/**************************************************************************** * * (c) 2009-2016 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT * * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file * COPYING.md in the root of the source code directory. * ****************************************************************************/ import QtQuick 2.3 import QtQuick.Controls 1.2 import QtCharts 2.2 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.2 import QGroundControl 1.0 import QGroundControl.Controls 1.0 import QGroundControl.FactSystem 1.0 import QGroundControl.FactControls 1.0 import QGroundControl.ScreenTools 1.0 RowLayout { layoutDirection: Qt.RightToLeft property var tuneList property var params property real _chartHeight: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * 20 property real _margins: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight / 2 property string _currentTuneType: tuneList[0] property real _roll: _activeVehicle.roll.value property real _rollSetpoint: _activeVehicle.setpoint.roll.value property real _rollRate: _activeVehicle.rollRate.value property real _rollRateSetpoint: _activeVehicle.setpoint.rollRate.value property real _pitch: _activeVehicle.pitch.value property real _pitchSetpoint: _activeVehicle.setpoint.pitch.value property real _pitchRate: _activeVehicle.pitchRate.value property real _pitchRateSetpoint: _activeVehicle.setpoint.pitchRate.value property real _yaw: _activeVehicle.heading.value property real _yawSetpoint: _activeVehicle.setpoint.yaw.value property real _yawRate: _activeVehicle.yawRate.value property real _yawRateSetpoint: _activeVehicle.setpoint.yawRate.value property var _valueXAxis: valueXAxis property var _valueRateXAxis: valueRateXAxis property var _valueYAxis: valueYAxis property var _valueRateYAxis: valueRateYAxis property int _msecs: 0 property var _savedTuningParamValues: [ ] // The following are set when getValues is called property real _value property real _valueSetpoint property real _valueRate property real _valueRateSetpoint readonly property int _tickSeparation: 5 readonly property int _maxTickSections: 10 readonly property int _tuneListRollIndex: 0 readonly property int _tuneListPitchIndex: 1 readonly property int _tuneListYawIndex: 2 function adjustYAxisMin(yAxis, newValue) { var newMin = Math.min(yAxis.min, newValue) if (newMin % 5 != 0) { newMin -= 5 newMin = Math.floor(newMin / _tickSeparation) * _tickSeparation } yAxis.min = newMin } function adjustYAxisMax(yAxis, newValue) { var newMax = Math.max(yAxis.max, newValue) if (newMax % 5 != 0) { newMax += 5 newMax = Math.floor(newMax / _tickSeparation) * _tickSeparation } yAxis.max = newMax } function getValues() { if (_currentTuneType === tuneList[_tuneListRollIndex]) { _value = _roll _valueSetpoint = _rollSetpoint _valueRate = _rollRate _valueRateSetpoint = _rollRateSetpoint } else if (_currentTuneType === tuneList[_tuneListPitchIndex]) { _value = _pitch _valueSetpoint = _pitchSetpoint _valueRate = _pitchRate _valueRateSetpoint = _pitchRateSetpoint } else if (_currentTuneType === tuneList[_tuneListYawIndex]) { _value = _yaw _valueSetpoint = _yawSetpoint _valueRate = _yawRate _valueRateSetpoint = _yawRateSetpoint } } function resetGraphs() { valueSeries.removePoints(0, valueSeries.count) valueSetpointSeries.removePoints(0, valueSetpointSeries.count) valueRateSeries.removePoints(0, valueRateSeries.count) valueRateSetpointSeries.removePoints(0, valueRateSetpointSeries.count) _valueXAxis.min = 0 _valueXAxis.max = 0 _valueRateXAxis.min = 0 _valueRateXAxis.max = 0 _valueYAxis.min = 0 _valueYAxis.max = 10 _valueRateYAxis.min = 0 _valueRateYAxis.max = 10 _msecs = 0 } function currentTuneTypeIndex() { if (_currentTuneType === tuneList[_tuneListRollIndex]) { return _tuneListRollIndex } else if (_currentTuneType === tuneList[_tuneListPitchIndex]) { return _tuneListPitchIndex } else if (_currentTuneType === tuneList[_tuneListYawIndex]) { return _tuneListYawIndex } } // Save the current set of tuning values so we can reset to them function saveTuningParamValues() { var tuneTypeIndex = currentTuneTypeIndex() _savedTuningParamValues = [ ] var currentTuneParams = params[tuneTypeIndex] for (var i=0; i= modelData.min) { modelData.value = newValue } } } } Repeater { model: parent.factList FactTextField { Layout.fillWidth: true fact: modelData showUnits: false } } Repeater { model: parent.factList QGCButton { text: "+" onClicked: { var value = modelData.value var newValue = value + (value * adjustPercentModel.get(adjustPercentCombo.currentIndex).value) if (newValue <= modelData.max) { modelData.value = newValue } } } } } RowLayout { QGCLabel { text: qsTr("Increment/Decrement %") } QGCComboBox { id: adjustPercentCombo model: ListModel { id: adjustPercentModel ListElement { text: "5"; value: 0.05 } ListElement { text: "10"; value: 0.10 } ListElement { text: "15"; value: 0.15 } ListElement { text: "20"; value: 0.20 } } } } Column { QGCLabel { text: qsTr("Clipboard Values:") } GridLayout { rows: savedRepeater.model.length flow: GridLayout.TopToBottom rowSpacing: 0 columnSpacing: _margins Repeater { model: params[tuneList.indexOf(_currentTuneType)] QGCLabel { text: modelData.name } } Repeater { id: savedRepeater QGCLabel { text: modelData } } } } RowLayout { spacing: _margins QGCButton { text: qsTr("Save To Clipboard") onClicked: saveTuningParamValues() } QGCButton { text: qsTr("Restore From Clipboard") onClicked: resetToSavedTuningParamValues() } } Item { width: 1; height: 1 } QGCLabel { text: qsTr("Chart:") } RowLayout { spacing: _margins QGCButton { text: qsTr("Clear") onClicked: resetGraphs() } QGCButton { text: dataTimer.running ? qsTr("Stop") : qsTr("Start") onClicked: { dataTimer.running = !dataTimer.running if (autoModeChange.checked) { _activeVehicle.flightMode = dataTimer.running ? "Stabilized" : _activeVehicle.pauseFlightMode } } } } QGCCheckBox { id: autoModeChange text: qsTr("Automatic Flight Mode Switching") } Column { visible: autoModeChange.checked QGCLabel { text: qsTr("Switches to 'Stabilized' when you click Start.") font.pointSize: ScreenTools.smallFontPointSize } QGCLabel { text: qsTr("Switches to '%1' when you click Stop.").arg(_activeVehicle.pauseFlightMode) font.pointSize: ScreenTools.smallFontPointSize } } } Column { Layout.fillWidth: true ChartView { anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right height: availableHeight / 2 title: _currentTuneType antialiasing: true legend.alignment: Qt.AlignRight LineSeries { id: valueSeries name: "Response" axisY: valueYAxis axisX: valueXAxis } LineSeries { id: valueSetpointSeries name: "Command" axisY: valueYAxis axisX: valueXAxis } } ChartView { anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right height: availableHeight / 2 title: _currentTuneType + qsTr(" Rate") antialiasing: true legend.alignment: Qt.AlignRight LineSeries { id: valueRateSeries name: "Response" axisY: valueRateYAxis axisX: valueRateXAxis } LineSeries { id: valueRateSetpointSeries name: "Command" axisY: valueRateYAxis axisX: valueRateXAxis } } } } // RowLayout