/*===================================================================== ======================================================================*/ /** * @file * @brief Implementation of class MAVLinkXMLParser * @author Lorenz Meier */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "MAVLinkXMLParser.h" #include MAVLinkXMLParser::MAVLinkXMLParser(QDomDocument* document, QString outputDirectory, QObject* parent) : QObject(parent), doc(document), outputDirName(outputDirectory), fileName("") { } MAVLinkXMLParser::MAVLinkXMLParser(QString document, QString outputDirectory, QObject* parent) : QObject(parent) { doc = new QDomDocument(); QFile file(document); if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { const QString instanceText(QString::fromUtf8(file.readAll())); doc->setContent(instanceText); } fileName = document; outputDirName = outputDirectory; } MAVLinkXMLParser::~MAVLinkXMLParser() { } /** * Generate C-code (C-89 compliant) out of the XML protocol specs. */ bool MAVLinkXMLParser::generate() { // Process result bool success = true; // Only generate if output dir is correctly set if (outputDirName == "") { emit parseState(tr("ERROR: No output directory given.\nAbort.")); return false; } QString topLevelOutputDirName = outputDirName; // print out the element names of all elements that are direct children // of the outermost element. QDomElement docElem = doc->documentElement(); QDomNode n = docElem;//.firstChild(); QDomNode p = docElem; // Sanity check variables QList* usedMessageIDs = new QList(); QMap* usedMessageNames = new QMap(); QMap* usedEnumNames = new QMap(); QList< QPair > cFiles; QString lcmStructDefs = ""; QString pureFileName; QString pureIncludeFileName; QFileInfo fInfo(this->fileName); pureFileName = fInfo.baseName().split(".", QString::SkipEmptyParts).first(); // XML parsed and converted to C code. Now generating the files outputDirName += QDir::separator() + pureFileName; QDateTime now = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toUTC(); QLocale loc(QLocale::English); QString dateFormat = "dddd, MMMM d yyyy, hh:mm UTC"; QString date = loc.toString(now, dateFormat); QString includeLine = "#include \"%1\"\n"; QString mainHeaderName = pureFileName + ".h"; QString messagesDirName = ".";//"generated"; QDir dir(outputDirName + "/" + messagesDirName); int mavlinkVersion = 0; // we need to gather the message lengths across multiple includes, // which we can do via detecting recursion static unsigned message_lengths[256]; static int highest_message_id; static int recursion_level; if (recursion_level == 0) { highest_message_id = 0; memset(message_lengths, 0, sizeof(message_lengths)); } // Start main header QString mainHeader = QString("/** @file\n *\t@brief MAVLink comm protocol.\n *\t@see http://qgroundcontrol.org/mavlink/\n *\t Generated on %1\n */\n#ifndef " + pureFileName.toUpper() + "_H\n#define " + pureFileName.toUpper() + "_H\n\n").arg(date); // The main header includes all messages // Mark all code as C code mainHeader += "#ifdef __cplusplus\nextern \"C\" {\n#endif\n\n"; mainHeader += "\n#include \"../protocol.h\"\n"; mainHeader += "\n#define MAVLINK_ENABLED_" + pureFileName.toUpper() + "\n\n"; QString enums; // Run through root children while(!n.isNull()) { // Each child is a message QDomElement e = n.toElement(); // try to convert the node to an element. if(!e.isNull()) { if (e.tagName() == "mavlink") { p = n; n = n.firstChild(); while (!n.isNull()) { e = n.toElement(); if (!e.isNull()) { // Handle all include tags if (e.tagName() == "include") { QString incFileName = e.text(); // Load file //QDomDocument includeDoc = QDomDocument(); // Prepend file path if it is a relative path and // make it relative to opened file QFileInfo fInfo(incFileName); QString incFilePath; if (fInfo.isRelative()) { QFileInfo rInfo(this->fileName); incFilePath = rInfo.absoluteDir().canonicalPath() + "/" + incFileName; pureIncludeFileName = fInfo.baseName().split(".", QString::SkipEmptyParts).first(); } QFile file(incFilePath); if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { emit parseState(QString("Included messages from file: %1").arg(incFileName)); // NEW MODE: CREATE INDIVIDUAL FOLDERS // Create new output directory, parse included XML and generate C-code MAVLinkXMLParser includeParser(incFilePath, topLevelOutputDirName, this); connect(&includeParser, SIGNAL(parseState(QString)), this, SIGNAL(parseState(QString))); // Generate and write recursion_level++; // Abort if inclusion fails if (!includeParser.generate()) return false; recursion_level--; mainHeader += "\n#include \"../" + pureIncludeFileName + "/" + pureIncludeFileName + ".h\"\n"; // OLD MODE: MERGE BOTH FILES // const QString instanceText(QString::fromUtf8(file.readAll())); // includeDoc.setContent(instanceText); // // Get all messages // QDomNode in = includeDoc.documentElement().firstChild(); // QDomElement ie = in.toElement(); // if (!ie.isNull()) // { // if (ie.tagName() == "messages" || ie.tagName() == "include") // { // QDomNode ref = n.parentNode().insertAfter(in, n); // if (ref.isNull()) // { // emit parseState(QString("ERROR: Inclusion failed: XML syntax error in file %1. Wrong/misspelled XML?\nAbort.").arg(fileName)); // return false; // } // } // } emit parseState(QString("End of inclusion from file: %1").arg(incFileName)); } else { // Include file could not be opened emit parseState(QString("ERROR: Failed including file: %1, file is not readable. Wrong/misspelled filename?\nAbort.").arg(fileName)); return false; } } // Handle all enum tags else if (e.tagName() == "version") { //QString fieldType = e.attribute("type", ""); //QString fieldName = e.attribute("name", ""); QString fieldText = e.text(); // Check if version has been previously set if (mavlinkVersion != 0) { emit parseState(QString("ERROR: Protocol version tag set twice, please use it only once. First version was %1, second version is %2.\nAbort.").arg(mavlinkVersion).arg(fieldText)); return false; } bool ok; int version = fieldText.toInt(&ok); if (ok && (version > 0) && (version < 256)) { // Set MAVLink version mavlinkVersion = version; } else { emit parseState(QString("ERROR: Reading version string failed: %1, string is not an integer number between 1 and 255.\nAbort.").arg(fieldText)); return false; } } // Handle all enum tags else if (e.tagName() == "enums") { // One down into the enums list p = n; n = n.firstChild(); while (!n.isNull()) { e = n.toElement(); QString currEnum; QString currEnumEnd; // Comment QString comment; if(!e.isNull() && e.tagName() == "enum") { // Get enum name QString enumName = e.attribute("name", "").toLower(); if (enumName.size() == 0) { emit parseState(tr("ERROR: Missing required name=\"\" attribute for tag %2 near line %1\nAbort.").arg(QString::number(e.lineNumber()), e.tagName())); return false; } else { // Sanity check: Accept only enum names not used previously if (usedEnumNames->contains(enumName)) { emit parseState(tr("ERROR: Enum name %1 used twice, second occurence near line %2 of file %3\nAbort.").arg(enumName, QString::number(e.lineNumber()), fileName)); return false; } else { usedEnumNames->insert(enumName, QString::number(e.lineNumber())); } // Everything sane, starting with enum content currEnum = "enum " + enumName.toUpper() + "\n{\n"; currEnumEnd = QString("\t%1_ENUM_END\n};\n\n").arg(enumName.toUpper()); int nextEnumValue = 0; // Get the enum fields QDomNode f = e.firstChild(); while (!f.isNull()) { QDomElement e2 = f.toElement(); if (!e2.isNull() && e2.tagName() == "entry") { QString fieldValue = e2.attribute("value", ""); // If value was given, use it, if not, use the enum iterator // value. The iterator value gets reset by manual values QString fieldName = e2.attribute("name", ""); if (fieldValue.length() == 0) { fieldValue = QString::number(nextEnumValue); nextEnumValue++; } else { bool ok; nextEnumValue = fieldValue.toInt(&ok) + 1; if (!ok) { emit parseState(tr("ERROR: Enum entry %1 has not a valid number (%2) in the value field.\nAbort.").arg(fieldName, fieldValue)); return false; } } // Add comment of field if there is one QString fieldComment; if (e2.text().length() > 0) { QString sep(" | "); QDomNode pp = e2.firstChild(); while (!pp.isNull()) { QDomElement pp2 = pp.toElement(); if (pp2.isText() || pp2.isCDATASection()) { fieldComment += pp2.nodeValue() + sep; } else if (pp2.isElement()) { fieldComment += pp2.text() + sep; pp = pp.nextSibling(); } } fieldComment = fieldComment.replace("\n", " "); fieldComment = " /* " + fieldComment.simplified() + " */"; } currEnum += "\t" + fieldName.toUpper() + "=" + fieldValue + "," + fieldComment + "\n"; } else if(!e2.isNull() && e2.tagName() == "description") { comment = " " + e2.text().replace("\n", " ") + comment; } f = f.nextSibling(); } } // Add the last parsed enum // Remove the last comma, as the last value has none // ENUM END MARKER IS LAST ENTRY, COMMA REMOVAL NOT NEEDED //int commaPosition = currEnum.lastIndexOf(","); //currEnum.remove(commaPosition, 1); enums += "/** @brief " + comment + " */\n" + currEnum + currEnumEnd; } // Element is non-zero and element name is n = n.nextSibling(); } // While through // One up, back into the structure n = p; } // Handle all message tags else if (e.tagName() == "messages") { p = n; n = n.firstChild(); while (!n.isNull()) { e = n.toElement(); if(!e.isNull()) { //if (e.isNull()) continue; // Get message name QString messageName = e.attribute("name", "").toLower(); if (messageName.size() == 0) { emit parseState(tr("ERROR: Missing required name=\"\" attribute for tag %2 near line %1\nAbort.").arg(QString::number(e.lineNumber()), e.tagName())); return false; } else { // Get message id bool ok; int messageId = e.attribute("id", "-1").toInt(&ok, 10); emit parseState(tr("Compiling message %1 \t(#%3) \tnear line %2").arg(messageName, QString::number(n.lineNumber()), QString::number(messageId))); // Sanity check: Accept only message IDs not used previously if (usedMessageIDs->contains(messageId)) { emit parseState(tr("ERROR: Message ID %1 used twice, second occurence near line %2 of file %3\nAbort.").arg(QString::number(messageId), QString::number(e.lineNumber()), fileName)); return false; } else { usedMessageIDs->append(messageId); } // Sanity check: Accept only message names not used previously if (usedMessageNames->contains(messageName)) { emit parseState(tr("ERROR: Message name %1 used twice, second occurence near line %2 of file %3\nAbort.").arg(messageName, QString::number(e.lineNumber()), fileName)); return false; } else { usedMessageNames->insert(messageName, QString::number(e.lineNumber())); } QString channelType("mavlink_channel_t"); QString messageType("mavlink_message_t"); // Build up function call QString commentContainer("/**\n * @brief Pack a %1 message\n * @param system_id ID of this system\n * @param component_id ID of this component (e.g. 200 for IMU)\n * @param msg The MAVLink message to compress the data into\n *\n%2 * @return length of the message in bytes (excluding serial stream start sign)\n */\n"); QString commentPackChanContainer("/**\n * @brief Pack a %1 message\n * @param system_id ID of this system\n * @param component_id ID of this component (e.g. 200 for IMU)\n * @param chan The MAVLink channel this message was sent over\n * @param msg The MAVLink message to compress the data into\n%2 * @return length of the message in bytes (excluding serial stream start sign)\n */\n"); QString commentSendContainer("/**\n * @brief Send a %1 message\n * @param chan MAVLink channel to send the message\n *\n%2 */\n"); QString commentEncodeContainer("/**\n * @brief Encode a %1 struct into a message\n *\n * @param system_id ID of this system\n * @param component_id ID of this component (e.g. 200 for IMU)\n * @param msg The MAVLink message to compress the data into\n * @param %1 C-struct to read the message contents from\n */\n"); QString commentDecodeContainer("/**\n * @brief Decode a %1 message into a struct\n *\n * @param msg The message to decode\n * @param %1 C-struct to decode the message contents into\n */\n"); QString commentEntry(" * @param %1 %2\n"); QString idDefine = QString("#define MAVLINK_MSG_ID_%1 %2").arg(messageName.toUpper(), QString::number(messageId)); QString arrayDefines; QString cStructName = QString("mavlink_%1_t").arg(messageName); QString cStruct("typedef struct __%1 \n{\n%2\n} %1;"); QString cStructLines; QString encode("static inline uint16_t mavlink_msg_%1_encode(uint8_t system_id, uint8_t component_id, mavlink_message_t* msg, const %2* %1)\n{\n\treturn mavlink_msg_%1_pack(%3);\n}\n"); QString decode("static inline void mavlink_msg_%1_decode(const mavlink_message_t* msg, %2* %1)\n{\n%3}\n"); QString pack("static inline uint16_t mavlink_msg_%1_pack(uint8_t system_id, uint8_t component_id, mavlink_message_t* msg%2)\n{\n\tuint16_t i = 0;\n\tmsg->msgid = MAVLINK_MSG_ID_%3;\n\n%4\n\treturn mavlink_finalize_message(msg, system_id, component_id, i);\n}\n\n"); QString packChan("static inline uint16_t mavlink_msg_%1_pack_chan(uint8_t system_id, uint8_t component_id, uint8_t chan, mavlink_message_t* msg%2)\n{\n\tuint16_t i = 0;\n\tmsg->msgid = MAVLINK_MSG_ID_%3;\n\n%4\n\treturn mavlink_finalize_message_chan(msg, system_id, component_id, chan, i);\n}\n\n"); QString compactSend("#ifdef MAVLINK_USE_CONVENIENCE_FUNCTIONS\n\nstatic inline void mavlink_msg_%3_send(%1 chan%5)\n{\n\t%2 msg;\n\tmavlink_msg_%3_pack_chan(mavlink_system.sysid, mavlink_system.compid, chan, &msg%4);\n\tmavlink_send_uart(chan, &msg);\n}\n\n#endif"); //QString compactStructSend = "#ifdef MAVLINK_USE_CONVENIENCE_FUNCTIONS\n\nstatic inline void mavlink_msg_%3_struct_send(%1 chan%5)\n{\n\t%2 msg;\n\tmavlink_msg_%3_encode(mavlink_system.sysid, mavlink_system.compid, &msg%4);\n\tmavlink_send_uart(chan, &msg);\n}\n\n#endif"; QString unpacking; QString prepends; QString packParameters; QString packArguments("system_id, component_id, msg"); QString packLines; QString decodeLines; QString sendArguments; QString commentLines; unsigned message_length = 0; // Get the message fields QDomNode f = e.firstChild(); while (!f.isNull()) { QDomElement e2 = f.toElement(); if (!e2.isNull() && e2.tagName() == "field") { QString fieldType = e2.attribute("type", ""); QString fieldName = e2.attribute("name", ""); QString fieldText = e2.text(); QString unpackingCode; QString unpackingComment = QString("/**\n * @brief Get field %1 from %2 message\n *\n * @return %3\n */\n").arg(fieldName, messageName, fieldText); // Send arguments do not work for the version field if (!fieldType.contains("uint8_t_mavlink_version")) { // Send arguments are the same for integral types and arrays sendArguments += ", " + fieldName; commentLines += commentEntry.arg(fieldName, fieldText.replace("\n", " ")); } // MAVLink version field // this is a special field always containing the version define if (fieldType.contains("uint8_t_mavlink_version")) { // Add field to C structure cStructLines += QString("\t%1 %2; ///< %3\n").arg("uint8_t", fieldName, fieldText); // Add pack line to message_xx_pack function packLines += QString("\ti += put_uint8_t_by_index(%1, i, msg->payload); // %2\n").arg(mavlinkVersion).arg(fieldText); // Add decode function for this type decodeLines += QString("\t%1->%2 = mavlink_msg_%1_get_%2(msg);\n").arg(messageName, fieldName); } // Array handling is different from simple types else if (fieldType.startsWith("array")) { int arrayLength = QString(fieldType.split("[").at(1).split("]").first()).toInt(); QString arrayType = fieldType.split("[").first(); packParameters += QString(", const ") + QString("int8_t*") + " " + fieldName; packArguments += ", " + messageName + "->" + fieldName; // Add field to C structure cStructLines += QString("\t%1 %2[%3]; ///< %4\n").arg("int8_t", fieldName, QString::number(arrayLength), fieldText); // Add pack line to message_xx_pack function packLines += QString("\ti += put_%1_by_index(%2, %3, i, msg->payload); // %4\n").arg(arrayType, fieldName, QString::number(arrayLength), fieldText); // Add decode function for this type decodeLines += QString("\tmavlink_msg_%1_get_%2(msg, %1->%2);\n").arg(messageName, fieldName); arrayDefines += QString("#define MAVLINK_MSG_%1_FIELD_%2_LEN %3\n").arg(messageName.toUpper(), fieldName.toUpper(), QString::number(arrayLength)); } else if (fieldType.startsWith("string")) { int arrayLength = QString(fieldType.split("[").at(1).split("]").first()).toInt(); QString arrayType = fieldType.split("[").first(); packParameters += QString(", const ") + QString("char*") + " " + fieldName; packArguments += ", " + messageName + "->" + fieldName; // Add field to C structure cStructLines += QString("\t%1 %2[%3]; ///< %4\n").arg("char", fieldName, QString::number(arrayLength), fieldText); // Add pack line to message_xx_pack function packLines += QString("\ti += put_%1_by_index(%2, %3, i, msg->payload); // %4\n").arg(arrayType, fieldName, QString::number(arrayLength), e2.text()); // Add decode function for this type decodeLines += QString("\tmavlink_msg_%1_get_%2(msg, %1->%2);\n").arg(messageName, fieldName); arrayDefines += QString("#define MAVLINK_MSG_%1_FIELD_%2_LEN %3\n").arg(messageName.toUpper(), fieldName.toUpper(), QString::number(arrayLength)); } // Expand array handling to all valid mavlink data types else if(fieldType.contains('[') && fieldType.contains(']')) { int arrayLength = QString(fieldType.split("[").at(1).split("]").first()).toInt(); QString arrayType = fieldType.split("[").first(); packParameters += QString(", const ") + arrayType + "* " + fieldName; packArguments += ", " + messageName + "->" + fieldName; // Add field to C structure cStructLines += QString("\t%1 %2[%3]; ///< %4\n").arg(arrayType, fieldName, QString::number(arrayLength), fieldText); // Add pack line to message_xx_pack function packLines += QString("\ti += put_array_by_index((const int8_t*)%1, sizeof(%2)*%3, i, msg->payload); // %4\n").arg(fieldName, arrayType, QString::number(arrayLength), fieldText); // Add decode function for this type decodeLines += QString("\tmavlink_msg_%1_get_%2(msg, %1->%2);\n").arg(messageName, fieldName); arrayDefines += QString("#define MAVLINK_MSG_%1_FIELD_%2_LEN %3\n").arg(messageName.toUpper(), fieldName.toUpper(), QString::number(arrayLength)); unpackingCode = QString("\n\tmemcpy(r_data, msg->payload%1, sizeof(%2)*%3);\n\treturn sizeof(%2)*%3;").arg(prepends, arrayType, QString::number(arrayLength)); unpacking += unpackingComment + QString("static inline uint16_t mavlink_msg_%1_get_%2(const mavlink_message_t* msg, %3* r_data)\n{\n%4\n}\n\n").arg(messageName, fieldName, arrayType, unpackingCode); // decodeLines += ""; prepends += QString("+sizeof(%1)*%2").arg(arrayType, QString::number(arrayLength)); } else // Handle simple types like integers and floats { packParameters += ", " + fieldType + " " + fieldName; packArguments += ", " + messageName + "->" + fieldName; // Add field to C structure cStructLines += QString("\t%1 %2; ///< %3\n").arg(fieldType, fieldName, fieldText); // Add pack line to message_xx_pack function packLines += QString("\ti += put_%1_by_index(%2, i, msg->payload); // %3\n").arg(fieldType, fieldName, e2.text()); // Add decode function for this type decodeLines += QString("\t%1->%2 = mavlink_msg_%1_get_%2(msg);\n").arg(messageName, fieldName); } // message length calculation unsigned element_multiplier = 1; unsigned element_length = 0; const struct { const char *prefix; unsigned length; } length_map[] = { { "array", 1 }, { "char", 1 }, { "uint8", 1 }, { "int8", 1 }, { "uint16", 2 }, { "int16", 2 }, { "uint32", 4 }, { "int32", 4 }, { "uint64", 8 }, { "int64", 8 }, { "float", 4 }, { "double", 8 }, }; if (fieldType.contains("[")) { element_multiplier = fieldType.split("[").at(1).split("]").first().toInt(); } for (unsigned i=0; iERROR: Unable to calculate length for %2 near line %1\nAbort.").arg(QString::number(e.lineNumber()), fieldType)); } message_length += element_length; // // QString unpackingCode; if (fieldType == "uint8_t_mavlink_version") { unpackingCode = QString("\treturn (%1)(msg->payload%2)[0];").arg("uint8_t", prepends); } else if (fieldType == "uint8_t" || fieldType == "int8_t") { unpackingCode = QString("\treturn (%1)(msg->payload%2)[0];").arg(fieldType, prepends); } else if (fieldType == "uint16_t" || fieldType == "int16_t") { unpackingCode = QString("\tgeneric_16bit r;\n\tr.b[1] = (msg->payload%1)[0];\n\tr.b[0] = (msg->payload%1)[1];\n\treturn (%2)r.s;").arg(prepends).arg(fieldType); } else if (fieldType == "uint32_t" || fieldType == "int32_t") { unpackingCode = QString("\tgeneric_32bit r;\n\tr.b[3] = (msg->payload%1)[0];\n\tr.b[2] = (msg->payload%1)[1];\n\tr.b[1] = (msg->payload%1)[2];\n\tr.b[0] = (msg->payload%1)[3];\n\treturn (%2)r.i;").arg(prepends).arg(fieldType); } else if (fieldType == "float") { unpackingCode = QString("\tgeneric_32bit r;\n\tr.b[3] = (msg->payload%1)[0];\n\tr.b[2] = (msg->payload%1)[1];\n\tr.b[1] = (msg->payload%1)[2];\n\tr.b[0] = (msg->payload%1)[3];\n\treturn (%2)r.f;").arg(prepends).arg(fieldType); } else if (fieldType == "uint64_t" || fieldType == "int64_t") { unpackingCode = QString("\tgeneric_64bit r;\n\tr.b[7] = (msg->payload%1)[0];\n\tr.b[6] = (msg->payload%1)[1];\n\tr.b[5] = (msg->payload%1)[2];\n\tr.b[4] = (msg->payload%1)[3];\n\tr.b[3] = (msg->payload%1)[4];\n\tr.b[2] = (msg->payload%1)[5];\n\tr.b[1] = (msg->payload%1)[6];\n\tr.b[0] = (msg->payload%1)[7];\n\treturn (%2)r.ll;").arg(prepends).arg(fieldType); } else if (fieldType.startsWith("array")) { // fieldtype formatis string[n] where n is the number of bytes, extract n from field type string unpackingCode = QString("\n\tmemcpy(r_data, msg->payload%1, %2);\n\treturn %2;").arg(prepends, fieldType.split("[").at(1).split("]").first()); } else if (fieldType.startsWith("string")) { // fieldtype formatis string[n] where n is the number of bytes, extract n from field type string unpackingCode = QString("\n\tstrcpy(r_data, msg->payload%1, %2);\n\treturn %2;").arg(prepends, fieldType.split("[").at(1).split("]").first()); } // Generate the message decoding function if (fieldType.contains("uint8_t_mavlink_version")) { unpacking += unpackingComment + QString("static inline %1 mavlink_msg_%2_get_%3(const mavlink_message_t* msg)\n{\n%4\n}\n\n").arg("uint8_t", messageName, fieldName, unpackingCode); decodeLines += ""; prepends += "+sizeof(uint8_t)"; } // Array handling is different from simple types else if (fieldType.startsWith("array")) { unpacking += unpackingComment + QString("static inline uint16_t mavlink_msg_%1_get_%2(const mavlink_message_t* msg, int8_t* r_data)\n{\n%4\n}\n\n").arg(messageName, fieldName, unpackingCode); decodeLines += ""; QString arrayLength = QString(fieldType.split("[").at(1).split("]").first()); prepends += "+" + arrayLength; } else if (fieldType.startsWith("string")) { unpacking += unpackingComment + QString("static inline uint16_t mavlink_msg_%1_get_%2(const mavlink_message_t* msg, char* r_data)\n{\n%4\n}\n\n").arg(messageName, fieldName, unpackingCode); decodeLines += ""; QString arrayLength = QString(fieldType.split("[").at(1).split("]").first()); prepends += "+" + arrayLength; } else if(fieldType.contains('[') && fieldType.contains(']')) { // prevent this case from being caught in the following else } else { unpacking += unpackingComment + QString("static inline %1 mavlink_msg_%2_get_%3(const mavlink_message_t* msg)\n{\n%4\n}\n\n").arg(fieldType, messageName, fieldName, unpackingCode); decodeLines += ""; prepends += "+sizeof(" + e2.attribute("type", "void") + ")"; } } f = f.nextSibling(); } if (messageId > highest_message_id) { highest_message_id = messageId; } message_lengths[messageId] = message_length; cStruct = cStruct.arg(cStructName, cStructLines); lcmStructDefs.append("\n").append(cStruct).append("\n"); pack = pack.arg(messageName, packParameters, messageName.toUpper(), packLines); packChan = packChan.arg(messageName, packParameters, messageName.toUpper(), packLines); encode = encode.arg(messageName).arg(cStructName).arg(packArguments); decode = decode.arg(messageName).arg(cStructName).arg(decodeLines); compactSend = compactSend.arg(channelType, messageType, messageName, sendArguments, packParameters); QString cFile = "// MESSAGE " + messageName.toUpper() + " PACKING\n\n" + idDefine + "\n\n" + cStruct + "\n\n" + arrayDefines + "\n\n" + commentContainer.arg(messageName.toLower(), commentLines) + pack + commentPackChanContainer.arg(messageName.toLower(), commentLines) + packChan + commentEncodeContainer.arg(messageName.toLower()) + encode + "\n" + commentSendContainer.arg(messageName.toLower(), commentLines) + compactSend + "\n" + "// MESSAGE " + messageName.toUpper() + " UNPACKING\n\n" + unpacking + commentDecodeContainer.arg(messageName.toLower()) + decode; cFiles.append(qMakePair(QString("mavlink_msg_%1.h").arg(messageName), cFile)); } // Check if tag = message } // Check if e = NULL n = n.nextSibling(); } // While through n = p; } // Check if tag = messages } // Check if e = NULL n = n.nextSibling(); } // While through include and messages // One up - current node = parent n = p; } // Check if tag = mavlink } // Check if e = NULL n = n.nextSibling(); } // While through root children // Add version to main header mainHeader += "// MAVLINK VERSION\n\n"; mainHeader += QString("#ifndef MAVLINK_VERSION\n#define MAVLINK_VERSION %1\n#endif\n\n").arg(mavlinkVersion); mainHeader += QString("#if (MAVLINK_VERSION == 0)\n#undef MAVLINK_VERSION\n#define MAVLINK_VERSION %1\n#endif\n\n").arg(mavlinkVersion); // Add enums to main header mainHeader += "// ENUM DEFINITIONS\n\n"; mainHeader += enums; mainHeader += "\n"; mainHeader += "// MESSAGE DEFINITIONS\n\n"; // Create directory if it doesn't exist, report result in success if (!dir.exists()) success = success && dir.mkpath(outputDirName + "/" + messagesDirName); for (int i = 0; i < cFiles.size(); i++) { QFile rawFile(dir.filePath(cFiles.at(i).first)); bool ok = rawFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text); success = success && ok; rawFile.write(cFiles.at(i).second.toLatin1()); rawFile.close(); mainHeader += includeLine.arg(messagesDirName + "/" + cFiles.at(i).first); } mainHeader += "\n\n// MESSAGE LENGTHS\n\n"; mainHeader += "#undef MAVLINK_MESSAGE_LENGTHS\n"; mainHeader += "#define MAVLINK_MESSAGE_LENGTHS { "; for (int i=0; i