#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace bg = boost::geometry; namespace bu = boost::units; #include #include #include "QGCQGeoCoordinate.h" #include "QmlObjectListModel.h" using namespace std; namespace snake { //========================================================================= // Geometry stuff. //========================================================================= // Double geometry. using FloatType = double; typedef bg::model::point FPoint; typedef bg::model::polygon FPolygon; typedef bg::model::linestring FLineString; typedef bg::model::box FBox; // Integer geometry. using IntType = long long; using IPoint = bg::model::point; using IPolygon = bg::model::polygon; using IRing = bg::model::ring; using ILineString = bg::model::linestring; FPoint int2Float(const IPoint &ip); FPoint int2Float(const IPoint &ip, IntType scale); IPoint float2Int(const FPoint &ip); IPoint float2Int(const FPoint &ip, IntType scale); template class Matrix; template ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const Matrix &matrix) { for (std::size_t i = 0; i < matrix.m(); ++i) { for (std::size_t j = 0; j < matrix.n(); ++j) { os << "(" << i << "," << j << "):" << matrix(i, j) << std::endl; } } return os; } // Matrix template class Matrix { public: using value_type = DataType; Matrix(std::size_t m, std::size_t n) : _m(m), _n(n) { _matrix.resize(m * n); } Matrix(std::size_t m, std::size_t n, DataType value) : _m(m), _n(n) { _matrix.resize(m * n, value); } DataType &operator()(std::size_t i, std::size_t j) { assert(i < _m); assert(j < _n); return _matrix[i * _m + j]; } const DataType &operator()(std::size_t i, std::size_t j) const { assert(i < _m); assert(j < _n); return _matrix[i * _m + j]; } std::size_t m() const { return _n; } std::size_t n() const { return _n; } friend ostream &operator<<<>(ostream &os, const Matrix &dt); private: std::vector _matrix; const std::size_t _m; const std::size_t _n; }; // Matrix struct BoundingBox { BoundingBox(); void clear(); double width; double height; double angle; FPolygon corners; }; template void toENU(const GeoPoint1 &origin, const GeoPoint2 &in, FPoint &out) { static GeographicLib::Geocentric earth(GeographicLib::Constants::WGS84_a(), GeographicLib::Constants::WGS84_f()); GeographicLib::LocalCartesian proj(origin.latitude(), origin.longitude(), 0, earth); double x = 0, y = 0, z = 0; proj.Forward(in.latitude(), in.longitude(), 0, x, y, z); out.set<0>(x); out.set<1>(y); (void)z; } template void toENU(const GeoPoint1 &origin, const GeoPoint2 &in, Point &out) { static GeographicLib::Geocentric earth(GeographicLib::Constants::WGS84_a(), GeographicLib::Constants::WGS84_f()); GeographicLib::LocalCartesian proj(origin.latitude(), origin.longitude(), 0, earth); double x = 0, y = 0, z = 0; proj.Forward(in.latitude(), in.longitude(), 0, x, y, z); out.setX(x); out.setY(y); (void)z; } template void fromENU(const GeoPoint &origin, const FPoint &in, GeoPoint &out) { static GeographicLib::Geocentric earth(GeographicLib::Constants::WGS84_a(), GeographicLib::Constants::WGS84_f()); GeographicLib::LocalCartesian proj(origin.latitude(), origin.longitude(), 0, earth); double lat = 0, lon = 0, alt = 0; proj.Reverse(in.get<0>(), in.get<1>(), 0.0, lat, lon, alt); out.setLatitude(lat); out.setLongitude(lon); out.setAltitude(alt); } template void areaToEnu(const GeoPoint &origin, const Container1 &in, Container2 &out) { for (auto &vertex : in) { typename Container2::value_type p; toENU(origin, vertex, p); out.push_back(p); } } template void areaToEnu(const GeoPoint &origin, const Container &in, FPolygon &out) { for (auto &vertex : in) { FPoint p; toENU(origin, vertex, p); out.outer().push_back(p); } bg::correct(out); } template void areaToEnu(const GeoPoint &origin, QmlObjectListModel &in, FPolygon &out) { FPolygon buffer; for (int i = 0; i < in.count(); ++i) { auto vertex = in.value(i); if (vertex != nullptr) { FPoint p; toENU(origin, vertex->coordinate(), p); buffer.outer().push_back(p); } else { return; } } bg::correct(buffer); out = std::move(buffer); } template void areaFromEnu(const GeoPoint &origin, const Container1 &in, Container2 &out) { for (auto &vertex : in) { typename Container2::value_type p; fromENU(origin, vertex, p); out.push_back(p); } } template void areaFromEnu(const GeoPoint &origin, const FPolygon &in, Container &out) { for (auto &vertex : in.outer()) { typename Container::value_type p; fromENU(origin, vertex, p); out.push_back(p); } } void polygonCenter(const FPolygon &polygon, FPoint ¢er); bool minimalBoundingBox(const FPolygon &polygon, BoundingBox &minBBox); void offsetPolygon(const FPolygon &polygon, FPolygon &polygonOffset, double offset); void graphFromPolygon(const FPolygon &polygon, const FLineString &vertices, Matrix &graph); bool toDistanceMatrix(Matrix &graph); bool dijkstraAlgorithm(size_t numElements, size_t startIndex, size_t endIndex, std::vector &elementPath, double &length, std::function distanceDij); bool shortestPathFromGraph(const Matrix &graph, const size_t startIndex, const size_t endIndex, std::vector &pathIdx); typedef bu::quantity Length; typedef bu::quantity Area; typedef bu::quantity Angle; typedef bu::quantity Radian; typedef bu::quantity Degree; bool joinedArea(const std::vector &areas, FPolygon &jArea); bool joinedArea(const FPolygon &mArea, const FPolygon &sArea, const FPolygon &corridor, FPolygon &jArea, std::string &errorString); bool tiles(const FPolygon &area, Length tileHeight, Length tileWidth, Area minTileArea, std::vector &tiles, BoundingBox &bbox, std::string &errorString); using Transects = vector; using Progress = vector; bool transectsFromScenario(Length distance, Length minLength, Angle angle, const FPolygon &mArea, const std::vector &tiles, const Progress &p, Transects &t, string &errorString); struct TransectInfo { TransectInfo(size_t n, bool r) : index(n), reversed(r) {} size_t index; bool reversed; }; struct Route { FLineString path; std::vector info; }; using Solution = std::vector; // Every route corresponds to one run/vehicle struct RouteParameter { RouteParameter() : numSolutionsPerRun(1), numRuns(1), minNumTransectsPerRun(5), stop([] { return false; }) {} std::size_t numSolutionsPerRun; std::size_t numRuns; std::size_t minNumTransectsPerRun; std::function stop; mutable std::string errorString; }; bool route(const FPolygon &area, const Transects &transects, std::vector &solutionVector, const RouteParameter &par = RouteParameter()); namespace detail { const double offsetConstant = 0.1; // meter, polygon offset to compenstate for numerical inaccurracies. } // namespace detail } // namespace snake // operator== and operator!= for boost point namespace boost { namespace geometry { namespace model { bool operator==(snake::FPoint &p1, snake::FPoint &p2); bool operator!=(snake::FPoint &p1, snake::FPoint &p2); bool operator==(snake::IPoint &p1, snake::IPoint &p2); bool operator!=(snake::IPoint &p1, snake::IPoint &p2); } // namespace model } // namespace geometry } // namespace boost