#include <QImage>
#include <QGLWidget>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QFontDatabase>
#include <QTimer>

 * @brief Video Display
 * Displays video data from RAM via OpenGL
class QGCVideoWidget : public QGLWidget
    QGCVideoWidget(QWidget* parent = NULL);

    void resizeGL(int w, int h);

public slots:
    void initializeGL();

    void saveImage();
    void saveImage(QString fileName);
    /** @brief Copy an image from an external buffer */
    void copyImage(const QImage& img);
    void enableHUDInstruments(bool enabled) { hudInstrumentsEnabled = enabled; }
    void enableVideo(bool enabled) { videoEnabled = enabled; }

protected slots:
    void paintCenterBackground(float roll, float pitch, float yaw);
    void paintRollPitchStrips();
    void paintPitchLines(float pitch, QPainter* painter);
    /** @brief Paint text on top of the image and OpenGL drawings */
    void paintText(QString text, QColor color, float fontSize, float refX, float refY, QPainter* painter);
    /** @brief Setup the OpenGL view for drawing a sub-component of the HUD */
    void setupGLView(float referencePositionX, float referencePositionY, float referenceWidth, float referenceHeight);
    void paintHUD();
    void paintPitchLinePos(QString text, float refPosX, float refPosY, QPainter* painter);
    void paintPitchLineNeg(QString text, float refPosX, float refPosY, QPainter* painter);

    void drawLine(float refX1, float refY1, float refX2, float refY2, float width, const QColor& color, QPainter* painter);
    void drawEllipse(float refX, float refY, float radiusX, float radiusY, float startDeg, float endDeg, float lineWidth, const QColor& color, QPainter* painter);
    void drawCircle(float refX, float refY, float radius, float startDeg, float endDeg, float lineWidth, const QColor& color, QPainter* painter);

    void drawChangeRateStrip(float xRef, float yRef, float height, float minRate, float maxRate, float value, QPainter* painter);
    void drawChangeIndicatorGauge(float xRef, float yRef, float radius, float expectedMaxChange, float value, const QColor& color, QPainter* painter, bool solid=true);

    void drawPolygon(QPolygonF refPolygon, QPainter* painter);

    void commitRawDataToGL();
    /** @brief Convert reference coordinates to screen coordinates */
    float refToScreenX(float x);
    /** @brief Convert reference coordinates to screen coordinates */
    float refToScreenY(float y);
    /** @brief Convert mm line widths to QPen line widths */
    float refLineWidthToPen(float line);
    /** @brief Rotate a polygon around a point clockwise */
    void rotatePolygonClockWiseRad(QPolygonF& p, float angle, QPointF origin);
    /** @brief Preferred Size */
    QSize sizeHint() const;
    /** @brief Start updating widget */
    void showEvent(QShowEvent* event);
    /** @brief Stop updating widget */
    void hideEvent(QHideEvent* event);
    void contextMenuEvent (QContextMenuEvent* event);
    void createActions();

    static const int updateInterval = 40;

    QImage* image; ///< Double buffer image
    QImage glImage; ///< The background / camera image
    float yawInt; ///< The yaw integral. Used to damp the yaw indication.
    QString mode; ///< The current vehicle mode
    QString state; ///< The current vehicle state
    QString fuelStatus; ///< Current fuel level / battery voltage
    double scalingFactor; ///< Factor used to scale all absolute values to screen coordinates
    float xCenterOffset, yCenterOffset; ///< Offset from center of window in mm coordinates
    float vwidth; ///< Virtual width of this window, 200 mm per default. This allows to hardcode positions and aspect ratios. This virtual image plane is then scaled to the window size.
    float vheight; ///< Virtual height of this window, 150 mm per default
    float vGaugeSpacing; ///< Virtual spacing of the gauges from the center, 50 mm per default
    float vPitchPerDeg; ///< Virtual pitch to mm conversion. Currently one degree is 3 mm up/down in the pitch markings

    int xCenter; ///< Center of the HUD instrument in pixel coordinates. Allows to off-center the whole instrument in its OpenGL window, e.g. to fit another instrument
    int yCenter; ///< Center of the HUD instrument in pixel coordinates. Allows to off-center the whole instrument in its OpenGL window, e.g. to fit another instrument

    // Image buffers
    unsigned char* rawBuffer1; ///< Double buffer 1 for the image
    unsigned char* rawBuffer2; ///< Double buffer 2 for the image
    unsigned char* rawImage;   ///< Pointer to current complete image
    int rawLastIndex;          ///< The last byte index received of the image
    int rawExpectedBytes;      ///< Number of raw image bytes expected. Calculated by: image depth * channels * widht * height / 8
    int bytesPerLine;          ///< Bytes per image line. Is calculated as: image depth * channels * width / 8
    bool imageStarted;         ///< If an image is currently in transmission
    int receivedDepth;         ///< Image depth in bit for the current image
    int receivedChannels;      ///< Number of color channels
    int receivedWidth;         ///< Width in pixels of the current image
    int receivedHeight;        ///< Height in pixels of the current image

    // HUD colors
    QColor defaultColor;       ///< Color for most HUD elements, e.g. pitch lines, center cross, change rate gauges
    QColor setPointColor;      ///< Color for the current control set point, e.g. yaw desired
    QColor warningColor;       ///< Color for warning messages
    QColor criticalColor;      ///< Color for caution messages
    QColor infoColor;          ///< Color for normal/default messages
    QColor fuelColor;          ///< Current color for the fuel message, can be info, warning or critical color

    // Blink rates
    int warningBlinkRate;      ///< Blink rate of warning messages, will be rounded to the refresh rate

    QTimer* refreshTimer;      ///< The main timer, controls the update rate
    QPainter* hudPainter;
    QFont font;                ///< The HUD font, per default the free Bitstream Vera SANS, which is very close to actual HUD fonts
    QFontDatabase fontDatabase;///< Font database, only used to load the TrueType font file (the HUD font is directly loaded from file rather than from the system)
    bool noCamera;             ///< No camera images available, draw the ground/sky box to indicate the horizon
    bool hardwareAcceleration; ///< Enable hardware acceleration

    float strongStrokeWidth;   ///< Strong line stroke width, used throughout the HUD
    float normalStrokeWidth;   ///< Normal line stroke width, used throughout the HUD
    float fineStrokeWidth;     ///< Fine line stroke width, used throughout the HUD

    QString waypointName;      ///< Waypoint name displayed in HUD
    float roll;
    float pitch;
    float yaw;
    float rollLP;
    float pitchLP;
    float yawLP;
    double yawDiff;
    double xPos;
    double yPos;
    double zPos;
    double xSpeed;
    double ySpeed;
    double zSpeed;
    quint64 lastSpeedUpdate;
    double totalSpeed;
    double totalAcc;
    double lat;
    double lon;
    double alt;
    float load;
    QString offlineDirectory;
    QString nextOfflineImage;
    bool hudInstrumentsEnabled;
    bool videoEnabled;
    float xImageFactor;
    float yImageFactor;
    QAction* enableHUDAction;
    QAction* enableVideoAction;
    QAction* selectOfflineDirectoryAction;
    QAction* selectVideoChannelAction;
    void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event);
    bool imageRequested;
