/**************************************************************************** ** Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Wayne Roth ** Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Stefan Sander ** Copyright (c) 2007 Michal Policht ** Copyright (c) 2008 Brandon Fosdick ** Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Liam Staskawicz ** Copyright (c) 2011 Debao Zhang ** All right reserved. ** Web: http://code.google.com/p/qextserialport/ ** ** Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining ** a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the ** "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including ** without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, ** distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to ** permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to ** the following conditions: ** ** The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be ** included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. ** ** THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, ** EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF ** MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND ** NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE ** LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION ** OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION ** WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ** ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef _QEXTSERIALPORT_H_ #define _QEXTSERIALPORT_H_ #include <QtCore/QIODevice> #include "qextserialport_global.h" #ifdef Q_OS_UNIX #include <termios.h> #endif /*line status constants*/ // ### QESP2.0 move to enum #define LS_CTS 0x01 #define LS_DSR 0x02 #define LS_DCD 0x04 #define LS_RI 0x08 #define LS_RTS 0x10 #define LS_DTR 0x20 #define LS_ST 0x40 #define LS_SR 0x80 /*error constants*/ // ### QESP2.0 move to enum #define E_NO_ERROR 0 #define E_INVALID_FD 1 #define E_NO_MEMORY 2 #define E_CAUGHT_NON_BLOCKED_SIGNAL 3 #define E_PORT_TIMEOUT 4 #define E_INVALID_DEVICE 5 #define E_BREAK_CONDITION 6 #define E_FRAMING_ERROR 7 #define E_IO_ERROR 8 #define E_BUFFER_OVERRUN 9 #define E_RECEIVE_OVERFLOW 10 #define E_RECEIVE_PARITY_ERROR 11 #define E_TRANSMIT_OVERFLOW 12 #define E_READ_FAILED 13 #define E_WRITE_FAILED 14 #define E_FILE_NOT_FOUND 15 #define E_PERMISSION_DENIED 16 #define E_AGAIN 17 #define E_OS_SPECIFIC 18 // Error did not translate, os error code in lastOSErr enum BaudRateType { #if defined(Q_OS_UNIX) || defined(qdoc) BAUD50 = 50, //POSIX ONLY BAUD75 = 75, //POSIX ONLY BAUD134 = 134, //POSIX ONLY BAUD150 = 150, //POSIX ONLY BAUD200 = 200, //POSIX ONLY BAUD1800 = 1800, //POSIX ONLY # if defined(B76800) || defined(qdoc) BAUD76800 = 76800, //POSIX ONLY # endif # if (defined(B230400) && defined(B4000000)) || defined(qdoc) BAUD230400 = 230400, //POSIX ONLY BAUD460800 = 460800, //POSIX ONLY BAUD500000 = 500000, //POSIX ONLY BAUD576000 = 576000, //POSIX ONLY BAUD921600 = 921600, //POSIX ONLY BAUD1000000 = 1000000, //POSIX ONLY BAUD1152000 = 1152000, //POSIX ONLY BAUD1500000 = 1500000, //POSIX ONLY BAUD2000000 = 2000000, //POSIX ONLY BAUD2500000 = 2500000, //POSIX ONLY BAUD3000000 = 3000000, //POSIX ONLY BAUD3500000 = 3500000, //POSIX ONLY BAUD4000000 = 4000000, //POSIX ONLY # endif #endif //Q_OS_UNIX #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) || defined(qdoc) BAUD14400 = 14400, //WINDOWS ONLY BAUD56000 = 56000, //WINDOWS ONLY BAUD128000 = 128000, //WINDOWS ONLY BAUD256000 = 256000, //WINDOWS ONLY #endif //Q_OS_WIN BAUD110 = 110, BAUD300 = 300, BAUD600 = 600, BAUD1200 = 1200, BAUD2400 = 2400, BAUD4800 = 4800, BAUD9600 = 9600, BAUD19200 = 19200, BAUD38400 = 38400, BAUD57600 = 57600, BAUD115200 = 115200 }; enum DataBitsType { DATA_5 = 5, DATA_6 = 6, DATA_7 = 7, DATA_8 = 8 }; enum ParityType { PAR_NONE, PAR_ODD, PAR_EVEN, #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) || defined(qdoc) PAR_MARK, //WINDOWS ONLY #endif PAR_SPACE }; enum StopBitsType { STOP_1, #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) || defined(qdoc) STOP_1_5, //WINDOWS ONLY #endif STOP_2 }; enum FlowType { FLOW_OFF, FLOW_HARDWARE, FLOW_XONXOFF }; /** * structure to contain port settings */ struct PortSettings { BaudRateType BaudRate; DataBitsType DataBits; ParityType Parity; StopBitsType StopBits; FlowType FlowControl; long Timeout_Millisec; }; class QextSerialPortPrivate; class QEXTSERIALPORT_EXPORT QextSerialPort: public QIODevice { Q_OBJECT Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(QextSerialPort) Q_ENUMS(QueryMode) Q_PROPERTY(QString portName READ portName WRITE setPortName) Q_PROPERTY(QueryMode queryMode READ queryMode WRITE setQueryMode) public: enum QueryMode { Polling, EventDriven }; explicit QextSerialPort(QueryMode mode = EventDriven, QObject *parent = 0); explicit QextSerialPort(const QString &name, QueryMode mode = EventDriven, QObject *parent = 0); explicit QextSerialPort(const PortSettings &s, QueryMode mode = EventDriven, QObject *parent = 0); QextSerialPort(const QString &name, const PortSettings &s, QueryMode mode = EventDriven, QObject *parent=0); ~QextSerialPort(); QString portName() const; QueryMode queryMode() const; BaudRateType baudRate() const; DataBitsType dataBits() const; ParityType parity() const; StopBitsType stopBits() const; FlowType flowControl() const; bool open(OpenMode mode); bool isSequential() const; void close(); void flush(); qint64 bytesAvailable() const; bool canReadLine() const; QByteArray readAll(); ulong lastError() const; ulong lastOpenOSError() const; ulong lineStatus(); QString errorString(); public Q_SLOTS: void setPortName(const QString &name); void setQueryMode(QueryMode mode); void setBaudRate(BaudRateType); void setDataBits(DataBitsType); void setParity(ParityType); void setStopBits(StopBitsType); void setFlowControl(FlowType); void setTimeout(long); void setDtr(bool set=true); void setRts(bool set=true); Q_SIGNALS: void dsrChanged(bool status); protected: qint64 readData(char *data, qint64 maxSize); qint64 writeData(const char *data, qint64 maxSize); private: Q_DISABLE_COPY(QextSerialPort) #ifdef Q_OS_WIN Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_onWinEvent(HANDLE)) #endif Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_canRead()) QextSerialPortPrivate *const d_ptr; }; #endif