin); //} //else // Not in verbose mode //{ // choice = getch(); // Get the key that the user has selected // updateScreen(keyboardLock, choice); //} ojSleepMsec(100); } cleanupConsole(); //cDebug(1, "main: Shutting Down %s Node Software\n", simulatorGetName()); wdDestroy(wd); pdDestroy(pd); gposDestroy(gpos); vssDestroy(vss); vehicleSimShutdown(); if(logFile != NULL) { fclose(logFile); } return 0; }