APMAirframeComponentAirframe is currently not set.Currently set to frame class '%1' and frame type '%2'.period for end of sentence To change this configuration, select the desired frame class below and frame type.Frame TypeFrameFrame Setup is used to select the airframe which matches your vehicle.APMAirframeComponentControllerParam file github json download failed: %1Param file download failed: %1Загрузка файла параметров не удалась: %1APMAirframeComponentSummaryFrame ClassКласс рамыFrame TypeТип рамыFirmware VersionВерсия прошивкиUnknownНеизвестноAPMAutoPilotPluginWARNING: The flight board you are using has a critical service bulletin against it which advises against flying. For details see: https://discuss.cubepilot.org/t/sb-0000002-critical-service-bulletin-for-cubes-purchased-between-january-2019-to-present-do-not-fly/406APMCameraComponentDisabledОтключеноChannel Gimbal Подвес StabilizeServo reverseOutput channel:Input channel:Gimbal angle limits:minmaxServo PWM limits:Gimbal SettingsType:Gimbal Type changes takes affect next reboot of autopilotDefault Mode:TiltRollPanCameraCamera setup is used to adjust camera and gimbal settings.APMCameraComponentSummaryGimbal typeTilt input channelPan input channelRoll input channelAPMCameraSubComponentDisabledChannel 5Канал 5Channel 6Канал 6Channel 7Канал 7Channel 8Канал 8Channel 9Канал 9Channel 10Канал 10Channel 11Channel 12Channel 13Channel 14Gimbal Output channel:Servo reverseStabilizeServo PWM limits:minmaxGimbal angle limits:Gimbal SettingsType:Тип:Gimbal Type changes takes affect next reboot of autopilotDefault Mode:Режим по умолчанию:TiltRollPanAPMFirmwarePluginQGroundControl fully supports Version %1.%2 and above. You are using a version prior to that. This combination is untested, you may run into unpredictable results.Error during Solo video link setup: %1Unable to change altitude, vehicle altitude not known.Vehicle does not support guided takeoffUnable to takeoff, vehicle position not known.Unable to takeoff: Vehicle failed to change to Guided mode.Unable to takeoff: Vehicle failed to arm.Unable to start mission: Vehicle failed to change to Auto mode.Unable to start mission: Vehicle failed to change to Guided mode.Unable to start mission: Vehicle failed to arm.APMFlightModesComponentFlight Mode Settings (Channel 5)Flight mode channel:Not assignedChannel 1Channel 2Channel 3Channel 4Channel 5Channel 6Channel 7Channel 8Flight Mode SimpleSuper-SimpleSimple ModeSwitch OptionsChannel option %1 :Flight ModesFlight Modes Setup is used to configure the transmitter switches associated with Flight Modes.APMFlightModesComponentControllerOffSimpleSuper-SimpleCustomAPMFlightModesComponentSummaryFlight Mode 1Flight Mode 2Flight Mode 3Flight Mode 4Flight Mode 5Flight Mode 6APMHeliComponentServo SetupServoFunctionMinMaxTrimReversed1234Swash SetupThrottle SetupCollective Curve SetupHeliHeli Setup is used to setup parameters which are specific to a helicopter.APMLightsComponentDisabledChannel Light Output ChannelsLights 1:Lights 2:Brightness Steps:LightsLights setup is used to adjust light output channels.APMLightsComponentSummaryDisabledChannel 5Channel 6Channel 7Channel 8Channel 9Channel 10Channel 11Channel 12Channel 13Channel 14Lights Output 1Lights Output 2APMMotorComponentMotorsAPMNotSupportedNot supportedAPMPowerComponentRequires vehicle rebootBattery 1Battery1 monitor:Reboot vehicleBattery 2Battery2 monitor:ESC CalibrationWARNING: Remove props prior to calibration!CalibrateNow perform these steps:Click Calibrate to start, then:- Disconnect USB and battery so flight controller powers down- Connect the battery- The arming tone will be played (if the vehicle has a buzzer attached)- If using a flight controller with a safety button press it until it displays solid red- You will hear a musical tone then two beeps- A few seconds later you should hear a number of beeps (one for each battery cell you’re using)- And finally a single long beep indicating the end points have been set and the ESC is calibrated- Disconnect the battery and power up again normallyPower Module 90APower Module HV3DR IrisOtherBattery monitor:Battery capacity:Minimum arming voltage:Power sensor:Current pin:Voltage pin:Voltage multiplier:CalculateCalculate Voltage MultiplierIf the battery voltage reported by the vehicle is largely different than the voltage read externally using a voltmeter you can adjust the voltage multiplier value to correct this. Click the Calculate button for help with calculating a new value.Amps per volt:Calculate Amps per VoltIf the current draw reported by the vehicle is largely different than the current read externally using a current meter you can adjust the amps per volt value to correct this. Click the Calculate button for help with calculating a new value.Measure battery voltage using an external voltmeter and enter the value below. Click Calculate to set the new adjusted voltage multiplier.Measured voltage:Vehicle voltage:Calculate And SetMeasure current draw using an external current meter and enter the value below. Click Calculate to set the new amps per volt value.Measured current:Vehicle current:PowerThe Power Component is used to setup battery parameters.APMPowerComponentSummaryBatt1 monitorBatt1 capacityBatt2 monitorBatt2 capacityAPMRadioComponentRadioThe Radio Component is used to setup which channels on your RC Transmitter you will use for each vehicle control such as Roll, Pitch, Yaw and Throttle. It also allows you to assign switches and dials to the various flight modes. Prior to flight you must also calibrate the extents for all of your channels.APMRadioComponentSummaryRollSetup requiredChannel %1PitchYawThrottleAPMSafetyComponentRequires vehicle rebootLow action:Critical action:Low voltage threshold:Critical voltage threshold:Low mAh threshold:Critical mAh threshold:Reboot vehicleBattery1 Failsafe TriggersBattery2 Failsafe TriggersFailsafe TriggersThrottle PWM threshold:GCS failsafeGround Station failsafe:Throttle failsafe:PWM threshold:Failsafe Crash Check:General Failsafe TriggersDisabledAlways RTLContinue with Mission in Auto ModeAlways LandGeoFenceCircle GeoFence enabledAltitude GeoFence enabledReport onlyRTL or LandMax radius:Max altitude:Return to LaunchReturn at current altitudeReturn at specified altitude:Loiter above Home for:Land with descent speed:Final loiter altitude:Arming ChecksWarning: Turning off arming checks can lead to loss of Vehicle control.SafetySafety Setup is used to setup failsafe actions, leak detection, and arming checks.Safety Setup is used to setup triggers for Return to Land as well as the settings for Return to Land itself.APMSafetyComponentCopterBattery1 Failsafe TriggersBattery low action:Battery critical action:Voltage threshold:MAH threshold:Battery2 Failsafe TriggersGeneral Failsafe TriggersGround Station failsafe:Throttle failsafe:DisabledAlways RTLContinue with Mission in Auto ModeAlways LandPWM threshold:GeoFenceCircle GeoFence enabledAltitude GeoFence enabledReport onlyRTL or LandMax radius:Max altitude:Return to LaunchReturn at current altitudeReturn at specified altitude:Loiter above Home for:Land with descent speed:Final loiter altitude:Arming ChecksWarning: Turning off arming checks can lead to loss of Vehicle control.APMSafetyComponentPlaneFailsafe TriggersThrottle PWM threshold:Voltage threshold:MAH threshold:GCS failsafeReturn to LaunchReturn at current altitudeReturn at specified altitude:APMSafetyComponentRoverFailsafe TriggersGround Station failsafe:Throttle failsafe:PWM threshold:Failsafe Crash Check:DisabledHoldHold and DisarmArming ChecksWarning: Turning off arming checks can lead to loss of Vehicle control.APMSafetyComponentSubFailsafe ActionsGCS Heartbeat:Leak:Detector Pin:Battery:EKF:Pilot Input:Internal Temperature:Internal Pressure:Threshold:Arming ChecksWarning: Turning off arming checks can lead to loss of Vehicle control.APMSafetyComponentSummaryArming Checks:EnabledSome disabledThrottle failsafe:Failsafe Action:Failsafe Crash Check:Batt1 low failsafe:Batt1 critical failsafe:Batt2 low failsafe:Batt2 critical failsafe:GeoFence:DisabledAltitudeCircleAltitude,CircleReport onlyRTL or LandUnknownRTL min alt:currentAPMSafetyComponentSummaryCopterArming Checks:EnabledSome disabledThrottle failsafe:Batt1 low failsafe:Batt1 critical failsafe:Batt2 low failsafe:Batt2 critical failsafe:GeoFence:DisabledAltitudeCircleAltitude,CircleReport onlyRTL or LandUnknownRTL min alt:currentAPMSafetyComponentSummaryPlaneThrottle failsafe:DisabledVoltage failsafe:mAh failsafe:RTL min alt:currentAPMSafetyComponentSummaryRoverDisabledAlways RTLAlways HoldUnknownHoldHold and DisarmArming Checks:EnabledSome disabledThrottle failsafe:Failsafe Action:Failsafe Crash Check:APMSafetyComponentSummarySubArming Checks:EnabledSome disabledGCS failsafe:Leak failsafe:Battery failsafe:EKF failsafe:Pilot Input failsafe:Int. Temperature failsafe:Int. Pressure failsafe:APMSensorsComponentIf mounted in the direction of flight, select None.Before calibrating make sure rotation settings are correct. If the compass or GPS module is mounted in flight direction, leave the default value (None)For Compass calibration you will need to rotate your vehicle through a number of positions.For Gyroscope calibration you will need to place your vehicle on a surface and leave it still.For Accelerometer calibration you will need to place your vehicle on all six sides on a perfectly level surface and hold it still in each orientation for a few seconds.To level the horizon you need to place the vehicle in its level flight position and press OK.Start the individual calibration steps by clicking one of the buttons to the left.The calibration for Compass %1 appears to be poor. Check the compass position within your vehicle and re-do the calibration.Calibrate CompassCalibrate AccelerometerSensor SettingsCalibration CancelAccelerometer calibration completeCompass calibration completeCalibration completeSensor CalibrationPerforming sensor calibration over a WiFi connection can be unreliable. If you run into problems try using a direct USB connection instead.Waiting for Vehicle to response to Cancel. This may take a few seconds.Compass (primary(secondary, external, internalUse CompassShown in the indicator bars is the quality of the calibration for each compass.
- Green indicates a well functioning compass.
- Yellow indicates a questionable compass or calibration.
- Red indicates a compass which should not be used.
YOU MUST REBOOT YOUR VEHICLE AFTER EACH CALIBRATION.Reboot VehicleOrientation:Autopilot Rotation:This is recommended for vehicles that have only an internal compass and on vehicles where there is significant interference on the compass from the motors, power wires, etc. CompassMot only works well if you have a battery current monitor because the magnetic interference is linear with current drawn. It is technically possible to set-up CompassMot using throttle but this is not recommended.Disconnect your props, flip them over and rotate them one position around the frame. In this configuration they should push the copter down into the ground when the throttle is raised.Secure the copter (perhaps with tape) so that it does not move.Turn on your transmitter and keep throttle at zero.Click Ok to start CompassMot calibration.To level the horizon you need to place the vehicle in its level flight position and press Ok.depthaltitudePressure calibration will set the %1 to zero at the current pressure reading. %2To calibrate the airspeed sensor shield it from the wind. Do not touch the sensor or obstruct any holes during the calibration.AccelerometerCompassAccelerometer must be calibrated prior to Compass.Level HorizonAccelerometer must be calibrated prior to Level Horizon.Cal Baro/AirspeedCalibrate PressureCompassMotCompassMot - Compass Motor Interference CalibrationNextCancelRotateHold StillSensorsSensors Setup is used to calibrate the sensors within your vehicle.APMSensorsComponentControllerCalibration completeCalibration failed. Calibration log will be displayed.Rotate the vehicle randomly around all axes until the progress bar fills all the way to the right .Raise the throttle slowly to between 50% ~ 75% (the props will spin!) for 5 ~ 10 seconds.Quickly bring the throttle back down to zeroPress the Next button to complete the calibrationHold the vehicle in its level flight position.Requesting pressure calibration...Hold still in the current orientation and press Next when readyRotate the vehicle continuously as shown in the diagram until marked as CompletedHold still in the current orientationPlace you vehicle into one of the orientations shown below and hold it stillLevel horizon completeLevel horizon failedPressure calibration successPressure calibration failCompass %1 calibration completeCompass %1 calibration below quality thresholdAll compasses calibrated successfullyYOU MUST REBOOT YOUR VEHICLE NOW FOR NEW SETTINGS TO TAKE AFFECTCompass calibration failedYOU MUST REBOOT YOUR VEHICLE NOW AND RETRY COMPASS CALIBRATION PRIOR TO FLIGHTContinue rotating...APMSensorsComponentSummaryCompass Setup requiredNot installedAccelerometer(s)ReadyAPMSubFrameComponentLoad Vehicle Default ParametersSelect your vehicle to load the default parameters:FrameFrame setup allows you to choose your vehicle's motor configuration. Install clockwise
propellers on the green thrusters and counter-clockwise propellers on the blue thrusters
(or vice-versa). The flight controller will need to be rebooted to apply changes.APMSubFrameComponentSummaryFrame TypeFirmware VersionUnknownGit RevisionAPMSubMotorComponentReverse Motor DirectionMoving the sliders will cause the motors to spin. Make sure the motors and propellers are clear from obstructions! The direction of the motor rotation is dependent on how the three phases of the motor are physically connected to the ESCs (if any two wires are swapped, the direction of rotation will flip). Because we cannot guarantee what order the phases are connected, the motor directions must be configured in software. When a slider is moved DOWN, the thruster should push air/water TOWARD the cable entering the housing. Click the checkbox to reverse the direction of the corresponding thruster.
Blue Robotics thrusters are lubricated by water and are not designed to be run in air. Testing the thrusters in air is ok at low speeds for short periods of time. Extended operation of Blue Robotics in air may lead to overheating and permanent damage. Without water lubrication, Blue Robotics thrusters may also make some unpleasant noises when operated in air; this is normal.Slide this switch to arm the vehicle and enable the motor test (CAUTION!)APMTuningComponentTuningTuning Setup is used to tune the flight characteristics of the Vehicle.APMTuningComponentCopterBasic TuningRoll/Pitch SensitivitySlide to the right if the copter is sluggish or slide to the left if the copter is twitchyClimb SensitivitySlide to the right to climb more aggressively or slide to the left to climb more gentlyRC Roll/Pitch FeelSlide to the left for soft control, slide to the right for crisp controlSpin While ArmedAdjust the amount the motors spin to indicate armedMinimum ThrustAdjust the minimum amount of thrust require for the vehicle to moveWarning: This setting should be higher than 'Spin While Armed'AutoTuneAxes to AutoTune:Channel for AutoTune switch:NoneChannel 7Channel 8Channel 9Channel 10Channel 11Channel 12In Flight TuningRC Channel 6 Option (Tuning):Min:Max:RollPitchYawAPMTuningComponentSubAttitude Controller ParametersPosition Controller ParametersWaypoint navigation parametersAirMapManagerAirMap EnabledFailed to create airmap::qt::Client instanceNo API key for AirMapAirframeComponentCustom Airframe ConfigYour vehicle is using a custom airframe configuration. This configuration can only be modified through the Parameter Editor.
If you want to reset your airframe configuration and select a standard configuration, click 'Reset' above.Clicking “Apply” will save the changes you have made to your airframe configuration.<br><br>All vehicle parameters other than Radio Calibration will be reset.<br><br>Your vehicle will also be restarted in order to complete the process.You've connected a %1.Airframe is not set.To change this configuration, select the desired airframe below then click “Apply and Restart”.Apply and RestartAirframeAirframe Setup is used to select the airframe which matches your vehicle. This will in turn set up the various tuning values for flight parameters.AirframeComponentControllerYou cannot change airframe configuration while connected to multiple vehicles.AirframeComponentSummarySystem IDAirframe typeSetup requiredVehicleFirmware VersionUnknownCustom Fw. Ver.AirmapSettingsGeneralEnable AirMap ServicesEnable TelemetryShow Airspace on Map (Experimental)Clear Saved AnswersAll saved ruleset answers will be cleared. Is this really what you want?Connection StatusConnectedNot ConnectedLogin / RegistrationUser Name:AnonymousAuthenticatedAuthentication ErrorPassword:Пароль:Forgot Your AirMap Password?Register for an AirMap AccountPilot Profile (WIP)Name:John Doejoe36Email:jonh@doe.comPhone:+1 212 555 1212LicensePersonal API KeyAPI Key:Client ID:Flight List ManagementShow Flight ListNoCreatedFlight StartFlight EndStateActiveCompletedUnknownLoading Flight ListFlight ListRangeFromToRefreshEnd SelectedEnd FlightConfirm ending active flight?Close Flights LoadedNo Flights LoadedA maximum of 250 flights were loadedFlight Area AirspaceAdvisoryAirportControlled AirspaceSpecial Use AirspaceTFRWild FireParkPower PlantHeliportPrisonSchoolHospitalFireEmergencyCustomUnknownAirspaceControlAirspace AdvisoriesNot ConnectedAirspace RegulationsAdvisories based on the selected rules.NoneFile Flight PlanFlight BriefPowered by <b>AIRMAP</b>Airspace Regulation OptionsPICK ONE REGULATIONOPTIONALREQUIREDAltitudeFactTextField(Rel)(AMSL)(Abv Terr)(TerrF)AnalyzeViewAnalyzeLog DownloadGeoTag ImagesMAVLink ConsoleMAVLink InspectorAppLogModelOpen console log output file failed %1 : %2AppMessagesClear AllLog files (*.txt)All Files (*)txtSelect log save fileSave App LogGStreamer DebugShow LatestSet LoggingTurn on logging categoriesAppSettingsApplication SettingsArmedIndicatorArmedDisarmedAudioOutput negative point metersAutoPilotPluginOne or more vehicle components require setup prior to flight.BatteryIndicatorBattery StatusVoltage:Accumulated Consumption:BluetoothConfigurationBluetooth Link SettingsBluetooth Not AvailableBluetoothLinkBluetooth Link ErrorBluetoothSettingsDevice:Address:Bluetooth Devices:ScanStopBootloaderWrite failed: %1Incorrect number of bytes returned for write: actual(%1) expected(%2)Timeout waiting for bytes to be availableRead failed: error: %1Get Command Response: Invalid sync response: 0x%1 0x%2This board is using a microcontroller with faulty silicon and an incorrect configuration and should be put out of service.Unknown response codeCommand failed: 0x%1 (%2)Get Board Info: Send Command: Board erase failed: %1Unable to open firmware file %1: %2Firmware file read failed: %1Flash failed: %1 at address 0x%2Unable to retrieve block from ihx: index %1Unable to set flash start address: 0x%2Read failed: %1 at address: 0x%2Compare failed: expected(0x%1) actual(0x%2) at address: 0x%3Unable to set read start address: 0x%2CRC mismatch: board(0x%1) file(0x%2)Open failed on port %1: %2Found unsupported bootloader version: %1Get Board Id: BuiltInPreFlightCheckModelInitial checksHardwareProps mounted? Wings secured? Tail secured?Please arm the vehicle hereActuatorsMove all control surfaces. Did they work properly?MotorsPropellers free? Then throttle up gently. Working properly?MissionPlease confirm mission is valid (waypoints valid, no terrain collision).Last preparations before launchPayloadConfigured and started? Payload lid closed?OK for your platform? Lauching into the wind?Flight areaLaunch area and path free of obstacles/people?CameraCalcCameraWidthHeightSensorImageFocal lengthFront LapSide LapOverlapSelect one:Ground ResCameraCalc section version %1 not supportedCustom CameraManual (no camera specs)CameraComponentVehicle must be restarted for changes to take effect.Apply and RestartCamera Trigger SettingsTrigger modeTrigger interfaceTime IntervalDistance IntervalHardware SettingsAUX Pin AssignmentTrigger Pin PolarityTrigger PeriodCamera TestTrigger CameraCameraCamera setup is used to adjust camera and gimbal settings.CameraComponentSummaryTrigger interfaceTrigger modeTime intervalDistance intervalAUX pinsAUX pin polarityCameraPageWidgetVideo SettingsCamera SettingsTrigger CameraCameraFree Space: Camera Selector:Stream Selector:OffBlendFullPicture In PictureThermal View ModeBlend OpacitySingleTime LapsePhoto ModePhoto Interval (seconds)Reset Camera DefaultsResetReset Camera to Factory SettingsConfirm resetting all settings?StorageFormatFormat Camera StorageConfirm erasing all files?CameraSectionCameraTimeDistanceModePitchYawGimbalCenterMapDropButtonCenter map on:MissionAll itemsHomeCurrent LocationSpecified LocationVehicleFollow VehicleCenterMapDropPanelCenter map on:MissionAll itemsHomeVehicleCurrent LocationSpecified LocationComplexMissionItemThis Pattern does not support Presets.ComplianceRulesRuleCorridorScanComplexItem%1 does not support loading this complex mission item type: %2:%3%1 complex item version %2 not supportedCorridor ScanCCorridorScanEditorWARNING: Photo interval is below minimum interval (%1 secs) supported by camera.AltitudeTrigger DistSpacingCorridorWidthTurnaround distTake images in turnaroundsRelative altitudeRotate Entry PointTerrainVehicle follows terrainToleranceMax Climb RateMax Descent RateStatisticsCustomCommandWidgetNo vehicle connectedLoad Custom Qml file...ResetCustomCommandWidgetControllerSelect custom Qml fileQml files (*.qml)DebugWindowQt Platform:Font Point Size 10Default font width:Font Point Size 10.5Default font height:Font Point Size 11Default font pixel size:Font Point Size 11.5Default font point size:Font Point Size 12QML Screen Desktop:Font Point Size 12.5QML Screen Size:Font Point Size 13QML Pixel Density:Font Point Size 13.5QML Pixel Ratio:Font Point Size 14Default Point:Font Point Size 14.5Computed Font Height:Font Point Size 15Computed Screen Height:Font Point Size 15.5Computed Screen Width:Font Point Size 16Desktop Available Width:Font Point Size 16.5Desktop Available Height:Font Point Size 17ESP8266Componentcontroller WiFi BridgeError fetching WiFi Bridge Status: %1ESP WiFi Bridge SettingsWiFi ModeWiFi ChannelWiFi AP SSIDWiFi AP PasswordWiFi STA SSIDWiFi STA PasswordUART Baud RateQGC UDP PortESP WiFi Bridge StatusBridge/Vehicle LinkBridge/QGC LinkQGC/Bridge LinkMessages ReceivedMessages LostMessages SentRestore DefaultsRestart WiFi BridgeReboot WiFi BridgeThis will restart the WiFi Bridge so the settings you've changed can take effect. Note that you may have to change your computer WiFi settings and QGroundControl link settings to match these changes. Are you sure you want to restart it?Reset CountersWiFi BridgeThe ESP8266 WiFi Bridge Component is used to setup the WiFi link.ESP8266ComponentSummaryFirmware VersionWiFi ModeWiFi ChannelWiFi AP SSIDWiFi AP PasswordUART Baud RateEditPositionDialogLatitudeLongitudeSet GeographicZoneHemisphereEastingNorthingSet UTMSet From Vehicle PositionFWLandingPatternEditorSet to vehicle headingSet to vehicle locationLoiter pointAltitudeRadiusLoiter clockwiseLanding pointHeadingLanding DistGlide SlopeAltitudes relative to homeCameraClick in map to set landing point.- or -FactUnknown: %1truefalseChange of parameter %1 requires a Vehicle reboot to take effect.Change of '%1' value requires restart of %2 to take effect.FactMetaDataOtherMiscValue must be within %1 and %2Invalid numberFactPanelControllerInternal Error: %1FactTextFieldInvalid ValueValue DetailsFactValueSliderValue DetailsFileManagerUnable to open local file for writing (%1)Unable to write data to local file (%1)Download: Incorrect session returnedDownload: Offset returned (%1) differs from offset requested/expected (%2)List: Offset returned (%1) differs from offset requested (%2)Incorrectly formed list entry: '%1'Missing NULL termination in list entryWrite: Incorrect session returnedWrite: Offset returned (%1) differs from offset requested (%2)Write: Returned invalid size of write size dataWrite: Size returned (%1) differs from size requested (%2)Bad sequence number on received message: expected(%1) received(%2)Nak received creating file, error: %1Nak received creating directory, error: %1Nak received, error: %1Unknown opcode returned from server: %1Command not sent. Waiting for previous command to complete.Command not sent. No Vehicle links.UAS File manager busy. Try again laterFile (%1) is not readable for uploadUnable to open local file for upload (%1)Unable to read data from local file (%1)Timeout waiting for ack: Download failedTimeout waiting for ack: Upload failedFirmwareImageIncorrectly formatted line in .ihx file, line too shortUnsupported record type in file: %1Unable to open firmware file %1, error: %2Supplied file is not a valid JSON documentFirmware file mission required key: %1Firmware file has invalid key: %1Downloaded firmware board id does not match hardware board id: %1 != %2Write failed for parameter meta data file, error: %1Unable to open parameter meta data file %1 for writing, error: %2Write failed for airframe meta data file, error: %1Unable to open airframe meta data file %1 for writing, error: %2Unable to open decompressed file %1 for writing, error: %2Write failed for decompressed image file, error: %1Firmware file has invalid decompressed size for %1Could not find compressed bytes for %1 in Firmware fileIncorrectly formed compressed bytes section for %1 in Firmware fileFirmware file has 0 length %1Size for decompressed %1 does not match stored size: Expected(%1) Actual(%2)Successfully decompressed %1Unabled to open firmware file %1, %2FirmwarePluginCanon S100 PowerShotCanon EOS-M 22mmCanon G9 X PowerShotCanon SX260 HS PowerShotGoPro Hero 4Parrot Sequioa RGBParrot Sequioa MonochromeRedEdgeRicoh GR IISentera Double 4K SensorSentera NDVI Single SensorSony a6000 16mmSony a6300 Zeiss 21mm f/2.8Sony a6300 Sony 28mm f/2.0Sony a7R II Zeiss 21mm f/2.8Sony a7R II Sony 28mm f/2.0Sony DSC-QX30U @ 4.3mm f/3.5Sony ILCE-QX1Sony NEX-5R 20mmSony RX100 II 28mmYuneec CGOETYuneec E10TYuneec E50Yuneec E90Vehicle is not running latest stable firmware! Running %2-%1, latest stable is %3.FirmwareUpgradeFirmwareFirmware Setup%1 can upgrade the firmware on Pixhawk devices, SiK Radios and PX4 Flow Smart Cameras.Update the autopilot firmware to the latest versionAll %1 connections to vehicles must be Upgrade cancelledMultiple devices detected! Remove all detected devices to perform the firmware upgrade.Detected [%1]: Found devicePX4 Pro Standard Version (stable)Beta Testing (beta)Developer Build (master)Custom firmware file...PX4 ProArduPilotStandard VersionDetected PX4 Flow board. The firmware you use on the PX4 Flow must match the AutoPilot firmware type you are using on the vehicle:Detected Pixhawk board. You can select from the following flight stacks:Press Ok to upgrade your vehicle.Flight StackDownloading list of available firmwares...No Firmware AvailableAdvanced settingsSelect the standard version or one from the file system (previously downloaded):Select which version of the firmware you would like to install:Select which version of the above flight stack you would like to install:WARNING: BETA FIRMWARE. This firmware version is ONLY intended for beta testers. Although it has received FLIGHT TESTING, it represents actively changed code. Do NOT use for normal operation.WARNING: CONTINUOUS BUILD FIRMWARE. This firmware has NOT BEEN FLIGHT TESTED. It is only intended for DEVELOPERS. Run bench tests without props first. Do NOT fly this without additional safety precautions. Follow the mailing list actively when using it.Flash ChibiOS BootloaderFirmwareUpgradeControllerConnect not allowed during Firmware Upgrade.Connected to bootloader: Version: %1 Board ID: %1 Flash size: %1Unable to find specified firmware for board typeNo firmware file selectedDownloading firmware... From: %1Download completeImage load failedBootloader not foundImage size of %1 is too large for board flash size %2Upgrade completeUpgrade cancelledChoose board typeFixedWingLandingComplexItem%1 does not support loading this complex mission item type: %2:%3Fixed Wing Landing Pattern: Setting the loiter and landing altitudes with different settings for altitude relative is no longer supported. Both have been set to altitude relative. Be sure to adjust/check your plan prior to flight.%1 complex item version %2 not supportedFlightBriefFlight BriefAuthorizationsAuthorization PendingAuthorization AcceptedAuthorization RejectedAuthorization UnknownAuthorization Not RequiredRules & ComplianceRules you may be violatingRules needing more informationRules you should reviewRules you are followingUpdate PlanSubmit PlanCloseFlightDetailsFlight DetailsFlight Date & TimeNowTodayFlight Start TimeDurationFlight ContextFlightDisplayViewFlight Plan complete%1 Images TakenRemove plan from vehicleLeave plan on vehicleResume Mission From Waypoint %1Resume Mission will rebuild the current mission from the last flown waypoint and upload it to the vehicle for the next flight.If you are changing batteries for Resume Mission do not disconnect from the vehicle when communication is lost.If you are changing batteries for Resume Mission do not disconnect from the vehicle.SingleMulti-VehicleActionApproval PendingFlight ApprovedFlight RejectedFlightDisplayViewMapRrally point map item labelGoto hereGoto here waypointOrbitOrbit waypointGo to locationOrbit at locationFlightDisplayViewVideoWAITING FOR VIDEOVIDEO DISABLEDFlightDisplayViewWidgetsNo GPS Lock for VehicleFlightMapSpecify PositionFlightModeDropdownN/ANo data to displayFlightModeMenuN/ANo data to displayFlightModesComponentFlight ModesFlight Modes Setup is used to configure the transmitter switches associated with Flight Modes.FlightModesComponentSummaryMode switchSetup requiredFlight Mode %1 Position Ctl switchDisabledLoiter switchReturn switchGPSIndicatorGPS StatusGPS Data UnavailableGPS Count:N/ANo data to displayGPS Lock:HDOP:--.--No data to displayVDOP:Course Over Ground:GPSRTKIndicatorSurvey-in ActiveRTK StreamingDuration:Accuracy:Current Accuracy:Satellites:GeneralSettingsUnitsDistanceAreaSpeedTemperatureMiscellaneousLanguageColor SchemeMap ProviderMap TypeStream GCS PositionFont Size:Mute all audio outputAutoLoad MissionsClear all settings on next startClear SettingsAll saved settings will be reset the next time you start %1. Is this really what you want?Announce battery lower thanApplication Load/Save Path<not set>BrowseChoose the location to save/load filesData PersistenceDisable all data persistenceWhen Data Persistence is disabled, all telemetry logging and map tile caching is disabled and not written to disk.Telemetry Logs from VehicleSave log after each flightSave logs even if vehicle was not armedFly ViewUse preflight checklistVirtual JoystickAuto-Center throttleGuided Minimum AltitudeGuided Maximum AltitudePlan ViewDefault Mission AltitudeAutoConnect to the following devicesPixhawkSiK RadioPX4 FlowLibrePilotUDPRTK GPSNMEA GPS DeviceNMEA GPS BaudrateNMEA stream UDP portPerform Survey-InUse Specified Base PositionSave Current Base PositionVideoVideo SourceUDP PortRTSP URLTCP URLAspect RatioDisable When DisarmedVideo RecordingAuto-Delete FilesMax Storage UsageVideo File FormatBrand ImageIndoor ImageChoose custom brand image fileOutdoor ImageReset Default Brand Image%1 VersionGeoFenceControllerGeoFence supports version %1GeoFence polygon not stored as objectGeoFence circle not stored as objectGeoFenceEditorGeoFenceGeoFencing allows you to set a virtual ‘fence’ around the area you want to fly in.This vehicle does not support GeoFence.Insert GeoFencePolygon FenceCircular FencePolygon FencesNoneInclusionEditDeleteDelCircular FencesRadiusBreach Return PointAdd Breach Return PointRemove Breach Return PointAltitudeGeoFenceManagerGeoFence load: Vertex count change mid-polygon - actual:expectedGeoFence load: Polygon type changed before last load complete - actual:expectedGeoFence load: Incomplete polygon loadedGeoFence load: Unsupported command %1GeoFenceMapVisualsBBreach Return Point item indicatorGeoTagControllerImages have alreay been tagged. Existing images will be removed.The save folder already contains images.Cannot find the image directory.Couldn't replace the previously tagged imagesCannot find the save directory.GeoTagPageGeoTag ImagesGeoTag Images is used to tag a set of images from a survey mission with gps coordinates. You must provide the binary log from the flight as well as the directory which contains the images to tag.Select log fileULog file (*.ulg)PX4 log file (*.px4log)All Files (*.*)Select image directory(Optionally) Select save directorySelect save directoryCancel TaggingStart TaggingGeoTagWorkerThe image directory doesn't contain images, make sure your images are of the JPG formatGeotagging failed. Couldn't open an image.Tagging cancelledGeotagging failed. Couldn't open log file.%1 - tagging cancelledLog parsing failedGeotagging failed in trigger filteringGeotagging failed. Image requested not present.Geotagging failed. Couldn't write to image.Geotagging failed. Couldn't write to an image.GuidedActionConfirmSlide to confirmGuidedActionListSelect ActionGuidedActionsControllerEMERGENCY STOPArmDisarmRTLTakeoffLandStart MissionStart Mission (MV)Continue MissionResume FAILEDPausePause (MV)Change AltitudeOrbitLand AbortSet WaypointGoto LocationVTOL TransitionArm the vehicle.Disarm the vehicleWARNING: THIS WILL STOP ALL MOTORS. IF VEHICLE IS CURRENTLY IN THE AIR IT WILL CRASH.Takeoff from ground and hold position.Takeoff from ground and start the current mission.Continue the mission from the current waypoint.Upload of resume mission failed. Confirm to retry uploadLand the vehicle at the current position.Return to the home position of the vehicle.Change the altitude of the vehicle up or down.Move the vehicle to the specified location.Adjust current waypoint to %1.Orbit the vehicle around the specified location.Abort the landing sequence.Pause the vehicle at it's current position, adjusting altitude up or down as needed.Pause all vehicles at their current position.Transition VTOL to fixed wing flight.Transition VTOL to multi-rotor flight.activeVehicle(%1) _vehicleArmed(%2) guidedModeSupported(%3) _vehicleFlying(%4) _vehicleWasFlying(%5) _vehicleInRTLMode(%6) pauseVehicleSupported(%7) _vehiclePaused(%8) _flightMode(%9) _missionItemCount(%10)Smart RTLInternal error: unknown actionCodeGuidedAltitudeSliderNew Alt(rel)HealthPageWidgetAll systems healthyHelpSettingsQGroundControl User GuidePX4 Users Discussion ForumArduPilot Users Discussion ForumJoystickArmDisarmVTOL: Fixed WingVTOL: Multi-RotorZoom InZoom OutNext Video StreamPrevious Video StreamNext CameraPrevious CameraJoystickConfigJoystickJoystick Setup is used to configure a calibrate joysticks.Not MappedAttitude ControlsLateralRollForwardPitchYawThrottleSkipCancelCalibrateAdditional Joystick settings:Enable joystick inputEnable not allowed (Calibrate First)Active joystick:Active joystick name not in comboCenter stick is zero throttleSpring loaded throttle smoothingFull down stick is zero throttleAllow negative ThrustExponential:Advanced settings (careful!)Joystick mode:Message frequency (Hz):Enable circle correctionDeadbandsDeadband can be set during the first step of calibration by gently wiggling each axis. Deadband can also be adjusted by clicking and dragging vertically on the corresponding axis monitor.Button actions:#Function: Shift Function: Axis MonitorButton MonitorJoystickConfigControllerDetected %1 joystick axes. To operate PX4, you need at least %2 axes.CalibrateThe current calibration settings are now displayed for each axis on screen.
Click the Next button to upload calibration to board. Click Cancel if you don't want to save these values.JoystickIndicatorJoystick StatusConnected:Enabled:KMLFileHelperKML file load failed. %1File not found: %1Unable to open file: %1 error: $%2Unable to parse KML file: %1 error: %2 line: %3No supported type found in KML file.Unable to find Polygon node in KMLInternal error: Unable to find coordinates node in KMLUnable to find LineString node in KMLLinechartWidgetNameValUnitMeanVarianceLOGSet logarithmic scale for Y axisSliding window size to calculate mean and varianceStart to log curve data into a CSV or TXT fileStart LoggingGround TimeOverwrite timestamp of data from vehicle with ground receive time. Helps if the plots are not visible because of missing or invalid onboard time.Time axis:10 seconds20 seconds30 seconds40 seconds50 seconds1 minute2 minutes3 minutes4 minutes5 minutes10 minutesNo curves selected for logging.Please check all curves you want to log. Currently no data would be logged. Aborting the logging.Save Log FileLog Files (*.log)Stop loggingStarting Log CompressionShould empty fields (e.g. due to packet drops) be filled with the previous value of the same variable (zero order hold)?Start loggingEnable the curve in the graph windowCurrent value of %1 in %2 unitsUnit of Arithmetic mean of %1 in %2 unitsVariance of %1 in (%2)^2 unitsLinkIndicatorN/ANo data to displayLinkManagerConnect not allowed: %1%1 on %2 (AutoConnect)ShutdownSerialUDPTCPMock LinkLog ReplayPlease check to make sure you have an SD Card inserted in your Vehicle and try again.Your Vehicle is not responding. If this continues, shutdown %1, restart the Vehicle letting it boot completely, then start %1.LinkSettingsDeleteRemove Link ConfigurationRemove %1. Is this really what you want?EditAddConnectDisconnectEdit Link Configuration SettingsCreate New Link ConfigurationGeneralName:Type:Automatically Connect on StartHigh LatencyOKCancelLogCompressorLog Compressor: Cannot start/compress log file, since input file %1 is not readableLog Compressor: Cannot start/compress log file, since output file %1 is not writableLog compressor: Dataset contains dimensions: Log CompressorLogDownloadControllerAvailableCanceledErrorDownloadedTimed OutWaitingUnknownDateLogDownloadPageLog DownloadLog Download allows you to download binary log files from your vehicle. Click Refresh to get list of available logs.IdDateDate UnknownSizeStatusRefreshLog RefreshYou must be connected to a vehicle in order to download logs.DownloadSelect save directoryErase AllDelete All Log FilesAll log files will be erased permanently. Is this really what you want?CancelLogReplayLinkLog Replay ErrorYou must close all connections prior to replaying a log.Attempt to load new log while log being playedUnable to open log file: '%1', error: %2The log file '%1' is corrupt. No valid timestamps were found at the end of the file.Connect not allowed during Flight Data replay.Unable to seek to new positionLogReplayLinkConfigurationLog Replay Link SettingsLogReplaySettingsLog File:BrowsePlease choose a fileMAVLinkInspectorControllerVehicle %1MAVLinkInspectorPageInspect real time MAVLink messages.Message:Component:Count:Message Fields:MAVLinkProtocolMAVLink ProtocolMAVLink Logging failed. Could not write to file %1, logging disabled.Detected radio still using MAVLink v1.0 on a link with MAVLink v2.0 enabled. Please upgrade the radio firmware.MAVLink protocolOpening Flight Data file for writing failed. Unable to write to %1. Please choose a different file location.MainRootWindow%1 closeThere are still active connections to vehicles. Are you sure you want to exit?You have a mission edit in progress which has not been saved/sent. If you close you will lose changes. Are you sure you want to close?No MessagesParameters missing: %1Fact error: %1MainToolBarDownloading ParametersClick anywhere to hideMainToolBarIndicatorsAdvanced ModeWaiting For Vehicle ConnectionDisconnectCOMMUNICATION LOSTMapScale km m mile miles ftMavlinkConsolePageMavlink ConsoleMavlink Console provides a connection to the vehicle's system shell.SendShow LatestMavlinkSettingsMAVLink LoggingPlease enter an email address before uploading MAVLink log files.Ground StationMAVLink System ID:Emit heartbeatOnly accept MAVs with same protocol versionTelemetry Stream Rates (ArduPilot Only)All Streams Controlled By Vehicle SettingsRaw SensorsExtended StatusRC ChannelPositionExtra 1Extra 2Extra 3MAVLink Link Status (Current Vehicle)Total messages sent (computed):Not ConnectedTotal messages received:Total message loss:Loss rate:MAVLink 2.0 Logging (PX4 Pro Only)Manual Start/Stop:Start LoggingStop LoggingEnable automatic loggingMAVLink 2.0 Log Uploads (PX4 Pro Only)Email address for Log Upload:Default Description:Default Upload URLVideo URL:Wind Speed:Flight Rating:Additional Feedback:Make this log publicly availableEnable automatic log uploadsDelete log file after uploadingSaved Log FilesUploadedCheck AllCheck NoneDelete SelectedDelete Selected Log FilesConfirm deleting selected log files?Upload SelectedUpload Selected Log FilesConfirm uploading selected log files?CancelCancel UploadConfirm canceling the upload process?MicrohardSettingsGeneralEnable MicrohardConnection StatusGround Unit:ConnectedNot ConnectedAir Unit:Uplink RSSI:Downlink RSSI:Network SettingsLocal IP Address:Remote IP Address:Network Mask:Configuration password:Encryption key:ApplyMissionCommandDialogCategory:MissionCommandTreeAll commandsMissionControllerFixed Wing LandingStructure ScanCorridor ScanSurveyWarning: You are using MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_TERRAIN_ALT in a mission. %1 does not support sending terrain tiles to vehicle.Mission item %1 is not an objectUnsupported complex item type: %1Unknown item type: %1Could not find doJumpId: %1The mission file is corrupted.The mission file is not compatible with this version of %1.Mission: %1MissionItemType found: %1 must be: %2%1 key must contains 7 valuesParam %1 incorrect type %2, must be double or nullMissionItemEditorInsert waypointInsert patternInsert DeleteChange command...Edit position...Edit PositionShow all valuesMission EditYou have made changes to the mission item which cannot be shown in Simple ModeSelect Mission CommandMissionItemStatusTerrain AltitudeMissionManagerUnable to generate resume mission due to MAV_CMD_DO_JUMP command.MissionSettingsEditorFirmwareVehicleWaypoint altFlight speedAbove camera commands will take affect immediately upon mission start.Mission EndReturn To LaunchVehicle InfoCruise speedHover speedPlanned Home PositionAltitudeActual position set by vehicle at flight time.Set Home To Map CenterMissionSettingsItemHPlanned HomeMockConfigurationMock Link SettingsMockLinkPX4 VehicleAPM ArduCopter VehicleAPM ArduPlane VehicleAPM ArduSub VehicleAPM ArduRover VehicleGeneric VehicleSend status text + voiceStop One MockLinkMockLinkSettingsSend Status Text and VoicePX4 FirmwareAPM FirmwareGeneric FirmwareAPM Vehicle TypeArduCopterArduPlaneModeIndicatorN/ANo data to displayModeSwitchDisplayMonitor:Threshold:MotorComponentAllMoving the sliders will causes the motors to spin. Make sure you remove all props.Propellers are removed - Enable motor slidersMotorsMotors Setup is used to manually test motor control and direction.MultiVehicleDockWidgetFormMultiVehicleListThe following commands will be applied to all vehiclesArmedDisarmedMultiVehicleManagerWarning: A vehicle is using the same system id as %1: %2Connected to Vehicle %1OfflineMapError MessageMax Cache Disk Size (MB):Max Cache Memory Size (MB):Memory cache changes require a restart to take effect.Mapbox Access TokenTo enable Mapbox maps, enter your access token.Esri Access TokenTo enable Esri maps, enter your access token.This will delete all tiles INCLUDING the tile sets you have created yourself.
Is this really what you want?Delete %1 and all its tiles.
Is this really what you want?System Wide Tile CacheZoom Levels:Total:Unique:Downloaded:Error Count:Size:Tile Count:Resume DownloadCancel DownloadDeleteConfirm DeleteOkCloseCancelMin Zoom: %1Max Zoom: %1Add New SetName:Map type:Fetch elevation dataMin/Max Zoom LevelsEst Size:Too many tilesDownloadImportExportOptionsOffline Maps OptionsSelect Tile Sets to ExportSelect AllSelect NoneExport Tile SetTile Set Export ProgressTile Set Export CompletedMap Tile Set ImportMap Tile Set Import ProgressMap Tile Set Import CompletedAppend to existing setReplace existing setImport Tile SetPIDTuningTuning Axis:Tuning Values:Increment/Decrement %Clipboard Values:Save To ClipboardRestore From ClipboardChart:ClearStopStartAutomatic Flight Mode SwitchingSwitches to 'Stabilized' when you click Start.Switches to '%1' when you click Stop. RatePX4AdvancedFlightModesFLIGHT MODESAssign Flight Modes to radio control channels and adjust the thresholds for triggering them.Assign Flight Modes to radio control channels and adjust the thresholds for triggering them. You can assign multiple flight modes to a single channel. Turn your radio control on to test switch settings. The following channels: are not available for Flight Modes since they are already in use for other functions.Manual/MainStabilized/MainThe pilot has full control of the aircraft, no assistance is provided. The Main mode switch must always be assigned to a channel in order to flyThe pilot has full control of the aircraft, only attitude is stabilized. AssistIf Position Control is placed on a separate channel from the Main mode channel, an additional 'Assist' mode is added to the Main switch. In order for the Attitude Control/Position Control switch to be active, the Main switch must be in Assist mode.AutoIf Loiter is placed on a separate channel from the Main mode channel, an additional 'Auto' mode is added to the Main switch. In order for the Mission/Loiter switch to be active, the Main switch must be in Auto mode.StabilizedAcroRoll/pitch angles and rudder deflection are controlled. The angular rates are controlled, but not the attitude. AltitudeRoll stick controls banking, pitch stick altitude Throttle stick controls speed. With no stick inputs the plane holds heading, but drifts off in wind. Same as Stablized mode except that Throttle controls climb/sink rate. Centered Throttle holds altitude steady. Position ControlRoll stick controls banking, pitch stick controls altitude. Throttle stick controls speed.With no stick inputs the plane flies a straight line, even in wind. Roll and Pitch sticks control sideways and forward speed Throttle stick controls climb / sink rade. MissionThe aircraft obeys the programmed mission sent by QGroundControl. HoldThe aircraft flies in a circle around the current position at the current altitude. The multirotor hovers at the current position and altitude. ReturnThe vehicle returns to the home position, loiters and then lands. OffboardAll flight control aspects are controlled by an offboard system.Flight Mode Config is disabled since you have a Joystick enabled.Use Single Channel Mode SelectionGenerate ThresholdsPX4AdvancedFlightModesController%1 is set to %2. Mapping must between 0 and %3 (inclusive).
%1 is set to same channel as %2.
%1 is set to %2. Threshold must between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive).
PX4AutoPilotPluginWarning: Hardware In The Loop (HITL) simulation is enabled for this vehicle.PX4FirmwarePluginManualAcroStabilizedRattitudeAltitudePositionOffboardReadyTakeoffHoldMissionReturnLandPrecision LandReturn to GroundstationFollow MeSimpleOrbitUnknown %1:%2Unable to takeoff, vehicle position not known.Unable to go to location, vehicle position not known.Unable to change altitude, home position unknown.Unable to change altitude, home position altitude unknown.Unable to start mission: Vehicle rejected arming.Unable to start mission: Vehicle not ready.QGroundControl supports PX4 Pro firmware Version %1.%2.%3 and above. You are using a version prior to that which will lead to unpredictable results. Please upgrade your firmware.PX4FirmwareUpgradeThreadWorkerPutting radio into command modeUnable to open port: %1 error: %2Unable to put radio into command modeRebooting radio to bootloaderUnable to reboot radio (bytes written)Unable to reboot radio (ready read)Programming new version...Verifying program...Verify completeErasing previous program...Erase completePX4FlowSensorPX4Flow CameraPX4ParameterMetaDataEnabledDisabledPX4RadioComponentRadioRadio Setup is used to calibrate your transmitter. It also assign channels for Roll, Pitch, Yaw and Throttle vehicle control as well as determining whether they are reversed.PX4RadioComponentSummaryRollSetup requiredPitchYawThrottleFlapsDisabledAux1Aux2PX4SimpleFlightModesFlight Mode SettingsMode channel:Flight Mode %1Switch SettingsPX4TuningComponentTuningTuning Setup is used to tune the flight characteristics of the Vehicle.PX4TuningComponentCopterHover ThrottleAdjust throttle so hover is at mid-throttle. Slide to the left if hover is lower than throttle center. Slide to the right if hover is higher than throttle center.Manual minimum throttleSlide to the left to start the motors with less idle power. Slide to the right if descending in manual flight becomes unstable.RollPitchYawPX4TuningComponentPlaneCruise throttleThis is the throttle setting required to achieve the desired cruise speed. Most planes need 50-60%.RollPitchYawPX4TuningComponentVTOLPlane Roll sensitivitySlide to the left to make roll control faster and more accurate. Slide to the right if roll oscillates or is too twitchy.Plane Pitch sensitivitySlide to the left to make pitch control faster and more accurate. Slide to the right if pitch oscillates or is too twitchy.Plane Cruise throttleThis is the throttle setting required to achieve the desired cruise speed. Most planes need 50-60%.Hover ThrottleAdjust throttle so hover is at mid-throttle. Slide to the left if hover is lower than throttle center. Slide to the right if hover is higher than throttle center.Hover manual minimum throttleSlide to the left to start the motors with less idle power. Slide to the right if descending in manual flight becomes unstable.Plane Mission mode sensitivitySlide to the left to make position control more accurate and more aggressive. Slide to the right to make flight in mission mode smoother and less twitchy.ParameterEditorParameter Load ErrorsSearch:ClearShow modified onlyToolsRefreshReset all to firmware's defaultsReset AllReset to vehicle's configuration defaultsLoad from file...Load ParametersSave to file...Save ParametersClear RC to ParamReboot VehicleParameter EditorParameter Files (*.%1)All Files (*.*)Select Reset to reset all parameters to their defaults.Select Reset to reset all parameters to the vehicle's configuration defaults.Select Ok to reboot vehicle.ParameterEditorControllerComponent AllUnable to create file: %1Unable to open file: %1ParameterEditorDialogReset to defaultMin: Max: Default: Parameter name: Warning: Modifying values while vehicle is in flight can lead to vehicle instability and possible vehicle loss. Make sure you know what you are doing and double-check your values before Save!Force save (dangerous!)Advanced settingsManual EntrySet RC to Param...ParameterManagerParameter write failed: veh:%1 comp:%2 param:%3Parameter read failed: veh:%1 comp:%2 param:%3Parameter cache CRC match failed%1 was unable to retrieve the full set of parameters from vehicle %2. This will cause %1 to be unable to display its full user interface. If you are using modified firmware, you may need to resolve any vehicle startup errors to resolve the issue. If you are using standard firmware, you may need to upgrade to a newer version to resolve the issue.Vehicle %1 did not respond to request for parameters. This will cause %2 to be unable to display its full user interface.%1 key is not a json objectPlanManagerInternal error occurred during Mission Item communication: _ackTimeOut:_expectedAck == AckNoneMission request list failed, maximum retries exceeded.Retrying %1 REQUEST_LIST retry CountMission read failed, maximum retries exceeded.Retrying %1 MISSION_REQUEST retry CountMission write failed, vehicle failed to send final ack.Mission write mission count failed, maximum retries exceeded.Vehicle did not request all items from ground station: %1Mission remove all, maximum retries exceeded.Retrying %1 MISSION_CLEAR_ALL retry CountVehicle did not respond to mission item communication: %1Vehicle requested item outside range, count:request %1:%2. Send to Vehicle failed.Vehicle returned error: %1.Vehicle did not request all items during write sequence, missed count %1.Vehicle returned error: %1. Vehicle remove all failed.Vehicle returned error: %1. %2Vehicle did not accept guided item.Mission accepted (MAV_MISSION_ACCEPTED)Unspecified error (MAV_MISSION_ERROR)Coordinate frame is not supported (MAV_MISSION_UNSUPPORTED_FRAME)Command is not supported (MAV_MISSION_UNSUPPORTED)Mission item exceeds storage space (MAV_MISSION_NO_SPACE)One of the parameters has an invalid value (MAV_MISSION_INVALID)Param1 has an invalid value (MAV_MISSION_INVALID_PARAM1)Param2 has an invalid value (MAV_MISSION_INVALID_PARAM2)Param3 has an invalid value (MAV_MISSION_INVALID_PARAM3)Param4 has an invalid value (MAV_MISSION_INVALID_PARAM4)X/Param5 has an invalid value (MAV_MISSION_INVALID_PARAM5_X)Y/Param6 has an invalid value (MAV_MISSION_INVALID_PARAM6_Y)Param7 has an invalid value (MAV_MISSION_INVALID_PARAM7)Received mission item out of sequence (MAV_MISSION_INVALID_SEQUENCE)Not accepting any mission commands (MAV_MISSION_DENIED)QGC Internal ErrorPlanMasterControllerDownload not supported on high latency links.Upload not supported on high latency links.Error loading Plan file (%1). %2Plan save error %1 : %2KML save error %1 : %2Supported types (*.%1 *.%2 *.%3 *.%4)All Files (*.*)Plan Files (*.%1)PlanToolBarIndicatorsSelected WaypointAlt diff:Azimuth:Distance:Gradient:Heading:Total MissionMax telem dist:Time:BatteryBatteries required:Upload RequiredUploadSyncing MissionClick anywhere to hidePlanViewVehicle is currently armed. Do you want to upload the mission to the vehicle?Apply new alititudeYou have changed the default altitude for mission items. Would you like to apply that altitude to all the items in the current mission?Your vehicle is currently flying a mission. In order to upload a new or modified mission the current mission will be paused.After the mission is uploaded you can adjust the current waypoint and start the mission.Pause and UploadYou need at least one item to create a KML.Unable to Save/UploadPlan is waiting on terrain data from server for correct altitude values.Plan UploadSelect Plan FileSave PlanLoad ShapeSave KMLCreate which pattern type?SurveyStructure ScanMove the selected mission item to the be after following mission item:FlyFileWaypointROIPatternCenterInOutPlanMissionFenceRallyYou have unsaved/unsent changes. Loading from the Vehicle will lose these changes. Are you sure you want to load from the Vehicle?You have unsaved/unsent changes. Loading from a file will lose these changes. Are you sure you want to load from a file?Are you sure you want to remove all items and create a new plan? This will also remove all items from the vehicle.Are you sure you want to remove all mission items and clear the mission from the vehicle?Create complex pattern:Load KML/SHP...Mission overwriteGeoFence overwriteRally Points overwriteYou have unsaved changes. You should upload to your vehicle, or save to a file:You have unsaved changes.Plan File:New...New PlanOpen...SaveSave As...Save Mission Waypoints As KML...KMLUploadDownloadClear Vehicle MissionPolygonEditorClick to add point %1- Right Click to end polygonClick to add pointClick to add point - Right Click to end polygonAdjust polygon by dragging cornersPowerComponentESC Calibration%1 cannot perform ESC Calibration with this version of firmware. You will need to upgrade to a newer firmware.%1 cannot perform ESC Calibration with this version of firmware. You will need to upgrade %1.Performing calibration. This will take a few seconds..ESC Calibration failedCalibration complete. You can disconnect your battery now if you like.WARNING: Props must be removed from vehicle prior to performing ESC calibration. Connect the battery now and calibration will begin.You must disconnect the battery prior to performing ESC Calibration. Disconnect your battery and try again.Measure battery voltage using an external voltmeter and enter the value below. Click Calculate to set the new voltage multiplier.Measured voltage:Vehicle voltage:Voltage divider:Measure current draw using an external current meter and enter the value below. Click Calculate to set the new amps per volt value.Measured current:Vehicle current:Amps per volt:CalculateBatteryNumber of Cells (in Series)Full Voltage (per cell)Battery Max:Empty Voltage (per cell)Battery Min:Voltage dividerCalculate Voltage DividerIf the battery voltage reported by the vehicle is largely different than the voltage read externally using a voltmeter you can adjust the voltage multiplier value to correct this. Click the Calculate button for help with calculating a new value.Amps per voltCalculate Amps per VoltIf the current draw reported by the vehicle is largely different than the current read externally using a current meter you can adjust the amps per volt value to correct this. ESC PWM Minimum and Maximum CalibrationWARNING: Propellers must be removed from vehicle prior to performing ESC calibration.You must use USB connection for this operation.CalibrateShow UAVCAN SettingsUAVCAN Bus ConfigurationChange required restartUAVCAN Motor Index and Direction AssignmentWARNING: Propellers must be removed from vehicle prior to performing UAVCAN ESC configuration.ESC parameters will only be accessible in the editor after assignment.Start the process, then turn each motor into its turn direction, in the order of their motor indices.Start AssignmentStop AssignmentShow Advanced SettingsAdvanced Power SettingsVoltage Drop on Full Load (per cell)Batteries show less voltage at high throttle. Enter the difference in Volts between idle throttle and full throttle, divided by the number of battery cells. Leave at the default if unsure. If this value is set too high, the battery might be deep discharged and damaged.Compensated Minimum Voltage: VPowerPower Setup is used to setup battery parameters as well as advanced settings for propellers.PowerComponentSummaryBattery FullBattery EmptyNumber of CellsPreFlightBatteryCheckBatteryBattery connector firmly plugged?Warning - Battery charge below %1%.Battery charge below %1%. Please recharge.PreFlightCheckButtonPassedPreFlightCheckGroup (passed)PreFlightCheckListPre-Flight Checklist %1(passed)Reset the checklist (e.g. after a vehicle reboot)PreFlightGPSCheckGPSWaiting for 3D lock.Warning - Sat count below %1.Waiting for sat count above %1.PreFlightRCCheckRadio ControlReceiving signal. Perform range test & confirm.No signal or invalid autopilot-RC config. Check RC and console.PreFlightSensorsHealthCheckSensorsFailure. Magnetometer issues. Check console.Failure. Accelerometer issues. Check console.Failure. Gyroscope issues. Check console.Failure. Barometer issues. Check console.Failure. Airspeed sensor issues. Check console.Failure. AHRS issues. Check console.Failure. GPS issues. Check console.PreFlightSoundCheckSound outputQGC audio output enabled. System audio output enabled, too?QGC audio output is disabled. Please enable it under application settings->general to hear audio warnings!QGCApplicationYou are running %1 as root. You should not do this since it will cause other issues with %1. %1 will now exit. If you are having serial port issues on Ubuntu, execute the following commands to fix most issues:
sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER
sudo apt-get remove modemmanagerThe format for %1 saved settings has been modified. Your saved settings have been reset to defaults.The Offline Map Cache database has been upgraded. Your old map cache sets have been reset.Unable to save telemetry log. Error copying telemetry to '%1': '%2'.Telemetry save errorUnable to save telemetry log. Application save directory is not set.Unable to save telemetry log. Telemetry save directory "%1" does not exist.Parameters are missing from firmware. You may be running a version of firmware QGC does not work correctly with or your firmware has a bug in it. Missing params: %1QGCCorePluginGeneralComm LinksOffline MapsTaisyncMicrohardAirMapMAVLinkConsoleHelpMock LinkDebugPalette TestValuesCameraVideo StreamHealthVibrationWARNING: You are about to enter Advanced Mode. If used incorrectly, this may cause your vehicle to malfunction thus voiding your warranty. You should do so only if instructed by customer support. Are you sure you want to enable Advanced Mode?QGCFenceCircleGeoFence Circle only supports version %1QGCFencePolygonGeoFence Polygon only supports version %1QGCFileDialogDeleteNo filesNew file name:File names must end with .%1 file extension. If missing it will be added.The file %1 exists. Click Save again to replace it.Save to existing file:QGCFileDownloadCould not save downloaded file to %1. Error: %2Download cancelledError: File Not FoundError during download. Error: %1QGCFlightGearLinkFlightGear 3.0+ Link (port:%1)FlightGear Failed to StartFlightGear CrashedThis is a FlightGear-related problem. Please upgrade FlightGearFlightGear Start Timed OutPlease check if the path and command is correctCould not Communicate with FlightGearFlightGear ErrorPlease check if the path and command is correct.FlightGear HILFlight Gear protocol file '%1' is out of date. Quit %2. Delete the file and restart %2 to fix.FlightGear failed to start. There are mismatched quotes in specified command line options--fg-root directory specified from ui option not found: %1Unable to automatically determine --fg-root directory location. You will need to specify --fg-root=<directory> as an additional command line parameter from ui.--fg-scenery directory specified from ui option not found: %1Unable to automatically determine --fg-scenery directory location. You will need to specify --fg-scenery=directory as an additional command line parameter from ui.Incorrect %1 installation. Aircraft directory is missing: '%2'.Incorrect FlightGear setup. Protocol directory is missing: '%1'. Command line parameter for --fg-root may be set incorrectly.Incorrect installation. Protocol directory is missing (%1).Incorrect installation. FlightGear protocol file missing: %1Unable to verify that protocol file %1 is current. If file is out of date, you may experience problems. Safest approach is to delete the file manually and allow %2 install the latest file.FlightGear protocol file %1 is out of date. It will be deleted, which will cause %2 to install the latest version of the file.Delete of protocol file failed. You will have to manually delete the file.FlightGear Failed to Start. %1 protocol (%2) not installed to FlightGear Protocol directory (%3)Fix it for meCopy failedCopy from (%1) to (%2) failed, possibly due to permissions issue. You will need to perform manually. Try pasting the following command into a Command Prompt which was started with Run as Administrator:
Copy from (%1) to (%2) failed, possibly due to permissions issue. You will need to perform manually. Try pasting the following command into a shell:
Copy to ClipboardQGCHilConfigurationHIL ConfigSimulatorFlightGear 3.0+X-Plane 10X-Plane 9QGCHilFlightGearConfigurationForm<html><head/><body><p>Additional Options:</p></body></html>Airframe:StartStopSensor HILBarometer Offset [kPa]:0Reset to default optionsQGCHilJSBSimConfigurationFormAirframe:<html><head/><body><p>Additional Options:</p></body></html>--in-air --roll=0 --pitch=0 --vc=90 --heading=300 --timeofday=noon --disable-hud-3d --disable-fullscreen --geometry=400x300 --disable-anti-alias-hud --wind=0@0 --turbulence=0.0 --prop:/sim/frame-rate-throttle-hz=30 --control=mouse --disable-intro-music --disable-sound --disable-random-objects --disable-ai-models --shading-flat --fog-disable --disable-specular-highlight --disable-random-objects --disable-panel --disable-clouds --fdm=jsb --units-meters --prop:/engines/engine/running=trueStartStopQGCHilXPlaneConfigurationFormStartHostEnable sensor level HIL127.0.0.1:49000Use newer actuator formatConnectDisconnectQGCJSBSimLinkJSBSim Link (port:%1)JSBSim Failed to start. Please check if the path and command is correctJSBSim crashed. This is a JSBSim-related problem, check for JSBSim upgrade.JSBSim start timed out. Please check if the path and command is correctCould not communicate with JSBSim. Please check if the path and command are correctJSBSim error occurred. Please check if the path and command is correct.QGCLogEntryPendingQGCMAVLinkLogPlayerFormStart to replay Flight Data...TimeNo Flight Data selected..Select the Flight Data to replayReplay Flight DataLog ReplayYou must close all connections prior to replaying a log.Load Telemetry Log FileMAVLink Log Files (*.tlog);;All Files (*)QGCMapPolygonVisualsSelect Polygon FileRemove vertexCirclePolygonSet radius...Edit position...Edit Center PositionEdit Vertex PositionLoad KML/SHP...Radius:QGCMapPolylineVisualsSelect KML FileRemove vertexEdit position...Edit PositionLoad KML...QGCMapRCToParamDialogDialogBindParameter Tuning ID123ParameterTextLabelwithScale (keep default)Center valueMinimum ValueMaximum ValueWaiting for parameter refresh,,,Tuning IDs can be mapped to channels in the RC settingsQGCPluginHostFormLoaded PluginsPlugin LogQGCTextField?QGCUASFileViewFormList FilesDownload FileUpload FileDownload DirectoryDownloading: %1Uploading: %1Error: %1QGCUASFileViewMultiOnboard FilesQGCViewDialogContainerOkOpenSaveApplySave AllYesYes to AllRetryResetRestore to DefaultsIgnoreCancelCloseNoNo to AllAbortQGCXPlaneLinkX-Plane Link (localPort:%1)Waiting for XPlane..X-Plane Failed to start. Please check if the path and command is correctX-Plane crashed. This is an X-Plane-related problem, check for X-Plane upgrade.X-Plane start timed out. Please check if the path and command is correctCould not communicate with X-Plane. Please check if the path and command are correctX-Plane error occurred. Please check if the path and command is correct.Receiving from XPlane at %1 HzReceiving from XPlane.QMap3DFormMapVehicleQObject{"typ": "JWT", "alg" : ""}UnknownPixhawkSiK RadioPX4 FlowOpenPilotRTK GPSGuided mode not supported by Vehicle.Follow MeThe following required keys are missing: %1value for coordinate is not arrayCoordinate array must contain %1 valuesCoordinate array may only contain double values, found: %1Incorrect value type - key:type:expected %1:%2:%3enum strings/values count mismatch in %3 strings:values %1:%2Incorrect file type key expected:%1 actual:%2Incorrect type for version value, must be integerFile version %1 is no longer supportedFile version %1 is newer than current supported version %2value for coordinate array is not arrayUnknown type: %1QmlTestWindow ColorImport/ExportLightDarkEnabledValueDisabledQGC nameLabelButtonHover ButtonItem 1Item 2Item 3RadioCheck BoxSUB MENURCRSSIIndicatorRC RSSI StatusRC RSSI Data UnavailableN/ANo data availableRSSI:RadioComponentRadioReboot requiredYour stick mappings have changed, you must reboot the vehicle for correct operation.Throttle channel reversedCalibration failed. The throttle channel on your transmitter is reversed. You must correct this on your transmitter in order to complete calibration.Center your sticks and move throttle all the way down, then press Ok to copy trims. After pressing Ok, reset the trims on your radio back to zero.Before calibrating you should zero all your trims and subtrims. Click Ok to start Calibration.
%1Please ensure all motor power is disconnected AND all props are removed from the vehicle.Please turn on transmitter.%1 channels or more are needed to fly.Click Ok to place your Spektrum receiver in the bind mode. Select the specific receiver type below:DSM2 ModeDSMX (7 channels or less)DSMX (8 channels or more)Not MappedAttitude ControlsRollPitchYawThrottleSkipCancelCalibrateAdditional Radio setup:Spektrum BindCopy TrimsMode 1Mode 2RadioComponentControllerLower the Throttle stick all the way down as shown in diagram.
It is recommended to disconnect all motors for additional safety, however, the system is designed to not arm during the calibration.
Click Next to continueLower the Throttle stick all the way down as shown in diagram.
Reset all transmitter trims to center.
Please ensure all motor power is disconnected AND all props are removed from the vehicle.
Click Next to continueMove the Throttle stick all the way up and hold it there...Move the Throttle stick all the way down and leave it there...Move the Yaw stick all the way to the left and hold it there...Move the Yaw stick all the way to the right and hold it there...Move the Roll stick all the way to the left and hold it there...Move the Roll stick all the way to the right and hold it there...Move the Pitch stick all the way down and hold it there...Move the Pitch stick all the way up and hold it there...Allow the Pitch stick to move back to center...Move all the transmitter switches and/or dials back and forth to their extreme positions.All settings have been captured. Click Next to write the new parameters to your board.Center the Throttle stick as shown in diagram.
Reset all transmitter trims to center.
Please ensure all motor power is disconnected from the vehicle.
Click Next to continueNextCalibrateThe current calibration settings are now displayed for each channel on screen.
Click the Next button to upload calibration to board. Click Cancel if you don't want to save these values.RallyPointControllerRally: %1Rally Points supports version %1RallyPointEditorHeaderRally PointsRally Points provide alternate landing points when performing a Return to Launch (RTL).Click in the map to add new rally points.This vehicle does not support Rally Points.RallyPointItemEditorRally PointDeleteRallyPointMapVisualsRrally point map item labelSHPFileHelperSHP file load failed. %1UTM projection is not in supported format. Must be PROJCS["WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_##N/SOnly WGS84 or UTM projections are supported.PRJ file open failed: %1File not found: %1File is not a .shp file: %1SHPOpen failed.More than one entity found.No supported types found.File does not contain a polygon.Only single part polygons are supported.SafetyComponentLow Battery Failsafe TriggerFailsafe Action:Battery Warn Level:Battery Failsafe Level:Battery Emergency Level:RC Loss Failsafe TriggerRC Loss Timeout:Data Link Loss Failsafe TriggerData Link Loss Timeout:Geofence Failsafe TriggerAction on breach:Max Radius:Max Altitude:Return Home SettingsClimb to altitude of:Return home, then:Land immediatelyLoiter and do not landLoiter and land after specified timeLoiter TimeLoiter AltitudeLand Mode SettingsLanding Descent Rate:Disarm After:Vehicle Telemetry LoggingEnable telemetry logging to vehicle storageHardware in the Loop SimulationHITL Enabled:SafetySafety Setup is used to setup triggers for Return to Land as well as the settings for Return to Land itself.SafetyComponentSummaryLow Battery FailsafeRC Loss FailsafeRC Loss TimeoutData Link Loss FailsafeRTL Climb ToRTL, ThenLand immediatelyLoiter and do not landLoiter and land after specified timeLoiter AltLand DelaySensorsComponentSensorsSensors Setup is used to calibrate the sensors within your vehicle.SensorsComponentControllerCalibration completeCalibration failed. Calibration log will be displayed.Unsupported calibration firmware version, using logPlace your vehicle into one of the Incomplete orientations shown below and hold it stillRotate the vehicle continuously as shown in the diagram until marked as CompletedHold still in the current orientationPlace you vehicle into one of the orientations shown below and hold it stillOrientation already completed, place you vehicle into one of the incomplete orientations shown below and hold it stillSensorsComponentSummaryCompass 0Setup requiredReadyCompass 1Compass 2GyroAccelerometerSensorsComponentSummaryFixedWingCompass:Setup requiredReadyGyro:Accelerometer:Airspeed:SensorsSetupIf the orientation is in the direction of flight, select ROTATION_NONE.For Compass calibration you will need to rotate your vehicle through a number of positions.
Click Ok to start calibration.For Gyroscope calibration you will need to place your vehicle on a surface and leave it still.
Click Ok to start calibration.For Accelerometer calibration you will need to place your vehicle on all six sides on a perfectly level surface and hold it still in each orientation for a few seconds.
Click Ok to start calibration.To level the horizon you need to place the vehicle in its level flight position and press OK.For Airspeed calibration you will need to keep your airspeed sensor out of any wind and then blow across the sensor. Do not touch the sensor or obstruct any holes during the calibration.Start the individual calibration steps by clicking one of the buttons to the left.Compass Calibration CompleteCalibration CancelSensor CalibrationPerforming sensor calibration over a WiFi connection is known to be unreliable. You should disconnect and perform calibration using a direct USB connection instead.Waiting for Vehicle to response to Cancel. This may take a few seconds.Set autopilot orientation before calibrating.Autopilot Orientation:Make sure to reboot the vehicle prior to flight.Set your compass orientations below and the make sure to reboot the vehicle prior to flight.Reboot VehicleExternal Compass Orientation:External Compass 1 Orientation:Compass 2 OrientationCompassCalibrate CompassGyroscopeCalibrate GyroAccelerometerCalibrate AccelerometerLevel HorizonAirspeedCalibrate AirspeedCancelNextSet OrientationsRotateHold StillSerialConfigurationSerial Link SettingsSerialLinkCould not send data - link %1 is disconnected!Error connecting: Could not create port. %1Error opening port: %1Could not read data - link %1 is disconnected!Link ErrorSerialSettingsSerial Port:No serial ports availableBaud Rate:Baud rate name not in combo boxShow Advanced Serial SettingsEnable Flow ControlParity:NoneEvenOddStop Bits:SetupPagearmedflying%1 SetupAdvanced (Disabled while the vehicle is %1)SetupViewThis operation cannot be performed while the vehicle is armed.missing message panel text%1 setup must be completed prior to %2 setup.%1 does not currently support setup of your vehicle type. Vehicle settings and info will display after connecting your vehicle.You are currently connected to a vehicle but it did not return the full parameter list. As a result, the full set of vehicle setup options are not available.Vehicle SetupSummaryFirmwarePX4FlowJoystickParametersShapeFileHelperShape file load failed. %1Unsupported file type. Only .%1 and .%2 are supported.Polyline not support from SHP files.KML Files (*.%1)KML/SHP Files (*.%1 *.%2)SimpleItemEditorAltitude relative to home altitudeAltitude above mean sea levelAltitude above terrain
Actual AMSL altitude: %1 %2Using terrain reference frameAltitudeAbove Mean Sea LevelAbove TerrainTerrain FrameInternal ErrorProvides advanced access to all commands/parameters. Be very careful!Altitude Relative To HomeAltitude Above Mean Sea LevelAltitude Above TerrainFlight SpeedSimpleMissionItemUnknown: %1HTakeoffLandVTOL TakeoffVTOL LandROIStructureScanComplexItem%1 does not support loading this complex mission item type: %2:%3%1 version %2 not supportedStructure ScanStructureScanEditorNote: Polygon respresents structure surface not vehicle flight path.WARNING: Photo interval is below minimum interval (%1 secs) supported by camera.Scan DistanceLayer HeightTrigger DistanceScanStart Scan From BottomStart Scan From TopStructure HeightScan Bottom AltEntrance/Exit AltGimbal PitchRotate entry pointStatisticsLayersTop Layer AltBottom Layer AltPhoto CountPhoto IntervalsecsSurveyComplexItemSurvey items do not support version %1%1 does not support loading this complex mission item type: %2:%3%1 but %2 object is missingSurveySSurveyItemEditorWARNING: Photo interval is below minimum interval (%1 secs) supported by camera.PresetsSave PresetDelete PresetThis preset cannot be deleted.Custom (specify all settings)Save Settings As PresetDelete Current PresetPresets:AltitudeTrigger DistSpacingTransectsAngleTurnaround distRotate Entry PointHover and capture imageRefly at 90 deg offsetImages in turnaroundsFly alternate transectsRelative altitudeTerrainVehicle follows terrainToleranceMax Climb RateMax Descent RateStatisticsSave the current settings as a named preset.Preset NameSave Camera In PresetSurveyMissionItem%1 does not support this version of survey items%1 does not support loading this complex mission item type: %2:%3%1 but %2 object is missingSyslinkComponentRadio SettingsChannelAddressData RateSyslinkThe Syslink Component is used to setup the radio connection on Crazyflies.TCPConfigurationTCP Link SettingsTCPLinkLink ErrorError on link %1. Connection failedError on link %1. Error on socket: %2.TaisyncManagerAutoManualStreamHDMI PortLowMediumHighTaisyncSettingsReboot ground unit for changes to take effect.GeneralEnable TaisyncEnable Taisync VideoConnection StatusGround Unit:ConnectedNot ConnectedAir Unit:Uplink RSSI:Downlink RSSI:Device InfoSerial Number:Firmware Version:Radio SettingsRadio Mode:Radio Frequency:Video SettingsVideo Output:Encoder:Bit Rate:Streaming SettingsRTSP URI:Account:Password:ApplySet Streaming SettingsOnce changed, you will need to reboot the ground unit for the changes to take effect.
Confirm change?Network SettingsLocal IP Address:Ground Unit IP Address:Network Mask:Set Network SettingsOnce changed, you will need to reboot the ground unit for the changes to take effect. The local IP address must match the one entered (%1).
Confirm change?TcpSettingsHost Address:TCP Port:TelemetryRSSIIndicatorTelemetry RSSI StatusLocal RSSI:Remote RSSI:RX Errors:Errors Fixed:TX Buffer:Local Noise:Remote Noise:TransectStyleComplexItemTransectStyleComplexItem version %2 not supportedINTERNAL ERROR: TransectStyleComplexItem::_adjustTransectPointsForTerrain called when terrain data not ready. Plan will be incorrect.TransectTTransectStyleComplexItemStatsSurvey AreaPhoto CountPhoto IntervalsecsTrigger DistanceUASUNINITUnitialized, booting up.BOOTBooting system, please wait.CALIBRATINGCalibrating sensors, please wait.ACTIVEActive, normal operation.STANDBYStandby mode, ready for launch.CRITICALFAILURE: Continuing operation.EMERGENCYEMERGENCY: Land Immediately!SHUTDOWNPowering off system.UNKNOWNUnknown system stateUASMessageHandler EMERGENCY: ALERT: Critical: Error: Warning: Notice: Info: Debug:UDPConfigurationUDP Link SettingsUDPLinkUDP Link ErrorError binding UDP port: %1Error registering ZeroconfULogParserCould not detect ULog file header magicCould not detect camera_capture packets in ULogUdpSettingsListening Port:Target Hosts:AddRemoveVTOLModeIndicatorVTOL: Fixed WingVTOL: Multi-RotorValuePageWidgetValue Widget SetupSelect the values you want to display:LargeVehicleMAVLink GenericFixed WingMulti-RotorVTOLRoverSubUnknown%1 low battery: %2 percent remainingswitch to %2 as priority linkMission transfer failed. Retry transfer. Error: %1GeoFence transfer failed. Retry transfer. Error: %1Rally Point transfer failed. Retry transfer. Error: %1AutoLoad%1.%2%1 communication to auxiliary link %2 %3Communication regainedCommunication regained to vehicle %1 on %2 link %3priorityauxiliaryCommunication regained to vehicle %1Communication lostCommunication lost to vehicle %1 on %2 link %3Communication lost to vehicle %1 to vehicle %1Generic micro air vehicleFixed wing aircraftQuadrotorCoaxial helicopterNormal helicopter with tail rotor.Ground installationOperator control unit / ground control stationAirship, controlledFree balloon, uncontrolledRocketGround roverSurface vessel, boat, shipSubmarineHexarotorOctorotorFlapping wingOnboard companion controllerTwo-rotor VTOL using control surfaces in vertical operation in addition. TailsitterQuad-rotor VTOL using a V-shaped quad config in vertical operation. TailsitterTiltrotor VTOLVTOL reserved 2VTOL reserved 3VTOL reserved 4VTOL reserved 5Onboard gimbalOnboard ADSB peripheralvehicle %1%1 %2 flight modearmeddisarmedVehicle did not respond to command: %1Bootloader flash succeeded%1 command temporarily rejected%1 command denied%1 command not supported%1 command failedVehicleMapItemVehicle %1VehicleRotationCalHold StillCompletedIncompleteVehicleSummaryBelow you will find a summary of the settings for your vehicle. To the left are the setup menus for each component.WARNING: Your vehicle requires setup prior to flight. Please resolve the items marked in red using the menu on the left.VibrationPageWidgetVibeClip countAccel 1: Accel 2: Accel 3: Not AvailableVideoPageWidgetEnable StreamGrid LinesVideo Screen FitStop RecordingRecord StreamVideo Streaming Not ConfiguredVideoReceiverInvalid video format defined.Unabled to record video. Video save path must be specified in Settings.ViewWidgetmissing connected implementationno vehicle connectedlinechartFormFilter... (Ctrl+F)All MAVsDisplay only variable names in curve listShort namesDisplay variable units in curve listShow unitsRotate color scheme for all curvesRecolor