 *   (c) 2009-2016 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <http://www.qgroundcontrol.org>
 * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
 * COPYING.md in the root of the source code directory.

import QtQuick          2.3
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
import QtQuick.Dialogs  1.2

import QGroundControl               1.0
import QGroundControl.FactSystem    1.0
import QGroundControl.FactControls  1.0
import QGroundControl.Controls      1.0
import QGroundControl.ScreenTools   1.0
import QGroundControl.Controllers   1.0
import QGroundControl.Palette       1.0

SetupPage {
    id:             radioPage
    pageComponent:  pageComponent

    Component {
        id: pageComponent

        Item {
            width:  availableWidth
            height: Math.max(leftColumn.height, rightColumn.height)

            readonly property string    dialogTitle:            qsTr("Radio")
            readonly property real      labelToMonitorMargin:   defaultTextWidth * 3

            property bool controllerCompleted:      false
            property bool controllerAndViewReady:   false

            Component.onCompleted: {
                if (controllerCompleted) {
                    controllerAndViewReady = true

            function updateChannelCount()

            QGCPalette { id: qgcPal; colorGroupEnabled: radioPage.enabled }

            RadioComponentController {
                id:             controller
                factPanel:      radioPage.viewPanel
                statusText:     statusText
                cancelButton:   cancelButton
                nextButton:     nextButton
                skipButton:     skipButton

                Component.onCompleted: {
                    controllerCompleted = true
                    if (qgcView.completedSignalled) {
                        controllerAndViewReady = true

                onChannelCountChanged:              updateChannelCount()
                onFunctionMappingChangedAPMReboot:  showMessage(qsTr("Reboot required"), qsTr("Your stick mappings have changed, you must reboot the vehicle for correct operation."), StandardButton.Ok)
                onThrottleReversedCalFailure:       showMessage(qsTr("Throttle channel reversed"), qsTr("Calibration failed. The throttle channel on your transmitter is reversed. You must correct this on your transmitter in order to complete calibration."), StandardButton.Ok)

            Component {
                id: copyTrimsDialogComponent

                QGCViewMessage {
                    message: qsTr("Center your sticks and move throttle all the way down, then press Ok to copy trims. After pressing Ok, reset the trims on your radio back to zero.")

                    function accept() {

            Component {
                id: zeroTrimsDialogComponent

                QGCViewMessage {
                    message: qsTr("Before calibrating you should zero all your trims and subtrims. Click Ok to start Calibration.\n\n%1").arg(
                                 (QGroundControl.multiVehicleManager.activeVehicle.px4Firmware ? "" : qsTr("Please ensure all motor power is disconnected AND all props are removed from the vehicle.")))

                    function accept() {

            Component {
                id: channelCountDialogComponent

                QGCViewMessage {
                    message: controller.channelCount == 0 ? qsTr("Please turn on transmitter.") : qsTr("%1 channels or more are needed to fly.").arg(controller.minChannelCount)

            Component {
                id: spektrumBindDialogComponent

                QGCViewDialog {

                    function accept() {

                    function reject() {

                    Column {
                        anchors.fill:   parent
                        spacing:        5

                        QGCLabel {
                            width:      parent.width
                            wrapMode:   Text.WordWrap
                            text:       qsTr("Click Ok to place your Spektrum receiver in the bind mode. Select the specific receiver type below:")

                        ExclusiveGroup { id: radioGroup }

                        QGCRadioButton {
                            exclusiveGroup: radioGroup
                            text:           qsTr("DSM2 Mode")

                            property int bindMode: RadioComponentController.DSM2

                        QGCRadioButton {
                            exclusiveGroup: radioGroup
                            text:           qsTr("DSMX (7 channels or less)")

                            property int bindMode: RadioComponentController.DSMX7

                        QGCRadioButton {
                            exclusiveGroup: radioGroup
                            checked:        true
                            text:           qsTr("DSMX (8 channels or more)")

                            property int bindMode: RadioComponentController.DSMX8
            } // Component - spektrumBindDialogComponent

            // Live channel monitor control component
            Component {
                id: channelMonitorDisplayComponent

                Item {
                    property int    rcValue:    1500

                    property int            __lastRcValue:      1500
                    readonly property int   __rcValueMaxJitter: 2
                    property color          __barColor:         qgcPal.windowShade

                    readonly property int _pwmMin:      800
                    readonly property int _pwmMax:      2200
                    readonly property int _pwmRange:    _pwmMax - _pwmMin

                    // Bar
                    Rectangle {
                        id:                     bar
                        anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                        width:                  parent.width
                        height:                 parent.height / 2
                        color:                  __barColor

                    // Center point
                    Rectangle {
                        anchors.horizontalCenter:   parent.horizontalCenter
                        width:                      defaultTextWidth / 2
                        height:                     parent.height
                        color:                      qgcPal.window

                    // Indicator
                    Rectangle {
                        anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                        width:                  parent.height * 0.75
                        height:                 width
                        radius:                 width / 2
                        color:                  qgcPal.text
                        visible:                mapped
                        x:                      (((reversed ? _pwmMax - rcValue : rcValue - _pwmMin) / _pwmRange) * parent.width) - (width / 2)

                    QGCLabel {
                        anchors.fill:           parent
                        horizontalAlignment:    Text.AlignHCenter
                        verticalAlignment:      Text.AlignVCenter
                        text:                   qsTr("Not Mapped")
                        visible:                !mapped

                    ColorAnimation {
                        id:         barAnimation
                        target:     bar
                        property:   "color"
                        from:       "yellow"
                        to:         __barColor
                        duration:   1500
            } // Component - channelMonitorDisplayComponent

            // Left side column
            Column {
                id:             leftColumn
                anchors.left:   parent.left
                anchors.right:  columnSpacer.left
                spacing:        10

                // Attitude Controls
                Column {
                    width:      parent.width
                    spacing:    5
                    QGCLabel { text: qsTr("Attitude Controls") }

                    Item {
                        width:  parent.width
                        height: defaultTextHeight * 2
                        QGCLabel {
                            id:     rollLabel
                            width:  defaultTextWidth * 10
                            text:   qsTr("Roll")

                        Loader {
                            id:                 rollLoader
                            anchors.left:       rollLabel.right
                            anchors.right:      parent.right
                            height:             radioPage.defaultTextHeight
                            width:              100
                            sourceComponent:    channelMonitorDisplayComponent

                            property real defaultTextWidth: radioPage.defaultTextWidth
                            property bool mapped:           controller.rollChannelMapped
                            property bool reversed:         controller.rollChannelReversed

                        Connections {
                            target: controller

                            onRollChannelRCValueChanged: rollLoader.item.rcValue = rcValue

                    Item {
                        width:  parent.width
                        height: defaultTextHeight * 2

                        QGCLabel {
                            id:     pitchLabel
                            width:  defaultTextWidth * 10
                            text:   qsTr("Pitch")

                        Loader {
                            id:                 pitchLoader
                            anchors.left:       pitchLabel.right
                            anchors.right:      parent.right
                            height:             radioPage.defaultTextHeight
                            width:              100
                            sourceComponent:    channelMonitorDisplayComponent

                            property real defaultTextWidth: radioPage.defaultTextWidth
                            property bool mapped:           controller.pitchChannelMapped
                            property bool reversed:         controller.pitchChannelReversed

                        Connections {
                            target: controller

                            onPitchChannelRCValueChanged: pitchLoader.item.rcValue = rcValue

                    Item {
                        width:  parent.width
                        height: defaultTextHeight * 2

                        QGCLabel {
                            id:     yawLabel
                            width:  defaultTextWidth * 10
                            text:   qsTr("Yaw")

                        Loader {
                            id:                 yawLoader
                            anchors.left:       yawLabel.right
                            anchors.right:      parent.right
                            height:             radioPage.defaultTextHeight
                            width:              100
                            sourceComponent:    channelMonitorDisplayComponent

                            property real defaultTextWidth: radioPage.defaultTextWidth
                            property bool mapped:           controller.yawChannelMapped
                            property bool reversed:         controller.yawChannelReversed

                        Connections {
                            target: controller

                            onYawChannelRCValueChanged: yawLoader.item.rcValue = rcValue

                    Item {
                        width:  parent.width
                        height: defaultTextHeight * 2

                        QGCLabel {
                            id:     throttleLabel
                            width:  defaultTextWidth * 10
                            text:   qsTr("Throttle")

                        Loader {
                            id:                 throttleLoader
                            anchors.left:       throttleLabel.right
                            anchors.right:      parent.right
                            height:             radioPage.defaultTextHeight
                            width:              100
                            sourceComponent:    channelMonitorDisplayComponent

                            property real defaultTextWidth: radioPage.defaultTextWidth
                            property bool mapped:           controller.throttleChannelMapped
                            property bool reversed:         controller.throttleChannelReversed

                        Connections {
                            target: controller

                            onThrottleChannelRCValueChanged: throttleLoader.item.rcValue = rcValue
                } // Column - Attitude Control labels

                // Command Buttons
                Row {
                    spacing: 10

                    QGCButton {
                        id:         skipButton
                        text:       qsTr("Skip")

                        onClicked: controller.skipButtonClicked()

                    QGCButton {
                        id:         cancelButton
                        text:       qsTr("Cancel")

                        onClicked: controller.cancelButtonClicked()

                    QGCButton {
                        id:         nextButton
                        primary:    true
                        text:       qsTr("Calibrate")

                        onClicked: {
                            if (text === qsTr("Calibrate")) {
                                showDialog(zeroTrimsDialogComponent, dialogTitle, radioPage.showDialogDefaultWidth, StandardButton.Ok | StandardButton.Cancel)
                            } else {
                } // Row - Buttons

                // Status Text
                QGCLabel {
                    id:         statusText
                    width:      parent.width
                    wrapMode:   Text.WordWrap

                Item {
                    width: 10
                    height: defaultTextHeight * 4

                Rectangle {
                    width:          parent.width
                    height:         1
                    border.color:   qgcPal.text
                    border.width:   1

                QGCLabel { text: qsTr("Additional Radio setup:") }

                QGCButton {
                    id:         bindButton
                    text:       qsTr("Spektrum Bind")

                    onClicked: showDialog(spektrumBindDialogComponent, dialogTitle, radioPage.showDialogDefaultWidth, StandardButton.Ok | StandardButton.Cancel)

                QGCButton {
                    text:       qsTr("Copy Trims")
                    onClicked:  showDialog(copyTrimsDialogComponent, dialogTitle, radioPage.showDialogDefaultWidth, StandardButton.Ok | StandardButton.Cancel)

                Repeater {
                    model: QGroundControl.multiVehicleManager.activeVehicle.px4Firmware ?
                               (QGroundControl.multiVehicleManager.activeVehicle.multiRotor ?
                                   [ "RC_MAP_AUX1", "RC_MAP_AUX2", "RC_MAP_PARAM1", "RC_MAP_PARAM2", "RC_MAP_PARAM3"] :
                                   [ "RC_MAP_FLAPS", "RC_MAP_AUX1", "RC_MAP_AUX2", "RC_MAP_PARAM1", "RC_MAP_PARAM2", "RC_MAP_PARAM3"]) :

                    Row {
                        spacing: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth
                        property Fact fact: controller.getParameterFact(-1, modelData)

                        QGCLabel {
                            anchors.baseline:   optCombo.baseline
                            text:               fact.shortDescription + ":"

                        FactComboBox {
                            id:         optCombo
                            width:      ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth * 15
                            fact:       parent.fact
                            indexModel: false
                } // Repeater
            } // Column - Left Column

            Item {
                id:             columnSpacer
                anchors.right:  rightColumn.left
                width:          20

            // Right side column
            Column {
                id:             rightColumn
                anchors.top:    parent.top
                anchors.right:  parent.right
                width:          Math.min(radioPage.defaultTextWidth * 35, availableWidth * 0.4)
                spacing:        ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight / 2

                Row {
                    spacing: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth

                    ExclusiveGroup { id: modeGroup }

                    QGCRadioButton {
                        exclusiveGroup: modeGroup
                        text:           qsTr("Mode 1")
                        checked:        controller.transmitterMode == 1

                        onClicked: controller.transmitterMode = 1

                    QGCRadioButton {
                        exclusiveGroup: modeGroup
                        text:           qsTr("Mode 2")
                        checked:        controller.transmitterMode == 2

                        onClicked: controller.transmitterMode = 2

                Image {
                    width:      parent.width
                    fillMode:   Image.PreserveAspectFit
                    smooth:     true
                    source:     controller.imageHelp

                RCChannelMonitor {
                    width: parent.width
            } // Column - Right Column
        } // Item    
    } // Component - pageComponent
} // SetupPage