#pragma once #include #include #include "boost/type_traits/remove_cv_ref.hpp" #include "ros_bridge/include/MessageBaseClass.h" namespace ROSBridge { //!@brief Namespace containing ROS message generics. namespace GenericMessages { //!@brief Namespace containing ROS std_msgs generics. typedef std::ostream OStream; namespace StdMsgs { //! @brief C++ representation of std_msgs/Time class Time{ public: Time(): _secs(0), _nsecs(0) {} Time(uint32_t secs, uint32_t nsecs): _secs(secs), _nsecs(nsecs) {} Time(const Time &time): _secs(time.secs()), _nsecs(time.nSecs()) {} uint32_t secs() const {return _secs;} uint32_t nSecs() const {return _nsecs;} void setSecs(uint32_t secs) {_secs = secs;} void setNSecs(uint32_t nsecs) {_nsecs = nsecs;} private: uint32_t _secs; uint32_t _nsecs; }; //! @brief C++ representation of std_msgs/Header class Header{ public: Header() : _seq(0), _stamp(Time()), _frameId("") {} Header(uint32_t seq, const Time &stamp, const std::string &frame_id) : _seq(seq) , _stamp(stamp) , _frameId(frame_id) {} Header(const Header &header) : _seq(header.seq()) , _stamp(header.stamp()) , _frameId(header.frameId()) {} uint32_t seq() const {return _seq;} const Time &stamp() const {return _stamp;} const std::string &frameId() const {return _frameId;} Time &stamp() {return _stamp;} std::string &frameId() {return _frameId;} void setSeq (uint32_t seq) {_seq = seq;} void setStamp (const Time &stamp) {_stamp = stamp;} void setFrameId (const std::string &frameId) {_frameId = frameId;} private: uint32_t _seq; Time _stamp; std::string _frameId; }; } //StdMsgs //!@brief Namespace containing ROS geometry_msgs generics. namespace GeometryMsgs { // ============================================================================== // class GenericPoint // ============================================================================== //! @brief C++ representation of a geometry_msgs/Point32 template class GenericPoint : public ROSBridge::MessageBaseClass { public: typedef ROSBridge::MessageGroups::Point32Group Group; GenericPoint() : ROSBridge::MessageBaseClass(){} GenericPoint(FloatType x, FloatType y, FloatType z) : ROSBridge::MessageBaseClass(), _x(x), _y(y), _z(z){} FloatType x() const {return _x;} FloatType y() const {return _y;} FloatType z() const {return _z;} void setX(FloatType x) {_x = x;} void setY(FloatType y) {_y = y;} void setZ(FloatType z) {_z = z;} bool operator==(const GenericPoint &p1) { return (p1._x == this->_x && p1._y == this->_y && p1._z == this->_z); } bool operator!=(const GenericPoint &p1) { return !this->operator==(p1); } friend OStream& operator<<(OStream& os, const GenericPoint& p) { os << "x: " << p._x << " y: " << p._y<< " z: " << p._z; return os; } GenericPoint *Clone() const override {return new GenericPoint(*this);} private: FloatType _x; FloatType _y; FloatType _z; }; typedef GenericPoint<> Point; typedef GenericPoint<_Float32> Point32; // ============================================================================== // class GenericPolygon // ============================================================================== //! @brief C++ representation of geometry_msgs/Polygon template class ContainerType = std::vector> class GenericPolygon : public ROSBridge::MessageBaseClass { typedef typename boost::remove_cv_ref_t PointType; typedef ROSBridge::MessageBaseClass Base; public: typedef ROSBridge::MessageGroups::PolygonGroup Group; GenericPolygon() : Base() {} GenericPolygon(const GenericPolygon &poly) : Base(), _points(poly.points()){} const ContainerType &points() const {return _points;} ContainerType &points() {return _points;} GenericPolygon *Clone() const override { return new GenericPolygon(*this);} GenericPolygon &operator=(const GenericPolygon &other) { this->_points = other._points; return *this; } private: ContainerType _points; }; typedef GenericPolygon Polygon; // ============================================================================== // class GenericPolygonStamped // ============================================================================== using namespace ROSBridge::GenericMessages::StdMsgs; //! @brief C++ representation of geometry_msgs/PolygonStamped template class GenericPolygonStamped : public ROSBridge::MessageBaseClass{ typedef PolygonType Polygon; typedef ROSBridge::MessageBaseClass Base; public: typedef ROSBridge::MessageGroups::PolygonStampedGroup Group; GenericPolygonStamped() : Base() {} GenericPolygonStamped(const GenericPolygonStamped &other) : Base() , _header(other.header()) , _polygon(other.polygon()) {} GenericPolygonStamped(const HeaderType &header, Polygon &polygon) : Base() , _header(header) , _polygon(polygon) {} const HeaderType &header() const {return _header;} const Polygon &polygon() const {return _polygon;} HeaderType &header() {return _header;} Polygon &polygon() {return _polygon;} GenericPolygonStamped *Clone() const override {return new GenericPolygonStamped(*this);} private: HeaderType _header; Polygon _polygon; }; typedef GenericPolygonStamped<> PolygonStamped; } // namespace GeometryMsgs //!@brief Namespace containing ROS geographic_msgs generics. namespace GeographicMsgs { // ============================================================================== // class GenericGeoPoint // ============================================================================== //! @brief C++ representation of geographic_msgs/GeoPoint. class GeoPoint : public ROSBridge::MessageBaseClass{ typedef ROSBridge::MessageBaseClass Base; public: typedef ROSBridge::MessageGroups::GeoPointGroup Group; GeoPoint() : Base() , _latitude(0) , _longitude(0) , _altitude(0) {} GeoPoint(const GeoPoint &other) : Base() , _latitude(other.latitude()) , _longitude(other.longitude()) , _altitude(other.altitude()) {} GeoPoint(_Float64 latitude, _Float64 longitude, _Float64 altitude) : Base() , _latitude(latitude) , _longitude(longitude) , _altitude(altitude) {} ~GeoPoint() override {} _Float64 latitude() const {return _latitude;} _Float64 longitude() const {return _longitude;} _Float64 altitude() const {return _altitude;} void setLatitude (_Float64 latitude) {_latitude = latitude;} void setLongitude (_Float64 longitude) {_longitude = longitude;} void setAltitude (_Float64 altitude) {_altitude = altitude;} GeoPoint *Clone() const override {return new GeoPoint(*this);} bool operator==(const GeoPoint &p1) { return ( p1._latitude == this->_latitude && p1._longitude == this->_longitude && p1._altitude == this->_altitude); } bool operator!=(const GeoPoint &p1) { return !this->operator==(p1); } friend OStream& operator<<(OStream& os, const GeoPoint& p) { os << "lat: " << p._latitude << " lon: " << p._longitude<< " alt: " << p._altitude; return os; } private: _Float64 _latitude; _Float64 _longitude; _Float64 _altitude; }; } // namespace GeographicMsgs //!@brief Namespace containing ROS jsk_recognition_msgs generics. namespace JSKRecognitionMsgs { using namespace ROSBridge::GenericMessages::StdMsgs; using namespace ROSBridge::GenericMessages::GeometryMsgs; // ============================================================================== // class GenericPolygonArray // ============================================================================== //! @brief C++ representation of jsk_recognition_msgs/PolygonArray template class ContainerType = std::vector, class HeaderType = Header, class IntType = long, class FloatType = double> class GenericPolygonArray : ROSBridge::MessageBaseClass{ typedef ROSBridge::MessageBaseClass Base; public: typedef ROSBridge::MessageGroups::PolygonArrayGroup Group; GenericPolygonArray() : Base() {} GenericPolygonArray(const GenericPolygonArray &other) : Base() , _header(other.header()) , _polygons(other.polygons()) , _labels(other.labels()) , _likelihood(other.likelihood()) {} GenericPolygonArray(const HeaderType &header, const ContainerType &polygons, const ContainerType &labels, const ContainerType &likelihood) : Base() , _header(header) , _polygons(polygons) , _labels(labels) , _likelihood(likelihood) {} const HeaderType &header() const {return _header;} HeaderType &header() {return _header;} const ContainerType &polygons() const {return _polygons;} ContainerType &polygons() {return _polygons;} const ContainerType &labels() const {return _labels;} ContainerType &labels() {return _labels;} const ContainerType &likelyhood() const {return _likelihood;} ContainerType &likelyhood() {return _likelihood;} GenericPolygonArray *Clone() const override {return new GenericPolygonArray(*this);} private: HeaderType _header; ContainerType _polygons; ContainerType _labels; ContainerType _likelihood; }; typedef GenericPolygonArray<> PolygonArray; } // namespace JSKRecognitionMsgs //!@brief Namespace containing ROS nemo_msgs generics. namespace NemoMsgs { // ============================================================================== // class GenericProgress // ============================================================================== //! @brief C++ representation of nemo_msgs/Progress message template class ContainterType = std::vector> class GenericProgress : public MessageBaseClass{ public: typedef MessageGroups::ProgressGroup Group; GenericProgress() : MessageBaseClass() {} GenericProgress(const ContainterType &progress) : MessageBaseClass(), _progress(progress){} GenericProgress(const GenericProgress &p) :MessageBaseClass(), _progress(p.progress()){} ~GenericProgress() {} virtual GenericProgress *Clone() const override { return new GenericProgress(*this); } virtual const ContainterType &progress(void) const {return _progress;} virtual ContainterType &progress(void) {return _progress;} protected: ContainterType _progress; }; typedef GenericProgress<> Progress; // ============================================================================== // class Heartbeat // ============================================================================== //! @brief C++ representation of nemo_msgs/Heartbeat message class Heartbeat : public MessageBaseClass{ public: typedef MessageGroups::HeartbeatGroup Group; Heartbeat(){} Heartbeat(int status) :_status(status){} Heartbeat(const Heartbeat &heartbeat) : MessageBaseClass(), _status(heartbeat.status()){} ~Heartbeat() = default; virtual Heartbeat *Clone() const override { return new Heartbeat(*this); } virtual int status (void)const {return _status;} virtual void setStatus (int status) {_status = status;} protected: int _status; }; typedef GenericProgress<> Progress; } // namespace NemoMsgs } // namespace GenericMessages } // namespace ROSBridge