/*===================================================================== QGroundControl Open Source Ground Control Station (c) 2009 - 2014 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project QGROUNDCONTROL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. QGROUNDCONTROL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with QGROUNDCONTROL. If not, see . ======================================================================*/ #include "Vehicle.h" #include "MAVLinkProtocol.h" #include "FirmwarePluginManager.h" #include "LinkManager.h" #include "FirmwarePlugin.h" #include "AutoPilotPluginManager.h" #include "UAS.h" #include "JoystickManager.h" #include "MissionManager.h" #include "CoordinateVector.h" #include "ParameterLoader.h" #include "QGCApplication.h" #include "QGCImageProvider.h" QGC_LOGGING_CATEGORY(VehicleLog, "VehicleLog") #define UPDATE_TIMER 50 #define DEFAULT_LAT 38.965767f #define DEFAULT_LON -120.083923f const char* Vehicle::_settingsGroup = "Vehicle%1"; // %1 replaced with mavlink system id const char* Vehicle::_joystickModeSettingsKey = "JoystickMode"; const char* Vehicle::_joystickEnabledSettingsKey = "JoystickEnabled"; Vehicle::Vehicle(LinkInterface* link, int vehicleId, MAV_AUTOPILOT firmwareType, MAV_TYPE vehicleType, FirmwarePluginManager* firmwarePluginManager, AutoPilotPluginManager* autopilotPluginManager, JoystickManager* joystickManager) : _id(vehicleId) , _active(false) , _firmwareType(firmwareType) , _vehicleType(vehicleType) , _firmwarePlugin(NULL) , _autopilotPlugin(NULL) , _joystickMode(JoystickModeRC) , _joystickEnabled(false) , _uas(NULL) , _coordinate(37.803784, -122.462276) , _coordinateValid(false) , _homePositionAvailable(false) , _mav(NULL) , _currentMessageCount(0) , _messageCount(0) , _currentErrorCount(0) , _currentWarningCount(0) , _currentNormalCount(0) , _currentMessageType(MessageNone) , _roll(0.0f) , _pitch(0.0f) , _heading(0.0f) , _altitudeAMSL(0.0f) , _altitudeWGS84(0.0f) , _altitudeRelative(0.0f) , _groundSpeed(0.0f) , _airSpeed(0.0f) , _climbRate(0.0f) , _navigationAltitudeError(0.0f) , _navigationSpeedError(0.0f) , _navigationCrosstrackError(0.0f) , _navigationTargetBearing(0.0f) , _refreshTimer(new QTimer(this)) , _batteryVoltage(-1.0f) , _batteryPercent(0.0) , _batteryConsumed(-1.0) , _currentHeartbeatTimeout(0) , _satelliteCount(-1) , _satRawHDOP(1e10f) , _satRawVDOP(1e10f) , _satRawCOG(0.0) , _satelliteLock(0) , _updateCount(0) , _rcRSSI(0) , _rcRSSIstore(100.0) , _missionManager(NULL) , _missionManagerInitialRequestComplete(false) , _parameterLoader(NULL) , _armed(false) , _base_mode(0) , _custom_mode(0) , _nextSendMessageMultipleIndex(0) , _firmwarePluginManager(firmwarePluginManager) , _autopilotPluginManager(autopilotPluginManager) , _joystickManager(joystickManager) , _flowImageIndex(0) , _allLinksInactiveSent(false) { _addLink(link); _mavlink = qgcApp()->toolbox()->mavlinkProtocol(); connect(_mavlink, &MAVLinkProtocol::messageReceived, this, &Vehicle::_mavlinkMessageReceived); connect(this, &Vehicle::_sendMessageOnThread, this, &Vehicle::_sendMessage, Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(this, &Vehicle::_sendMessageOnLinkOnThread, this, &Vehicle::_sendMessageOnLink, Qt::QueuedConnection); _uas = new UAS(_mavlink, this, _firmwarePluginManager); setLatitude(_uas->getLatitude()); setLongitude(_uas->getLongitude()); connect(_uas, &UAS::latitudeChanged, this, &Vehicle::setLatitude); connect(_uas, &UAS::longitudeChanged, this, &Vehicle::setLongitude); connect(_uas, &UAS::imageReady, this, &Vehicle::_imageReady); connect(this, &Vehicle::remoteControlRSSIChanged, this, &Vehicle::_remoteControlRSSIChanged); _firmwarePlugin = _firmwarePluginManager->firmwarePluginForAutopilot(_firmwareType, _vehicleType); _autopilotPlugin = _autopilotPluginManager->newAutopilotPluginForVehicle(this); connect(_autopilotPlugin, &AutoPilotPlugin::parametersReadyChanged, this, &Vehicle::_parametersReady); connect(_autopilotPlugin, &AutoPilotPlugin::missingParametersChanged, this, &Vehicle::missingParametersChanged); // Refresh timer connect(_refreshTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &Vehicle::_checkUpdate); _refreshTimer->setInterval(UPDATE_TIMER); _refreshTimer->start(UPDATE_TIMER); emit heartbeatTimeoutChanged(); _mav = uas(); // Reset satellite data (no GPS) _satelliteCount = -1; _satRawHDOP = 1e10f; _satRawVDOP = 1e10f; _satRawCOG = 0.0; emit satRawHDOPChanged(); emit satRawVDOPChanged(); emit satRawCOGChanged(); emit satelliteCountChanged(); // Reset connection lost (if any) _currentHeartbeatTimeout = 0; emit heartbeatTimeoutChanged(); // Listen for system messages connect(qgcApp()->toolbox()->uasMessageHandler(), &UASMessageHandler::textMessageCountChanged, this, &Vehicle::_handleTextMessage); connect(qgcApp()->toolbox()->uasMessageHandler(), &UASMessageHandler::textMessageReceived, this, &Vehicle::_handletextMessageReceived); // Now connect the new UAS connect(_mav, SIGNAL(attitudeChanged (UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64)), this, SLOT(_updateAttitude(UASInterface*, double, double, double, quint64))); connect(_mav, SIGNAL(attitudeChanged (UASInterface*,int,double,double,double,quint64)), this, SLOT(_updateAttitude(UASInterface*,int,double, double, double, quint64))); connect(_mav, SIGNAL(statusChanged (UASInterface*,QString,QString)), this, SLOT(_updateState(UASInterface*, QString,QString))); connect(_mav, &UASInterface::speedChanged, this, &Vehicle::_updateSpeed); connect(_mav, &UASInterface::altitudeChanged, this, &Vehicle::_updateAltitude); connect(_mav, &UASInterface::navigationControllerErrorsChanged,this, &Vehicle::_updateNavigationControllerErrors); connect(_mav, &UASInterface::NavigationControllerDataChanged, this, &Vehicle::_updateNavigationControllerData); connect(_mav, &UASInterface::heartbeatTimeout, this, &Vehicle::_heartbeatTimeout); connect(_mav, &UASInterface::batteryChanged, this, &Vehicle::_updateBatteryRemaining); connect(_mav, &UASInterface::batteryConsumedChanged, this, &Vehicle::_updateBatteryConsumedChanged); connect(_mav, &UASInterface::localizationChanged, this, &Vehicle::_setSatLoc); UAS* pUas = dynamic_cast(_mav); if(pUas) { _setSatelliteCount(pUas->getSatelliteCount(), QString("")); connect(pUas, &UAS::satelliteCountChanged, this, &Vehicle::_setSatelliteCount); connect(pUas, &UAS::satRawHDOPChanged, this, &Vehicle::_setSatRawHDOP); connect(pUas, &UAS::satRawVDOPChanged, this, &Vehicle::_setSatRawVDOP); connect(pUas, &UAS::satRawCOGChanged, this, &Vehicle::_setSatRawCOG); } _loadSettings(); _missionManager = new MissionManager(this); connect(_missionManager, &MissionManager::error, this, &Vehicle::_missionManagerError); _parameterLoader = new ParameterLoader(_autopilotPlugin, this /* Vehicle */, this /* parent */); connect(_parameterLoader, &ParameterLoader::parametersReady, _autopilotPlugin, &AutoPilotPlugin::_parametersReadyPreChecks); connect(_parameterLoader, &ParameterLoader::parameterListProgress, _autopilotPlugin, &AutoPilotPlugin::parameterListProgress); _firmwarePlugin->initializeVehicle(this); _sendMultipleTimer.start(_sendMessageMultipleIntraMessageDelay); connect(&_sendMultipleTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &Vehicle::_sendMessageMultipleNext); _mapTrajectoryTimer.setInterval(_mapTrajectoryMsecsBetweenPoints); connect(&_mapTrajectoryTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &Vehicle::_addNewMapTrajectoryPoint); } Vehicle::~Vehicle() { qCDebug(VehicleLog) << "~Vehicle" << this; delete _missionManager; _missionManager = NULL; delete _autopilotPlugin; _autopilotPlugin = NULL; delete _mav; _mav = NULL; } void Vehicle::_mavlinkMessageReceived(LinkInterface* link, mavlink_message_t message) { if (message.sysid != _id && message.sysid != 0) { return; } if (!_containsLink(link)) { _addLink(link); } // Give the plugin a change to adjust the message contents _firmwarePlugin->adjustMavlinkMessage(this, &message); switch (message.msgid) { case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_HOME_POSITION: _handleHomePosition(message); break; case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_HEARTBEAT: _handleHeartbeat(message); break; case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_RC_CHANNELS: _handleRCChannels(message); break; case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_RC_CHANNELS_RAW: _handleRCChannelsRaw(message); break; case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_RAW_IMU: emit mavlinkRawImu(message); break; case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_SCALED_IMU: emit mavlinkScaledImu1(message); break; case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_SCALED_IMU2: emit mavlinkScaledImu2(message); break; case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_SCALED_IMU3: emit mavlinkScaledImu3(message); break; } emit mavlinkMessageReceived(message); _uas->receiveMessage(message); } void Vehicle::_handleHomePosition(mavlink_message_t& message) { bool emitHomePositionChanged = false; bool emitHomePositionAvailableChanged = false; mavlink_home_position_t homePos; mavlink_msg_home_position_decode(&message, &homePos); QGeoCoordinate newHomePosition (homePos.latitude / 10000000.0, homePos.longitude / 10000000.0, homePos.altitude / 1000.0); if (!_homePositionAvailable || newHomePosition != _homePosition) { emitHomePositionChanged = true; _homePosition = newHomePosition; } if (!_homePositionAvailable) { emitHomePositionAvailableChanged = true; _homePositionAvailable = true; } if (emitHomePositionChanged) { qCDebug(VehicleLog) << "New home position" << newHomePosition; emit homePositionChanged(_homePosition); } if (emitHomePositionAvailableChanged) { emit homePositionAvailableChanged(true); } } void Vehicle::_handleHeartbeat(mavlink_message_t& message) { mavlink_heartbeat_t heartbeat; mavlink_msg_heartbeat_decode(&message, &heartbeat); bool newArmed = heartbeat.base_mode & MAV_MODE_FLAG_DECODE_POSITION_SAFETY; if (_armed != newArmed) { _armed = newArmed; emit armedChanged(_armed); // We are transitioning to the armed state, begin tracking trajectory points for the map if (_armed) { _mapTrajectoryStart(); } else { _mapTrajectoryStop(); } } if (heartbeat.base_mode != _base_mode || heartbeat.custom_mode != _custom_mode) { _base_mode = heartbeat.base_mode; _custom_mode = heartbeat.custom_mode; emit flightModeChanged(flightMode()); } } void Vehicle::_handleRCChannels(mavlink_message_t& message) { mavlink_rc_channels_t channels; mavlink_msg_rc_channels_decode(&message, &channels); uint16_t* _rgChannelvalues[cMaxRcChannels] = { &channels.chan1_raw, &channels.chan2_raw, &channels.chan3_raw, &channels.chan4_raw, &channels.chan5_raw, &channels.chan6_raw, &channels.chan7_raw, &channels.chan8_raw, &channels.chan9_raw, &channels.chan10_raw, &channels.chan11_raw, &channels.chan12_raw, &channels.chan13_raw, &channels.chan14_raw, &channels.chan15_raw, &channels.chan16_raw, &channels.chan17_raw, &channels.chan18_raw, }; int pwmValues[cMaxRcChannels]; for (int i=0; itoolbox()->linkManager(), &LinkManager::linkInactive, this, &Vehicle::_linkInactiveOrDeleted); connect(qgcApp()->toolbox()->linkManager(), &LinkManager::linkDeleted, this, &Vehicle::_linkInactiveOrDeleted); } } void Vehicle::_linkInactiveOrDeleted(LinkInterface* link) { qCDebug(VehicleLog) << "_linkInactiveOrDeleted linkCount" << _links.count(); _links.removeOne(link); if (_links.count() == 0 && !_allLinksInactiveSent) { qCDebug(VehicleLog) << "All links inactive"; // Make sure to not send this more than one time _allLinksInactiveSent = true; emit allLinksInactive(this); } } void Vehicle::sendMessage(mavlink_message_t message) { emit _sendMessageOnThread(message); } bool Vehicle::sendMessageOnLink(LinkInterface* link, mavlink_message_t message) { if (!link || !_links.contains(link) || !link->isConnected()) { return false; } emit _sendMessageOnLinkOnThread(link, message); return true; } void Vehicle::_sendMessageOnLink(LinkInterface* link, mavlink_message_t message) { // Make sure this is still a good link if (!link || !_links.contains(link) || !link->isConnected()) { return; } // Give the plugin a chance to adjust _firmwarePlugin->adjustMavlinkMessage(this, &message); static const uint8_t messageKeys[256] = MAVLINK_MESSAGE_CRCS; mavlink_finalize_message_chan(&message, _mavlink->getSystemId(), _mavlink->getComponentId(), link->getMavlinkChannel(), message.len, messageKeys[message.msgid]); // Write message into buffer, prepending start sign uint8_t buffer[MAVLINK_MAX_PACKET_LEN]; int len = mavlink_msg_to_send_buffer(buffer, &message); link->writeBytes((const char*)buffer, len); } void Vehicle::_sendMessage(mavlink_message_t message) { // Emit message on all links that are currently connected foreach (LinkInterface* link, _links) { if (link->isConnected()) { _sendMessageOnLink(link, message); } } } /// @return Direct usb connection link to board if one, NULL if none LinkInterface* Vehicle::priorityLink(void) { foreach (LinkInterface* link, _links) { if (link->isConnected()) { SerialLink* pSerialLink = qobject_cast(link); if (pSerialLink) { LinkConfiguration* pLinkConfig = pSerialLink->getLinkConfiguration(); if (pLinkConfig) { SerialConfiguration* pSerialConfig = qobject_cast(pLinkConfig); if (pSerialConfig && pSerialConfig->usbDirect()) { return link; } } } } } return _links.count() ? _links[0] : NULL; } void Vehicle::setLatitude(double latitude) { _coordinate.setLatitude(latitude); emit coordinateChanged(_coordinate); } void Vehicle::setLongitude(double longitude){ _coordinate.setLongitude(longitude); emit coordinateChanged(_coordinate); } void Vehicle::_updateAttitude(UASInterface*, double roll, double pitch, double yaw, quint64) { if (isinf(roll)) { _roll = std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); } else { float rolldeg = _oneDecimal(roll * (180.0 / M_PI)); if (fabs(roll - rolldeg) > 0.25) { _roll = rolldeg; if(_refreshTimer->isActive()) { emit rollChanged(); } } if(_roll != rolldeg) { _roll = rolldeg; _addChange(ROLL_CHANGED); } } if (isinf(pitch)) { _pitch = std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); } else { float pitchdeg = _oneDecimal(pitch * (180.0 / M_PI)); if (fabs(pitch - pitchdeg) > 0.25) { _pitch = pitchdeg; if(_refreshTimer->isActive()) { emit pitchChanged(); } } if(_pitch != pitchdeg) { _pitch = pitchdeg; _addChange(PITCH_CHANGED); } } if (isinf(yaw)) { _heading = std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); } else { yaw = _oneDecimal(yaw * (180.0 / M_PI)); if (yaw < 0) yaw += 360; if (fabs(_heading - yaw) > 0.25) { _heading = yaw; if(_refreshTimer->isActive()) { emit headingChanged(); } } if(_heading != yaw) { _heading = yaw; _addChange(HEADING_CHANGED); } } } void Vehicle::_updateAttitude(UASInterface* uas, int, double roll, double pitch, double yaw, quint64 timestamp) { _updateAttitude(uas, roll, pitch, yaw, timestamp); } void Vehicle::_updateSpeed(UASInterface*, double groundSpeed, double airSpeed, quint64) { groundSpeed = _oneDecimal(groundSpeed); if (fabs(_groundSpeed - groundSpeed) > 0.5) { _groundSpeed = groundSpeed; if(_refreshTimer->isActive()) { emit groundSpeedChanged(); } } airSpeed = _oneDecimal(airSpeed); if (fabs(_airSpeed - airSpeed) > 0.5) { _airSpeed = airSpeed; if(_refreshTimer->isActive()) { emit airSpeedChanged(); } } if(_groundSpeed != groundSpeed) { _groundSpeed = groundSpeed; _addChange(GROUNDSPEED_CHANGED); } if(_airSpeed != airSpeed) { _airSpeed = airSpeed; _addChange(AIRSPEED_CHANGED); } } void Vehicle::_updateAltitude(UASInterface*, double altitudeAMSL, double altitudeWGS84, double altitudeRelative, double climbRate, quint64) { altitudeAMSL = _oneDecimal(altitudeAMSL); if (fabs(_altitudeAMSL - altitudeAMSL) > 0.5) { _altitudeAMSL = altitudeAMSL; if(_refreshTimer->isActive()) { emit altitudeAMSLChanged(); } } altitudeWGS84 = _oneDecimal(altitudeWGS84); if (fabs(_altitudeWGS84 - altitudeWGS84) > 0.5) { _altitudeWGS84 = altitudeWGS84; if(_refreshTimer->isActive()) { emit altitudeWGS84Changed(); } } altitudeRelative = _oneDecimal(altitudeRelative); if (fabs(_altitudeRelative - altitudeRelative) > 0.5) { _altitudeRelative = altitudeRelative; if(_refreshTimer->isActive()) { emit altitudeRelativeChanged(); } } climbRate = _oneDecimal(climbRate); if (fabs(_climbRate - climbRate) > 0.5) { _climbRate = climbRate; if(_refreshTimer->isActive()) { emit climbRateChanged(); } } if(_altitudeAMSL != altitudeAMSL) { _altitudeAMSL = altitudeAMSL; _addChange(ALTITUDEAMSL_CHANGED); } if(_altitudeWGS84 != altitudeWGS84) { _altitudeWGS84 = altitudeWGS84; _addChange(ALTITUDEWGS84_CHANGED); } if(_altitudeRelative != altitudeRelative) { _altitudeRelative = altitudeRelative; _addChange(ALTITUDERELATIVE_CHANGED); } if(_climbRate != climbRate) { _climbRate = climbRate; _addChange(CLIMBRATE_CHANGED); } } void Vehicle::_updateNavigationControllerErrors(UASInterface*, double altitudeError, double speedError, double xtrackError) { _navigationAltitudeError = altitudeError; _navigationSpeedError = speedError; _navigationCrosstrackError = xtrackError; } void Vehicle::_updateNavigationControllerData(UASInterface *uas, float, float, float, float targetBearing, float) { if (_mav == uas) { _navigationTargetBearing = targetBearing; } } /* * Internal */ void Vehicle::_addChange(int id) { if(!_changes.contains(id)) { _changes.append(id); } } float Vehicle::_oneDecimal(float value) { int i = (value * 10); return (float)i / 10.0; } void Vehicle::_checkUpdate() { // Update current location if(_mav) { if(latitude() != _mav->getLatitude()) { setLatitude(_mav->getLatitude()); } if(longitude() != _mav->getLongitude()) { setLongitude(_mav->getLongitude()); } } // The timer rate is 20Hz for the coordinates above. These below we only check // twice a second. if(++_updateCount > 9) { _updateCount = 0; // Check for changes // Significant changes, that is, whole number changes, are updated immediatelly. // For every message however, we set a flag for what changed and this timer updates // them to bring everything up-to-date. This prevents an avalanche of UI updates. foreach(int i, _changes) { switch (i) { case ROLL_CHANGED: emit rollChanged(); break; case PITCH_CHANGED: emit pitchChanged(); break; case HEADING_CHANGED: emit headingChanged(); break; case GROUNDSPEED_CHANGED: emit groundSpeedChanged(); break; case AIRSPEED_CHANGED: emit airSpeedChanged(); break; case CLIMBRATE_CHANGED: emit climbRateChanged(); break; case ALTITUDERELATIVE_CHANGED: emit altitudeRelativeChanged(); break; case ALTITUDEWGS84_CHANGED: emit altitudeWGS84Changed(); break; case ALTITUDEAMSL_CHANGED: emit altitudeAMSLChanged(); break; default: break; } } _changes.clear(); } } QString Vehicle::getMavIconColor() { // TODO: Not using because not only the colors are ghastly, it doesn't respect dark/light palette if(_mav) return _mav->getColor().name(); else return QString("black"); } QString Vehicle::formatedMessages() { QString messages; foreach(UASMessage* message, qgcApp()->toolbox()->uasMessageHandler()->messages()) { messages += message->getFormatedText(); } return messages; } void Vehicle::_handletextMessageReceived(UASMessage* message) { if(message) { _formatedMessage = message->getFormatedText(); emit formatedMessageChanged(); } } void Vehicle::_updateBatteryRemaining(UASInterface*, double voltage, double, double percent, int) { if(percent < 0.0) { percent = 0.0; } if(voltage < 0.0) { voltage = 0.0; } if (_batteryVoltage != voltage) { _batteryVoltage = voltage; emit batteryVoltageChanged(); } if (_batteryPercent != percent) { _batteryPercent = percent; emit batteryPercentChanged(); } } void Vehicle::_updateBatteryConsumedChanged(UASInterface*, double current_consumed) { if(_batteryConsumed != current_consumed) { _batteryConsumed = current_consumed; emit batteryConsumedChanged(); } } void Vehicle::_updateState(UASInterface*, QString name, QString) { if (_currentState != name) { _currentState = name; emit currentStateChanged(); } } void Vehicle::_heartbeatTimeout(bool timeout, unsigned int ms) { unsigned int elapsed = ms; if (!timeout) { elapsed = 0; } if(elapsed != _currentHeartbeatTimeout) { _currentHeartbeatTimeout = elapsed; emit heartbeatTimeoutChanged(); } } void Vehicle::_setSatelliteCount(double val, QString) { // I'm assuming that a negative value or over 99 means there is no GPS if(val < 0.0) val = -1.0; if(val > 99.0) val = -1.0; if(_satelliteCount != (int)val) { _satelliteCount = (int)val; emit satelliteCountChanged(); } } void Vehicle::_setSatRawHDOP(double val) { if(_satRawHDOP != val) { _satRawHDOP = val; emit satRawHDOPChanged(); } } void Vehicle::_setSatRawVDOP(double val) { if(_satRawVDOP != val) { _satRawVDOP = val; emit satRawVDOPChanged(); } } void Vehicle::_setSatRawCOG(double val) { if(_satRawCOG != val) { _satRawCOG = val; emit satRawCOGChanged(); } } void Vehicle::_setSatLoc(UASInterface*, int fix) { // fix 0: lost, 1: at least one satellite, but no GPS fix, 2: 2D lock, 3: 3D lock if(_satelliteLock != fix) { if (fix > 2) { _coordinateValid = true; emit coordinateValidChanged(true); } _satelliteLock = fix; emit satelliteLockChanged(); } } void Vehicle::_handleTextMessage(int newCount) { // Reset? if(!newCount) { _currentMessageCount = 0; _currentNormalCount = 0; _currentWarningCount = 0; _currentErrorCount = 0; _messageCount = 0; _currentMessageType = MessageNone; emit newMessageCountChanged(); emit messageTypeChanged(); emit messageCountChanged(); return; } UASMessageHandler* pMh = qgcApp()->toolbox()->uasMessageHandler(); Q_ASSERT(pMh); MessageType_t type = newCount ? _currentMessageType : MessageNone; int errorCount = _currentErrorCount; int warnCount = _currentWarningCount; int normalCount = _currentNormalCount; //-- Add current message counts errorCount += pMh->getErrorCount(); warnCount += pMh->getWarningCount(); normalCount += pMh->getNormalCount(); //-- See if we have a higher level if(errorCount != _currentErrorCount) { _currentErrorCount = errorCount; type = MessageError; } if(warnCount != _currentWarningCount) { _currentWarningCount = warnCount; if(_currentMessageType != MessageError) { type = MessageWarning; } } if(normalCount != _currentNormalCount) { _currentNormalCount = normalCount; if(_currentMessageType != MessageError && _currentMessageType != MessageWarning) { type = MessageNormal; } } int count = _currentErrorCount + _currentWarningCount + _currentNormalCount; if(count != _currentMessageCount) { _currentMessageCount = count; // Display current total new messages count emit newMessageCountChanged(); } if(type != _currentMessageType) { _currentMessageType = type; // Update message level emit messageTypeChanged(); } // Update message count (all messages) if(newCount != _messageCount) { _messageCount = newCount; emit messageCountChanged(); } QString errMsg = pMh->getLatestError(); if(errMsg != _latestError) { _latestError = errMsg; emit latestErrorChanged(); } } void Vehicle::resetMessages() { // Reset Counts int count = _currentMessageCount; MessageType_t type = _currentMessageType; _currentErrorCount = 0; _currentWarningCount = 0; _currentNormalCount = 0; _currentMessageCount = 0; _currentMessageType = MessageNone; if(count != _currentMessageCount) { emit newMessageCountChanged(); } if(type != _currentMessageType) { emit messageTypeChanged(); } } int Vehicle::manualControlReservedButtonCount(void) { return _firmwarePlugin->manualControlReservedButtonCount(); } void Vehicle::_loadSettings(void) { QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup(QString(_settingsGroup).arg(_id)); bool convertOk; _joystickMode = (JoystickMode_t)settings.value(_joystickModeSettingsKey, JoystickModeRC).toInt(&convertOk); if (!convertOk) { _joystickMode = JoystickModeRC; } _joystickEnabled = settings.value(_joystickEnabledSettingsKey, false).toBool(); } void Vehicle::_saveSettings(void) { QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup(QString(_settingsGroup).arg(_id)); settings.setValue(_joystickModeSettingsKey, _joystickMode); settings.setValue(_joystickEnabledSettingsKey, _joystickEnabled); } int Vehicle::joystickMode(void) { return _joystickMode; } void Vehicle::setJoystickMode(int mode) { if (mode < 0 || mode >= JoystickModeMax) { qCWarning(VehicleLog) << "Invalid joystick mode" << mode; return; } _joystickMode = (JoystickMode_t)mode; _saveSettings(); emit joystickModeChanged(mode); } QStringList Vehicle::joystickModes(void) { QStringList list; list << "Normal" << "Attitude" << "Position" << "Force" << "Velocity"; return list; } bool Vehicle::joystickEnabled(void) { return _joystickEnabled; } void Vehicle::setJoystickEnabled(bool enabled) { _joystickEnabled = enabled; _startJoystick(_joystickEnabled); _saveSettings(); emit joystickEnabledChanged(_joystickEnabled); } void Vehicle::_startJoystick(bool start) { #ifndef __mobile__ Joystick* joystick = _joystickManager->activeJoystick(); if (joystick) { if (start) { if (_joystickEnabled) { joystick->startPolling(this); } } else { joystick->stopPolling(); } } #else Q_UNUSED(start); #endif } bool Vehicle::active(void) { return _active; } void Vehicle::setActive(bool active) { _active = active; _startJoystick(_active); } QmlObjectListModel* Vehicle::missionItemsModel(void) { return missionManager()->missionItems(); } bool Vehicle::homePositionAvailable(void) { return _homePositionAvailable; } QGeoCoordinate Vehicle::homePosition(void) { return _homePosition; } void Vehicle::setArmed(bool armed) { // We specifically use COMMAND_LONG:MAV_CMD_COMPONENT_ARM_DISARM since it is supported by more flight stacks. mavlink_message_t msg; mavlink_command_long_t cmd; cmd.command = (uint16_t)MAV_CMD_COMPONENT_ARM_DISARM; cmd.confirmation = 0; cmd.param1 = armed ? 1.0f : 0.0f; cmd.param2 = 0.0f; cmd.param3 = 0.0f; cmd.param4 = 0.0f; cmd.param5 = 0.0f; cmd.param6 = 0.0f; cmd.param7 = 0.0f; cmd.target_system = id(); cmd.target_component = 0; mavlink_msg_command_long_encode(_mavlink->getSystemId(), _mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg, &cmd); sendMessage(msg); } bool Vehicle::flightModeSetAvailable(void) { return _firmwarePlugin->isCapable(FirmwarePlugin::SetFlightModeCapability); } QStringList Vehicle::flightModes(void) { return _firmwarePlugin->flightModes(); } QString Vehicle::flightMode(void) { return _firmwarePlugin->flightMode(_base_mode, _custom_mode); } void Vehicle::setFlightMode(const QString& flightMode) { uint8_t base_mode; uint32_t custom_mode; if (_firmwarePlugin->setFlightMode(flightMode, &base_mode, &custom_mode)) { // setFlightMode will only set MAV_MODE_FLAG_CUSTOM_MODE_ENABLED in base_mode, we need to move back in the existing // states. uint8_t newBaseMode = _base_mode & ~MAV_MODE_FLAG_DECODE_POSITION_CUSTOM_MODE; newBaseMode |= base_mode; mavlink_message_t msg; mavlink_msg_set_mode_pack(_mavlink->getSystemId(), _mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg, id(), newBaseMode, custom_mode); sendMessage(msg); } else { qWarning() << "FirmwarePlugin::setFlightMode failed, flightMode:" << flightMode; } } bool Vehicle::hilMode(void) { return _base_mode & MAV_MODE_FLAG_HIL_ENABLED; } void Vehicle::setHilMode(bool hilMode) { mavlink_message_t msg; uint8_t newBaseMode = _base_mode & ~MAV_MODE_FLAG_DECODE_POSITION_HIL; if (hilMode) { newBaseMode |= MAV_MODE_FLAG_HIL_ENABLED; } mavlink_msg_set_mode_pack(_mavlink->getSystemId(), _mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg, id(), newBaseMode, _custom_mode); sendMessage(msg); } bool Vehicle::missingParameters(void) { return _autopilotPlugin->missingParameters(); } void Vehicle::requestDataStream(MAV_DATA_STREAM stream, uint16_t rate, bool sendMultiple) { mavlink_message_t msg; mavlink_request_data_stream_t dataStream; dataStream.req_stream_id = stream; dataStream.req_message_rate = rate; dataStream.start_stop = 1; // start dataStream.target_system = id(); dataStream.target_component = 0; mavlink_msg_request_data_stream_encode(_mavlink->getSystemId(), _mavlink->getComponentId(), &msg, &dataStream); if (sendMultiple) { // We use sendMessageMultiple since we really want these to make it to the vehicle sendMessageMultiple(msg); } else { sendMessage(msg); } } void Vehicle::_sendMessageMultipleNext(void) { if (_nextSendMessageMultipleIndex < _sendMessageMultipleList.count()) { qCDebug(VehicleLog) << "_sendMessageMultipleNext:" << _sendMessageMultipleList[_nextSendMessageMultipleIndex].message.msgid; sendMessage(_sendMessageMultipleList[_nextSendMessageMultipleIndex].message); if (--_sendMessageMultipleList[_nextSendMessageMultipleIndex].retryCount <= 0) { _sendMessageMultipleList.removeAt(_nextSendMessageMultipleIndex); } else { _nextSendMessageMultipleIndex++; } } if (_nextSendMessageMultipleIndex >= _sendMessageMultipleList.count()) { _nextSendMessageMultipleIndex = 0; } } void Vehicle::sendMessageMultiple(mavlink_message_t message) { SendMessageMultipleInfo_t info; info.message = message; info.retryCount = _sendMessageMultipleRetries; _sendMessageMultipleList.append(info); } void Vehicle::_missionManagerError(int errorCode, const QString& errorMsg) { Q_UNUSED(errorCode); qgcApp()->showMessage(QString("Error during Mission communication with Vehicle: %1").arg(errorMsg)); } void Vehicle::_addNewMapTrajectoryPoint(void) { if (_mapTrajectoryHaveFirstCoordinate) { _mapTrajectoryList.append(new CoordinateVector(_mapTrajectoryLastCoordinate, _coordinate, this)); } _mapTrajectoryHaveFirstCoordinate = true; _mapTrajectoryLastCoordinate = _coordinate; } void Vehicle::_mapTrajectoryStart(void) { _mapTrajectoryHaveFirstCoordinate = false; _mapTrajectoryList.clear(); _mapTrajectoryTimer.start(); } void Vehicle::_mapTrajectoryStop() { _mapTrajectoryTimer.stop(); } void Vehicle::_parametersReady(bool parametersReady) { if (parametersReady && !_missionManagerInitialRequestComplete) { _missionManagerInitialRequestComplete = true; _missionManager->requestMissionItems(); } if (parametersReady) { setJoystickEnabled(_joystickEnabled); } } void Vehicle::disconnectInactiveVehicle(void) { // Vehicle is no longer communicating with us, disconnect all links LinkManager* linkMgr = qgcApp()->toolbox()->linkManager(); for (int i=0; i<_links.count(); i++) { linkMgr->disconnectLink(_links[i]); } } ParameterLoader* Vehicle::getParameterLoader(void) { return _parameterLoader; } void Vehicle::_imageReady(UASInterface*) { if(_uas) { QImage img = _uas->getImage(); qgcApp()->toolbox()->imageProvider()->setImage(&img, _id); _flowImageIndex++; emit flowImageIndexChanged(); } } void Vehicle::_remoteControlRSSIChanged(uint8_t rssi) { // Low pass to git rid of jitter _rcRSSIstore = (_rcRSSIstore * 0.9f) + ((float)rssi * 0.1); uint8_t filteredRSSI = (uint8_t)ceil(_rcRSSIstore); if(_rcRSSIstore < 0.1) { filteredRSSI = 0; } if(_rcRSSI != filteredRSSI) { _rcRSSI = filteredRSSI; emit rcRSSIChanged(_rcRSSI); } } void Vehicle::virtualTabletJoystickValue(double roll, double pitch, double yaw, double thrust) { // The following if statement prevents the virtualTabletJoystick from sending values if the standard joystick is enabled if ( !_joystickEnabled ) { _uas->setExternalControlSetpoint(roll, pitch, yaw, thrust, 0, JoystickModeRC); } }