#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "UASManager.h" #ifdef Q_OS_MAC #include #include #include "QGCWebPage.h" #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER #include #include #include #endif #include "QGC.h" #include "ui_QGCGoogleEarthView.h" #include "QGCGoogleEarthView.h" #include "UASWaypointManager.h" #define QGCGOOGLEEARTHVIEWSETTINGS QString("GoogleEarthViewSettings_") QGCGoogleEarthView::QGCGoogleEarthView(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), updateTimer(new QTimer(this)), refreshRateMs(100), mav(NULL), followCamera(true), trailEnabled(true), webViewInitialized(false), jScriptInitialized(false), gEarthInitialized(false), #if (defined Q_OS_MAC) webViewMac(new QWebView(this)), #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER webViewWin(new QGCWebAxWidget(this)), #endif #if (defined _MSC_VER) ui(new Ui::QGCGoogleEarthView) #else ui(new Ui::QGCGoogleEarthView) #endif { #ifdef _MSC_VER // Create layout and attach webViewWin QFile file("doc.html"); if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) qDebug() << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << "Could not open log file"; QTextStream out(&file); out << webViewWin->generateDocumentation(); out.flush(); file.flush(); file.close(); #else #endif // Load settings QSettings settings; followCamera = settings.value(QGCGOOGLEEARTHVIEWSETTINGS + "follow", followCamera).toBool(); trailEnabled = settings.value(QGCGOOGLEEARTHVIEWSETTINGS + "trail", trailEnabled).toBool(); ui->setupUi(this); #if (defined Q_OS_MAC) ui->webViewLayout->addWidget(webViewMac); //connect(webViewMac, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), this, SLOT(initializeGoogleEarth(bool))); #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER ui->webViewLayout->addWidget(webViewWin); #endif connect(updateTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateState())); connect(ui->resetButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(reloadHTML())); } QGCGoogleEarthView::~QGCGoogleEarthView() { QSettings settings; settings.setValue(QGCGOOGLEEARTHVIEWSETTINGS + "follow", followCamera); settings.setValue(QGCGOOGLEEARTHVIEWSETTINGS + "trail", trailEnabled); settings.sync(); #if (defined Q_OS_MAC) delete webViewMac; #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER delete webViewWin; #endif delete ui; } /** * @param range in centimeters */ void QGCGoogleEarthView::setViewRangeScaledInt(int range) { setViewRange(range/100.0f); } void QGCGoogleEarthView::reloadHTML() { hide(); webViewInitialized = false; jScriptInitialized = false; gEarthInitialized = false; show(); } /** * @param range in meters (SI-units) */ void QGCGoogleEarthView::setViewRange(float range) { javaScript(QString("setViewRange(%1);").arg(range, 0, 'f', 5)); } void QGCGoogleEarthView::addUAS(UASInterface* uas) { // uasid, type, color (in #rrbbgg format) QString uasColor = uas->getColor().name().remove(0, 1); // Convert to bbggrr format QString rChannel = uasColor.mid(0, 2); uasColor.remove(0, 2); uasColor.prepend(rChannel); // Set alpha value to 0x66, append JavaScript quotes ('') uasColor.prepend("'66").append("'"); javaScript(QString("createAircraft(%1, %2, %3);").arg(uas->getUASID()).arg(uas->getSystemType()).arg(uasColor)); if (trailEnabled) javaScript(QString("showTrail(%1);").arg(uas->getUASID())); // Automatically receive further position updates connect(uas, SIGNAL(globalPositionChanged(UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64)), this, SLOT(updateGlobalPosition(UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64))); // Receive waypoint updates // Connect the waypoint manager / data storage to the UI connect(uas->getWaypointManager(), SIGNAL(waypointListChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateWaypointList(int))); connect(uas->getWaypointManager(), SIGNAL(waypointChanged(int, Waypoint*)), this, SLOT(updateWaypoint(int,Waypoint*))); //connect(this, SIGNAL(waypointCreated(Waypoint*)), uas->getWaypointManager(), SLOT(addWaypoint(Waypoint*))); // TODO Update waypoint list on UI changes here } void QGCGoogleEarthView::setActiveUAS(UASInterface* uas) { if (uas) { mav = uas; javaScript(QString("setCurrAircraft(%1);").arg(uas->getUASID())); } } /** * This function is called if a a single waypoint is updated and * also if the whole list changes. */ void QGCGoogleEarthView::updateWaypoint(int uas, Waypoint* wp) { // Only accept waypoints in global coordinate frame if (wp->getFrame() == MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL) { // We're good, this is a global waypoint // Get the index of this waypoint // note the call to getGlobalFrameIndexOf() // as we're only handling global waypoints int wpindex = UASManager::instance()->getUASForId(uas)->getWaypointManager()->getGlobalFrameIndexOf(wp); // If not found, return (this should never happen, but helps safety) if (wpindex == -1) { return; } else { javaScript(QString("updateWaypoint(%1,%2,%3,%4,%5,%6);").arg(uas).arg(wpindex).arg(wp->getY()).arg(wp->getX()).arg(wp->getZ()).arg(wp->getAction())); } } } /** * Update the whole list of waypoints. This is e.g. necessary if the list order changed. * The UAS manager will emit the appropriate signal whenever updating the list * is necessary. */ void QGCGoogleEarthView::updateWaypointList(int uas) { // Get already existing waypoints UASInterface* uasInstance = UASManager::instance()->getUASForId(uas); if (uasInstance) { // Get all waypoints, including non-global waypoints QVector wpList = uasInstance->getWaypointManager()->getGlobalFrameWaypointList(); // Trim internal list to number of global waypoints in the waypoint manager list javaScript(QString("updateWaypointListLength(%1,%2);").arg(uas).arg(wpList.count())); // Load all existing waypoints into map view foreach (Waypoint* wp, wpList) { updateWaypoint(uas, wp); } } } void QGCGoogleEarthView::updateGlobalPosition(UASInterface* uas, double lat, double lon, double alt, quint64 usec) { Q_UNUSED(usec); javaScript(QString("addTrailPosition(%1, %2, %3, %4);").arg(uas->getUASID()).arg(lat, 0, 'f', 18).arg(lon, 0, 'f', 18).arg(alt, 0, 'f', 15)); qDebug() << QString("addTrailPosition(%1, %2, %3, %4);").arg(uas->getUASID()).arg(lat, 0, 'f', 15).arg(lon, 0, 'f', 15).arg(alt, 0, 'f', 15); } void QGCGoogleEarthView::showTrail(bool state) { // Check if the current trail has to be hidden if (trailEnabled && !state) { QList mavs = UASManager::instance()->getUASList(); foreach (UASInterface* currMav, mavs) { javaScript(QString("hideTrail(%1);").arg(currMav->getUASID())); } } // Check if the current trail has to be shown if (!trailEnabled && state) { QList mavs = UASManager::instance()->getUASList(); foreach (UASInterface* currMav, mavs) { javaScript(QString("showTrail(%1);").arg(currMav->getUASID())); } } trailEnabled = state; ui->trailCheckbox->setChecked(state); } void QGCGoogleEarthView::showWaypoints(bool state) { waypointsEnabled = state; } void QGCGoogleEarthView::follow(bool follow) { ui->followAirplaneCheckbox->setChecked(follow); followCamera = follow; if (gEarthInitialized) javaScript(QString("setFollowEnabled(%1)").arg(follow)); } void QGCGoogleEarthView::goHome() { // Disable follow and update follow(false); updateState(); // Go to home location javaScript("goHome();"); } void QGCGoogleEarthView::setHome(double lat, double lon, double alt) { javaScript(QString("setGCSHome(%1,%2,%3);").arg(lat, 0, 'f', 15).arg(lon, 0, 'f', 15).arg(alt, 0, 'f', 15)); } void QGCGoogleEarthView::hideEvent(QHideEvent* event) { Q_UNUSED(event); updateTimer->stop(); } void QGCGoogleEarthView::showEvent(QShowEvent* event) { // React only to internal (pre-display) // events Q_UNUSED(event) // Enable widget, initialize on first run if (!webViewInitialized) { #if (defined Q_OS_MAC) webViewMac->setPage(new QGCWebPage(webViewMac)); webViewMac->settings()->setAttribute(QWebSettings::PluginsEnabled, true); webViewMac->load(QUrl(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath()+"/earth.html")); #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER //webViewWin->dynamicCall("GoHome()"); webViewWin->dynamicCall("Navigate(const QString&)", QApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/earth.html"); #endif webViewInitialized = true; // Reloading the webpage, this resets Google Earth gEarthInitialized = false; QTimer::singleShot(10000, this, SLOT(initializeGoogleEarth())); } else { updateTimer->start(refreshRateMs); } } void QGCGoogleEarthView::printWinException(int no, QString str1, QString str2, QString str3) { qDebug() << no << str1 << str2 << str3; } QVariant QGCGoogleEarthView::javaScript(QString javaScript) { #ifdef Q_OS_MAC return webViewMac->page()->currentFrame()->evaluateJavaScript(javaScript); #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER if(!jScriptInitialized) { qDebug() << "TOO EARLY JAVASCRIPT CALL, ABORTING"; return QVariant(false); } else { QVariantList params; params.append(javaScript); params.append("JScript"); return jScriptWin->dynamicCall("execScript(QString, QString)", params); } #endif } void QGCGoogleEarthView::initializeGoogleEarth() { if (!jScriptInitialized) { #ifdef Q_OS_MAC jScriptInitialized = true; #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER QAxObject* doc = webViewWin->querySubObject("Document()"); //IDispatch* Disp; IDispatch* winDoc = NULL; //332C4425-26CB-11D0-B483-00C04FD90119 IHTMLDocument2 //25336920-03F9-11CF-8FD0-00AA00686F13 HTMLDocument doc->queryInterface(QUuid("{332C4425-26CB-11D0-B483-00C04FD90119}"), (void**)(&winDoc)); if (winDoc) { // Security: // CoInternetSetFeatureEnabled // (FEATURE_LOCALMACHINE_LOCKDOWN, SET_FEATURE_ON_PROCESS, TRUE); // IHTMLDocument2* document = NULL; winDoc->QueryInterface( IID_IHTMLDocument2, (void**)&document ); IHTMLWindow2 *window = NULL; document->get_parentWindow( &window ); jScriptWin = new QAxObject(window, webViewWin); connect(jScriptWin, SIGNAL(exception(int,QString,QString,QString)), this, SLOT(printWinException(int,QString,QString,QString))); jScriptInitialized = true; } else { qDebug() << "COULD NOT GET DOCUMENT OBJECT! Aborting"; } #endif QTimer::singleShot(2500, this, SLOT(initializeGoogleEarth())); return; } if (!gEarthInitialized) { if (0 == 1)//(!javaScript("isInitialized();").toBool()) { QTimer::singleShot(500, this, SLOT(initializeGoogleEarth())); qDebug() << "NOT INITIALIZED, WAITING"; } else { // Set home location setHome(47.3769, 8.549444, 500); // Move to home location goHome(); // Add all MAVs QList mavs = UASManager::instance()->getUASList(); foreach (UASInterface* currMav, mavs) { addUAS(currMav); } // Set current UAS setActiveUAS(UASManager::instance()->getActiveUAS()); // Add any further MAV automatically connect(UASManager::instance(), SIGNAL(UASCreated(UASInterface*)), this, SLOT(addUAS(UASInterface*))); connect(UASManager::instance(), SIGNAL(activeUASSet(UASInterface*)), this, SLOT(setActiveUAS(UASInterface*))); // Connect UI signals/slots // Follow checkbox ui->followAirplaneCheckbox->setChecked(followCamera); connect(ui->followAirplaneCheckbox, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(follow(bool))); // Trail checkbox ui->trailCheckbox->setChecked(trailEnabled); connect(ui->trailCheckbox, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(showTrail(bool))); // Go home connect(ui->goHomeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(goHome())); // Cam distance slider connect(ui->camDistanceSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setViewRangeScaledInt(int))); setViewRangeScaledInt(ui->camDistanceSlider->value()); // Start update timer updateTimer->start(refreshRateMs); follow(this->followCamera); gEarthInitialized = true; } } } void QGCGoogleEarthView::updateState() { #if (QGC_EVENTLOOP_DEBUG) qDebug() << "EVENTLOOP:" << __FILE__ << __LINE__; #endif if (gEarthInitialized) { int uasId = 0; double lat = 47.3769; double lon = 8.549444; double alt = 470.0; float roll = 0.0f; float pitch = 0.0f; float yaw = 0.0f; // Update all MAVs QList mavs = UASManager::instance()->getUASList(); foreach (UASInterface* currMav, mavs) { uasId = currMav->getUASID(); lat = currMav->getLatitude(); lon = currMav->getLongitude(); alt = currMav->getAltitude(); roll = currMav->getRoll(); pitch = currMav->getPitch(); yaw = currMav->getYaw(); //qDebug() << "SETTING POSITION FOR" << uasId << lat << lon << alt << roll << pitch << yaw; javaScript(QString("setAircraftPositionAttitude(%1, %2, %3, %4, %6, %7, %8);") .arg(uasId) .arg(lat, 0, 'f', 15) .arg(lon, 0, 'f', 15) .arg(alt, 0, 'f', 15) .arg(roll, 0, 'f', 9) .arg(pitch, 0, 'f', 9) .arg(yaw, 0, 'f', 9)); } } } void QGCGoogleEarthView::changeEvent(QEvent *e) { QWidget::changeEvent(e); switch (e->type()) { case QEvent::LanguageChange: ui->retranslateUi(this); break; default: break; } }